Home → News 2010 December
News 2010 December


  • General: The Federal Supreme Court (BGH) of the B.R.D. has con- firmed by the cancellation of a judgement of the regional appeal court in Frankfurt am Main, B.R.D., in a comparable case of copyright infringement our allegations against many national and international companies (eg. Volkswagen, Daimler, Bayerische Motorenwerke, Sie- mens, SAP, Deutsche Telekom, Microsoft, Intel, Sony, Samsung and also many more), universities (eg. Technische Universität München, Technische Universität Karlsruhe, as well as the Universität Saarland, Leipzig, Dresden, Freiburg, Göttingen and virtually nearly all others), and research institutes (eg. Fraunhofer Institute and Max-Planck- Gesellschaft) as well as research centers (for example Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, Deutsches Zen- trum für Luft- und Raumfahrt and many more), that we have listed in our investigations with documentations of their copyright infringe- ments: "Alle charakteristischen Formulierungen wurden unmittelbar aus de[rn] Original[rezensionen] übernommen.==All significant form- ulations have been directly taken over out of the original[recens- ions].". In our case these were in the main technical descriptions given in our webpages, as well as lists of features and hyperlinks that were extra chosen under the aspect "sehr charakteristische Formulierung==very characteristical/significant formulation" and list- ed in a structured way by us, so to say, like a sketch of a sientific document, which could be worked off point by point in such a way that the single points only have to be fully formulated or realized. This was as such also recognized by the named entities and then simply performed despite a better knowledge. As it came out now, we have behaved correctly and the others alone or even together just always wrongly with intent. In this way, we speak about seri- ous criminal actings, because here the cases are not about the stealing of candies anymore.

    Damit sollte auch die Verletzung des Urheberrechtes durch das Un- ternehmen Google und seinem Dienst der Bildersuche erneut und dann endlich richtig be- und verurteilt werden, da alle charakteris- tischen Visualisierungen durch Verkleinerung aus/von den Originalen unmittelbar übernommen wurden. Das Unternehmen Google muss um Erlaubnis bei der/dem Rechtinhaberin/-inhaber bitten und gegebe- nenfalls im negativen Fall verhindern, dass entsprechende Bilder als Suchergebnis (visuell) angezeigt werden. Und nach dem schwedi- schen Urteil gegen das sogenannte Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk The Pir- ate Bay sollte die Angelegenheit mit You Tube endlich auch richtig be- und verurteilt werden können. (Tja, jetzt wird die Linux® basier- te Distribution Android richtig teuer. Das kommt davon.)
    Interessant wird der ganze Sachverhalt auch im Zusammenhang mit WWW-Enzyklopädien wie zum Beispiel Wikipedia.

  • Government of the B.R.D.: Kaum haben wir unser OpenStreetView Projekt angekündigt und skizziert da wird urplötzlich auch schon von der NSU (USC\UDC ←) die Einführung eines neuen relevanten Daten- schutzgesetzes vorgestellt. Komisch dabei ist nur, dass jahrelang U.S.Amerikanische Unternehmen in Bereichen wie Windows-Betriebs- system, Internet und World Wide Web sowie den neueren sozialen Netzwerken und Geoinformationsdiensten mit den Daten der Bürger- innen und Bürger machen konnten was sie wollten und jetzt nachdem ein deutsches Unternehmen, was nicht zufällig sondern natürlich un- sere Christian Stroetmann GmbH ist, seine Ambition offiziell vorge- stellt hat auch einen interessanten Dienst zu starten, da wird man bei der NSU auf einmal aktiv. Außerdem ist der explizite und von den Medien auffälligst wiederholte Hinweis interessant, dass sich das neue Gesetz nicht auf einen einzelnen Dienst wie Google StreetView oder eben unser OpenStreetView beziehen soll, um den von uns zu- vor beschriebenen Fakt als haltlosen Verdacht darzustellen.

    Mittlerweile sollte jeder Leserin und jeder Leser unserer Web-Auftrit- te klar erkennen, dass sich die NSU-Clique seit vielen Jahren auf C.S., seinen Unternehmungen aber auch seine Familie "eingeschos- sen haben" und massivst gegen Grund- und Allgemeinrechte ver- stößt. Die erkennen die Demokratie nicht an, weil sie anstatt die systemimmanenten Schlupflöcher zu schließen diese nur suchen und ausnutzen. Wir verwechseln hier überhaupt nichts, schließlich hat man über acht Jahre Mäuschen gespielt und illegal erworbene Infor- mationen illegal verbreitet um wirtschaftliche als auch politische Vor- teile zu nehmen. Wenn überhaupt, dann haben in den ganzen ver- gangenen 12 Jahren NSU-Mitglieder nur mit uns kommuniziert um sich weitere Vorteile zu ergaunern oder uns ihre Aufrichtigkeit vorzugau- ckeln.

    We already mentioned a report about a bacterium in the chapter 12.2 Silicon Bugs of the Prototyp of The Thesis that proved that life must not be defined by the golden rule of science that says: Organic life is composed of the six chemical components carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphor and sulfur. In the ingenious works, The Proposal and Prototyp of The Thesis, C.S. sketched life even gener- ally on the foundation of the fields like the Kolmogorov-Complexity and Algorithmic Information Theory (AIT) over Chemistry, Crystallogy and Molecular Biology to Evolutionary and Developmental Biology, and took the evolution and development of a reflective operating system as an example, and in this way showed how to spell out life in a new, general and, maybe most important, even in the most universal way on the base of AIT more than 10 years ago and in this way a decade before a research, which was funded by the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration (NASA), found a second bacterium that proves our insights.


  • General: Yesterday we gave an explanation that follows the rever- sal of a verdict by the Federal High Court of Justice of the B.R.D. that supports our opinion about the many infringements of our copy- rights. Today we would like to give some very few examplary cases of these:
    • (Computational) ontology (infringed by eg. Microsoft, Univer- sity of the Saarland, Technical University Karlsruhe, University Duisburg/Essen and many more),
    • Cognitive agent system/architecture and operating system (infringed by eg. Technical University Munich, University of the Bundeswehr, Fraunhofer Institut, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Willow Garage, Wikipedia and many more),
    • RDF format and cognitive agent system/architecture (infringed by eg. Technical University Munich, University of the Bundes- wehr, Fraunhofer Institut, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Willow Garage, Wikipedia and many more),
    • (Computational) ontology and cognitive agent system/archi- tecture (infringed by eg. Technical University Munich, Univer- sity of the Bundeswehr, Fraunhofer Institut, Max-Planck-Ge- sellschaft, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intel- ligenz GmbH, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Willow Garage, University of Birmingham and many more),
    • RDF format and Natural Language Processing (NLP) (infringed by eg. Technical University Munich, University of the Bundes- wehr, Fraunhofer Institut, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Willow Garage and many more),
    • (Computational) ontology and Natural Language Processing (NLP) (infringed by eg. Technical University Munich, University of the Bundeswehr, Fraunhofer Institut, Max-Planck-Gesell- schaft, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelli- genz GmbH, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Willow Garage and many more),
    • RDF format and business process, especially management and here open- or closed-loop quality management (infringed by SAP and others),
    • Ontology and business process, especially management and here open- or closed-loop quality management (infringed by SAP and others),
    • Lego® and mixed reality environments (including augmented and virtualized; infringed by eg: Lego®),
    • Ontoscope™ software (infringed by eg. University Göttingen and Ontology Systems),
    • Ontoscope™ hardware (infringed by eg. University of Singa- pore),
    • Tablet computer and multi-touch functionality termed Pad Computer™ (infringed by Apple, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Asus, Samsung and many more),
    • Glassy™ app(lication) and Mobile Device™ (infringed by Apple, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Asus, Samsung and many more),
    • E-dashboard™ (infringed by eg. Continental),
    • Electric drivetrain and torque vectorization (see Active Differ- ential infringed by Volkswagen (especially Audi and Porsche), Daimler, Bayerische Motorenwerke, Schaeffler, Proton (especi- ally Lotus), Tata (especially Jaguar) and many more),
    • Electric drivetrain and Active Differential™ (infringed by Volks- wagen (especially Audi), Daimler, Bayerische Motorenwerke, Schaeffler, Proton (especially Lotus), Tata (especially Jaguar) and many more),
    • Electric drivetrain and Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini Gallardo based chassis (includes R8 chassis; see Apollo Speed-E™ and RE™; infringed by Volkswagen (especially Audi) and nearly all media),
    • Electrified quattro® drivetrain (see Apollo Speed-E™ and RE™; infringed by Volkswagen (especially Audi) and nearly all media),
    • Automobile that has characteristic design elements of our D!™ (infringed by Volkswagen (especially Audi→Lamborghini), some design students and nearly all media),
    • Automobile that has as characteristic design elements our Active Exterior™ (infringed by Bayerische Motorenwerke, a design student and many media),
    • Leaf™ (infrigned by Nissan, Renault and Daimler),
    • Quickcharger™ (infrigned by eg. Volkswagen→Audi, Nissan, Renault and Daimler, and many more),
    • Moon exploration and humanoid robot (including android/gyno- id; infringed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt),
    • Air- or/and spaceplane that has characteristic design elements of our hypersoar catamaran (infringed by Lockheed Martin (essential parts of the patent of the FALCON Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV) are already covered by our longer existing copyright)), and
    • 0 Gravity™ (0 Gravity 1.0™ infringed by eg. a scientist and maybe an university in the Swiss).

    Other infringements that maybe have been done in the past, but were not found until today, or that we already see to be done in the future are related with the following technologies:

    • RDF format and reflective system,
    • (Computational) ontology and reflective system,
    • File DataBase System (FDBS) (not DataBase File System (DBFS)),
    • (Purely) collaboratively created map and image- or/and video- based 2D or/and 3D rendering or/and modeling/sculpturing from collaboratively created image/photo or/and video collection,
    • RDF format and multicore chip,
    • (Computational) ontology and multicore chip,
    • Display, sensor and laser, that radiate light beam/ray directly into the user's eye (see Retina Projector™/Retina Screen™),
    • Mobile Workbench™,
    • Different types of Fuel Cell™,
    • Different types of Looped Fuel Cell™,
    • Looped Fuel Cell™ and surface vehicle,
    • Looped Combustion Engine™/combustion engine with on the fly Regenerative Catalysis™,
    • Jet engine and electric propulsion (excluding magnetohydro- dynamic-/magnetoplasmadynamic-based), and
    • Air- or/and spaceplane that has characteristic design elements of our hypersoar catamaran and electric propulsion.

  • British Broadcasting Corporation: We do quote out of an astrono- my-related report: "Astronomers say the Universe may contain three times the number of stars as is currently thought." and ""Trillions" of Earths orbit red [dwarf] stars in older galaxies [...]".
  • ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat: In one of its science-oriented broadcast a report about a company was shown that since some years developes a catalysator which uses several pipes in parallel to catalyze/crack crude oil. For sure, our related Regenerative Catalys- ator™ which works the other way round, and our Direct and Indirect Multi-Fuel Cell™ technologies which already apply micro channels in- stead of pipes were until today not mentioned in the media, but in this said report all advantages of our technologies were named.

  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media→Pro7: The criminal media company is still showing unlegal advertisements. For example, at an event of fancy diving the springboard divers had the logos of companies painted on their bodies. We have looked closely at related swimming competit- ions and no attendance has had something like this on her/his body. So it seems to be specific to this broadcaster.

    Comment of the Day
    "Information should not be hidden, especially in the 21st century", [Muhammad Salim, These days]
    Government lawyer of the high court, Punjab Province, Pakistan


  • Tibet House U.S.: It seems to be that the organization has taken our logo of Ontologics for its logo which shows the triangle-like hook in the middle and three clouds around it with each made up of three arcs. All four elements are also framed with strokes that should re- present a sun-like shining. How cheap.

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): The agen- cy claimed that a NASA-funded astrobiology research by some U.S. American universities and reseach institutes has changed the fund- amental knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth. That's not right and the responsible persons at NASA and elsewhere do know the facts better (see our Clarification of yesterday as well as the Prototyp of The Thesis by C.S. of the year 2000). What the research really has achieved is, that it found a bacterium that re- placed the chemical element phosphor, which was said to be essen- tial for organic life, by arsenic and in this way is a further bacterium that proves a result of C.S.' research and development that is re- lated with fields like for example Evolutionary, Developmental and Molecular Biology, Algorithmic Information Theory as well as the gen- eral and universal explanation of the life and its foundations. Once again our findings a decade ago have contributed to open up new frontiers in biology and other areas of research (see our related Clar- ification of yesterday and also the Investigations::Aerospace of the 2nd of December 2008, 28th of July 2009, 8th of February 2010, 5th of May 2010, 11th of June 2010 and 12th of June 2010, as well as the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics of the 4th of April 2010, and keep in mind that the integration of the field of (Computational) Ontology into the Virtual Bird project as well as the projects Digital Astronaut and Robonaut were and still are so highly suspicious that we say they are manipulated and continue to keep them under investigation). Sorry gals and guys, but these are the facts and this is the truth.
    Besides this, a month ago students used LEGOs to "Build the Future" at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S.A. (see the Picture of the Day of the 1st of October 2008 that we pub- licated to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the NASA).
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: The working pool of german broad- casters took again a wrong scientific claim to downplay one of the many ingenious achievements by C.S. and his OntoLab™ - The Lab of Visions™. This time it was in the field of biology, especially around the question of the foundation of life as it was already discussed in The Proposal and the Prototyp of The Thesis by C.S. (see also the case of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) above as well as our related Clarification of yesterday).
  • Rheinische Post: For sure, that Nazipaper did the same as the working pool of german broadcasters (see above). How transparent and predictable its criminal actings have become.
  • Bertelsmann→N-TV: Despite a lurid headline in its prime time news, which followed the wrong claims by the NASA, the contents of the short report itself were relativized and by this correct from a scient- ific point of view, but the true breakthrough and unbelievable far reaching achievements by our work hasn't been mentioned, for sure (see Rheinische Post).
  • Wolfgang Banzhaf: The fields Complex Systems, Systems and Syn- thetic Biology, Image and Information Science, and Fundamental Living Technology, as well as their combination sound very familiar.

    Comment of the Day
    Regenerative Plasma Compressor™
    Technology in harmony™ Technology of harmony™
    Art of harmony™

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have updated the webpage of our Twin Ion Engine Royal (TIE R)/ LightSwift by adding an image that shows the LightSwift without engine hule, a conceptual sketch, and additional informations about its construction and its Twin Ion Engine (TIE).

    Comment of the Day
    "Forewarned is forearmed."

    Original vs. Inspiration
    First generation of the (Virtual) Retinal/Retina display
    1. row: Microvision Virtual Retinal Display (1999)
    2. row: Retina Display Design Concept Andrea, Microvision Virtual Retinal Display Design Concept (1999) and Retinal Display Design Concept Dani

    Microvision Virtual Retinal DisplayMicrovision Virtual Retinal DisplayMicrovision Virtual Retinal Display Retina Display Design Concept AndreaMicrovision Virtual Retinal Display Design ConceptRetinal Display Design Concept Dani
    © Microvision and :(
    See also the Clarification of the 3rd of November 2010 and do not confuse this type of display with our technological masterpiece Re- tina Projector™/Retina Screen™ as shown with the Ontonics Further steps about the Retina Projector™ Nano on the 8th of November 2010.


  • Apple: That criminal and only stealing company is still misleading the public by illegally advertising its standard display of its smart- phone as a "retina display" (see the Original vs. Inspiration of today, our Clarification of the 3rd of November 2010 as well as the Ontonics Further steps of the 8th of November 2010 about our NanoProject- or™ named Retina Projector™ Nano).

    Comment of the Day
    "Open your eyes."

    Pod and Swoop Racing League Further steps #12
    Another Swoop racing factory team by an U.S.American manufact- urer has announced its attendance. We all have already missed the company and waited for its decision after we saw factory teams from India (see issue #6 of the 26th of November 2009), Italy (issue #8 of the 9th of August 2010) and an area in Europe where it is still hip to suck out white sausages (issue #7 of the 21st of July 2010). For sure, the image made in one of its secret development buildings shows doubtlessly that its pilots have the needed natural speed in their blood, and also this amazing magic ability to use the force and control their vehicles with closed eyes, but we are not quite sure if all members of the pit crew are able to cope with their tasks. In- deed, this impression was confirmed by invited persons behind the curtain after a leaked document was publicated in a wiki that proved it as well.
    And as we already clearified, there is no senior or junior league, so:
    Stop dreaming - Start Pod racing - Start Swoop racing

    © 303→FNL Communications Sydney

    Picture of the Day
    OntoLab, Ontoscope and intelliTablet (iTablet) The Thinnest Mobile Device™ (Notebook, Tablet, Slate, Booklet and Pad Computer™, and Smartphone) of the World (2003-Today)

    Fujitsu Flexible Monitor, and OntoLab, Ontoscope and intelliTablet The Thinnest Notebook, Tablet, Slate, Booklet and Pad Computer, and Smartphone of the World 2003-Today
    © Fujitsu, OntoLab, Ontoscope and intelliTablet (iTablet)
    This image was presented the first time as the Original vs. Inspirat- ion on the 17th of January 2008, on the 7th of January 2010 and again on the 1st of April 2008, as well as the Original on the 13th of February 2008.

    Ontoscope Further steps
    We really do apologize that we haven't given our readers, customers and all the only defrauding competitors an impression of how thin our Ontoscopes really are. And we do hope that our presentation of the new Ontoscope 3, the thinnest available device for communciation in the format of a mobile phone, will be taken as an excuse.

    Ontoscope 3 Frontside


  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media→Pro7: Indeed, as we found out now that criminal media company has in a parody about the Third Reich sub- stituted the crooked cross by the hash sign instead by the plus sign, for example, and shown a logo that even is more similar with our logo O#™ for damaging the same.


  • Apple: That criminal and only stealing company used in a commer- cial an image on the screen of a device with the sign Z and the term "elektrisierend=electrifying", which without doubt were once again taken form our websites (for example the webpage of our E 430 RSR by Style of Speed™).
    Besides this, it repeated a familiar and also illegal because wrong claim that was about the "schmalste Mobiltelefon== thinnest mobile phone" this time, which was done in the same way in conjunction with a relatively thick mobile computer. We don't think that we have to link the AND and Or gates on the chips shown with the Picture of the Day of today to prove that we already have developed in the year 2003 the thinnest mobile devices, like eg. a smartphone, that are available today.
  • Sony: In an advertisement we found "wooow" and "pures Enter- tainment==pure entertainment". While the first quote directly points to the fact that it is a copy of one of our typical marketing signat- ures, here the Three Os instead of two Os Theme, the other phrase also sounds purely familiar, but not entertaining.
  • Nintendo: In a commercial for its game console that company has now fully jumped on the bandwagon of the Fun Theme.

    In all cases above and in nearly all other cases that we have docu- mented by investigating in the field of multimedia, we could clearly prove the infringements of our copyrights, because translating the characteristic formulations of website contents from one language into another is definitely not an own creative, but simply explained a mechanical work only, and so our copyright counts. Now, the ex- ploitations of positions by those criminal companies, which is against a related law of the European Union, are also proved by their methodically repeated stealing of our intellectual properties.

    Comment of the Day
    "Too much connection. ~ Is no connection."

    We, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, have no relations to any kind of organizations, or groups with a high competence in fields like securi- ty of networks with the only exception of the developer group of the Linux® Security Modules (LSM), especially the LSM of the Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) by the National Security Agency (NSA)/ Central Security Service.

    intelliTablet Further steps 0:33 CET
    For sure, the party has just started and so the fireworks of innovat- ions continue: Our new generation of the devices by intelliTablet (iTablet) in the same thinness as the Ontoscope 3 are on the way.
    We keep promises™! Who else?


  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media: That criminal media company still does its illegal product placements in its broadcasts, for example in its con- tests with their quiz questions.
  • Bertelsmann: see ProSiebenSat.1 Media
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: see Bertelsmann

    Investigations::Car #301

  • Volkswagen→Audi. In a commercial that was shown in the german television the slogan "The art of progress™" was used. This is a fur- ther time that the company copied our website contents and in this way damaged our logo "Progress at ♥" and slogans like "Progress at Heart™", "We keep Progress™", "Keeping Progress™" and "Classic. Progressive. Original™". It should be clear that we haven't only a very high number of copyright infringements (see also for example the general comments in the Investigations of the 1st and 2nd of December above), but also the illegal strategy to copy every of our actings, which the company thinks that it's to its advantage, and that it is illegally exploit- ing its position against the European law.
  • Bayerische Motorenwerke: In a commercial three small cars were shown in the colours red, green and blue with roofs that are painted with the checker(board pattern). A fourth car has the white and black two-tone colour scheme as we have shown with the model B!™ by Style of Speed™.
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: That working group of german broadcasters (ARD) repeated again a report about a car manufact- urer very well knowing that that company has stolen our trademark Leaf™ for a vehicle with hybrid drivetrain (see the Investigations:: Car #156 of the 15th of September 2009 and also for example the case Nissan in the Investigations::Car #278 of the 2nd of August 2010).
    Besides this, that working group of broadcasters explained wrongly that the range of a vehicle with hybrid or Pure Electric™ drivetrain, and the cost of the accumulators still remain unsolved problems. In this way, that criminal working group is actively misleading the public again by not reporting about our solutions of the two mentioned problems by our SuperRevolutionary™ Looped Fuel Cells™ and the additional fuel cell technologies.
  • Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V.: That automotive club reported in its last club magazine about the suspicious demonstrat- ion of the accumulator technology by a german company (see also the Investigations::Car #295 of the 26th of October 2010), which got 275,000 Euro of tax money for the development of the demon- strator vehicle.
    Between the lines it is obvious that the club once again attempted to ridicule us and our technologies, especially in this case of our Looped Fuel Cell™ technology (see also the Investigations::Car #116 of the 7th and #122 of the 29th of June 2009, and #236 of the 15th of March 2010, as well as eg. the models Apollo Speed-E™ and RE™ - The Originals - by Style of Speed).
  • DBM Energy: Which ministry gave the 275,000 Euro of tax money for the development of the demonstrator car which concept was stolen from us (see the Investigations::Car #295 of the 26th of October 2010 for detailed informations about this fraud and its relation to the government of the B.R.D.)?

    Investigations::Avionics and Space

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Space Exploration Technologies: The launch of a rocket by that private company is definitely not a significant step toward commercial space travel, because almost the whole endeavour is funded by the tax money that the U.S.A. government has given to the NASA. Other- wise that company would have been already insolvent like the auto- motive company of its (co-)founder. The whole case looks more like a cheap attempt of marketing and in this way give the public a mis- leading impression about the in fact not really functioning private companies, as well as to distract attention away and to try to steal the business from C.S., again and as always in the last years. Only one or maybe even two of all private companies in the aerospace field that we've analyzed were telling the truth or were not stealing contents, concepts and technologies from other companies, like our company and its division Style of Speed™, but only with the result that they are delivering or using standard technology. And actually we don't know if even one company, including the largest ones, has created an own and sustainable market: They come and go with the projects and money by the NASA.
    Moreover, the (co-)founder of that private company is still stealing contents from our websites for his bold and criminal self-exposing as well as that business hoax. In this conjunction we do ask once again: Guess were for example the label dragon and the 3 Theme were stolen from? He is really a thief and a storyteller only. A pure and true confidence man.


  • Google: And as usual that criminal and only stealing company has once again taken contents, concepts and technologies from our OntoLinux™ website. And this time we have once again convicted it, for sure. In detail: A prototypical web-centered operating system with related hardware was presented. It is claimed that security is at its heart (see the OntoFS webpage), with automatic updates for users taking away the need to constantly ensure that the latest version has been activated (see for example the point about an au- tomized packard manager on the webpage Applications). That crim- inal company also said that it hoped to be the first to ship a tool called "verified boot" on the operating system devices, which makes sure nothing on the machine has been modified or compromised. "We are confident that when we ship notebooks, it will be the most sec- ure operating system ever shipped to users," said a developer. Sorry but that's wrong and a serious criminal act by misleading the public, because we already have with OntoL4 a fully verified modern microkernel since more than two years for our Ontologic System (OS) and Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux™ (see also the section Formal Verification on the webpage Links to Software). Furthermore, we don't think that that company really has such a kind of security feature as others and we do. Besides this, it was claimed that its Linux® based standard distribution is only used with Mobile Devices that feature touchscreens while that web-based operating system is only for mobile web appliances. We don't think so, because in the near future we will here the message that they have merged both operating systems, which will be then nothing else than the techno- logy that is already described on the webpages Components and Links to Software of our website of OntoLinux™. And due to the fact that one complement part of the work was already done by a ger- man university, which we have investigated and documented in the past on this website because the said university followed our act- ings, the only missing thing is a story that should hide its criminal acting in this case. Too late, too much lies and too much crimes, only.
    This case is once again an illegal exploitation of its position after Eu- ropean law, like with its Linux® based standard distribution and the related hardware that was only marketed to distract the attention away from our company and our superior soft- and hardware. Also, it is again not planned at all to really sell the software and the related hardware. That so called Google smartphone was just only the same hoax to camouflage its unlegal marketing actings like we all could and still can see almost every year now by the company Microsoft for selling its operating system (see also the case of the company Microsoft in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 27th of November 2010 and the investigation in the same field of the last two days).

    At this point we would like to repeat that cloud computing is not really new and also not so good. In fact, it is a large jump back to the roots of the operating system Unix and its derivatives, as well as the related hardware and infrastructures. The last time we have seen that attempt to market these old kind of technology with the corresponding devices was by the company Sun and there were similar attempts by other companies. The fact that the devices are now mobile won't change the general problems and obstacles. Moreover, we do think that the concept will work in some few cases but not as a whole as it is advertised now since three years or even longer. And last but not least, the users become more and more transparent to more and more persons and companies who definitely are not their friends, despite what they tell the public. This trend is even more enforced by technologies like eg. the smart (power) grid, social networks, location-based services and so on. Users of these technologies must keep their eyes on their data, and their data on their own devices, which all shouldn't have a network connection, and not on servers owned by other persons and companies, and with unknow locations and unlegal usages (see also the Comment of the Day of today and the Comment of the Day #2 of the 7th of April 2010).

    Karl L. is back and we made another note about him on our webpage Culture so the World can see who is really creative. And who is not.

    Joke of the Decade #1
    "A psychopath and serious criminal kleptomaniac has become CEO of the decade."
    That only stealing Steve Jobs? We only say clone of a clone of the P@d™, the original Pad Computer™. And even the argumentations by the juries have been stolen from our websites as well. How sick.
    And its famous design? That came in large parts from the former german company Braun and its former designer Dieter Rams.

    Joke of the Decade #2
    "A serious criminal kleptomaniac has become businessman of the decade."
    That only stealing Ratan Tata?


  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media→N24: That criminal media company is re- porting about, promoting and in this way supporting serious criminals and their activities as well as misleading the public in a way that is not tolerable anymore. Before the integrity of the society is massively damaged further it is time to stop that company by immediately taking back its broadcasting right.

    Our webpage Culture got a note about the person Fritz Pleitgen and the Ruhr 2010 GmbH.

    Comment and Picture of the Day 0:00 CET
    Pablo Picasso's chair

    Picasso's chair
    © :(
    Not empty. Never.

    Style of Speed Website update and Further steps
    We clearified on the webpages of our models Boxster GT, Boxster BB, Cayman GT and Cayman BB that two different kinds of turbos can be applied, which are based on the concepts of the already used press- ure turbine and also of the velocity blowdown turbine. In this way we also could reveal the fourth supercharging technology of our Quadcharger architecture.

    We are also thinking about a new webpage about supercharging.


  • British Broadcasting Corporation: That broadcaster showed as well an empty chair at 0:41 CET.
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Takes as well the Picture of the Day and publicated an interview with a so called artist from China, who complains about the human rights in China but is himself involved in highly criminal activities.

    Our webpage Culture got a note about the European Union.

    Comment of the Day
    Forced induction architecture™
    Modular supercharging™ Modular supercharger™
    Supercharging architecture™ Supercharger architecture™
    Cold turbo™
    Turbo manifold™
    Turbo bank™ Turbo array™ Turbo stack™

    Investigations::Car #302

  • Volkswagen: Es wird keine Einigung wie bei Lennon und McCartney im Fall des Liedes "Yesterday" zwischen uns und Volkswagen im Fall elektrischer Antrieb und elektrifizierter quattro Antrieb geben. Warum auch? Ganz im Gegenteil: Es wird sich öffentlich, weltweit und in sämtlichen Medien gleichzeitig entschuldigt und dann der von uns festgelegte Schadensersatz geleistet. Es reicht nicht nur mit einem vorderen Federbein des Modells R8 der Marke Audi zur gleichen Zeit, in der wir diesen Antrieb für zum Beispiel das Chassis des Modells Gallardo von Audi→Lamborghini und damit auch für das Chassis des Modells R8 entwickelt haben, anzukommen. Zudem ist es mehr als nur verdächtig wenn man auch noch die anderen Fakten betrachtet, nämlich dass man bei Volkswagen gegen die Regeln des sogenannten Top-Managements verstoßen hat, indem im Gegensatz zu anderen Herstellern gehandelt und unser Konzept gewählt wurde, aber eben nicht ein elektrischer Motor im Rad oder an einem normalen Getriebe montiert. Außerdem wurden weder wesentliche Funktionalitäten zu Beginn der Entwicklung erwähnt noch beschrieben, wie zum Beispiel die Drehmomentvektorisierung (Torque Vectoring), die Integration mit anderen Technologien wie etwa einem Elektronischen Stabilitäts- programm (ESP) und schon gar nicht die Integration von Drehmo- mentvektorisierung und Bremsenergierückgewinnung, noch die zum Teil von uns kreierten Schlüsselbegriffe benutzt, noch nicht einmal die eigene Markenbezeichnung quattro®. Bei uns war das mit dem Apollo Speed-E™ vollkommen klar: Fast identisches Chassis mit dem Modell R8 sowie quattro™ Allradantrieb, 2 oder 4 elektrische Moto- ren, die zur Verringerung der nicht gefederten Masse nicht in den Rädern montiert sind, als auch die Integration mit den anderen Akti- ven Komponenten™ sowie einem Bremsenergierückgewinnungssys- tem.
  • Volkswagen; MAN, Clearstream Banking, Swedbank Robur Fonder and others→Scania: Again we can see that the stealing of contents, concepts and technologies is done by every subsidiary and every company that is under the control of the company Volkswagen. In this case our readers will have no problems to differentiate our orig- inal hallmarks and technlogies from the copies made by the group of Volkswagen. We do quote from its website and give comments for easier understanding: "[...] philosophy [...]", "[...] methods rather than results [...] [Yes indeed, and we are documenting a criminal methode.]", "[...] foundation is our core values [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] supplemented [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] id- entity is shaped by its customers and products [...] [No, that is not correctly said in this way. As everybody can see once again: It is also the stolen identity of other corporations like ours.]", "Three core values – Customer first, Respect for the individual and Quality [...] [We've here not only the 3 Theme.]", "[...] modular product system [...] [Chassis Module System™ and Modular Chassis System™]", "[...] main components [...] [Do not confuse this with our Active Components™.]", "[...] strong, sustainable [...] [Strong™]", "[...] systematic way of applying the same philosophy [...] [This sounds familiar.]", "[...] integrated business [...]", "[...] rational and emot- ional [...]", "High quality and reliability provide outstanding perform- ance [...] [This sounds familiar.]", "[...] modular approach [...]", "[...] creativity and entrepreneurial spirit [...]", "[...] holistic [...] [SuperGotcha!!!™ Holistic Design™ and Holistic System™]", "[...] core competence [...] [This was stolen from our trademark MultiCore Competence™.]", "[...] reflected in everything we do [...] [This was stolen from the website of our Ontologic System®™ (OS) and High- tech Operating System™ (HOS) OntoLinux™, like for example from the webpage Visions.]", "[...] strong corporate culture [...] [A corp- orate subculture?! And we have also Strong™.]", "[...] brand should generate professional respect among colleagues, competitors and customers. [It has already failed, for sure, because this was never a goal.]", "[...] ideas and inspiration [...]", "[...] core values form the basis of its culture and business behaviour [...] [Yes, we can all see clearly now what that means.]", "[...] common way of thinking [...] [Don't confuse with commonsense computing as listed in the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent of the webpage Links to Software of the OntoLinux™ website.]", "[...] developed in our own workshops [...] [Ha, ha, ha]", "[...] three values [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] simplicity of its management systems [...] [This was taken from the website of Ontonics™.]", "[...] holistic view [...] [Holistic Design™ and Holistic System™]", "[...] strong corporate culture is based on established values, principles and methods and is the foundation [...] [Besides that it sounds familiar, we also have here once again the damaging of our trademark Strong™.]", "[...] high standard of ethical behav- iour [...] [Yeah, it's time to laugh loud again. After that substitute the word high with the word no.]", "[...] ethics [...] [Please explain before you babbel about.]", "[...] management philosophy [...] [This was also taken from the webpages of Ontonics™ and OntoLinux™.]", "[...] management system integrates procedures for quality and env- ironmental management and provides the structure in which every operating unit systematically improves its performance [...] [For us it is again a proof that the company Volkswagen does know very well our websites of OntoLinux™ and Style of Speed™.]", "[...] product- ion unit, as well as its research and development units and corporate units [...] [This sounds familiar. In fact, what is meant here is gen- erally called by us business unit.]", "[...] Dealer Operating Standard (DOS) [...] [Ah, what? Disk Operating System (DOS)?!]", "[...] is our vision [...] [OntoLab™ - The Lab of Visions™]", "[...] modular comp- onents [...]", "[...] minimises waste in every form [...] [see the web- page Energy Regeneration by Style of Speed™]", "Alternative fuels", "[...] mixed [...] [In the context it points directly to our trademarks Mix-mode Fuel™ and MixFuel™.]", "[...] no method to transport suff- icient amounts of hydrogen gas on a vehicle currently exists [...] [That's a criminal lie. That company does know very well that we've even a more superior solution with our range of fuel cells and Looped Fuel Cells™. And it also shows very well once againg what the com- pany Volkswagen has as criminal strategy in mind. Or does really someone at Volkswagen attempt to claim that it does not know our company, business units, products and services?]", "[...] hydrogen must be produced from renewable raw materials, a technology which is not viable at present [...] [No, this is also wrong and also a lie.]", "[...] pioneering technology [...]", "[...] proactive approach [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] to inspire [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] ethics and high moral standards are preconditions [...] [We all do know that its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) gives a damn about it.]", "[...] maximise [...]", "[...] self-evident [...]", "We promise [... to go away?]", "[...] refining [...]", "[...] feels a sense [...]", "[...] diversity vision [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] diverse knowledge, qualities and experiences leads to greater creativity [...] [Guess where this was stolen from.]", "[...] vision of sustainable urbanism [...] [Oh, we do not know (not really) why it sounds so familiar. Do you?]", "[...] little bit extra [...] [compare with our slogans like "A bit ahead™" and "Bit for Bit™"]", "In style [...] [No, no, no: In Style™ is us.]", "[...] equipped [...]", "Pure premium [...]", "[...] strong exterior styling [...] [HyperGotcha!!!™ Strong™ exterior Style of Speed™]", "[...] beautiful [...]", "[...] unique customising [...]", "[...] unique modular system [...] [In this context it is our Chassis Module System /Modular Chassis System™]", "[...] get the job done [...] [Without doubt, this was stolen from our websites and damages Barrack's and our slogan "We'll get the job done™".]", "[...] ready for action [...]", "[...] tasks like rescue and fire-fighting, cleaning and refuse handl- ing, defence and peace-keeping [...] [Surprisingly (not really) only those applications were mentioned that we mentioned before.]", "[...] equipment [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] supplement [...] [stealing of a speech act]", "[...] aerial platform [...] [There should be no confusion with this in the field of the mentioned tasks above with our Exterior Robots™.]", "Exterior, V8 styling [...] [see also the models Boxster GT and Cayman GT by Style of Speed™]", "[...] sharp-er [...]", "[...] harmonise [...]", "[...] Black Brilliant [...]", "[...] styling and choice of colours reflects [...]", "[...] three series [...]", "[...] drivers perform better [...] [compare with our trademark Drive better™]", "[...] muscle [...]", "[...] strong impression [...] [We are honest: Not really. And also again: Strong™.]", "[...] next-generat- ion [...]", "[...] this has less to do with vision than it does with pure experience and expertise [...] [This has less to do with pure experi- ence and expertise than it does with criminal energy.]", "[...] adv- anced emission reduction at the tailpipe [...]", "Exhaust gas recircul- ation [Do not confuse this emission reduction technology with our much superior energy regeneration technologies, especially like our Looped Combustion Engines™ and Regenerative Catalysator™.]", "Selective catalytic reduction [Don't confuse this emission reduction technology with our much superior energy regeneration technologies, especially our Looped Combustion Engines™ and Regenerative Cata- lysator™.]", "[...] three precisely timed [...]", "[...] through every cycle [...]", "[...] PDE [...] [No, no rocket science here like a Pulse Detonation Engine.]", "[...] modular combustion concept [...] [Have we already mentioned our trademarks Chassis Module System™ and Modular Chassis System™?]", "[...] singular [...] [speech act steal- ing]", "Turbocompounding seems to defeat the laws of physics by creating energy out of nothing. It works by recovering energy that would otherwise be lost, or wasted. It is a classic example of recycl- ing. "[...] additional heat is extracted from the exhaust gases [...] [Firstly, this was stolen from the webpage of our Energy Regenerat- ion Systems as well as the linked webpages. Secondly, this explan- ation of the working of turbo-compounding is wrong. In fact, it re- covers energy from the exhaust gases as an additional exhaust tur- bine in the downstream from a turbocharger. Thirdly, it's wrongly de- scribed to due the stealing of our intellectual properties as describ- ed on the webpage Thermal-mechanic/-electric Recovery, like the Stroetmann-Compressor. And at this point we have the undeniable proof that contents was stolen from our websites.]", "[...] driving force [...] [No, no, no: Driving Force™.]", "[...] electric actuator [...]", "[...] management system is the brain in total control [...] [No doubt. This was as well stolen from our websites like the ones of OntoLinux™ and Style of Speed™. We only say Active Components™ and AutoBrain™.]", "[...] integrated powertrain [...]", "[...] his or her [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] stronger, lighter [...] [And again: "Lighter Stronger Faster™"]", "[...] powertrain management software that makes the most out of the interaction between components and systems [...] [compare with the description of our Active Diff- erentials™ by Style of Speed™]", "[...] 0.3 litres [...]", "[...] 3 sec- onds [...]", "[...] modular system [...] chassis [...] [And in this con- text our trademarks Modular Chassis System™/Chassis Module Syst- em™ were directly damaged.]", "[...] parabolic and multi-leaf [...]", "[...] equipment [...]", "[...] three [...] points [...]", "[...] comple- ment [...]", "[...] three stages [...]", "[...] very strong [...]", "[...] tricky [...] [Tricky Structure™ and Tricky Pattern™]", "[...] active steering [...]", "[...] full-view dashboard displays [...] [Don't confuse this with our e-dashboard™.]", "[...] more scope [... but no Onto- scope™]", "[...] reduce complexity [...]", "Bold [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] stylish touch [...] [No, no, no. We said it so many times before, and we will do it again: Stop damaging our trademarks, logos and slogans, like in this case Style Touch™, and infringing our copyright, or go away.]", "Be inspired [...]", "Style [In the context it is once more used to damage our trademark Style of Speed™.]", "[...] driving style [...]", "[...] building blocks [...] [speech act steal- ing]", "[...] cuts your fuel consumption and CO2 footprint to a mini- mum [...] [No, that's wrong. Our energy regeneration solutions, like our Looped Combustion Engines™ and Regenerative Catalysator™, go much further. And that company is aware of this fact.]", "Truly sustainable transport is our vision. [We don't think so, because we had this vision before and now it has stolen our vision.]", "[...] vision a reality [...]", "[The company]’s vision is that carbon dioxide emiss- ions per tonne transported can be reduced by 50 percent during this period. [Despite that it has stolen our vision, we have already made this vision a reality with our superior energy regeneration solutions, like our Looped Combustion Engines™ and Regenerative Catalysat- or™.]", "[...] driver competence [...] [This is damaging our slogan "Driven by Competence™".]", "[...] iconic [...]", "Active safety [...] [Compare this with our range of Active Components™.]", "[...] three fundamental cornerstones [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] model can be cust- omised [...]", "[...] urban jungle [...] [HyperGotcha!!!™ This was taken from the "Minifigure Urban Jungle" series by C.S. presented the first times on the 21st of March and 6th of April in 2009. And it is another more than only clear proof of what we claim with this inve- stigative case.]", "Simply a masterpiece of transport evolution [...] [DoubleSuperGotcha!!!™]", "[...] styling and excellent [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] does the job with style [...]", "[...] perfect bal- ance [...] [Don't confuse with Brilliant Balance™.]", "[...] intelligent electrical system [...]", "[...] sense the quality [...]", "[...] fine de- tails [...]", "[...] elegant [...]", "[...] stunning design [...] [Style Stu- nner™]", "[...] practical proofs [...] [Indeed, we do proof.]", "[...] beauty meets logic [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] three different [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] flexibility with style [...]", "[...] strong [...] [Strong™]", "[...] distinctive style [...]", "[...] stylish [...]", "[...] three output capacities [...]", "[...] style [...]", "[...] styled [...] [As used in a context like this, it's even an infringement of our copy- right.]", "[...] diversity [...]", "[...] stylish [...]", "[...] strong [...]", "[...] strong [...]", "[...] balance [...]", "[...] strong driver [...]", "[...] clever [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] we provide everything necessary – and everything possible – to reduce wasted fuel and energy [...] [And once again we have here that serious criminal lie to mislead the public.]", "[...] testing and high-quality [...]", "[...] actively supports the driver in tricky [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] maximum scope [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] significantly [...]", "[...] at the heart [...]", "Pioneering technology [...]", "[...] to handle emissions in the most effective way [...] [And again one of its big lie.]", "[...] beating heart [...]", "[...] wide range of optional equipment [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] "intelligence" built into the [Engine Management System (]EMS[)] technology [...]", "We are here! [taken from our Comment of the Day of the 15th of October 2009]", "Clean speed [No, no, no: Clean Speed™. There must be something not working in their heads, definitely.]", "[...] strategic vision [...]", "[...] speedy [...] [Speed-E™]", "[...] proactive [...]", "[...] superstructures [...]", "Ta-daa! [This also reflects a copied behavior.]", and "Follow the law [It seems to be that the worldwide management is in an urgent need for training in how to follow the law.]". We can even see at which time our intellectual properties were stolen. Ta-ta-ta-daaa!!! Convicted!!!™ This will come expens- ive. And it does it right.
  • Ford: In a commercial we could see a transforming exterior and interior of a car.
  • Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Formula One (F1) World Championship: We got the following informations by a report of a large british broadcaster: "The adoption of moveable rear wings [(see Active Wing™)] to aid overtaking were also confirmed in the new FIA rules for 2011 while the [Kinetic Energy Recovery System (]Kers[)] power-boost system also returns [(see Brake Energy Re- covery System (BERS))]. The governing body also confirmed a new "green" engine for the 2013 season" "to improve sustainability." "These powerunits will be four-cylinder, 1.6-litre turbos with energy recovery systems [(see for example the model Lupo R)] [...], with the aim of increasing efficiency by 35% [(at first it was said "by up to 50%")]." "Volkswagen has also been heavily involved in the dis- cussions and has privately indicated to F1 insiders that the only way it would consider entering F1 would be if the sport adopted these new rules." and "[...] it is expected to use its Audi brand." (see eg. our model Boxster GT).
  • Aeristech: That company has stolen contents, concepts as well as technologies from our websites like the one by Style of Speed. We do quote to document its actings: "Breakthrough Turbocharging Te- chnology [Not really.]", "[...] has "game changing" proprietary patent technology using ultra high speed motors [...] [To be honest: We do not believe that it is changing the game, because too much very good alternatives are available and in the research and development pipelines, even to avoid the turbo lag.]", "[...] reflects the culminat- ion of significant [...]", "[...] fundamental shift in thinking [...] [No, the concept of an electric power-based bypass doesn't. Take a look on the webpage of our aerospaceplane Space Shuttle Next Generat- ion X-3033™/MagicStar™, for example.]", "[...] designed developed and built the worlds fastest and fastest accelerating permanent magnet motors that provide unrivalled performance [...] [We do not believe this.]", "[...] actively pursuing many additional initiatives: light weight materials, alternative fuels, hybridization, fuel cells [...] [This was taken from our websites.]", "[...] eliminated perceived turbo lag at affordable cost [...] [No, that's not quite right. The additional cost for an electric power storage are too high in comp- arison to the other alternative solutions.]", "[...] vehicle manufact- urer, its engine supplier and the supplier of turbochargers, super- chargers and power storage [...] [This sounds very familiar.]", "[...] evolution [...]", "[...] high technology [...]", "[...] deep technical know how and ability to solve complex issues sets our company ap- art [...] [No, that's a lie. And guess what: We are proving it just with this investigative case.]", "[...] rigorous analysis with open minded creativity is the hallmark of the company’s philosophy [...] [So, how much SuperGotchas do we have here? Four!]", "Our core values reflect [...] [... nothing, because there are no core values, obviously.]", "Creativity and innovation defines our work but it is our integrity, honesty and passion that drives our ethos of strong part- nerships and respect for others. [Okay, let's laugh loud together. Where is for example the respect for our copyright?]", "Collaborative working is essential [...]", "We are proud of our achievements [...] [Again, this sounds familiar.]", "[...] automotive component [...]" and "People want vehicles that are fun and easy to drive as well as fuel efficient. [That criminal company] supports a great driving experi- ence, outstanding fuel economy and low emissions. [Obviously, this was stolen from us.]". Finally, we would like to say some words about its technology. First of all, as we said before we think that its special energy bypassing solution is not new. Secondly, we do elec- tric assisted supercharging with another turbine technology and a compressor as well. Thirdly, it is said that a new development by the company is replacing battery energy storage with a super capacitor (see also our Aeroaccu™), but this won't overcome the disadvant- age of the high cost due to the fact that high volumes of electric power must be stored and processed.

    Comment of the Day
    Modular induction™
    Supercharger manifold™ Supercharger intake manifold™
    Supercharger bank™ Supercharger array™ Supercharger stack™

    Style of Speed Website update
    In conjunction with the further steps mentioned on the 10th of this month (see above), we added the new webpage Forced Induction to our website.
    Accordingly, we also updated the webpages of our models Boxster GT, Boxster BB, Cayman GT and Cayman BB.

    We also listed the option to use a pressure reservoir as energy stor- age and mentioned the interplay with our Brake Energy Recovery Systems (BERS).


  • General: On the 9th of this month we reported about the psycho- logical terror that was and still is done against C.S. and his family, and that the more resistance was put up, the vehemence has been strengthened as well by the other side. One example is the often mentioned choosing of persons for broadcasts that have the first- name Christian or Chris. In the last days there were even more of this acting to see in the media, so that nearly no report was broad- casted without a person who has not this firstname. We don't say that it is not allowed to do so in general, but if the goal is mobbing only, then we are in another situation. And the latter is the case, as it is proved with the information that in C.S.' generation names like Andreas (alone four in the same class at school), Thomas, Frank, Martin, Oliver and so on are predominating, as well as the result of this analysis.
  • Bertelsmann→N-TV: In a scientific report, which by the way was about a reactor which transforms waste into crude oil (undoubtably, taken from and made in relation with the case of the group of broadcasters ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat of the Investigat- ions of the 2nd of this month), a student with the said firstname was taken to present the technology, because no other related scientist seems to be available at the time of production. And for sure, it was also done to play down the ingenuity of C.S. a further time.

  • Bertelsmann: In the last five years we have analyzed that that criminal broadcaster, which is actively producing misleading contents and stirring up hatred, is illegally synchronizing the broadcasts of commercials with his television channels and the television channels of another criminal media company.
  • ProSiebenSat.1 Media: see Bertelsmann

    Comment of the Day
    Wir lieben Hightech™ We love Hightech™
    Racing at heart™

    Style of Speed Website update
    In the section Land we've added new webpages for the presentation of our SuperProgressive™ combustion engines with turbo bank™, Combined Combustion Engines™ and Quasiturbines.

    We also reorganized the website very slightly by taking the fresh subsection Forced Induction out of the section Supplement and putting it into the section Engine.

    Investigations::Car #303

  • Fiat→Ferrari and Michelotto: The two companies are developing GT2 and GT3 race car versions of the model 458 Italia by the mar- que Fiat→Ferrari under the name 458 GTC. That's just a year later than our presentation of such a version (see the webpage of the model E458™ RSR by Style of Speed™.). The front and rear fenders have at their rear lower ends the design we have shown with the Raptor RSR and Pan RSR.
  • Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ACO): The automobile club has now allowed energy recovery systems as part of the ACO's "sustainable development and respect for the environment" activities. We only say: We from Style of Speed™ created the Green and Blue Moment- um™™ as the Green- and Blue-Tech Avantgarde™™ as well as the HighGreen- and HighBlueTech Competence™™™™ with our Green and Blue SuperCars and Racers™™™™.
  • Volkswagen→Audi: A new race car was presented by the marque, so we do quote out of the related press release: "[...] there is a growing trend towards smaller, more economical but yet powerful engines [...] [Yes indeed, once again "We set trends™". See also the webpages of our models Belly Tank Lakester, Lupo R and for ex- ample Cayman GT.]" "[...] to its promise [...] [This seems to be de- rived from our slogan "We keep promise™"]", "[...] carbon fiber mo- nocoque of the R18 does not consist of two halves but features a single-component design. This saves weight and increases stiffness [...] [We already explained this in conjunction with the case of the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt in the Investigations:: Car #294 of the 20th of October 2010.]", "[...] balanced [...]", "[...] new generation [...]", "[...] Technical Development (TE) division [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] form the shape of a "1" which is intend- ed to inspire associations with Audi’s historic brand logo [...] [We do not think so. It's obvious that it was inspired by our logo "#1™".]", "From our point of view, the TDI continues to be the most efficient technology," says [the] head of engine development at [the marque ...] [Read what we have said long before about our Tricharger™ and also about our Looped Combined Combustion Engine™ (LCCE) on the webpage ouf our model Lupo R.]", "[...] progressive electrification [...]" and "[...] R15 plus plus [...] [No, it's no new object-oriented pro- gramming language based on or like C++.]". As usual, the race car shows design elements we discussed in the Investigations::Car #240 of the 26th of March 2010 in a slightly changed form, which again followed the hypersonic jet design of the DARPA and NASA (see the image image of the Hyper X X-43B that we have shown on the 8th of February 2008) and the graphics of the plasma hyperson- ics technology (has been shown on this website on the 25th of Oct- ober 2008), as well as our design and the design by the DARPA and NASA in relation with our Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle HCV-1™/White- Swift™ where we can see the other true source of inspiration for its taking of the number "1". So we still have here the further infringe- ment of our copyright, obviously.
  • Volkswagen→Porsche: The speculations about a new version were quite some time flowing around in the World Wide Web. But only aft- er we presented the Boxster GT and Cayman GT the marque came up with a model Cayman R (see also the case of the model Boxster Spyder in the Investigations::Car #78 of the 29th of January 2009 and our model Raptor Speedster by Style of Speed™). We also name our conversions of automobiles with classic combustion engine R and BB™, but in the case of our models Boxster GT and Cayman GT we took GT and GT R instead, due to the larger conversion with the V8 engines. The press release gives us additional informations and inter- esting statements to comment and document: "[...] specially adapt- ed sports chassis [...] [We can not see that there really was an adaption.]", "[...] 1,295 kilograms [...] 3.9 kilograms per horsepower [...] [Our Cayman GT with a weight of 1,350 kilograms and around 450 hp has a ratio of 3 kilograms, with 600 hp of 2.25 kilograms and with 750 hp of 1.8 kilograms per horsepower. And these data are of the versions with the standard chassis and not the Fine Carbon™ Fibre MonoChassis™ that will help to achieve a ratio of under 1.6 kg/hp by the 750 hp version.]", "[...] lightweight components [...]", "[...] equipment [...]", "[...] 911 GT3/GT3 RS and Boxster Spyder [...] [Yes indeed, now we are at our Boxster GT and Boxster GT R.]", "[...] equipped with the lightest 19 inch wheels the entire Porsche range can offer [...] [So, is this true? Then we would like to know how much lighter they are in comparison to the 19 inch RS Spyder wheels shown with for example the Boxster GT. Could it be that the RS Spyder wheels are lighter?]", "[...] purist [...]" and "[...] distinc- tive fixed rear spoiler [...] [Surprisingly, we have shown before an image of a Cayman with the same fixed rear spoiler, example given on the webpage of the Cayman GT, and we also thought that it is an option for all Cayman versions.]".
    Also, the 911 GT3 RSR was updated for the new racing season and in the related press information it was said that "changes to the suspension kinematics" were made. This has to be seen with the changed suspension kinematics of our Boxster GT, Boxster BB™, Cayman GT and Cayman BB™ models by taking a push rod suspens- ion.
  • Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini: A new version of one of its model was presented. We took a look at the press release for quoting: "[...] excellence and extreme performance [...] [This sounds familiar, as always.]", "[...] eye of the storm [...] [see the image of our Mach 32 WaveRider/HyperSoar Classic]", "[...] breathtaking performance [...]", "[...] catapults [...]", "[...] driving machine [...] [One of the true driving machines is here: Bee!™.]", "[...] pure [...]", "[...] free of superfluous decoration [...] [That's wrong. The model has much edges.]", "[...] clearly [...]", "[...] three-dimensional [...]", "[...] raz- or-sharp [...]", "[...] hi-tech competence [...] [No, no, no. We re- peat once again for those persons and companies who are not so fast: Hightech Competence™ © 2001. And to use hi-tech instead of hightech is not enough to be distinguishable in this case. Stop damaging our trademarks and infringing our copyright.]", "[...] high- quality carbon [...] [compare for example with High-Quality Techno- logy™ and High Carbon™]", "[...] fine exterior [...] [First of all, we would like to mention our trademark Fine Carbon™. Furthermore, this quote together with the quote before prove clearly once again the infringement of our copyright, because our story is repeated even by using the same words.]", "[...] sharp harmonics [...] [O#™]", "[...] evident [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] superior [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] drivers can accelerate earlier out of a bend [by the all-wheel drivetrain] than drivers of rear-wheel drive cars [...] [But everybody knows that this is only achieved by a weight penalty of around 140 kilograms, at least. So in the end the advantage is only in moist or even snowy weather conditions, but we don't encourage drivers to move a super sports car in such situations to the maxim- um.]", "[...] driving machine [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] pure [...] [speech act stealing]" and "Equipment [speech act stealing]".
    Besides this, the first informations about an upcoming super sports car were given. The related press release, which we do quote here, is especially focused on the drivetrain: "[...] twelve-cylinder is the king of the engine world and the true heart [...] [Yes indeed, so we put one into the BBB™ and Cayman BB™.]", "The only real choice for [the marque] is a high-revving naturally aspirated engine [...] [Let's see how long this statement will be true, especially in conjunction with the new generation of engines that have a small displacement and turbos. For example, we have in stock 3.0 liter V12 and 3.0 liter W12 Combined Combustion Engines™ (CCE) with turbo bank™ and anti-lag system that make steadily over 15.000 revolutions per minu- te, as well as many other Combined Combustion Engines™ that don't need a special and expensive synthetic fuel, but just simply run with standard fuels. And guess what: Our engines are the future.]", "[...] fascination inspired [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] thermal mana- gement [...]", "[...] catalytic [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] the lowest possible gas emissions [...] [So, here we are at our story of our Regenerative Catalysator™.]", "[...] catalytic [...]", "[...] cata- lytic [...]", "[...] smart actuators [...] smart sensors [...] [Do not confuse these with our Active Actuators™ and Active Sensors™.]", "[...] speed is everything [...] [This has to be seen with our speed-related trademarks and the slogan "Equipment is everything™". As such it is somehow an infringement of our copyright.]", "[...] robotiz- ed gearbox [...] [That's pure nonsense, because we have here just only standard sensors and actuators. Said this, this phrasing is high- ly misleading the public and in this way illegal. And the marque only wants to jump on the robot and transformer theme like we tell since our very beginning with our division Roboticle™ and for example the models V!™/SpeedVan™ and BumbleBeeE™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] companion [...]", "[...] the shifting sleeves are actuated [...] are operated via hydraulic actuators [...] [As we explained: There are no robots to be found in the gearbox, but only actuators. By the way: Have we mentioned our new 8-speed dual-clutch transmission with independent shifting rods and virtually infinity operating modes that are adaptively programmed on-the-fly by the car computer?]", "[...] three operating modes [...]", "Integrated electronic control system [This sounds familiar.]", "[...] fast communication architect- ure [...]" and "[...] electronic controlled coupling device [...] is able to continuously distribute the right torque [...] [Don't confuse this with our Active Differentials™ and our Electronic Torque Vector- ing™.]". We also found statements like "[...] redefine the future of the super sports car [...] [So, really?]" and "[...] strong heart [...] [speech act stealing]". Besides this, we heard about Active Wings™. Does someone feel our breath? We think that this is indeed the case with our Boxster GT and Cayman GT. And why isn't the Murciélago successor called Jota? Yes, we kick a~~!
  • Daimler→Mercedes-Benz: Even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn. We do quote out of a press release for a new version of one of its obsolete cars: "Stunning design, superior performance and groundbreaking efficiency [...] [This sounds familiar. And the latter claim is a lie. Groundbraking efficiency for a V8-powered car have we created with our Boxster GT for example.]", "[...] 33 [...]", "[...] Ad- aptive Suspension with the adaptive damping system [...] [We don't make it so complicated for our beloved customers and simply say Active Suspension.]", "[...] active LED high-performance headlights [...] [This statement is damaging our trademark Active Light™.]", "[...] it sets new benchmarks in design, performance and efficiency [...] [No, it doesn't. Our models Boxster GT and Cayman GT by Style of Speed™ do this.]", "[...] high-tech components [...] [Don't con- fuse this with our trademark Hightech Competence™© 2001.]", "[...] equipment [...]", "[...] active [...]", "[...] green "ECO" symbol [...]", "[...] active [...]", "[...] high-tech driveline [...] [We only say "Driven by Hightech™", "Hightech 'R' Us", "We ♥ High-tech™" and so on.]", "[...] engineering work of art [...] [Hu, hu, hu. Please, come down to earth again. Moreover, this phrase is also a lie, because in the industries there is no place for artists. Here in our divisions we truly can say "Artist at work™".]", "[...] intelligent lightweight de- sign [...] [Ooops, intelligent design can become a very critical mark- eting statement.]", "Progress through light – active [...] ["We keep Progress™" with our Active Light™.]", "[...] inspired [...]", "[...] in- spiration [...]", "[...] differentiated [...]", "[...] styling harmonizes perfectly [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] philosophy [...]", "[...] Active Blind Spot Assist and Active Lane Keeping Assist [...] [We only say: Active Components™.]", "[...] more power [...] ["More Power - More Speed - More Fun™"]" and "[...] composition [...]".
  • McLaren: That criminal and only stealing company has developed something and gives us its boring informations: "[...] revolutionary lightweight one-piece moulded carbon chassis [...] [Ha, ha, ha. Be- sides this joke, we have here a clear case of speech act stealing.]", "[...] architecture and design [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] high- est quality [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] br reflected [...] [and again speech act stealing]", "[...] collaboration [...] [speech act stealing]" and "[...] strong [...] [Do they still don't know? Strong™ is by us since so long now!]".
  • RWE and Chamber of Crafts Monkeyvillage→Verlagsanstalt Hand- werk: In a little magazine insert, that was launched and financed by the criminal power supplier (see the Investigations of the 29th of November 2008 and 20th of August 2010, the Investigations::Car #122 of the 29th of June 2009 inclusive the case of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V., #127 of the 14th of July 2009, #182 of the 24th of October 2009, #204 of the 5th, #212 of the 29th of December 2009 and #278 of the 2nd of August 2010 inclus- ive the case of the company Nissan, as well as the Investigations:: Culture of the 18th of May 2010 and 20th of July 2010) and laid into the monthly club paper of the Chamber of Crafts that is called Deut- sches Handwerksblatt==German Craft/Trade Paper, we once again found stolen contents of our website and actively published des- criptions about concepts and technologies that were stolen from our business division Style of Speed™ (see also the Investigations of the 20th of May 2010). We quote out of the magazine insert and directly translate into English: "Stromflitzer==Power-sportster [said in relat- ion to our E-Conversions and City Sportster™/City Scooter™]", "[...] annährend 30 Fahrzeuge==approximately 30 veicles [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] Haustechnik [...] Da gehört die Elektromobilität einfach dazu. ==domestic engineering [...] The electric mobility simply belongs to that. [Not really.]", "[...] knallrote Fiat 500==bright red Fiat 500 [...] [The concept to electrify this car was stolen from our City Sports Car™ (CSC) model City Speed-E™ by Style of Speed™.]", "[...] mit Innovationen im Konkurrenzkampf die Nase vorn==to be ahead by a nose in the competition with innovations [...] [So? Guess why we are investigating and documenting these serious criminal cases? Be- cause we do want to report about innovative companies? We can't see innovations just only the stealing by a large defrauding company and the typical fraudster #10(?), who came nine years too late.]", "[...] Schnellladestation==Fast/Quick-charging station [...] [It's a part of our stolen Quickcharger™ solution. See also again the Inve- stigations::Car #278 of the 2nd of August 2010.]", "[...] Aufbau von Schnellladestationen in der Gebäudeinstallation==buildup of Fast/ Quick-charging stations in the building installation [...] [That'll take decades. And as the true pioneer and copyright holder we found out that quick-charging and high-performance accumulators are not en- ough. So we developed our Looped Fuel Cell™ - The Silver Bullet te- chnology.]", "[...] rasanten==swift [...]", "[...] vom Preis her absolut konkurrenzfähige Fahrzeuge==by the price absolutely competitve vehicles [...] [This will take at least one decade, if it is achievable at all. But this is only one element that have to be achieved so that the electric mobility could have a breakthrough.]", "[...] City-Logistik ==City-Logistic [...] [once again said in relation to the City Sport- ster™/City Scooter™ by Style of Speed™]" and "[...] kann Bremsen- ergie gewonnen werden==brake energy can be recovered [...] [see our Brake Energy Recovery System (BERS™)]".
    Btw.: Due to serious criminal, political and also technical problems, as well as the internal combustion engines of the new generation with all of the energy regeneration systems and all of the not pre- sented technologies that has been developed by us, we declare the Pure Electric™ mobility as dead again. As we already said, until this proposed technology is ready and common, the vehicles by our busi- ness division Style of Speed will produce their power all alone or will have a range that is at least 10,000 miles. And for sure, since sev- eral years we do have contacts to Chevron and ExxonMobil.
  • A small company from Rhineland-Palatinate: It is somehow curious how bold little criminal punks like the junior partner of the company announce to steal contents, concepts and technologies from our company's websites. The company works together with a highly criminal power supplier (see the case before) in the field of electric mobility, has in its vehicle fleet an electrified Fiat 500 painted in bright red, which is in fact based on the stolen concept of our City Speed-E™, and wants to install quick-charging stations. It also said that it may acquire motorcycles with Pure Electric™ drivetrain, as they can be found as well on the website of Style of Speed™, see for example our E Vespa™ - The Original, and announced implicitly that it wants to steal more. Our readers can already read about the technologies that might be targeted on this website and the website by Style of Speed™. Before we give the usual result of investigating this criminals, we would also like to mention that a meeting at the courts will most probally cost them the whole company. And the re- sult: Convicted!!!™


  • Samsung: For a commercial of its clone of a clone of our intelli- Tablet (iTablet)™ in the slate style, the original Pad Computer™, that company has stolen again a product from, which was this time the Cook!Mobile™→Cook!Tablet™ (see also Investigations::Multi- media of the 26th of November 2010).

    Comment of the Day
    Modular transmission™

    Style of Speed Website update
    Yesterday, we sketched one of our transmissions. Today, we added the related new webpages Active Transmission and Active Shift to our website.


  • General: Suddenly, even the aerospace and armaments industries are following our pioneering steps, like we are making with Style of Speed™.
    The true #1™ sets trends and created again the momentum, as usual:
    Hightech Competence™ + Greentech Competence™ =
    High Green and Clean Tech Competence™™™
  • BAE Systems: see General
  • Boeing: see BAE Systems
  • Lockheed Martin: see Boeing
  • European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS): see Lockheed Martin

  • Chamber of Crafts Monkeyvillage: We quote out of its club maga- zine: "Wir brauchen eine Renaissance der Verantwortlichkeit==We do need a Renaissance of responsibility".

    Comment of the Day
    Regenerative Katalyse™


  • Cuil: The highly celebrated start-up of the year 2008 by former clerks of the company Google, Cuil, is history. That was clear, be- cause it started with a stolen part of our technology. And after it didn't know anymore what to steal and we also gave it no more to steal, it had to produce its own concepts and technologies, but for sure was unable to do so and became directly insolvent. That's usual worldwide for this kind of start-ups that have only stealing as their business strategy. What a bellyflop. :P

    The software Tor is not safe, because the IP addresses/numbers can be backtracked, though we only heard that this is done by secret services.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have updated the webpage of our Ape ESP 2.0 - The Leaf™ on Wheels™ to the new version 3.0. While the 1.0 version was based on solar panels and the 2.0 version on Multi-Ray Panels™, we have now a second thermoelectric version as well, which uses our tech- nology of the HyperStirling™ Solar Energy Generation system.


  • British Broadcasting Corporation: Once again, that company tried to play down the genius by C.S.. Its related bold and surely wrong statement is: "That would not have been the case had it come from someone without the reputation of Sir Roger. [Meant was here the momentum, which in fact was created by C.S. in the field of cosmo- logy.]". Also, we have the quote: "The standard first test is to plug the new idea into simulations of the sky; you create a model on the basis of everything that is known and the result should replicate what observations bear out in the real [...] data." (see the related Investigations of the 28th of November 2010, the image "Evidence" by C.S., and also the webpages Links to Software and Links to Org- anization of the OntoLinux™ website).

    Investigations::Car #304

  • Volkswagen: Its CEO complains about the support by the govern- ment of the B.R.D. in the field of electric mobility. That is bold, be- cause that company is a member in nearly every related and with tax money funded project, as well as research and development clu- ster, and also has collaborations with around every third college of applied science, university and scientific center, which all are re- searching and developing in such a way so that the results can be directly integrated in its products and services. But as a result of all of these national supports the most interesting technologies are re- searched and developed with foreign partners, like accumulators with its partners in China, Japan, and some other Asian countries. Furthermore, the company could announce the creation of 50,000 new jobs, but only 6,000 should be created in the B.R.D.. And su- ddenly we do not here something by the labor union representativ anymore, who had that big mouth as he said that the illegal Volks- wagen Law has to remain effective for safeguarding jobs.
  • British Broadcasting Corporation: That criminal media company re- ported about a new solar fuel machine that mimics plant life, similiar to artificial photosynthesis, by using stolen contents of our website. We prove our claim by quoting and giving references to the original webpages that are owned by us and contain descriptions about our superior technologies: "Conventional photovoltaic panels must use the electricity they generate in situ, and cannot deliver power at night. [The same holds for the presented device: It must use the heat it generates in situ, and cannot deliver heat at night. Further- more, in this conjunction we would like to mention our SolarLunar Panel™ and IR-Ray Panel™ technologies.]", "[...] carbon dioxide and/or water are pumped into the vessel, the [material] will rapidly strip the oxygen from them as it cools, creating hydrogen and/or carbon monoxide.", "Hydrogen produced could be used to fuel hydro- gen fuel cells in cars, for example, while a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be used to create "syngas" for fuel.", "Me- thane can be produced using the same machine, [a female scientist] say." and "[...] power could be available throughout the day and night [...]". Without doubt, the quoted contents, the concepts and most of the technologies have been stolen from our webpage of the Ape ESP 3.0 - The Leaf™ with Wheels™ - The Leaf™ on Wheels™ by Style of Speed™, which was mentioned the first time on the 23rd of June 2008, publicated on the 1st of April 2009 and updated on the 20th of May 2009, and also from the webpages of our Regener- ative Catalysator™, Looped Combustion Engine™ and Looped Fuel Cell™, as well as the Investigations::Car #34 of the 25th of June 2008).


  • Canon: In an advertisement we found the slogans "Quality is just a touch away", "Beautiful images" and "Excellent performance". Each slogan alone could be seen as a correct acting, but all together in one advertisement is a stolen story from our related websites and as such an infringement of our copyright.


  • Burger King: We are in no way aware that we've given that com- pany the permission to take the contents of our online magazine, this website of OntomaX, for the contents of its printed magazine. Due to the fact that since years now essential parts of our website have been taken, we can imply that it is done methodically and as such is an infringement of our copyright.

    The given specifications of our Looped Fuel Cells are based on the test results of the prototyp of the Closed-loop Fuel Cell that was designed and developed by the NASA for applications in the field of aero- and astronautics, as well as on the moon around the year 2006. Said this, we don't need any further test by a federal institute for materials testing that can't afford the infrastructure of the NASA to prove our claims: Our Looped Fuel Cells - The Silver Bullets store at least four to six times, the newest generation even up to 40 times, more energy than a battery of the same weight and a comp- arable size.

    Investigations::Car #305

  • Daimler: As usual, that only stealing company has again stolen contents, concepts and technologies from our website of Style of Speed™. This time we quote out of a press release about a design concept that was presented last month: "[...] revolutionary vision [...] [This is speech act stealing, and damaging our slogans "Vision- ary. Pioneering. Revolutionary.™ and "Visionary. Pioneering. Revolut- ionizing."]", "Biome Concept [Without doubt this is related with our Bionic Vehicles™.]", "[...] inspiration from nature [...]", "[...] vision of the perfect [...] [speech act stealing ]", "[...] symbiosis with nature [...]", "[...] natural technology hybrid, and forms part of our earth's ecosystem. It [behaves] like the leaves on a tree [...] [This was stolen from the webpage of our Bionic VehicleApe ESP 3.0 - The Leaf™ on Wheels™.]", "[...] creation of a vision [...]", "[...] significantly lighter [...]", "[...] BioFibre [...] [Don't confuse this stol- en concept with the original material our NanoFibre™.]", "[...] grown from proprietary DNA [...] [see also The Proposal]", "[...] developed a technology to equip trees with special receptors which can collect the excess solar energy and turn it into [fuel ...] [What it is describ- ing as a visionary concept is for us two visions that we have already turned into reality: Alga Fuel™ and Fungi Fuel™.]", "Like plants, the [...] symbiosis vehicle also produces oxygen, thereby contributing to improving air quality. [As we have said before: This was stolen from the webpage of our Bionic VehicleApe ESP 3.0 - The Leaf™ on Wheels™.]", "[...] green technologies [...]" and "[...] blends [...]".
    The basic design was stolen from the first-class designs of our RE in the RSQ exterior version and the B!™ together with our TransWip- er™/HyperWiper™/Active Wiper™ technology.
  • Daimler→Mercedes-Benz Cars→Maybach-Manufaktur: The marque presented a design concept called DRS "Den-Riki-Sha" [compare with the Announcement of the 23rd of June 2008 and also the case of Daimler→Mercedes-Benz→Smart in the Investigations::Car #297 of the 20th of June 2010].
  • Daimler→Mercedes-Benz Cars→Smart: The name of the design concept Smart 454 points somehow into the direction of the short form SOS of Style of Speed™.
  • Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V.: We are in no way aware that we have given that association the permission to take the contents of our online magazine, this website of OntomaX, for the contents of its printed club magazine. Due to the fact that since years now essential parts of our website have been taken, we can imply that it is done methodically and as such is an infringement of our copyright. We document the case with some original quotes and their direct translation into English: "Autobauer schaffen Jobs==Au- tomakers create jobs [see also the case of the company Volkswagen in the Investigations::Car #304 of the 26th of this month]", "Weiter Zweifel am Wunderakku==Doubt remains about miraculous accu [De- spite that a defrauding and by us already busted company has been meant, this headline is also playing down once again our achieve- ments in the sense of: There is no miraculous accumulator. That is wrong and the proof are our Looped Fuel Cells - The Silver Bullets.]", "Visionen==Visions [...]", "Motoren des Fortschritts==Motors/Drivers of progress [This is an idiomatic expression, but the reader may like to see as well for example our real range of combustion engines by Style of Speed™.]", "Technik-Visionen==Technology visions", "[...] sind Pioniere und Querdenker [wie C.S.] die Treiber der Entwicklung ==are pioneers, and awkward and intransigent thinkers [like C.S.] the drivers of development [So why are its club members lying to since years by holding back informations about our technologies and instead is reporting about fraudster only? If one of the other compa- nies lets hot air out of the back only, then it is presented as a top story. And then it is boldy claimed that the club would represent the interests of the car drivers in the field of electric mobility.]", "[...] Kreiskolbenmotor==rotary piston engine [...] rotierende Kolben==rot- ary pistons [see the webpage of our quasiturbine by Style of Speed and throw away the Wankel engine]", "[...] rasante Elektroauto== swift electric car [...] [see our range of E-Conversions by Style of Speed™]", "[...] rein elektrisch==pure Electric™ [...]", "[...] 330 [PS==hp ...]", "Selbst ist das Auto==Self does, self has the car [see for example our Electric Muscle Cars™ (EMC) Mustang-E™ and BumbleBeeE™]", "[...] Elektroautos auf der Carrera-Bahn==electric cars on the slot car racing track [...] [On the related image of the report are shown two slot cars, a Fiat 500 and a Volkswagen→Por- sche 911 GT3 RS. Compare this with our irail - The Original™ and the Clarification #2 of the 12th of October 2010, as well as our models City Speed-E™ and 9EE™ RSR]" and "Die Zeit drängt [-] Während [andere Hersteller] bereits Elektroautos verkaufen, erprobt die deut- sche Industrie noch Kleinserien in Feldversuchen==Time presses [-] While [other manufacturers] are already selling electric cars, the german industry is testing still small-scale series in field tests [...] [The responsible persons of that club must be really nuts. Who is calling themself here the lobbyist of the car drivers in the field of electric mobility and brakes simultaneously by stepping with both feet on the pedal with its serious criminal activities, like for example spreading wrong informations and not reporting about our technolog- ical solutions, but prefering to damage our rights by stealing and vi- olating our copyright? Furthermore, that statement isn't quite right: We don't conduct field tests anymore by our business unit Style of Speed™, but we are neither a member of the german automotive industry.]".
    Besides this, we can see now what is going on as well. That club has stolen multimedia technologies from us. The related quotes are: "[...] smartphone [...]", "[...] augmented reality [...] Apps gibt, mit denen sich viele Dinge finden lassen==augmented reality [...] apps exist, with which many things can be found [...] [see the webpage Overview and the section Mixed Reality on the webpage Links to Software of the OntoLinux™ website, as well as the Clarification #2 of the 12th of October 2010 and the OntoLinux Further steps of the 26th of November 2010]" and "[...] StauScanner==traffic jam scann- er [...]".
    And once again that automotive club reported in its last club maga- zine about the suspicious demonstration of the accumulator techno- logy by a german company (see also the Investigations::Car #301 of the 8th of this month above and our Clarification of today).

    Style of Speed Website update
    In the area of Space we have added a new section called Engine and into this new section the new webpages of our Rocket-based Combined Cycle architecture and Hypersonic Engine with Wandering Flame. Especially the latter webpage implies that the webpage of our Active Hypersonic Engine™ will be centered more around our Multi- mode Plasma™ Engine.

    Besides this, we are still updating some webpages that are under construction, unstructured or contain informations that belongs into other webpages.

    © and/or ® 2010-2012
    Christian Stroetmann GmbH