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News 2011 March

Investigations::Car #311

  • Bayerische Motorenwerke: Even if it is hard to recognize by the reader at first sight, that stealing company still tries to steal the story of our models like the B!™, which was originally designed by Pininfarina for the companies Fiat→Maserati and Motorala. The rel- ated press release contains terms, phrases and statements like the following: "[...] innovative information, communication and assist- ance systems [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] enormous progress in networking has been made - progress that was primarily driven forward by the creative, innovative strength of the [company's] Development Engineers [...] [This is without doubt a marketing lie.]", "[...] epitome of intelligent networking of driver, vehicle and the env- ironment [...] [Guess where it has stolen this kind of technology from?]", "[...] in a whole new dimension and which significantly in- crease the level of safety [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] extra- polates the principle of intelligent networking of driver, vehicle and the outside world into the future [...] [What a pity for that stealing company that we did this before.]", "[...] transformed perfectly nat- urally into a fully integrated [...] [still speech act stealing]", "[...] as a sculpture, as a vision, giving these innovative technologies and forward-looking ideas physical form, portraying them and breathing life into them [...] [This story was stolen from the section Street legal Cars, especially the models B!™, 9!™, M!™ and 9ii™, as well as from the webpages of our range of Active Components™ of the website by Style of Speed™ besides other webpages of our other websites.]", "[...] three areas [...] [No doubt: In this context it is the 3 Theme by C.S..]", "[...] fundamental concept [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] display and operating concept [...] [What it means are our Hightech Operating System™ OntoLinux™, including the stol- en Ontologic Application that we described with "A Computer, that is able to sense the user's emotions, would respond with an appropri- ate behaviour.", and e-dashboard™.]", "[...] human being stands firmly in the focus [...] [This sounds very familiar, and as we know this is definitely not true for these thieves.]", "[...] three levels [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] three themes [...] [Now even our critics have to confess: This is a copyright infringement due to the fact that we have here the term 3 Theme, obviously.]", "[...] term "layering" des- cribes a new approach to the [company's] Group’s concept of design and its design language [...] [Again, this is defintiely a criminal mark- eting lie, because this was done before by for example the designers of the original concept of our models B!™ and 9ii™.]", "[...] different layers, organic radii and surfaces [...] [They could be seen several years before with the model B!™.]", "[...] modern, organically aesth- etic, light and emotional design [...] [This is speech act stealing that also points directly to our Emoticon light™ technology.]", "[...] three areas [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] individual light installation, each dis- cerned by colour, but also by rhythm, motion and texture [...] [The general concept was stolen from the webpage of our model j!™ and also reminds us again of our Emoticon light™ technology.]", "[...] activated [...]", "[...] active safety measures such as driver assist- ance systems [...]", "Very clearly [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] clarification [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] entire spectrum [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] one of vision [...] [The reader might take some more time and look again on the windscreen of our model B!™ to see what is meant here.]", "[...] windscreen is an integral part of the Head-Up Display and provides important current inform- ation about the journey - including speed, navigation instructions and fuel consumption [...] [This concept was stolen as well from the interior of the models B!™ and 9ii™.]", "[...] freely programmable in- strument cluster located in the scoop will provide extra in-depth in- formation to supplement the Head-Up Display [...] [Doubtlessly, this is a clear copyright infringement, because both features and also the speech act have been taken form our websites, especially from the description of the e-dashboard™ technology, as well as the models B!™, 9ii™ and the Cup!™.]", "Numerous sensors monitor the environ- ment in front, behind and on both sides of the vehicle. These are capable of recognising people and other vehicles [...] [Besides that it sounds so familiar, see our Active Components™ for the original source of this innovative concept, it is also not new anymore.]", "The entire front sensing system is integrated into the headlights, the "eyes" of the vehicle, scanning the space ahead. The same app- lies to the rear. The sensing system for monitoring the space behind the vehicle, including cameras, is integrated into the taillights. [This was stolen from the short description of our Active Camera™ tech- nology in the index of our range of Active Components™, "integrated in parts of the [...] exterior [for the] interplay of ray-based sensors with our other Active Components™ like the Active Light™", and its webpage.]", "[...] gesture [...]", "[...] active [...]", "[...] Passenger Information Display is mounted in the instrument panel in front of the passenger [...] touching the area [...] touch-sensitive area [...] [Without doubt, the described technology points directly to our e- dashboard™.]", "[...] third level [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] division of the three levels is also reflected [...] [Again, a very clear speech act stealing.]", "Seat shells, clearly separated from one another [...] [These was shown before with the passenger's cabin of the model B!™.]", "[...] the orange red, blue and green light installations, eff- ectively highlighting the three levels [...] [Without doubt this is a jump on the bandwagon of images by C.S. and the 3 Theme.]", "[...] three dimensions [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] strong [...]", "[...] modern [...] [Minimalistic Modern™]", "[...] modern surface work evident [...]", "[...] strong [...] [Strong™]", "Just as at the front of the veh- icle, the rear sensor technology is also integrated into the lights. [As we have proved before, this is our Active Light™ technology that has been stolen from our business division Style of Speed™.]", "[...] its overall creative concept [...] [We would say its overall stealing con- cept.]", "[...] three virtual scenes [...] [3 Theme]" and "[...] "avatar technique", a real actor in a virtual environment [...] [This statement points directly to OntoLinux™.]".
    It can be clearly seen by the long windscreen and the overlapping humps at the rear, and also by the interior with its passenger cabin and large multimedia dashboard, as well as the red, green and blue fibre optic light installation, which without doubt point directly to images by C.S., that again a concept car was derived from the B!™ and also the 9ii™ in the same way like another concept car shown before at a large automotive exhibition. The whole criminal acting was camouflaged by an asymetrical design, which is for sure not enough to irritate the Style and Speed Competence™™.
    This latter case proves also, that that serious nasty and criminal company is also trying to attack C.S. as an artist, as it could be seen as well in all fields of arts. We have now more than three cases that other persons were pushed who have been convicted to steal from works of C.S., example given the tinkerer O. Eliasson.

    Furthermore, an assistance system was presented in the media that should avoid pedestrians and is based on two cameras, and a control system that is based on the collection of vital informations of a driv- er which needs a representation of the reality. We have it already solved five years ago, but not presented, because that only stealing company wants to steal it.

  • Bayerische Motorenwerke→Rolls Royce: The luxury car maker is said to unveil an electric version of its Phantom flagship model at a motor show (see our model Electric Phantom™ by Style of Speed™). It doesn't know what to steal, as usual.
  • Renault: That company has again stolen contents, concepts and technologies from our websites, especially the website Style of Speed™. We document the related text passages of its press re- lease about a concept vehicle: "[...] style [...] [speech act steal- ing]", "[...] fun [...] [In this context it is speech act stealing.]", "[...] fundamental [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] sources of in- spiration [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] equipment [...] ["Equip- ment is all™"]", "[...] combining high technology with sophistication and lightness [...]", "[...] carbon fibre framework [...]", "[...] trans- form itself [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] sources of inspiration were the human body, outdoor sports and urban styling [...]", "[...] pure [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] equipment [...] [speech act stealing]", "Innovative and ingenious materials [...] [Attention: Inge- nious innovation™!!!™]", "[...] high-tech fibre [...]", "[...] carbon bucket-style front seats [...]", "[...] three layers [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] new Energy [...] [Non, non, non: New Energy™! Respect our copyright and trademarks or go away!!!™]", "[...] twin-turbo engine-concept [...]", "[...] dual clutch [...] gearbox [...] [Finally, for us this proves that the company wants to be conform with the trend on- ly.]", "[...] Visio-system, an innovation that uses a forward-facing camera mounted at the top of the windscreen to provide driver-assi- stance functions. This new technology is able to embed synthesised images into real-time images of the road ahead displayed on a cen- tral screen; this is the principle of augmented reality, aiming to en- hance the driver's perception of the external world by superimposing purpose-designed elements. [As we said before, no creativity and innovation can be found here. In fact, these technologies have been stolen from our websites like OntoLinux™ and Style of Speed™. The reader can see it for example on the webpages of the models B!™ and 9ii™.]", "[...] new human design language inspired by the three keywords [...]" and "[...] future vision [...] [speech act stealing]".
  • Nissan: That only stealing company has published a press release in conjunction with a concept car that is presented at a large auto- motive exhibition and again based on contents, concepts and tech- nologies stolen from us: "[...] LEAF [...] [No, no, no: Leaf™!!!™ Even that company has to accept the fact: Too late is too late.]", "[...] pure electric [...] [No, no, no: Pure Electric™!!!™ Go away!!!]", "[...] classic and contemporary [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] LEAF [...] [Leaf™!!!™ Go away!!!™]", "[...] rear-wheel drive and it runs on two motors [...] [That only stealing company has stolen a technology from us again. This time it is the Active Differential™ #2 - The SuperArchitecture.]", "[...] twin electric motors [...]", "These motors independently control the left and right wheels, and so the torque is optimized to ensure outstanding vehicle stability and con- trol as well as efficient power regeneration. [Without doubt, this is our Active Differential™ #2 - The SuperArchitecture and as such this description constitutes a clear criminal copyright infringement.]", "[...] LEAF [...] [Leaf™!!!™ Go away!!!™]", "[...] strong [...] [And again: Strong™ Go away!!!™]", "[...] fighter pilots [...] [This is a stolen story. The reader can take a look her-/himself for example on the webpage of our hyper jet F-22SR Super Raptor.]", "[...] unlike a conventional fuel tank, batteries do not get lighter as they provide energy, so the car's weight distribution remains constant throughout a drive [...] [Besides that this is blah blah blah and an absolute non- sense from the point of view of efficiency and dynamics, because the weight of the accumulator has to be carried all the time, it's also another argument why our Active Fuel Cell™ technology is so much superior.]", "[...] strong [...] [Strong™]", "[...] colour scheme [...]", "[...] contemporary [...] [speech act stealing]" and "[...] LEAF [...] [Leaf™!!!™ Go away!!!™]".

    Besides this typical nasty and criminal acting of that manufacturer, as it was described above, that only stealing company thought to be clever and has also stolen other contents of our websites. In this case the label "Pure Drive" was made out of our labels that start with Pure, the label Clean Drive™ and the logo :Drive™, and in this way it is at least a copyright infringement again. So we simply say Pure:Drive™ and: Go away!!!™

  • Chrysler & Fiat→Dodge: A new version of one of the marque's model was presented with the following marketing text: "[...] high- est-performing [...]", "[...] the most technically advanced car ever developed in its class [...] [This is a marketing lie. We think that for example the model A5 RS by the marque Volkswagen→Audi is more advanced, definitely.]", "[...] momentum [...] [In the context it is speech act stealing.]", "[...] leading-edge performance technology [...]", "[...] technologically advanced and highly developed chassis and suspension systems [...] [This sounds familiar, because it follows the contents of the webpages of our models Boxster GT and Cayman GT.]", "[...] deliver balanced, track-ready handling and braking power to complement its high engine output [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] high-tech performance and design [...]", "[...] type of car no one has ever brought to this segment previously [...] bringing a new level of performance capability to the segment [...] [As we said be- fore: We are not quite sure.]", "[...] road-racing [...] street [...] [This story was taken from the section of Land Vehicles of the web- site by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] satin black finish [...] [So there is no need to use the word stealth for this kind of styles.]", "[...] twin- disc clutch [...] [That's what many other cars feature.]", "[...] equi- pped [...]", "[...] stronger [...]", "[...] stronger [...]", "[...] stronger [...] [Strong™]", "[...] style of driving [...] [:Drivestyle™]", "[...] satin black carbon fiber [...] [Competitors have shown this style long before.]" and "[...] high-performance driving [...]".
  • General Motors→Chevrolet: We do quote out of a related press re- lease: "[...] intelligent performance attributes and safety [...]", "[...] active intake manifold [...] [Somehow, this term points directly to our Active Components™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] adaptive el- ectronic control of all shifting [...] [This phrase points somehow to our Active Shift™ technology.]", "[...] adaptive damping suspension that uses a wide range of on-road and driver inputs, such as vehicle speed, steering angle, steering speed, brake torque, throttle position and lateral acceleration, to automatically tune the suspension for specific conditions [...] [And this is the story which that company has stolen from the webpage of our Active Suspension™. If the two quotes and their related comments made before are taken together with this quote and comment, then we have a clear evidence that a part of our story of the Active Components™ was copied and in this way constitutes a copyright infringement.]", "[...] Street and Racing Technology DNA [...] [This story was stolen from the webpage of the model 333 ST by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] spirited driving [...] [We do think that this goes to far due to our slogan "Spirit of Driv- ing™".]", "[...] instrument panel display can be customized to view driver preferences and expanded to include instant feedback on [fur- ther] measurements [and informations ...] [This functionality was taken from the webpage of our City SpeederCup™.]", "[...] adapt- ive-cruise control with Forward Collision Warning and Blind-spot Monitoring with Rear Cross Path Detection [...]" and "[...] three- mode [...]".
    The related car shows clearly design elements taken from the model A1 of the marque Volkswagen→Audi at the lower part of the front bumper, the model Panamera of the marque Volkswagen→Porsche at the side, while the design of the wheels remind us of one version of the model Veyron by the marque Volkswagen→Bugatti.
  • Koenigsegg: As usual, that stealing company has again taken illeg- ally contents, concepts and technologies from our website of Style of Speed™. The proof for this claim by us is based on quotes out of a press release of a new version of its actual model: "[...] Speed Racer [...] [SRacer™]", "[...] revolutionary [...]", "[...] minimalistic [...] [Minimalistic Modern™]", "[...] philosophy [...] [In this context it is a speech act stealing.]", "[...] purely [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] evolution of a[n animal...]", "[...] testament [...]", "[...] strong [...] [Strong™]", "[...] true to the original philosophy [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] shortest in class rear overhang [...] [This story was stolen from models by Style of Speed™, like the D!™.]", "[...] Electronic Diferential [...] [Don't confuse this today and in the future with our Active Differential™.]", "[...] supplemented by a digital act- ive system [...] [As we said before: We have here an infringement of our copyright and a source of confusion with the description of our Active Differential™.]", "[...] algorithms that control the E-Dif [(Elec- tronic Differential)], takes input from; throttle angle, g-force, steer- ing wheel angle, yaw angle, car speed, engine rpm, selected gear, plus weather condition [...] [So now the case is clear: This has been stolen from the webpage of our Active Shift™ system by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] E-dif works in harmony with the new traction con- trol system [...] with auto adapt functionality to diferent road cond- itions and driving styles as well as several manual settings. [As we already mentioned in the documentation of its case in the Investig- ations::Car #230 of the 3rd of March 2010, this concept was stolen from the webpages of our Active Shift™ and our Active Trac™ syst- ems. Furthermore, we would like to mention our :Drivestyle™ sign.]", "[...] massive [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] clean and stylish [...] [speech act stealing]", and "[...] configurable interface that can be adapted to driver specific demands [...] [This feature was stolen from the webpage of our model Cup!™. From our point of view, this also proves that indeed our website of Style of Speed™ has been analyzed thoroughly.]".
    The shown car also features an active rear wing.
  • Vorsteiner: At a Japanese exhibition we documented the slogan "Perfection redefined", which is not unfamiliar to us. Furthermore and as usual, we also could see once again that it has taken design el- ements for one of its conversion from the webpages of our models Pan RSR and Panamera BB by Style of Speed™. How about DIY?
  • Pioneer: Some weeks ago, the company showed a display for sur- face vehicles that is based on a projector and augmented reality. In fact this is nothing else than the displays we have shown years be- fore with our models B!™ and 9!™ as well as 9ii™ by Style of Speed. More important is that the technology was stolen from our website, because the shown system also has an avatar that looks like the Tux which points directly to our model V!™/Speedvan™.
  • Cable News Network: After we busted a defrauding manufacturer of electric cars (see Investigations::Car #310 of the of 4th this month above) the media company broadcasted an interview with a so called expert by talking all the time over a "game changer" as an attempt to attack our found out facts and to downplay our develop- ments like the Quasiturbine - The Game Changer. One argument was that the efficiency of the electric drivetrain will be doubled in the next years in relation to our explanation that the efficiency of com- bustion engines come very close to the one of electric motors. We also said that the whole concept has to be seen and in this respect there is one point already doubtlessly clear today: The future is div- ersified and our Looped Fuel Cell™ electric as well as hybrid drive- trains are leading the way, while nuclear energy in a car is not really an option.
    Besides this, we can see with the fake company Tesla Motors a ma- ssive subvention of a company by a government, which in this way is not allowed by the World Trade Organization, as far as we do know.
  • Bertelsmann→N-TV: For a report about the launch of a car with hybrid drivetrain essential keywords have been stolen from our website by Style of Speed™, that are "range extender", "Fahrspass", "equipment" and "30,000". Seems to be not much, but it is enough.
  • General Motors→Opel: The claim by its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) that the marque is leading the way in the field of Pure Electric™ drivetrains is just only a marketing lie.
    Besides this, the design of the rear bumper of one of its models looks like the rear bumpers of many conversions of the model Panamera of the manufacturer Volkswagen→Porsche.

    Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, Multimedia and Robotics

  • International Business Machines: Since around two years we only have waited for exactly this marketing hoax with exactly that messy computer system called Watson. Moreover, this a further time that contents, concepts and technologies have been stolen in conjunct- ion with our Ontologic System®™ and Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™ for stealing our show and drawing attention away from us.
    In detail, the base of the presented computer system is in fact the more than 20 years old approach of the so called expert system in opposition to our OntoLinux™ as described on the related webpage Overview. Moreover, we can see that it was built following the artif- icial intelligence group of our OntoLab™ - The Lab of Visions and its three goals that are listed in the section Künstliche Intelligenz==Art- ificial Intelligence (AI) on the webpage Weiche Bionik (Softbionics™) of the OntoLab™ website. This claim is clearly proved by comparing the features of the presented computer system with each of the three goals in the following way: The presented computer system has a speech interface with natural language processing capability, which is the first goal that demands for enhanced user interfaces. Furthermore, it is based on the expert system approach, which since more than ten years is said to have failed to reach the goals of AI. So we have here the second goal that resulted on the research of the traditional fields of AI to which expert systems belong. And final- ly, the shown computer system runs on a high-performance comput- er platform, which reflects the third goal that is regarded with auto- nomic computing by applying sophisticated high-performance comp- uter platforms. In this case here no automation can be seen at all, but just only the application of brute force for the realization of a special expert system by scaling up the underlying hardware. Besides this, exactly the same expert systems like this have been shown many times in at least the last 20 years. But even more worse is the fact that the database of the expert system was filled up with sub- jective knowledge that was taken from articles of the last ten years which were published in privately owned newspapers and a World Wide Web encyclopedia. In the last years, we already have proved and documented that all of these information sources are not qualifi- ed for feeding the knowledge bases of such expert systems due to the given vague informations, marketing-driven informations, wrong facts and missing essential facts that reflect the truth. For example, every competent person does know and says that the encyclopedias based on the wiki approach are not qualified to do thorough scientif- ic work and even the application of the ontology-oriented paradigm won't help in this case. The chance to build up a knowledge base in a corrrect way was thrown away in the last five years by the gov- ernments of and research institutes in the U.S.A., Australia, Japan and European nations like the U.K., B.R.D. and France, and there is no indication that a third chance will come. Furthermore, extremely worse is also the fact, even if taken by itself only, that the present- ed expert system uses techniques of statistical computation for its decision making on top of its wrongly feeded knowledge base. That is kerfuffle squared and attention has to be paid: That computer system is the next component of Nasty AI, if in this case we can speak about AI at all (see also the section Friendly AI on our web- page Terms of the 21st Century).
    Like the test, we should better say marketing fuss, before with play- ing chess, the test of the presented computer system with a well- known quiz show was again the absolute wrong way to show artific- ial intelligence or at least to prove a fundamental scientific break- through. The correct set up for such a test is given, if the human players are also allowed to use technologies that apply brute force methods, which means that every human player who attend such a test as competitor gets also the same computer system as an assi- stance system and than play again one of these computer systems. Otherwise the situation is like a test that is done to find out if a hu- man can run as fast as a car can drive, can jump as high as a plane can fly, or can swim as deep as a submarine can dive. Or explained in other words: These kinds of tests are pure nonsense and seem to be made only for the yellow press/media. That on one hand the company International Business Machines don't feel ashamed of itself to come up with such a huge cheap trick and on the other hand nearly the whole world has fallen for that swindle says all again. It would be better, if large companies and research institutes get a prohibition to develop this kinds of systems.

    The claim of other persons that the decisions made by such an ex- pert system does not exhibit the needed level of quality, so that a human can only use it as an assistant system, is correct. Even more worse is the fact that the intellectual performances of such expert systems are hardly verifiable and evaluable without other highly specialized expert systems, which again can't be verified and evalu- ated in the end by a human. The other claim by the same persons that a computer system won't ever be capable of behaving auto- nomously on par with a human is wrong. In stark contrast to this stands our Ontologic System®™ and Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™ that is designed from the base to stay absolute- ly stable and just only deliver totally exact expertises and decisions, like for example in the whole field of surgery, inclusive the analysis, the decision making and the autonomous robot-based surgical oper- ations.

    Investigations::Car #312

  • Volkswagen→Porsche: We do not know why other companies and their marques are able to offer a car like the Panamera 2+2 Cabrio now. Do we have to cut one Panamera into two pieces, shorten one part and then nail the two pieces together again, at first? Everytime this and the other marques of the Volkswagen group were acting be- hind our back, and copying our conversions, website contents, con- cepts and technologies, but in this case we only here something like the manfacturing of such a model would not be possible. Nonsense, at least such a described mock up has to be shown since six month at the exhibitions.
  • Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini: For sure, we do quote out of the related press release about its new top model, because it is not its model all alone at all: "[...] equipment [...]", "[...] innovative mono- coque made from carbon-fiber [...] [Some of the panels of the body and monocoque made out of carbon fibre are fitted with aluminum pick-up points. For all readers who have not seen it before we once again show the carbon-fibre-based body and monocoque of the 333 ST and 9!™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] highly emotional [...]", "[...] pushrod suspension [...] [A comment to this is given later.]", "[...] hi-tech [...] highest quality [...] [We don't think that we have to say more than "High in Tech, Design, and Quality™" and "High- Quality by Design™".]", "Body/Style", "[...] beauty of [...] [Beauty Beast™]", "[...] clothed in the brand’s characteristic and distinctive design language [...] [We repeat our statement of the past as well: We don't think that the faceted design is the design language of the marque. Quite contrary, we have shown several times that it is bas- ed on the concept car GT 90 by the manufacturer Ford and a relat- ed sketche of our model D!™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] significant new edge [...] [see the comment about the quote before]", "[...] avantgarde work of art [...] [Despite that the exterior is just only illegally copied design as long as the original artist and the related works are not officially revealed, this phrase is also a speech act stealing.]", "[...] technical work of art [...] [see the comment about the quote before]", "[...] equipment [...] ["Equipment is all™"]", "[...] as in a modern airplane, the instruments are presented on a TFT- LCD screen using innovative display concepts [...] [We already call- ed this technology for example on the webpage of our model 9!™ by its true name: Glass cockpit.]", "[...] emotional gear shift [...] [We are sorry, but what does it wants to tell the public here?]", "[...] in- novative and highly sophisticated suspension concept. The pushrod spring and damper concept was inspired by Formula 1 [...] unique technology concept [...] [That's not quite true. In fact, the feature was added after we offered this kind of suspension as a performance option for our models Boxster GT and Cayman GT. Furthermore, as far as we do know the first production car that featured a carbon fibre-based monocoque with a push rod suspension was the model Enzo by Fiat→Ferrari and later its twin the model MC12 by Fiat→Ma- serati, but also the prototyp of our model B!™ both with the same monocoque as the model Enzo. Also, some aspects can easily be seen with the sibling of the model Enzo, our model 333 ST.]", "[...] perfectly with the style [...]", "[...] three of which are highly sophi- sticated matt tones [...] [How cheap its marketing sometimes is.]", "[...] no limits [...] [speech act stealing]".
    As we already mentioned, the edge that begins in front of the front wheel arch and ends in front of the rear wheel arch, and defines the large air intake for the cooling system was shown before with our model 9!™. In the same way the air intake in front of the rear wheel shows also a line of the sketch of a different version of the model Cayman GT.
    And to be honest, we wouldn't have taken a new name, but instead kept the name Murciélago and safed the new name for another mod- el.
  • Volkswagen→Bentley: A new version of an old model was present- ed with the usual marketing text. We quote some passages out of this text to document the case: "[...] radically styled [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] unique [the marque] spirit [...]", "[...] Quickshift [...] [Don't confuse this with our Active Shift™ system by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] fine tuning [...] [Everytime the same procedure. No, no, no: Fine Tuning™!!!™ Since years we can see now this be- haviour of stealing, stealing, stealing. Go away!!!™]", "[...] offers a reduction of up to 70 per cent in CO2 emissions [...] [So what are the true values? If this reduction is only achievable while driving downhill for about 5 kilometers, then this statement is worth noth- ing. Furthermore, don't be confused, because this value is meant in the context of biofuel usage and well-to-wheel analysis. Every veh- icle that drives by burning biofuel has such a reduction in CO2 emiss- ion.]", "[...] reduces unsprung [...] mass [...]", "[...] styled [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] styling [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] three [...] exterior paint colours [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] three- ply [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] complemented [...] [speech act steal- ing]", "Contemporary [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] contemporary [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] style [...]", "[...] theme [...] [Here it is meant the concept of the Interior Theme™, so we have here as well a speech act stealing.]", "[...] ice racing [...] racer [...] [For a better understanding of the whole case it is also helpful to read the case of the LA Auto Show→Design LA and the case of the marque Volkswagen→Audi, which participated in the design contest, in the Investigations::Car #188 of the 7th of November 2009, especially the sentence that contains "metapher of skating", the case of the Rheinische Post in the Investigations::Car #196 of the 22nd of Nov- ember 2009, here the reader can find eg. "ice and racer". This also proves again that the company Volkswagen knows our websites very well.]", "[...] highly-advanced touchscreen [...]" and "[...] comple- mented [...]".
    Finally, we would like to ask one question, which for sure is asked by many persons as well: Who needs a convertible that has reached 330.695 km/h/205.48 mph on ice?
  • Bayerische Motorenwerke: That only stealing company has also stolen contents, concepts and technologies for a second concept car that is shown at a large automotive exhibition (see also its case in the Investigations::Car #311 of yesterday). We have to docu- ment this case as well by the usual quoting: "[...] creation of inno- vative concepts for urban mobility [...] [story stealing]", "[...] driv- ing fun [...] [speach act stealing due to the labels of our models Just for Fun™ and Big Fun™, as well as our slogan "Fun to drive™"]", "[...] Rocketman [...]", "[...] 3+1-seater with 3 doors and a length of just over 3 metres [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] fundamental requirements of mobile lifestyles in the big cities of the future [...] [story steal- ing]", "[...] smile-inducing [...] [compare with the labels of our mod- els Just 4 :)™ (Just for Fun™) and :D™ (Big Fun™)]", "[...] talent for innovation [...] [In the meantime, we should better call it no tal- ent for stealing.]", "[...] vision [...] [OntoLab™ - The Lab of Vis- ions™]", "[...] pathbreaking [...] [In the context it is indeed speech act stealing.]", "[...] systematic application of lightweight design principles and a pure-bred interior geared to maximum driving fun [...] [story and speech act stealing due to our labels Just 4 :)™ (Just for Fun™) and :D™ (Big Fun™), as well as our slogan "Fun to drive™" and our trademark Fun Maximizer™]", "[...] three litres [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] style [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] maximum driving fun [...] [see the comment of a quote that contains the same phrase above]", "[...] three [...] [In the context it is indeed the 3 Theme.]", "[...] division [...]", "[...] operating logic [...] [Don't confuse this with our Ontologic System™ and Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™.]", "[...] contemporary [...]", "[...] desire for driving fun [...] [see again the related comments above]" and "[...] central control unit can be taken out of the car and con- figured on a computer before the journey begins to update navigat- ion destinations, the music playlist or contact details for mobile communications [...] [This is the stolen general concept behind the Interior Robots™ of the V!™/Speedvan™ as described by the text an images on its webpage, which makes the acting by that company a clear copyright infringement once again.]".
  • Tata→Jaguar: We found in a press release about a new version of one of its old models the following text passages and terms: "[...] passion [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] Performance active ex- haust [...] [Don't confuse this with our Active Clang™ system.]", "[...] reflected in both its interior and exterior styling [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] Computational Fluid Dynamics [...]", "[...] is clear [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] new cosseting Performance seats [...] [The shown seats remind us of the ones that were build into the model A5 RS by the marque Volkswagen→ Audi.]", "Styling", "[...] twin nacelles [...] [No, no link to the starship Enterprise is to be found here, but to our spaceship Twin Ion Engine Royal (TIE R)/LightSwift™.]", "[...] carbon-fibre diffuser [...] [A little bit late, isn't it?]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] true performance [...]", "[...] iconic [...]", "[...] styling has been driven by geometry [...] [Yeah, it's time to shout: HyperGotcha!!!™]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] keep the [car] at the forefront of modern sports car design [...] [Bad luck. Many of the other stealing companies already found out that Style and Speed™ defines this real forefront of modern sports cars.]", "[...] purity of line and singularity of purpose [...] [And again, it's time to shout: HyperGotcha!!!™ Compare this phrase with for example our trademarks Singular Power™, Singular Style™, Singular Speed™, Singular Passion™, Singular Innovation™, Singular Precision™, Singular Performance™, Singular Individuality™ and Singular Engineering™ to recognize the copyright infringement by this stolen story.]", "[...] Vulcan [...] [There is still no aerospace technology to be found here.]", "[...] Jaguar’s competition heritage: Italian Racing Red and French Racing Blue [...] [Oh, what an unbe- lievable high-ouch and marketing glitch: Where is the British Racing Green? Got it?]", "Third generation [...]", "[...] twin [...] supercharg- er [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] derivative [...]", "[...] smile of satisfaction [...] [Take a look at the labels of our models Just 4 :)™ (Just for Fun™) and :D™ (Big Fun™) and it will become clear that again a story was stolen. Now, the next infringement of our copy- right by that company is proved.]", "[...] strongly [...]", "[...] third generation [...]", "[...] three times [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] cylinder heads are now constructed from recycled aluminium to reduce the environmental impact of engine manufacture [...] [What a nonsense. It is well known that in general aluminum is recycled since decades due to the high energy needed for its production.]", "[...] active exhaust system [...] [As we said before: Don't confuse this with our Active Clang™ system.]", "[...] fundamental [...] [speech act steal- ing]", "[...] significantly [...]", "[...] Active Differential Control [...] [No, no, no, not this way: In this context it is a copyright infringe- ment, because it is related with our Active Differential™ technology at one axle and not between two axles.]", "[...] differential torque distribution [...]", "[...] equipped [...]", "[...] pad surface [...] [ How funny, this is the true nature of our Pad Computer™. In this con- junction, we mentioned the multi-touch functionality of multimedia tables of the second generation that indeed is also for example a part of the Surface software package by the company Microsoft and used by the IT-company for its multimedia tables of the second gen- eration.]", "[...] essential duality [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] pulsing like a heartbeat [...] [speech act stealing]" and "[...] first contact [...] [No, still no Star Trek to be found here.]".
  • Tata→Jaguar and Gruppo Bertone: In relation with a concept car by an Italian coachbuilder we found the following statements: "[...] signature [...]", "[...] B stands for [...] [... our model B!™]", "[...] classic style into the future [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] fascin- ating [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] fits perfectly into the D seg- ment [...] [It seems to be that we have here in fact the attempt to copy the story of our naming scheme, like for example at first the B!™ and now the D!™.]", "[...] strong [...] [Strong™]", "[...] three-volume architecture [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] minimalism [...] [Minimalistic Modern™]", "[...] also a full GT2 race version, maintaining the exceptional "double soul" tradition of the [] brand [...] [We think that in this way our acting is also copied. Without doubt, it already feels the breath of our model Panamera BB.]", "[...] division dedicated to renewable energy research [...] [We are more than only sure that this is also more about stealing from us than conducting own research.]" and "[...] first full electric car to break the 300 km/h speed barrier in the world [...] [But it could not create a momentum as we did in 2006 with our division Style of Speed™ and so Gruppo Bertone has become insolvent in 2007.]".
  • Spyker: Besides a concept car for its marque that is based on ma- ssive stolen contents, concepts and technologies of our business division Style of Speed™ (see below), a new race version of an old model was presented as well by using familiar speech acts. The rel- ated quotes done by us are: "[...] factory racing division [...]", "[...] next generation GT [...]", "[...] in conjunction [...]", "[...] division [...]" and "[...] GT racer [...] [SRacer™]".
    We think that the fact that the term GT can be found 13 times in its press release is enough for the claim that the company doesn't feel our breath but our tornado in its neck with our much superior models Cayman GT and Cayman BB by Style of Speed™.
    *** Fine tuning™ mode from here on ***
  • Spyker→Saab: While that small company already has lost its de- sign and style it finally lost its contenance as well. A concept car was presented that by its design and the related press release deliv- ers doubtlessly the proof that the company is thinking, like other small manufacturers as Proton→Lotus and larger ones as Bayerische Motorenwerke, that the contents of our website and our products by our business division Style of Speed™ are made for them. No, they aren't and we call this kind of acting by its name: crime. As usual, we document the case by quoting: "[...] the next generation [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] new architecture [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] aeromotional [...] [This points to our trademarks and slogans that contain the terms motion and emotion.]", "[...] passion for innovation that inspired the creators [...] [This statement is only a reformulation of our trademark With Passion™ and slogan "Inspirat- ion and Innovation™", as well as our other related trademarks and slogans.]", "[...] iconic [...]", "[...] liquid metal [...] [compare with our trademarks Liquid Diamond™, Liquid Ruby™, Liquid Magic™, Li- quid C™ and Liquid Carbon™]", "[...] jet canopy-inspired glasshouse [...] [This is a lie. Seen from above and the rear it is very easy to see that the teardrope shape of the glass roof with its extension on the front bonnet was clearly taken from our model B!™.]", "[...] mi- nimalist [...] [Minimalistic Modern™]", "[...] simplicity [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] IQon [...] [compare with our trademarks like eg. IQNav™ and IQRide™]", "[...] renaissance of the innovative spirit and passion [...] [Besides the fact that the wonderful basic design of the Ettore was labeled Renaissance by its designer John Mark Vi- cente, we can also see that again items of our webpage Disclaimer, like our slogan "Spirit. Passion. Arts™", have been copied. At this point the reader should be able to recognize that the whole text of the press release is a copyright infringement.]", "[...] emotion, power [...] [Respect our trademarks, slogans, like "Powered by Emotion™", and copyright, or go away.]", "[...] design theme [...]", "[...] tear- drop cabin [...] [As we explained before, it is nearly an exact copy of the upper part of our model B!™, which was originally designed by car design firm and coachbuilder Pininfarina for the companies Fiat→ Maserati and Motorola.]", "[...] the dark screen also bursts through the outer skin of the rear deck [...] [And again, it looks exactly like the teardrop cabin of our B!™ by Style of Speed™. Its additionally given explanation that it came from the so called Ursaab is a lie, be- cause that car has a different shape tahn the shown concept car.]", "[...] low, frontal styling features a stretched interpretation of [the marque's] signature three-port grille [...] [No, that's wrong. At the front we can see that its lower part as well as one side of the LED- based headlights follow the original design of the B!™. Now the true source of its concept car design should be proved.]", "[...] minimalist [...] [Minimalistic Modern™]", ]", "[...] styling themes [...] [Style of Speed™, Exterior Theme™ and Themed™]", "[...] minimalist [...] [Minimalistic Modern™]", "[...] head-up display [...] [This technology was also shown with the interior of the the original, the B!™.]", "[...] ground-breaking car communications platform using [a Linux® bas- ed] operating system [...] [Maybe the automotive industry still hasn't grasped the point: To describe an on-board computer feature that says something like a touch screen or a touch-sensitive area in conjunction with a Linux® based operating system in the automotive field is in fact an infringement of our copyright. Also, it should be easy to be recoginized that that company has stolen this feature as well from our website of Style of Speed™, because at many places OntoLinux™ is mentioned in conjunction with a touch screen, like for sure in relation with this investigative case on the webpage of our model B!™ but also of the model 9!™. ~This has to be proved in a better way.~]", "[...] pioneering 'open innovation' [...] [There should be no doubt that this open source innovation was stolen from us.]", "[...] emotion [...]", "[...] 1.6-litre turbo engine [...] [This reminds us of the hybrid extension of our Electric City Speeder™ (ECS) Cup!™.]" and "[...] three [...] modes [...]".
    There is another design element of our model B!™ taken for the exterior of the shown concept car, that is the lower part of the fender directly behind the front wheel arch. The front with its headlights and the teardrop cabin were already mentioned. Furthermore, the edges of the roof are ending at the a-pillar like it was shown with a sketch of the Cayman GT, while the concept of the rear lightband is for sure taken from the webpage of the j!™ and our Active Light™ technology with its "separately activated LEDs". We are also sure that the electrically-driven rear axle is based on one of our Active Differential™ architectures.
  • Aston Martin: "[...] ideal balance [...]", "[...] modern [cars of the company ...]", "[...] 100 years of automotive history has demonstrated evolution delivers the best solutions in time [...] [To say this in the context of cars is somehow nonsense, because evolution is acting on a time scale of thousands of years and not as in the case of that company in 100 years. It is also a speech act stealing because it is the general story of bionics which can be found already on the website of Style of Speed™.]", "[...] next level of evolution [...] [see also the section Bionic Vehicel]", "[...] architecture strategy [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] perfection [...]", "[...] perfect balance [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademark Brilliant Balance™]", "[...] tuned [...] refined [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademark Fine Tuning™]", "[...] Adaptive Damping System (ADS) intelligently 'reads' the road to provide optimum road holding, adapting to different conditions [...] [This somehow sounds like our Active Transmission™ technology.]", "[...] better balance [...]", "[...] takes inspiration from the aerospace industry where weight reduction is the ultimate goal [...] [So, here it wants to tell another story of Style of Speed™, as it can be seen by its sections Air and Space which makes it now a clear copyright infringement.]", "[...] Strong [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademark Strong™]", "[...] modular aluminium [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] pure [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] complexities [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] simplicity [...]", "[...] simplicity [...] [speech act stealing]", "Inspiration [...]", "Simplicity [...]", "[...] fully integrated Satellite Navigation system [...]" and "[...] equipment [...] [speech act stealing due to our slogan "Equipment is all™"]".
  • Fiat→Maserati: "[...] equipped [...]", "[...] MC Auto Shift software [...] [Don't confuse this with the Style of SpeedActive Shift™.]", "[...] active-suspension system [...] [ [Don't confuse this with the SOSActive Suspension system.]",
  • Hamann: The company reacted on our conversion Panamera BB, as the design of the bonnet with its air outlets (see this image of the Dodge Viper SRT-10), the rear bumper and the large rear wing clearly proves, and presented a conversion of a GT car that even was named Hawk as we think in relation to our trademark Hawk 333™.
    "[...] significantly sharper [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] significant [...]", "[...] power enhancement is the high-performance [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] components [...]", "[...] superior driving performance [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] perfectly balance [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademark Brilliant Balance™]" and "Equipped [...] [speech act stealing]".
  • Wiesmann: The company reacted finally and also presented a spyder concept following models like our 333 ST Barchetta and :D™ (Big Fun™). To its statement that it "is the leading manufactory of purist sports cars, combining classic design with state-of-the-art technology" we only say: This is definitely not the truth. Dream on.

    Comment of the Day
    Smart for style™ Smart 4 style™ Smart speed™ Smart 4 speed™
    High luxury™ High electric luxury™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have started to update our range of High Electric Luxury™ (HEL) Automobiles by adding our Looped Fuel Cell™ technology to the specifications of our models. The first model with this new drivetrain option is our Electric Spirit™.

    Besides this, we made an implicitly given feature explicit by adding to the specifications of our models Boxster GT, Boxster BB, Cayman GT and Cayman BB the Active Shift™ system.

    *** Fine tuning™ mode ***
    Investigations::Car #313

  • Toyota: One point that becomes highly curious these days again is that this company must be more clever than the other manufacturers, because it either steals more without being catched or is very respecting friend- and partnership. Actually, it is still the largest manufacturer, but in stark contrast to this fact this is not reflected in our Investigations::Car. Or will it gain momentum in the next future?
  • Mazda: see the general meaning of the case about the company Toyota

  • Volkswagen→Audi: "[...] operating system, to the high-tech infotainment system [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademark Hightech Operating System™]", "[...] sporty elegance [...] [Don't confuse this with our slogan "Spirit of Elegance™".]", "[...] three-dimensional [...]", "[...] evolution [...]", "[...] groundbreaking innovation [...] [speech act stealing]", "Harmonious [...]", "[...] one-third [...] two-thirds [...] [It's still the 3 Theme.]", "[...] intelligent interplay [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] three dimensions [...]", "[...] visual accompaniment to the system’s [...] sound [...] [Sound Vision™]", "[...] boldly [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] complemented [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] display is user-programmable [...] [We already described this feature on the webpage of the model Cup!™.]", "In terms of infotainment, the [...] concept [car] shows why the brand is leading the competition. [No, that's not true.]", "[...] provides full access to the Internet, allowing the car to retrieve convenient services from [...] [... only one service provider]", "[...] thermo-management system and a energy recovery system – technologies from the brand’s modular efficiency platform [...] [Don't confuse this with our Energy Regeneration and Recovery options.]", "[...] lightning speed [...] [Besides that it is speech act stealing, it is in the context also by law illegal marketing.]" and "[...] superior [...] [speech act stealing]".
  • Bayerische Motorenwerke: As we already mentioned, one of the three concept cars shown on a large automotive exhibition is based on contents, concepts and technologies that was stolen by that only stealing company from our website by Style of Speed™. Now we have the press release that proves that for the related marketing efforts again copyrighted contents was stolen. We quote out of the press release to document the new serious criminal acting: "[...] significant [...] [speech act stealing]", "It is the world’s first battery electric vehicle for the ultra-luxury segment [...] [We are not sure if this is really the case.]", "[...] investigation [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] Phantom Experimental Electric (EE) [...] [No, no, no: Again, respect our copyright and trademarks like 9EE™, Phantom E™ and Electric Phantom™ or better go away directly!!!™ Tool late is too late.]", "[...] Phantom EE [...] [No, no, no: Phantom E™!!!™]", "[...] fundamental [...] [speech act stealing]", "Reinvention is part of being timeless [...] [What that company means is that stealing is part of its acting.]", "[...] two electric motors mounted on the rear sub-frame [...] These motors are connected to a single speed transmission with integrated differential. [That company wanted to avoid a copyright infringement due to the description of our Active Differential™ #2 - The SuperArchitecture, but that doesn't help. It seems to be still a copyright infringement, because we think that essential parts have been copied from the webpage of our Active Differential™ for its drivetrain description. To make the case tangible: As long as our webpage is used for describing a similar drivetrain, as long it is an infringement of our copyright. In fact, it's that easy. Besides this, that combination is nonsense, because in this configuration one electric motor is used as it is described with our Electric Torque Vectoring™ Active Differential™ #1 for the reasons of efficiency and maintenance.]", "[...] fundamentally [...]", "[...] electricluxury [...] [No, no, no: Besides that this is damaging our trademark E Luxury™ it is also based on our story of our range of E-Luxury™ Cars. So again, we have here the next evidence of the copyright infringement.]", "[...] perfectly complements [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] styling [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] iconic [...]", "[...] Spirit [...] [E Spirit™ and Electric Spirit™]", "[...] electric luxury [...] [see the related comment above]", "[...] evolutionary designs [...] [speech act stealing due to the Bionic Vehicel story we already have started to tell]", "[...] tricolour [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] blue light [...] display turns green [...] red light [...] [We have mentioned this point already in its case in the Investigations::Car #311 of the 1st of this month.]", "Three separate charger units [...]", "Induction Charging", "To present Rolls-Royce owners with a vision of a potential solution to these problems, Phantom EE is testing a technology called induction charging.", "[...] hinting at the potential for a network of remote charging facilities [...]", "[...] wireless electricity [...] transfer [The term was written under a graphic that without doubts shows our Electric Phantom™, exactly as it was described in our descriptions and the car's specification. Following the handling of such cases in the field of movies, we have here an unmistakable copyright infringement. As a sponsor of events in this field that company is aware of this general fact, for sure.]", "[...] pad [...] [By the way: Our irail™ system must not have two rails parallel-arranged.]", "[...] tolerant to parking [...]", "[...] compensation capacitors [...] [This was stolen from the description of our AeroAccu™/AeroBatterie™ technology, which for sure is planned to be stolen as well by that only stealing company.]", "The transmitter pad has been constructed to shield magnetic fields to prevent EMI egress to bystanders and the system operates well within internationally agreed limits. [This explanation is also related with our irail™ system, because the Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) technology was exactly developed by Intel and chosen by us due to this reason as well.]", "[...] 21st Century [...] [This was said in relation to the webpage Terms of the 21st Century on the website of our Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™.]",
    There was also another model presented and in relation to this we found again parts of our intellectual properties: "[...] intensive research and development activities in the field of electric mobility [...] [So, why are the presented results of its stealing only our solutions?]", "[...] tangible reality [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] purely electrically [...] [No, no, no: Purely Electric™!!!™]", "[...] findings [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] groundbreaking [...]", "[...] innovative lightweight construction and intelligent engine management [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] realise additional economy advantages through the further electrification of the drive train and hybridisation [...] [But the cost of its infringement of our copyrights will be immense.]", "[...] regeneratively produced hydrogen [...] [This is again a clear evidence of its permanent copyright infringements. In this case the phrase points directly to our Looped Fuel Cell™.]", "[...] equipped with three large energy storage units [...] three large energy storage units located at the front end as well as the tunnel and tank [...] [Exactly like the manufacturer Daimler and we with our model Jota™ described it before.]", "[...] original vehicle [...] [In the context it is speech act stealing.]", "[...] intelligent integration [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] high voltage [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademarks, sign and slogans like "It's High-Voltage™"]", "[...] battery fluid containers [...] [Interesting, isn't it?]", "[...] clearly [...] [In the context it is speech act stealing.]", "[...] purely electrically [...] [No, no, no: Purely Electric™. Go away!!!™]", "[...] eDrive [...] [:Drive™ and E:Drive ™]", "[...] complemented [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] complements [...]", "[...] active schematic [...]", "[...] driving style [...] [:Drivestyle™]", "[...] heart of [...] the electric motor [...]", "[...] is reflected [...]", "[...] transmission with differential is integrated into the modified rear-axle support [...] [This points to our Active Differential™ #1.]", "[...] using the electric motor’s zero momentum control, thereby utilising its own kinetic energy to move forward [...] [Maybe the reader hasn't seen it immediately: That company wants to tell us something about a flywheel-like mode of the electric motor. But this is already described on the webpage of our Active Motor™. Without doubt, this is another evidence for its permanent copyright infringement.]", "[...] recuperative brake torque [...] drive-active vehicle dynamics interface, "Stability Management for Regeneration", in order to also ensure adequate vehicle stability during recuperation. The familiar traction control system ASC and Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) have been adapted to the specific characteristics of the electric drive train. Based on various parameters, Stability Management for Regeneration adapts the recuperation level to each driving situation, combining the highest level of recuperation with best possible vehicle stability when decelerating in any situation. [Doubtlessly, here that only stealing company has stolen an essential function of our Active Differentials™, that we described with "intelligent Active Control Management System, which centrally controls all Active Components [...] integrated the classical technologies of an Electric Drivetrain, [(]a Torque Vectoring Differential,[)] an Electronic Stability Control System and a Brake Energy Recovering System in one system". This is as well called copyright infringement.]", "[...] battery housing with integrated liquid cooling system [...] [This was also described before on the website of Style of Speed™.]", "[...] significantly [...]", "Intelligent battery management [...]", "Everything from a single source [...] [As everybody can see, this is now a lie again, becasue our business division Style of Speed belongs in no way to that company. We do respect other humans and their properties.]", "[...] harmonious [...]" and "[...] superior [...]".
    With our drivetrain systems most of its so called intelligent management is obsolete, because for example we don't need all of those preconditioning or range estimation fuss with our Looped Fool Cell™ technology, which once again clearly proves who is the true Hightech Competence™ and who is only stealing company. Business is not this way!

    How long should the community tolerate this charade by the compa- ny Bayerische Motorenwerke?

  • Bertelsmann→Motor Presse Stuttgart→auto motor und sport: As we presented our range of electric luxury automobiles with the section E Luxury™ and the related webpages of our models, that media company said in its television broadcast in a report about the base giving and at that time new model by the marque Volkswagen→Bentley of our Electric Spirit™ that this electrification of High Luxury Automobiles™ (HLA) would make no sense.
  • Daimler→Mercedes-Benz→Smart: "[...] smart forspeed [...] [Smart for fun™]", "[...] proving that electric mobility can be fun [...] [This is now a clear evidence again of the copyright infringement due to the stolen Fun Theme and the damaging of our slogan "Fun to drive™. It would be better if she gives back her doctor title due to criminal acting.]", "[...] much fun it is to drive electric [...] [This story was stolen from the webpages of our models Just 4 :)™ (Just For Fun™), Bug!™ or Bee!™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] great fun to drive [...] [speach act stealing due our trademarks Smart fun™ and Smart for fun™, as well as our slogan "Fun to drive™]", "[...] contemporary [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] fun factor [...]", "[...] style [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] next generation [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] smart forspeed [...]", "[...] escooter [...] [No, no, no: They can repeat it as long as they want but the fact still holds: E Scooter™. Too late is too late.]", "[...] bold [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] purist [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] pioneer for a new paradigm of mobility [...] [What a marketing nonsense, which is so typical for that marque.]", "[...] smart is a pioneer in modern electric mobility [...] [This is a criminal lie.]", "[...]driving fun [...] [see the related comment above]", "[...] formal unit [...] [And we are close before to get a formal headache by that nonsense.]", "[...] modern [...]", "[...] purist [...] [Pure smart™, Purely smart™ and :pure™ :P]", "[...] equipment [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] for fun [...] [Smart for fun™]" and "[...] active safety [...]".

    How long should the community tolerate this charade by the compa- ny Daimler?

  • Chrysler & Fiat→Dodge: Besides the new cars shown at a large exhibition a new version of an actual model was presented. We have some quotes out of the related marketing text collected: "Green [...]", "[...] quality and precision [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] rail-like [...] [This is speech act stealing due to irail™ and a graphic about the general concept of our TIE R/LightSwift™.]", "[...] equipment [...]", "[...] styled in the spirit [...] [speech act stealing due ot our traemark Spirit of Style™]", "[...] style with a modern [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] race-inspired [...]", "[...] inspired standing starts [...] [Ah, what? Is there even an emotional gear shift at first?]", "[...] active intake manifold [...] [In former times and in this context this was called variable, so we have a speech act stealing.]" and "[...] equipped [...] [speech act stealing]".
  • Fiat→Alfa Romeo: "[...] brand's values: performance, [...] style and technical excellence aimed at maximum driving pleasure [...] [A look on our webpage Disclaimer clarifies immediately where this statement was copied from, as trademarks like Performance Style™ and slogans like "Competence with Excellence™", "Spirit of Excellence" and so on easily prove.]", "[...] reflect the car's sporting spirit [...]", "Quite simply, [...] [In the context it is speech act stealing.]", "[...] philosophy [...]", "[...] significant [...]", "[...] revolutionary scavenging control system which eliminates turbo lag [...] [We are sure that this is functioning like the Anti-Lag System as used by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] DNA technology perfectly [...]" and "[...] true philosophy [...]".
  • PSA Peugeot Citroën: In conjunction with a design contest at an already several times convicted college of art in the U.K. we found the following text passages about a winning three wheel electric vehicle and it's up to the reader to make up her/his mind: "[...] visionary designs [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] Style Centre and Electric Vehicle Development [...] [This sounds somehow very familiar.]", "[...] bold [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] styling [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] innovative hub-less design [...]", "[...] significant [...]", "[...] Style Graphique [...]" and "[...] electric visions [...] [speech act stealing]".
  • Edo Competition: We found not much, but before someone thinks at that company to be more (not) clever we do quote: "[...] more power ... [...] [In this context it is speech act stealing due to our slogan "More Power - More Speed - More Fun™".]", "Complementing [...]", "[...] beautifully [...] [Believe us, this is not the term usually used in conjunction with a giant rear wing of a modified Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini Murciélago.]", "[...] plasma- [...] process that has been used in the aerospace industry for years [No, no aerospace here, but the links to our Active Plasma Accelerator™, and our spaceships like the X-3^3™ and Twin Ion Engine Royal (TIE R)/LightSwift™.]", "[...] in light of the extra power [...]".
  • Novitec Rosso: "[...] twin-compressor [...]", "[...] the world leader in tuning for the sports cars from Maranello [...] [Dream on.]", "[...] equipped [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] management coordinates the perfect interaction of all components of the twin-compressor conversion [...]", "[...] sport springs lower the center of gravity [...] [But the in its press release before mentioned new wheels heightens the center of gravity by their larger dimensions. So what now?]". There is also a statement by one of its partners which says: "If you don't see it in our website then it probably isn't good enough". For sure, we have a totally different point of view about that nonsense: If you don't see us from Style of Speed in a website than it isn't good enough or just only stealing from us.
    Besides this, it named a conversion 606 in relation to SOS™ and tried to jump on the bandwagon of the 3 Theme.
  • Gumpert & Touring Superleggera: "[...] complementing [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] style model [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] street legal racing cars [...] [speech act stealing due to our two sections Street Legal and Racing by SOS™]", "[...] fundamentals [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] genetic code [...] [No, no biotech or bionics to be found here.]", "[...] masterpieces [...] [No, no, no: The Masterpiece™!!!™ Not this way. Furthermore, the related story was stolen at least from our model M!™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] singular [...] [This is again speech act stealing due to our trademarks Singular Power™, Singular Style™, Singular Speed™, Singular Passion™, Singular Innovation™, Singular Precision™, Singular Performance™, Singular Individuality™ and Singular Engineering™, as well as our slogan "Elemental. Fundamental. Singular™". Go away!!!™]", "[...] high quality engineering [...] ["HighQuality and Style™" and ]", "[...] better performance [...]", "[...] spirit [...] [In the context this is speech act stealing.]", "Architecture [Don't be confused, because there is no architecture.]", "[...] formal language [...] [Again we are close before to get a formal headache by that nonsense.]", "[...] balanced front wings [...] [Mmmh, what?]", "[...] reflecting [...]", "[...] reflects [...]", "[...] greenhouse [...] [Yes, that's a very good idea, because now we do know for what that car is best: Cultivating pizza-tomatoes.]", "[...] superior potential and performance [...]", "[...] fascinating [...]", "[...] pure [...]", "Alongside the V8 power unit, an alternative powered [version] is also planned [...] [Like we already have with the Cayman based models.]", "[...] best driving performance [...] [again a clear speech act stealing due to our slogan "Drive best™"]" and "[...] finely tuned [...] [speech act stealing due to our trademark Fine Tuning™]".

    Comment of the Day
    Reenergizer™ Reenergizing system™ Reenergierungssystem™
    E HLA™ E-HLA™ E•HLA™

    intelliTablet (iTablet) Website update
    Due to new accumulators delivered by our supplier we were able to reduce the thickness of our whole product range of the original Pad Computer™/P@d™ by 3.5 millimeters.

    The updated specifications with the added MobileKinetic feature as well as the new dimensions of our intelliTablet (iTablet) in the slate, booklet, pad and portfolio styles are given as follows:

    intelliTablet/iTablet SZ530

    • Style: Slate
    • Display: 9.7" Multi-touch (1024×786)
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 15.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 11.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 900 hours/37.5 days
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 240×187×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 665/1.47
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 489 USD

    intelliTablet/iTablet SZ530 3G

    • Style: Slate
    • Display: 9.7" Multi-touch (1024×786)
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 15.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 11.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 900 hours/37.5 days
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 240×187×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 725/1.6
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 649 USD

    intelliTablet/iTablet SN450

    • Style: Slate
    • Display: 9.7" Multi-touch (1024×786)
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 15.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 11.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 900 hours/37.5 days
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 240×187×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 665/1.47
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 549 USD

    intelliTablet/iTablet SN450 3G

    • Style: Slate
    • Display: 9.7" Multi-touch (1024×786)
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic, Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 15.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 11.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 900 hours/37.5 days
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 240×187×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 725/1.6
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 699 USD

    The Original Fun Pad™

    intelliTablet/iTablet BTZ530

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 1× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
      1× 7" Touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full)
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 725/1.6
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 579 USD or 469 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BTZ530 3G

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 1× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
      1× 7" Touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full)
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 785/1.73
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 739 USD or 589 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BTSN450

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 1× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
      1× 7" Touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full)
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 725/1.6
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 629 USD or 519 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BTN450 3G

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 1× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
      1× 7" Touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full)
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 785/1.73
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 789 USD or 639 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BMTZ530

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 2× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 725/1.6
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 599 USD or 489 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BMTZ530 3G

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 2× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 785/1.73
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 759 USD or 609 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BMTN450

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 2× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 725/1.6
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 649 USD or 539 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet BMTN450 3G

    • Style: Booklet
    • Displays: 2× 7" Multi-touch (800×480 native, 1024×786 full),
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14.5 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.5 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 190×130×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 190×286×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 785/1.73
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 809 USD or 659 Euro

    Your windows to the world™

    intelliTablet/iTablet PZ530

    • Style: Pad
    • Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2170/4.78
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 939 USD or 759 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PZ530 3G

    • Style: Pad
    • Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2260/4.98
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1099 USD or 889 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PN450

    • Style: Pad
    • Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2170/4.78
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 989 USD or 799 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PN450 3G

    • Style: Pad
    • Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic, Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2260/4.98
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1149 USD or 929 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PPZ530

    • Style: Portfolio
    • Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2180/4.81
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1009 USD or 819 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PPZ530 3G

    • Style: Portfolio
    • Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
    • Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 32 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2270/5.00
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1169 USD or 949 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PPN450

    • Style: Portfolio
    • Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2180/4.81
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1059 USD or 859 Euro

    intelliTablet/iTablet PPN450 3G

    • Style: Portfolio
    • Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
    • Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
    • Storage: 2 GB RAM, 64 GB
    • Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
    • Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
    • Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
    • Operating system: OntoLinux™ (includes Ontoscope™, OntoFS™ Journal and Glassy™ technology)
    • Assistance system: MobileKinetic™ and AITouch™ Journal (in- cludes handwriting and voice recognition)
    • Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible™
    • Accu duration WWW mode: 14 hours
    • Accu duration full mode: 10.2 hours
    • Accu duration standby: 810 hours
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×17
    • Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×8.5
    • Weight in g/lb: 2270/5.00
    • Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1219 USD or 989 Euro

    Your windows for creative visions™™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We mentioned on the webpage of our Regenerative Catalysator te- chnology the application of biofuels, which yields in a nearly totally balanced carbon footprint independent of the fuel consumption.

    Besides this, we have finished to update all of the other webpages of our High Electric Luxury™ (HEL) Automobiles by the addition of the optionally Supercharged Looped Fuel Cell™ technology to thei specifications.

    We also publicated the webpage of our new iarm Reenergizing Syst- em.

    We added to the specification of our E-SUVs and E-HLAs the feature of the iarm compatibility.

    And all versions of our Electric Super Sports Car™ models Raptor, RE, Apollo Speed-E, Jota, 9EE and Pan have now as performance option a push rod suspension. More models of our range of E-Con- versions will follow in the next future.

    Investigations::Car #314

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: That criminal working group of german broadcasters used the discussion about the fuel blend E10, which is a mix of normal fuel with 10% ethanol, and our Style of Speed Website update of today (see above) to claim that the only solution to get a balanced carbon footprint is the reduction of the consumption of oil. But as we already documented (see the Invest- igations of the 2nd of December 2010) that working group already reacted in the past on the presentation of our on the fly Regenerat- ive Catalysis™ and reported about the optimization of the basic chemical process in the petrochemical industry by applying the same fundamental approach as it is used with the Regenerative Catalysat- or™ of the first generation, which we have developed further to its second generation. As the next step we even developed with this solution our technology of the Looped Combustion Engine™ and Looped Combined Combustion Engine™ (LCCE). And as we explained before the publication of its report, a nearly totally balanced carbon footprint independent of the fuel consumption can be achieved by applying our Regenerative Catalysator™. This misleading of and lying to the public by that working group must be declared as a crime against the humanity.
  • Renault and Nissan: Maybe the espionage case is constructed by those only stealing companies themselves to draw attention away from our business division Style of Speed™, because we are the inventors of many technologies in the field of electric drivetrains which have been stolen by both companies.

    Comment of the Day
    Ultra luxury™ Ultra electric luxury™
    E ULA™ E-ULA™ E•ULA™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have added to the webpage of our model Boxster GT two imag- es that show the performance option of the push rod suspension, which as a feature was already described in the Further steps of the 6th of September 2010 and its specification just from its first public- ation on the the 15th of September 2010. The same suspension is also offered for all other models that are based on the same chassis, like our Raptors and Caymans.

    *** Fine tuning™ mode ***
    Investigations::Car #315

  • General: After the last large motor show we got the impression, that nearly the whole automotive industry and the related media is thinking that our company is a self-service for its research and development projects, designs and styles, technologies, marketings including press releases and commercials, as well as coverage contents. No, it is not!!!™

  • Volkswagen: With the slogan "Drive a smile" the company copied the story of our model names that include emoticons, like the Just 4 :)™ (Just for Fun™), :D™ (Big Fun™) and many of our street legal motocycles.
  • Volkswagen→Skoda: For a concept car the label Vision D and the white paintjob were chosen, which doubtlessly points to our tradmarks and slogans that contain "vision" and our model D!™ that has become so many times in the past with the round and edgy as well as faceted design languages now a vision for the manufacturer Volkswagen (see for example the cases of the marque Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini in the Investigations::Car #288 of the 30th of September 2010 and #312 of the 2nd of this month) and designers.
  • Volkswagen→Porsche: Finally, the Boxster E with two electric motors in the rear was presented (see also the Investigations::Car #303 of the 19th of December 2010). Hopefully, we don't need to explain one more time that this car is our electric conversion Raptor with our ingenious Active Differential #2 - The SuperArchitecture as drivetrain. Result: Copyright infringement.
  • Artega: That company has presented an Electric Sports Car like our Raptor and called it SE in relation to the short name of our Apollo Speed-E™ (Apollo SE). In this way it should be not surprising that the presented car was painted in nearly the same yellow colour and that for its drivetrain our Active Differential #2 - The SuperArchitecture was stolen as well. We don't need to take a closer look at its marketing to make the statement, that we have here a clear copyright infringement that simply followed boldly the case of the marque Daimler→Mercedes-Benz in the Investigation #270 of the 2nd of July 2010.
  • Abt: That stealing company called a wheel Superlight™ and is damaging knowingly our trademark.
  • Fisker: Suddenly that only stealing company wants to produce electric cars with four-cylinder, petrol-powered, range-extender engines. Despite that it claimed all the years for a sports car with Pure Electric™ drivetrain it suddenly jumped on our two bandwagons of E-Luxury™ Cars and hybrid drivetrains with exactly this kind of range extending hybrid extension architecture that we have mentioned around more than a year before in the specifications of our E-SUVs™ and E-City™ Cars. "[...] styling, power or price [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] responsible luxury [...]", "[...] close to the Porsche Panamera petrol-electric hybrid [...] [Oh, come on. He can't be serious. Besides this, he seems to have finally found out why we have taken the model Panamera by the marque Volkswagen→Porsche as the base for our model Pan and in this way pushed him out of business.]", "[...] power, beauty and freedom [...] [speech act stealing]" and "You may be able to get power and beauty in an electric car [...] [Blah blah blah]".
    Indeed, he is only a fraudster without competence nor even another strategy than stealing. Every invested US Dollar is a lost Dollar.
  • DBM Energy: Surprise, surprise, surprise: Not really a surprise is that its electric vehicle was destroyed by a fire at the end of 2010. Guess why (see the Investigations::Car #295 of the 26th of October 2010 and its case in #301 of the 8th of December 2010)! Furtermore, we don't expect that that company will build up a second car that is identical in all aspects with the frist one.

  • British Broadcasting Corporation: That media company reported about an electrified Phantom of the marque Bayerische Motorenwerke→Rolls Royce that applies a wireless energy inductive charging system, but despite better knowledge refused to name the original source of the whole concept and misled again its readers. In fact the whole shown concept car is based our model Electric Phan- tom™/Phatnom E™ with a similar wireless energy transmission system like our irail™, which is also listed in the specification of our Electric Ultra-Luxury Automobile.

    Due to the fact that the Web 2.0 with its technologies like wikis, so called social networks, and data sharing portals for objects like soft- ware, music, photos and videos, is a giant attack against the copy- right, it is for sure no tool to develop the democracy further. Quite contrary, due to the fact that nearly all better know Web 2.0 web- sites are owned by private persons, or/and established as part of their personal or/and company's business strategies, especially their marketing, and the goal to collect and sell informations about their users as well as sell advertising spaces, and precisely not to make the world a better place by giving their users the possibility to pub- licate, and/or up- and download protected intellectual properties, they're working more against the principles of democracies.

    Comment of the Day
    "I paint in bits."
    And you, still in oils?


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Als eine Reaktion auf unsere voll- kommen berechtigte Kritiken an Web 2.0 Technologien und (anti-)so- zialen Netzwerken sowie an den öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien in der B.R.D. versucht die ARD ihre mit GEZ-Gebühren illegal finanzierten Aktivitäten bei einem dieser sozialen Netzwerke zu verteidigen indem unter anderem durch Angabe der Anzahl verlinkter Benutzer ein Er- folg versucht wird zu suggerieren. Doch auf der einen Seite ist die Nutzung des in privater Hand befindlichen Web 2.0 Dienstes keine Unterstützung der geforderten und durch die GEZ-Gebühren finan- zierten Neutralität, so haben der Betreiber und die BesitzerInnen des Dienstes bereits zugegeben, dass der soziale Netzwerkdienst durch Analyse der Benutzerkonten -und verhaltensweisen als auch durch die auf diesen Analyseergebnissen aufbauende Werbung und deren Verkauf an Dritte finanziert wird. Auf der anderen Seite ist die ange- gebene Anzahl von Personen so gering, dass man auch hier die Frage nach der Sinnhaftigkeit stellen muss mit der einhergehenden Forde- rung keine GEZ-Gebühren und auch Steuergelder mehr für diese als auch andere Aktivitäten wie etwa der genauso unsinnigen Entwick- lung von gerätespezifischen Anwendungen (App(lication)s) zu ver- wenden.
    Das Argument, dass man bei den öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien mo- derne Kommunikationstechnologien nutzen darf und muss gilt so nicht, da der Auftritt im World Wide Web (WWW) vollkommen ausrei- chend ist um diesem Anspruch Genüge zu tragen und zudem mit die- sem WWW-Auftritt auch die gleichen Technologien problemlos ver- wendet werden können um eigene Dienste zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die ganzen anderen Aktivitäten können diese Rundfunkanstalten ger- ne alle so machen nachdem sie privatisiert wurden.

    Investigations::Avionics and Aerospace

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Cable News Network: In conjunction with the final scheduled mission of the spacecraft Discovery, which has "made 39 flights and 13 journeys to the international space station", the actor William Shatner "reprised his role" as captain of the spaceship USS Enterprise James T. Kirk by saying over the Theme from Star Trek™: "Space, the final frontier. These have been the voyages of the space shuttle Discovery. Her 30-year mission: To seek out new science. To build new outposts. To bring nations together on the final frontier. To boldly go, and do, what no spacecraft has done before" "to wake up the crew of the space shuttle Discovery at 3:23 a.m. ET Monday." In addition a video was shown by the media company that was started at 6:36 a.m. ET Monday. In this relation we would like to point to our air- ships, the Space Transportation System (STS) with Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) of the Next Generation (NG), Space Shuttle NG X-3033 /MagicStar™, and Twin Ion Engine Royal (TIE R)/LightSwift™ of SOS™.

    Comment of the Day
    Pull E-Mail™

    The question how a life cycle assessment is calculated is discussible, for sure. But some facts should be taken for granted:
    1. One of the ideas behind biofuels is to reduce the quantity of add- itional CO2 besides the other so called greenhouse gases that are blown into the atmosphere by burning crude oil.
    2. The production and distribution of biofuels need energy, that in the end could be based on renewable energy as well.
    3. This is rocket science, so ask the NASA for basic methods, data and calculations.
    4. If nobody starts now, the job will never be done.

    In general, the argument that biofuels, especially ethanol/ethyl alco- hol based, are and have to be produced at the expense of foods is totally wrong. For example, since some years processes are succ- essfully applied that don't transform the corns of the crop, but only the rest, also known as straw, that never goes into a bread. Other processes use other kinds of biomass that also have nothing to do with foods at all. Furthermore, we have presented in 2009 besides the project Algal Energy our Fungi Energy project, which for example can be used both for the production of hydrocarbon based fuel-like chemicals, which again can be used to produce ethanol and other kinds of biofuels.

    Ontonics Website update
    We updated our Innovation-Pipeline by adding our new project:

  • Pull E-Mail.


  • Cable News Network: That media company still tries to unsuccess- fully hype U.S.American companies by telling just only nonsense. For example nearly no technical facts about the Android platform were given in a related report, but instead a wrong statement by another media company was repeated that obvisiously took contents of our websites, like the one of our Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™, for claiming that the Android platform "was a means, a seed intended to grow an entire new wireless family tree". But that that seed was stolen together with other companies like the Deut- sche Telekom from our OntoLinux™ tree (see also the webpage Links to Hardware), which in fact was the true reason for "how Android got started" in opposition to the criminal lie that was given as an explanation by one of the (not really only three) founders of that project, was for sure not said. In exactly the same way it was not reported correctly that the ability of multi-tasking is in fact a gener- al feature of its basic Linux® kernel. Furthermore, its cloud comput- ing compatibility is not proofed by having only hardcoded internet links to Web 2.0 service platforms on its Graphical User Interface (GUI), which for sure has nothing to do with the basic technologies of grid and peer-to-peer computing (listed in the section Network Technology on the webpage Links to Software of OntoLinux™), and its slightly further development to the so called service(-oriented) computing due to its commercialization, as well as the closely relat- ed and very old concept of what is called now cloud computing. And that in the report the not existing superiority in the field of natural language processing of that company Google was praised can only be declared as a bad joke due to its own contrary report on the 1st of February of this year (in this respect see also our documentation of the criminal plagiarizing by the Technical University Munich and its research partners in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 24th of September 2010 and the section Natural Language Processing on the webpage Links to Software of OntoLinux™). In this conjunction we also have to point on our technology of the MultiGPS™ as well as our Pull E-Mail™ and 21st Century Passport™/One ID™ solutions.
    That "Stealing the best of everything and then giving it away" is not the right way seems to be not clear for that media company. The same holds for the company Google and the Android association, and we will see how far they come at the courts, especially in the case of the broken licenses in conjunction with the internet programming language Java on Mobile Devices™.

    Like the failed attempt to make sure that the company Apple might got the invention of the P@d™ - The original Pad Computer™, this fairy tale about that ugly Andorid operating system platform by the company Google has been already busted as well.

    *** Very fine tuning™ mode ***

  • Bertelsmann→N-TV: The latest form of placing of products, services, or their trademarks is to include in a news or report not really relevant informations and thereby select a camera angle so that eg. the hallmark of a company is identifiable. An example of such an approach is a report showed today in connection with a strike by train drivers in the B.R.D.. Thus the foreign correspondent was positioned at a station in such a way that the brand logo of a known fast-food chain was seen more than clear in the top left corner of the television image. Only one step to the right on the part of the reporter and the co-rotate of the camera would have been enough without any problems, so that no single trademark would have been to see, which is an acting we can well expect by professional employees of media companies. Thereafter it was reported out of the television studio of the broadcaster, that a message about the strike has been written on a known micro-blogging platform. On the one hand this information, which was about how the union called for the strike, was absolutely irrelevant, but on the other hand, it was made again in such a way that the logo of the micro-blogging platform was to see very large in the television image. In the same way a multimedia city map was shown and with the camera image zoomed onto a 3D model of the Berlin train station. Of course, the name of a large Internet service provider was displayed in the right bottom corner of the city plan. But that the location of the Berlin station was equally irrelevant as the used communication services of the union of german train drivers for the actual content of the report, and that for the media company at least hundred photos of the train station in Berlin are available as well as own multimedia maps of the largest cities in the world even with 3D models of the main buildings have to be in its possession since a long time for the avoidance of the practice of this illegal product and service placement, doesn't need to be discussed anymore.
    Also, the examples, especially the last two, show without doubt, that it has reacted on our investigations and our comments in a negative way. Also, the question arises how this type of illegal advertising is charged with the companies, since nobody can hardly expect to find formal or overpriced invoices.
  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Here, too, more illegal product and service placements could be seen like with that media company Bertelsmann (see above). Thus a moderator was wearing a jacquard jacket with non-matching color. That the moderator showed his internal qualities once again when he raised the question whether it would be now a product placement before he held the logo in the camera, clearly pointed on the logo and also mentioned completely inappropriate that it probably represents an upside-down cross, also highlighted once again at what level the boradcaster is moving.

    In this conjunction, see also the related cases of both criminal media companies in the Investigations of the 27th of February 2010, as well as the 2nd, 8th and 16th of December 2010

    Besides this, both media companies are still stealing contents from our websites for the production of contents of their television cha- nnels.

  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen: Was soll denn jetzt die Referenz "Quelle: zdf/youtube" bedeuten? Etwa dass das ZDF seine mit GEZ- Gebühren hergestellten Bild- und Filmmaterialien auf der Internet- Seite eines privaten Unternehmens veröffentlicht, dass außerdem Dritten wissentlich eine Plattform bietet um gegen das Urheberrecht verstoßen zu können? Nein, man hat da sogar einen eigenen Kanal. Wofür soll das denn jetzt alles gut sein? Wofür wurde denn diese Technologie auf dessen eigener Web-Seite vor Jahren mit GEZ-Ge- bühren finanziert. Des Weiteren ist die Internet-Platform illegaler- weise als Quelle genannt worden, da alleine das ZDF Eigentümer des Materials und damit auch die alleinige zu referenzierende Quelle ist. Ob das ZDF seine Bilder, Videos und Sendungsmitschnitte irgendwo anders im Internet veröffentlich ist überhaupt nicht relevant bei der Quellenangabe. So ein Vorgehen nennt man eine illegale Produkt- und Dienstplazierung.

    Wir fordern hiermit sämtliche Rundfunkanstalten auf Produkt- und Dienstleistungsplazierungen einzustellen indem auch keine Bekleidung mehr getragen wird auf der ein Logo oder ein anderes Zeichen zu se- hen ist oder eine charakteristische Form besitzt, so dass Rückschlüs- se auf den Hersteller eindeutig möglich sind. Ohne Zweifel gibt es wirklich genügend Alternativen, dass heißt gleiche Bekleidung ohne Markenzeichen oder charakteristischem Design.


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Und wieder hat die Arbeitsgemein- schaft illegal die Dienste von zwei Internet-Unternehmen (ein Inter- net-Suchdienst und eine Mikro-Blogging-Plattform) auf der Web- Seite ihrer Nachrichtensendung plaziert.
    Des Weiteren sehen wir leider immer mehr manipulierte Einträge in dem eigenen Blog.

    *** Work in progress ***
    Investigations::Car #316

  • General: Due to the fact that more and more corporations in the automotive field show a computer interface with the functionality of touch sensitivity, like a capacitive sensor or a touchscreen, in comb- ination with the multi-touch functionality or/and Linux® based oper- ating systems that power the computer, we would like to give our dates for clarification:
  • 1. There existed before navigation systems that are using the Linux® kernel and feature a touchscreen, but no multi-touch functionality.
  • 2. Added to the webpage of the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics™ the project AutoSemantic™::Car on the 29th of February 2008.
  • 3. Published the Sneak preview #1 of the capabilities of our AutoSemantic™::Car solution on the 13th of March 2008, which listed the Multimodal Multimedia User-Interface and AITouch™, that is about haptic-, gestures- and artificial intelligence-based assistance systems. By the way: Haptic is about processes of sensing and recognizing objects through touch.
  • 4. Added to the Innovation-Pipeline webpage the project e-dashboard™ with its features like multi-touchable, totally personalizable and working in combination with our AutoSemantic™::Car, SenseTouch™ and AITouch™ solutions, which in this way comprises in the automotive field the haptic screen and haptic touchscreen as well, on the 23rd of March 2008. There was absolutely no doubt that our e-dashboard™ with its multi-touch functionality is powered by our Linux® based Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™ with its L4 based versions just right from the start, because it is our operating system and we have no connection to other production operating systems.
  • 5. Described the P@d™, the original Pad Computer™, the first time by naming it on the 19th of March 2008 and adding it to the Innovation-Pipeline webpage on the 25th of May 2008. For sure, our P@ds™ with their multi-touch functionality are powered by our Linux® based Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™ with its L4 based versions just right from the start. What else?
  • 6. In the announcement of our model City Speed-E™ on the 19th of November 2008 we said that "The car is as usual subject [...] for optimization with our Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™, AutoSemantic™::Car [...]".
  • 7. In the Investigations::Car #89 Volkswagen Special of the 30th of March 2009 we documented about the manufacturer "Volkswagen: Since the 9th of July 2008, the company shows in conjunction with the vision Volkswagen 2028 5 visions." About one of these visions it is said that "Die Steuerung erfolgt über den Touchscreen, der auch auf Gestik reagiert==The control is done by a touchscreen, which also reacts on gestures. [This is our e-dashboard™ and OntoLinux™, as shown before with our model B!™.]".
  • 8. The combination of multi-touch functionality and our e-dashboard™, and Linux® was shown with the publication of the webpage of our model B!™ on the 17.January.2009.

  • Volkswagen: In conjuction with the presentation of a concept car we found again contents of our website by Style of Speed™, for sure, so that we have to document this case as well: "[...] free spirit [...]", "[...] van concept has pure electric drive [...] [Besides that the company won't change the fact of our trademark Pure Electric™, it also copied our E-VansTan™ and TE™ with a link to our V!™/SpeedVan™.]", "[...] T1 for Transporter 1 [...] [see the comment before]", "[...] spirit of freedom [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] clean styling [...]", "[...] vision of a new Bulli led to an unforgettable concept vehicle known as the Microbus. But some visions need to mature before they yield something new. Now, the time is right for this vision. [The fact is that one image of the interior of our model V!™/SpeedVan™. The manufacturer Volkswagen has shown absolutely no interest in its own concept anymore until we have matured the concept of a new Bulli with Pure Electric™ drivetrain with our three E-Van™ models. The same behaviour was shown before by the company in the case of its 1 Liter Car until we presented the webpage of our Belly Tank Lakester.]", "[...] iPad [...] [Don't confuse this with our irail™ and ipad™ systems.]", "[...] T1 [...] [TE™]", "[...] 85 kW [...] [Our models Tan™, TE™ and V!™ have at least 92 kW.] "[...] electrifying [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] electric refuelling station [...] [This term is not easy to evaluate, because on one hand it points directly to our iarm™ system, which webpage was publicated by us on the 4th of March 2011, while no press release about this concept car was found on the usual webpages, like the one where we found this quoted press release that is dated with 28th of February 2011. But to be honest, on the other hand the marque Volkswagen→Audi showed exactly such an electric refuelling station on a design exhibition in Miami in the year 2010, so we have to declare it as correct.]", "[...] strong [...] [Strong™]", "[...] drawing was a simple side view of a radically [...] [see the sketches of our model D!™ that made their way in so many design models, super sports cars and race cars in only some very few years]", "[...] "m" for "motor" [...] [Here our statement M stands for M!™ was copied.]", "[...] icon [...]", "[...] characteristic "V" [...] [First of all characteristic is the "VW". In this relation, our readers already do know what we want to say at this point, but perhaps not our critics, so we make it short and simple: V!™.]", "[...] design DNA [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] styling [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] high-voltage [...] [speech act stealing and damage of our trademarks like "High-Voltage inside™" and ...]", "[...] in the style [...] [In Style™]", "[...] stylised [...]", "Shorter than ever are the overhangs at the front and rear. [This was taken from the webpage of our Electric SuperCar (ESC) Raptor Speedster.]", "[...] equipped [...]", "[...] MPV [...] [In this context it points to our section of E-MPV™.]", "[...] the car has essentially been reinvented since the days of the first T1 aka the Bulli aka the Microbus [aka the Tan™ and TE™ and V!™]".

    So let us try to count the models and concepts that have been co- pied or are based on our models, concepts and decisions so far by the company Volkswagen that we could prove and document. We have the:

  • concept and design elements of the RE RSR by Visual Limits pres- ented first by us→Audi R8 LMS,
  • concept and design elements of the :D (Big Fun)→Audi TT clubsport quattro design study/concept 2007,
  • exterior of the Raptor Speedster→decision to build the Porsche Boxster Spyder,
  • concept and design elements of the i!, j! and ⊂ ⊃→relaunch of the Concept concept with the BlueSport concept,
  • RE→Audi R8-based e-tron concept 2009,
  • design elements of the D!→Lamborghini Reventon,
  • design elements of the M!→Lamborghini SuperVeloce,
  • concept, and design and technical elements of the Raptor and RE→Audi e-tron Detroit concept 2010,
  • concept Audi A2 with electric drivetrain,
  • concept of our City Speeders→Audi A1 e-tron hybrid concept,
  • concept and design elements of the i!, j! and ⊂ ⊃→concept of a model below the Porsche Boxster and Porsche Cayman series,
  • concept, and design and technical elements of the Pan RSR and Panamera BB→Porsche Panamera GT,
  • concept, and design and technical elements of the Raptor Speed- ster and Jota Speedster→Audi e-tron Spyder,
  • concept and design elements of the RE RSR by Visual Limits pres- ented first by us→Audi R8 GT,
  • Raptor Speedster, aka. Boxster ESC, except some few exterior elements→Porsche Boxster E,
  • Belly Tank Lakester→relaunch of the 1 Liter Car I concept with the 1 Liter Car II and 1 Liter Car III, the XL1, concepts,
  • D! nearly as a whole→Lamborghini Sesto Elemento concept,
  • design and technical elements of the 333 ST, D!, M! and 9!→Lam- borghini Aventaro,
  • Tan, TE and V!→Bulli concept 2011, and
  • Looped Fuel Cells→Electric refuelling station.
    Furthermore, taking informations given on our websites have led to the:
  • nearly the whole general concept Volkswagen 2028 without the fuel cell-based drivetrain, and some technologies and designs,
  • general concept Porsche Intelligent Performance,
  • conceptual and technical elements of the Porsche GT3 Hybrid,
  • general concept of the Bugatti Veyron SuperSports,
  • design elements of the Porsche 918 Spyder,
  • and for sure much more.
    We also could find out that the cases of the:
  • acquisition of Lamborghini in the year 1998
  • first update of the model Diablo by the marque Lamborghini, especially the wider track at the front for getting a symmetrical seated position of the driver in relation to the steering wheel,
  • 1 Liter Car concept,
  • GX-3 trike concept,
  • step back to the round headlights of the Porsche 997,
  • support of many research and design institutes worldwide for stealing our intellectual properties,
  • support of the manufacturer Gumpert,
  • support of the manufacturer KTM,
  • update of the model Audi TT, especiall the the headlights as they are shown with the design model of our :D (Big Fun)
  • delivering the manufacturer Proton→Lotus,
  • joint ventures with Chinese companies,
  • joint venture with Suzuki,
  • joint venture with Boeing,
  • support of the motorcyle manufacturer Horex,
  • overwork of the front fender, especially the integrated widening, two months after the official presentation of the model 911 GT2 RS of the marque Porsche,
  • and so on
    were based on our actings and also spying our buildings, and many times were and still are done to damage our company by even app- lying serious criminal methods.
    What we also can see now is the fact, that we have here a bunch of essential management decisions of this company that are defining its actual businesses and also its future, but have been made at first by our business division Style of Speed™ and were later, simply said, copied only. Alone for all strategic decisions but without all the other design concepts and technologies that have been taken from us we calculate at least for around the last 4 years a financial damage of about 180,000,000 Euro. But the whole case started already in the mid of the 1990s.
  • Artega: That bold little company has stolen contents and techno- logies from our websites for its actual and its new model. We do quote at first out of the press release about the update of its standard model and the will do the same with the presse release about its electric driven version, which is based on essential concepts and technologies that was stolen from us (see also its case in the Investigations::Car #315 of the 5th of March 2011 above). "[...] equipment [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] modular construction [...]", "[...] ensure the highest possible quality [...]", "[...] adheres to standards applicable for the airline and aerospace industries [...] [What a surprise that suddenly even this company is talking about aerospace. Compare with the website of Style of Speed™ and the reader gets the true reason for this acting.]", "[...] aerospace standards [...]", "[...] aerospace industry [...]", "[...] in context [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] sporty, elegant design [...]", "[...] tangible [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] the fastest gear shits [...] [Interesting, but what is that for a technology?]", "[...] multi-functional control unit [...] integrates the controls for all components [...] pioneering system [...] [We can't see the status of a pioneering system. But what we can clearly see is that we have here the copy of the description of our Active Components™.]", "[...] operating interface with capacitive sensors [(like a touchscreen)] Linux-based software [...] [This concept was copied from many webpages of our website by Style of Speed™, and sounds as well like a part of the descriptions of our e-dashboard™ and steering wheels. In general, the idea to describe something in another way is not enough to avoid a copyright infringement, if the same story is told. ~This point will be commented in more detail.~]", "[...] contemporary [...]", "[...] equipped [...]" and "[...] driving machines [...] [This was written before on the webpage of our model Bee!™.]".
    Electric version: "Two electric motors on the rear axle [...] operate independently, with each driving one of the rear wheels. [This was shown by the manufacturer Morgan in the March of 2008, but not with the integration of systems for Electronic Stability Controling, Brake Energy Recovering, Electric Torque Vectoring™ or/and some other features that we described with our Active Differentials™. So we see here a correct text that doesn't infringe our copyright in relation with our Active Differentials™.]", "[...] batteries are water-cooled [...] [This sounds familiar.]", "[...] high-quality electric cars [...]", "[...] 150,000 euros [...] [No, that's really too expensive. Try to get under 100,000 Euro, or let it be before running again into an insolvency.]" and "The [model] – whether with a combustion engine or an electric motor – is a genuine innovation and sets itself apart from other vehicles. [This is wrong and a misleading statement for the public, as it can be easily seen with our Electric Sports Cars like especially in this case our Raptor.]".
  • Brabus: Again that only stealing company thought it would be clever to take contents of our website by Style of Speed™. We quote a marketing text about a new version of a not so new model: "[...] high-tech turbocharger system for the high-tech engine [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] twin turbo system [...]", "V-engines are normally fitted with two right-turning chargers, which entails drawbacks for the response characteristics. To eliminate these drawbacks the [company's] engineers have developed [a] bi-turbo system with a left-turning charger for the left side of the engine. That allows the turbine and its inlet to be designed for perfect gas flow and gas dynamics. [Despite that this explanation is absolutely nonsense, because the only right-turning turbochargers of V-engines are also designed for perfect flow and gas dynamics, we have in fact here only the stolen story of our spaceship TIE R/LightSwift™ by Style of Speed™, obvisiously. Besides this and that we also have had this concept in mind due to this described symmetry like some other clever guys some years before, as we found out, we don't do it, because the turbine rotors are set under extrem thermal and mechanical loads and so the better option is to take the one type of turbine for both sides that is produced in much higher volumes which yields in a higher quality and proved realibity. By the way: The engine is only rotating in one direction as well and so at the latest here the symmetry will be distorted.]", "[...] conversion [...] [In this case it is indeed speech act stealing.]", "[...] management system [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] Speedshift [...] [Don't confuse this with our Active Shift™ system.]", "[...] purebred racing [...]", "[...] more than three [...] [3 Theme]" and "[...] complemented [...] [speech act stealing]".
    Besides this, it can also clearly be seen that for the exterior design it follows also the information given on the webpage of our model Boxster GT. This can be best seen with the slit behind the doors.

  • British Broadcasting Corporation: As usual that criminal media company reported about one of our technologies and trends by giving the wrong impression that the technologies and trends were created by some other companies. This is as well the case with "Talking cars like Knight Rider's", "The one declaring "scanner indicating danger ahead", "your reflexes are slow" or "I shall activate a turbo-boost"". That we have named such a feature based on our Hightech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™ and Active Components™ already at a time as it was still foolish to talk about such a technology on the webpage of for example our E-Muscle™ Car Mustang-E™ in the section K.I.T.T. and Force inside™ was not said knowingly to mislead the public once again in a criminal way. But as always we say in such a case: It's not our problem if others destroy their trustworthiness in the whole world.

    Comment of the Day

    Question of the Day
    "How long will it take until the whole Earth is totally polluted by nuclear radiation?", [C.S., 10th of February 2011]

    Ontonics Website update
    We updated our Innovation-Pipeline by adding our new projects:

  • Hapticle::Screen,
  • Hapticle::Display and
  • P@d 5.0.


  • General: It is only a shame that well-known internet companies with their services use human disasters and events for their marke- ting activities, and in most cases spend only a very small fraction of the money that was gained by stealing intellectual properties of oth- er persons, groups and companies for projects in the public field to suggest social competence. Fraudsters have only a very low level of social competence, if at all, and these kinds of actings have in no way something to do with philanthropy, as some incompetent or/and criminal media companies still attempt to suggest. Everybody who don't understand this is in an urgent need for education and that the worldwide media is tricked out by a handful of antisocial persons is from our point of view only stupid. There is no need to use internet services for tasks that belong to the duties of governments, eg. to find people is something that is started at the ministries for foreign affairs inside countries and their embassies outside their territories. Everything else is only marketing and adding more confusion to the people.
    Es ist doch wohl mehr als nur lächerlich und dämlich, dass alle Medi- en über einen Personenfinder eines Internet-Dienstleisters berichten. Andere Gruppen und staatliche Institutionen machen das schon seit Jahren aber über sie wurde auffälligerweise eigentlich nie berichtet. Auch der Rücklauf bei diesen Aktionen ist so gering, dass eine Be- richterstattung schon eine Frechheit ist. Was zahlen diese Unterneh- men unterm Tisch für diese Art der Werbung?
    And in the U.S.A. the taxes are too low, especially for large corpor- ations and IT-companies, so that the state is able to do its job.

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Als eine weitere Reaktion auf un- sere vollkommen berechtigten Kritiken an Web 2.0 Technologien und gesellschaftlichen Netzwerken sowie an den öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien in der B.R.D. (siehe die Investigationen vom 7. und 11. Fe- bruar 2011 sowie dem generellen Kommentar oben) berichtete die ARD über die außerst fragwürdigen Aktivitäten von ein paar wenigen Internet-Unternehmen und zeigte dabei offensichtlich extra die Logos genau dieser Unternehmen, die von uns immer wieder ange- führten werden.

    In the same way there is also no need to use images by internet providers, so that their names and logos are shown in the corners of the images, if there are hundreds of satellite images. This is in fact a kind of placement of products and services, because there are alter- natives that for example in this special case worked very well in the last decades. The same holds for simple maps that can be moved by the user. There is absolutely no need to use services of two large internet search engines in this case. Indeed, every media company that shows a weather forecast has enough satellite images or comp- arable graphics and multimedia techniques at hand even in many ca- ses without advertisement. And we have already mentioned the free wiki world map project OpenStreetMap as well.

    In deutschen Rundfunkmedien ist der Hinweis auf gerätespezifische Anwendungen, die so genannten App(lication)s, eine illegale Bewer- bung von Produkten, insbesondere wenn nur ein bestimmtes Gerät genannt oder gezeigt wird.
    In this conjunction it is really not suspicious that all those german media companies that we have convicted as being highly criminal, have made advertisings for a clone of a clone of our P@d™ - The original Pad Computer™ (see also the case of Rheinische Post in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 19th of February 2011).

    In german speaking countries we would suggest as a better trans- lation for the term social network==Geselliges Netzwerk, Gesell- schaftliches Netzwerk, Gesellschaftsnetzwerk or the like, as we will do from now on. Social in the meaning of the german term sozial is misleading and in this case simply said a wrong translation.

    Comment of the Day
    "Good luck in Japan."

    Comment of the Day
    Haptic paper™ Haptic speaker™

    Ontonics Website update 00:22 CET
    At the 11th of March we were not quite sure what kind of techno- logy seems to be preferable, but now we made a choice, so that we could update our Innovation-Pipeline by adding our new projects:

  • Hapticle::Speaker,
  • Retina Projector 3.0 and
  • Retinascope 3.0.

    We also added to the descriptions of our haptic display technology and our e-dashboard the haptic speaker technology.

    While writing the lines above we also found out that we have al- ready combined some features of the e-paper with our haptic display technology by our e-dashboard, but without using its basic flexibility, and developed as an act of live performance in innovation the gen- eral concept of the:

  • Hapticle::Paper (H-Paper).

    Based on this new haptic paper we also added to our Innovation-Pipeline the new device:

  • cBook 4.0.

    Comment of the Day
    Pure carbon™

    OntoLinux Website update
    We updated the webpage Links to Software by adding the new section

  • Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe

    and inserting into this new section the links:

  • KDE developer team, sponsors, community and friends, and KDE Education Project team: Marble,
  • Helmut Mülner: Geothek, and
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Chris Maxwell, Randy Kim, Tom Gaskins, Frank Kuehnel and Patrick Hogan: World Wind.

    Now everyone has an own earth to play with. :D

    Style of Speed Further steps
    New Pure Carbon fiber rims with a weight of just only 2.75 kg each are now available for the true high-performance and speedgeeks.

    Comment of the Day #1
    Carbon bast™ Carbon-Bast™ Karbon-Bast™
    Carbon fiber-reinforced bast™ Kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Bast™
    Carbon hemp™ Carbon-Hanf™ Karbon-Hanf™
    Carbon fiber-reinforced hemp™ Kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Hanf™

    Comment of the Day #2

    Research institutes, especially eco-institutes, have to develop con- cepts for the generation of electric power that either avoid totally the increase of waste or reduce it as much as possible within the scope of recycling processes. Furthermore, other concepts of ener- gy handling have to be developed.

    Do not bury CO2, atomic waste or domestic waste deep into the earth. This is really nonsense and makes the clean up unnecessarily expensive.

    In the subject of study architecture the course "Ecologically correct architecture" has to be made mandatory for interior as well as ext- erior architects. It is also possible to extend the discipline with for example ecology architecture as a third specialization.
    The same holds for other disciplines like automotive and aeronautical engineering.

    While renewing or/and expanding the rail networks the laying of communication and power lines should be considered directly.

    Ontonics Website update
    We have updated our Innovation-Pipeline by adding our new project:

  • Carbon Hemp.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We added the section Carbon Rim to the webpage of our Rims.


  • General: Broadcasts of sports events have to be analyzed due to placing of products and services. Three of the best examples are advertisement on the jerseys of sportspeople including the area around the number, perimeter advertising boards that have nothing to do with the sports and are even placed directly in front of the television cameras, and the perspectively corrected advertisement at sports events, like the Formula 1, so that they fit to the per- spective of the television cameras and their delivered images.
    Besides this, broadcaster have to blurr the logos and names on the walls behind interviewed persons at sport events or red carpets, or take another position and angle for their television cameras, eg. the sides.
  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Das Unternehmen hat neben der weiterhin durchgeführten illegalen Plazierung von Produkten und Dienstleistun- gen einzelner Unternehmen, wie etwa von einer Mikro-Blogging-Platt- form, (siehe auch die Investigationen vom 10. März 2011) auch das Verletzen unseres Urheberschutzes durch seine Berichterstattung nicht eingestellt.
  • Bertelsmann→N-TV: Hinweise auf gerätespezifische Anwendungen sind als Werbesendung deutlich zu kennzeichnen, da sonst die/der ZuschauerIn nicht zwischen der Bewerbung eigener Leistungen des Senders sowie der in einigen Fällen damit verbundenen illegalen Pro- dukt- und Dienstplazierung und der offensichtlich kommerziellen Wer- bung differenzieren kann. Zudem sind solche Hinweise auch generell wie andere Werbung zu handhaben, insbesondere als solche bezüg- lich des erlaubten Kontigents an Werbezeit zu bilanzieren. Als Beispiel führen wir den Hinweis auf eine Anwendung/App(lication) für die Ko- pie einer Kopie unseres P@d™ Computers™ an.
  • Cable News Network: Das U.S.Amerikanische Medienunternehmen überträgt seine englischsprachige Nachrichtensendung in das deut- sche Fernsehen ohne ausreichend den gesetzlichen Vorgaben Genü- ge zu tun. Seine Geschäftspraxis mag zwar in den U.S.A. und ande- ren Ländern legal sein, aber die massive Plazierung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen anderer Unternehmen ist in dieser Art und Wei- se laut den Gesetzen der B.R.D. nun einmal nicht erlaubt und deshalb sofort abzustellen. Dies kann dadurch bewerkstelligt werden, dass Markenzeichen von Unternehmen, zum Beispiel Logos oder Namen von Internet-Suchdienstanbietern und Datenanbietern auf Landkar- ten und Satellitenbildern, Datenverteildienstplattformen oder Mikro-Blogging-Plattformen, als auch Hinweise im Lauftext/Nachrichten-Ticker, wie etwa auf ein gesellschaftliches Netzwerk oder eine Mikro-Blogging-Plattform, in geeigneter Weise vollkommen unkenntlich ge- macht werden. Außerdem sind Hinweise auf eigene gerätespezifische Anwendungen, wie etwa der Hinweis auf eine Anwendung/App(licat- ion) für die Kopie einer Kopie unseres P@d™ Computers™, und ei- gene unternehmensspezifische Dienste, wie die fortwährenden Ein- blendungen von Internet-Addressen eines gesellschaftlichen Netz- werks und einer Mikro-Bloggin-Plattform, als Werbesendung deutlich zu kennzeichnen und als solche auch in allen Aspekten zu handha- ben, da sonst die/der ZuschauerIn nicht zwischen Werbung im eige- nen Interesse des Senders sowie der damit verbundenen illegalen Produkt- und Dienstplazierung oder kommerzieller Werbung unter- scheiden kann.
  • British Broadcasting Corporation: see ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Bertelsmann and Cable News Network

    Comment of the Day #1
    Style of Sports™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "If something is legal, then this does not mean that it has to be done."
    One crucifix in the break hall of a school is adequate as well.


  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen: Bei einer oberflächlichen Recherche im Bereich Virtueller Globen nach dem Begriff Geothek konnten wir herausfinden, dass man seit dem Jahr 2008 eine mit GEZ-Gebühren und Steuergelder finanzierte ZDFgeothek eingerichtet hat, die auch den Kartendienst eines Unternehmens nutzt und auf diese Weise il- legale Werbung in Form von Dienstplazierung betrieben wird.
    Wir sind uns auch nicht sicher wo das Problem liegen soll in einem Studio 2 Backöfen, 2 Spülen, mehrere Kochplatten und eine große Arbeitsplatte aufzustellen und aus einer großen Menge von qualifi- zierten KöchInnen 4 oder 5 auszuwählen, die dann freitags im Nacht- programm in dieser Großküche vor einem Publikum und laufender Ka- mera kochen. Dass man dann auch noch explizit das Spiegel-Verlag Rudolf Augstein Logo einblendet, an dem das mehr als nur fragwüdige Medienunternehmen Bertelsmann über seine Tochterunternehmung Gruner und Jahr zu 25,5% beteiligt ist, ist nicht nur für uns bereits eine illegal Werbung. Wenn überhaupt würde die übliche einfache Nennung eines Dienstleisters am Ende des Abspanns vollkommen ausreichen (siehe auch z. B. die Investigation vom 7. März 2011, 11. März 2011, 12. März 2011 und 18. März 2011).

    Anscheinend haben in der Tat die CDU und CSU sowie ihre Lobbyis- ten die öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien als auch viele der privaten Medien in einer nicht mehr zu tolerierbaren Art und Weise unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht.
    Des Weiteren lehnen die Verantwortlichen der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten ihren Auftrag schon seit Jahren ab. Die GEZ-Ge- bühren sind deswegen nicht mehr berechtigt. Es geht nun einmal so nicht. Die von uns beanstandeten Praktiken sind nicht nur wegen gelten gesetzlichen Vorschriften einzustellen, sondern auch weil wir festgestellt haben, dass Unternehmen die sich auch nicht an gelten- de Gesetze halten sich so einen Vorteil ergaunern um noch mehr ge- setzeswidrig zu handeln.
    Da auch demokratische Grundprinzipien durch diesen Verhalten mas- siv attackiert werden, besteht öffentliches Interesse die Sachverhal- te durch die Staatsanwaltschaft und den Verfassungsschutz zu un- tersuchen und aufzuklären sowie dem illegalen verfassungsfeindlichem Handeln durch straftrechtlich zu Verfolgung Einhalt zu gebieten. Es war allgemein durch das deutsche Volk be- schlossen worden, dass es keine NSU mehr geben soll. Jetzt hat man in der B.R.D. nicht nur wieder das gleiche Problem samt den alten Klans, sondern auch ein anarchisches System der nächsten Genera- tion.

    Comment of the Day
    Castle in the Cloud™
    Intra cloud™
    Cloud at home™ Cloud@home™
    Active Brake Cooling™ (not in countries with English as national language)

    Ontonics Website update
    We have updated our Innovation-Pipeline by adding our approach of:

  • Castle in the Cloud Computing.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We added an own webpage for the Active Brake Cooling system that was partly described before on the webpage of our Active Diffusor system.


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Als Reaktion auf unsere Hinweise und Aufforderungen die in der B.R.D. geltenden Gesetze einzuhalten berichtete man im Zusammenhang einer Landtagswahl von Aktionen auf dem Benutzerkonto der tagesschau auf einer Mikro-Blogging-Plattform und fügt dazu ein Ausschnitt in die Nachricht ein, der ex- plizit das Logo des Dienstleisters zeigt. Aber dabei beließ man es nicht, sondern es wurde unverschämterweise auch noch eine Bedie- nungsanleitung für die Mikro-Blogging-Plattform veröffentlicht um der/dem NutzerIn Legalität zu suggerien sowie zusätzlich noch auf einen anderen Dienst eines Unternehmens verwiesen. Das sind ein- deutige illegale Dienstplazierungen. Zudem stehen weder die Mikro-Blogging-Plattform noch der andere Dienst mit einer Landtagswahl in Beziehung. Außerdem wurde die Arbeitsgemeinschaft durch die Ge- bühren- und SteuerzahlerInnen aufgefordert diese Dienste und ent- sprechende Inhalte selber zu präsentieren, wozu sie auch in der Lage ist, da die ARD eigentlich die gleichen Dienste der zwei Unternehmen durch ihre Nachrichteneinspeisungen aber auch durch ihre eigenen Möglichkeiten als Rundfunkanstalt, nämlich Ereignisse direkt zu über- tragen, schon längst anwendet und anbietet.
    Aber das ist natürlich noch nicht alles: So wird in einer Nachricht über einen Verkauf einer U.S.Amerikanischen Tochterunternehmung eines deutschen Telekommunikationsunternehmens ein Foto eines Mobiltelefons nur gezeigt um illegale Werbung für ein Linux® basier- tes Betriebssystem zu machen und unter anderem von einem der Originale, wie unserem Hightech Betriebssystems OntoLinux™, abzu- lenken. Weder ein bestimmtes Mobiltelefon noch eine bestimmte Software sind relevant für die eigentliche Nachricht.
    Desweiteren zeigt die ARD durch ihre fortwährenden Handlungen an, dass sie unseren Web-Auftritte ganz genau kennt, was wir übrigens schon längst dokumentieren und beweisen konnten sowie sich hier ein weiteres Mal zeigt, und sich auch ganz klar ihrem unrechtmäßigen handeln bewußt ist (siehe auch die Investigationen vom 7. März 2011, 11. März 2011, 12. März 2011 und 18. März 2011).

    Das ECMAScript→JavaScript basierte OpenLayers und freie oder lizensierte Karten und Satelittenbilder können genutzt werden um das Anzeigen von Logos und Namen von Unternehmen und deren Internetdiensten zu unterbinden.


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die ARD macht schon wieder Wer- bung für die CDU.
  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen: The Second German Television is persisting with its not so sane tradition to give precisely selected fraudsters a platform for presenting stolen intellectual properties of C.S. in such a way, that they are even standing in opposition to the statements by C.S., if possible. As usual, this time that attempt has totally failed once again by interviewing an atheistic philosopher and plagiarizing author, because that person has outed himself as in- competent and also as a thief of intellectual properties. But that in addition that person is also the speaker of the board of the Giordano Bruno Foundation, which was founded by Karlheinz Deschner and is on the same intellectual level like for example Scientology, the Cre- ationists or Sarrazin, and was allowed to get a chance to speak with the goal to also attack psychologically C.S. by being asked the rel- ated and as usual before constructed questions by the moderator, is an act that is an unbelievable and not anymore tolerable scandal. That the presenter liked the whole issue is also a further case that has to be discussed. And for sure, the same criminal methode was applied as we already have documented before with the case of Frank Schätzing and others (see also the case of ARD and ZDF→ Phoenix in the Investigations of the 3rd of September 2009 and the Investigations::Culture of today).
    Aber noch trauriger war ein Interview einer Poetin auf einem anderen Fernsehkanal, den das ZDF mitträgt, die es so unglaublich geistreich und witzig fand die Selbstverbrennung von Mohamed Bouazizi in ihre zudem noch billigen Selbstdarstellung einzuflechten. Was für ein In- tellekt und eine Subkultur.
  • Viacom→Viva: Es war und ist beileibe nie ein besonderes Aushän- geschild bei dem Musikfernsehsender zu moderieren, aber dass sich eine Moderatorin für besonders schlau hielt, weil sie Unternehmen extra illegal bewarb indem sie ein Nachthemd mit den sehr großen Initialen eines Kleidungsherstellers und Ohrhänger in der Form von Äpfeln beziehungsweise dem Logo eines U.S.Amerikanischen Informa- tions- und Telekommunikationsunternehmens trug, unterstreicht nur die zuvor geäußerte Aussage. Auch die Tatsache, dass das ganze Auftreten noch mit Anlehnungen an Logos von uns (z. B. iRaiment™ oder der Nazca Astronaut/Engel von Style of Speed™) ergänzt wur- de, macht den ganzen Vorfall nicht besser, sondern nur eindeutiger.

    Hier ist öffentliches Interesse der Gesellschaft der B.R.D. gegeben. Außerdem ist Mobbing mittlerweile eine Straftat die mit allen Konse- quenzen geahndet wird. Auch hierdurch ist öffentliches Interesse der Gesellschaft der B.R.D. gegeben.

    Due to the usual lack of cultur and competence, we have made a note about the person Michael Schmidt-Salomon and the Giordano Bruno Stiftung on our Culture webpage.


  • General: Die öffentlich-rechtlichen als auch die privaten Medien wollen den geltenden Gesetzen der B.R.D. nicht Folge leisten und verhalten sich im höchsten Maße anarchistisch. Entweder will man sich gar nicht an die Gesetze halten oder man versucht durch das eigene Verhalten die Gesetze und Vorgaben neu zu interpretieren. Beides liegt aber nicht in ihrem Befugnis- beziehungsweise Entschei- dungsbereich.
  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen: Die öffentlich-rechtlich Rundfunk- anstalt hat absichtlich die Situation eskalieren lassen und ihre illegale Produkt- und Dienstplazierung auf Grund unsere vollkommen berech- tigter Kritik, unserem Hinweis auf geltende Gesetze und im Rahmen des mindesten seit 9 Jahren andauernden Psychoterrors (siehe unter anderem auch unsere Investigation von gestern) ausgeweitet. So wurden in einer Spezialausgabe einer ihrer Sendungen für wirtschaft- liche und soziale Themen Zuschauerfragen extra in so einer Art und Weise gestellt um auf ein bekanntes gesellschaftliches Netzwerk eines privaten U.S.Amerikanischen Unternehmens illegalerweise und absolut überflüssigerweise hinzuweisen. Es ist doch wohl mehr als klar, dass ZuschauerInnen problemlos ihre Fragen zu den einzelnen Senudngen per E-Post stellen können, falls sie das World Wide Web dazu benutzen wollen. Außerdem ist der explizite Hinweis auf das Kommunikationsmedium unüblich, denn wenn Zuschauerfragen per Telefon gestellt werden, wird ja auch nicht zuerst auf das Telekom- munkationsunternehmen hingewiesen, dass die Verbindung herge- stellt hat. Oder hat jemand schon einmal gehört wie gesagt wurde: Durch Nutzung des Festnetzes der Firma XYZ-Telefongesellschaft wurde von Zipfel Mütze die folgende Zuschauerfrage gestellt .... Auch wird seitens der Rundfunkanstalt in Kauf genommen, dass das Datenschutzgesetz der B.R.D. hierdurch umgangen wird, wobei dies dann auch noch aus technischer Sicht vollkommen grundlos ge- schieht.

    Comment of the Day
    Sharp 3D™ 3D sharp™

    Ontonics Website update
    We added to the description of our MobileKinetic technology the explanation that it can also apply a source and an optical sensor for infrared light. This additional detail information was also added to the description of our e-dashboard.

    Furthermore, we added the new software project

  • Sharp 3D

    to our Innovation-Pipeline.

    Investigations::Multimedia Ontoscope and intelliTablet Special

  • HTC: Like LG Electronics (see its cases in the Investigations:: Multimedia of the 3rd of February 2011, 13th of February 2011 and 28th of February 2011), that company has massively stolen con- tents, concepts, and technologies in conjunction with the concept of the so called 3D smartphone from our websites, especially this website of OntomaX as well as the websites of OntoLinux™, Ontoscope™, and intelliTablet™, for a mobile phone with two cameras at the backside for taking 3D pictures and a 3D display, which is optional in the cases of our Mobile DevicesOntoscope and intelliTablet.
    Additionally, like we with our Hightech Operating System™ OntoLinux and later the manufacturer LG Electronics the company HTC is also using a Linux® based operating system, has a hardcoded link so that 3D contents can be uploaded to a video sharing platform, and is positioning the two lenses nearly side by side, which makes no sense and hence is the reason why we are positing them with the interocular distance (distance between the eyes) in the case of the classic models of Ontoscope and intelliTablet, so that alternatively the company could also use only one camera with one lens, as other companies are handling the case due to technical reasons and to prevent the infringing of our copyright related with the Ontoscope.
    Its acting is at least a clear copyright infringement, because the same what we said on the dates given above about the company LG Electronics holds for that company as well.
  • Sharp: In general the same that was said about the manufacturers LG Electronics (see its case in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 3rd of February 2011, and the 13th and 28th of February 2011) and HTC (see its case above) holds for the company Sharp after it has also presented a mobile phone with two cameras at the backside. We also guess that in the end the Mobile Device™ will have a 3D display as well (see also its case in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 17th of May 2010). What holds for the other companies holds for that company as well: At least it has infringed our copyright.

    With this, we request all media companies to not report about the named products, 3D mobile phone with 2 cameras at the backside and an optional 3D display, by the companies HTC and Sharp as well as all other manufacturers, and also to finally follow our Disclaimer. Also, if such a case has already happened, then we demand to delete the related reports immediately.
    Like in the case of the company LG Electronics we give companies in countries with English as official language the advice that they are not allowed to give informations further, which obvisously are based on an infringement of our copyright after acknowleding this message. Furthermore, we don't see the automatic translation of website contents from one language into another language as an own intellectual work. If the worst comes to the worst, then this could mean that the whole World Wide Web as well as archives of media contents have to be cleaned from protected properties.

    Wir fordern hiermit alle deutschen Medien auf nicht über die aufge- führten Produkte, 3D-Mobitelefon mit 2 Kameras auf der Rückseite und optionalen 3D-Bildschirm, der Unternehmen HTC und Sharp sowie allen anderen Herstellern zu berichten und außerdem unseren Hinweis endlich zu folgen. Zudem sind bisherige Textpassagen aus den entsprechenden Reportagen sofort zu löschen.
    Auch in diesem Fall weisen wir deutsche Unternehmen darauf hin, dass sie von Dritten illegal erworbenes intellektuelles Eigentum selbsterverständlich nach Kenntnisnahme diese Nachricht nicht weiterverbreiten dürfen (es ist bekannt, dass die Deutsche Telekom und alle anderen größeren IT-Unternehmen als auch die vielen deutschen Medienunternehmen unsere Web-Auftritte lesen). Des Weiteren schützt Unwissenheit nicht vor Schaden. Letzteres würde im Falle eines Falles bedeuten, dass das gesamte World Wide Web sowie Archive von Medieninhalten von geschütztem Eigentum zu säubern sind.

  • Google: Obvisiously, that only stealing company has stolen the feature of our Hightech Operating System™ OntoLinux™ which supports a 3D camera or/and the 3-dimensional processing of pictures taken by a camera for its Linux® based operating system.


  • Google: Like in the case of the illegal scanning of books and having illegal contracts with the publishers and many other copyright own- ers, all its other services including the internet search engine are acting against the one or the other law, eg. infringement of privacy, copyrights, licenses and patents, stealing, distortion of competition, abuse of market power and so on. Said this, it can be easily seen now that the business strategy of that company is only based on the goal not to follow the laws for doing unfair competition. That is definitely not what the societies do want.
    Said this, we demand to take the company Google from the markets, at least in the U.S.A., Canada and Europe, as well as all other nat- ions that want to do trading with the before listed ones, for sure. We don't need these Confidence WoMen.

    With many other companies, especially the larger and industrial ones, that company is representing the dark side and supporting the bad attitudes of people, which in the end will lead to a very nasty autocracy with slavery.

    Due to the fact that many persons are telling us something in relat- ion of being not fast enough and that others are faster, we have to clarify: We are not too slow with the realisation of our concepts, because we were already faster with our concepts and the copyright of their descriptions holds. Furthermore, there is no competition of being faster in copying and stealing, so we are only waiting now for the proper judgements, maybe eg. Apple appstore vs. Amazon app store or Microsoft vs. Google, and then ....

    Ontonics Website update
    We added to the description of our MobileKinetic the detail about structured light, and the possibility that the system can even be used to create stereoscopic 3D images, and in this way also together with stereoscopic cameras or/and further haptic devices.

    *** Fine-tuning mode ***

  • Bertelsmann: As reactions on our critique about placement of products and services, the broadcaster also showed now in its newsticker of its news channel a note of a toothpaste and on another channel a person who wanted to hang up a mirror in a barber shop but was then only a car and a trailer was shown that had a large advertisement of a manufacturer of industrial vacuum cleaners on its sides.
    We also don't know why a studio guest has explicitly named the name of an internet search engine only because she has searched for a term like moratorium in the World Wide Web, and then most probably found and took the web address of an internet encyclopedia.
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: The working group reported only about a short discussion between a speaker of the government and a member of parliament consisting of just only four very short messages by two persons for placing the service of a micro blogging platform. The same methode was done to advertise a clone of a clone of our intelliTablet™, the original Pad Computer™.
  • Cable News Network: No change.

    *** Fine-tuning mode ***

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen→ Phoenix: In einem Dokumentationsfilm zeigte man graphische Karten über Fahrtrouten die zum Teil selbst angefertigt wurden, aber komischerweise auch urplötzlich das Markenzeichen eines Internet-Suchdienstleisters durch Einblendung in der unteren rechten Fernsehbildecke gezeigt. Das ist eine Methode der illegalen Bewerbung von Diensten, insbesondere wenn der Sender innerhalb von nur 5 Minuten zeigt, dass das ganze auch gesetzeskonform möglich ist.
  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen: Der Rundfunksender läßt die Situation weiter eskalieren. So wird nicht darauf geachtet illegale Bewerbung von Produkten und Diensten zu vermeiden, sondern auch die Vergehen anderer Sender, die wir in unseren Investigationen dokumentiert haben, zusätzlich angewendet. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde in einer weiteren Kochensendung die Web-Seite auf einem gesellschaftlichen Netzwerk eines privaten Unternehmens im World Wide Web hingewiesen, obwohl solch ein sendungsbegleitender Dienst vorher immer schon auf dem eigenen Web-Auftritt angeboten wurde.

    Zur Erinnerung für unsere LeserInnen: Die beiden öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten haben bei dem Skandal um C.S. jahrelang und eventuell sogar von Anfang an mitgewirkt und wollen das Mobbing weiterhin nicht unterlassen.

  • Cable News Network: In Videokonferenzen wird auf einen bestimmten Internet-Dienstanbieter illegal hingewiesen.

    *** Work in progress ***

  • Viacom: Since years, the media company is showing music videos with blurred areas, so that products or trademarks of corporations can't be recognized by the viewers. This proves that it is possible and also done to blurr unneeded or/and unwanted contents.
  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Das Medienunternehmen zeigte in einer seiner Sendungen eine Person die ein T-Shirt trug dessen Aufdruck nachträglich bearbeitet wurde, so dass es verschwommen auf dem Fernsehbild erschien. Es ist also nicht nur möglich solch eine Bearbeitung anzuwenden, sondern sie wird sogar auch angewendet um unerwünschte Bildinhalte unkenntlich zu machen. Das beweist auch, dass das Unternehmen bezüglich des Sachverhaltes bestens sensibilisiert ist.
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: In Zusammenhang mit zwei Land- tagswahlen bewirbt man wieder grundlos und illegalerweise eine Mikro-Blogging-Plattform.
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen→Phoenix: Eine Reiseroute wurde heute anscheinend extra einfach und billig präsentiert gemäß dem Motto, dass so das Ergebnis aussieht wenn man nicht auf das Kartenmaterial eines Internet-Dienstanbieters zurückgreift.
    Des Weiteren präsentierte der Kanal mit einer schon abstoßenden Häme eine Web-Seite im Zusammenhang mit zwei Landtagswahlen auf denen die von uns schon des Öfteren kritisierten illegalen Bewerbungen von Diensten privater Internet-Unternehmen konzentriet angeboten und somit illegal beworben werden, obwohl auf der einen Seite die eigenen Technologien gegeben sind auf dem eigenen Web-Auftritt die gleichen Dienste anzubieten, wie etwa einem Diskussionsforum. Deshalb besteht auf der anderen Seite auch keine Notwendigkeit fremde Internet-Dienste zu nutzen. Zudem wurde die Vorstellung der besagten Web-Seite noch mit Phrasen kommentiert die "3 Sekunden Verzögerung" oder "scharf" beinhalteten, was selbstverständlich in Anlehnung an diesen Web-Auftritt getan wurde. Beides zusammengenommen beweist ganz klar den Vorsatz C.S. zu mobben und damit aber eigentlich auch alle GebührenzahlerInnen.

    An dieser möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass nach der Privatisierung der beiden Rundfunkanstalten selbstverständlich alle Kanäle neu zu vergeben sind, was natürlich bedeutet, dass ein Fernsehkanal wie zum Beispiel Phoenix eventuell keine Sendelizenz mehr erhält.

  • British Forces Broadcasting Services: In the past, to use "every piece of technology", eg. a known social network, or voice call and chat application, was not allowed and not done due to good reasons, especially to protect the soldiers.

    *** Work in progress ***

  • General: Dass die politischen Parteien in gesellschaftlichen Netzwerken und auf Mikro-Blogging-Plattformen eigene Web-Seiten besitzen ist erst einmal für sich alleine betrachtet deren Angelegenheit. Aber dass hierdurch nicht nur der Datenschutz, sondern auch sehrwohl das Wahlgeheimnis umgangen wird zeigt deutlichst das politische Niveau und das Verständnis von Demokratie auf.
  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen: Die öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt plazierte wieder illegal die Dienste eines gesellschaftlichen Netzwerkes und einer Mikro-Blogging-Plattform indem für ein Interview eine Politikerin und die auf sie gerichtete Kamera vollkommen irrelevant für den eigentlichen Inhalt des Interviews so platziert wurden, dass die linke Bildschirmhälfte die entsprechenden Markenzeichen der Unternehmen auf einer Wand deutlich zeigte. Anstatt also anhand unserer Analyseergebnisse und Vorschläge (siehe zum Beispiel die Investigation vom 10. März 2011) für die Vermeidung der illegalen Bewerbung privater Unternehmen zu nutzen wurde genau das Gegenteil gemacht. Hieraus ergibt sich außerdem ein weiterer Beweis des Mobbings von C.S., da wieder eine auf dieser Web-Seite beschriebene illegale Vorgehensweisen methodisch für dieses Mobbing genutzt wurde.

    Comment of the Day
    Map & Globe™

    *** Fine tuning™mode ***

  • Google: Now the whole world can clearly see again those Confidence WoMen: That only stealing company, that has as its general business strategy the goal to not follow the laws, has once again reacted on our actings. In this case it was the OntoLinux Website update of the 17th of March 2011 by adding the section Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe it directly updated its web-based map service by integrating its virtual globe and the satellite view with a 45° view, a street view and more integrations like connections to other websites, e.g. a wiki and pictures. But this is in general the exact combination presented by us. So this is also the reason why its update by an overwork of its web-based map application was done so quickly, because it attempted to pervert the facts in such a way that other persons should get the impression that we have copied from them, but this is not the case definitely. In fact, after The Free Wiki World Map OpenStreetMap (see the Investigations::Multimedia of the 18th of February 2010, 23rd of January 2010 and 25th of January 2010, but also the Clarification #2 of the 12th of October 2010) and our combination (see also the OntoLinux Further steps of the 26th of November 2010) it has also copied once again community projects by the said integration from the virtual globe Marble by the KDE developer team, sponsors, community, and friends together with the small satellite view map overview, the connection to the Wikipedia, and following our combination a view like it is delivered with Geothek extension of Marble by Helmut Mülner (take also a look on the Investigations::Multimedia of the 18th of May 2010) and the virtual globe Blue Marble project by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) that was in general succeded by its virtual globe World Wind, which can also use the data of the Blue Marble, is the satellite view.

    It can also be seen that that company Google has chosen the straight cloud computing approach with all data and services stored and executed on its servers, while we have taken our Castle in the Cloud™ Computing approach, which is more comparable with a peer- to-peer network. In this way we can give the user the security and trustworthiness which the large companies can't and more important don't want to give at all.

    Our business is open, Google's business has to be closed.

    Ontonics Website update 14:47 CET
    We have updated our Innovation-Pipeline by adding our new soft- ware projects:

  • P2PS,
  • OntoP2PS,
  • Map & Globe and
  • OntoGlobe.

    Comment of the Day
    Peer-to-Peer Find engine™ P2PF™
    Ontologic P2P™
    Hightech sports equipment™

    Ontonics Website update
    Yesterday we have had the idea to rename the project OntoP2PS into OntoP2PF that stands for Ontology-based or/and Ontologic Peer-to-Peer Find engine (OntoP2PF). Today we did the renaming.

    Furthermore, we added in our Innovation-Pipeline the new software project:

  • GeoP2PS.

    OntoLinux Website update
    We updated the webpage Links to Software by adding into the sect- ion Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe our:

  • OntoGlobe/OntoEarth.

    Style of Speed Further steps CET around 4:30; PT 30th of March
    We will add a new subsection to the section Land called Sports for our hightech sports equipment, like e.g. kick scooters, skateboards, bicycles, skies and snowboards. Three of the most fascinating items in this Sports section are our kick scooters, skateboards and bicyc- les with decks, frames and other components made out of Carbon Hemp, which is optionally composited with our AeroAccu fibre, and that as their electric versions are powered by our Pocket Fuel Cells.

    The new subsection Sports will also be added to the section Water. Very fascinating hightech sports gears in the Water section are our bodyboads, kiteboards and surfboards, and other components that as well are made out of Pure Carbon and Carbon Hemp, which are optionally integrated with the AeroAccu fibre. Furthermore, as their electric versions they are powered by our Pocket Fuel Cell, or have kites and sails made out of carbon fibre, which are even optionally composited with the Solar Fabrics fibre.

    Style of Speed Website update CET 18:35
    As announced very early in the morning, we've added the new sub- section Sports for our hightech sports equipment, like kick scooters, skateboards, bicycles, skies and snowboards to the section Land.


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft macht wei- terhin illegale Werbung für eine Mikro-Blogging-Plattform. Diesmal wurde offensichtlich versucht diese illegale Werbung in einer Repor- tage zu verpacken, deren Inhalt so etwas von belanglos und damit überflüssige ist, dass sie für sich alleine genommen schon eine Un- verschämtheit und somit auch eine sinnlose Verschwendung von GEZ-Gebühren darstellt.
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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH