Investigations::Car #253 and Multimedia
Continental and Deutsche Telekom: Both criminal companies have again stolen contents, concepts and technologies from our websites, especially from the websites of OntoLinux and Style of Speed. This time it's our Revolutionary Innovation of a system architect- ure for automobiles, which includes an on-board computer that runs our Hightech Operating System OntoLinux with fully customizable Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) based on the Auto-X/Car-X Window System as Human Machine Interfaces (HMI). Besides that we have announced OntoLinux to be applied in such a system long before the 2 companies started their defrauding actions and it's also named in many passages of the webpages of our Active Components, it was also named on nearly every webpage of our automobiles as an Active Component in all of the same contexts, like for example on the webpages of the V! SpeedVan and the Cup!. In this con- junction a standard Linux® based distribution for Mobile Devices was totally wrong labeled as the "leading development tool world- wide" and this also despite it was already kicked out of the devel- opment mainline of its own kernel some month ago, the announce- ment was made that "a Linux operating system also runs on the [system-on-]chip [solutions]". Moreover, many other contents of our websites were used as the blueprint as well.
Btw.: We have reached 3 main goals so far:
1. The open source community gets the full access to the whole automotive hardware by the operating system drivers, presentation layer or some other part of the software stack due to the GNU Gen- eral Public License (GPL).
2. The spreadings of the software frameworks Microsoft Auto and MOST have been impeded significantly.
3. To prove once again, that it is much more or even most eco- nomically advantageous to be a business partner of the Christian Stroetmann GmbH.
Continental: We found again contents (example given keywords, phrases and whole stories) of our websites like Style of Speed and OntoLinux on its website. These contents is related for example with electric mobility, management of modern traffic and Human Ma- chine Interfaces (HMI) (compare with the sections and projects that include in their labels and descriptions terms like "Human", "Interface" or "Touch" in the field Multimedia of the Innovation-Pipeline of Onto- nics). Also, as part of its illegal attempts to manipulate the public, that company claims of being a pioneer in the field of electric mobili- ty. The facts are, that the company has delivered parts for electric vehicles since the 1990's, but like all other large and small companies as well as highly creative spare time innovators and engineers have never created the momentum as the Christian Stroetmann GmbH did. Some proofs for our view are: All the time in the recent past electric vehicles were said to be realizable but not suitable and remained an exotic technology. There were no arguments said like that the elec- tric motor is more energy efficient and has the full torque just right from the start in comparison to normal combustion engines. There was no claim for a paradigm shift, because such a thought was de- clared as esotericism. And there were no explanations like that elec- tric motors with the same performance are more lightweight than the normally used combustion engines (, which said in this way alone can lead to a naive miscalculation, because you have to compare the weight of the whole drivetrain with its components for distribut- ing the mechanical power to the wheels, storing the energy and ma- naging the power). The technology was in the labs of many compa- nies, but became a trend when we as the Momentum Maker gave the starting signal and accelerated.
King Smiley Further steps
We think that it's time again and more than appropriated to adjust the reward (actually only 192 million Euro) for works by C.S. in the next weeks.
Microsoft: For a commercial in the television the company jumped on the bandwagon of our idea with the Star Trek Theme and by this is imitating us and our activities, especially around our OntoLinux and Ontoscope, again and as always.
We made a note about the person Christina Aguilera on the webpage Culture.
Comment of the Day
intelliBooklet iBooklet
Hightech Assistance System
OntoLinux Website update
We have added to the Links to Hardware webpage a section named Tablet computer and rearranged items of the webpage accordingly.
Investigations::Car #254
Daimler: That company presented a feature for the convertible versions of its models that is an Active Wing integrated into the top of the frame of the windscreen (roof edge between the a-pillars) and functions after the principle that we've described as follows on the webpage of our Active Wing: "If the angle of attack of a sur- face is varied in a flowing fluid, then its resistance against the fluid can be varied accordingly. This simple rule is used by our into roofs and trunklids integrated Active Wings" "to optimize the aerodynamic characteristics [...] of vehicles". We're already offering this solution as an Active Component option for our Electric Sports Cabrios 9EE Speedster, Pan Speedster, Apollo Speedster, RE Speedster, Jota Speedster and E458 Spider.
Bertelsmann: At the 29th of April this year we wondered why the subsidiary N-TV of that criminal media company again reported about typical fraudsters, and also gave one of them the chance to tell fai- rytales and give stupid excuses. The answer is, that another subsi- diary in the field of print media has announced nearly a month before to publicate some magazines on the related tablet computer.
Dyson: We always knew that the founder and chief executive off- icer of that company is a self-exposer, who isn't really an opponent of telling lies and stealing. In this case it seems to be that the com- pany was inspired by the image of a Lego figure with Dyson vacuum cleaner we've shown as an Original Sketch of our robot technology Clean•E and Sweep•E at the 7th of December 2008. But what has convicted that company at the end are the facts, that one of its newer vacuum cleaners is also a robot, which features more than 70 sensors as well as 3 on-board computers, charges its own batt- eries using a high-speed charger (compare with our Quickcharger technology), learns itself the layout of its work area and is also equipped with a mood indicator for showing 3 kinds of "emotions" (take a look at the Emotion Machine Architecture on the OntoLinux website).
Comment of the Day
"In Bartertown, electric power generators, vehicles and other tech- nologies are powered with methane, which is produced in a crude refinery that is fueled by pig's feces."
[C.S. after Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, 1985]
Cow dung and farts (for sure) also work very well.
Comment of the Day #1
Fun to fly
Comment of the Day #2
"I find and try" [C.S., Everytime]
King Smiley Further steps
We think that today it's the right time and more than reasonable to adjust again the reward for works by C.S. to now 500 million USD or 384 million Euro, because he finds and tries, and isn't only a genius, but a creator, an exponentiater and a momentum maker, as well.
Investigations::Car #255
Ford: We don't know what that company thinks it is, but we do know that it's one of the most stealing automotive companies, de- finitely. To prove our view we once again do quote out of a press release for a concept car: "[...] Green, And Fun [...] [It's absolutely clear that this phrase and the related story were stolen from the website of Style of Speed.]", "[...] urban [...]", "[...] vision inspir- ed [...]", "[...] cities [...] [And now everybody can see, that it's in- deed our concept and the related story we have created with our range of Electric City (E-City) Cars by Style of Speed. In the re- lation with the shown concept car we would like to mention also at this point the base giving concept car by the company Volkswagen of our model Lupo R.]", "[...] three [...] ", "[...] inspired [...]", "[...] inspired [...]", "[...] urban area [...] [In this case and context this phrase was stolen from the webpage of our model Cup! by Style of Speed.]", "[...] envision a future sporty, small-car package [...] [And this is the prove that in fact we're here at the story of our El- ectric City (E-City) Cars.]", "[...] goes beyond just [...] [This is the next evidence, that we've here a bold copy of our Fun Theme, which was started with the model Just 4 :) (Just For Fun).]", "[...] car you would also love [...] [And this points to our slogan We love cars.]", "[...] inspires [...]", "[...] reflects [...]", "[...] fun-to- drive DNA [...] [No, no, no. Fun to Drive. Respect our trademarks and copyrights, as they are given in our Disclaimer, or go away!!! Without doubt, the first part of this phrase is stolen from the web- page of our model :D (Big Fun) and is also similar with our slogan Driven by Fun. If the reader takes a look again on the webpage of the Just 4:) (Just For Fun) model and the section Motorbike Street Legal, then again she/he will find out immediately that the whole story was stolen by that criminal company from the website of Style of Speed.]", "[...] "green" technology [...] [A quick compar- ison with our trademarks High Green-Tech, Green-Tech 'R' Us, Green-Tech Competence, Green-Tech Avantgarde and We love Green-Tech proves, that that company is just to late, as always in the last past.]", "[...] fun-to-drive DNA [by Style of Speed ...]", "Equipped [...]", "[...] Mobile Concept that pairs with a smart phone to allow occupants to perform a multitude of in-car functions [...] [We all do know this system, because it's the worldwide unique app- lication of our Hightech Operating System OntoLinux in combin- ation with automobiles, which for example has been already describ- ed on the webpage of the V!/SpeedVan by Style of Speed.]", "[...] sporty handling [...]", "[...] pure and authentic like early sport cars [...]", "[...] sporting [...]", "[...] rounded, sleek form [...]", "[...] sporting and efficient [...]", "[...] evident [...]", "[...] full aerodyn- amic underbody [...]", "[...] digital pulse [...]", "[...] sleek, sporty [...]", "[...] panoramic visibility [...] [This seems to be taken from the webpage of the Pan by Style of Speed.]", "[...] roof panel also is designed to snap fit on the vehicle and could easily be re- moved and exchanged [...] [Ah so. And an open version is also po- ssible.]", "[...] rear quarter panels have a minimal amount of over- hang [...]", "Rear wheel arches are pronounced [...] [Now we are starting to see which models and their technologies were copied, because we speak here about the design of our Cup!, Cup! R and C-tron.]", "[...] one-piece pan [...] [Pan]", "[...] minimalist app- roach [...] [As we already said in conjunction with our Fun Theme: The contents is stolen as well from the webpages of our Street Le- gal Motorcycles, especially from the webpage of our model #4, which defined the class of Minimalistic and Modern Customs.]", "[...] simplistic, twin cockpit, "tub" design [...] [It's a copy of the interior of the B!, that was designed by Pininfarina. The copy was even done in the same colour scheme as shown with this sketch of the interior.]", "[...] higher quality [...]", "[...] phone contacts and navigation tools through voice activation [...]", "[...] Mobile Concept is intended to be flexible, and can be adapted to suit changing mo- bile phone technology or driver preferences [...] [Like the quote be- fore it seems to be that this solution is stolen as well from the web- page of our City Sports Car (CSC) Cup!, somehow.]", "[...] equi- pped [...]", "[...] more power though sophisticated turbocharging and spark-ignited, direct-injection fuel management systems [...] [This is nothing else than the TSI® engine of another version of our City Sports Car (CSC) Cup!, the Lupo R, which is optimized by Style of Speed with a Stroetmann-Compressor to "boost the performance of the aggregate". The engine architecture was further developed to the most effective and performant reciprocating engine architecture available worldwide.]", "[...] fun-to-drive characteristics that are at the core of the [company's] brand DNA [...] [No, as we already explained, Fun to Drive and this story was stolen from our website of Style of Speed. In fact, stealing is at the core of the Ford brand DNA. And that isn't funny.]", "[...] environmentally friend- ly [, but socially nasty ...]" and "[...] pure [...]". The whole concept car is nothing else than a bold copy of our Cup!, C-tron as well as C-tron Speedster, that features a weaker version of the engine of the Lupo R, described with the story of our Fun Theme from the website of Style of Speed. The design of the exterior itself is a mix of lines of the model 500 Mark 2 by the manufacturer Fiat and the base of our C-tron, the model A1 by the subsidiary Audi of the company Volkswagen, with the same colour style like the C-tron and a pinch of the SOS RE - The Original clone e-tron, also by the marque Audi. The main elements of the design and style of the interior are copied from the interior of our B!, which was originally created by the automotive design company Pininfarina, and extend- ed with technology that was described on the webpages of our V!/ SpeedVan and Cup!.
What a giant disappointment: The concept cars of that manufact- urer were always highlights, true inspiration givers and a must to analyse and learn by students of automotive design. And now this bandwagon jump and mixture of partly stolen elements of prodcution and near production cars.
Daimler→Maybach: That criminal and convicted company has stol- en again contents of our websites for its marketing activities. We do quote out of the press release about new versions of one of its mo- dels: "Excellence [...]", "Evolution of an automotive masterpiece [This is stolen from the short description of the model Ettore, which we've publicated on the webpage Car Conversion of the website by Style of Speed. And by the way: Guess why we marked directly after the publication of the webpage for the model M! as a trade- mark The Masterpiece. Go away!]", "[...] significantly [...]", "[...] equipment [...] [Equipment is all]", "[...] featuring [...]", "[...] hi- gh-quality [...]", "[...] stylish [...]", "[...] Swarovski Elements [...] [In a Maybach we find diamond imitations? What a High-Ouch!!! And what will come next? A Lady Gaga flag at the rear?]", "[...] striking [...]", "[...] significantly [...]", "[...] arrow-shaped [...]", "[...] restyled [...]", "[...] harmonise [...]", "[...] striking [...]", "[...] love [...]", "[...] significantly [...]", "[...] partition [...] with an over- view camera, via which the rear passengers are able to keep an eye on the traffic in front of them without being seen themselves [...] [Maybe the reader hasn't directly recognized this technology, but in the related context it's in fact again our Glassy technology, which is included for example in our tablet computers by intelliTablet. In this conjunction it's interesting for the reader to read again the In- vestigations::Car #230 of the 03.03.2010.]", "[...] three [...]" and "[...] sporty touch [...]".
Volkswagen→Audi: We have some quotes that were taken out of a press release of a new version of one of its model: "[...] *[...] *[...] *[...] [3 Theme and 3 Stars Theme]", "[...] claimed three [...]", "[...] genes [...] [The reader could already start to take a look at the webpage of the model Bee! by Style of Speed, because this webpage is referenced again.]", "[...] 333 units [...] [Again, it's the 3 Theme. Maybe the reader would also like to take a look at the 333 ST and 333 ST Barchetta by Style of Speed.]", "[...] philosophy [...]", "[...] complex [...]", "[...] optional [...]", "[...] strong, light- weight polycarbonate [...]", "[...] three [...]", "[...] additional [...]", "[...] components [...]", "[...] module [...]", "[...] potential [...]", "[...] glass-[...]", "[...] additional [...]", "[...] sharper [...]", "[...] expression [...]", "[...] enhance the aerodynamics [...]", "[...] matt titanium gray [...] [This reminds us of our Exterior Theme Grey Stealth.]", "[...] matt black [...] [And this reminds us of our Ex- terior Theme Black Stealth. Did the reader already got out what is here going on? If not the answer will be given by us a little bit lat- er in this investigations]", "[...] matte carbon [...] [And again we're at our Stealth Exterior Themes.]", "[...] wheels feature an exclus- ive five twin-spoke Y design [...] [We don't know what is here ex- clusive. The style of the wheel is only another version of the wheel that is shown with the Bee!.]"[...] matte carbon [...]", "[...] vents for the wheel wells, have been redesigned [...] [We've shown before this style element on the webpage of the Raptor RSR by Style of Speed.]", "[...] larger diffuser [...] [The shown diffusor style seems to be derived from the images we showed on the webpage of our models Raptor RSR and Pan RSR, as well.]", "[...] matte titanium gray [...] [Exterior Theme Grey Stealth]", "[...] Orange [...] Gray [...] Ice Silver [...] and Phantom Black [...] [Maybe by surprise or not, these are all colours of our new Stealth Exterior Themes.]", "[...] breathtaking performance [...] [as written in the short des- cription of the model Jota on the webpage Car Conversion]", "[...] thrust [...] [No, no, no. It has nothing in common with our thrust vectoring High Performance Rocket engine of our spaceplane X-3*/ LittleStar by Style of Speed.]", "[...] strong [...]", "[...] addition- al [...]", "[...] module [...]", "[...] fascinating [...]", "[...] mixture [...]", "[...] electronic management system [...] [Isn't it called any- more Electronic Control Unit (ECU) or control system? Then it has been taken from the short description of OntoLinux on the web- page Active Components and the webpage Active Differentials.]", "[...] characteristics [...]", "[...] harmonizes [...]", "[...] driving ma- chine with breathtaking [...] [Like the term genes before the reader can again find a part of this phrase on the webpage of the Bee!, "the driving machine".]", "[...] breathtaking [...] acceleration and lightning-fast [...] [Twin Ion Engine Royal (TIE R)/ LightSwift]", "[...] 305/30 tires together with optional wheels on the rear axle [...] [This is an option we're offering for the RE - The Original, as well.]", "[...] ultimate [...]", "[...] enthusiasts [...]", "[...] navigation system with MMI operating logic [...] [This phrase has to be seen as well in conjunction with the criticism we made about an illogical user interface of the car computer of a model by the company McLaren in the Investigations::Car #243 at the 4th of April 2010, that was also mentioned in the investigations of the marque Ferrari in the Investig- ations::Car #246 at the 12th of April 2010. It also references our Hightech Operating System Ontologics® OntoLinux.]", "As al- ways [...]", "[...] loving [...]", "[...] sharkskin-[...] [The explanation behing this keyword is, that the sharkskin is one of the most ment- ioned example in relation with Bionics. The field was mentioned by us many times in the news of February of this year. Also, the shark nose was mentioned two times in the Investigations::Car #250 at the 24th of April 2010.]", "[...] matt carbon [...]", "[...] features [...]", "[...] exclusive features are available as options [...]", "[...] multifunction leather steering wheel [...] [see also the must read webpage of our series of steering wheels on the Style of Speed website]", "[...] module [...]" and "[...] equipment [...] [Equipment is all]".
Delahaye USA: Sometimes we find texts that are a little bit older, but still worth to be quoted. This is the case with the story about a replica that mixes styles of cars of the 1930's: "[...] radically modifi- ed the design incorporating styling ideas from a number of different cars [...] [We described this with formulations like "radical and total- ly ahead of its time integrative work" and "usual unusual integrative work and brought together these concepts" on the webpages of the models D! and M! by Style of Speed.]", "[...] inspired [...]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] strongly [...]", "[...] 30 [...]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] complexities [...]", "[...] style [...]", "[...] styling [...]" and "[...] singular [...] [SuperGotcha!!]".
Zagato: Can it be that finally the company found out as well that a new kid is in town? It seems to be, so we document: "[...] TZ3 [...]", "[...] inspiration [...]", "[...] men and machines [...]", "[...] emotions [...]", "[...] 1933 [...]", "[...] trio [...]", "[...] 3000 [...]", "[...] 3 [...]" and "[...] ES30's (Experimental SportsCar 3000) [...]".
Wheelsandmore: For a conversion of an automobile the wheels were painted completely matte black with a red racestripe. Despite that that company claims to be able to offer unlimited colour and surface combinations it only took the same style like it is already shown with many model cars by the marque Hot Wheels, on one image of the Ettore and the Stroetmann Wheels logo.
Investigations::Avionics and Aerospace
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): From time to time we have to show persons who aren't deeply involved in real rocket science, that we, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, are indeed at the forefront of innovations and do not call us since the year 2000 the Hightech Competence as a little girl/boy trick. For this we only quote some contents: "It had been so long since this kind of technology [contra-rotating propellers] had been looked at [...] engine companies and air framers are again looking at the open rotor technology [...] [This isn't the case with Style of Speed. It was always a favorite solution of us since many years, especially after we saw the very aggressively shaped blades with variable pitch of propfans mounted at Russian and European cargo airplanes. So it's no surprise that we mentioned this technology on the webpages of our Fun to Fly powered lift aircrafts.]", "[...] fine-tuned [...]", "[...] geometric relationship [...]", "[...] phased array displays sound as color [...] [This sounds as if we've here a synaesthetic system.]", "[...] two shifts [...]", "[...] 30 [...]", ""It's been both fun and challenging, and very dynamic."", "[...] equipment [...] [Equipment is all]", "[...] unique blend [...]", "[...] metallic foam [...] [This is a really interest- ing type of material. So it's no surprise that we have as well some targeted projects, like for example Glassy Metal Foam/Metallic Glass Foam and Aerometal→Aerominium, in our Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics.]", "[...] fine-tuned [...]", "[...] sketched [...]", "Visions of Future Past", "[...] embryonic stars [...]", "[...] three-color com- posite [...]", "[...] evidence [...]", "[...] primordial [...]", "[...] spacecraft’s components [...]", "[...] striking [...]" and "[...] three-light-year-[...]".
Comment of the Day
It works
Style of Speed Website update
To bridge the gap between the spaceplane X-3*/LittleStar and the aerospaceplane X-3033/MagicStar we've publicated the webpage of our new Orbital SpacePlane (OSP):
XSS-3/BigStar, the eXtended Space Shuttle.
We've also started to update the webpage of our Space Transport- ation System (STS) with Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) of the Next Generation (NG), the Space Shuttle NG X-3033/MagicStar, by sub- stituting the phrase "Russian Ayaks like system" with the overviews about the hybrid shape of the vehicle's body and the energy gener- ation, transfer and consumption system technologies. This will take some days, because it's much work to balance out the many highly innovative and complex technologies, and integrate them into one aerospaceplane.
L'Oréal: For the promotion of a product we found on advertising posters and on the website of its related marque phrases like "Gen- technik==Genetic engineering", "3 [3 Theme in the related context]", "Youth Code", "2010", "atemberaubend==breeathtaking", "Inspiration" and "Innovation".
Moreover, the text of its actings in the field of sustainable develop- ment is in the conjunction with the results of our investigations of the company a bad joke and has to be seen only in a literal way, cosmetical.
Fielmann: In a commercial that bold plot was applied to take a person that has surprisingly a name like "Christian [...]mann", who behaved like a little idiot.
Goldmann Sachs: "Themen-Radar==Themes radar"
Investigations::Car #256
Bayerische Motorenwerke: In a commercial on television, that cri- minal company had lied by claiming to have "das beste Konzept==the best concept" while showing a concept car that is only based on technologies and style elements that were stolen from our website of Style of Speed. If the reader wants to see one of the true best concepts and prototyps in the automotive field, then she/he may visit the webpage of the model B!, which was designed by the company Pininfarina and overworked by us, and the other webpages in the section Car Street Legal on the website by Style of Speed.
Furthermore, we found an image made in Great Britain that shows a Hummer H2 car painted like the smallest model manufactured by a subsidiary of that company and with the slogan "Mini [...] Maxi" at its sides.
Bertelsmann→N-TV: In a report about concept cars of the criminal company Daimler that criminal media company used very suspiciously often keywords and phrases of our websites, like "hightech", "vision", "revolutionär==revolutionary", "aktiv==active", "Augen [des Autos]== eyes [of the automobile]", "style" and so on. Furthermore, concepts like radar and laser based assistance systems, active suspensions and a dashboard like the one of the B!were shown.
In this conjunction we would like to clarify once again, that that criminal car manufacturer has spied out unpublicated items owned by our company many years and replaced in the last 3 years this illegal acting in favour of directly stealing publicated contents, concepts and technologies from our websites.
HTC: "Lass Dich von [dem da] inspirieren!==Be inspired by [that]"
Bertelsmann→N-TV: In a report that criminal media company has shown a very old system for displaying 3D contents, that consists of a mobile computer, a foil for the standard display and a shutter gla- sses. We are very sorry, but again that company showed its incom- petence by claiming that this system is a pioneering solution. No, it isn't. And we see such solutions as low-tech, which is only produced to jump on the bandwagon of a trend and nothing else.
In a following report the so called apps stores for some operating systems and the related smartphones, which are powered by them, were presented. It is totally clear that this report has to be seen in relation with our apps store Tuxic and the publications of specif- ications of our first 2 series of intelliTablet (iTablet) tablet comp- uters at the 29th and 30th of April this year, that contain both the field Apps with the content Tuxic and apps stores of other Linux® based distributions for Mobile Devices.
Furthermore, the next report presented a Smartphone that runs an application, which integrates in real-time an internet search funct- ionality, camera, compass and GPS. In fact, we have developed this concept with our OntoLinux and Ontoscope, which was directly stolen with a step-by-step strategy by the company Apple, but as well by companies like Google together with HTC, Nokia, and their partners. The description of this technology was publicated by us with a distribution based strategy in the news of OntoLinux, as can be seen for example with the links to Mithrasoft (real-time operating systems) and Ontoscope, the metapher of eyes/seeing and cameras in The Proposal followed later with some images of the old Ontoscope photo cameras (emphasizing the 3D technology), the naming of GPS and navigation system features, the short des- cription of the Integrating Architecture for Artificial Intelligence (in- formation integration) and Augmented Reality (camera based applic- ation), the Star Trek Communicator together with its more power- ful copy as a cell/mobile phone and the Golden Compass (see Orig- inals at the 12.12.2007), and so on, to make it more difficult for fraudsters to steal it.
Comment of the Day #1
WhiteSwift RedSwift
SuperSwift MaxSwift MaxiSwift MiniSwift
AirSwift SpaceSwift
BoldSwift FeralSwift WildSwift
Comment of the Day #2
"A state is always allowed to make war for keeping up peace, even against its own people."
That's not our logic.
Style of Speed Website update
To push the technology of Hypersoars, we've publicated the web- page of our new Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV):
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA): We found some contents on its website, which we would like to document: "Navigating Into the Future [shown are two compasses]", "Providing Alternative Power and Energy", "A Driving Force [Driving Force]", "Building the Future from the Inside Out", "Processing Information", "Taking Flight", "Lighter, Stronger, More Affordable" and "Connecting to the Cosmos". Sounds familiar? Guess why!
Btw.: We've taken back with the Reiser4 FS our file system, and with the FALCON Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV) and the Hyperson- ic Test Vehicle (HTV) HTV-3X/BlackSwift our HCV. Thank you very much for the support by applying a highly unusual way of execution.
Investigations::Car #257
Fiat: And again that company has stolen from our webistes. For the marketing of a V! like van, it has stolen this time our trademark ♥, the story from the website of our V!/SpeedVan, which comp- rises partner/mate, happy time and space, and robots in the form of plush figures (MiniMaxi), with the slogan "perfekte Freund==perfect mate", related signs like smileys and a teddy bear, and the descript- ion of the space its car offers.
Comment of the Day
"The Euro is right, but the EU is not ready."
The nations of Europe must drop their frontiers without some wars and become a true U.S.E..
Style of Speed Further steps
While we're still balancing out many highly innovative and complex technologies, and integrating them into one aerospaceplane, we're also coming very close to have as well the details of a new type of hypersonic combustor/engine as a replacement of the class of Rock- et-Based Combined Cycle (RBCC) powertrains, like ramrockets or mechanical combinations of rockets and ram-/scramjet engines, for hypersonic jets and aerospsaceplanes, like the HCV-1/WhiteSwift and X-3033/ MagicStar.
The development started with the concept of the air-augmented aerospike/ramaerospike/scramaerospike, especially in the linear vers- ion, and the specified requirement to reduce the complexity of the overall engine architecture. The result can be seen best by the main differences of the new class of hypersonic engine to the classic ram-/scramrocket engine, that are:
one engine running in one mode from zero to full speed instead of two engines integrated in one housing as a combined cycle running in the range of two modes,
one common fuel feed system and
one combined propellant system.
We would like to coin the new hypersonic engine architecture:
Wandering/Marching/Moving Flame/Blaze Ram-/Scramjet Combustor/Engine,
Ram-/Scramjet Combustor/Engine with Wandering/Marching/Moving Combustion Chamber
Wandering/Marching/Moving Flame/Blaze Hypersonic Combustor/Engine,
Hypersonic Combustor/Engine with Wandering/Marching/Moving Combustion Chamber
or alternatively
Multimode Scramjet/Hypersonic Combustor/Engine.
At the end we believe that we will stay with the term scramjet or hypersonic only, and see our development as part of the evolution of this type of engines.
The full description of the new engine and all of its innovative features can be read on its webpage Active Hypersonic Engine.
Comment of the Day
Investigations::Motorbike #4 of the 23rd of August 2009 Followup
Amir Glinik: The designer wrote us an e-mail and said, that he has had on his own the idea for a motorcycle concept with a modified V-engine of the Ferrari Enzo and that it was no clone of our works. Also, he was so kind to give us the information that lawyers of the marque Ferrari have chased him and asked for 11000 Euro for the unauthorized using of the Scuderia Ferrari logo. For not having to pay the 11000 Euro, he was then forced to show on top of the front page of his website and sent to all websites that were presenting his 3d project the following disclaimer:
"Dear Sir,
Due to the fact my project was not authorized neither sponsored by Ferrari, i ask you to remove all the images of, and references to my 3D project named "Ferrari Motorcycle", "Ferrari a Due rute" or "Ferrari Concept" from your website.
Sincerely yours
Amir Glinik
Said this, we followed the wish by him and the marque Ferrari in that way, that we manipulated his images by painting over the cavallino rampante. We've also deleted the disproportional phrases from the text of the result of our investigation, but kept as much as possible of it due to the relevance to related patents that are claimed after the first publication of the designer's motorbike concept.
Comment of the Day
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." [George Orwell, Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, 1945]
Style of Speed Website update
Due to the fact that nearly every company is only interested in stealing our contents, concepts and technologies, but not in building up business relations, we have started to remove many images from our website and instead give a note that they can be found in the World Wide Web.
General: While we are fighting for human rights in China, nearly all investigated larger companies, universities, colleges, research instit- utes and also private persons in the B.R.D. are making contracts for working together related entities in China.
Government of B.R.D.: The german politicians together with the establishment have started a giant implosion of the national society systems of the B.R.D..
Government of B.R.D.→Federal Ministry of Education and Resear- ch: That ministry has burned again in the year 2008 substantially more tax money by financing universities, colleges and research institute companies for producing mainly nothing else, than a big heap of debts, and copys of our works and services.
University Duisburg-Essen: In a report a so called "Innovationsfa- brik==Factory of Innovation" and a related "Zukunftsfabrik== Facto- ry of Future" were presented, which are nothing else than copies of our Hightech Office Ontonics and all of our business divisions that have relations to design and architecture, like Style of Speed. The task of them is the actively and methodically stealing of intellectual properties that are owned by the Christian Stroetmann GmbH and eventually some few other true creative and innovative persons and companies by so called "Innovation-Scouts". But in fact, what those scouts are doing isn't called innovation-scouting, but trend-scouting and stealing. For doing that, essential parts of the contents of the website of Ontonics like its Innovation-Pipeline have been analysed and stolen. The gained informations are than used to develop in an interdisciplinary approach "Produktvisionen ==Visions of products" in the Factory of Future, as it's claimed in the report. One of the best examples for that bold and serious criminal acting is, that large parts of the technologies FlyingLAN and Flyingscope were stolen and described with a scenario as it was generally described on the web- page Robot of the section Supplement on the website of Style of Speed. What that university like nearly every other german uni- versity and college, and all of its partners are confusing is the fact, that by getting illegally or maybe legally tax money by the related ministries doesn't imply to be immune to the law as well, like those ministers sadly are, who sign the bills.
College Rhein-Waal, North Rhine-Westfalia, B.R.D.: For eventually not becoming that what the OntoLab already is since more than 10 years, an internationally leading and modern research institute for technique and innovation by even being only financed with private resources, more contents, concepts and technologies were stolen from our company and its worldwide unique laboratory, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH and the OntoLab - The Lab of Visions - Das Labor der Visionen, by that highly criminal management and most of the teaching staff of that college. For example, a new faculty for Technology and Bionics is founded, which indeed means implicitly that C.S. has reached a goal by creating the critical momentum in this field as well that even all of the pioneers in the field Bionics/Bio- mimetics haven't reached in all the last decades. Moreover, the new courses of engineering studies Mechatronics and Biomaterials as well as the course of studies Sustainable Agriculture will be started in the next semester, which is a decision that was also made following our many years before made considerations and decisions, and our acti- vities like in the field Agriculture Next Generation (NG). And for sure all of these are described by taking terms, phrases or even whole stories from our websites, like e.g. "Es geht auch darum, Visi- onen zu entwickeln==The point is also, to develop visions". Said this, we have now proved with our investigations that indeed our busi- ness and its divisions were, are and for sure will be copied. And as far as we can interpret the facts that college has to be named now Christian Stroetmann College, if all responsible and related persons don't want to prove that they are an uncivilized, philistine and wired bunch. On the other side, we aren't really interested in such a step, because we would like to give such an opportunity to our friends.
Investigations::Car #258
High Gear Media→MotorAuthority: That media company has stolen for its website contents of our websites, especially contents that was published on the website by Style of Speed. The last time this happened was some weeks ago by a report about the next generat- ion of the model New Beetle by the company Volkswagen, with a de- sign of the exterior as it is already offered by us and was shown on the webpage of our conversion of the New Beetle to the Beetle-E with Purely Electric drivetrain.
Axel Springer→Auto Bild: That criminal media company reported about a report by another automotive magazine of a potential next generation of the model New Beetle by the manufacturer Volkswa- gen, which is already offered by us in the shown style as a convers- ion of the New Beetle to a car with Pure Electric drivetrain that is named Beetle-E.
Rheinische Pest: For sure, that Nazi paper hasn't stopped to att- ack our company and its divisions, as well as its CEO C.S.. This time it was done by a small report, which was publicated in its television program magazine, about a Japanese (compare with our Style of Speed logo) manufacturer of automobiles with Pure Electric drive- trains (see Style of Speed) that is led by, as that Nazi paper claimed, the Japanese car pope, about who we have never heard something, and has as the name of the company the linguistic con- struct Nano-Optonics Energy, which for sure was created after the terms Nanotechnology by Ontonics and New Energy and proves our much higher status than that of that whatever pope.
Boggy broken brains
Goodyear: We found in an internet advertisement the following phrases: "Active cornergrip technology [Active Components]", "Eagle F1 Asymmetric [Hypersoar]", "Superior [...]", "Spirited Driving", "Ultra High Performance" and "One Revolution Ahead [Drive the Revo- lution, We stay ahead, Always Ahead, 2 Steps Ahead and Ahead of Time]"
Motoren Technik Mayer: In a report about a tuned version of the model R8 by the marque Audi of the company Volkswagen we found the quotes "[...] street-legal [...]" and "[...] pure driving pleasure [...] [Please: Pure Pleasure]".
In opposition to the situations of other companies, we would like to mention that we have absolutely no patent related problems with our intelliTablets (iTablets).
Google and Verizon Wireless: What a surprise that again only some weeks after we publicated more detailed informations about our tab- let computers by intelliTablet (iTablet) at the 29th and also 30th of April 2010 that company gave as well more detailed informations about its version of technology and strategy together with the mo- bile service provider. Let's see if they will copy our specifications of tablet computers.
We made notes about the persons Jeremy Riffkin and Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, and due to new developments again about the designer or so Michael Michalsky on our webpage that is a treasure trove of pure Culture.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland→tagesschau.de: In a report about the problems with patent infringements by 2 mobile phone manufact- urers the working pool of the broadcasting corporations of the B.R.D. suddenly reported as well about a joint venture between a criminal large internet search engine service provider and a large mobile ser- vice provider that most potentially has already started to clone our P@d and intelliTablet (iTablet) technologies, as one of the ma- nufacturers has done before and the other maybe will do for the int- ernet search engine provider in the near future.
Comment of the Day
"I've known it just right from the start of Google." [C.S., Today]
This was clear, because around the years 1998 and 1999 we took a look at its scan, ranking and retrieval algorithms, and compared these with the ones of the internet search engine Altavista, which was owned by the company Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) at that time, and the results of scientific research projects in this field. Our result was: From this point of view there was no advantage by Google's technology, which implied its vaporware status as an in- ternet search engine provider.
C.S. and all of his actings, especially the website of BitPirate have no relations to a german political party that is called Piratenpartei== Pirate Party.
Style of Speed Website update
Thanks to the generously offering of their images by:
Joe Shlabotnik,
Dave Hamster,
David Villarreal Fernández,
Scott J,
JM Rosenfeld,
NA Parish,
The Car Spy,
funky1opti and
we could show on many webpages in the Land section again the basic automobiles of our conversions.
Investigations::Car #259
Volkswagen→Audi: The company isn't stopping its stealing (we speak of stealing, because all the years our websites weren't refer- enced despite contents, concepts and technologies were obviously taken from them) and took again contents of the Style of Speed website for its marketing. This time we found in a television commer- cial the terms and phrases: "Faszinierend==Fascinating", "Innovativ ==Innovative", "Die Kunst voraus zu sein==The art to be ahead" and much more. Especially the qouted slogan is without doubt derived from our story that we've created and started to tell with our slog- ans and also damaging these, like Zeit voraus==Ahead of Time, Immer voraus==Always ahead and Wir bleiben voraus==We stay ahead. And about the relation to arts we don't even need to argument about (see also for example the newsarchive of OntomaX and the note about Sponsors of the 21st of November 2009 in the webpage Culture).
Google: It was only a matter of a short time until the truth comes to light: That criminal company has actively collected and saved as well user data while scanning the streets for a new service. To coll- ect data about the positions of so called WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) hot spots was more than only bold (see Investigations:: Multimedia of the 22nd and 30th of April 2010 alone only for this special case), but this tops again the scandals around that compa- ny. In this conjunction we would like to ask the question, why at all these kinds of data have to be scanned. That company said that it is only shooting 360 degree/panoramic photos. For us this case is totally clear now, it's: Busted and convicted!!!
Btw.: The offer by that company to work closely together with pri- vacy groups comes much too late. Indeed, democracies have now to talk and decide how and when its services have to be switched off, and its properties seized and thoroughly analysed. It isn't possible to let do one company or a handful of them this kind of business, that is so highly sensitive to the freedom of an individual. No way. It has started many years ago, most potential right form the start, the attempt to become the Big Brother, which is in fact a giant terrorist attack against democracy in general and at the end will substitute democratical with totalitarian principals, as the historical pattern learned us.
Yahoo: see Google
Microsoft: see Yahoo
Facebook: see Microsoft
Doing business by harvesting the human's living and life can't be the future.
It was time to finally kick away the person Andreas Pinkwart, so we did write a note on our webpage Culture.
We would like to clarify some issues that are related with the field of Ontology:
1. The field Ontology can be seen of being related with Metaphysics, but definitely not as being the same. The terms aren't synonyms.
2. Since the revivification of the field Ontology around the year 1995, the creations of The Proposal and the Ontologic System and Hightech Operating System OntoLinux together with the publication of The Proposal on the website of OntoLinux by C.S., the fields of Ontology and Epistemology have an even stronger interrelation than they already had by classic Logics and the third classic law, the Tertium non datur (in English Law of the Excluded Middle) after for example Aristotle. Or said otherwise, there never was a strict seg- regation nor dependence between the two fields.
3. Ontology is not defined nor generally influenced/directed by the Tertium non datur. The ontologic principle doesn't mean, that there can't exist a third object/item/thing between being and not being. For example, the root of Cybernetics dates back 2400 years ago and contemporary Cybernetics exists since nearly around 70 years, and all the time the whole field was and still is subject of ontologic ana- lyses as well as discussions, for sure. Very important in this relation is to name the ternary/three-valued/trivalent logic, which is based on three truth values (true, false and e.g. maybe) and has given the possibility for a broader scope of investigations by Ontologics. What is often confused in this conjunction is the fact, that it isn't required that the third truth value must have a semiotic representation (e.g. sign). Another and eventually better example gives us the quantum mechanics and its thought experiments, like Schrödinger's cat, or its application in the field of quantum computing, which applies qubits that can have as state values 0 (e.g. true or false), 1 (complement of 0), or a superposition of both. We would also like to mention the Russell's paradox/antinomy together with the direct relation between set theory and logics, and for sure the Ontologic Proof itself.
And we finish this clarification before any discussions will arouse with the following: C.S. decides and defines since more than 10 years what is (modern) Ontology. See it as a part of the Ontologic Proof. The opinions by other individuals are only relevant, if they are relat- ed with the workmanships of the decisions and definitions, but not with the contents. That's simply because only a handful of persons have contributed to the subject in the last past and C.S. has devel- oped the field further by creating the new field Ontonics as well as Dynamic Universal Theories, Ontologic Systems and Hightech Oper- ating Systems like OntoLinux and OntoLix, as well as instruments like the Ontoscope and the Ontoscope derived series of intelliTablet (iTablet), and even the one and only OntoLab - The Lab of Visions. All others who think that they can jump on this bandwagon by C.S. have only tried and/or are still trying to give the field a touch of esoterism. There will be no discussions with self-exposers or persons who haven't before referenced in a positive way the works of C.S. as a sign of competence.
Bertelsmann: For the production of the contents of its television channels that media company is still taking keywords, phrases, speech acts and even stories as blueprint or as a whole from our websites.
ProSiebenSat.1 Media: see Bertelsmann
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: see ProSiebenSat.1 Media
Sharp: With the label "Quattron", that company has stolen our trademark quattro, which we are using for "our first generation of high-performant multicore chips" (see Ontonics Website update of the 20th of September 2009), and jumped on the bandwagon of our idea with the Tron Theme. In this conjunction it is also damaging our trademarks that contain the character string quattro or tron. Furthermore, that company has also presented a 3D touchscreen and/with a 3D camera for/as Mobile Devices. These all show clearly that that company is imitating us and our activities, as well as stealing and damaging our intellectual properties.
Fujitsu: That company has stolen our worldwide unique concept of the Chassis Module System for Mobile Devices by which "all feat- ures are on special request by customers combinable" (see the On- toscope Announcement of the 8th of September 2009). After some suspicious incidents in the last past, we have now the proof that it massively plays foul since more than 8 years.
Fujitsu & Nintendo: One of those companies is delivering the 3D displays for that other company.
Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG→Technology Review: Well knowing our Ontoscope it reported about Mobile Devices with 3D display by using and deriving its contents from our websites contents, example given Mobile Devices and Ubiquitous Displaying (see the project Qixel) became Ubiquitous 3D. But what is indeed a criminal act is the fact, that it named in this conjunction as well our stolen Chassis Module System with the following two sentences "So far the lenses of this 3D camera are way too big to built into a mobile handset. But why not make it a modular handset system like the one Fujitsu introduced [...]". Despite the rude behaviour to name the thief instead of the true inventor, that statement is also totally wrong. Our Super Revolutionary Ontoscope, as it was shown by us at the 11th of July 2009, can be directly manufactured without problems, because it is based on two already existing and purchas- able Mobile Devices that feature wireless network technologies for long and/or short distances (WLAN and/or Bluetooth for example), which only have to be stuck together in one housing of a mobile phone or by a related plug system of our Chassis Module System. There is no niche. And that criminal media company knows these facts very well.
With its actings, the publisher has intentionally damaged our compa- ny another time by continuing to mislead the public by the active publishing of reports with wrong or manipulated contents (see also the News - Lunar X PRIZE of the 24th of February 2008, Clarification #1 at the 9th of July 2008, as well as the Investigations of the 27th of May 2009 and 15th of June 2009).
Btw.: The trick to publicate copyright sensitive informations in Eng- lish doesn't really work for german persons, companies and institut- ions.
This all means that again We started the Revolution, this time the Handy Revolution, at the 8th of September 2009.
Christlich Demokratische Union & Christlich-Soziale Union, B.R.D.: Actually, we have the whole case analysed back until the year 1995.
Republican Party, U.S.A.: The U.S.American party works together with the Christlich Demokratische Union & Christlich-Soziale Union. Sadly to say, these works were often done by applying illegal meth- odes.
Democratic Party, U.S.A.: The U.S.American party works like the Republican Party, but maybe without the Christlich Demokratische Union & Christlich-Soziale Union.
Other international political parties: see above
Cable News Network: It's highly suspicious, that the media compa- ny is giving already convicted fraudsters more and more time for self-exposing.
Google: That criminal company claimed of having started to delete illegally scanned and stored informations. But this is only done in Ire- land, and for sure it has made a copy of the data and stored them on one of its large computer systems in another country. If that company stops collecting more and more data, then its story is told and its shares will tumble down as a reaction.
And unbelievable but true: The whole case around a new services has been topped again (see the Investigations::Multimedia of the 22nd and 30th of April, and the 15th of this month, all of this year 2010). After all the mess it's reported that the buildings weren't only photographed, but also laser scanned. The technical explanation of this is, that its first attempt to enrich its map with user developed 3D models of buildings hasn't worked and it wants to get the 3D mo- dels before users of our Ontoscope make 3D photographs and store them in a 3-dimensional format, which can be directly used in virtual, augmented and mixed reality environments, as well as for the integration into the OpenStreetMap project with our Ontoscope, Geography and Ontologic Web software components of the High- Tech Operating System OntoLinux (see also for example the pro- jects Flyingscope and Balloonscope of the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics).
Btw.: What is discussed and explained in the blog of that criminal company, is not relevant for us. That criminal company hasn't asked all of us at first if its allowed to collect, store and sell our data, and now it don't need to ask anymore. Such a company isn't acceptable for the democracy, because it's most of the time acting in the sov- ereign territories of nations. And we also repeat once again: The internet is only another channel to distribute informations, like it's done by newspapers, magazines, radio or television, and the internet is not a legal vacuum.
Furthermore, it would be really nice if the annoying clerks of that criminal company stop the infiltration of other blogs in the internet.
SAP: That criminal company has bought a data base company. If the reader takes a quick look at the website of OntoLinux, especially on the webpage Links to Software, then she/he will directly see why.
Microsoft: In an advertising folder of a so called authorized deal- er we found the following text about its internet search engine serv- ice: "Schneller finden, was man wirklich sucht! [Der Suchmaschinen- dienst] findet und ordnet Antworten, nach denen Sie suchen, damit Sie schneller und besser informiert sind.". Translated into English the slogan means: "Faster find, what one really looks for! [The search engine service] finds and sorts answers, after you are looking for, so that you are informed faster and better." Without doubt, that com- pany and its partners have stolen the Find story that we have cre- ated and by this have damaged our trademarks and service marks, like examples given Wir suchen nicht, wir finden==We don't search, we find, Wir finden und versuchen==We find and try, Besser finden==Better find and Finde jetzt==Find now. As always in the last 8 years: It was our idea.
Telefónica→Telefónica O2 Germany: With the solgan "Foto, Film und Rock 'n' Roll== Photo, Video and Rock 'n' Roll" the company jumped on the bandwagon of the Rock 'n' Roll Theme (compare with the Comment of the Day #2 of the 26th of July 2008, Comment of the Day of the 23rd of August 2009 and also the Investigations:: Multimedia of the 18th of December 2009)
Investigations::Avionics and Aerospace
United States Air Force (USAF), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): We would like to see the plans, sketches and eventually some photos of the true Space Transportation System 2.0 that they are building and not the classic rockets.
We made notes about the sponsor RWE and again about the so call- ed artist Terence Koh on our superb Culture webpage.
Government of B.R.D.→Treasury Department: The german govern- ment wants to save in a first step 3 billions Euro with a cost-cutting program. Despite that the priorities are set totally wrong and this handful of bugs, sorry peanuts is the correct term in germany, is somekind of a bad joke in relation to the old and the new debts of the state, alone the budget of the department of labor is nearly 147 billions Euro, with a total spending of circa 325 billions Euro in the year 2010, the resort of the federal ministry of education and re- search surprisingly shouldn't be part of the plan to cut the cost.
Chamber of Crafts Monkeyvillage: In the last years we found se- veral times contents of our websites in its club paper (Handwerks- blatt). That's not really a surprise, if someone has the background information, that the town Düsseldorf leads the german statistic of white-collar crime. But this time we found a report about a company that assembles a perhaps more than 30 years old kit car. On the two related images, the car shown on the titlepage is painted in Bugatti blue, while the car in the inside of that paper has a Ferrari red like colour.
Investigations::Car #260
CN-Fahrzeugbau: The company assembles a perhaps more than 30 years old kit car, that is available in more than 20 slightly different versions worldwide. In relation to this we would like to quote out of a report of a club magazine by a chamber of crafts: "[...]-Virus [...] [vergleiche mit dem Namen eines Motorrades von einem italienisch- en Hersteller das wir auf der Web-Seite von unserem Modell #4 - The Class Defining Original zeigen]", "[...] Christian [...] [Wir denken, dass das kein Zufall ist.]", "[...] Herz und Nieren [...]", "[...] stolz [...]", "Lesen Sie mehr auf Seite 3. [Wir denken nicht, dass das ein Zufall ist.]", "[...] faszinierendes Rennauto [...]", "[...] Kraft, Emo- tionen und einem legendären Design [...] [Dass das Design des Fahr- zeugs eine Kopie des Exterior-Designs der Marken Ferrari und Jaguar der selben Epoche ist wird nicht gesagt.]", "[...] stellt seine Initialien [...] [vergleiche mit dem Style of Speed Logo #1]", "[...] Spaß [...] [Fun Thema]", "[...] Ferrari-Schreck [...] [Nein, nein, nein. Diese Zeiten sind seit Jahren vorbei.]", "[...] Paroli zu bieten [...] [Dies wurde auf der Web-Seite Bilanz des Web-Auftritts von Ontonics gefunden.]", "[...] Strahlkraft [...]", "[...] Auto in technisch mo- dernster Ausführung [...] [In der Tat, die meisten der verwendeten Komponenten sind modern, aber definitiv nicht das Auto in seiner Gesamtheit.]", "[...] RS3 [...] [Eindeutig, wir haben hier das 3 The- ma. Wie billig.]", "Sticht. [Ja, das ist auch richtig, unser Superior Bee! von Style of Speed sticht jede Schlange.]", "[...] Rennen gegen den schnellsten Porsche vom Typ "9ff" [... Das Bausatzfahr- zeug] hat gewonnen. [Zuerst einmal, 9ff ist kein Typ sondern ein Unternehmen. Zweitens und ohne 9ff zu verteidigen, es wurde das falsche Modell von dem Unternehmen 9ff wurde für das Rennen ge- nommen. Und zum Abschluss, das ist ein billiger Angriff auf den immer gewinnenden 962 ST von Style of Speed, der der Cobra-Töter Porsche 956 mit einem etwas längerem Radstand ist.]", "[...] immer besser zu werden [...] [Wir sind: Immer besser]", "[...] Traktions- kontrolle [...]", "[...] schreiben dafür ein eigenes [Software-]Pro- gramm [...] [Also hier wird es wirklich lächerlich.]", "[...] stolz [...]", "[...] pur, richtiger Fahrspaß [...] [SuperGotcha!!!]" and "[...] Möglichkeiten, die es bei anderen technisch perfekten Sportwagen so nicht gibt! [Wir geben 3 Kommentare zu dieser Aussage: 1. Dieses Bausatzfahrzeug ist ein schönes Spielzeug, aber es ist nicht perfekt. 2. Solch eine Aussage zeigt uns nur dessen Inkompetenz. Und 3. Blablabla!!!]".
For our international readers we have the quotes as well in English: "[...]-Virus [...] [compare with the name of a motorbike by an Italian manufacturer that we're showing on the webpage of our model #4 - The Class Defining Original]", "[...] Christian [...] [We don't think that this is a happenstance.]", "[...] heart and kidneys [...]", "[...] proud [...]", "Read more on page 3. [We do not think that this is a happenstance.]", "[...] fascinating racing car [...]", "[...] power, emotions and a legendary design [...] [That the design of the car is a copy of the exterior design by the marques Ferrari and Jaguar of the same era is not said.]", "[...] places his initials [...] [compare with the Style of Speed logo #1]", "[...] fun [...] [Fun Theme]", "[...] Ferrari-shock [...] [No, no, no. These times are gone since many years.]", "[...] stand up to [...] [The german original was found on the webpage Bilanz of the website by Ontonics.]", "[...] charisma [...]", "[...] car in most modern technical version [...] [Most of the used components are modern, indeed, but definitely not the car as a whole.]", "[...] RS3 [...] [For sure, we have here the 3 Theme. How cheap.]", "Stings. [Yes, that's also true, our Superior Bee! by Style of Speed stings every snake.]", "[...] race against the fastest Por- sche of the typ "9ff" [... The kit car] has won. [First of all, 9ff is not a typ but a company. Secondly and without defending the 9ff fraud- ster, the wrong model of the company 9ff was taken for the race. And last but not least, it's a cheap attack on the always winning 962 ST by Style of Speed, which is the Cobra killer Porsche 956 with a slightly longer wheelbase.]", "[...] always become better [...] [We are: Always better]", "[...] traction control [...]", "[...] write an own [software-]program for that [...] [Now it becomes really laughable.]", "[...] proud [...]", "[...] pure, true driving fun [...] [Su- perGotcha!!!]" and "[...] possibilities, that are not available like this with other technical perfect sports cars! [We make 3 comments to this statement: 1. This kit car is a nice toy, but it isn't perfect. 2. Such a statement shows us only its incompetence. 3. Blablabla!!!]".
Comment of the Day
Hot Bug Bug! Super Bug
Questions of the Day
"Is driving a car without driving license allowed? Is it allowed to drive just for fun as fast as possible? Is it allowed to use every kind of drugs? Is it allowed to shoot around everywhere with a gun? Is it allowed to jump from a bridge or a building to commit suicide? So why should an internet search engine service provider be allowed to collect as much as possible data and use them for its business?"
Governments have the duty to protect their peoples against dam- age, even if they don't understand why. That's the reason why all of the mentioned activities in these questions above are not allowed. And despite companies like Google, Microsoft or what you want do something, they haven't always the right to do so, especially if they dictate by their actings how societies develop. That's the task of governments. And by the way: The fun factor is always an argum- ent, like money, to do something, but it isn't always the best arg- ument.
It doesn't matter if an internet service provider scans only for a periode that lasts a 5th of a second private data from an unprotect- ed WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) hot spot, because even a femto-second is too much and all collected informations and user data are used somehow.
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, B.R.D.: The german political party failed to change the politics in North Rhine-Westfalia, B.R.D..
ARD and ZDF→Phoenix: That already convicted television channel (see for example the Investigations of the 13th of September 2009 and 26th of January 2010) jumped again on a bandwagon created by us without referencing our works. This time it was done by applying the same methods as we have documented before in the case with sports cars that have a Pure Electric drivetrain (see Investigations of the 3rd of September 2009) by presenting an ad hoc initiated and only constructed discussion forum. This discussion show itself was about the actings by the company Google of the last past (see our Investigations::Multimedia of 22nd and 30th of April, 15th and 18th of May, the Comment of the Day of the 29th of April and 15th of May, but also the Investigations::Multimedia of the 16th of April, all of the year 2010) and worked off all of our statements by the foll- owing strategy: A presenter named one of our statements. Then two persons were repeating point for point our arguments, while the two other persons had only the task to babble nonsense with the goal to discredit our Hightech Competence. The latter totally fail- ed, because one person was the representative of a german political party, that claims to be the protector of privacy, who attacked our statements that indeed were implicitly the core arguments of his own party. The other person is a self-declared internet expert, who suddenly jumped on the stage some years ago and is surprisingly pushed since then by the actual german government and maybe a governmental straw man. That only annoying and self-exposing dude and pseudo punk made the giant mistake to show his and his part- ners' technical and economical but also social incompetence, espe- cially by naming an expert that has the forname Christian. We think the last point was no happenstance and shows clearly his true nasty nature.
Btw.: That cock and pseudo punk from Berlin, B.R.D., as well as that totally incompetent and only bandwagon jumping political party Pi- ratenpartei==Pirate Party were: Busted!!!
ARD and ZDF: In a broadcast our statements we made yesterday about the german treasury department were taken as a blueprint for a report. In this report a statistic was presented which showed that the most persons in germany want no cost-savings in the field of education as an argument why the federal ministry of education and research is not part of the cost-saving program by the nation. But this opinion of the mass would change radically, if the majority of the german people would know how the money of that ministry was and still is spent.
In general, the whole case is nonsens: Only around 3 billions of the actual 10 billions Euro that have to be saved by a special german law are at this time considered by the cost-cutting program. So every resort has to give its portion, especially if it's so unbelievable ineffective, destructive and criminal like the federal ministry of sci- ence and research.
Btw.: What the statistic has proven is the fact, that politicians are not needed to decide about the budget of the different resorts of a nation. By this a nation could really cut drastically its costs.
Exxon: We are watching that company and its only bandwagon jumping strategy since several years. And what a surprise, that company wants now to create algea that can produce oil, maybe, and filter out of the air carbon dioxide. The latter concept makes us speechless, because we didn't know that algea are actually needing french fries for the process of photosynthesis (see also our projects Algal Energy of Ontonics and the Bionic Vehicle Ape ESP by Style of Speed). This case leads as well to the question: Why now and not 10 or 20 years earlier?
Aquaflow Bionomic: The company claims that it is able to produce synthetic fuel by using algea. But what it has shown after several years of gambling around was a mixture that consists to 95% out of standard diesel fuel and 5% of something that was made out of algea.
Btw.: Are there only these fraudsters everywhere?
Adidas: We saw the slogan "Sport inspired technology". We think the company was once again Inspired by Us.
Other companies: We could document much more of stolen cont- ents, concepts and technologies, but this would equal an advertise- ment on our website for free. So we won't do it.
Deutsche Telekom: Short after we publicated the specifications of our intelliTablet (iTablet) at the 29th and 30th of April 2010, which contain the text "service contract and/or content subscription", that criminal company started a product that is named "[iTablet] Flat Rate".
Comment of the Day
Synthesis of Precision and Perfection
Governments of Europe: As it came to light, the European govern- ments are looting the social systems of the European societies for transfering tax money to banks and multi-billionaires, who own as well private banks and were already busted in the past.
Btw.: It's a giant difference, if a multi-billionaire knows more than 6 months earlier that European nations will start a rescue package for his wortheless government loans than the normal citizen. With such an illegal information everybody would have bought loans by the nation Greece.
Government of B.R.D.: That government decided for a rescue package of the Euro despite it's known that one of the major partici- pant from Greece was already busted in the year 2005 in conjunct- ion with the rebuilding of the slovakian nations and the whole rescue plan around the insolvent nation Greece since the year 2009. The german tax money and guarantees have immediately to be frozen.
Government of B.R.D.→Federal Ministry of Education and Resear- ch: In the context with the cost-cutting program of the B.R.D., the responsible minister still lies by repeating again the nearly 10 years old fairy tale of better education for all and the knowledge-based society. For example, what that person means is a quantitative and not qualitative interpretation of the term better. Moreover, the fact that with most of its budget many obsolete colleges and private re- search institutes, which are attached to, but not officially part of, a public university, are build up and by this the already much to big tax money financed apparatus should be enlarged further, for sure is not explained. But it's documented since years that this acting yields in not economical functioning institutions and personnel costs, which by now are not financeable anymore since more than 10 years.
ZDF: It is not really surprising, that in a report about the cost- cutting program the already convicted television channel gave only the minister of education and research the opportunity to tell her pure nonsense. This must be seen only as a bold reaction to our investigations in this case of the last two days.
Henkel: What some have in their Central Processing Unit (CPU), have others now in their toilet bowl: A dual-core system. That does not bother us as long as that company don't declares itself as the Multicore Competence.
Energizer Holdings→Wilkinson Sword (Schick): For a wet razor the product name Quattro and the slogan "Haargenau Dein Style==To a hair your style" were chosen.
Investigations::Car #261
Volkswagen→Porsche: The subsidiary has again stolen and trans- lated into german contents of our website by Style of Speed. We do quote first the original german text from an advertisement poster before we give its English translation: "[...] 2 Drittel [...] [3 The- ma]", "[...] logische Konsequenz [...]", "[...] hohen Anspruch an Prä- zision und Perfektion [...]", "[...] reinrassige Sportwagen [...] [Pur und Rasse Themen, siehe die Web-Seite des Modells 911 BB]", "[...] 111 [...]", "Wer unter Strom steht setzt Energie frei.", "[...] Energie für innovative Ideen [...]", "[...] hat Innovation gleich 2 Stromquellen [...]", "[...] Ingenieure die "um die Ecke" und nachhaltig in die Zu- kunft denken [...] [Genauso wie wir keine Ferrari Ingenieure sind (siehe Clarification #2 des 6. April 2010), sind wir auch keine Porsche Ingenieure. Und anscheinend bedeutet der Begriff denken heutzuta- ge stehlen.]", "[...] harmonischen Gesamtkonzept [...]", "[...] für ein Fahrerlebnis das Spaß macht, und zwar nachhaltig [...] [Spaß The- ma von Style of Speed und Nachhaltigkeit von Ontonics]", "[...] Hybrid-Kompetenz [...] [Bitte nicht verwechseln mit Hightech-Kom- petenz.]", "[...] kombiniert Rennsport-Hightech und Elektromobilität zu einem faszinierenden Spektrum [...] [Dieses Konzept und die zu- gehörige Geschichte wurden zweifellos von dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed gestohlen. Siehe zum Beispiel die Web-Seiten der Modelle :D (Big Fun), 333 ST, 9EE RSR, RE RSR, E430 RSR und E458 RSR.]", "[...] Fahrleistung eines Supersportwagens [...]", "[...] einzigartigen Kombination [...]", "[...] hoher elektrischer Reich- weite [...] [in Anlehnung an den Inhalt der Web-Seite des Modells Can von Style of Speed]", "[...] verkörpert [das Auto] einen we- sentlichen Meilenstein in der [Marken-]Strategie zur Elektromobiliät [...] [Das ist doch überhaupt nicht dessen Strategie. Die wurde doch ganz klar von Style of Speed kopiert. Und solch ein Verhalten nen- nen wir immer noch Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit.]", "[...] ein Prinizp das wir nicht nur auf die Rennstrecke sondern auch auf die Strasse bringen [...] [Die/Der LeserIn könnte sich einge Sekunden Zeit neh- men und dies mit den ersten zwei Bereichen Car Street Legal und Car Racing von Style of Speed im Kontext von umweltfreundlicher Mobi- lität vergleichen.]", "[...] elektronisches Motormanagement regelt das komplexe Zusammenspiel [...] [Wie wir bereits sagten, in früher- en Zeiten war das Unternehmen stolz über eine elektronische Steu- ereinheit (Electronic Control Unit (ECU)) zu reden, aber einige Jahre nachdem wir unsere Web-Auftritte publizierten, will das Unterneh- men irgendetwas handhaben. Und bevor wir es vergessen zu erwäh- nen: Dies wurde von den Web-Seiten Active Components und Active Differential, aber auch und insbesonders von der Steering Wheel Web-Seite gestohlen.]", ]", "[...] zusätzlichen Schub geben und für den [Marken]typischen Fahrspaß sorgen bei sportlicher Be- schleuningung [...] [Raketenwissenschaft und Spaß Themen]" and "[...] Interpretationen eines Prinzips [...] [Und Beweise eines krimi- nellen Handlungsprinzips.]". The quotes in English are: "[...] 2 third [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] logic consequence [...]", "[...] high aspirat- ion of precision and perfection [...]", "[...] sports car of pure breed [...] [Pure and Breed Themes, see the webpage of the model 911 BB]", "[...] 111 [...]", "Who is under current/power releases/sets free energy.", "[...] energy for innovative ideas [...]", "[...] has innovat- ion just 2 power/current sources [...]", "[...] engineers that think "laterally/round the corner" and sustainably into the future [...] [In the same way as we are no Ferrari engineers (see Clarification #2 of the 6th of April 2010), we are no Porsche engineers as well. And it seems that the term to think means to steal in these times.]", "[...] harmonic overall concept [...]", "[...] for a driving experience that makes fun, and in fact sustainably [...] [Fun Theme of Style of Speed and Sustainability of Ontonics]", "[...] hybrid-competence [...] [Please, don't confuse with Hightech-Competence.]", "[...] combines racing-hightech and electric mobility to a fascinating spectrum [...] [Without doubt, this concept and the related story was stolen from the website by Style of Speed. See for example the webpages of the models :D (Big Fun), 333 ST, 9EE RSR, RE RSR, E430 RSR and E458 RSR.]", "[...] driving performance of a super sports car [...]", "[...] unique combination [...]", "[...] high electric range [...] [referring to the contents of the webpage of the model Can by Style of Speed]", "[... the car] embodies an ess- ential milestone of the [marque-]strategy to the electro mobility [...] [That isn't at all its strategy. It's clear that it has been copied from Style of Speed. And we still call such an attitude a misleading of the public.]", "[...] a priniciple that we don't bring on the race track only but also on the street [...] [The reader may take some seconds and compare this with the two first sections Car Street Legal and Car Racing by Style of Speed in the context of environmental friend- ly mobility.]", "[...] electric engine management controls the complex interplay [...] [As we already said, in former times that company was proud to talk about an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), but some years after we publicated our websites the company wants to manage something. And before we forget it to mention: That was stolen from the webpages Active Components and Active Differential, but al- so and especially from the Steering Wheel webpage.]", "[...] gives additional thrust and ensures for the [marque]typical driving fun with sporty acceleration [...] [Rocket science and Fun Themes]" and "[...] interpretations of a principle [...] [And proofs of a criminal prin- ciple of acting.]". We also have heard about a so called "Segelmodus ==Sail mode" that seems to have come after our investigation of the company Wally Yachts (see Investigations::Ship #2 of the 22nd of April 2010).
In relation with the event Capitol of (Sub)Culture 2010 we made again a note about the sponsor Ruhr Tourismus GmbH on our ast- onishing Culture webpage.
Comment of the Day
"Nach meinem Auftritt kommt mein Austritt." [C.S., Today]
Joke of the Day
"In germany there are many persons who think that the article 20 of the german constitution really gives them the right for resistance." [C.S., Today]
1. phase: Persons resist.
2. phase: Politicians declare the persons as terrorists.
3. phase: Police comes with little tanks and directly shoot on the persons.
4. phase: Military comes with big tanks and directly shoot.
5. phase: Politicians declare 20 years later that the state, police and military were a little bit to harsh, and that there were no alternat- ives. But than the persons are already gone.
General: If we say that we've found 1000s of companies in the last 3 years that have copied contents, concepts and technologies from our company, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, then it's really no nonsense statement. And after we declared to make no advert- isement for small companies we also think that their actings have to be documented for heightening our fame. So we do it anonymously, which also gives our readers the fun to guess what the investigated companies are producing or servicing.
A company from south germany: In an advertising folder we found the following text elements that are based on our website contents, example given by the websites of Ontonics, OntoLab or Style of Speed, which were partly translated only: "Kreation", "Innovation", "[...] funktionelle Innovation [...]", "[...] visionäres Design [...]", "[...] State of the Art [...]", "[...] Zusammenarbeit mit kompetenten Technikern und Designern [...]", "[...]Lab [...]", "[...] Funktionssys- temen [...]", "[...] Ideen von Designerprofis, Architekten und Ingen- ieuren vereint [...]", "Das Resultat: [...]", "[...] mehrere Testphasen, in denen 3-D-Modelle [...] simuliert [...]", "[...] viele neue, niemals zuvor angewandte Lösungen erforscht.", "[...] gänzlich neues Mo- dellprogramm mit vielen Weltneuheiten [...]", "[...] nachhaltige die [Firma-]Unternehmensphilosophie [...]", "[...] innovativen und kre- ativen Mehrwert [...] bieten [...]", "[...] moderner [...]", "[...] per- fekte Symbiose von höchster Technik und visionärem Design [...]", "Funktion ist alles [Equipment ist alles]", "[...] absolut moderne [...]", "[...] angewandte Technik [...]", "[...] 3 umfangreiche Pro- gramm-Linien [...]" and "[...] leaf [...]". Translated into English we get then: "Creation", "Innovation", "[...] functional innovation [...]", "[...] visionary design [...]", "[...] state of the art [...]", "[...] coll- aboration with competent technicians and designers [...]", "[...]Lab [...]", "[...] functional system [...]", "[...] ideas of pro designers, ar- chitects and engineers united [...]", "The result: [...]", "[...] several testing phases, in which 3D-models [...] simulate [...]", "[...] many new, never before applied solutions explored.", "[...] totally new mo- del-program with many world firsts [...]", "[...] sustainable the [com- pany-]corporate philosophy [...]", "[...] provide [...] innovative and creative added value [...]", "[...] modern [...]", "[...] perfect symbio- sis of highest technics and visionary design [...]", "Functionality is all [Equipment is all]", "[...] absolute modern [...]", "[...] applied tech- nics [...]", "[...] 3 large program-lines [...]" and "[...] leaf [...]". Besides this, we can see 3 points in its logo and would like to ment- ion that this isn't how winners look like, but thieves. And now the question: What is the product of that company? Answer: sdnilbnus.
A company from south germany: For its marketing activities that company took contents of our websites. We do quote first the ger- man text and give then its translation into English: "keep your smile", "free your style", "[...] collection [...]", "[...] Philosophie [...]", "[...] über 30 Jahre [...] [3 Thema]", "[...] internationale Charakter [...]", "[...] trendig, urbanen [...]", "Anspruch und Qualität, kombiniert mit Eleganz", "[...] Liebe zum Detail in Form und Farbe ist ein elementa- res Merkmal [...]", "[...] verwirklicht meisterhaft den Anspruch auf Qualität, kombiniert mit kostbarer Eleganz [...]", "[...] markante Linienführung [...]", "[...] harmonisch [...]", "Elegante und präzise gearbeitete Applikationen", "[...] Fertigungskunst [...]", "Hochwertige Materialien und edle Metalle", "Reduktion auf das Wesentliche", "[...] Reinheit der Linien [...]", "Gekonnte und stilsichere Reduktion auf das Wesentliche wird von der Präzision und der Fertigungskompetenz unterstrichen.", "[...] Komponenten [...]", "[...] einzigartigen Mechanismus [...]", "Leichter, einfacher und schneller [...]", "[...] breit gefächerte [...]", "[...] Lifestylemarke [...]" and "[...] Markenphilosophie [...] widerspiegeln [...]". And here is the English translation: "keep your smile", "free your style", "[...] collection [...]", "[...] philosophy [...]", "[...] more than 30 years [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] international character [...]", "[...] trendy, urban [...]", "Demand/aspiration and quality, combined with elegance", "[...] passion for detail in form and colour is an elementary feature [...]", "[...] realized masterly the aspiration of qualität, combined with precious elegance [...]", "[...] striking lines [...]", "[...] harmonic [...]", "Elegantly and precisely made applications", "[...] art of manufacturing [...]", "Quality materials and fine metals", "Reduction to the essential", "[...] pureness of the lines [...]", "Skilfully and stylistically confident reduction to the essential is underlined by the precision and the competence of manufacturing.", "[...] components [...]", "[...] unique mechanism [...]", "Lighter, simpler and faster [...]", "[...] widespread [...]", "[...] lifestyle-marque [...]" and "[...] reflects [...] philosophy of the marque [...]". Besides that that company has copied the system of another marque and still claims for a patent, we can see as well a smile. And again the question: What does that company produce? Answer: semarf elcatceps.
On our uncomparable Culture webpage we made a general state- ment, and again a note about the Museum Wolfsburg with a related note about the television channel ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→ 3sat.
And only some hours after we wrote the notes a message was publicated by the ARD that was about a musuem which has also in its name "[...]aneum".
Comment of the Day
"A rapper without a Bugatti is nothing." [A media expert, Today]
And Mr. Tom Cruise needs after the Vyrus also the Veyron.
Comment of the Day
Creative Vision Innovative Vision Inventive Vision
Hightech Hot Rod Hightech Rod High Rod
Two-tone Carbon
Synthesis of Intelligence and Performance
Joke of the Day
"We have a patent." [Chinese companies, Sometimes]
So what?
Style of Speed Website update
We could finalize the new webpage of our new Hot Rod series that we coined the:
Investigations::Car #262
PSA Peugeot Citroën: Despite we pleased that criminal company not to do so, it came back and continued the stealing of contents, concepts and technologies (see for example the Investigations::Car #52 at the 2nd of October 2008, #156 at the 15th of September 2009, #158 at the 17th of September 2009, #215 at the 12th of January 2010 and #224 at the 6th of February 2010). In a commer- cial the Mars rover Sojourner falls from a height due to problems with the handles of the remote control panel at the robotics control cen- ter. This incident was commented with the statement that with the company's control knob for its on-board computer such a crash wouldn't happen. Regardless of the fact that that company would still build cars out of wood without the hightech by the NASA, we would also like to mention, that its dial knob wouldn't even be appro- priated as the knob of the toilet flushing on the International Space Station (ISS). Modern Motion eMotion
Btw.: It's the next company that will follow the path of General Motors→Opel.
Volkswagen→Audi: The company has imitated once again Style of Speed and jumped on the bandwagon of Exterior Themes, see for example the webpages of the Black Snow, RE - The Original and the Mustang-E, with a series that it's calling motto vehicles. Some quotes have to be documented in this case as well: "[...] 3,000 [...]", "[...] transform [...]", "[...] supercar [...]", "[...] special paint finishes [...]", "[...] high-quality impression [...]", "[...] reflect- ions [...]", "[...] restyled front bumper and a modified diffuser in the back [...]", "[...] strongly [...]", "[...] 30th [...]", "[...] bold Number 1 extends thematically [...] [We think this is a clear: SuperDoubleGot- cha!!! And by the way: #1.]", "[...] checkerboard pattern [...]", "[...] complex [...]", "[...] Hot Rod [...]", "Complementing [...] classic hot rod style.", "[...] elegant checked pattern [...]", "[...] fascinat- ing interplay between matt and gloss [...] [Related with the last 4 quotes it would be helpful for our readers to take a look at the image of the model '32 Otto Silver Flame of our Black Snow series.]", "[...] additional [...]", "[...] more powerful, even lighter and even faster [...] [That is a reworked content of the Style of Speed web- site.]", "[...] fans can get complete information about the innovati- ve concept [...] [That again wasn't developed by the marque.]" and "[...] striking [...]". Nearly all of the shown Exterior Themes are well known. The competition kit is based on rally vehicles from the 1980s, especially the so called Urquattro. What wasn't said is the fact, that it's also based on the IMSA and Trans-Am race cars as well, which leads to our Rims and the Pan RSR. The airport ground control vehicle theme was taken from a designer, who made it with a model R8 some years ago. And for sure, the Hot Rod Theme was in- spired in general by Style of Speed, while the special exterior style of the related car itself follows a classic customization look that was taken from the Hot Rod community, as surprisingly the press release says in a correct way. From our point of view, the "Wasserwacht== Waterguard" Theme of another car leads directly to the coast guard design of the Sky :) (Sky Fun), while the so called Fashion edit- ion seems not too far away from our actings, as well.
Volkswagen→Porsche: "[...] spirit of sporting performance [...]", "[...] striking [...]", "[...] style [...]", "[...] gearshift paddles [...] [We have often investigated this feature, that came after we have publicated our Steering Wheel webpage on the Style of Speed web- site. ]", "[...] Cup [...] [Cup!]" and "[...] components [...]". We see the related new customizing program as a reaction to our supp- lements and the exterior versions of our 9EE, for example.
And out of the presse release for a new model we have the following quotes: "[...] Street-Legal [...] [Here is the link to our webpage of the famous street legal cars.]", "[...] ultra-high-performance [...]" and "[...] components in matt-black surface finish [...] [We simply call this Exterior Theme: Black Stealth.]". It's very easy to see, that the design of the new model follows our models Cayman BB and 911 BB, like the flared wheel arches at the front, emphasized and articulated side skirts, and elementary design elements of the rear bumper and diffusor. And the special website of the new model shows on background images a Space Shuttle. By the way: Which person is responsible for the contrasting red alcantara, the ugly wheels and that the flared wheel arches at the front and at the rear don't have the equal style?
Chrysler & Fiat→Dodge: "[...] excellent [...]", "In addition [...]", "[...] signature [...]", "[...] inspired [...]", "[...] LED display within the gauge cluster is driver configurable [...]", "Ultimate modern [...]", "[...] on steroids", "[...] momentum [...]", "Balanced performance", "[...] Race-inspired [...]" "Race inspired, street legal [SuperTripleGot- cha!!! And we mentioned it some days before, compare this with the two first sections Car Street Legal and Car Racing by Style of Speed.]", "Exterior styling [...]", "[...] bold [...]", "[...] the original [...]", "[...] aggressive [...]", "[...] any enthusiast will love [...]", "Reinvention of American muscle car [...]", "Functional styling [...]", "[...] modern muscle car [...]", "Complements [...]" and "Equipped with a wide array of 21st century technology [...]".
Aston Martin: For sure, that only criminal company did the only thing that is able to do: Steal (see for example the Investigations:: Car #119 of the 13th of June 2009 and #211 at the 26th of Decem- ber 2009). That's no wonder, because it's CEO was a former leading manager of the german subsidiary of the manufacturer Ford. And the new case is as follows: For a long endurance race that company has stolen the concept of our Pan RSR and Panamera RSR. Since the new owners acquired the company, it pretends for something that that company isn't and by this is illegally manipulating the public.
Nowack Motors: Quotes: "[...] created [...]", "[...] creation [...]", "[...] transforms [...]", "[...] desire for even more [...]", "[...] con- version [...] [Gotcha!!!]", "[...] high performance [...]", "[...] add- itionally [...]", "[...] conversion [...]", "[...] significantly enhancing [...] [SuperDoubleGotcha!!!]", "[...] maximum driving pleasure [...] [Ooops, only pleasure and not fun?]", "[...] additionally [...]", "[...] for all [...] lovers [...]", "[...] components [...]", "[...] range [...]" and "[...] travel in style [...] [No, no, no: In Style are already us!]". Comment: While the shown car is painted in Green Stealth, it also has at the lower area of its sides the for the marque Porsche typical designations with its related typography. And the result: Convicted!!! What else?
Hamann Motorsport: Regardless that its acting wasn't so chaotic as in the past, its last press release has still some minor contents that we document: "[...] significantly [...]", "[...] components [...]", "[...] exciting styling [...]", "[...] has topped [...]", "[...] breathtak- ing [...]", "[...] striking [...]", "[...] extraordinarily [...]", "[...] driving pleasure [...] [Really pleasure and not fun?]", "[...] simultaneously [...]", "[...] enhanced [...]", "[...] elegantly styled [...]", "[...] philo- sophy [...]" and "[...] state-of-the-art [...]". Such companies do know about philosophy as much as a fish knows about riding a bi- cycle. And this fact makes us wonder if we should laugh loud or cry about it.
AC Schnitzer: That company has stolen contents of our website by Style of Speed. We document the case by quoting: "Motorsport Genes", "Pure dynamism with powerful lines [...]", "Falcon", "[...] evident [...]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] enhanced [...]", "[...] more power, but also a tailored [...] [That is the stolen story we have publicated on the webpage of our model Eos BB with the text "More Power!" by Tim Taylor".]", "[...] option [...]", "[...] panoramic window [...]" and "[...] external evidence of the "motorsport gene" [...]".
Motorentechnik Mayer: The company showed a limousine in a col- ourful Exterior Theme and described it in its press release with the following terms, phrases and statements: "[...] interpretation [...]", "[...] more power and less weight [...]", "[...] are clear [...]", "[...] less weight and much more power [...]", "In addition [...]", "[...] stronger [...]", "[...] convert [...]", "[...]in addition to the above mentioned [...]", "We find here also other similarities. [Yes indeed, we do as well.]" and "[...] drives like a rocket [...] [Gotcha!!!]".
TopCar: Out of the press release of 3 conversions we quote the following: "[...] created and implemented [...]", "[...] stylized [...]", "[...] proves [...]", "[...] managed [...]", "[...] fresh [...]", "[...] three various manners [...] [3 Theme]", "[...] stylized [...]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] absolutely [...]", "[...] substituted [...]", "[...] wild sup- ercar spirit [...] [SuperDoubleGotcha!!!]", "[...] complementary [...]", "[...] masterly implemented [...]", "[...] impression [...]", "[...] beast [...] [Gotcha!!!]", "[...] astonishing lines [...]", "[...] projects are excellent [...]", "[...] fantastic [...]", "[...] state-of-the-art [...]", "[...] perfect quality [...]", "[...] three projects [...]" and "[...] excellent quality [...]". As far as we do know, the idea to install Por- sche 911 headlights into the model Cayenne was taken from another defrauding tuner. But more important, for one of the conversions many design elements have been taken, which we have shown on the webpage of our model Cayman BB.
TechArt: "[...] new generation [...]", "[...] options [...]", "[...] consistent design and inimitable style [...]", "[...] maximum of driving pleasure [...]", "[...] steering wheels with the paddle shifters [...] [And the next company which jumped on the steering wheels with paddle shifters for cars by the marque Porsche.]", "[...] unlimited individualization options [...]", "[...] multifunction steering wheels [...]", "[...] sporty and elegant design of the SUV a personal touch [...]" and "[...] styling [...]".
G-Power: "[...] strong [...]", "[...] M3 Tornado CS [...]", "[...] road-legal [...] [Ooops, only road-legal and not street-legal?]", "[...] SK II CS [...]", "[...] Division [...]", "[...] department [...] [In fact, it's just a garage.]", "[...] equipment [...] [Equipment Theme]", "[...] spectrum ranges [...]", "[...] thoroughbred [...] [Hooops, only tho- roughbred and not pure breed?]", "[...] sets new benchmarks in per- formance and quality [...]", "At the heart [...]", "[...] fundamentals [...]", "[...] as if fired from a catapult [...]", "[...] full carbon body kit [...] [We call such versions of our models Black Snow.]", "[...] ul- tra-lightweight [...]", "[...] nice touch is the running lights integrat- ed into the rear diffuser [...] [That's taken from the Fiat→Ferrari model 599XX and was shown on the webpage of the Panamera BB, for example.]", "[...] significantly reduce unsprung mass [...] [Super- TripleGotcha!!! How cheap.]", "[...] strongest [...]", "[... the com- pany] significantly stands out from its competitors [...] [Definitely not.]" and "[...] strong [...]".
Vorsteiner: Quotes: "[...] components [...]", "[...] elegant yet bold [...]", "[...] foundation [...]" and [...] 3 integrated [...]".
Pininfarina: The company has once again massively stolen cont- ents, concepts and technologies from our website by Style of Speed, especially this time from the section Car E-City. In this conjunction we do quote contents out of a related press release: "[...] electric car for the towns of the future [...]", "[...] modular platform from which new types of hybrid and electric cars will be developed [...] [In the past it has only presented one small vehicle that features an enhanced chassis with a rigid safety cell. Then around more than 4 years later there was a small car with a Pure Electric drivetrain. Now it has stolen the basic concept of our Chassis Module System for compact cars with hybrid and electric drivetrains.]", "[...] Segment A city cars [...]", "[...] outcome of the pioneering, far-sighted decision taken by [the company] three years ago [...] [What a bold lie. In fact it is since more than 3 years in this field only copying us from Style of Speed.]", "[...] sustainable mobili- ty [...]", "[...] not only the adoption of a hybrid or electric driveline, but also research [...] [What is that for a nonsense statement: In one phrase it attempts to discredit our conversions, which in fact are no simple adoptions of a hybrid or electric drivetrain, and then it speaks about research, well knowing that this is done as well by our business divisions Ontonics, OntoLab and OntomaX.]", "[...] materials that are lighter and recyclable, active and passive safety, and IT, which will have to combine the sustainable use of means of transport with intelligent traffic management [...] [Like all car manu- facturers and some smaller companies before, it started as well more than two years ago to steal technologies that are related with our Hightech Operating System OntoLinux.]", "[...] temple of modern art [...] [What? That ugly car, which also resembles concepts and design elements of other cars of its class, has been shown in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, U.S.A.? What's that for a messy museum?]", "[...] stylistic research [...]", "[...] laboratory [...] [That company indeed talks again about Style of Speed and the OntoLab - The Lab of Visions.]", "[...] electrification of a small city car and to develop a modular floorpan [...] [The original story can be found on the webpage of our City Speeder Cup! by Style of Speed, for example.]", "[...] endothermic engine [...] [We don't know what that company wants to tell us with this term. We do know endo- thermic processes, like the photosynthesis, and also have with our Ape ESP - Leaf with Wheels a vehicle that applies the process of artificial photosynthesis, as well as the endothermic machine Stroet- mann-Compressor. By the way: It seems to be that that company has found the webpage of our game changing Active Hypersonic Engine for aerospaceplanes by Style of Speed.]", "[...] equipped with "green" tyres [...] [What a nonsense. Fuel-saving tyres are availale since decades.]", "[...] environmental sustainability [...] [Lalala]", "[...] batteries with outstanding charging performance [...] [That company is years too late. Besides, it attempts to steal the story of our project AeroAccu/AeroBatterie that we have listed in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics.]", "[...] braking systems specifically for hybrid/electrical applications [...] [Everybody calls this technology Brake Energy Recovery/Regeneration System.]", "[...] become the benchmark [...]", "[...] sustainable mobility [...]", "[...] research and development [...]", "[...] style [...]", "[...] rapidly and methodically [...]", "[...] 3 [...]", "[...] 3EV [...]", "[...] P33 [...]", "[...] futuristic [...]", "[...] powered by 4 fuel cells (one per wheel) [...] [We do remember very well the highly suspicious case with its concept car Sintesi, because we were extremely astonished about its drivetrain that was so similar with our Active Differential #2. At that time, the company thought it would be clever to position also the energy storage system at each wheel, which as well were fuel cells. As in the case of the clone e-tron of the RE - The Orig- inal, this acting explains now much of our questions of the past.]", "[...] urban mobility have grown significantly [...]", "[...] 100% elec- tric car [...] [Pure Electric]" and "[...] new philosophy [...]". Fur- thermore, the shown car has very much in common with the Cup! R. That company has totally lost its fame and style. Despite its activit- ies in the last decades, which only proves its bandwagon jumping and not its pioneering nor innovative nature, the company Pininfarina is now just a normal and mostly stealing company. Maybe it was this ever.
Racer X Design: As all the years, that company has again stolen contents, concepts and technologies from our websites, like in the cases of the Just 4 :) (Just For Fun) in the year 2008 and some kind of a Lamborghini clone. There was also a highly suspicious incid- ent with a desgin of a Bugatti. This time we found informations that it has stolen the concept we have already developed around the year 2000 and discussed in relation with the cases Volkswagen→ Audi, Gumpert and University of Ingolstadt in the Investigations::Car #164 at the 24th of September 2009 and the company Albert Motor- sport at the 5th of December 2009 in the Investigations::Car #204. And we have some quotes to prove our point of view: "[...] concept is intended [...] [To make it once again clear: It's not its concept.]", "[...] potential to be the ultimate supercar [...] [Sorry, but those bold dudes are as well too incompetent to accept a fact: We have chosen the Porsche 962 by Dauer as the foundation for our 962 ST, because it is street legal and even the Ultima GTR nor some other fuzzy car has a chance. And on its webpage the reader can find the original of the quoted statement: "class of the ultimative leading super sports cars".]", "Based on top of the GTR existing chassis, the styling was designed to leave the chassis and running gear untouch- ed.", "[...] quick, stylish, and unique [...]", "[...] promises all these qualities and more [...]" and "[...] and/or [...]". Forget its fairy tales. It's just only stealing from others. And the shown Ultima concept is the reworked design of the Lamborghini clone. It took a little bit longer, but this time we catched those fraudsters: Convicted!!! What a beautiful day.
Investigations::Avionics and Aerospace
Daimler→Mercedes-Benz and European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company→Eurocopter: The only stealing companies took again contents, concepts and technologies from our website by Style of Speed. This time our webpage Helicopter - Modern Design was looted and taken as a blueprint for a story about an interior design of a helicopter. The related quotes out of the press release are as follows: "[...] Style [...]", "[...] style and luxury one would expect from a [marque's] car [...] [As we said, it has stolen the story we tell on our helicopter design webpage.]", "[...] styled [...]", "[...] Style [...]", "[...] Style range [...]", "[...] groundbreaking inno- vation and trend-setting products [...] [None of both companies is renowned for that anymore. Indeed, both companies have been un- equivocally convicted several times for foul play and illegal actings by us as well as by U.S. institutions.]", "[...] new division "Merced- es-Benz Style" [...] [SuperDoubleGotcha!!! As we said, it's an only stealing company.]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] passion of [the mar- que's] style [...]", "[...] elegance and style is complemented by a stylish [...] [We repeat with pleasure: Daimler is only stealing and defrauding since some decades.]", "[...] modular approach inspired [... only stealing]", "[...] three [...]", "[...] inspired [...]", "[...] luxury and style [...]", "[...] creativity, performance and precision [...] [To name only just a few of our trademarks in this conjunction: Precision Style, Precision In Style,
Performance Style and Performance In Style]", "[...] styling [...]", "[...] newly established "[the south german subsidiary] Style" division [... only stealing, but not styling]", "[...] styling [...]" and "[...] styling [...]". For us the case is also the next clear sign (see also Investigations::Avionics and Aerospace of the 21st of January and 10th of March, both 2010) that the Euro- pean Aeronautic Defence and Space Company has significant prob- lems to keep pace with the USAF, NASA and SOS.
Btw.: These are the totally incompetent liars who called for a fair competition. That doesn't matter: The refueling aircrafts will be built and serviced by an U.S.American company. • But we heard, that there is a need for the hinges of the seats of the on-board toilets. That's something for both companies, because for example Daimler has enough knowledge with a very similar technological concept: Gullwing doors.
Vodafon: "Mini [...] Maxi [...]"
Comment of the Day #1
Comment of the Day #2
"The eighth largest economies are insolvent."
We really do hope that this comment helps for a friendly atmosphere while communicating.
After a decision of the highest court of the B.R.D. it is allowed by search engine service providers to take images from websites and show them in a small resolution with a link to the source, because search engines are an essential part of the World Wide Web. This implies that everybody in the B.R.D. has the right to act in the same way as well, because it is an essential part of the World Wide Web to make links. Or in other words: A copy of an original image with a small resolution is allowed as an internet link.
Ontonics Website update
The fundamental concept of our Active Hypersonic Engine is for sure more general, so that it can be applied as well for other classes of engines. To reflect our inventive work we have added to the Inno- vation-Pipeline the new project:
Stroetmann-Cycle/Stroetmann Kreislauf.
Google: With the next step that criminal company shows cleary that our point of view about the whole case is correct. In detail, the next step consists of the offer to analyse only one of its scanning cars by a protector of privacy. No: If at all, every car, every time without any decisions made by the company. But the discussion about such an agreement is obsolete, because it's just too late: The company has no credit anymore! The situation is like with a thief: The thief can not give the stolen item back and then ask for not being punished for the crime. And anyway, it's doing something that belongs to the sovereign territory of a nation. Despite this, it's again that annoying classic salami tactics by the company and a giant hoax as well, because every of its cars will be prepared before an analysis can be conducted. It can give away the Street View data, but that was it.
And while we are at this point we would like to give companies like Google an impression of how the things have to work: All server pos- itions in Europe have to be made public as well as the scan, search, ranking and what else it does algorithm of the search engines to get credit. Moreover, every user must have every time an access to and full control of the data that is stored about her/him by an internet company. Also, every customer of a company like Google must be named directly after it bought data of a user. We're already further with the case in general.
Btw.: We still get money for the stolen image "Pattern #0001 Col- oured" that the company has taken as a blueprint for its favicon (see the Investigations/Inspired by Us of the 13th of January 2009). Also, we still get money for the stolen Linux® distribution with the name Android and most potentially in the near future for another clone of our Linux® based Hightech Operating System OntoLinux. Actually the price for each is only 500,000,000 USD.
Facebook: It's the same problem as with the company Google: It collects data that it is not allowed to do. And it's also already con- victed to sell the collected data to other companies without allow- ance by the related persons, which includes even data about pers- ons who aren't members.
European Commission: Most research projects that are founded by the commission with its research programs called Framework 5 and Framework 6 are exactly like the cases with that company Reaction Engines. In this special case the related projects are called Long- Term Advanced Propulsion Concepts and Technologies (LAPCAT) I and II. And in fact, the advanced propulsion concepts are more than 3 decades old and were never realized as a functioning product.
Investigations::Aviation and Space
European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company: We always knew how that institution worked and still works. And after seeing two webpages about relatively complex high-technologies that de- scribed the very special contents of our webpages, we now found again a webpage about hypersonic jet engines that has as the other webpages before the same pattern of structure and related cont- ents. But this time that criminal company made a handful of mistakes with the creation of this special webpage: It talks about Mach 8 and not about another velocity, example given Mach 9, or, as it was cl- aimed several years long in the description of the related EU founded research project LAPCAT Mach 5 and later Mach 6. Why? Because we do it (see the webpage of our HCV-1/WhiteSwift but also the webpage of the X-3*/LittleStar by Style of Speed). The next mistake was made as follows: It wrote about active compression but gave no explanation of this technology. Why? Because we've fields in our aerospace sections by Style of Speed called Active Comp- onents and an Active Hypersonic Engine, for example, and att- empted a classical term and speech act stealing. Another evidence is, that 3 different configurations of hypersonic aircrafts were shown (the Saenger 2, a mix of our X-3033/MagicStar and the FALCON HTV-2, and a Russian hypersonic jet concept), which by surprise is what we did. But we did it to succesfully confuse them. We from Style of Speed do know what we need and what we want, but that company isn't even able to formulate nor wants to formulate an own requirement specification. And it continues with the mistakes: Again the contents of our webpages that describe scramjet engines were summarized, the methode it thought would be a clever trick. No, that doesn't really work all the time with very special and ex- treme hightechnologies. And now it's: Busted and convicted!!!
Reaction Engines: We have watched that company many years and found out immediately that its just the normal defrauding and tax money burning company. We do quote from its website that has changed a further time to reflect the contents, concepts and tech- nologies of our related webpages by Style of Speed: "[...] has been at the forefront of the development of technologies for reus- able spaceplanes [...] [So? Where are the engines and the planes after all the decades?]", "[...] space transportation generally, and in the engines for reusable space launchers specifically [...] [So? As far as we do know, it talked the last decades only about a combined cycle engine that consists of a rocket engine and a turbocompress- or, and has a maximal velocity of Mach 6. Besides this, we can see here a copied speech act.]", "[...] applying a combination of estab- lished physical principles and innovative engineering design [...] [So? This sounds so familiar. Why?]", "[...] develop a range of products [...] [So? A range of products? How about to get one thing running in the next decades?]", "[...] three engineers [...]", "[...] high tech- nology aerospace and nuclear industries [...] [So? And what means the term high technology aerospace? Nonsense! Aerospace is high- technology and the term was only used as a kind of speech act stealing.]", "In addition [...]", "[...] new type of engine employing a novel thermodynamic cycle [...]", "[...] emergence [...]", "Within the context [...]", "[...] proved far superior [...]", "[...] superior to the original [...] [Original Theme]", "[...] innovative designs [...]", "[...] in conjunction [...]", "[...] exciting [...]", "[...] pave the way [...]", "Currently in proof-of-concept phase [...]", "[...] axisymmetric nace- lles [...] [SuperDoubleGotcha!!! The first part of this term comes from our Hypersoar webpage, while the other part is used often in conjunction with the NCC-1701 Enterprise of the Star Trek saga.]", "[...] operates as a closed cycle [...] [This is again copying of the speech acts that we are using, for example.]", "[...] high specific impulse rocket engine [...] [This term has to be seen in relation with the term High Performance Rocket/Aerospike engine by us from Style of Speed.]", "[...] air-breathing mode (from take-off to Mach 5) [...] [see the comment at the end of this investigative case]", "[...] axisymmetric intake [...]", "[...] airflow [...] is cooled to cryo- genic temperatures [...] [But on its website that company explains that it only cools down the air to -140 °C/-220 °F. So there are missing -10 °C/-18 °F.]", "[...] simplicity [...] [SuperGotcha!!!]", "[...] clean [...]", "[...] 30 [...]", "[...] purely [...]", "[...] hybrid [...] [This is again speech act stealing, or described with other words, to be trendy and to copy us form Style of Speed.]", "[...] hybrid air- breathing/rocket engines [...] [This is again the nonsense game of stealing terms, phrases, speech acts and whole stories that is so typical for fraudsters. By the way, the engine is named a Syner- getic Air Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) and as such is not a hybrid. It was also labeled by one of its research partners as a tur- bine-based combined air-breathing rocket engine, which somehow is also a wrong/misleading label, because only the turbocompressor of a turbine is used.]", "[...] reflecting foil and the low conductivity shell support posts [...] [What it means is the Metallic Thermal Pro- tection System that we have shown for example on the webpage of our XSS-3/BigStar by Style of Speed.]", "[...] auxiliary power turbines [...]", "[...] essential [...]", "[...] three [...]", "[...] equip- ment [...] [Equipment is all]", "[...] essentially [...]", "[...] control surfaces and actuation, auxiliary power, avionics and propellant and pressurant management [...] [Not only the term actuation alone, but the whole phrase is a: Gotcha!!!]", "[...] core engines [...]", "[...] complexity [...] [Gotcha!!!]", "[...] penalty [...] [Gotcha!!!]", "[...] synthesis [...] [Now it's time to do it together: SuperGot- cha!!!]", "[...] three principal activities [...] [This is again the 3 Theme.]", "[...] employing superalloys and advanced manufacturing processes [...]", "[...] high-performance, state-of-the-art [...]", "[...] combustion chamber cooling using [the oxidizer ...]", "[...] pressure-compensating nozzle [...] [Like an aerospike nozzle as the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) X-33/VentureStar was designed to have? This technical issue is also commented at the end of this in- vestigative case.]", "[...] engines and nozzles must operate over a much wider altitude (and hence pressure) range than conventional rocket engines [...]", "This estimate assumes hydrogen fuel derived from water electrolysis whereas [...] the hydrogen is produced by steam reforming. [So? Suddenly we have a water electrolysis by steam reforming to produce hydrogen. Forget it, for the further stealing it has to redesign the whole engine, and the space- and airplanes, which yields at the end in our Active Hypersonic Engine and related vehicles.]", "[...] more environmentally friendly fuel. [So? Suddenly we also have something like Biokerosene and AlgeaFuel? That bold and criminal circus performance has definitely reached its end.]", "[...] complement [...]", "[...] lift/drag ratio for efficient commercial operation [...] [So? That's a new information from those criminals and definitely stolen in conjunction with the term hybrid from our webpages, like the one of the HCV-1/WhiteSwift. But as in the case of the hypersonic engine it doesn't matter, because that company has to redesign as well the whole space- and aircrafts, as we've already said. Closing time.]", "[...] full Mach range [...] [This is knowingly said to only mislead the public. Don't confuse its dual mode engine with our single mode Active Hypersonic Engine by Style of Speed.]", "[...] 300 passengers [...] [Besides the stupid attempt to jump again on the bandwagon of the 3 Theme, it is also somekind of an illusion. We're for every kind of progress but here we would like to be honest: After seeing the problems with the aircraft Concorde (61.66 meters long) we don't think that its aircraft A2 will ever fly, because the aircraft is more than two times longer than a Concorde, that means a length of 132 meters (a Boeing 747-8 is 68.5 meters long). And the company won't get again 20 or 30 years that it needs alone for the realization of the nose of its aircraft.]", "[...] actively cooled internal screen to intercept the heat leak from the hot aeroshell [...] [So? Suddenly we have something like a Leni- nets concept of a Thermal Protection System (TPS), which is refe- rred on several webpages by us from Style of Speed.]", "[...] in- corporation of lightweight heat exchangers in the main thermodyn- amic cycles of these engines is a new feature to aerospace pro- pulsion [...] [What that company means is the very special config- uration of its engine. And every competent person knows an exemp- lary general concept: Regenerative cooling of rocket engine com- bustion chambers and nozzles.]", "Contra-rotating turbine technolo- gy [So? What a surprise: It does this as well.]", "[...] optimised by genetic algorithm methods [...] [This is so clear that an explanation is not needed. But to make it easy for our readers we give the two links to Softbionics and the page Fallbeispiel: Optimierung einer Zweiphasen-Überschalldüse.]", "[...] verify the [...] model [...] [Ah, as the previous quote gave the first hint, we are indeed at the web- site of OntoLinux, and its sections Formal Modeling and Formal Verification.]", "[...] three [...]", "[...] highly modular [...]", "[...] purely [...]", "[...] components [...]", "[...] three [...]", "[...] three [...]", " Three [...]" and "[...] three [...] [4 threes in three consec- utive sentences. Maybe it could be, that we've eventually here the 3 Theme.]". We can also see an orbital base station, some kind of a Space Logistics system with Spacecrafters and some kinds of Moon and Mars mission concepts. Furthermore, the menu for the news was simply copied from our websites, like this one.
And before we give the result about the whole case, we would like to comment some misterious properties of its rocket engine with turbocompressor: First of all, the engine must be hot in the start phase, which means that the pre-burner has to heat the helium bas- ed internal heat exchange cycle. But this is after its technical dia- gram and description a pure rocket engine mode and not an air- breathing mode, as it's claimed. Also, the pre-burner itself functions only if the hot helium of the heat exchanger powers the turbopumps of the LOX and the LH2. Furthermore, the cyrogenic LH2 must be used to cool the combustion chamber and nozzle of the rocket en- gine, and not the helium of the heat exchanger. That company has claimed, that the combustion chamber will be cooled with LOX and air. This means a higher complexity due to the second regenerative cooling system and an extremely high risk, but the attempt could also be unrealizable due to the needed quantity of LOX. And at Mach 5.5 the turbocompressor has to be decoupled from its helium turbine that drives it or the turbocompressor runs then in the closed nacelle. Besides this details, the whole helium based heat exchanger seems to be obsolete, especially if seen under the aspect of a net gain. Furthermore, the two nacelles with the rocket engines, turbocom- pressors and 8 nozzles, are madly small for the made claims. An air- augmented/-breathing aerospike/Aerospike-Based Combined Cycle (ABCC) engine, that is the whole aerospaceplane with a hybrid body (lifting blended wing body), is the way to start with conceptually, which in a next step of a development directly leads to our Active Hypersonic Engine architecture, and our hypersonic cruise vehicles and aerospaceplanes.
And the result: Busted and convicted!!! Now the reader also knows why that company is called Reaction but not Action Engines.
Apple: That company hasn't invented the mobile phone/smart- phone with touchscreen nor definitely the tablet computer with touchscreen (see the originals for example the project P@d 2.0 in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics and the intelliTablet (iTablet)).
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland→tagesschau.de: That working pool of the broadcasting corporations of the Federal Republic of Germany reported again massively about the clone of our intelliTablet (iTab- let) and its sales start. Extra nasty: That working pool of the broadcasting corporations described the functionality of the virtual keyboard of the clone that we've shown on one of the images at the 6th of January 2010 and mentioned a statement about the boom by the german association of IT-companies, but made again no note about our company that started the trend as the Momentum Mak- er and developer of the originals, the P@d and the intelliTablet (iTablet).
Btw.: More and more persons find the advertisement for the plag- iarist of our intelliTablet (iTablet) and P@d annoying and, most important, highly suspicious. Some of them even are already asking about a higher valued/the true reason for its actings.
European Commission→Community Research & Development In- formation Service→Information and Communication Technologies→ RobotCUB: Some weeks ago at a large engineering-oriented exhibit- ion in the B.R.D. the open source robot iCub of that project was shown, which after the whole Pino concept and the hardware of the Pino 2 now also resembles the exterior of the Pino at the arms, legs and the body, as well as the head with an earphone like form. The iCub is now an around 30 centimeters/11.8 inches larger clone of the Pino 2 robot with functioning fingers.
Comment of the Day
Pad Computer Pad Portfolio Portfolio Pad Pure Pad Full Pad
Picture of the Day
© Sony Pictures Entertainment
Live to Ride - Ride to Live - Find Your Dream
intelliTablet (iTablet) Further steps 23:00 CET
Today, we are very proud with good reasons to present the specif- ications of our first series of tablet computers in the pad style (short Pad Computer or simply P@d) by intelliTablet (iTablet). This Mobile Device in form of a drawing pad or a portfolio with 2 draw- ing pads is a must have for every progressive and highly gifted art- ist, designer, competent architect and very important person.
The P@d comes in two versions: The Pure Pad, that can be des- cribed as a large tablet computer in the slate style, and the Pad Portfolio, that can be folded like a tablet computer in the booklet style. The P@d in ISO 216 A1 format and higher display resolut- ions, like 2560×1600 and 3280×2048, is deliverable on request.
intelliTablet/iTablet PZ530
- Style: Pad
- Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
- Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 32 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2260/4.98
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 939 USD or 759 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PZ530 3G
- Style: Pad
- Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
- Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 32 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2310/5.09
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1099 USD or 889 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PN450
- Style: Pad
- Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
- Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 64 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2260/4.98
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 989 USD or 799 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PN450 3G
- Style: Pad
- Display: ISO 216 A2 28.5" Multi-touch (1920×1440 native, higher full),
- Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 64 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic, Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D): 634×460×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2310/5.09
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1149 USD or 929 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PPZ530
- Style: Portfolio
- Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
- Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 32 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×26
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2270/5.00
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1009 USD or 819 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PPZ530 3G
- Style: Portfolio
- Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
- Processor: 32 Bit, 1.6 Ghz Intel® Atom Z530
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 32 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 1.3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×26
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2320/5.11
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1169 USD or 949 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PPN450
- Style: Portfolio
- Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
- Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 64 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×26
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2270/5.00
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1059 USD or 859 Euro
intelliTablet/iTablet PPN450 3G
- Style: Portfolio
- Displays: 2× ISO 216 A3 20.2" Multi-touch (1600×1200 native, 1920×1440 full),
- Processor: 64 Bit, 1.66 Ghz Intel® Atom N450
- Storage: 1 GB RAM, 64 GB
- Webcam: VGA (front side), 2× 3 Megapixel (back side)
- Connectivity Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, 3G UMTS, GPS
- Connectivity: 2× USB 2.0, Card reader SD/SDHC, headphone jack, docking port
- Operating system: OntoLinux (includes Ontoscope, OntoFS Journal and Glassy technology)
- Assistance system: AITouch Journal (includes handwriting and voice recognition)
- Apps: Tuxic as well as Moblin, Maemo and MeeGo, Android and other Linux® based distributions compatible
- Accu duration WWW mode: 8.5 hours
- Accu duration full mode: 6.2 hours
- Accu duration standby: 90 hours
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) closed: 460×326×26
- Dimensions in mm (H×W×D) opened: 460×678×13
- Weight in g/lb: 2320/5.11
- Price without service contract and/or content subscription: 1219 USD or 989 Euro
Your windows for creative visions
Apple: After more than 10 suicides at a plant that manufacturers Mobile Devices for many companies, like that one here, the inform- ations about the working conditions in the plant came to light. The employees have to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, are not allowed to talk with other employees while working, have to live in the factory and for sure get a lousy pay.
Hewlett-Packard: see Apple
Sony Ericsson: see Hewlett-Packard
Dell: see Sony Ericsson
Nokia: see Dell
Bertelsmann→N-TV: Despite that that criminal media company has a contract with another company that attemted to clone our tablet computer intelliTablet (iTablet) in the slate style and Pad Comput- er P@d, it made broad reports about the sales start of a clone by another company. Somehow contradictory, isn't it?
Comment of the Day CET 02:00-04:00
"Generally Helpful: Military pioneer brigades for management and realization."
The context is the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Question of the Day #1 CET 04:00
"Who has drilled into this oil field?"
This reminds us of the H-bomb, which was thrown despite no one knew at that time, if the whole Earth wouldn't explode by a chain reaction.
Question of the Day #2 CET 04:30
"Where's the beach?"
OntoLinux Website update
After around 2 years, we found the mood to add to the webpage of the OntoFS file system of OntoLinux a paragraph that explains how the metadata support together with SELinux by the NAS makes the virtual machines of internet browsers, and by this internet browsers and so called app(lication)s as well, obsolete, what indeed their ever were as a marketing and vaporware hoax. A next logical implication is that the desktop environment Ontoscope of OntoLinux was all the time already a 3D web interface as well.
Government of B.R.D.: In relation with the cost-cutting program by that government, now all political parties jumped on the band- wagon to not reduce the budget of the german federal ministry of education and research, and to tell the already busted research fai- rytale, because a statistics said it would be the wish of the german people, which is in this way actively misinterpreted. The fact is, that the only wish by the people for better education can be achieved with 10% to 15% of the budget of the german federal ministry of education and research, but all politicians want to pump up the bu- reaucratic sector by hiring more officials and creating more compa- nies that only exist as long as tax money is flowing. That's exactly one part which breaks the neck of every European state: After Greece, Great Britain, Spain and Italy the next nations are standing in line, like Portugal, Rumania and France, after which comes then the B.R.D.. Instead the budget of the health care sector should be reduced and more monetary dues payed by the citizens. Even taxes should be heightened, especially by citizens who have more estates (very clever). We think its time to find methods that substitute pol- iticians by moderators as the next step of the evolution of democra- cy.
By the way: The game is over. There is no time anymore for plans of the future. Life is now and here, and not in the next decades.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland→tagesschau.de: At first we were only surprised about conspicuous comments that more and more became suspicious until yesterday and today very early morning the whole case busted: Our comments publicated on this website were taken as a blueprint for the comments by the commentator of the bavarian broadcasting corporation at the office in Washington, D.C., U.S.America. This was done by the usual methode: To damage the trust- worthiness of C.S., all of our websites contents were stolen and rewritten by many persons in the different fields in such a way that an unknowing person should either don't find out who is the original source of the informations (shielding) or to get the impression that C.S. had stolen the contents from other websites (scheming). And he isn't the only person we are watching in similar cases.
Btw.: Politicians worldwide do it as well.
We made a note on our Culture webpage about the german media.
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