Home → News 2009 April
News 2009 April

Comment of the Day
Leaf with Wheels™
Electric Sports Coupé™

Style of Speed Website update
We have publicated on the website of Style of Speed™ the new webpages:
1. Webpage for the Ape ESP,
2. Webpage for the Scirocco BB, and
3. Webpage for the Pan.

Style of Speed Further steps
We from Style of Speed are looking at an older concept of a little roadster from the year 2006, which is best known as the Baby Bugatti. What we have envisioned is to realize this automobile on the same platform as the Porsche→Volkswagen concept R/Concept BlueSport, the Porsche→Volkswagen→Audi R2/R4, and the new Porsche 356/Speedster roadster should be based. It could also be seen as a sketch for a roadster version of the i! and j! .
Bugatti RoadsterBugatti Roadster
© Huckfeldt

Investigations::Car #91

  • Magna Steyr: Several times in the past that company has made suspiciouse steps, especially statements by its CEO made on an automotive summit 2008. This time we do quote: "[...] fully integrated modular platform and a design inspired by electricity [...]", "[...] aspect of ecology and the modern thinking [...]", "[...] contemporary [...]", "[...] theme [...]", "[...] high value and quality [...]", "[...] elegant aesthetic [...]", "[...] prominent wheel-arches, a strong [...]", "[...] create a graphic [...]", "[...] unique [...]", "The panels [...] also generate a small amount of power at night [...]", "[...] Innovative Modular Concept utilizes Lithium-Ion Batteries and E-drive components integrated into a rolling chassis, which could support a number of different configurations and body shapes.", "[...] weight-saving [...]", "[...] purely electric, but could also be built with a range extender or hydrogen power.", "[...] illuminating [...] identification chip [...]", "[...] clean [...] gates [...]", "[...] stylish [...]", "[...] modern [...]", "[...] inspired by electric motors [...]", "[...] flush-fitting windscreen wipers [...]", "[...] user-friendly [...]", "[...] modern [...]", "[...] abstract "horizon line" [...]", "[...] defined edges [...]", "[...] desired [...]", "[...] attitude and values of the owners would be reflected in their choice [...]", "[...] choice of colour [...]", "[...] high value [...]", "[...] multi-disciplinary [...]", "[...] [...]". We can't see the "world’s most innovative" issue and are glad not to work with that company together, because Porsche has taken back the production of a car from it. Btw.: Convicted!!!™
  • Roock: We do quote.: "[] knowledge gained [...] racing [...] street [...]", "[...] vision [...]", "[...] transform [...] unique [...]", "[...] customized interiors [...]", "[...] excellence [...]", "[...] super sportscar [...]", and "[...] exterior [...]". Besides this we see a familiar naming scheme for its products, examples given: "RSB", "RST", "RSC", "RSK", "RSO", and last but not least as well as most convicting "RSP 555". Convic...!!!™

    You all want that your knowledge and experiences are respected. Okay, then begin to respect our competences.

    Comment of the Day
    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that’s what gets you." [Jeremy Clarkson]

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have publicated on the website of Style of Speed™ the new webpage for the Eos BB.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    Style of Speed™ has chosen the first rim for all cars by Volkswagen, the R GTI rim.
    R GTI
    © Volkswagen

    Comment of the Day
    More Style™
    More Speed™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have publicated on the website of Style of Speed™ the new webpages:
    1. Webpage for the Eos R, and
    2. Webpage for the up! R.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    Style of Speed™ has chosen the next rim for all cars by Volkswagen, the Golf TDI Hybrid disc rim.
    Golf TDI Hybrid
    © Volkswagen

    We also did add the before given informations and new images to the webpages of the 962 ST, the Scirocco BB, and the Ape ESP.

    Moreover, we renamed the up! super!™ into up! R.

    Investigations::Car #92

  • Porsche→Volkswagen: We have once again to quote as usual: "[...] Kontinuierlicher Prozess [...]", "[...] faszinierende [...]", "[...] Thema [...]", "[...] Strömungen aus Architektur, Mode, Design oder LifeStyle [...]", "[...] Kontexte und Trends [...]", "[...] plausible, innovative [...]konzepte integriert.", "[...] Technologiefrüherkennung führt von der Beobachtung geeigneter Quellen, der Identifikation neuer Technologieansätze über die nachvollziehbare Bewertung inno- vativer Funktionsideen bis hin zur Projektgenerierung [...]", "[...] evolutionären Weg hin zum revolutionären Ziel eines nachhaltigen [...]", "[...] Fahrspaß [...]", "[...] Sonne tanken [...]", "[...] strombe- triebene Generation von PKW durch die Kraft der Sonne angetrieben [...]", "[...] Dünnschichtzellen [...] großen Kostenreduktionspotenzial [...]", "Bei der direkten Nutzung von Sonnenenergie durch Photovol- taik spielt die zukünftige Stromspeichertechnik eine entscheidende Rolle. Eine weitere Möglichkeit regenerativ erzeugten Strom zu nut- zen, ist die Brennstoffzellentechnologie. Dabei wird der Strom zur Wasserstofferzeugung verwendet.", "CCS", "Langfristig strebt [...] den Elektro-Antrieb entweder mit Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen oder mit Batterien an.", "[...] das bei seiner Verbrennung entsteh- ende Kohlendioxid zuvor von den energieliefernden Pflanzen der Atmosphäre entzogen [...]", "[...] Sonne [...] Tank [...]", "Geschlos- sener CO2 Kreislauf", "[...] die Sonne in den Tank", "[...] End of Oil [...]", "[...] der Strom für den Antrieb aus regenerativ erzeugtem Wasserstoff in einer Brennstoffzelle erzeugt oder mittels Batterien gespeichert wird [...]", "[...] nahe und ferne Umgebung wahrnimmt. Es macht sich so ein Bild von der Verkehrssituation. Der Fahrer erhält Informationen, die es ihm ermöglichen Gefahrensituationen voraus- schauend zu entschärfen.", "[...] Vorausschauende Aktive Sicherheit [...]", "[...] Vernetzung verschiedener Sensorsysteme (Radare, Laserscanner und Bildverarbeitung) zu einer Fahrumgebungserfas- sung [...]", "[...] umfassendes elektronisches Bild der Fahrumgebung [...]", "[...] Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen und der Akzeptanz [...]", "Diese werden dem Autofahren und auch dem Planen einer Reise eine neue Qualität geben. Vor allem auch deshalb, weil durch intelligente neue Ansätze der Fahrzeugbedienung und Anzeige die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Fahrzeug intuitiver und einfacher wird.", "[...] wachsende Vielfalt und Komplexität [...]", "[...] ganz- heitlichen [...]strategie [...]", "[...] Unterschiedlichkeit von Mensch- en und der Vielfalt [...]", "[...] künstlichen Intelligenz [...]", "Dazu bietet das Bediensystem auf intelligente Art Vorauswahlen und auto- matisierte Sequenzen an, indem z.B. persönliche Präferenzen oder die jeweilige Nutzungssituation berücksichtigt werden.", "[...] Spra- che, Gestik oder Mimik [...]", "Später wird die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Automobil zunehmend menschlichen Konventionen ent- sprechen.", "[...] soll dem Menschen dienen, anstatt durch ihn be- dient zu werden [...]", "[...] Visionen, Strategien und Innovationen [...]", "Alltägliche Gegenstände werden in der Zukunft durch "un- sichtbare" Integration von Mikroelektronik und Sensorik ihre Umgeb- ung erfassen können und mit anderen Gegenständen oder dem Inter- net kommunizieren können ("Ubiquitous Computing"). [The usage of this term is a very clear convicting sign for the correctness of our testimonies.", "[...] Freiheit [...]", "[...] Spaß am Fahren [...]", "[...] Wünschen und Bedürfnissen seiner Kunden [...]", "[...] Fahrspaß [...]", "[...] hochkomplexe Software [...]", "So "lernt" der [...]", "[...] Hochtechnologische [...]", "[...] hochtechnologisches [...]", "[...] Fahrspaß [...]", "[...] EcoRacer [...]", "[...] Fahrspaß [...]", "[...] Fahrspaß [...]", "[...] FEM-basierter Konstruktion [...]", "Driving ideas", "[...] Fahrspaß [...]", "[...] ein Traum [...] Spaß [...]", "[...] Richtungsweisend [...]", "[...] Setzen Maßstäbe [...]", "Treiben [...] voran!", "[...] drei Wissensquellen [...]", "[...] leiten sich drei Hand- lungsfelder ab [...]", "[...] Revolutionen [...]", "[...] Strom-Revolution [...]", "[...] neuesten Generation [...]", "[...] AutoLab [...] SunFuel Lab [...]", and "Werden wir in 50 Jahren noch auf vier Rädern fahren?".
    The english version can be read on the corresponding websites by Volkswagen.
    It's Unbelievable™.
    We don't know, why that company is communicating our corpora- tion, visions, concepts, inventions, services, and products to the public. Furthermore, we see once again that it stopped with its descriptions were we've stopped to describe our hightechnological solutions. We also didn't know, that we are so super and ahead of one of the largest automotive company. Said this we have to clarify: That company is not the leader in innovations.

    And we like again as usual to thank very much every person of Porsche and Volkswagen for repeating: "You, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, are The Real #1 and The Real Leader."

    Comment of the Day
    Quickcharger™ CCE™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have updated the drivetrain specifications of all automobiles by Style of Speed, with the only 2 exceptions Gallardo SuperVeloce and 962 ST. All other vehicles have now a "Pure Electric™ drivetrain with energy regeneration and Quickcharger™ technology".

    We also have chosen the next rim for all cars, the up! rim.
    Volkswagen up!
    © Volkswagen
    This rim will be slightly redesigned in the near future.


  • Rheinische Post: Once again (this time about something and once again about an exhibition about art & design)
  • Rheinische Post: And again once again (this time about the Diamor-Technic of the Fraunhofer Institut, a diamant like carbon based coating for moving parts in engines that is up to three times more harder, and a note about renaming the VW Rabbit into Golf in the U.S.A.)
  • CABINET Schranksystem: "30 Jahre Kompetenz", "[...] Stil [...]", "[...] Wünsche Wirklichkeit werden [...]", "[...] nahtlos [...]", "[...] exzellente [...]", "[...] Versprechen [...]", "[...] Stil [...]", "[...] Stil [...]", "[...] Kunstwerke, Grafik oder Fotografien [...] übertragen [...]", "CABIvision", "Höchste Qualität [...]", "[...] Thema [...]", "[...] Kreative [...]", "[...] modernster Technik [...]", and "[...] größten Wert auf Qualität [...]". The back projector in the cabinet looks very familiar. The logo has to be examined further.
  • mobilcom: We do quote: "Ei love it!", "Das Tor [...]", and "Brillian- tes [...]".
  • Intel: Claiming for the trademark Atom (or as we did it for example for Ontologie ;)) is in Germany not allowed.


  • Bertelsman and Fraunhofer Institut: In a report about displays made out of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) a Routemaster with a display for advertising and a foil that could be used as a multime- dia wallpaper and as a television with a scene of Lego® minifigures are shown. Besides this, someone from the institute claims for a foldable display technology. Especially the later solution was not envisioned by the Fraunhofer Institut, because it is our OruKami™ technology and the other shown usage scenarios look like our e-door™@Car, e-door™@Home, and OruKami™@Home. Furthermore, the report makes relation to our Qixel™ solution. Bertelsman does know, that the technology is from us, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH.
  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media and Aldi: In a contest the prize is a note- book with a Hello Kitty case design.

    Investigations::Car #93

  • KTM: The X-bow is now named X-bow Street. How boring. Btw.: Are the stories on some automotive oriented websites exchanged?
  • ENCO Exclusive: That company should not complain of being missed out by our investigations, so we do quote: "ENCO Beauty", "[...] modernen Look [...]", "[...] Kompetenz und hohe Qualität [...]", "[...] absoluten [...]", "[...] großen Palette [...]", "[...] Interior[...]", "[...] modellieren [...]", "[...] höchste Qualität und einzigartige Technologie!", and "[...] "Speed"".

    Comment of the Day
    Electric SportsCoupé™ We started the revolution™ Green Racer™ Speedcharger™ Hypercharger™ Hi-Pa Charger™

    Style of Speed Further steps
    Due to disharmonies in the design we have canceled the Pan.

    Besides this, we decided to cancel the original concepts behind the Raptor and the Raptor Speedster. The Raptor ESC is now the Raptor and the Raptor Speedster ESC is now the Raptor Speedster.

    Moreover, we renamed the up! R™ into Lupo R.

    Investigations::Car #94

  • Porsche: We do quote from the Panamera microsite: "[...] new generation is slightly ahead of its time.", "[...] modern technology [...]", "[...] harmonious [...]", "[...] sporting interpretation [...]", "[...] unifies [...]", "[...] striking [...]", "[...] off-road vehicle [...] Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) [...]", "[...] new definition [...]", "[...] breathtaking [...]", "[...] dream [...]", "The most technology [...] modern processes [...]", "[...] customers' desires and visions.", "[...] the heart [...]", "[...] complex [...] program [...]", "[...] driving once again - in the original sense.", "[...] new defintion [...] theme.", "By the Way.", "[...] declaration of independence [...]", "[...] values and philosophies [...]", "[...] fascination [...]", "[...] human principle [...]", "[...] art of engineering [...]", "[...] strong [...]", "[...] design DNA [...]", "[...] no compromises [...]", "[...] strong [...]", "[...] breathtaking [...]", "[...] without compromising [...]", "[...] and much more.", and much more.
  • Hi-Pa Drive: We do quote that bold company: "[...] revolutionary [...]", "[...] game changing system and development platform gives engineers and integrators the power, space, flexibility and freedom they need to create the next generation [...] without compromising power, fun or curb side appeal.", "[...] to be 'green' [...]", "[...] recapturing most of the energy used to brake [...]", "[...] intelligent [...]", "[...] breakthrough [...]", "[...] integrated power management system [...]", "[...] unique regenerative system.", "Drive Software", "[...] intelligent control software [...]", "[...] ultimate "hybrid and pure electric" solution with no compromises [...]", "[...] complexity [...]", "[...] proves that a vehicle does not have to be small, unpro- fitable or underpowered to be green [...]", "[...] elegant [...]", "[...] join the revolution [...]", "[...] collaborate [...]". Did we mentioned: Convicted!!!™? Btw.: Since 2 years the question isn't anymore "How much is the fish?", because the answer is "The fish is already eaten!!!™".
    Style of Speed doesn't use in-wheel motors, because it is unpleas- ant rotary mass.
  • Stile Bertone: We have some quotes: "Top secret", "[...] stellar [...]", "[...] racecar-like [...]", and "Project M". Question: Steal at Bertone?

    Comment of the Day
    9ii Driv-E™ Driv•E™

    Minifigure Urban Jungle (Today)
    Minifigure Urban JungleMinifigure Urban JungleMinifigure Urban Jungle
    Minifigure Urban JungleMinifigure Urban JungleMinifigure Urban Jungle
    Minifigure Urban JungleMinifigure Urban JungleMinifigure Urban Jungle
    © C.S.
    These are the corrected images plus the extra image Minifigure Urban Jungle 0007. On the original Rolling Stones t-shirt the image 7 was repeated by the image 3.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We added to the website of Style of Speed the new webpage of the 9ii that gives an impression of the next generation 911.

    Investigations::Car #95

  • Bayerische Motorenwerke: We collected some informations: ""Wir planen im Projekt i ein flexibles Baukasten-System [...] mit dem sich verschiedene Fahrzeugversionen und -größen umsetzen lassen [...]"", "Neuauflage des Rollers C1", and "Elektromotorräder", [Bauer Media Group→Auto Zeitung].
  • Porsche→Volkswagen→Audi: Here, we also have collected some informations: "die geplante Wiedergeburt des [...] Leichtbau-Sprit- spar-Rundlings A2", ""Diese Idee [from Style of Speed?] hat bei uns im Unternehmen eine unglaublich positive Resonanz gefunden"", ""[...] dieses Auto hatte eine tolle Genetik."", "Bremsenergie-Rückgewinnung", and "Elektro-Version mit Lithium-Ionen-Batterie", [Bauer Media Group→Auto Zeitung].
  • Volvo: DRIVe?!, Urban Inspiration, and much more.

    Minifigure Britto Brendan and The Wishing Dog Work in progress (Today)
    Minifigure Britto Brendan and The Wishing Dog
    © C.S.
    A new series was started, which is inspired by Britto.


  • Bertelsmann→N-TV: The media showed a report about Porsche, especially about the models 911 and 956/962. We also like to quote a designer: "Designphilosophie".
  • Rheinische Post: And once again. This time we have a report about inventions described in the Technology Review magazin and 2 reports about Art (one has around the theme unfold). Suspicious is besides the contents also the timing. (For the outsiders: We do know, that the Bertelsmann company started the mess in the late 1990s when it took over the license for the Formula 1 and that a former clerk of Bertelsmann is now in the editorial office of the Rheinische Post.)
  • ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3sat: While showing a green car from Daimler, the media reports about harmonic and elegant styles of cars noting that speed isn't interesting anymore.
    Btw.: We would really like to know what the Speedgeeks worldwide think about the latter (bullsh*t) statement.

    "We have the following situation:
    1. The development goes on and on.
    2. Due to point 1. we have the first modern materials based on Nanotechnology. The performances of these materials are over two orders of magnitude higher than the classic materials.
    3. Due to points 1. and 2. it is possible to hit through the lightwall. This leads to other considerations. Einstein was in some parts wrong and I do know what he made wrong."
    [C.S., Today]

    Comment of the Day
    Volksspeeder™ Volkshover™ Spirit of Speeding™ Speeding ideas™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have publicated on the website of Style of Speed™ the new webpages:
    1. Webpage for the SRacer and
    2. Webpage for the Lighter Than Air Walker.


  • San Disk: That company uses a sign that is some kind of similar to our Osharp logo.
    San Disk Video HD
  • Rheinische Post: And yes, once again. The newspaper reported about a research project to develop lithium-ion based accumulators by german institutes. And we were wondering all the last weeks, why there was no message about the invention by the Massachus- etts Institute of Technology (MIT), the institute that also is publish- ing the Technology Review magazin, in the U.S.A..

    Investigations::Car #96

  • Men's Journal: That magazin proclaimed the hydrogen assisted sports car Scorpion by the Ronn Motor Company as "God's Own Supercar." We're very sorry to say and we can definitely assure everybody: No, it isn't!!!™


  • Porsche→Volkswagen and Domus Academy: The company gets frightened about the endeavours by Style of Speed in the areas of Solid State Planes, Airspeeders, and Landspeeders like Podracers. After it questions: "Will we still be driving on four wheels in 50 years time?", now the winning concept of a design competition by the Audi and the academy was a landspeeder like conceptual futuristic hovercraft. Btw.: Because of some suspicious (de)signs, we're watching at the winning designer since some years.
  • General Motors Europe→Opel and Royal College of Art: The compa- ny and the institute started a competition to "identify a potential Opel customer from 40 years into the future and design a vision of mobility for her/him". In relation to this contest some kind of a land- speeder sketched by a student is shown. We also qould like to quote: "[...] need and desire to innovate through design [...] this spirit continues."

    Comment of the Day
    Bionic Vehicle™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have publicated on the website of Style of Speed™ the new webpage for the Walker.

    Furthermore we added the new section Speeder and into this section the subsections Speeder Bike and Swoop, Podracer, Landspeeder, and Airspeeder.

    Original vs. Inspiration
    Solid State Aircraft
    Skybird Racing SwoopBiker Advanced Recon Commando (BARC) SpeederPlayboy Swoop
    Ranger Speeder BikeSPATNebulons Swoop
    Lhosan Industries Aerochaser Speeder BikeG-Tech Jet Turbo Racing SwoopKalista Equitar Cutthroat Swoop 375
    Sean D. Granger Dactly Jet BikeSuzuki GSV R Jet BikeHayabusa Jet Bike
    Speeder BikeLee Speeder Bike
    Flash Speeder
    Star Wars Gian LandspeederStarspray SpeederHeir to the Empire Chariot Speeder 337
    Sony Wipe OutSony Wipe OutSony Wipe Out
    Renault Reinastella ConceptTibor Juhasz Pecoraio Audi Calamaro LandpeederKazimdoku Audi Shark Landpeeder
    LandspeederMercedes Flying CarGeneral Motors OpelRui Gou Speeder
    Fifth Element AirspeederScott Robertson Airspeeder
    Scott Robertson LandspeederScott Robertson Landspeeder
    Harald Belker AirspeederAirspeederHarald Belker Homemaranha Airspeeder
    Flying CarAirspeederFuz-0 Airspeeder
    © John and Teenuh Foster Collection, Lucasfilm Ltd., Wookieepedia, Khairul Hisham, Asphalt & Rubber, Sean D. Granger, David Stirzaker, Sony WipEout Pure, Car Design News Ltd., Renault, Tibor Juhasz Pecoraio, Kazim Doku, Rui Gou, Gaumont & Sony Pictures, Scott Robertson, Harald Belker, and many others


  • Nestlé→Nespresso Deutschland: That bold company is using the by us developed trademark High-design™ (dash or whitespace is irrelevant). Besides this, that company is misleadingly using this term for consumer electronics with standard design.
    Das Unternehmen benutzt die von uns entwickelte Handelsmarke High-design™ (Bindestrich oder Leerzeichen ist irrelevant).
  • Casio: "High Speed", "High Speed Revolution", and "[...] 30 Fotos auf Knopfdruck [...]".
  • Ars Electronica Center: It's nice to see that this time, like we did it before with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, we have inspired the institute. We now have there a BioLab and a FabLab too, so the hard earned pioneering character of the institute is gone.
  • ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3sat: Like other media, that group of television channels once again reports about imitators (here about the Ars Electronica Center) using contents and expressions from our website. We try to repeat: "[...] was früher einmal Science Fiction war wird hier zur Realität [...]". Especially very suspicious is the same behaviour like the other investigated media.

    Comment of the Day
    Speeder Competence™ Speeder Design™

    Comment of the Day #1
    Smart-Dash™ SunBoost™ GreenBoost™ Stars don't lie™
    Artificial Spirit™ Absolute Spirit™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "Nature didn't invent the wheel, because it took the time to invent the wing. :D"
    [C.S., Today]

    Breaking News
    After we decided at the 11th of January 2008 the end of the hydrocarbon-century (oil, gas, ...) and gave at the 8th of this month "THE COMMENT", we would like to inform today:
    We decided, that the wheeled automobile-century is over.
    The development team wishs you a nice party!!!

    OntoLinux Website update
    The last 3 days were OntoLinux days with many activities around this worldwide unique and leading Hightech Operating System™ (HOS), like correcting typos and updating the addresses of links, but also adding new links to the software and hardware webpages.

    We added to the Links to Software webpage into the section Network Technology the link:

  • LoLiTech, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Securité (INRETS), Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC), Laboratoire sur les Interactions (LIVIC), and Chatten Associates: CanFestival - OpenSource CANOpen library

    We added to the Links to Software webpage into the section Formal Modeling the new link:

  • Ecole des Mines de Nantes: Coccinelle - a Framework for Linux Device Driver Evolution
    • Henrik Stuart, René Rydhof Hansen, Julia L. Lawall, Jesper Andersen, Yoann Padioleau, and Gilles Muller: Towards Easing the Diagnosis of Bugs in OS Code
    • Julia L. Lawall, Julien Brunel, René Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, and Gilles Muller: WYSIWIB: A Declarative Approach to Finding Protocols and Bugs in Linux Code
    • Julien Brunel, Damien Doliguez, René Rydhof Hansen, Julia Lawall, and Gilles Muller: A Foundation for Flow-Based Program Matching Using Temporal Logic and Model Checking

    We inserted to the same webpage a section named Software Development Tool and filled in the links:

  • Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique and friends: cTuning
    • cTools

    We added to the Links to Software webpage into the section Visualization the link:

  • Centre de Bioinformatique de Bordeaux: ProViz

    We inserted to the same webpage a section named Space Simulation and into this new section the links:

  • Stellarium developer team, sponsors, community, and friends: Stellarium
  • Chris Laurel and Celestia team: Celestia

    We also added to the same webpage a section named Astronomy and listed in this new section the links:

  • Stanislav Vitek, Martin Jelinek, and Petr Kubanek: Remote Telescope System 2 (RTS2)
  • Alain Klotz, Denis Marchais, Michel Pujol, Robert Delmas, Christian Jasinski, and Audela team: Audela

    Moreover, on the Links to Hardware webpage into the section Robotics/Prosthetics the following project was linked:

  • European Commission, Community Research & Development Information Service (CORDIS), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), RobotCUB: iCub.

    And on the same webpage a section named Rapid Prototyping Machine was added containing the links:

  • RepRap team: RepRap
  • Cornell University, Computational Synthesis Lab, National Science Foundation, Evan Malone, Dan Periard, and Jennifer Yao: Fab@Home
    Now you can print yourself your new hearts, arms, legs, teeth, or what you want.

    Furthermore, we are looking at the following robotic telescopes for listing on the Organizations-webpage of the OntoLinux website:

  • Los Alamos National Lab: Thinking Telescope Project
  • Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA): Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
  • Universita of California (UC): University of California Observatories (UCO)


  • Rheinische Post: While we were examining robotic telescopes, which themselves are doing scientific research by autonomously watching the sky and using machine learning technologies to focus on interesting objects, that newspaper reported about a robot which does the same in the area of biotechnology. Also the scientist in question is quoted with a sentence containing an insight, which was also made on one of the robotic telescope webpages we have visited.
    Btw.: Now, we do have the proof, that our office is observed and that the illegally gained informations are given to that paper too. This is now a case for the prosecutors.


  • University Cambridge: A scientist of this university claims for hav- ing created a roboter, which is able to do independently scientific research. The roboter is named Adam, has a dimension of 5x3x3 meters, 3 arms, and it hypothesized that a special proteine of yeast/ barn is coded by 3 genes. But this technology is not so new as it may seems to be and the whole case looks suspicious. Maybe we do have here a link to the Microsoft company.
    Note: We listed at the Links to Software webpage on the website of OntoLinux more than enough software to do maybe everything in the area of Logics. This even includes software that developes proactive and/or hypothesizing routines for the application in robots conduct- ing research.

    More important, now comes the whole truth to light why OntoLinux is an ingenious masterpiece developed by Christian Stroetmann. Question: Can you trust a machine, the hypotheses it makes, and the proofs it does? Answer: Yes, but only if you have an ontological foundation! And that is exactly the case Ontologics OntoLinux is made for. Based on the knowledge that "Stars don't lie™", this High- Tech Operating System is build up on Astronomy, Philosophy partic- ularly Ontology, Logics, Mathematics, as well as Informatics and Computer Science. And the Ontoscope can be described as a Golden Multimedia Compass with a Caliber, or if you wish an Artificial (Abso- lute) Spirit™, inside for deciding what is the Truth and what is the Lie.

    Investigations::Car #97

  • Ford: We do quote a report about the Transit Connect Family One Concept: "[...] high-tech and high-touch [...]", "[...] connected, engaged and entertained [...]", "[...] drive green [...]", "[...] fun [...]", "[...] fun [...]", "[...] customers [...] envisioned mid-30s with highly refined design [...]", "[...] projected digital media entertain- ment [...]", "[...] creative inspiration [...]", "[...] in-dash computer technology to keep a family organized, on-schedule and properly equipped [...]", "[...] radio frequency identification (RFID) technolo- gy [...]", "[...] predictive algorithms to "learn" based on past usage [...]", "[...] intuitively easy to operate, with minimal menu scrolling and programming [...]", and "[...] seamlessly integrate with [...] digital lifestyle [...]". The concept and features of this automobile is in great parts stolen from us, see for example OntoLinux and V! SpeedVan, especially the multimedia part, the RFID part, and the environment friendly drivetrain. The link to Lego® is also convincing and a relation to Microsoft is also assumed.
  • KTM: We do quote once again: "[...] a vision that has become reality, making the unique spirit of [...] and the racing feeling [...]".

    Comment of the Day

    OntoLinux Website update
    The update of the OntoLinux website continued.

    We added a new section called Automation to the Links to Software webpage and the links mentioned below in this section:

  • Flanders' Mechatronics Technology Centre (FMTC) and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Robotics Research Group, Autonomous Compliant Motion Group: OROCOS - Open Robot Control Software
  • LoLiTech and Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia (FEUP): Beremiz
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Advanced Automation for Space Missions

    Besides this, we changed the order of the different sections:
    After this reordering we put the following links into the Software Development Tool section.

  • Linus Torvalds and Josh Triplett: Sparse - A Semantic Parser for C
  • Bell Labs, Unix® Group: On-the-Fly, Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Model-Checking with Spin
  • Technische Universität Dortmund, Lehrstuhl V, Fachbereich Informatik/Programmiersysteme, Stefan Edelkamp, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Shahid Jabbar, Anton Wijs, and Kairong Qian: Lecture on Directed Model-Checking (HSF-Spin,...)
  • Stanford Research Institute (SRI): FormalWare at SRI
    • PVS - Prototype Verification System
    • SAL - Symbolic Analysis Laboratory
  • Center for Scientific and Technological Research (ITC-irst): NuSMV - a new symbolic model checker
  • Ecole des Mines de Nantes: Coccinelle - a Framework for Linux Device Driver Evolution
    • Henrik Stuart, René Rydhof Hansen, Julia L. Lawall, Jesper Andersen, Yoann Padioleau, and Gilles Muller: Towards Easing the Diagnosis of Bugs in OS Code
    • Julia L. Lawall, Julien Brunel, René Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, and Gilles Muller: WYSIWIB: A Declarative Approach to Finding Protocols and Bugs in Linux Code
    • Julien Brunel, Damien Doliguez, René Rydhof Hansen, Julia Lawall, and Gilles Muller: A Foundation for Flow-Based Program Matching Using Temporal Logic and Model Checking

    The position of the below listed links were sorted into the Natural Language Processing section:

  • Cycorp: OpenCyc
  • Global WordNet Association
  • Princeton University, Cognitive Science Laboratory, George A. Miller, and WordNet team: WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database
    • Prolog Version of WordNet 3.0

    Furthermore, we have the links to the following robotic telescopes and robotic telescope networks inserted in the Organizations-webpage:

  • The Los Alamos National Lab: Thinking Telescope Project
    • Rapid Telescope for Optical Response (RAPTOR)
  • The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA): The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
    • The Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO)
      • Peters Automated Infrared Imaging Telescope (PAIRITEL)
      • Hungarian-made Automated Telescope (HAT) Network (HATNet)
  • The University of California (UC): The University of California Observatories (UCO)
    • The Lick Observatory
      • Berkeley Automatic Imaging Telescopes (BAIT)
  • The University of Bradford: Bradford Robotic Telescope
  • The John Moores University of Liverpool, Astrophysics Research Institute, the Cardiff University, the University of Exeter, the University of Hertfordshire, the University of Leicester, the University of Manchester, the University College London, Mullard Space Science Lab, the Queen's University Belfast, the University of St Andrews, and the University of Southhampton: RoboNet

    Image of the Day
    Pippi Logics
    © :(

    Comment of the Day
    "In the near future, Virtual Reality and Embodied Virtuality will intersect - Vanilla World or Holoworld." [C.S., Today]

    Comment of the Day
    Thinking Dust Smart Carpet Ubiquitous Robotics™

    Comment of the Day #1
    Pervasive Displaying™ Pervasive Sensing™
    Pervasive Intelligence™ Ubiquitous Intelligence™
    Advanced Artificial Intelligence™
    Ambient Assisted Intelligence™ Assisted Ambient Intelligence™ (AAI)
    irail™ Smart Rail™ IconLight™
    Gamma-Ray Collector™ Gamma-Ray Panel™
    Ist bestens™ Iss bestens™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "Quick drop technology for electric automobiles won't come. It's like the situation with the mobile phones: We should be glad, if we'll get a standard of the charger adapter." [C.S., Today]

    Ontonics Website update
    As announced on the 14th of March 2009, we have added to the webpage Innovation-Pipeline on the Ontonics website:

  • McNano.

    Also, the description of the iguardrail™ system was slightly updated by giving some more informations how to integrate it into the exist- ing infrastructure. We also gave this technology the new names irail or Smart Rail, as you wish.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have added to the webpage of the j! more images of the EmoticonLight™/IconLight™.


  • Rheinische Post: The paper reported in its television magazin about a project of a wireless operated tram.
    With our iguardrail system we have developed a similiar concept for the application of such kind of technology with motorbikes and automobiles having an electric drivetrain. And, as the most persons on planet Earth know, motorbikes and automobiles don't even need rails to stay on track. Furthermore, it should also be more than clear, that a rail must not be visible. For example, it could be hidden under concrete in a pier of a bridge or directly integrated into the roadway.
  • Arcandor→Karstadt Sport: Sport and style
  • Jack Wolfskin: Powered by ideas


  • Telefónica Europe→O2: The company jumped on the smiley bandwagon some weeks ago.
  • Telekom: The corporation started a portal for webvideos named 3min. How uncreative and reactive.


  • Puma: Urban Motion

    Investigations::Car #98

  • Axel Springer→Auto Bild: We do quote: "Ein echter Schritt in die Zukunft ist ein optisch gewöhnungsbedürftiges Vehikel [...]. Es [...] ist eine Art Zigarre mit Riesenrädern, die wir mit dem Klassiker aller Sportwagen vergleichen, dem Porsche 911. [...] die Erfinder der heißen Kiste mit Elektroantrieb fahren auf dem richtigen Gleis. Und könnten deshalb vorn dabei sein, wenn die Weichen für die Zukunft gestellt werden. Schließlich surrt der [...] Elfer [...]. Manche be- haupten, er singe wie eine Straßenbahn [...]."
    Two points have to be recorded: The first point is, that the story is reported in a familiar style by using familiar terms, most obviously are the rail and tram comparison. The second point is, that it sounds like our integrative and new defining concept of the next generation Porsche 911 named 9ii. What the paper does is to narrate our devel- opment story backwords, it simply divided again the concept of the 9ii into an electric car and the Porsche 911.
  • Ruf: We would like to make some quotes: "[...] pure driving machine. The [...]3 is made to involve the driver in the driving experience.", "[...] speed [...]" "[...] speed [...]", "[...] birdcage [...]", "[...] birdcage [...]" and "[...] styling [...]".
  • Ronn Motor Company: "[...] styling and uncompromising [...] ultimate driving and ownership experience.", "[...] race car [...]", "[...] high tech [...]", "[...] in real time [...]", "Produces hydrogen during vehicle operation through electrolysis of water using the power generated from the vehicles electrical system.", and "[...] revolutionary [...]".
  • Renault: We were watching at the company and found more and more suspicious items, so we do quote in this case as well: "[...] future generations of vehicles [...]", "[...] zero emissions: zero noise - zero pollutant emissions - zero greenhouse gases [...]", "[...] all-electric vehicles [...]", "[...] the electric vehicle is the real long- term solution [...]", "[...] urban [...]", "[...] "quick drop" rapid [...]", "[...] three possibilities [...]", and "[...] three minutes [...]".
    Btw.: Style of Speed does not use the so-called quick drop techno- logy. Instead, we have initiated a much more superior system, which comprises the development and now starting production of next generation accumulators with Quickcharger™ feature and the later integration of the iguardrail™/irail™ technology. Also, we would like to remind of our comment made yesterday and make the statement: We don't build up a better place. We build up the best place.


  • Bertelsmann: "[...] absoluter Hammer [...]", "[...] absoluter Hammer [...]", "[...] absoluter [...]", "[...] absoluter [...]", and so on. The other suspicious issue is that suddenly everywhere are persons with the forname Christian. Also, yesterday RTL showed a walking machine that looks similar to the walkers by Style of Speed.
  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media: See Bertelsmann. We also could find out a pattern: Characters are wearing shirts with prints that are similiar to our logos or pictures made by C.S.. Besides this we have the forname issue.
  • ZDF: The television channel reported about a project for producing solar energy in the desert that looks very similiar to the system proposed by us on the 15th of April 2008 (OTEC, Al-Khufrah Oasis, Satellite based Solar-panel).

    Comment of the Day
    High Potent™


  • Bertelsmann: Suddenly in every report everything is, we do quote, "[...] high tech [...]".

    Investigations::Car #99 Pure Electric™ Vehicle Special Part 1

  • Car manufactures and Power suppliers: On a large fair of engine- ering, manufacturers of Pure Electric™ automobiles and suppliers of power decided to standardize the charger adapters on an european level. In relation to this suddenly happening and surprising notice, we would like to mention our Comment of the Day #2 from the 17th of this month (please take a look above). Furthermore, the projected time range for the existence of the electrified traffic was declared to be in 20 years. So Style of Speed, the Solar System Wide™ first provider offering a full range of vehicles with Pure Electric™ drive- train, has some month to throw away the plug-in technology and transform its already leading Quickcharger™ solution into a wireless technology. Announced this, we would like to encourage interested power suppliers with a High Tech Competence™ as well as a High Potent™ budget to join in and build up with us a prototypical facility in the next months.
    Btw.: We really don't expect to produce wheeled vehicles in 20 years anymore.


  • B.R.D. government and Enertrag: Today, the foundation of a hydrogen wind biogas hybrid power station was laid.
    In this context look also at our Ape ESP vehicle.

    Investigations::Car #99 Pure Electric™ Vehicle Special Part 2

  • Car manufactures and Power suppliers: The announced standard- ization of the charger adapters for Pure Electric™ cars should enable a quick charging feature.

    Comment of the Day
    We have the ♥™.


  • Kabel Schlepp: The power to innovate
  • Kabel Deutschland:


  • Samsung: mob!le

    Investigations::Car #100

  • Hankook: driving emotion

    We would like to thank very much everybody for saying once again: You are the real #1™.

    King Smiley Further steps
    With such a broad impact in arts, design, architecture, sciences, politics, and economy by the works of C.S., it is now more than justified to start with $3.000.000 for a 880 x 880 pixel image or a t-shirt with print. Everything else wouldn't be consistent with the rules of the art market, or the paid prizes for artworks, especially those which exceeded $1 million, were more than rubbish.
    Each masterpiece will be available only once and the acquisitor has the free choice to enlarge the dimension of an image and to decide the kind of realization (printing, painting, air-brushing, etching, glazing, tiling, etc., etc., etc., ...). T-shirt owners will have a lifelong reproduction option if a t-shirt shows signs of wear.

    Comment of the Day #1
    Style touch™ Speed touch™ High End Tech™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "It's unbelievable™, but my "Coming soon" reached Afghanistan." [C.S., Today]


  • Campagnolo: We do quote: "[...] Leistung, Innovation und Qualität von Produkt und Service als die drei [...] Grundkonzepte [...]", "[...] Materialien aus der Raumfahrtindustrie wie Karbonfaser, Titan und Aluminiumlegierungen [...]", "[...] 1/3 [...]", "[...] integrierte [...]", "[...] Design richtungweisend [...]", "[...] Realität [...]", "[...] Formen, Farben und Stile [...]", "[...] Leidenschaft [...]", "[...] total revolutioniert [...]", and much more. Besides this, it is not respecting our trademark "Hoch innovativ™". Convicted!!!™

    Investigations::Car #101

  • B.R.D. government, Fiat, and Roland Berger: A little detail overlooked in the last years by many persons: Roland Berger is a member of a consulting group established by the government of the B.R.D. as well as a member of the Fiat executive board.
  • Bayerische Motorenwerke: Let's quote: "[...] already sets the benchmark [...]", "[...] maximum [...]", "[...] new definition [...]", "[...] heart and foundation [...]", "[...] masterpiece of modern [...]", "[...] superior [...]", "[...] stylish [...]", "[...] fascinating new features [...]", and "[...] masterpiece [...] in every respect [...]".
  • Novitec: We do quote: "[...] fascinating [...]", "[...] uncomprom- ising high-[...] concept [...]", "[...] heart [...] superchargers [...] 777 hp [...]", "[...] racecars [...]", "[...] striking design [...]", "[...] state-of-the-art CAD and CFD technologies, further augmented [...]", "[...] calibrated [...] balance [...]", "[...] high-tech engine produces a maximum [...]", "[...] inspiration [...]", "[...] racing [...]", "[...] racing [...]", and "[...] ultra-light light-alloy [...]".
    Btw.: If you want a F430 or a R8 go directly to Fiat→Ferrari or Porsche→Volkswagen→Audi. But the best option is to get one of The Masterpieces™ with real exclusivity comprising High-End-Tech™, High-Design™, and High-Innovation™ by Style of Speed™. There is simply no way around the Real #1™ representing the Style and Speed Competence™.

    Comment of the Day
    Clean Drive™ Clean Motion™ And much more™ Und vieles mehr™ SpeedWheel™ SpeedRim™ Ô™ Š™


  • GlaxoSmithKline→Dr. Best: "Von der [...] inspiriert."

    Investigations::Car #102

  • Porsche→Volkswagen→Audi: The manufacturer offers an Audi S5 Cabrio with 333 PS.
  • Fachhochschule Ingolstadt: The same scientist, who was responsible for the spaceframe of the Gumpert Apollo, speaks now about the cognitive car. Gotcha!!!

    Comment of the Day


  • Linux New Media: The publisher took contents from our website. Besides the nearly same menu system technology we also found the always convicting items Philosophie and International in the section for describing the company. We see also a 3 parted structure with "Print, Online, and Events", and do quote: "[...] Pulse [...]", as well as "[...] Spezial [...]". Furthermore, in a mailing list for developers of a file system a clerk was impertinent, made silly comments, offended C.S. with the notice "[...] Don't feed the Ontotroll [...]", made the propose to finish the thread (despite he hasn't made any construc- tive remarks before), and tried to defame our corporation with a totally incompetent comment about our trademarks. This publisher is useless, if it is not interested in reporting about new and progressive open source projects.
    Wir werden ausloten ob hier eine öffentliche Beleidigung von Christian Stroetmann vorliegt und dementsprechend rechtliche Schritte einleiten. Ausserdem verfolgen wir die Inhalte der Produkte schon seit Ende 2006 nicht mehr, weil sie belanglos und ihre Qualität zu gering geworden sind. Des Weiteren hat der Chefredakteur des Linux Magazins bereits durch seine Kommentare in den Editorials bewiesen, dass er von Anfang an (November 2006) OntoLinux kannte. Hier hat man eine einmalige Chance verpasst eine qualitativ hochwertige Reportage über eine wegweisende Entwicklung zu erstellen.
  • Samsung:


  • Uni Konstanz: Once again that institute took content from our website and communicated it to the public without referencing us. This time the theme was Pervasive/Ubiquitous Displaying™.
  • Microsoft: In a report about concepts for the future application of computer technology, a cash card sized device with some kind of coloured e-paper display was shown. This kind of mobile device is familiar to us, because it looks like our Cell Cash Card™ and E-paper Card™ solutions.
  • Microsoft, Lego, and metaio: The companies use augmented reality technology in a project, that should enhance the selling of Lego sets.
  • ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3sat: We could record from a report about new technologies the following items: "[...] komplex [...]", "[...] komplex [...]", "[...] Muster [...]", "[...] Virtual Reality [...]", and "[...] Augmented Reality [...]". Besides this, a Lego castle with knight and dragon was shown as an exemplary application of Augmented Reality.

    Investigations::Car #103

  • Citroen: C3 Picasso Spacebox and SnowMotion

    Comment of the Day
    #A™ #B™ #C™ #O™ #S™ #X™ #Chris™ #Max™ #Onto™ #Gate™ #Bill™ #Gates™ #Ball™ #Steve™ #Ballmer™ #Micro™ #Soft™ #O-Soft™ #Saft™ #Auto™ #Speed™ #8™ #Power™

    Comment of the Day
    Simply Unbelievable™


  • Lego:

    Investigations::AI and Knowledge management

  • Wolfram Research: That company has taken massively contents as well as technologies without following our rules, so we have to quote: [...] modeling, simulation, visualization, development, documentation, and deployment.", [...] one integrated system delivers [...] reliability, and innovation., [...] vision: the ultimate technical application and environment.", and for sure as much as possible more. Furthermore, it founded a new subsidiary, which tries to be a mixed clone of OntoLinux and the announced search and find engine ontologics.info together with the colour style of Zipputer. In the past, we found the book "A New Kind of Science" very suspicious, but now last but not least we can give a clear: Convicted!!!™

    Comment of the Day
    Find now™

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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH