Comment of the Day
:Driving X! Sutee ESUT E-SUT SUT-E SUT E SUT•E
Style of Speed Website update
Style of Speed is pleased to announce the new webpage for the S! on the website of Style of Speed.
Furthermore, in conjunction with our extended product range we have renamed the former S! to X! and build up an own webpage for this incredible E-SUV.
Comment of the Day #1
Active Ground Effect Active Diffusor
Comment of the Day #2
The Humvee is dead. Long live the Suvee.
Style of Speed Further steps #1
After the needs and requests by potential customers, Style of Speed put up again the first Electric SportsCoupé with 4 seats, the Pan. We do apologize very much for possible irritations.
Style of Speed Further steps #2
Style of Speed is proud to present the reinvention of our new aerodynamic solution: The Active Ground Effect (AGE) system. The Active Ground Effect technology is well know from the Chaparral 2J and the Brabham Alfa Romeo BT46B, which were also known as the "Vacuum Cleaner", "Sucker Car", or "Fan Car". What Style of Speed does is the application of one part of this technology in the form of an Active Diffusor and makes it available for the following Volkswagen models and automobiles:
Polo, Golf, Scirocco, ...,
Audi (TT, R8, ...),
Lamborghini (Gallardo and Murcielago), and
Porsche (Boxster, Cayman, Panamera, 911, ...).
Moreover, the enhancement is available on request for automobiles by:
Bayerische Motorenwerke,
Ferrari, and
other marks.
Investigations::Car #114
A chinese booth: As expected one of the chinese companies shows their "real profession". We quote: "Pure Electric [Sorry, but may be Style of Speed was quicker.]", "Purely Electric Vehicle", "[...] pure electric vehicle [...]", "[...] represents new energy, new power and a new concept [...]", "[...] core technologies.", "[...] "green" philosophy a step further: [...]", "[...] high-tech e[...] boasts ", "Quick charge", and "Intelligent central management system". No, no, no. We won't accept this criminal behaviour by such companies again.
And please don't forget: Style of Speed build your dreams.
Tesla Motors: We do quote from a report: "[...] possibly even all-wheel drive [...]", and "[...] "avant garde, aggressive" styling.". It seems to be, that even that company has now understood, who is the Real #1.
Fiat→Ferrari: The Virtual Car Engineer sounds more than only familiar.

Motor Presse Stuttgart→auto motor und sport: As we found out today, that more than bold magazine launched an announcement of a Pure Electric Volkswagen→Audi R8 and has even taking contents from our websites for that. Luckily other magazins found out quickly, that this manipulation was not true by asking Volkswagen and its subsidiary.
Style of Speed Website update
Style of Speed is pleased to announce its new Electric SuperCar: The R-E. As expected by real competent persons in the automo- tive sector, the R-E is based on the Audi R8 and on our leading Pure Electric 2 or 4 Wheel :Drivetrain technology, which was shown first with our Apollo Speed-E.
Comment of the Day
"[...] years after years after years. [...] again and again and again." [Barack, Today]
General: We think, that actually the mark of 200 inspired works in the area of pop music was hit by the works of C.S.. A list of these works will be made available in the near future. Said this, all lists of the "Most influential persons", "Most influential artists", and other kinds of those lists are wrong and the most of them are active manipulations of the public.
Don't be fooled.
ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Now, that company jumped fully on the "3" bandwagon.
Unternehmensgruppe Theo Müller→Molkerei Alois Müller→Müller- milch: "[...] in 3 klassischen [...]".
pcvisit: "[...] gemeinsame Visionen, verrückte Ideen, große Ziele, kreative Köpfe, vertrauensvolle Partner, neugierige Kunden [...]", "[...] Philosophie [...]", "[...] Eleganz, Einfachheit sowie ästhetische und funktionale Qualität [...]", "[...] eigener Forschung und Entwick- lung erreichen wir das Ziel für unsere Kunden [...]", and "[...] Soft- ware-Forschung und -entwicklung sowie kreative Vermarktung [...]".
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, VDI/VDE-IT, Microsoft, SAP, and DATEV: The named entities are the sponsors of the price "Mit Multimedia erfolgreich starten" in conjunction with the competiton for founders "Multimediagründung des Jahres".
Electronic Arts: Sims 3, "Alles ist möglich", and "Fansite".
Investigations::Car #115
Barracuda Racing Wheels: We do quote: "Neue Trends [...]", "Klas- sisch, trendy oder abstrakt [...]", "[...] Wheelz-Art Design [...]", "[...] nichts ist unmöglich.", "[...] revolutionäre HighEnd [...] hoch- fest [...]", "art design [...]", "xi-design", "design skulls", "design streetstylez", "PureSports", "[...] ultimative [...]", "Extrem agressive [...], "[...] leichte Bauweise bei hoher statischer Festigkeit.", "Higloss [...]", "Real [...]", and "RAL Farben". Moreover, there is a photo report of a, unlike C.S., third class ski-freerider with the forename Christian. That extrem cheap company is: Convicted!!!
Comment of the Day
"Real winners are born and not made." [C.S., Today]
B.R.D. government: With a more than 17.5 billionen EUR large investment the government is supporting education and research. We do quote the minister: "Es herrsche eine Aufbruchstimmung an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen." (in English: There is a reigning atmosphere of departure.). That is no surprise to us, be- cause we have documented most sources, which prove nearly all of the education and research directions were taken from our com- pany Christian Stroetmann GmbH, our Innovation-Pipeline managed by Ontonics, and our research and development laboratory OntoLab.
A little question: Wer soll das bezahlen? (in English: Who should pay this?)
Vera Wang:

Investigations::Car #116
Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V.: The club took con- tents from our websites and slightly transformed it, like that of being a platform of the future, mediator between sciences, economics, and politics, as well as pusher of new technologies. But more bold and annoying is the fact that 2 months ago the club explained, that due to their immatureness electric vehicles are not an option for an alternative mobility in the next years and now is promoting itself with the first electric power station. In this conjunction we would like to remind the reader about our Quickcharger technology, which is optional available in our worldwide unique wireless version.
Btw.: The club is claiming all the time for quality, security, and so on, but is still giving partly criminal companies a platform for advertising.
University Warwick and partners: That institute and its partners developed a race car based on and driven by natural materials. But why it has to be a Formula 3 racecar, it is named with some kind of WorldsF3rst, it is said to be a real green car, and it points into the direction of Style of Speed and of our Just 4 :) will be a secret, perhaps. After a closer look we came to the result that it seems only to be a marketing hoax and: Convicted!!!
B.R.D. government: The german government made in conjunction with its second stimulation package a 500 millionen EUR investment for the research of electric :Drivetrains. Especially an investment into selected regions with a volume of 115 millionen EUR is done in relation to the program named "Elektromobilität" for the accelara- tion of the development of the mobility based on Pure Electric vehicles.
Comment of the Day
The sceptics of Christian Maximilian Stroetmann are the true idiots.
Imperial Tobacco→Gauloises: Liberté soft verpackt
Investigations::Car #117
Honda: That company has "documented" something that has to be "documented". Besides this, the company sells cars having a display with green and blue areas. Now, this is documented by us.
Apple: The new version of a phone is named 3G S, where the S stands for Speed. The mobile phone has a voice control, a compass, and "much more". Apple is now clearly convicted to have stolen concepts and contents from this and the OntoLinux website.
Firaxis Games: Civilization Revolution
We have made some new records.
Nintendo: The company publicated under the slogan "besser es- sen" a new Gameboy application for cooking and having a balanced diet. The name of the application reminds us of our slogans "Einfach besser" and "Besser finden", and the application itself of our solution Cook!Phone.
Comment of the Day
"I don't think, that Microsoft should talk about democracy." [C.S., Today]
ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3sat: That group of television channels once again reported about imitators, this time once again about the Ars Electronica Center in the context of the themes Robotics, Prothetics, and the intersection of both subjects, as well as about a mixed reality and interdisciplinary project, using contents and expressions from our website. This leads to the following resume: Convicted!!!
Btw.: There seems to be flowing some kinds of goods (eg. money, software, or services) from Microsoft to the ARD and ZDF.
Investigations::Car #118
Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini: The company has announced officially that a hybrid powertrain is under development. Further- more, the weight and the friction of its vehicles should be reduced. In the announcement was embedded a story about the installation of solar panels on the roof structure of its production plant. Guess why and take a look at Apollo Speed-E and the Innovation-Pipeline by Ontonics.
Investigations::Car #119
Lola and Aston Martin: We missed to mention the clone of our design made by Lola together with Aston Martin from the year 2008. A further development in 2009 even shows better the stealing of our design, of the design of the clone by Volkswagen→Bugatti, and even the numbering of versions starting with 00x by that company. Convicted!!!
To see the third clone, this time done by Lola and Aston Martin, we also show once again the images from the news of the 13th of March 2008.
1. row: Original (SOS D-006 2005)
2. row: Original (SOS D-0047 2005)
3. row: Clone (Volkswagen→Bugatti Lydia 2008)
4. row: Clone (Epsilon Euskadi 2008)
5. row: Clone (Lola and Aston Martin LMP1 2009)

© Style of Speed, Volkswagen, Epsilon Euskadi, and Dan Trotter
Btw.: Since the end of the year 2008, Style of Speed already has the new design of the next generation endurance race car. The others not, as always.
ZENN Motor Company: We found the next company and quote: "Driven by quality, ingenuity, and a philosophy of social responsibi- lity, [that] team is redefining what is possible in both urban and business fleet transportation.". This statement and the concepts behind its products are stolen from Style of Speed and the result is very easy: Convicted!!!
We have made some new records on the Culture webpage about the sponsor Microsoft and the designer Philip Plein.
Besides this, we now publicated a list with relations between the pop music and C.S..
We have made some new records on the Culture webpage about the sponsor Lego and the highly annoying designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac.
Question of the Day
Do you know, that Ontonics.com was one of the first internet domains worldwide?
(Even long before EarthWeb)
Ontonics Website update
On the webpage Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics we added to the descriptions of the:
e-door@Home, and
the possible application of using them as a new medium of promo- tion, since all solutions can display both static images and videos.
This update was announced for the e-door@Car technology on the 14th of March 2009. We do apologize for the delay.
University of Cambridge: Now, that institute has lost its fame. Especially everything that is concerned with Nanotechnologies and Nokia.
Heise Verlag: If we didn't mentioned it in the past, it is convicted once again by a partly misleading and manipulated report about so called semantic desktops.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology→Media Lab: Finally, the Media Lab also lost its fame.

Bertelsmann→RTL: We observed in the last years, especially in the last 3 years, that in a television program an interviewer talked with persons about themes, that we only talked about in our house. In the last 3 years this has changed due to our publications on our websites. What is really nasty is the attempt to degrade the compe- tences of Christian Stroetmann. But these attempst sadly failed, because the interviewed persons convicted themselves as babblers using partly terms of C.S. in a wrong way and stopping to talk nonsense at the points where Christian Stroetmann actively stopped publishing his insights, like the scientist of Cognitive Robotics.
Rheinische Post: see Bertelsmann.
Btw.: What's the problem with Nutella?
We have made new records on the Culture webpage.
Rheinische Post: That newspaper reacted on our investigation of the 16th of June 2009 with an interview of a person from Swiss explaining the standard assumptions. That was simply a further fruitless attempt to degrade the competences of Christian Stroetmann.
We made a note about the Ruhr Tourismus GmbH on our Culture webpage.
Image of the Day
Unknown Artist Wood Engraving
First Appearance in Camille Flammarion L'Atmosphère: Météorologie Populaire

Clarification #1
Due to the fact that physicians are still trying to explain the uni- verse we would like to list the following facts and assertions of the past:
The Sun rotates around the Earth.
The Earth is a disc.
Newtons view of the universe as an absolute space was wrong.
Einstein said himself, that he made a silly mistake with one of his theories.
The modern Physics is looking for exotic particles and of mathe- matical algorithms that should explain its modern models. All of these modern theories are based on mathematical probability and at last on pure chance.
There exist now a handful of modern/universal models/theories.
Every model of the universe was replaced by a newer one.
Furthermore we have:
With the upcoming of the first trains it was asserted, that veloci- ties above 49,72 MPH/80 km/h would kill a human.
It was asserted, that breaking the sonic barrier is impossible and that every plane attempting to fly faster than the sound will be smashed.
It is said, that you need an exactly computable amount of energy to hit through the lightwall. But this proposition by the Physicians including Einstein was made on the basis of the actual models/theo- ries of the universe. And as we said before, we have on one side the Nanotechnology and on the other side ever changing models/theo- ries of the universe.
Clarification #2
Our offers to help solving the major problems of humanity were rejected by the governments of the B.R.D., U.K., U.S.A., and many other countries, its industries, research institutes, as well as other players. We were at the right place at the right time with the right concepts for an acceptable remuneration. Now the same responsible persons want to sell all of us, that we have to accept the climatic disaster and the other catastrophes. And we thought that we want to control the weather, build replicators for food and other kind of things, translate languages in realtime, make terraforming, and populate the universe.
Clarification #3
In opposition to a report of a german local televsion channel we would like to explain, that Pure Electric vehicles are efficient and applicable today. The range of electric vehicles lies actually between 100 to 300 miles (around 150 to 400 kilometers) and after the official informations in its brochure given by an automobile maker and part- ner of one of the largest manufacturer of automobiles the first gen- eration accumulators can be recharged to 80% in 15 minutes. Our solutions are partly of the third generation and as such are even more powerful, for sure.
Google: Around 14 hours after we wrote the Clarification #2 today an interview of the director of reseach of that company was shown on the television channel CNN introducing a new language translation tool that doesn't work very well.
Btw.: We never knew why the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" is used so often.
Comment of the Day
"All we want are the facts." [Joe Friday]
OntoLinux Website update
We have updated the website of OntoFS to reflect the new developments:
The file system patch for the Linux® kernel 2.6.29 and
a patch of the file system patch for the Linux® kernel 2.6.30
were uploaded on the OntoFS webpage.
Comment of the Day
GreenCraft GreenCarrier BlueCraft BlueCarrier Pure Advantage Pure Beauty Pure Schönheit
Investigations::Car #120
Wilhelm Karman und EWE: Some months ago, the companies have presented a Pure Electric car named, guess how, E3, and an attempt to develop hard- and software for an intelligent control system. A closer look at the whole thing shows easily where the technology comes from. We don't expect a self-made solution by these companies, but only the taking of solutions from our Style of Speed and other companies, eg. like Daimler did and is still doing it.
EcoCraft Automotive Management and Volkswagen: The compan- ies are producing the EcoCarrier. And a closer look at the EcoCraft Automotive company shows what we have expected: "[...] purely electric or optionally with a hybrid (fuel cell) drive system [...]". But it's very sadly, that its GreenCarrier is too large for the asian metropols, which is one more Pure Advantage for the Style of Speed Ape ESP, and that suddenly its hybrid version of the vehicle has no fuel cell anymore, but utilizes a combustion engine to recharge the batteries. The latter information has convicted that company.
Hyundai: Wahre Qualität zählt
Koenigsegg and Saab: From the new management we do expect nothing else as the masssive taking of our and other companies' concepts.
Microsoft: That company took contents from our websites for a funny patent of a collaborative holographic communication system. We don't know, but: We have seen before this kind of technology somewhere else and that was not in movies.
Microsoft: That company has filed for a patent of some kind of a magic wand.
Now it seems to be, that that company is showing the public its real business plan: Telling fairy tales only.
Microsoft: That company announced a new version of its operat- ing system, which has the name Windows 8. Some of its features should be an easier management of the network and the data stor- age. In this relation the old WinFS technology was guessed by some geeks. What we see is more our OntoFS File System and some parts of Ontolinux.
Comment of the Day
"It's not the space you really have missed, it's the good time." [C.S., Today]
Image of the Day

OntoLinux Website update
We have updated the website of OntoFS to reflect the new developments:
The file system patch for the Linux® kernel 2.6.30 was uploaded on the OntoFS webpage.
And we have another nice message for all the lovers of OntoLinux: It's finally there where it belongs in a mayor internet search engine.
Base: We see slogans like "Base rockt die Preise" and "Meine Welt immer dabei".
A nerd: An annoying nerd has set up a wiki for the Reiser4 file system today, but there are some questions and suspicious facts we are documenting here now:
- Who gave him the permission to publicate copyrighted documents of another company?
- Why is the date of the setting up of the wiki not mentioned in its news?
- Why are in the so called FAQ only contents of the ReiserFS file system? After the headline of the main page it is said, that the wiki is made for Reiser4 (and ReiserFS).
- Why are references to projects listed, that are not existing anymore for a long time (like eg. www.livingxml.net)?
- Why are in the testimonials no informations about Reiser4?
And at last, what should say us the post scriptum of a correspond- ing e-mail with the content "[...] # 333 [...]"?
We have made some new records on the Culture webpage about the sponsors Ferrero and ProSiebenSat.1 Media together with the pop musicians U2, as well as the writers Richard Dawkins, William Paul Young, and Martin Bojowald.
OntoLinux Website update
We are pleased to announce the official start of the Ontologic File System OntoFS.
An end user: Only some minutes after we publicated the investi- gation about a nerd yesterday, an e-mail was sent by an unknown person with a mass e-mail addresse saying thank you for setting up the wiki. The person in question is in fact following the developer mailing list of the OntoFS/Reiser4 file system and does know that we have given some up-to-date informations about the OntoFS/Reiser4 file system with the offer to inform more. How cheap.
A nerd: We tested a nerd by writing "ontofsprogs/" in front of reiserfsprogs and "ontofs4progs/" in front of reiser4progs on the OntoFS webpage and watched the reaction. And only a little more than 3 hours after we publicated the investigation about an end user of Reiser4 and our further renaming, the reiser4progs section in the wiki was updated.
We have made some new records on the Culture webpage about the sponsors Deutsche Bank and Audi, as well as the artist Christian Megert.
Comment of the Day
Form follows fun
Comment of the Day
Minimalistic Modern Modern Custom #:) Sharp Fun #:P
Style of Speed Website update
Style of Speed is very proud to announce its new model of the Minimalistic Modern Customs line created in the year 2003: The #:) (Sharp Fun), an integrative masterpiece of the concepts, designs, and technologies of the models #1, #4, and 2 :).
Clarification #1
In opposition to a report done by the television channels ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR in 3sat we would like to repeat: Pure Electric driven vehicles are applicable today.
Clarification #2
In contrast to the leader of the research and development unit by the company Volkswagen, who said that automobiles with Pure Electric :Drivetrains will not come in the next decade in large quantities, we would like to mention, that these technological masterpieces are already existent today and in masses tomorrow.
Clarification #3
With our so called green technologies, we make humans more and more independent of power suppliers, energy service providers, and largely of manufacturers.
ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3sat: The television channels made in a report about Pure Electric vehicles the statement, that even super sports cars are the objects of being driven by green techno- logies, but in contrast to other companies Style of Speed was once again not named, which makes the behaviour of the broadcasting stations more and more a crime. In this report the channels also gave an incompetent person, who claims to make the Earth a better place, time to explain his nonsense business plan. Besides, the broadcast includes a funny play about visions, which means that all of the listed television channels in fact do know our company.
Investigations::Car #121
Better Place: That company now jumped on the electric power station bandwagon and explained, that for the success of electric driven cars and trucks a standardized plug is needed. Its accumula- tor switch technology system seems not to be such a good solution. Furthermore, that company suddenly "is developing [let's call it the right way, stealing] a new on-board software platform that will provide subscribers with advanced navigation and other telematic services in their vehicles, thus creating an enhanced driving experi- ence for the consumer.". Now you should start to see what that company really wants. We, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, would like to give every person and group on this planet the kind advice not to follow these liars and their partners. The whole company is only marketing without substance, stealing of technologies devel- oped by other companies, and needless.
Btw.: It is the second company in the same sector we found with a strong relation to the SAP management.
University Duisburg/Essen, Ford, and Power suppliers: The univer- sities and the companies joined up to develop an infrastructure for vehicles with Pure Electric :Drivetrains. As the results of our investigations show, all of them were already convicted for taking concepts and technology.
Investigations::Motorbike #1
General: We were more than sure, that the developed and chosen concepts, designs, and styles by Style of Speed would be highly attractive not even for potential customers but also for other com- panies. And in this respect the stealing of lines, designs, or whole concepts shouldn't be surprising.
Evo Design Solutions: Compare yourself how that company cloned the concept and design of our Style of Speed motorbike 2 :) (Double Fun), together with some other business related items. And very bold is also that that company, well knowing our investigations, tried to sell the public the story, that the design was inspired by other earlier existing motorbikes. This could be true, but take a look at the images and ask yourself the question: Why is it doing these special concept and designs now, after Style of Speed decided to do it, and not all the years before, especially in the context, as it is itself explaining, that all of the used designs and concepts are existing since many years?
1. row: Original (Robert Slade and Style of Speed 2 :) 2004)
2. row: Clone (Evo Design Solutions EV-0 RR 2009)
3. row: Original (John Mark Vicente and Style of Speed 2 :) 2005)
4. row: Clone (Evo Design Solutions and Xenophya EV-0 RR 2009)

SE Service: That company claims for having created a new line of (minimalist) modern customs. No, that thief hasn't, this part of the history is without doubt written by Style of Speed and needs no further discussion. What it has done was stealing the concepts of our Style of Speed motorbikes #1, #4, and 2 :). The 2 :) indeed is imagined by its designer and can be easily recognized as a motorbike for the company Bayerische Motorenwerke, and we are investigat- ing if there is a connection between both companies. That company took also contents from our websites.
1. row: Original (Style of Speed #4 2003)
2. row: Original (Bimota Tesi 1D)
3. row: Original (John Mark Vicente and Style of Speed 2 :) 2005)
4. row: Clone (Style of Speed 2003 SE Service Harrier 2009)

Comment of the Day
Tank-E Tank•E E-Tank E•Tank
Power to lead
Better Power Better Energy Better Mobility
Wind in the tank Water in the tank
IMST GmbH: That company has once again stolen contents from our websites. There are also more issues like the competence center for automotive, eg. the partly cloning of our Hawk•E technology. We are watching that company since its founding, which is becoming more and more suspicious in relation with our attepmpts in that time to found a real german Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, and so we repeat what we said before: That company is only lying and stealing, and the founder is a Confidence Man.
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen: see IMST GmbH
Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH: see Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
ABCXYZ123 Research Institute GmbH: ... :(
Warsteiner Brauerei Haus Cramer: Die pure Freude
Käserei Champignon Hofmeister: Der pure Genuss and Hoch-Genuss
Kraft Foods→Philadelphia: [...] pure [...]
Bertelsmann→RTL Group→RTL 2 Fernsehen: It's fun
Canon: We quote out of a comercial shown in the german television: "[...] atemberauben [...]", "High Speed", "High Speed", "[...] faszinierende Welt [...]", "High Speed", and "High Speed".
Investigations::Car #122
Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk and Daimler: The power supplier and the vehicle manufacturer joined up some month ago for a project called e-mobility, which is concerned with the installation of electric power stations in Berlin.
Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V.: The club reacted on our investigations of the 7th of June 2009 (Investigations::Car #116) and made two times commentaries about the project to install electric power stations by Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk, Daimler, and now itself in its club paper. One commentary was an interview with the company Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitäts- werk, out of which we would like to quote the following: "kann [...] einen Tesla [Motors] Roadster fahren", "Alle [E-Tankstellen] haben international einheitliche Stecker.", and "[Frage der Vereinszeit- schrift]: Wie fährt sich der Tesla [Motors] Roadster? [Antwort des Unternehmens]: Dieses Elektroauto hat eine unglaubliche Beschleu- nigung. Das macht einfach sehr viel Spaß.". The same quotes trans- lated into English are: "can [...] drive a Tesla [Motors] Roadster", "All [e-power stations] have international uniform plugs.", and "[Question by the paper of the club]: How drives the Tesla [Motors] Roadster? [Answer by the company]: This electric car has an unbelievable acceleration. That makes simply much fun.". Take yourself a look at our Disclaimer with our slogans as well as the webpage of our unbelievable vastly superior and nearly 25% less expensive roadster Raptor Speedster by Style of Speed, and you will know why we say to all players: Convicted!!!. The other comment- ary is a report about historical achievements, in which the company Daimler is mentioned remarkably often. What we can see here is, that both companies and the club are knowing our company, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, and our division Style of Speed very well and that the club has given up its neutrality to the advantage of Daimler.
Btw.: We don't think that this is a registered club (e. V.) after the german law. It's more a marketing instrument for a bunch of com- panies for travels, insurances, and products and services like these, which are led under the label ADAC.
IMST→Kompetenzzentrum Automotive, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, and Stolberg HF-Technik: In march, the companies and the research institute have announced to steal our iguardrail/irail solution. We do quote from an information letter: "Drahtlose Energieübertragung für umweltschonendes Autofahren", which means translated into English: Wireless energy transmission for environmentally friendly car driving. But nothing more is said. We don't think, that this group is able to describe such a technology without further infringements of our copyrights in the B.R.D. and beyond.
We have made once again some new records on the Culture web- page about the artist and teacher Markus Lübertz, the writer Peter Sloterdijk, and the pop character Sean Combs.
Comment of the Day
"Who's bad?" [M.J., 1987]
We have made some new records on the Culture webpage about the sponsors and collectors François Pinault and Bernard Arnault.
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