Home → News 2014 February
News 2014 February

Ontonics Further steps
We developed a new technological concept by integrating different technologies. Despite that the resulting technologies are highly com- plex, they are also very fascinating.

In addition, we developed the new basic components, which were presented with the Further steps of yesterday, further by integrating a promising technique, which fits very well into our general research and development, and engineering activities. Again, a true game changer by Ontonics realized with our OntoLab that will push comp- etitors off the parquet and accelerate the pulse of an investor's heart.

Comment of the Day
"Super Consumption Carnival"

Ontonics Further steps
As a proof of concept of the applicability of the new basic compon- ents presented with the Further steps of the 31st of January 2014, we developed a new processor that exhibits outstanding perform- ances already with its initial version.

OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We are thinking about the implementation of a new concept of an operating system. The guiding idea is to implement only a feature of one paradigm together with another paradigm in a special synergetic way instead of only one of the two paradigms as a whole. Interest- ingly, there is a seamless transition between both paradigms, so the task is to find the perfect mix of them.

Comment of the Day
Electric glasses™
Electronic glasses™

Pictures of the Day
Muppets Most Wanted
Taking the World by Farce

Muppets Most Wanted Evil Constantine
Muppets Most Wanted Evil Constantine vs. Kermit
© Walt Disney

How could you be so sure that you're looking at the real thing?
Because you never forget to watch the originals at you theater.
We support the Walt Disney Studios in its anti-piracy campaign.

Don't be Constantine. It is good to be green. Original supergreen.

iRaiment Further steps
We are pleased to present the newest designs of frames, temples, and electric glasses™ of our upcoming iGlasses™ collection of data glasses resp. (Optical) Head-Mounted Displays ((O)HMDs).

Dolce & Gabbana 3063m-1891
VogueDolce & Gabbana 3112-501Oliver Peoples Evason
Coach SullivanDolce & Gabbana 3125-501
Arnette DubDolce & Gabbana 3104-501Arnette Drop Out
Miu Miu SMU05Scott LyricDolce & Gabbana 4127-1934
Dolce & Gabbana 4139-501Dolce & Gabbana 3124-1934
iRaiment Rayfarer and Cyberskin Foldable
Miu Miu SMU09Paul Smith SeelaOliver Peoples Sofee
Prada SPR 11POliver Peoples Louella
Oliver Peoples Afton SunLuxottica→Oakley Garage Rock
Prada SPR 05QDolce & Gabbana 3133-1934
Dolce & Gabbana 3083-2557Luxottica→Oakley Breadbox
Prada SPR 18PDolce & Gabbana 3082-2557Luxottica→Oakley Holbrook
Dolce & Gabbana 115-1891
Dolce & Gabbana 5115-090
Dolce & Gabbana 5113-064
Luxottica→Ray-Ban RB7014Luxottica→Ray-Ban RB7012Luxottica→Ray-Ban Carbon Fibre RB8412Alain Mikli AL1241
Dolce & Gabbana 1248-501
ChanelCoach Audrey
ChanelCoach LindsayDolce & Gabbana 4128-501Oliver Peoples Colline
Miu Miu SMU52Giorgio Armani 46321094
Giorgio Armani 46319716
Bulgari OctoOliver Peoples TokyoOliver Peoples Paris
Giorgio Armani 46297792Giorgio Armani 46319712Emporio Armani 46321405
Oliver Peoples Op-4 Sun
Luxottica→Ray-Ban Carbon Fibre CL 140Alpina GlyderAlpina Twist
Tifosi Optics SeekTifosi Optics Tempt
Oakley Jupiter SquaredUvex SGL 300Uvex SGL 212
Luxottica→Ray-Ban RB4173Adidas Evil Cross HalfrimNike X2
Uvex BlazeLuxottica→Oakley Half Jacket 2.0Luxottica→Oakley Radarlock XL-Straight
Tifosi Optics TyrantTifosi Optics Slip
© Luxottica, Ray-Ban, Oakley, Arnette, Coach, Oliver Peoples, Paul Smith, Alain Mikli, Dolce & Gabbana, Miu Miu, Armani, Prada, Chanel, and Vogue Eyewear, as well as Tifosi Optics, Nike, Scott Sports, Uvex Sports, Alpina Sports, Adidas, and iRaiment

See also the Original vs. Inspiration of the 14th and the 24th of April 2013, as well as the description of our Carbon based, Quantum dot based LED Display (CQLED-Display).

Comment of the Day #1
Open glasses™
Project glasses™

Comments of the Day #2
"[...] you know ... f#<& the EU", [Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State]
"Exactly", [Geoffrey Pyatt, U.S. American Ambassador]

iRaiment Further steps
We developed two new iGlasses™ series based on a common display technology and not on our electric glasses™.

In addition we would like to present the newest design of our up- coming iGlasses™ collection of data glasses resp. (Optical) Head- Mounted Displays ((O)HMDs).
Tag Heuer L-Type 0441
© Tag Heuer and iRaiment

OntoLab and iRaiment Announcement Open Glasses #1
We took a closer look at the hardware of an (Optical) Head-Mount- ed Display ((O)HMD) and concluded that instead of paying 1,300 to 1,500 U.S. Dollar for the device it would be interesting for our fans to have a surprisingly simple (O)HMD kit for around 300 U.S. Dollar. No sooner said than done, our OntoLab and our business division iRaiment have started together the open source hardware and soft- ware project Open Glasses today.
The Open Glasses in the basic version already feature on the side of the hardware a:

  • frame, temples, and device housing (lower image) optionally 3D printed,
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU),
  • flash memory chip,
  • display with optics,
  • camera,
  • proximity sensor,
  • ambient light sensor,
  • 3D Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU),
  • Radio Frequency (RF) network module for Bluetooth and WLAN,
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver,
  • microphone with ambient noise reduction circuit,
  • loudspeaker,
  • touch (pad) temple, and
  • battery,

    as well as on the side of the software a stack with a:

  • Linux kernel based real-time operating system,
  • wireless network, and
  • much more.

    A further version features a:

  • mobile/cell phone module,
  • larger flash memory chip,
  • stereo loudspeakers, and
  • slightly different hardware architecture.

    To support the community, C.S. was so kind and took a deep look into the knowledge base to get around existing design patents with the result shown in the images below. Possibly, hardware manufact- urers and other companies have an interest to join our project Open Glasses.

    International Business Machines Wearable Computer OHMD 1998 → iRaiment Project Open Glasses InspirationInternational Business Machines Eye Computer OHMD 1998 → iRaiment Project Open Glasses Inspiration
    iRaiment Project Open Glasses Inspiration (Image by Scott Torborg and Star Simpson under ©© BY-NC-SA 3.0)
    © International Business Machines and Olympus, Gary Parker, and iRaiment
    ©© BY-NC-SA 3.0 Scott Torborg and Star Simpson

    Picture of the Day
    Calculating the Wikipedia logo

    © :(

    We are much further already since many years with our Ontologic Systems OntoLix and OntoLinux (see also OntoBlender).

    Investigations::AI and Knowledge management

  • Wolfram Research: Since more than 15 years Stephen Wolfram is plagiarizing C.S. and after we presented in the months April to Nov- ember of the year 2013 some few features of our Search, Find, and Information (SFI) engine Ontologics.info based on our unique Onto- logic System Architecture (OSA) he is claiming since November 2013 to have invented the concept behind our OSA, specifically essential parts of the Bridge from Natural Intelligence (NI) to Artificial Intellig- ence (AI), the components OntoBot, OntoScope, and OntoBlender, the Caliber in some sense, and more features of our OntoLix and OntoLinux, as well as its connection to respectively its integration with Ontologics.info. Indeed, we already have wondered why he needed so many years to found out a very small fraction of the overall functionality of our original OSA. He also announced a relat- ed programming language that he called new and at the same time decades old, the latter is his usual fairy tale to push in and to mis- lead the public, and described it as if it would be our O#, Onto#, and parts of the components mentioned before, which for sure it is not.
    We took a quick look at the prototypic programming language specif- ication and could directly see that his programming language is a layer of syntactic sugar on top of common software functions and libraries, and its underlying concept is also nothing new, as it can be easily seen when compared with for example literate reflective pro- gramming on the one hand and the related parts of our totally open, diversified, decentralized, and universal software stack on the other hand (see again the Feature-Lists). What can be done with that programming language can also be done with the software included in every larger Linux based distribution and already in large parts with HTML5, JavaScript, and Web 2.0 Application Programming Inter- faces (APIs) without that much of additional complexity, which does not make the programming language easier to learn and to use than any other high-level programming language, even confuses the user due to the unified namespaces of unrelated fields of application, and is deliberately designed to make a user dependent on the related programming environment and in this way on the way to think in the course of programming with it. Moreover, some parts are even non- sense, which was created because he does not really know what to steal from us. Hence it is just again all about stupid marketing and telling lies only, as it can be seen with the used keywords like sym- bolic ontology (part of Ontologics), term rewriting (see again the Feature-Lists and the component OntoBot), curated knowledge base (see again the webpage Ontologics.info), Natural Language Process- ing (NLP), graph, visualization, cloud computing (see the webpage Links to Software and the component OntoScope), and computable model of the world (see again the Caliber) for example, and also with the manipulated comments in his blog and in media reports, while in- fringing our copyright in this way is even a serious crime.
    In this conjunction, we quote from a report that strengthens our claim: "But after saying his piece in his blog, Stephen Wolfram was then unavailable to answer questions, and his corporate spokesman also said he had nothing further to add. He has since released an introductory pilot version of the [related programming l]anguage on [...] a single-board computer used for computer-science training. In another blog posting, Stephen Wolfram called it "an early, unfinished glimpse of the [programming l]anguage." In other words, his comm- ent cleared up no mysteries."
    We also quote a passage of a media report that is quite interesting in this context, thought the whole report is misleading the public de- liberately about his programming language on the one hand and our work on the other hand: ""It is monstrously hard to use English pre- cisely enough. The end result would be so wordy that it would be easier to use formulas and symbols, as relied on by computer lang- uages," [...] says [a so-called expert on NLP and recently retired associate director of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Georgia]. In any case, he says, learning to program is not a matter of learning a computer language: "Learning to program is mostly a matter of learning to think precisely about the things the computer does‚ and that's a lot more work than learning where the semicolon goes."" At least, we would like to add that being creative and knowing what to program at all comes even before programming. Obviously, Stephen Wolfram has not understood the foundational problems of this subject, as it is the case with other subjects as well, but has seen something on our websites that once again he must occupy somehow. Somehow, he seems not to be so intelligent.
    By the way: His search engine is suddenly neither such one anymore nor related with artificial intelligence and the semantic web. We believe that he made these statements to mislead the public and us on the one hand and on the other hand to obfuscate the truth, that is exactly the opposite. Said this, S. Wolfram has to get a copyright license from us already, because its knowledge base and programm- ing language is based on essential and unique parts of our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA) and it does not matter at all if he uses cumputational ontologies, and semantic web technologies and term- inologies at all, because we already explained many years ago that the OSA does not depend on these.
  • Kobrix Software: Its founder Borislav Iordanov has stolen as well some essential features of our Ontologic Systems (OSs), Hightech Operating Systems (HOSs), and n-Dimensional Operating Systems (nDOSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux in the years 2011 and 2012, specif- ically of our Ontologic File System (OntoFS), and since then he does not know what to steal next. In fact, he thought to be very clever, was too greedy, and in this way maneuvered himself and his soft- ware into a dead-end street seen from the technological point of view about which he seems to be aware, because he attempts to mislead the very few interested developers everytime when related questions were asked.

    OntoLab Announcement Tesla #1
    We have started to design our tiny embedded system that is coined Tesla, derived from the hardware of our project Open Glasses (see the OntoLab and iRaiment Announcement Open Glasses #1 of the 7th of February 2014), and based on a System on a Chip (SoC), that features a:

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU) ARM with 600 MHz to 1.2 GHz and
  • two microcontrollers as option with Digital Signal Prossesor (DSP) and Floating-Point Unit (FPU),
  • flash memory chip,
  • DC-to-DC converters,
  • DC-to-AC (DAC) converters as option,
  • AC-to-DC (ADC) converters as option, and
  • Radio Frequency (RF) network module for Bluetooth and WLAN.

    The tiny computer Tesla can have a case, which is:

  • same in size and shape as a standard Secure Digital (SD) card or MultiMediaCard (MMC) with a dimension of 32 mm × 24 mm,
  • the size and shape with a dimension of 60 mm × 15 mm, or
  • 3D printed with individual specification, and

    an application board, which is:

  • same in size as a credit card,

    as well as a software stack that comprises a:

  • Linux kernel based operating system optionally real-time capable,
  • wireless network,
  • much more, and
  • connection to our universal software archive and app store Tuxical.

    The Tesla system can be used for a vast amout of devices like home appliances and wearable computers.

    Potentially, the ARM cores and System on Chip (SOC) devices will be home-brewed.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    We added to the webpage OntoBlender a small list of software dev- elopment methods and environments that are further inspirations for or basics already integrated conceptually into our Ontologic Mod- eling/Design Language (OML/ODL) in the last 12 years following our original and unique Bridge from Natural Intelligence (NI) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach. The OML/ODL has now most of the listed features, which includes a structured respectively logic-based Con- trolled Natural Language (CNL) and a direct access to the built-in data store OntoFS using common simple symbolic program variables.
    This is a serious copyright warning.

    In this conjunction, we are pleased to inform all interested persons that OntoBlender features a very well equipped library of machine learning algorithms now by the integration of the Orange suite.

    Batteries are always included.

    Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    We will add a large stack of mathematical functions to OntoBlender as well, which ranges from basic branches like geometry, linear al- gebra, and analysis to more complex fields of application like statist- ics and numeric computation with the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques and much more.
    The foundational libraries will be listed on the Tuxic website.

    We will also sketch the first version of our Ontologic Modeling/Design Language (OML/ODL), that is a mix of common textual code enriched with visual elements that are static and active 2D and 3D elements (see also the Picture of the Day of the 8th of February 2014).
    Because the goal is not to continue to program manually, the OML/ ODL is principally meant as a control structure/language for what a computer does automatically.

    Comment of the Day

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    On the webpage OntoBlender we added to the small list related with the Ontologic Modeling/Design Language (OML/ODL) core the Onto- graph evaluation framework for Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs).
    The Ontograph evalution framework for CNLs should not be confused with our Ontograph modeling/design and application framework due to the different focuses.

    Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps 2:02 CET
    What a success: Our OntoBot can truly speak and think in a natural way now, as announced since its start in the year 2006, through Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs), like Common Logic Controlled English (CLCE), ClearTalk, and Attempto Controlled English (ACE), as well as its ability to truly learn more common English. Now, users and programmers can also ask "Why did" and "Why didn't" questions about their program's output, while for example using or debugging a program in a dynamic query-based respectively interrogative way, though the computer could do it as well all alone by reflection. But as a consequence, we have to and will sort out the different CNLs as well.
    In this conjunction, we would like to remind that we have bidirect- ional connections between the CNLs and the Web Ontology Lang- uage (OWL) by our Natural Language Processing to Web Ontology Language (NLP2OWL) format and also between the visual 2D and 3D models of our OntoScope and the OWL by our Natural Image Pro- cessing to Web Ontology Language (NIP2OWL) format based on our Ontologic Modeling/Design Language (OML/ODL) following our Bridge from Natural Intelligence (NI) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach as the new processing model for computing devices.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    We found out today that the license for the Open CasCade Techno- logy (OCCT) was changed to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) in the year 2013, which makes it interesting for us now. The OCCT is connected with the Qt application framework and the pro- gramming language Python (see the parametric 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) modeler FreeCAD and the generic platform for pre- and post-processing Salomé for example) and features a data structure as part of its Open Cascade Application Framework (OCAF) that is not shape driven, but reference-key respectively key-value driven, so that it fits together with the OntoBlender and the underlying Ontologic File System (OntoFS). In this way, we could further com- plete the Problem Solving Environment (PSE) (see also the webpage Overview) and rapid prototyping (see also the webpage Links to Hardware) with additional functionalities of the fields of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), as well as the capabilities of the related Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) Environment (KBEE) with the functionalities of the OntoBot and the Machine Learning (ML) suite, which is connected with the OntoBlender, that are used as part of the special assistance and recommender system when conducting highly complex numerical calculations for example, while the Natural Language Processing (NLP) feature makes a natural interaction with the CAE assistant possible.

    Do the junior and senior engineers already have wet eyes and hands?

    Also very interesting is the new feature of camera and object track- ing of the 3D content creation suite Blender "allowing [a user] to import raw footage, track the footage, mask areas, and see the camera movements live in [her/his] 3D scene." This is totally beyond ordinary panoramic images, specifically by the integration with Onto- Blender.

    While we are already at the fields of multimedia, computer vision, and computational geometry, we would like to give the information that we also have a relatively complete suite of point cloud and mesh processing functions now that is directly connected with for example ML and NLP through the components OntoBot and Onto- Blender.

    By looking on a mobile device we thought that it could be handled otherwise. Said this, we developed related different variants of this mobile decvice and of an other device.

    We do not change the rules. We change the games.

    Comment of the Day
    Controlled Natural Image™
    Controlled Natural Sense™

    We think that the Affero clause should be adopted by the common versions of the GNU GPL. Said this, if we say GPL in relation to our hard- and software, then we do mean AGPL.

    Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps 00:10 CET
    While reviewing the Further steps of the 12th of February 2014, we concluded that we also meant and talked about the new concepts of Controlled Natural Images (CNIs) and Controlled Natural Senses (CNSs), which equal the general concept of Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs), but are related with different modalities and scopes. In a subsequent step we have connected the CNIs directly with our related Ontologic components. For example, the results of procedures of filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model fitting, and segmentation related with n-Dimens- ional (nD) point clouds and geometries can be connected directly with a CNI and in a following step with a semantic respectively on- tologic interpretation through our Natural Image Processing to Web Ontology Language (NIP2OWL) format based on our Ontologic Model- ing/Design Language (OML/ODL) following our Bridge from Natural Intelligence (NI) to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Once this point has been reached it is straightforward to use our Natural Language Proc- essing to Web Ontology Language (NLP2OWL) format to end at a CNL for example.
    Another use case is Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) as im- plemented by the software imgSeek for example. In this case, a CNL term is translated into a CNI object that in a following step is used for searching similar images. For sure, the Machine Learning (ML) functionalities of OntoBlender can be applied for optimizing the prec- ision and recall of an image query and with the other subcomponents of our OntoScope, like Augmented Reality (AR), it gets even better on stationary devices as well as on mobile devices, and this even without touching a common programming language like C++ or Java.

    Comment of the Day
    Controlled Natural Sound™

    Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    As part of the selection of Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs; see also the Further steps of the 12th of February 2014) we briefly look- ed on the interesting generic engineering language Gellish (formerly called STEPlib) and its variant Gellish Formal English.
    Now it can be seen easily that not only the textual but also the visual aspect has to be regarded, as we have already begun with the development of the Ontologic Modeling/Design Language (OML/ ODL), that joins at least the Object-Role Model (ORM), the Object-Relationship Model (OSA ORM), the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the executable UML (xUML), the visual language DRAKON, the Attempto Controlled English (ACE) and the Ontograph framework model for CNLs, the Gellish language model, and our Ontograph Mod- el. All these single languages can be or are described with the Web Ontology Language (OWL) already.

    We also worked on a further extension already that integrates a pro- gramming language following the paradigm of literate programming in an impressively simple way.

    Please, as a taxonomy (subtype and supertype hierarchy) is not an ontology, though taxonomies could be described in the form of an ontology (hierarchy, subtype, supertyp, is a subtype of, is a super- type of, ...), a grammar or a syntax is not an upper ontology. On the very foundational semantic level the different terms and their mean- ings have to be clearly distinguishable.

    Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    We continue our success story. For everybody who can't wait any- more for Natural Language Processing (NLP) with vector space mod- eling and topic modeling we added to our OntoBlender the Gensim suite that features implementations of term frequency-inverse doc- ument frequency (tf-idf), Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH; random projection), Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Latent Dirichlet Allocat- ion (LDA), and more, inclusive their distributed parallel versions. In addition to Gensim, the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) can be used as well. We are also looking at some other packages in the fields of Machine Learning (ML), Data Mining (DM), and NLP, as well as basic graph processing and analytics.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps 11:13 CET
    Some persons already asked if we had slowed down our invention process, which is definitely not the case, for sure. In fact, what we did in the last weeks was a deep research into data storage and retrieval systems that comprised the analysis of around 60 relational, object-relational, object-oriented, and graph Data Base Management Systems (DBMSs), key-value, tuple, column, document, multi-model, and RDF stores, as well as related basic software techniques, data structures, and algorithms. As one result we found out that no ex- isting storage system fulfills our requirements and that a selection of a specific storage system is virtually based on rules of thumb only due to complexity. Indeed, we observered once again that the sel- ection problem in this field of data storage and retrieval systems is very similar to the decision problems in the fields of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), which are tried to be supported with Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE). As another result we could define the requirement specification fur- ther, design the architecture in more detail, and make foundational implementation decisions in relation with our Ontologic File System (OntoFS). Said this, we can release the following informations now:

    We are very pleased to present the latest evolutionary development step of our original and unique Ontologic File System (OntoFS). In- stead of implementing a specific data storage and retrieval system, as it is common in the fields of relational and NoSQL databases for example, we followed our initial plan that included the definition of a related ontology and the usage of Knowledge-Based Software Eng- ineering (KBSE) based on the Artifical Intelligence (AI) capabilities of our OntoBot as well as the Machine Learning (ML) functionalities of our OntoBlender for the design of our OntoFS, its dynamic refine- ment and management, as well as the Create, Read, Update, and Destroy (CRUD) procedures done with its data stores at run-time. In this way our Ontologic Systems (OSs) give a user or a machine ex- actly the right data storage and retrieval systems, which are based on the:

  • different variants of
    • volatile memory and
    • Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
  • scaling
    on the side of the hardware,

  • various versions of
    • hash tables,
    • b+ trees,
    • further suitable data structures, and
    • polymorphic combinations
    on the side of the software, and
  • requirements like
    • in-memory execution,
    • caching,
    • typing,
    • indexing,
    • concurrency,
    • non-blocking and locking,
    • threading,
    • sharing,
    • normalization,
    • vertical partitioning,
    • horizontal partitioning/sharding,
    • aggregation,
    • Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID),
    • fault tolerance and high-availability,
    • replication,
    • distribution,
    • scalability,
    • query language,
    • extension language,
    • access control even of each single store cell,
    • communication,
    • and others
    on the lowest level, and comprise
    • relational,
    • object-relational,
    • object-oriented, and
    • graph
    over general
    • key-value,
    • tuple,
    • column-oriented,
    • document, and
    • multi-model
    to special
    • eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and
    • Resource Description Framework (RDF)
    on the highest level, and
    • deductive databases,
    • OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP), and
    • OnLine Transaction Processing (OLTP)
    on the application side.
    The OntoFS is also supported by a dynamic disk partition manager and process communication infrastructures to handle specific de- mands of a data store.

    Actually, the prototype of OntoFS (see also the Further steps of the 27th of January 2014) consists of building blocks that feature elem- ents of:

  • file systems
  • key-value stores
  • polymorphic key-value stores (hash and b+ tree)
  • tuple stores
  • graph stores
  • multi-model, tuple and graph stores
  • RDF stores
  • document stores
  • semi-polymorphic multi-model, key-value and document stores (hash and b+ tree)
  • multi-model, key-value, document, and graph stores
  • column, relational stores
  • row, relational stores
  • relational stores
  • object-relational stores
  • and much more.

    The informations will be made available on the websites of OntoLix and OntoLinux as well. Interested parties can contact us day and night.

    This is a serious copyright warning in respect to the general concept and the specific concepts of the collection, selection, dissection, and re-integration.

    Comment of the Day
    "I do not understand why these companies are still stealing at all. They have billions and can easily buy the things.", [Maximilian Stroetmann, Today]


  • Google: The company has again plagiarized C.S. and hence infring- ed our copyright with the presentation of a project in the field of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and a related mobile device in the shape of a smartphone with 3D sensors that in fact is called Ontoscope. In this conjunction the company explained the following: "We are physical beings that live in a 3D world. Yet, our mobile devices assume that physical world ends at the boundaries of the screen. The goal of [the] Project [...] is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion." But this is exactly one essential part of our original and unique Ontoscope paradigm and technology (see also the Clarification of the 22nd of June 2013 and the descriptions of the MobileKinetic and the MultiGPS/MultiGNS technologies). Not surprisingly, the project is connected with many defrauding entities of the field of robotics, which we could convict already in the past by our investigations, which again delivers many additional and interesting informations.

    For all interested entities we would like to give the informations that the presented plagiarism of the original Ontoscope paradigm and technology is around 7 years old and the related software technolo- gy of our Ontologic Systems (OSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux is more than 7 years old already and that we have developed the hard- and software technologies of the next generation, but only presented some very few of the protected ones (see the Ontonics and Onto- Lab Further steps of the 11th of January 2014, the Ontoscope Fur- ther steps of the 22nd of January 2014, and the iRaiment Further steps of the 6th and 7th of February 2014 for example). Also import- ant to note are the facts, that the company Nintendo has produced our handheld game console variant some years ago following our Ontoscope paradigm as well (see the case of the company in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 27th of March 2010) the compa- nies Sharp, LG Electronics, and HTC have produced mobile phones with a 3D camera and 3D display (see the summarization of their cases in the Investigations::Multimedia Ontoscope and intelliTablet Special of the 23rd of March 2011), and that a manufacturer of a 3D/depth sensing camera has presented its scaled down technology with a mobile/cell phone and an external camera for a table comput- er some months ago, though all thoses companies have not mention- ed Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics, and that many participat- ing commercial partners of the Google project have only copied from us in the past and went out of business after they could not cont- inue to do so, like the next defrauding company with an outdated computational vision chip will make its way as well, though some few of those companies managed to came back with this project. Furth- ermore, the company Google has lost the trust of the public due to its spying and infringing of privacy, breaking of said an unsaid rules, and collaborating with secret services and other government instit- utions that also acted in unwanted ways. Said this, it is better to partner with us directly, because we never intended to break into the brains of our customers and to assimilate their individualities, but to improve their lives truly.

    Don't be Constantine. Don't be fooled by Constantine.
    Stay away from the company Willow Garage, the Robot Operating System (ROS) now handled by the Open Source Robotics Foundat- ion, which is only a new label for the old mess, and the software libraries Open Computer Vision (OpenCV) and Point Cloud Library (PCL), because Google seems to be behind that company for infil- trating the open source and the science communities in these areas as well, as it already did with the Apache Software Foundation, the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) foundation, and similar foundations and groups. There are many better alternatives, like our original OntoLix and OntoLinux (see also the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 11th and 13th of February 2014).

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    We listed in the section iRaiment, Wearable Computer of the web- page Links to Hardware our project Open Glasses and added a rel- ated image (see also the OntoLab and iRaiment Announcement Open Glasses #1 of the 7th of February 2014).

    Comment of the Day
    Link belt accumulator™
    Link belt battery™
    Link band accumulator™
    Link band battery™
    Boot to Blink™

    *** Copy mode ***
    Ontonics Website update
    Because it makes the description of our Link Belt/Band Accumulator/ Battery, which was presented as Accumulator/Battery Bracelet and Accumulator/Battery Necklace (see the Ontonics Website update of the 22nd and 23rd of August 2013), easier to understand, we would like to show some figures of it.
    The Link Belt/Band Accumulator/Battery can feature flexible/bend- able and elastic/stretchy accumulator cells as well as buckles with tongue or prong, fold-over, hidden/butterfly clasps, quick release, side release/snap-fit, and hook and loop fasteners. In addition, it can also be mounted by the so-called Leonardo-attachment as a watch band (see image below left).

    As examples, the figures 1 to 3 below show different variants of an Link Belt Accumulator (1) as top views.
    The figure 1 shows an accumulator as a link band (1) with accumul- ator cells as band links (2), that are limberly connected together by electrographic band links (3).
    In addition, the figure 2 shows an accumulator as a link band (1) with accumulator cells (2), which are integrated in the band links (4) connected together and connected with each other by electric wires (5).
    The figure 3 shows an accumulator as a watch band (6) with accu- mulator cells (2), which are connected to each other by flexible wires (7) and with an internal electronic circuit of a watch (8), and jacketed by a material (9). The watch band (6) is limberly mounted to the horns of the watch case (10) of a watch (8).
    For sure, the band links shown with the figures 1 and 2 can be inte- grated and used for a watch band as shown in the image below right.

    Ontonics Accumulator/Battery Bracelet and Accumulator/Battery Necklace
    Accumulator Wristband with Leonardo-AttachmentMorellato → Accumulator Bracelet
    © Ontonics, Hirsch Armbänder, and Morellato

    The Link Band Accumulator is ideally suited for wristbands of digital feature watches and Sm@rtWatches, and for glasses bands and glasses chains of Sm@rtEyewears like shown with the image of the iRaiment Sm@rtEyewear model Emporio Armani 46321405.

    Comment of the Day

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed one of our multimedia technology further, which has become totally incredible now. If you see it, then you want it, so we have to do it.

    Also, we developed another multimedia technology further, that is ... fascinating.

    Furthermore, we developed a new integrated circuit that we need for a multimedia device and that has the potential to become a standard component in the next future, definitely.

    Ontonics and OntoLab Further steps
    We looked again at some platforms with the JavaScript programming language, the Linux kernel, and related runtime environments (see also the Further steps of the 11th of October 2013) and thought again about the Python and JavaScript programming and scripting languages, specifically with the goal in mind to reduce the amount of different scripting languages embedded in applications. And while we did so, and because Python with its most-widely used implementat- ion called CPython is already written in the programming language C on the one hand and on the other hand JavaScript has a syntax that was influenced by C, as said in many comments and descriptions, we concluded that the most elegant way to reach the goal is to simply take a C/C++ interpreter instead of their interpreters.

    As logical steps, the C/C++ interpreter has to be added to the web browser engines, like WebKit and Gecko, and then the additional web browser layer has to be taken out of the way in the same way if needed, because using it as the runtime and windowing environment makes no sense for all kinds of application.
    As a result, no more ridiculous re-implementations of everything that is already available in C/C++ is needed at all, as it is done actually with JavaScript, and hence no JavaScript engines, like V8 and Java- Sript Core, no javascript libraries and frameworks, like Enyo, Dojo, Node.js, volo, and jQuery, no additional programming languages, like Python, Lua, and Java, or whatsoever have to be learned, maintain- ed, and used.

    Software architecture made easy, kept simple and stupid (KISS).

    Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    The implication of the considerations made in general (see the Onto- nics and OntoLab Further steps of today above) is even better, be- cause we now have the object-oriented data analysis framework ROOT with its "built-in CINT [and Cling] C++ interpreter[s], so that the command language, the scripting or macro language, and the programming language are all C++", and within OntoBlender it is also extended to a multimodal, controlled natural modeling and programm- ing language.

    Comment of the Day #1

    Comment of the Day #2
    "Sent from my iB@d", [C.S., Today]
    The acronym stands for intelligent Box at domicile.

    Ontoscope Further steps
    In the last 4 days we designed a new variant of our Ontoscope.

    Comment of the Day #1
    Boot to WebCore™

    Comment of the Day #2
     I Brazil 
    Sadly to say, the original t-shirt is not available anymore.

    Ontonics Website update
    As a further implication of the general and special considerations (see the Ontonics and OntoLab Further steps and the Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 24th of February 2014), we developed our Web Operating System Platform (WOSP) Boot to WebKit further with the new project:

  • Boot to WebCore.

    Ontonics and OntoLab Further steps
    We have registered our project Sugarfox, that was presented with the Ontonics and OntoLab Further steps of the 9th of October 2013, at Mozilla Firefox OS and its related marketplace with the creation of a partner account for our company with the following short descript- ion:
    Sugarfox brings the learning environment Sugar in its web version based on HTML and JavaScript with the Firefox OS together.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We have developed new variants of powertrains, which solve some disadvantages compared with an other powertrain.

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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH