Comment of the Day
One Laptop Per Grandma
One Laptop Per Grandpa
One Laptop Per Gran
One Laptop Per Granny
One Laptop Per Nan
One Laptop Per Gramp
One Laptop Per Grampy
One Laptop Per Gogo
One Tablet Per Grandma
One Tablet Per Grandpa
One Tablet Per Gran
One Tablet Per Granny
One Tablet Per Nan
One Tablet Per Gramp
One Tablet Per Grampy
One Tablet Per Gogo
Zooming mind map
We would like to give the information that OntoLix and OntoLinux was designed in such a way that it also features a Zooming User Interface (ZUI) for the 2D views that is adapted in a suitable way.
OntoLab Further steps
We quote some related e-mails of C.S. sent to the mailing list of the developers of the Sugar learning platform today:
"Since many years now I am looking at Sugar and the underlying basic software technologies. Besides this, I am also interested in the specific field of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI[s]).
In this relation, I would like to present a concept that is an extension of the general GUI approach of the Sugar learning software with a Zooming User Interface (ZUI; [1]).
One inspiring moment was that recently the U.S.American government together with companiens [...] announced to make software donations to schools [...].
One specific software [...] Surprisingly [...] is not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and [the] Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act ([3] and [4]) but used in education [...].
I looked around and found the software Eagle Mode ([5]; for a first impression see the videos on its website dire[c]tly).
Said this, I simply counted 1+1, Sugar+ZUI and Sugar+Eagle.
Such an UI approach has advantages and disadvantages that are discussed shortly on the website of Eagle Mode (see [6]). The point with the hardware requirements seems not to be relevant, because for example the hardware of the latest featurephones and featuretablets (simple smartphones and tablet computers) should be useable with a ZUI and are available for around 30 U.S. Dollar already.
[1] Wikipedia, ZUI en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooming_user_interface
[3] Wikipedia, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Rehabilitation_Act
[4] Wikipedia, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_508_of_the_Rehabilitation_Act
[5] Eagle Mode eaglemode.sourceforge.net
[6] Eagle Mode, Project Philosoophy eaglemode.sourceforge.net/philosophy.html"
"Basically, I find this ZUI concept as attractive as the multi-touchscreen and the mind mapping approach.
Also, the foundational hierachical structure of Sugar with the views [...] fits perfectly with a ZUI.
The problem I have seen is that the screen gets more and more crowded with icons when Sugar is used and collaborations are made. Also, specific applications like the Journal suffer from this problem respectively allow to present only a small list of documents and activities at once. In this relation, I refer to some screenshots that I have seen on the Sugar Labs website. A solution to this problem is a ZUI functionality.
Even better, due to the simple GUI metaphor of Sugar deliberately designed for children, Sugar+ZUI should already run smoothly when a user zooms in an out with actual hardware."
"I forget to say something to [the] question related with the educational technology.
Firstly, I found the following statements on the webpage "What is Sugar?" in the section "About the Sugar Learning Platform" of Sugar ([1]) that says:
" It is easy to approach and yet it doesn't put an upper bound on personal expression; one can peel away layers and go deeper and deeper, with no restrictions." and
"[...] in whatever realm the learner is exploring [...] they are able to drill deeper; they are not going to hit a wall, since they can, at every level, engage in debugging both their personal expression and the very tools that they use for that expression."
Hence, Sugar+ZUI supports the learning even with the related UI paradigm that reflects the general computer desktop metaphor as well as the 3rd characteristical attribute of Sugar.
[1] Sugar, What is Sugar?, About the Sugar Learning Plattform wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/What_is_Sugar"
"And here is a collaborative story authoring tool for children called KidPad ([1]) based on ZUI and related with Pad++. It is based on Jazz respectively Piccolo ([2]; unmantained website), which has as successor Piccolo2 ([3]; use this website for more software technical informations). Said this, the general concept to use a ZUI for eductional software is not so new.
I also looked at the Sugar framework again in relation with a potential prototyp of Sugar+ZUI. At least two options exist:
1. Put ZUI into a Linux kernel.
Pro: In this way Sugar developers could decide if they want to use it or not. This might also have advantages with the overall perforamance
Contra: There are X11, D-Bus and Gnome dependancies.
2. Put ZUI into the Glucose layer.
Pro: ?
Contra: Binds ZUI to Python or/and JavaSript.
Personally, I prefer my Boot to WebCore with C++Core [(see [4])], but this is another Sugar story.
[1] KidPad www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/kiddesign/kidpad.shtml
[2] Jazz and Piccolo www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/jazz/
[3] Piccolo2 [www address changed]
[4] Boot to WebCore www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#boottowebcore
"Indeed, this is a Zoom Metaphor [that was in Sugar from day one ([1])], but somehow I think that it is not a true ZUI metaphor, because a user can only "jump" from one view to the other and can not zoom inside a single view. Also, applications like the Journal are not part of the Zoom Metaphor. So far, I can only point to the videos on the website of Eagle Mode once again [...]."
[1] Sugar, Zoom Metaphor wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience/Zoom_Metaphor
Ontonics Further steps
We added the new project:
Zooming Mind Map
to the Innovation-Pipeline (see also the OntoLix and OntoLinux Fur- ther steps of today below).
Also, in accordance with the Ontonics and OntoLab Further steps of the 9th of October 2013 and 26th of February 2014 we added the descripton of:
intelliTablet Announcement One Laptop Per Gran (OLPG) #1
We are pleased to inform the public about our last steps related with the Sugar learning platform after connected Sugar with Firefox OS as Sugarfox (see also the Ontonics Further steps of today above).
Today we came back to an relatively old concept developed in our OntoLab that is based on the observations that everything a junior can do with a computer a senior can do as well on the hand and that on the other hand many modern societies have a serious pro- blem with the excess of age. In this conjunction we extended the target group of Sugar and called the interrelated projects:
One Laptop Per Grandma,
One Laptop Per Grandpa,
One Tablet Per Grandma and
One Tablet Per Grandpa, or simply
One Laptop Per Gran and
One Tablet Per Gran
abbreviated as OLPG and OTPG.
Extremely helpful is the minimalistic design of the Graphical User Int- erface (GUI), and the easy to learn and to use activities. The overall project comprises common applications, but also software tools for activities of daily living and assisted living.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
In relation to the Clarification of today (see above), we took a look at the ZUI Eagle Mode, which gives a basic impression how such a Graphical User Interface (GUI) metaphor works.
Picture of the Day
The Matrix (1999)
© Warner Bros. Entertainment and Village Roadshow
Somehow, the german magazine Der Spiegel has not apprehended the true vision of Constantine correctly, when it wrote its related title story, or otherwise a simply projection of the activities of the last years into the future would have shown the reporters that they lead directly to human batteries.
OntoLab Further steps
We quote an e-mail of C.S. sent to the mailing list of the developers of the Sugar learning platform today:
"Because I already expected that there is an activity that is able to handle [OpenStreetMap (]OSM[)] data [...], I am also thinking about a feature that is basically an extension of the Neighborhood view [(see [3])] or even a fifth view called for example (Sugar) Earth, (Sugar) World, (Sugar) Cosmos or (Sugar) Paracosm (see [2]; my favorite in conjunction with (creativity and ideas of) children) on top of the Neighborhood view. This feature has also to be seen in conjunction with the other proposed feature of a [Zooming User Interface (]ZUI[)] metaphor for Sugar (see the related thread started on the 1st of March 2014 [(see the Further steps of the 1st of March 2014)]). Both the fifth view and the ZUI fit together perfectly, because often digital globes and digital world maps are based on the ZUI metaphor (see [1]).
[1] Wikipedia, ZUI; ZUI projects en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooming_user_interface
[2] Wikipedia, Paracosm en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracosm"
[3] Sugar, Zoom Metaphor wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience/Zoom_Metaphor
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new concept and a related technology, which solve some disadvantages compared with other solutions in this field.
Ontonics Website update
In accordance with the intelliTablet Announcement One Laptop Per Gran (OLPG) #1 of the 1st of March 2014 and informations given on the mailing list of the Sugar learning environment we added to the Innovation-Pipeline the descripton of the new project:
OntoLab Further steps
We have developed a new variant of a software technique.
British Broadcasting Corporation: Despite that C.S. has sent a first complaint about the report of the illegally copied masterpiece of mul- timedia arts, the Ontoscope paradigm, that doubtlessly is copyright- ed by C.S. due to its originality and uniqueness and also introduced our original and unique MobileKinetic real-time technology (see the case of the company Google in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 21st of February 2014), the media company refused to respect our copyright and instead reported a second time about the device misleading deliberately the public by using the descriptions from our website and formulations that are implicitly given with our descriptions as part of its psychological harassment.
Despite that the whole acting of that defrauding media company is not comprehensible in general, but also in relation to its last bold, shameless and despicable attack on arts and culture, and that it has crossed the red line now definitely, which makes it a case for the prosecutors, that criminal behavior also raises the question why the British Broadcating Company is still refusing the reality about its self-destruction of its trustworthiness and about the hopelessness of its already failed attempt.
By the way: More and more readers of its website are complaining already about the permanent advertising of companies like Google and Amazon.
In this conjunction we also raise the questions once again why the media is permanently infringing our copyright and not referencing our original works, and why no investigative journalist is taking her/his once-in-a-lifetime chance and reports about this giant social scandal around C.S., which even is already documented with publicly avail- able facts and in-depth insider informations. One answer for the 2nd question might be that the investigative journalism is an element of the dirty game and hence not investigative at all.
If the media does not do their social duties in a democracy, then the media laws have to be reworked, so that existing free zones are cropped.
OntoLab Further steps
We developed a progressive concept further by using the experi- ences made in the last 25 years and the technologies developed in the last years. And yes, it is our next game changer.
Comment of the Day #1
"Some laugh, others learn.", [C.S., Today]
So, let them Roll(ing) On The Floor Laughing (ROTFL).
We are sorry to say so, but we give all potential sponsors of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) foundation and association the friendly ad- vice not to support this project. Reasons for this are that the OLPC:
failed in large parts to create a decisive momentum in the devel- oped and in the underdeveloped countries after around 7 years now,
is in a transformation process to a usual Android booth since around 1 year,
still gets basic hardware and software technologies not working correctly, like the local and global network systems,
uses already outdated hardware and software, which have to be exchanged for being able to even handle most essential functions like digital local maps, that questions the endeavour from this side as well, and
has some leading managers, maintainers and supporters, who are simply said anarchists or/and scooters of the company Google only, who attack all entities that have to protect own intellectual proper- ties, refuse to give up control even over open sourced software, and even think that the OLPC is standing outside the legal laws.
Obviously, these reasons show that the OLPC project does not work on the one hand and on the other hand make a cooperation on a more professional level impossible, as it could be seen through all the years. In fact, the whole procedure has to be restarted again, be- cause its ship has sailed a long time ago and is now short of sinking on deep sea.
In this respect, we also have cancelled all related activities with our potentially interested highly potent sponsors worth a million or more deployments and instead will concentrate on our related projects and superior platforms. Sadly to say in this conjunction is that the Sugar learning platform is still too strongly connected with the OLPC.
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
In the last days we worked on 3 software stacks:
The first stack consists of Linux kernel, Wayland and Eagle Mode with the focus on porting X11/GL applications to Wayland/EGL using X11/GLX wrapper for Wayland/EGL and jwzGLES.
The second stack consists of Linux kernel, Wayland, QtWayland with QtCompositor, WolfenQt, Qt based 3D Maze compositor, Boot to Qt, PyQt, PyZUI and Qt WebKit with an eye kept on our Web Operating System (WOS) Boot to WebCore (see also the related Further steps of the 24th of October 2012).
The third stack is nicknamed Sugar for Adults, which is self-explan- atory.
We also finalized the first requirement specification for our WOS Silverfox.
In addition, we worked on the Ontologic File System (OntoFS), specifically on the basic and highly complex architecture (see also the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 20th of February 2014).
Comment of the Day
Zoomable mind map
Ontonics Further steps
Thanks to our friends around the world we could improve our Hyper- cycle/Stroetman Cycle again in a way that makes it simple said: hypermagic. How impressive, fascinating and at the same time some kind of bemusing that it even works better and better ....
Also, we developed new variants of an older technology in a way that even we have not imagined in this way before.
Get your contracts.
Style of Speed Website update
We added the first versions of an air scoop on the roof and air out- lets on the front fenders to our conversion Huracán SuperElemento. Now it is time to become impatient while waiting for the design of the rear.
Style of Speed Further steps
We also would like to announce an additional rear wing for our other conversion Huracán GranTurismo.
Ontonics Further steps
We worked on the practicability and flexibility of a technology by combining basic components advantageously.
Comment of the Day
"[Big] Toothbrush is watching you", [A Blogger, 10th of March 2014]
C.S. added the "big" today. For sure, we are talking here about the so-called internet of things.
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
Actually, the three game and simulation engines Underware, Delta3D and Blender Game Engine (BGE) are included in the OntoScope com- ponent. What we have not publicated so far are the informations that we are looking for a more specialized graphics engine as well since years before the start of OntoLix and OntoLinux, which we want to integrate with the other game and simulation engines. In this conjunction it is also interesting to note that Delta3D is using a Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) compiler in conjunction with the bounding sphere technique of the OpenSceneGraph (OSG), though we surely want to use other techniques like based on the Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO), the Blender developers and supporters are discussing about the future of the BGE, and we are looking at the game engines of the id Tech series, specifically with the id Tech 4 (used for Doom 3 and Quake 4) modified with elements of the id Tech 5 (used for Rage), which is used for the Doom 3 BFG Edition (see also the related Further steps of the 24th of October 2012).
We also found a way to get point clouds into the OpenSceneGraph (OSG) and are looking if and how we can connect it with the Visual- ization ToolKit (VTK) and the other related libraries of fields like the Finite Element Method (FEM) technique, the surface reconstruction by Poisson's equations and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algori- thms for example.
Obviously, we do accelerate again.
Comment of the Day
"Titanfail", [Users, Today]
Ontonics Further steps
We developed a new solution by combining two different older tech- nologies with a new technology.
Also, we developed two variants of an older technology by using a new technology in different ways not envisioned by the inventors.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We have re-designed the software architecture of the remote 3D display toolkit VirtualGL (VGL) in three different ways:
The first way is a design of a hybrid that uses both the old approach of indirect rendering, which sents OpenGL commands and 3D data from the server to the client(s), and the newer approach of direct rendering on the server and sending the rendered 2D images to the client only, as it is done with VGL. The reason for this design is that some tasks related with OpenGL-based rendering could be done on the client side. To support and automate the decision process about what should be rendered either on the server side or the client side a binary network partitioning technique could be applied.
The second way is a design of another hybrid that consists of the In-Process GLX Forking with an X Proxy (e.g. Virtual Network Comp- uting (VNC)) and the In-Process GLX Forking with Image Encoding respectively VGL Transport, that abstracts the X Proxy with its X11 commands and X11 events in the same as it was done with GLX Forking while still using the VGL Transport. In the case of VNC this can be done with VNC Forking and a related VNC interposer, so that in this way VGL Transport does support collaboration (multiple clients per session) on the side of the server without using a separate screen scrapper on the sides of the clients.
The third way is a straightforward further development of the sec- ond way and focused on the exchange of the X Server, the GLX interposer respectively VGL, and the X Proxy interposer with a com- positor, which is based on the protocol respectively display server framework Wayland, and a communication framework, which could be based on the Linux kernel based D-Bus (kdbus) with the systemd based D-Bus (sdbus), ZeroMQ or nanomsg (see also the related Fur- ther steps of the 31st of January 2013).
Comment of the Day
"What is a life? A frenzy.
What is life? An illusion,
a shadow, a fiction,
and the greatest good is small.
For all of life is a dream,
and the dreams, are (only) dreams!", [Pedro Calderón de la Barca y Barreda Gonzólez de Henao Ruiz de Blasco y Riaño, La Vida es sueño, 1635]
In respect to the relationship between illusion and reality Pedro Calderón de la Barca's play "La Vida es sueño==Life is a Dream" is seen as the literary equivalent of Diego Velázquez's painting "Las Meninas".
Picture of the Day
C.S. Evidence, Puff Pæng Kaboom (2006)
© King Smiley
It was publicated the first time as an Original on the 7th of June 2008 and again shown as one of the Originals and Pictures of the Day of the 5th of March 2012 and 7th of May 2012. Today we show it once again due to the finding of the B-mode polarisation signal, which is a characteristic twist in the directional properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, that is the oldest light detectable with telescopes. The B-mode signal is a residual indelible marker created by primordial gravitational waves made detectable by amplification in the hypothesized phase of inflation that supports the Big Bang Theory.
See also the related Sketches shown as Originals on the 22nd of September 2009 for example.
In contradiction to other informations, the middleware OpenNI is not needed at all, because everything is included in OntoLix and Onto- Linux already even in a superior way. Furthermore, we will not re- cognize it as a standard, as long as the three pioneering companies do not respect and admit their infringements of our copyright public- ly.
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We continued our work related with the foundational 3D environment of our systems (see also the Further steps of the 11th of March 2014 and made substantial progress:
1. We do not need to look if and how we can connect the 3D graph- ics Application Programming Interface (API) OpenSceneGraph (OSG) with the Visualization ToolKit (VTK) anymore, because OSG already offers a basic NodeKit for volume rendering with 3D textures, Level of Detail (LOD), inclusive out-of-core respectively paged versions, and so on. A little work is needed for integrating the functionality of the Insight ToolKit (ITK) as well, though basic support in OSG exists already.
2. We found interesting solutions that add ray casting and ray trac- ing techniques in different static and dynamic/real-time variants to OSG. Advantageously, the OSG API already implements the K-dim- ensional tree (KdTree) space partitioning data structure internally and the octree data structure is not a problem at all.
3. We also found an OSG NodeKit that provides post processing and General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) functionality.
4. We have also descriptions for implementing efficient Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO) rendering techniques including variants that use the ray marching technique for example, for which we can use the OSG NodeKits and the techniques implemented with OSG mentioned in the points 1., 2. and 3.. Maybe OntoLix and OntoLinux even get a 3D user environment and desktop with SVO.
Further steps are focused on the following points:
5. Most potentially, we will use the support by the Simple Direct- Media Layer (SDL) development library for the compositor protocol Wayland (SDL-Wayland) to create the related contexts (see also the related point 6.).
6. At least for backward compatibility with legacy applications some kind of a compositing window manager is needed, like Compiz, KWin or Clayland. In the case of KWin and Clayland we already have Way- land support, as it is the case with the Qt and Clutter application frameworks. Interestingly, KWin 5 uses QtQuick 2 and in this way pulls in the QOpenGL module of QtGui, so that using QtWayland with QtCompositor would be straightforward. In this conjunction, we are looking if it is the right way to nest for example a Compiz-Wayland session compositor in an SDL-Wayland session compositor.
7. We have to decide if our way to integrate the 3D content creat- ion suite Blender with its Blender Game Engine (BGE) and the Open CasCade Technology (OCCT) is elegant enough.
8. As we already said in the Further steps of the 11th of March 2014, we are looking at an integration of a further graphics engine, like the Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (OGRE) 3D or the id Tech 4 engine with elements of the id Tech 5 engine. This would be done in the same way as the integration of the other technolo- gies (see also points 7. and 9.).
9. We are also working again on our old concept of a context man- ager, which should not be confused with the already existing scene and context managers, because it integrates different (OpenGL bas- ed) engines in our special way, like the ones mentioned in the points 6., 7. and 8. into OSG besides the possibility to integrate Qt.
10. We are not quite sure if a OSG-Wayland compositor truly makes sense as a substitute for SDL-Wayland, but at least it is an interest- ing concept to think about.
That is what we call Hightech Competence.
We added the next note about that serious criminal Ai "Ouch Weia" Weiwei and a note about the organization Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin on our worldwide unique webpage about true Culture.
Ontonics Website update
For sure our projects Sugarfox and Silverfox do run on our own Web Operating System Platform (WOSP) Boot to WebKit from today on.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
We took a quick look at Mathics, GNU Octave once again, and R and RPy in relation with our OntoBlender component (see also the Further steps and Ontonics, OntoLab, Ontologics, OntoLix and Onto- Linux Further steps of the 11th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 20th, and 24th of February 2014).
And that is definitely not all.
Comment of the Day
"Privacy is precious - don't lose it.", [Mr. E. Dissident, Today]
Original vs. Inspiration
iRaiment Smartwatch 3O3 Design (2008)
© Suunto and iRaiment
Ontonics Further steps
We developed a new solution by combining two different older tech- nologies with a new technology.
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We are very pleased to announce that we take consumer devices to a new frontier with our latest software architectures, the Wearland and Homeland compositor shells. As their labels easily suggest, both shells constitute the ideal Graphical User Interface (GUI) platforms for embedded systems in the fields of wearable computing, small mobile gadgets, home appliances and consumer electronics, which do not depend on a full-fledged window management and 3D env- ironment, but need the most efficient way for presenting 2D and 3D multimedia contents.
Indeed, the Wearland and Homeland shells are derived from a Weston shell for In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems and hence have the same high industrial quality features as their companion shell used in the field of automotive computing.
© Genivi and OntoLab
Interested parties can ask for a vast range of embedded systems and, if needed, other complete Linux kernel based software stacks with different processing powers and functional features.
Please keep in mind that we use our other Wayland compositor for IVI systems (see for example the Further steps of the 17th of March 2014).
Comment of the Day
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We were reminded about the concepts of the scene graph and its surface nodes of the Wayland compositor Weston. In fact, we are already at the OSG-Wayland compositor, which is called OSGLand from now on, but this point of view on the weston_view structure opens up a new view on the OSGLand as well, because putting the OpenGL ES based variant of OSG so deep into the compositor is a very smart alternative that was not envisioned by us so far (see again the points 5. to 10. of the Further steps of the 17th of March 2014).
More summarising will come with one of the next Further steps after we have sorted out the old and also the new variants.
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We watched and analyzed the whole situation very thoroughly for several years and finally came to the following decision about our general software stack (simplified illustration):
6. Applications
5. Window managers, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), multi- media and application frameworks, game engines
4. Wayland with OpenSceneGraph (OSGLand) or/and similar and other direct media compositors
3. EGL, OpenGL and OpenGL for Embedded Systems (OpenGL ES); EGL and OpenGL ES might be merged into OpenGL; OpenVG is al- ready implemented on top of OpenGL (ES)
2. Operating systems and (Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)) hard- ware (Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)) drivers
1. Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
In this way every framework gets a well thought and flexible found- ation upon they can build, as it is given for example with our comp- ositor OSGLand as well as our OntoCove component with its signal/ slot system, that already exists since the year 2006 (see also the Further steps of the 17th and 20th of March 2014).
Please keep in mind that we do not want to support scripting lang- uages based on the EcmaScript standard any longer and the pro- gramming language Python anymore in the first place, if at all, in favor of the use of C++ as the command language, the scripting or macro language, and the programming language with the Cling C++ interpreter (see the related Further steps of the 24th of February 2014).
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We already have:
1. OpenSceneGraph (OSG) examples with utility libraries and frame- works like the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT; osgviewerGLUT), Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL; osgviewerSDL), Qt application framework (osgviewerQt), and others,
2. the base class osgViewer::GraphicsWindow and the derived class osgViewer::GraphicsWindowX11 with bindings to EGL and OpenGL ES, and
3. Wayland compositors with SDL, and Qt and KWin.
As further steps we look at the following points:
4. Implement the class osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWayland by using the Weston client sample simple-egl.c.
5. Implement OSG-Wayland/OSGLand 1.0 by simply merging the al- ready available solutions mentioned in the points 1. to 4. and delet- ing obsolete code in an appropriate way (see also the Further steps of the 22nd of March 2014).
6. Implement Wayland compositors with Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) and OpenGL FrameWork (GLFW) following the solut- ions named in point 3..
7. Develop OSGLand 1.0 further through the support of the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL; osg::Shader, osg::Program, osg::Uniform), specifically in relation with its handling of pixels, framebuffer and texture memory, and features like e.g. to draw in one pass without render-to-texture (see OpenGL pipeline architecture, points 8. and 10., and wherever it fits) and optimize the resulting OSGLand 2.0.
8. Optimize more with techniques like Sparse Bindless Texture Array (SBTA), Multi-Draw Indirect (MDI), dynamic streaming, and so on if not available already and if possible in this way (see again point 6. and also the Further steps of 17th of March 2014).
9. Use OSG features like osgViewer::CompositeViewer, osgWidget, and others if advantageously.
10. Implement communication frameworks (see the Further steps of the 14th of March 2014).
I'm lovin' It
Comment of the Day
"Capturing the moment is the moment.", [A Reporter, 21st of March 2014]
So the next journey is done solely to keep up the own account on a social network or content sharing platform.
Ontonics Further steps
We came back to one of our oldest multimedia concepts created in the late 1990s and developed it further on the sides of its general concept, designs, and technological realizations.
We also combined the updated multimedia technology with a newer solution.
OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We continued to improve our OpenSceneGraph based architecture with depth mapping, that is analyzing a picture or video stream to figure out the distance of the surfaces of scene objects from the viewpoint respectively the camera. One approach to realize depth mapping is to re-use the depth buffer for shadow mapping, depth buffer to distance conversion, as well as mouse picking and ray tracing techniques in conjunction with for example the function gluUnProject(), which converts screen coordinates to OpenGL co- ordinates, and machine vision.
In this way we can easily add completely software based gesture tracking and control even with common 2D cameras besides special 3D and depth cameras to the User Interface (UI; see also the web- page Ontologic Applications and our original and unique MobileKinetic technology).
HTC: Besides that once again the company HTC with its newest smartphone has infringed our copyright in relation with the original and unique masterpiece of multimedia arts by C.S., the Ontoscope paradigm, it is worth to mention that depth sensing for photogra- phy is done by other manufacturers already as well, but with one camera respectively lens only.
Comment of the Day
"Every few years there's some entrepreneur. There've been things like [them before]. They're cute and remind me so much of myself when I was a kid … I just don't know if they'll make it.", [Jaron Lanier, August 2013]
This was J. Lanier's comment about the business in the field of Virtual Reality (VR) in general and the company Oculus VR in part- icular.
Ontonics Further steps
While we thought about online shopping, we developed a new way of doing so in general and updated related business processes.
We also integrated two older technologies to extend their applicab- ility and functional quality. This is also ... fascinating.
Ontonics Further steps
We developed the next generation of a solution, that now is more practicle and in this way has a sound economic base now.
Comment of the Day
"That is the way true journalism works.", [C.S., Today]
"So geht echter Journalismus.", [C.S., Heute]
Question of the Day
"Need more evidence?"
This question was asked in relation with new evidences that convict the serious criminal fraudster Ai Weiwei once again (see also the In- vestigations::Culture of today below).
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We have created a new webpage for the OntoGraphics component and copied the related informations about the basic graphics engine and the OSGLand compositor to it, which were already publicated on the webpage of the OntoCove component and in related Further steps messages in the past.
Because the usual suspects try to push that criminal plagiarist Ai Weiwei once again, we made a further note about him, Uli Sigg, Urs Meile, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, the public-law broad- caster Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, and the Zeitverlag Gerd Buce- rius on our webpage Culture.
Ontonics and OntoLab Further steps
We continued the work on one of our new multicore architectures and designed three video/graphics cards, which feature:
two alternative construction methods,
1024, 4096 and 8192 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) cores/ shaders,
clock rates for core and memory > 1 GHz,
two alternative high-performance bus systems, and
two new alternative cooling systems.
Additionally, we made further considerations about new general feat- ures related with the processing pipeline and memory, as well as with the hardware driver for example.
Furthermore, we worked on our very high-performance Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) further, that are based on a Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA; see also the related Further steps of the 11th of January 2014).
Due to the latest support by third parties, prototypes for testing can be realized in 4 to 12 weeks now at the request of our customers.
In this conjunction, it can be rebutted already that other companies with their products have even a breath of a chance to compete in performance and price with our superior system solutions. Our game changers are playing in a completely different league.