Home → News 2012 October
News 2012 October

Style of Speed Further steps
While we have finalized the design and development of the Apollo II for Onkel Gumpert, our special friend Ron Dennis, and most potential- ly for us, as the platform of the i! * j! * k! series, and for further models as well, we thought today that it would be only consequent to decide and announce the following: The Apollo Speed-E comes back with Purely Electric and also New Energy/Hybrid drivetrains.

Comment of the Day
Pure hybrid™
Purely hybrid™
3D Accumulator™

After it was not made absolutely clear how the next model of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, the XO-4, will look like, the two different versions of it are shown now on the related webpage that says in the specification: "Configuration: Convertible laptop with pivoting, reversible muti-touch enabled display". So in fact, the version XO-4 Touch is indeed the "Tablet Computer Convertible One Laptop per Child (OLPC) XO-1" as shown by us in the Original vs. Inspiration of the 7th of January 2010 showing devices with digital pen/stylus and the at that time already common multi-touch functionality, which means that we, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH and its business unit intelliTablet, are the true inventor of the model XO-4 Touch (see also the intelliTablet Announcement One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #1 of the 17th and #2 of the 19th of July 2012, and the Investigations::Multimedia of the 16th of August 2012).
In addition, we brought further the concepts behind the programm- ing language for children called Logos, which is described in the book "Mindstorms" written by Seymour Papert, as it is also seen by the author himself, by adding the full range of multimedia in our OntoLab, The Lab of Visions and Ontonics, specifically by making the concept a tangible system using the full range of the Lego metaphor and microworlds. In conjunction with this, we would also like to clarify that we surely do know the work of S. Papert, but we came to the same point by our own considerations and research, and also had a different idea in mind while writing The Proposal than to copy his work or to simply update it, which is to teach machines to program and then to get an extremely efficient helping tool for humans as a by-product. This is the way of teaching, learning, and programming in the 21st century, because hand-coding is a craft that will be industrialized, and nobody teaches children to make shoes or build a tri- or bicycle at first and then to have the fun of walking and riding. Somehow, it works just the other way round. And with our OntoLinux we simply broke all limits by replacing the 2 turtles of Logos that reflect the trips of each other for making a dynamic kaleidoscope, if we want to stay with the contents of the book "Mindstorms" (see chapter 6, page 131), with 2 processors or computing cores that reflect their running software, especially the operating system(s), each others hardware, optionally virtual and real Lego microworlds in such a way that, unbelievable but true, the Lego rasterization, and the spatially and temporally adaptive and dynamic versions of the techniques of the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are united/integrated in one mixed reality by using the approaches of digital philosophy and digital physics (see for example the Lego skeleton minifigure with an FEM model of a human heart presented in the Original Sketches of the 22nd of January 2008), and even the whole observable universe to make our dynamic universal theory perfect (see also the OntoBot and OntoScope software components, the Ontoscope hardware, the Caliber/Calibre, and take some time for the new webpages of the OntoLinux website).

Have you seen these?

Ontonics Website update
We added the new projects to the Innovation-Pipeline:

  • 3D Accumulator/Battery 22:24 CEST and
  • Low-Temperature Accumulator/Battery 22:30 CEST.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have added the two new webpages for our 3D Flywheel and Counter-Rotating Flywheel energy storages.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    Last week, we have begun to consider how to upgrade our F-22SR Super Raptor with the Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL), so that a key asymmetric advantage is regained once again after it was cancelled in the year 2010 by the U.S. Air Force, and to derive a related intelligent automated logistics information system for supporting the cost reduction per unit by around 35%.

    Moreover, the further developments of our MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) plasma and MagnetoPlasmaDynamics (MPD) accelerators used for our hyperjets and spaceships, like the X-3³ Drake and the XR-3 Lucky Dragon have made enormous progress in the last months, so that all of our claims related with these technologies have been proved al- ready, and we can focus now on the development of our home and field energy reactors Mr. Fusion and Capt. Fusion, as well as on the reduction of complexity and beautifying fine-tuning.

    We would also like to give a sneak preview of the Apollo series:

  • Inspiration: Audi R8R LMP Prototyp and SOS B! Barchetta, SOS Doris and the derived Bugatti Lydia concept, Bugatti Veyron, and SOS i! * j! * k! series
  • General versions: Coupé, race car, and spider
  • Chassis: Channeled, choped, and narrowed Lamborghini Gallardo chassis, most potentially as carbon fiber monocoque like Porsche Carrera GT or Bugatti Veyron, Gumpert Apollo I front subframe, mixture of Gallardo and Apollo I rear subframe; Apollo I dimensions
  • Suspension: Push rods, Porsche Carrera GT and Gumpert Apollo I at the front, and Ferrari Enzo and Gumpert Apollo I at the rear, but most potentially a different position of the dampers at the rear for a lower construction of the tail
  • Drivetrain: Audi R8 and Gumpert Apollo V8, 4.2 to 4.8 litre, twin-turbo, cylinder deactivation technology, 650+ hp, suitable transmission like R8 LMS, shift paddles, and so on; Purely Electric, Purely Hybrid, New Energy (NE) or with range extender, and classic combustion; SOS mdoular energy recovery system
  • Exterior: Mixture of Gumpert Apollo I (windshield) with new wiper shear, Lamborghini Gallardo doors (no more gullwings, but optional butterfly wings), RS5, A6 or A8, Bentley Continental GT I, or/and Bugatti Veyron grille face panel, RS5 or A6 front bumper, Audi A8 or A6 (headlights) and A8 (taillights) for style 1, and Bentley Continental GT (headlights) and eventually Ferrari (taillights) for style 2, and Baby Bugatti concepts for style 3
  • Interior: Mixture of Gumpert Apollo I, components out of the Audi stock, and potentially SOS B! Barchetta glass cockpit; no Audi TT air-vents anymore :D

    Comment of the Day #1
    Plasma turbojet™
    Virtual blade™
    Laser blade™
    Plasma blade™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "When money is not enough.", [C.S., Today once again]

    Style of Speed Further steps
    While developing our plasma based features of our hyperjets further, we came now back again to our interesting technology of internal combustion engines derived from our Multimode Plasma Engines (MPEs) of our spaceships, like the X-3³ Drake and XR-3 Lucky Dragon, and named active hypersonic engine or plasmajet as a class, and plasma turbojet in the specific case, and that we are designing, researching, and developing since around 4 years. Plasmajets comprise the transformations of airbreathing jet engines, like the turbojet, turbofan, and ramjet, and their components of the eventually modulated inlet section, fan, turbine and turbine blade abstracted as lightturbine, and laser blade and plasma blade, injector and ejector, mixing duct, combustor/combustion chamber, and eventually modulated nozzle, by using technologies like masers, lasers, plasma accelerators, and plasmoid based antifriction systems. What makes this engine technology so fascinating is that we speak about an engine that could be described as a very high specific thrust/very high bypass ratio turbofan without rotating parts and with a performance in the range of up to 10^12 revolutions per minute.
    Actually, we do use this technology of the plasma(turbo)jet for the turbojet mode and the hypersonic plasma dual mode ramjet (includes scramjet) mode of our MPEs while in the atmosphere, before they turn into the mode of an ion engine in orbit and beyond a planet or other stellar objects in the case of our spaceships. But as we said in the beginning, we are also looking now how we can use the plasma turbojet for our other hyperjets like the HJF-22SR/Super Raptor and hypersoars as well, because it was only planned to use this type of engine with our models HJF-1/Hyper Falcon and HCV-1/WhiteSwift.

    Investigations::Multimedia, AI and Knowledge management

    *** Work in progress ***
    *** Quotes are missing ***

  • European Comission: A project funded by the European Comission in the year 2010 is copying essential features of our OntoLinux™. To smother this fact a software stack was set up that uses a Linux® distribution based on the Linux® distribution Debian®, which we have thrown out due to foul play (see the OntoLinux Website update of the 10th of August 2009), and even a software stack version has been announced that uses Debian®. To confuse the public even more a researcher from a South Korean institute of technology was taken into the group, because we have listed a project of it on the Links to Software (L2S) webpage. We will go into the details by quoting form its actual website: "Over the past 3 years, the semantic web activity has gained momentum with the widespread publishing of structured data as RDF. The Linked Data paradigm has therefore evolved from a practical research idea into a very promising candidate for addressing one of the biggest challenges in the area of intelligent information management: the exploitation of the Web as a platform for data and information integration in addition to document search. [This direction of development was started by us with our OntoLinux in the end of the year 2006, because we focused explicitly on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and our Ontologic Computing (OC) paradigma, but not on ontologies in the first place has all the experts worldwide did expect all the years.]", "[...] improve coherence and quality of data published on the Web, close the performance gap between relational and RDF data management, establish trust on the Linked Data Web and generally lower the entrance barrier for data publishers and users [...] [It is absolutely clear that this follows closely the contents of our OntoLinux website, as a quick look on the webpage of the OntoFS software component and the related sections of the webpage Links to Software proves.]", "[...] very large amounts of structured information [...] [See in the context of the before mentioned "relational and RDF data management" for example the link to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project: 3store on the Links to Software webpage.]", "[...] high-quality multi-domain, multi-lingual ontologies from sources such as OntoWiki and OpenStreetMap [...] [See the webpage Overview and the sections Natural Language Processing and Geography of the Links to Software webpage and also acknowledge our OntoWiki™.]", "[...] algorithms based on machine learning for automatically interlinking and fusing data [...] [See the OntoBot software component of OntoLinux.]", "[...] standards and methods for reliably tracking provenance, ensuring privacy and data security as well as for assessing the quality of information [...] [See the link to Security-Enhanced Linux in the section Operating System, the section Semantic (World Wide) Web of the Links to Software webpage, and the paragraph Advantages of OntoFS webpage.]", "[...] adaptive tools [...]", "[...] three application scenarios [...]", "[...] sci-tech to socio-economic areas [...]", "[...] these new technologies [...] [To call our technologies as new is not quite right.]", "[...] Semantic Web areas experiencing commercial (enterprise search, media and publishing), scientific (extraction, interlinking, ontology classification and fusion methods), and sociological (community knowledge, integration in social networks, eGovernment) [...] [See again the Links to Software webpage, specifically the section Semantic (World Wide) Web.]", "[...] new cross-domain applications by developers across the globe [...] [In the context of some of the other quotes this reminds us of our OntoGlobe technology.]", "The new technologies for enabling scalable management of Linked Data collections in the many billions of triples will raise the state of the art of Semantic Web data management, both commercial and open source, providing opportunities for new products and spin-offs, and make RDF a viable choice for organizations worldwide as a premier data management format. [This is another evidence that the concept of OntoLinux was copied illegally, because we set this trend contrary to the expectations of all experts in this field.]", "[...] bootstrapping [...]", "[...] making Linked Data the model of choice for next-generation IT systems and applications [...] [Correctly described it has to be said that OntoLinux is now the model of choice for next generation IT systems and applications as. So, our visions related with OntoLinux have been fulfilled already.]", "[...] Semantic Web technologies, ontological engineering, machine learning, Web search, information retrieval, databases and knowledge stores [...] [A term that has something in common with ontologic is always suspicious. The other terms are also very familiar and most of them can be found on the OntoLinux website.]", "[...] fertilization [...] [Yes, it has something to do with embryology, but not directly with The Proposal.]", "[...] Semanti-CS [...]", "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]",
    The following quotes are taken from the presentation of the project members: "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]",
    In addition project members use knowingly in their testimonials terms like "ontological", "evolution", "revolution", and so on, and make the lie that the system comes from them. We also see connections to other projects and research facilities that we have convicted in the past. "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]",

    Due to the facts that the EU-funded project LOD2, which stands for Linked Open Data 2, is only connecting old solutions, stealing our concept of the extension of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) with Natural Language Processing (NLP) based on the polygonal data model and following the comparison of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) with the elements subject, predicate and object of a very simple sentence (see the case of the Technical University Munich in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics of the 24th of September 2010 and the case of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique→Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes and Technical University Munich of the 10th of May 2011 in the same investigative fields for the keywords subject, predicate, object, and OWL, and also the Clarification Caliber Special #1a of the 20th and #1b of the 21st of May 2011) as well as further concepts of OntoLinux by using a universal data server connected with a column-oriented DataBase Management System (DBMS) for getting closer to a file system that in the end does nothing else than our file database system Ontologic File System™ (OntoFS™), and because the project has already reached this goal it has to be stopped immediately, so that 5 million euro of tax money can be saved. See also for example the section Linguistics and Common-Sense on the webpage OntoLinux.info, the Clarification of the 20th of May 2009, and the case of Christoph Guéret, SugarLabs, and One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Foundation and Association below.
    We also the connections with visualization and natural language processing that are sections of the Links to Software (L2S), and its software stack is based on virtualization that points directly to the section network technology as well as to the related software component of OntoLinux based on a Virtual Machine (VM), and also to cloud computing.
    In subsequent investigations we will analyse the project members and go into more details.
    Even more nasty, "an international project financed by the European Commission" is based on GNOWSYS (see the case of the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management of the 9th of September 2012).

    *** Analysis of the project website is missing; the rest is proof-reading mode ***

  • Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education→Gnowledge Project: As part of its massive copryright infringement, that institute has stolen essential elements from our OntoLinux. We are looking at the GNU software called Gnowledge Networking and Organizing SYStem (GNOWSYS), because we can see that the authors have followed our actings related with OntoLinux and epistemology, Ontologics.info, and potentially with OntoPortal by e.g. its gnowledge portal that is called "An Atlas of Knowledge" and represents the dependency relations between Debian GNU/Linux packages. See our OntoGlobe component. We will give detailed informations after comparing our copy of its old website contents and the actual one, and analyzing its actual documents.
    We quote at first from its website and then go on with the main documents: "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]", "[...] "gnowsys-mode" is an extension package for the versatile Emacs editor to do collaborative editing. [...] [Interesting is that the Pop-Log programming environment of the OntoBot software component has already an extension package for the editor Emacs as well, and due to the fact that essential elements of the GNOWSYS were copied from the OntoLinux website (see the analysis of the papers below) we already have also with the OntoBot the essential parts of this extension package gnowsys-mode. This makes the gnowsys-mode package an evidence for the copyright infringement, or said it clearer for the stealing of OntoLinux.]", "[...] [...]", "[...] [...]", and "[...] [...]".
    The summary of the document "GNOWSYS: A System for Semantic Computing", which is said to be publicated in the year 2007, though we had several times the impression that there is a newer version from the year 2010, is already enough for the conviction of its copyright infringement. Even one sentence of the summary is enough: "GNOWSYS is a system to specify, publish and query about multiple logics, ontologies, and epistemologies. [This was stolen from the website of OntoLinux, as a look on the webpages Overview and Components, as well as on The Proposal and The Prototyp doubtlessly proves.]".
    The following quotes are only a preview. We will quote the whole document in every detail and give the direct links to our websites, especially to the webpages of the OntoLinux website. The document itself contains only references up to the year 2004, which means nothing, because the most important links talk about single projects but not about the whole system. Furthermore, the references were chosen, so that it would look like that we have assembled only what is known, but in fact that is exactly our achievement and not the one of the authors and persons behind the GNOWSYS project. "Its kernel includes three semantic layers with increasing order of semantic specification, three groups of component classes for storing objects of various complexity in the knowledge base, and three levels of generality with objects belonging to tokens, types and metatypes [...] [Obviously, this is the stolen 3³ Theme by C.S., and it was stolen from the webpages Overview and Components, specifically the sections that are related with the L4 microkernel, and the section Exotic Operating Systems of the webpage Links to Software.]", "It has component classes for representing both declarative and procedural knowledge, and the latter specifcation is executable enabling semantic and visual computing. [This was stolen from the website of OntoLinux, as a look on the webpages Overview and Components, as well as on The Proposal doubtlessly proves. Furthermore, there were was no differentiation between the declarative and procedural programming language paradigms, and neither an executable specification nor something like semantic or visual computing, definitely, but only the object-oriented programming language Python.]", "It is specially made for publishing vocabularies, propositions, ontologies, complex systems, web services, with or without formal annotation. [Somehow we are at the OntoLab and Ontonics.]", "[...] formal knowledge representation [...]", "[...] logics and knowledge representation [...]", "Its main objective is to publish any knowledge representation scheme with or without constraints in an object oriented distributed database. [...]", "[...] epistemologist [...] [see The Proposal]", "[...] solve the problem [...] [see the webpage Overview]", "[...] since the formalproperties of the system are not specified rigorously in this composition [...] [This is no wonder, because the contents of the document and the development of the system stop exactly at the point and time, when we stopped to give further informations about OntoLinux.]", "[...] three objectives [...] [In the context it is the 3³ Theme by C.S..]", "[...] framework to store expert's knowledge [...] [What has this in common with semantic computing and visual computing.]", "[... Artifical Intelligence (]AI[) ...]", "[...] Marvin Minsky's idea of frames [...] [So here M. Minsky is referenced as well.]", "[...] wisdom [...]", "[...] concept graphs of two or more agents [...]", "[...] epistemological [...] [see again The Proposal]", "[...] cognitive agent understands a new concept when relations are established between the preexisting concepts with the new concept [...]", "[...] sense of understanding used here is stronger [...]", "[...] strong sense [...]", "Formal sciences like theoretical physics, mathematics and logic, for example, are domains of discourse where procedural knowledge is declaratively stated and declarative knowledge is procedurally stated reaching a highest degree of explicit knowledge representation. [Why is this mentioned? Because all can be found on the OntoLinux website as well.]", "If a system could model the process of learning science beginning from folk-lore to formal knowledge, the system is required to capture implicitly several entities in the knowledge base with entities loosely and sometimes inconsistently held with other entities, and with several degrees of modalities of expressing a proposition. [...]", "[...] Scientific Revolutions [...]", "[...] ontogeny [...] [see again The Proposal]", "[...] a model developed say for biology [...] [see again The Proposal]", "[...] model chosen for representing common sense [...] [See the again the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent of the Links to Software.]", "[...] system that could express multiple epistemologies, ontologies and logics [...] [Obviously, this is one of the basic concepts of OntoLinux.]", "[...] Added to the problem is that an ontology made by one school of thought will sure be contested by another school of thought. Controversies on issues related to epistemology, ontological commitments etc., may make none of the models successful or complete. [We explained exactly this as the reason why we developed our Ontologic(-Oriented) (OO 3) and Ontologic Computing (OC) paradigms. A further reason was that in this way we could smart out and in the future bust all fraudsters with one sentence that we had not mentioned deliberately in our office and our homes, because in the year 2006 we already know that we are spied out and observed everywhere. Now, nobody can steal it anymore without being convictable.]", "[...] ACT-R [...] [See the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent of the Links to Software webpage.]", "[...] simulating the process [...] [See the related sections of the Links to Software webpage.]", "[...] problem solving [...] [See the webpage Overview of the OntoLinux website.]", "Approach of GNOWSYS is to create a collaborative and communicating knowledge base capable of storing and exchanging propositions, conceptual schemes, behavioral schemes and belief systems with other agents, both human and artificial. [Obviously, this was stolen from the OntoLinux website, as it can be seen with the contents of the webpages Introduction and Links to Software, specifically with the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent in which many of the listed agent systems are based on the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) paradigm or architecture of agent systems, or are referencing this paradigm or architecture for comparison.]", "[...] knowledge is stored in a hybrid form (as frames, objects, agents, structures and processes) [...] [This information about the project is new to us, so we do not belief it.]", "[...] kernel does not contain any inference engine, because GNOWSYS by design has provision for expressing executable external libraries implemented in any computer language, thus can support, in principle, any inference implementation through its procedural objects and RPC interphase [...] [This information about the project is new to us, so we do not belief it. Quite contrary, we belief that it was stolen from the website of OntoLinux, as it can be seen by the OntoBot software component and the webpage Project Status.]", "The Architecture [This was stolen from the paragraph Integrating Architecture of the webpage Overview "layered system architecture".]", "[...] different dimensions of knowledge representation: semantic, complexity, and generality dimensions [...] [This was said, because we explained that our Ontologic System (OS) OntoLinux is also an n-Dimensional Operating System (nDOS).]", "[...] system that is implicitly consistent [...] without checking for consistency [...] [Obviously, this was stolen as well from the OntoLinux website, as it can be clearly seen on with the 3 points "well-structured and -formed, validated and verified, specification- and proof-carrying" on the webpage Overview.", "The kernel therefore needs another layer where consistency is imposed. [Besides that the document is about 3 layers, which as a concept in this context was stolen from the the paragraph Integrating Architecture of the webpage Overview, and that we call it pure rationality, it is also a further evidence of its copyright infringement.]", "Layer 1 of Well Formed Formulae: [...] A comprehensive, flexible, and extendable logical core layer to store well formed formulae that are completely neutral to epistemologies and ontologies. [While the first part of the sentence was stolen from the webpage Overview due to the point "well-structured and -formed", the point with the completely neutral was stolen from the webpage Introduction "totally neutral". Again, we have here a very clear evidence of its copyright infringement.]", "Layer 2 of Implicitly Structured Systems [...] logical connectives, quantifiers, and modalities, propositional attitudes etc. Consistency is implicit [...] [Obviously, this was stolen as well from the OntoLinux website, as it can be clearly seen again by the point "well-structured and -formed" on the webpage Overview.]", "Layer 3 of Consistently Structured Systems [...] Similar to the second layer, but with explicitly imposed validity constraints resulting consistent systems. [Doubtlessly, we have here now the points "validated and verified, specification- and proof-carrying" listed on the webpage Overview. Also, we even explained in more detail that consistency is implicitly given in our OS and nDOS OntoLinux due to the reason that we use the Structured Entity Relationship Model (SERM) as one of the fundamental concepts for our whole system architecture, the Ontologic File System™ (OntoFS™), and the basic visual language, so that we have implicitly the Third/3rd Normal Form (3NF). Both mentioned aspects has also nobody done before us, and so it is the next clear evidence that our copyright was infringed. At this point even the most critical observer must be convinced about our claims.] "[...] semantic grid [...] [This was stolen from the section Networking Technology of the webpage Links to Software.]", "[...] three groups [...]", "[...] temporal objects [...] [We do know that the software application had no temporal aspect in its original design, but we have linked model-checkers and agent systems that are based on the Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) or mention a temporal logic for comparison.]", "[...] surrogates [...] [Eventually, this is an indicator that the document was written after the September of the year 2010.]", "[...] functions available in the operating system or from the grid of GNOWSYS servers [...] [So, suddenly that system is an operating system of a grid of servers. At this point we would like to end the analysing of this document, but we go on for our readers and unteachable critics, as well as for sharpening the borders of the white line.]", "[...] reified objects [...]", "[...] complex systems like say a human body, an artifact like a vehicle etc. [...]", "[...] sequence, concurrency, synchronous or asynchronous [...] [This was stolen from the paragraph Integrating Architecture of the webpage Overview as well "layered system architecture with homogeneous, heterogeneous, synchronous, and also asynchronous modules".]", "The model draws from various well known models of knowledge representation and tries to support expressibility of the common wisdom of the area. In this regard, special mention be made on the models that are taken more seriously for the core structure: standard first order logic for declarative knowledge, UML for representing object oriented modeling, Petri Net Markup Language for procedural representation and processes, and standard upper ontology for discourse of highly abstract meta level. [We explained the basic concepts behind OntoLinux as well in this way in more detail in the OntoLinux Further steps of the 21st of August 2010. Nevertheless, this was stolen from the section Formal Modeling of the webpage Links to Software.]", "[...] PNML (Petri Net Markup Language) [...] [This was stolen from the section Formal Modeling of the webpage Links to Software of the OntoLinux website. In fact, to connect semantic (world wide) web technologies with the Petri-Net approach is also an invention by C.S. only, and an absolutely clear evidence.]", "[...] UML, CG and Petri Nets [...] [Why exists this focus on the Unified Modeling Lanuage (UML) and the Petri-Net approach? The answer is simple and given by us: This feature is missing in the UML, or said in other words, the related model is not expressive enough due to the fact that the UML has its roots in the approach of the Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE).]", "The ability to store active classes and functions in the knowledge base can be actually used for self-representation of GNOWSYS. [So, it is time for having much fun. Is everybody ready for the very very very loud shout? Okay, then all together: HyperSuperDuperGotcha!!!™ In fact, this is the concept of reflection and the absolutely undeniable and convicting evidence that OntoLinux was stolen and in this way our copyright infringed.]", "Semantic Computing Vision [...] [This is strongly related with the websites of the OntoLab, The Lab of Visions and OntoLinux.]", "Possibility of Semantic Web Without Unicode Markup [If the reader reads our website of OntoLinux correctly, then she/he can see that we exactly do this with the Ontologic-Oriented (OO 3) paradigm. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) specific part is outsourced, so to say, by us to Ontologics.info due to the reason that the XML format is fat.]", "A client to server communication is an agent to agent communication. [See again the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent of the webpage Links to Software.]", "Computing Without Syntax! [...] visual computing without explicit syntax [... Later in the document it was said:] Let us be reminded that there is no language without syntax, so obviously computing without syntax is just incorrect. What is meant is to make syntax implicit by following visual rules, so that programmers can focus on logic. [...] Once we have made the computers to understand the implicit rules [This is stolen, because the system was not constructed for programming or computing, and the headline and the related statement also point to the approaches of Ontology-Orientation (OO 2), Ontologic-Orientation (OO 3) and Ontologic Computing (OC). Furthermore, by this statement we can see that the approaches of visual computing and OO 3 on the one hand and OC on the other hand have not been understood. In the case of the visual programming paradigm we still need a syntax, as it is later in the document explained as well, which consists of other signs than letters so that the implicitly given rules of a visual language can be understood by a human as well as a machine. In the case of OO 3 it was not seen that in this context we speak also about multimodality, or to be more precise, about multimodal programming and computing. And finally, in the case of OC it was not understood that indeed we are computing without syntax due to the points "well-structured and -formed, validated and verified, specification- and proof-carrying, and also kernel-less reflective/fractal/holonic" listed in the paragraph of the webpage Overview. In fact, this is the very revolutionary and ingenius step made by C.S. to compute on the basis of implicit correctness. This is needed for the realization of Artificial Consciousness. The latter proves once again that we are the creators of these contents, concepts, and technologies, and no one else. By the way: We have only said "If artificial consciousness can be proved and not only simulated" to confuse defrauding entities about the fact that OntoLinux proves it by perfectly simulating it in the observable universe (see also the webpage of our Caliber/Calibre). Any questions? Eventually about ontologics?]", "[...] surrogate [...] [In relation to this term see also the sections Brain Machine Interface and Extended Identity on the webpage Terms of the 21st Century.]", "Another development is to advance this support for all free software libraries, other than Python programming language, such as C, C++, LISP, Prolog, Perl, etc, so that a true visual computing suit could be built. [This was stolen from the OntoBot software component of OntoLinux, obviously, because we know that the support for other software libraries was not a part of the original GNOWSYS project. In this context, we do ask the questions what a knowledge store for teaching applications based on the web application server Zope has to do with a set of programming languages that in the end should be used for visual computing, and why the programming language Java is missing.]", "This possibility adds a newer dimension to GNOWSYS, which is [... the] possibility for semantic grid computing [...] [As we already said before, this was stolen from the section Networking Technology of the webpage Links to Software.]", "[...] it can be deployed for desktop as well as server oriented applications [...] [The connection with a semantic desktop is known to us. But it is exactly the semantic desktop that showed us where to find our spied out intellectual properties and who is are the criminals.]", "As a web based hybrid database (as a file system, RDBMS, OODBMS, distributed DBMS) with querying and remote management. This feature will make it highly suitable for agent oriented computing solutions across the Internet. [As we said before this was stolen from the webpage of our OntoFS software component, and also from the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent, because we know that this was not a part of the GNOWSYS project, definitely.]", "Dynamics of learning (cognitive development) can be modeled. [This was stolen from the sections Intelligent/Cognitive Agent and Intelligent/Cognitive Interface, because we know that this was not a part of the GNOWSYS project, definitely.]", "As a personal knowledge manager (PIM) application for storing, and organizing emails, hyperlinks, notes, documents, books, blogs, files etc., with optional attributes to publish, can build a custom home page efficiently. This was stolen from the section Intelligent/Cognitive Interface, because we know that this was not a part of the GNOWSYS project, obviously.]", "[...] CORBA [...] [We have also a link to the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) by the Underware project, because the combination of its software component Metisse with the GNU's Not Unix! (GNU) Network Object Model Environment (GNOME) connects Metisse also with GNOME's underlying component model, which is based on CORBA.]", and "A file system with user level attributes on files is available on modern file systems like XFS. For storing very large knowledge bases GNOWSYS is being ported to XFS file system. This indicates the possibility of using GNOWSYS for a semantic desktop OS with cacheable metadata and data. [This is again a clear evidence of its copyright infringement, because we know that this was not a part of the GNOWSYS project as well as the related semantic desktop project, definitely. And because this was the case we developed OntoLinux for filling the gap. Moreover, in this way essential parts of our OntoFS software component are copied illegally.]".
    From the list of the references we got: "[...] The Psychology of Computer Vision. [...]", "[...] A Human Constructivist View. [...] [This is related with J. Piaget and The Proposal.]", "[...] Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, and Use in Biology. [... and ...] Mapping Biology Knowledge. [...] [This is related with Softbionics and The Proposal.]", "[...] Cognitive Physchology [...]", "[...] cognitive ontogeny [...] [This is related with J. Piaget and The Prototyp.]", "[...] Computational Philosophy of Science. [...]", "[...] The Architecture of Cognition. [...]", "[...] The Cyc System. [...]", "[...] Standard upper ontology. [...]", "[...] Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical and Computational Foundations [...]", "[...] Ontologies and Distributed Systems [...] [The reader might guess if an entity that owns the internet domains Ontonics, OntoLab, OntomaX, Ontologics, OntoBot, Ontoscope, and OntoLinux does know about philosophy, ontology and coumputational ontology, logics, semantic (world wide) web and computing, and so on. If the answer is yes, than we are right.]", "[...] XTM: XML topic maps. [...] [Until we presented OntoLinux in the year 2006 nobody was really interested anymore in topic maps due to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Now, this has even changed at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the field of the semantic (world wide) web.]", "[...] Wordnet [...] [To reference the Wordnet or the Cyc System maybe a happenstance, to name both is suspicious, but to name both in the context of this document even with a focus on the Petri-Net approach is convicting, for sure. See the section Natural Language Processing.]", "[...] Petri net kernel [...] [As far as we do know, until we presented OntoLinux in the year 2006 nobody has connected the concepts and technologies for the semantic (world wide) web with the Petri-Net approach.]", "[...] Anological reasoning. [...] [The reader should not be confused, if it sounds like ontological reasoning. Beside this, it is related with our OntoBot software component and the linked software library "Smodels and GnT - Generate'n'Test" by the laboratory for theoretical computer science of the Helsinki University of Technology.]", and "[...] knowledge soup [...] [The reader should not be confused, because it sounds like primordial soup that is also mentioned in The Proposal.]".
    The second document related with the GNOWSYS has the title "Node Oriented Knowledge Management" and was publicated in the year 2009. Interesting is that we find more evidences for the conducted copyright infringement on the one hand, and additional and often clarifying informations that were not given in this way in the document "GNOWSYS: A System for Semantic Computing" on the other hand. "[...] knowledge management [...] [At first, we read only something about knowledge representation, but now we have everywhere a relation to management activities. We speak directly about Total Quality Management that is based on a control loop on the webpage Overview.]", "[...] philosophy [...]", "[...] vision [...] [In the context it points directly to the ]", "In this paper we suggest that while accepting the need for semantic web we believe that a neighborhood based encoding will do the job much better. In this paper we outline the problem, philosophy, specification and implementation details. [The paper is from the year 2009 and we thougth that this solution is already given in the paper from the year 2007.]", "[...] an RDF triple [...] is a statement composed of subject, predicate and object. This triple is a unit of processing in [a] RDF graph. GNOWSYS on the other hand considers a node and its neighborhood (i.e. a collection of ordered triple) as a unit of processing. This constitutes as the chunk in GNOWSYS. This chunk has a fixed template [...] [First of all we do ask the question for what is GNOWSYS needed at all, if the basic triple is composed out of 3 nodes and already a unit of processing. Furthermore, with OntoLinux we already have an operating system that has the nodes and triples as its basic data structure, which means for everything inclusive computing/data processing and storage. Also, it was claimed that the so-called chunks are not fixed. If they are fixed the whole proposed system has no sound foundation at all. Somehow we get more and more the common impression that somebody has stolen something without knowing what it is at all.]", "[...] The God Delusion [...] [Yes; Maybe; No]", "[...] Apart from providing the semantics to the type of objects we deal with, we also have to define the semantics of relations and attributes the objects may have. [Tock, tock, tock. Good morning. Anybody home?]", "[...] The relationships which the RDF models themselves will have attributes and relations that cannot be represented in the RDF Schema. The presence of blank nodes or anonymous nodes illustrates this point. [That is the reason why we use an Ontologic System with reflective/fractal/holonic properties as a computing system respectively an operating system that has a graph-based store or a triple store and is conceptually initiated by a Zero Ontology or Null Ontology that was illegally copied by using blank or anonymous nodes.]", "Node Oriented Knowledge Management", "In this paper we explore a possibility of specifying as much semantics as possible explicitly and propose a technical solution by adopting a neighborhood storage model of knowledge instead of triple storage model based on RDF. The neighborhood storage however, can be expressed in RDF as well. [We use a triple storage model with our OntoFS that is compatible with the RDF, but with our Zero Ontology or Null Ontology we also prove that we already have the solution that is proposed here. Said this, the copyright infringement by the GNOWSYS is even more proved, because this is the functionality of the used file system R4 since the start of OntoLinux and also the content of the webpage of its successor, our Ontologic File System™ (OntoFS™).]", "The node oriented model of knowledge management follows a holistic approach to the problem [6]. [The referenced document has the title "GNOWSYS: A System for Semantic Computing" and was analyzed before. We added the point "kernel-less reflective/fractal/holonic" to the webpage Overview in the year 2007, though it was already clear by the application of our Zero Ontology O# and further informations given by us. Everybody who wants to can now make as loud as she/he can a: HyperSuperDuperGotcha or alternatively a Better/Bigger Badaboum.]", "[...] network is the beginning and end in this approach. [...] A node exists in the network only once. [...] Neither a concept nor a proposition, according to this view, are considered the atoms, so to speak, of knowledge, because the subject or the predicate are already part of a network. [These points are all consequencies of our the feature kernel-less reflective/fractal/holonic of OntoLinux.]", "A concept is a node, but its meaning does not come from within the concept, but by virtue of its relations with other concepts (neighborhood), and also the kind of relation it has with them. [So, such a system must be reflective. And to correctly initialize it a Zero Ontology is needed.]", "[...] A node becomes a relation by virtue of its place within the network. [...] [This leads to a graphical system and in the further step to a geometrical system, because the spatial position decides now about the meaning of a node. This is one concept of OntoLinux. But now we have a geometrical system that can be brought into perfect overlapping with Einstein's relativity theorems, which leads to our Caliber/Calibre. As we always said: We were already far beyond what the actual scientific knowledge was in the year 2006 and what was stolen by defrauding entities world wide.]", "Based on this philosophy a collaborative distributed network storage specification has been designed called GNOWSYS. [We would say it has been stolen as GNOWSYS.]", "GNOWSYS is made for collaborative web based authoring of knowledge applying explicit semantics. [So once, again there is no programming environement and no visual computing or semantic computing with that system. There is even no teaching or epistemology mentioned. This means that our claims are right and our copyright related with OntoLinux has been infringed.]", "[...] GNOWSYS is complex, but follows a specified (predefined) structure [...] Each node in the network has a neighborhood of nodes, and the specification clearly defines what kind of node will have what kind of objects in the neighborhood. [...] [Despite that the claimed flexibility is not really given with that knowledge system This is not the case with OntoLinux, because we make no restrictions at all, which can be done by using a Zero Ontology or Null Ontology.]", "Since GNOWSYS is particularly meant for sharing, collecting and distributing free knowledge [...] [Once again, this explanation differs from what was claimed in the document "GNOWSYS: A System for Semantic Computing". In fact, we see 1 specific database model that can be changed by using concepts and techniques of e.g. the semantic (world wide) web, but this is not the main functionality of GNOWSYS. The latter fits exactly with our knowledge about the system.]", "[...] force [...] [In the context it was said with a link to physics, so that we can say that it was stolen from the webpage of our Caliber/Calibre.]", "[...] Debian Software Dependency Map [...] [This is directly related with the document "Semantic Linux - A fertile ground for the Semantic Web" by the listed in the section Semantic (World Wide) Web of the Links to Software webpage.]", "[...] Wordnet [...]", and "Gnowser is a gnome desktop application developed using pyGTK, Graphviz, Cairo and it acts as a GUI for GNOWSYS. [Has the reader recognized what it is? It is an essential part of the Ontoscope software component of OntoLinux that uses the Qt toolkit, the VTK - Visualization ToolKit, the Tulip graph visualization toolkit, and the Collaborative Virtual Environment (CoVE) integrated with the X Window System, that both act together as a Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI). Once again, we never claimed something different than being far beyond the pack.]".
    Do not be fooled. We know the GNOWSYS project already since its start, because we were already investigating behind serious criminals in the B.R.D., Austria, Czechia, Italy, Spain, and other Europe countries, as well as in the U.S.A. in the fields of the Ontology-Oriented (OO 2) paradigm and the semantic (world wide) web (one person is even referenced) due to irregulations that we found out and which we could only explain with simple spying out our office and homes. To stop them we presented finally OntoLinux, which is now copied in a very nasty way by extending its documents with our website contents. In this connection, we would like to but not in the field of epistemology about which we did not know until recently. Stay away from that project. And we will draw a clear white line.
    We demand the GNU Foundation to remove the project Gnowsys from its software portfolio immediately, because we already have proved that the responsible persons have massively infringed our copyright and are still continuing with it by copying the contents, concepts, and technologies from our OntoLinux website and other websites owned by us. This was very easy: Convicted!!!™

    Even more nasty, "an international project financed by the European Commission" is based on GNOWSYS.

    *** Proof-reading mode ***

  • Christoph Guéret, SugarLabs, and One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Foundation and Association: Besides some other contents, concepts, and technologies, that not so clever dude as stolen, perhaps with further persons, the concept to integrate concepts and technologies of the semantic (world wide) web described on the websites of OntomaX and OntoLinux (see the OntoLinux Website update of the 23rd of September 2007, 7th and 12th of January 2010, the Original vs. Inspiration of the 21st of May 2008 and 7th January 2010, the intelliTablet Announcement OTPC and OP²C #1 of the 17th and #2 of the 19th of July 2012, and #3 of the 21st of August 2012, #5 of the 2nd of September 2012, and #6 of the 24th of September 2012, and the related cases in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 16th and 18th of August 2012 together with the Clarification of the 20th of August 2012 to get a comprehensive insight). We quote the most important text passages from the related blog at first, and then from the related webpage on the website of the Sugar learning environment: "World Wide Semantic Web [This is nothing else than a reflection of the label semantic (world wide) web that we use due to trademark issues.]", "[...] data revolution [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] publication and consumption of Linked Data, the analysis of complex data networks, and the interplay between Semantic Web challenges and Computational Intelligence techniques. He is currently leading the SemanticXO project, which aims to provide an infrastructure to support data-driven processes for the XO computers in the context of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) initiative. [See the summary of this investigative case once again.]", "[...] SemanticXO project that aims at extending the functionality of OLPC’s XO laptop with Semantic technology [...] [See the OntoLinux website, especially for example the related sections of the webpage Links to Software and the link to the project SemanticLinux.]", "[...] Linked Data technology in developing countries (a social network application for schools in remote areas (running on XO laptops) [...]", "Sharing data can be performed with, or without, using a third party. It is also possible to do it in a synchronous or asynchronous way. [This was illegally copied from the paragraph Integrating Architecture of the webpage Overview of the website of OntoLinux.]", "Direct exchanges are typically used in P2P networks where all the devices are considered to behave equally. [Obviously, we are here at the section Networks and the multimedia projects in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics and the OntoLab that are related with Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing and cloud computing.]", "SemanticXO is a data management stack aimed at facilitating data sharing across devices. It has been originally developed for the XO, a low-cost rugged laptop from One Laptop Per Child. [...] Every activity gets access to an API to store and retrieve structured information. A given payload of data can be marked as publicly shared, or be shared with a specific set of contacts. [... Unified Resource Identifiers (]URIs[)] are used when referencing a given resources and the resource description framework [(RDF)] to store the description of the resources. [This is nothing else then an essential feature when running OntoLinux with Ontologic File System (OntoFS) on an XO device of the OLPC project, about which we talked about several times in the past. Said this, this is a clear evidence of the claimed and very nasty copyright infringement.]", "On the technical side, SemanticXO uses a triple store to store all the description of the resources. [...] Every data payload is wrapped into a named graph [...] [See the sections Semantic File/Storage System and Semantic (World Wide) Web of the webpage Links to Software.]", "[...] minimalistic [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] creation of a graph object [...] [This is related with the OntoBot software component and the explanation about visual programming and graph based programming in the Clarification #2 of the 10th of September 2012.]",
    The following quotes were taken from the webpage of the Sugar feature called Semantic Web: "Make use of Semantic Web technologies (for instance RDF, SPARQL) to enhance data management in Sugar. [...] The idea is to leverage the flexible RDF data model to encode the data Sugar has to deal with. In association with SPARQL, a query language for RDF, it will be possible to have a universal query system as expressive as SQL but without the constraints imposed by databases (tables with fixed schema). The model for the data encoded in RDF is that of a graph with directed labelled edges. The nodes of this graph are resources, for instance a file on the disk or a journal entry. [...] Edges between the nodes maps to relations binding resources together. Considering a journal entry and a file, the relation would be that the journal entry has stored the file. This model is flexible as any kind of relation can be created. It is conceptually very close to key/value stores. [Once again, this is our concept of using OntoLinux for the OLPC project running on XO devices or on our tablet and pad computers by intelliTablet.]", "In relation to RDF and SPARQL, the principle of "Linked Data" suggests publishing data by using URIs for both the resources and the relations. The use of URIs removes the risk for ambiguity in data encoding, it also provides an easier integration for multiple languages.", "Sugar will benefit from the usage of RDF, SPARQL, and the Linked Data publication scheme [...]", "RDF [...] Using that data model in Sugar would ease data integration processes with other data sources already using that format. For instance, an activity will be able to query [a wiki base encyclopedia ...] The acquired knowledge could then be stored in the XO and connected to other information. [Besides that this is an essential feature of OntoLinux, we had several times documented that the contents of this wike encyclopedia is not sufficient to be used for scienctific researching and in this way for learning. We also found out that the entities of the referenced project of this semantic wiki encyclopedia and other related projects have also stolen intellectual properties from us (see the case of ... in the Investigations::Multimedia of the ...).] ", "Enhanced multi-lang support. [...]", ""Car", for instance "http://[...]/ontology/Car [...] [So, now we have a further clear evidence of this copyright infringement.]", "[...] bringing collaborative learning to a new scale [...] [Obviously, this is already given with OntoLinux, as it could be read on the webpage Overview as well.]", "Similarly to the tags, the meta data an activities uses can be controlled via an external data source and a controlled vocabulary. [Here we have an implicit link to Ontologics.info.]", "In general, Sugar can be turned into a Semantic Desktop. A concept which relates to a better integration of data between desktop applications and across desktops. It will be the first of this kind reaching a young public, that's something worth a bit of PR :) [For sure, the reader does know now that this is a criminal lie.]", "Scope [-] The scope will vary with the degree of adoption to consider. It ranges from installing a python package to let activities query for RDF data to making a complete re-design of the Journal data store. [So this is a further clear evidence of the copyright infringement, because it is a general concept of OntoLinux, it points again to linked projects like SemanticLinux, and it is mentioned the refelction of the Journal data store itself, which we also found with another attempt of stealing our intellectual properties in the same field and of the same technologies (see the case of the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education→Gnowledge Project above).]", "UI Design [-] There should be no need for a UI as most of the changes concerns the code of Sugar and activities. [Besides that this was only said to play down our OntoScope software component and our announced transformation of Sugar to a special version of the Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) of OntoLinux, it is also a totally wrong claim, because the children want 3D and a serious gaming platform as well, and then we are once again at OntoLinux.]", "[...] RDFLib [...] [See again the section Semantic (World Wide) Web of the webpage Links to Software.]", "Clone [...]", "An easy way to store graph-shaped data [...]", "Most noticeably, the implementation of storing RDF data on Sugar and having it queried with SPARQL requires the addition of a triple store. Triple store are RDF databases that are optimized for storing and serving data in that format. Most of the triple stores have been designed for servers are too big to be run on an XO. [...] These two [triple stores, which not surprisingly are both from ] seems however to be the only ones usable on the XO hardware [These is not true in general, and was only said due to our Ontologic File System (OntoFS). The latter runs easily on XO devices.]", and "This feature is being investigated under the contributor project "SemanticXO" [and it has been now investigated by us with a very clear result given at the end.]"
    What we have also seen are links to the three basic colours green, red, and blue, links to cloud computing services like our Castle in the Cloud concept that with the SemanticXO project is just only a clone of our School in the Cloud concept, a link to the Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) by mentioning "haptic" and further modalities, and that some explanations and links have been deliberately chosen for being extra nasty and bold. What the author and other developers of the feature SemanticXO really did are the implementation of some very special functions that are needed for the integration of our technology with the Sugar learning environment. But the latter is no argument in any way that they claim to be the originators or even the inventors of this concept.
    In addition, interesting is that the further organizors of a related event related with linked data, which can be seen as a down-scaled semantic world wide web about linked data, are Walter Bender, who founded the Sugar Labs, co-founded with Nicholas Negroponte and Seymour Papert the OLPC in the year 2006, led as a director a team at the Media Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that researchered in fields as varied as tangible media to affective computing to lifelong kindergarten, which C.S. all revived after they were already forgotten (see also the section Multimedia of the webpage Links to Hardware of the website of OntoLinux and the Clarification of the 2nd of October 2012 (yesterday)), and Bernie Innocenti, who volunteers for the OLPC project since 2007 and co-founded Sugar Labs. Because they have not spoken with us and not referenced our works, and that we also waited for exactly this nasty and criminal attack on our works and company in the last past, though we found out today that it has been already started on the 1st of December in the year 2011, all named persons are now: Convicted!!!™
    Btw.: This is now the fourth issue by the responsible persons and further entities, and the lead developers of the OLPC project and the Sugar learning environment, so ask yourself why we should become an active member of these truly not so nice projects. In fact, since around 2 months these issues have officially become a case of serious criminal acting that have to be investigated by the prosecutors in the U.S.A. and other countries (hint: investigate also the universities and research institutes and spin-offs in the B.R.D. that are active in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and the semantic (world wide) web, especially those that are partners of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), because our intellectual properties were stolen and the public has been misleaded since several years now in a methodical way for damaging our business and the reputation of C.S..

    We demand the worldwide media not to report about the feature SemanticXO of the Sugar learning environment, which is developed by Christoph Guéret and used by the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Foundation and Association, becauce the concept was stolen from the website of OntomaX and the enabling technology from the website of OntoLinux.
    Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht über das Feature SemanticXO der Lernumgebung Sugar zu berichten, das von Christoph Guéret entwickelt wurde und für von der One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Stiftung und Gesellschaft gneutzt wird, da das Konzept von unseren Web-Auftritt OntomaX und die Technologie von dem Web-Auftritt von OntoLinux gestohlen wurde.

    We made a note on the webpage Culture about the learning environment Sugar by the Sugarlabs for proving once again the brought influence by C.S.' works.

  • Sugarlabs: Its learning environment called Sugar has now a spiral around the icon that represents the user instead of a circle following the work by C.S. (see the Originals of the 22nd of September 2009 and the case of the newspaper Rheinische Post in the Investigations of the 5th of October 2009, the company Telefónica O2 Germany in the Investigations of the 23.January.2010, the media company British Broadcasting Corporation in the Investigations of the 20.October.2010, and the television channel Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland and Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen→Phoenix→ in the Investigations of the 5th of March 2012, as well as the case of a photographer in the Investigations::Culture of the 26th of July 2010).

    Comment of the Day
    One Bot Per Child™
    One Robot Per Child™

    Roboticle Further steps
    We have further developed our Maxifig/Macrofig platforms Open ROBI and Rob-E by adding models with different capabilities of showing facial functions and expressions. Now our Maxifigures and Macrofigures can give the owner a blink with a smile by being able to animate the for example before only static facial expressions of the Lego® minifigure heads by moving their mouth, eyes, and other parts of the face and head.
    In addition, as in the case of our One Lego Laptop Per Child (OL²PC) project by intelliTablet other exteriors of further manufacturers and themes by media companies can be added, if they are not already realized as Lego® construction kit themes.

    Furthermore, for a new model we have taken the Central Processing Unit (CPU) out of the robots like the accumulator as well, so that it can be controlled only with a stationary or mobile computer or device by using a special version of our Cloud Operating System (COS) platform Boot to Web, and a connectivity based on infra-red, wireless LAN, MAN (e.g. WiMAX), WAN (mobile phone protocols), or any other wireless communication and networking technologies that even must not be real-time connection due to our optional buffering system. In this way only the microcontrollers for the actuators and sensors are needed inside the robot.

    And if we had not explicitly mentioned it, we would like to give the information that as special models all of our robots can be powered by wireless energy/power systems, like the Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) or/and our Wireless Resonant Power Link (WRPL), besides beamed energy systems, like our Beamed Energy Link (BEL), and are also able to grasp, especially everything that the Lego® minifigures can grasp as well.

    Roboticle Announcement One Robot Per Child (ORPC) #1 11:33
    We are pleased to announce our new project called One Robot Per Child (ORPC), which is based on the Open PINO Platform of a humanoid robot overworked by Roboticle as the Open ROBI Maxifig/Macrofig (see the section Robotics of theLinks to Hardware webpage on the OntoLinux website, and also the Original of the 11th of January 2008, Original Sketches of the 19th and 20th of July 2008, Original Sketch #1 of the 09.August.2008, Roboticle Original sketch of the 18th of March 2009, Original Sketch of the July.2008 and the Roboticle Further Steps of the 9th of November 2009) for the related ROBI platform and now as special ORPC versions of ROBI. Generally we have 2 development lines that are conceptually compatible and share very much on the side of the software: The first line is using the XO hardware architecture of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project as much as possible and our XO upgrade kits based on affordable smartphones, a Linux® kernel based operating system, and its original Sugar learning environment and activities like the Turtle visual programming environment, while the second line is using the XO based hardware of our One Tablet Per Child (OTPC), One Pad Per Child (OP²C), and One Lego Laptop Per Child (OL²PC) projects of our business unit intelliTablet, our OntoLinux with many features like SemanticLinux and a derived implementation of the Sugar learning environment based on the OntoScope software component. Both lines feature our OntologicXO (OntoXO).
    We hope that we can give the basic robot model away for a self-financing reward of around 300 U.S. Dollar, and even for less for the versions with wireless power, data, and control link, which is a strong statement indeed. The initial ORPC project will be hosted by Roboticle.

    We encourage children and supporters of the OLPC project and the Sugar learning environment to develop an own exterior robot design for the first line taking the basic sketch of our Open ROBI Maxifig/Macrofig as a blueprint, though we had already both projects in mind when doodling the first sketch. The robots can have the dimension of the GPL'ed Open PINO Platform with a height of around 65 cm/26 in but could be smaller with a height of around 35 to 40 cm/13.78 to 15.75 in. The dimensions of the servo based Open PINO will be given in full details with the original construction plans in the announced section of the Roboticle website. Moreover, the robots are unnamed actually, so to find a different name than for example XR, RO, XRO, or ROXI in the case of the OLPC line would be also of interest. Our actual favourite for the OLPC ORPC is ROXI, but signs like // (Double Slash) or emoticons like our -[:] (Double Dot) are also options to think about.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We would like to give the further information that the monocoque of the Apollo series (see the Further steps of the 24th and 25th of September 2012, and 1st and 2nd of October.2012) will be made out of aluminium sheets glued together by a special method developed by us, or by using 3D laser sintering.

    We also overlooked at first that we have designed two model series while designing the Apollo series, so that we would also like to give a sneak preview of the new street legal A * B * B * L * S series:

  • Inspiration: Audi R8R LMP Prototyp and SOS B! Barchetta, Bentley Speed 8, Audi R15 TDI and R18 TDI, SOS Doris and the derived Bugatti Lydia concept, and Bugatti Veyron
  • General versions: Coupé, race car, and spyder
  • Chassis: Mixture of Porsche Carrera GT, Bugatti Veyron, and Lamborghini Aventador
  • Suspension: Push rods, Porsche Carrera GT or Lamborghini Aventador, but most potentially a different position of the dampers at the rear for a lower construction of the tail
  • Drivetrain: Lamborghini Aventador V12, 6.5 litre, quad-turbo, cylinder deactivation technology, 1001+ hp, eventually R8 V12 TDI, 6.0 litre or more, twin- or quad-turbo, suitable transmissions, shift paddles, and so on; eventually also Purely Electric, Purely Hybrid, New Energy (NE) or with range extender, and classic combustion; SOS mdoular energy recovery system
  • Exterior: Mixture of inspiring models, either butterfly wings or scissor doors, grille face panel in Audi, Bentley, and Bugatti Veyron design, Audi R15 TDI or R18 TDI splitter, Bentley Speed 8 or Audi R15 TDI rear wing, Audi, Bentley, and SOS head- and taillights in accordance with the 5 styles
  • Interior: Mixture of Audi R8R and the top models of the different marques, potentially SOS B! Barchetta glass cockpit
  • The Audi version is called Ultron, if possible.

    Comment of the Day

    Number of the Day

    Ontonics Website update
    In the section Robotics we have created a new project that is called:

  • Animaterior 19:33 CEST.

    Roboticle Further steps
    Yesterday, we have presented the further development of our Maxifig/Macrofig platforms Open ROBI and Rob-E by adding models that are based on animatronics, and wireless networking and computing, but forgot to mention that besides our new Animaterior animatronic technology we can use flexible displays, that are for example based on our coloured e-paper, Organic Light (OL) emitting technologies, specifically OL-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs), and our Multi-Layer/Stacked Display for even getting a 3D effect due to the specific shape of the original Lego® minifigure.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    The marque, a company, and a enthusiast have already sketched and rendered their concepts of a Le Mans Prototyp (LMP) in the year 2007 that look very similar with what we have in mind for our A * B * B * L * S series. The first image shows the original sketch of the Audi R8R Prototyp, the second image shows the rendering of an Le Mans Prototype (LMP) with Bentley Speed 8 chassis and Audi R8 cockpit section called R8/LMP10, though we do wonder why such a wide cockpit was chosen, the tail is so high, and the fenders are widened, which all are very unusual for such a kind of car and for a company that claims to have experiences in race car design, where the Audi R10 is, and why it does remind us so much of a similar concept by us, and the third image shows also the rendering of an LMP with Audi R10 TDI chassis with Bentley Speed 8 cockpit section called R15 TDI LM P1, but with the latter concept we can not see the R8C race car, and the R8 and RS4 street cars as claimed. All three images come close to the Audi Ultron version we have in mind, while the two coupés are said to have the TDI engine propelled by biodiesel, but they have to be remixed and overworked again by taking basic lines of the missing two Audi R15 TDI and the R18 front sections, the new head- and taillights, and some other design details. Also missing are the Bentley, Bugatti, and the other specific versions.

    Audi R8R Prototyp Concept Sketch
    Audi R8/LMP10 Coupé Concept RenderingAudi R15 TDI LM P1 Concept Rendering
    © Audi, Segra Group, and Kim Stapleton

  • One Laptop Per Child Foundation and Association, Sugarlabs, and supporters: After we publicated its cases since the August 2012 we could see more and more advertises in the media as a reaction. This is a further evidence that the whole issue is much broader seen from the criminal point of view and that one goal of the responsible persons and entities behind the project, the software project, and supporters out of the open source community related for example with Linux® kernel based distributions and desktop environments is to damage our business, indeed, which sheeds a totally different light on the whole open source movement. It was always said by the protagonists that open source is about freedom but not free beer, and for sure not about infringing and stealing others properties.

    Comment of the Day #1
    Robotic module™
    Robotic component™
    Nerve fiber™
    Spinal fiber™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "The whistle-blower is guilty.", [C.S., Today]
    Surely not really.

    Clarification #1
    We will not respect trademarks like bywire/by-wire/by wire and robotic building blocks, because they were already used before by several persons and companies in the field of robotics, in the case of robotic building blocks by the company Lego® for sure, and because some of our trademarks (e.g. mobile device) are handled in the same way by other entities, what we can understand due to the same reasons said before.

    Clarification #2
    In the last 3 days we gave significant informations about our innovative activities, concepts, and technologies, which we have not seen with the products and services of our competitors, specifically in the field of industrial and humanoid robotics, with the one exception of animatronics in general, but not in the specific case of our Animaterior technology. We simply recall them and some of our older solutions: Self generated energy for e.g. be using solar energy, wireless power link (it is used in logistics but not with humanoids, and not as wireless resonant in general), beamed energy link (we only do know about remotely controlled helicopter and quadrocopter models as well as spaceships), optical and electromagnetical connection with or without using a fiber between systems on a chip or in a package and between the different actuators, sensors, and control units (most potentially somebody has made the one or the other entity a robot by using it), light/optic/photonic computing, wave-field computing hardware and software, Multi Global Positioning System (MultiGPS)/Multi Global Navigation System (MultiGNS), wireless networking and computing with WMAN (e.g. WiMAX), and WWAN (e.g. mobile/cell phone protocols like 3G, 4G, and LTE), ontologic computing, robot exterior with integrated display technology (we saw a 2D-monitors as head, integrated into the torso, and holding in front, and some LED based solutions for dynamic 2D imaging), Active Display/Active Screen, and Animaterior, carbon fiber (most potentially somebody has made the one or the other robot by using it), and much more. Eventually, we overlooked the one or the other solution by an other entity, but such a cases have to be analyzed individually. Otherwise we will claim for an infringement of our copyright.

    For sure, we will use components of the automotive industry, specifically electric motors, sensors, and control units that are used for the exterior and interior of cars. Most to mention are all system related with doors and windows. This means that all of the prices we have seen so far on the websites of the other players in the robotic market are too high by around 50% for the smaller robots and up to 90% for the full fledged robots.

    Furthermore, we are not interested in joint ventures with companies that have stolen some of our intellectual properties in the past. So, either they find a way to lower their prices drastically or we will make them all history. In the context we would like to make clear that we do know very well what the trend is and that normally our solutions do not belong to them.

    Ontonics Website update
    We added to the Innovation-Pipeline the new projects called:

  • By-Light Actuator 6:50 CEST,
  • By-Light Sensor 6:50 CEST,
  • By-Ray Actuator 6:56 CEST,
  • By-Ray Sensor 6:56 CEST, and
  • Nerve Fiber 21:44 CEST.

    We also added the utilization of our Animaterior technology for vehicles to its description.

    OntoLinux and Roboticle Further steps
    We are looking at the further open platform of a humanoid robot called Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence - Open Platform (DARwIn-OP). Especially interesting for us would be an update of the hardware of the platforms Open PINO and Open ROBI by using informations from this open source project, because it is based on exactly the same concept.

    Roboticle Further steps
    We would like to give additional informations related with our robots. The first one is that our robots can also be powered with energy that is self-generated utilizing for example solar panels and our solar fabrics, and other solutions, that are directly integrated into the exterior of a robot or that the robot can take with.

    Also, that electric tools and devices, which our ROBI and Rob-E are able to grasp, can be supported with electric power out of the energy storage of the robot or by our many wireless energy/power systems, like the RobotFloor/RobotGround, the Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) and our Wireless Resonant Power Link (WRPL), and our Beamed Energy Link (BEL). For sure, ROBI, ROB-E, and the other robots can also use a common power cable.
    But the same functions the other way round as well. For example, a robot can hold an umbrella with solar panels or made out of solar fabrics.

    We go on with the information that we will use as well optical and electromagnetical links between the control unit, and actuators and sensors, like our ByLight and ByRay Actuators and Sensors, and our Active Display/Active Screen for the construction of our robots.
    In the same way we will use our technique of the wave-field rendering/synthesis for all temporal and spatial tasks of our robots, if it makes sense.
    A further technology we would like to mention, eventually once again, is our Multi Global Positioning System (MultiGPS)/Multi Global Navigation System (MultiGNS) solution and the IPGPS/IPNav based on it.

    For lowering the weight of our robots and making them even more stronger we will also use our carbon fibers, like the Carbon Hemp and Carbon Bamboo, but also our Aeroaccu.

    We close this little list with the explanation, that we will also use any other of our concepts and technologies listed in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics or somewhere else on our websites, if they fit and if it makes sense to use them.

    What kind of applications our animatronic and in this case 3D and holographic display solutions make possible, for example in the fields of biology and medicine, and education, can be seen on the images below:

    Lego OntoLab Minifigure Skeleton
    Jason Freeny Micro Schematic
    Jason Freeny The Anatomy of a Lego FigureJason Freeny Lego Skeleton Mini Figure Sculpt
    Jason Freeny Lego Men Dissections
    © Lego, King Smiley, and Jason Freeny

    In fact, in the year 2008 Jason Freeny took our website contents as inspiration for his work "Micro Schematic" that shows a Lego® minifigure following his other work "Anatomical Schematic of a Gummie Bear". Then at the end of 2011 he produced the work "The Anatomy of a Lego Figure" with the inner parts formed as shown in the work "Micro Schematic", and much later the work "Lego Skeleton Mini Figure Sculpt" after we showed the "Lego OntoLab (Skeleton) Minifigure" and a collage with the Swatch Vodoo Love plush figure with an FEM model of a human heart by the NASA in the Original Sketches of the 22nd of January 2008, explained its relation with the Holomer, and C.S. mentioned in our office that the works "Micro Schematic" and "The Anatomy of a Lego Figure" are not perfect and that C.S. would use the Lego skeleton instead of a more human like skeleton. Eventually, this information was given to him by an illegal acting. The last work of this series called "Large Anatomical Lego Men" took again our website as inspiration, specifically the ROBI and ROB-E platforms with the Lego® minifigure exterior designs, especially the worker with the blue pants (see the Original Sketches of the 3rd of October 2008), again an information out of our office about the fact that now C.S. mentioned this time that the Lego skeleton has no inner organs and would be inappropriated for a Holomer, and the explanations given in the Clarification of the 20th of June 2012, as well as the 3³ Theme by C.S.. Yesterday and today, we draw a white line and extended this concept with the Roboticle Further steps that is about dynamics respectively animatronics and animations, and could be done with all other works of J. Freeny as well as all other collectibles, as we already mentioned yesterday as well in the case of other minifigure themes, and mini and macro figures produced by other persons and corporations.
    There is also the work "Brain Cube Puzzle".

    Roboticle Further steps One Robot Per Child (ORPC) #2 1:41
    See the image below for getting an impression of how ROXI with a height of around 40 cm/15.75" could look like, though we would like to see an exterior design with the XO-style, but not the exterior design of Pino, because we have to look for the issues related with its legal protection at first. We also would like to see either the head of our Open ROBI Maxifig/Macrofig or another cool head.

    Humanoid Robot
    ©© Jiuguang Wang

    We would like to clarify at this point one more time that the image is only shown for giving an example.

    Comment of the Day #1

    Comment of the Day #2

    Ontonics Website update
    We added to the Innovation-Pipeline the new projects called:

  • BareLight Operating System (BareLight OS) and
  • SASOS4Fun.

    Ontonics, OntoLab, and OntoLinux Further steps
    Due to curiosity we are thinking from time to time since around 3 years about a (local) file system and since today also about a memory management system based on consistent hashing. Especially interesting is the variant of a log-structured file system based on consistent hashing with finger table. A further extension could be the integration of some more features, like an on-the-fly partioning and formating, checkpoint or/and snapshot management system, and functionalities of a key-value store by "the use of hash tables to store intermediate key-value pairs. To guarantee high performance [...] the size of [a] hash table [is determined] by sampling the input, so that key-value insertions and queries are [done in] O(1). [... The] key/value pairs within each hash table slot [are organized] as a B+ tree.", [Metis in-memory MapReduce library]. A resulting storage system could be the base of a triple store or a graph store, that could be used as a base of an RDF store, that again could be used for other applications, like for example an Object-Oriented (OO 1), an Ontology-Oriented (OO 2), or by taking a kernel-less architecture and a Zero Ontology or Null Ontology even an Ontologic-Oriented (OO 3) Single Address Space Operating System (SASOS) with Software Isolated Processes (SIPs). In this context, interested readers could take a look at the operating system Plan 9 with the 9P file system protocol, the port Plan 9 from User Space, the related 9P2000 complained v9fs client and npfs server, log-structured file systems like LogFS and the file system Fossil of Plan 9, and the Venti network storage system with its 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the data (called here score) that acts as the address of the data, the protocol and algorithm for a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) with finger table Chord used for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing, and the in-memory map and reduce/fold library Metis optimized for multi-core architectures, and also at the Plan 9 successor and SASOS Inferno with type-safe language, as well as at OO 1 operating systems in general. The latter is directly leading back to the start and the mentioned OO 2 SASOS with SIPs. And as a homework a reader might transform a Linux® kernel based operating system into such an operating system. The considerations above have led to the creation of the project SASOS4Fun.

    OntoLinux and Roboticle Further steps
    After we analyzed the Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence - Open Platform (DARwIn-OP) we came to the following conclusion: 1. Form the conceptual point of view it is a clone of the Open PINO Platform (from now on simply called PINO-OP), and because we found no reference we have here a clear infringement of the related open source license. This issue has even a larger side effect, because the responsible entities claim that it is based on the research platform DARwIn by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and the architecture of the institute was not given free under an qualified open source license. But to be honest: The original copyright holder has taken away the informations about the PINO-OP from the internet around 6 years ago, and so we handle the case as if the platform was not publicated by the related systems research laboratory from Japan. 2. In detail, the skeleton itself is exactly a downscaled version of the PINO-OP with eventually some very few changes that are not enough for making the claim of an own work. 3. The changes were only done by taking a specific manufacturer of the servos and the main controller, which is the sponsor of the robotic lab of the research institute for sure. 4. In fact, the platform is not an open platform, because the software drivers of the actuators and the firmware of the embedded systems used as the main and sub controllers are closed source code, like the 3D simulator is. 5. The said humanoid robotic research platform by the polytechnic institute became an open platform only as much as the responsible entities thought it is necessary after we announced the Open ROBI Platform (from now on referenced by the acronym ROBI-OP) based on the PINO-OP. 6. In the description of the DARwIn-OP wrong informations were given about the adaption of the open source part of the platform for other robots, but we saw directly that only some minor changes of the parameters related with the geometry of the skeleton respectively some static varibales and the headers have to be changed in the source code for such an adaption.
    But if all works as described in the project's documents just right from the start, then it is an interesting matured robotic platform, indeed.

    All of the mentioned points disquallifies the adaption of the DARwIn-OP project as a whole for our open source hardware and software activities, obviously, but we are thinking about merging the two skeletons of the PINO-OP and the DARwIn-OP for creating a skeleton framework for humanoid robots in the range of 30 over 60 to 65 cm/11.81 over 23.62 to 25.59 in.
    What we will do is to take the exterior design of a dwarf rabbit in an anime style as well for the One Robot Per Child (ORPC) project (see also the Roboticle Project update ORPC #3 of today below).

    Roboticle Project update One Robot Per Child (ORPC) #3 1:11
    We are pleased to present the XORO 1.0 version of the One Robot Per Child (ORPC) project in the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) version:

    PINO-OP → ROBI-OP → DARwIn-OP → One Robot Per Child (ORPC) One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Version XORO 1.0 Exterior
    © DARwIn-OP

    An exemplary (endo)skeleton can be seen in the image shown on the 6th of October 2012, the design will be slightly overworked by us, and the style and the colour scheme of the exterior will be changed to match the XO-style. Also, we would like to take an icon with an abstraction of the XORO head for the related Sugar activity, which is a simulator in 2D or 2.5D at first and later in 3D depending on the performance of the XOs, and based on the authoring, programming, and creative writing environments already available with the Sugar learning environment. For sure, the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project is free to present its own ORPC version. Besides this, the ORPC by Roboticle and OntoLinux is named ROXI, because we think that both names fit perfectly in this way to the 2 ORPC lines.

    Roboticle Further steps
    We would like to present a robotic leg that is powered by linear actuators instead of rotary servos, and based on some more changes made by us in the OntoLab as well. At least, the resulting leg design could be used with our Open ROBI Platform (ROBI-OP), and the XORO 2.0 and ROXI 2.0 humanoid robot versions of the One Robot Per Child (ORPC) project, and most eventually with our ROB-E platform too. We have also begun to design torsos, arms, and hands in the same way. Our (re)design concept of humanoid robots of the robocup size classes KidSize (30 to 60 cm/11.81 to 23.62 in) and TeenSize (90 to 120 cm/35.43 to 47.24 in) offers many advantages, and can also be used with construction kits by the company Lego® and other manufacturers, and with our animated plush figure series (see the Originals shown on the 1st of July 2008). So, do not be too surprised if someday the kitchen door is opened and Kermit enters the room asking for his favourit meal: Pommes frites with a fried chicken.

    Charly and ROBI-OP Leg
    © :(

    *** Preview ***
    Essential parts of the works by C.S. that are publicated on our website of OntoLinux have been illegally copied for the book "Physics of the Future" written by Michio Kaku. Furthermore, in a planned interview with a magazine by the defrauding media company Spiegel-Verlag Rudolf Augstein publicated on the 24th of September 2012 our content was repeated again. Due to this, and the utter nonsense explained and the contradictions said by M. Kaku, and that both entities acted once again in a criminal way, so that our copyright was infringed and C.S.' reputation deliberately damaged again, we will make related notes about him once again and the publisher based on the English version of the interview on our Culture webpage, which is enough for us to reach our goals.

    Furthermore, the ARD thought to be extraordinary clever once again and reported about British authors like Peter Watson and his book "German Genius", which was already publicated in the year 2010 by the way, and did not realize at all that as a matter of fact the new Krauts have been veräppelt nach Strich und Faden only and that he had precisely hit the black center like we did. That he "wrote an intellectual history of ideas called Terrible Beauty", as he explained himself, that his book has also the subtitles "Europe's Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific Revolution, and the Twentieth Century", and shows on the title page of the first edition old german typograhy in black and red, and that sometimes words are beginning with a red letter and then written further in black colour, as well as that on the cover of the second edition images are shown in 2 rows with 3 squares each, and that he also used suspiciously often in interviews speech acts from our website OntomaX, points to one individual actually living at that place on the one hand, and should also confuse and distract the public form C.S. in several ways on the other hand. We honour these acts of mobbing with two related notes on our Culture webpage.

    Ontonics, OntoLab, and OntoLinux Further steps
    If somebody is deeply into a special field, then sometimes she/he pushes the right buttons by happenstance without even realizing it and especially if some informations were not known. This was the case two days ago on the 8th of Ocotber 2012 with our summary of thoughts about a log-structured file system that uses consistent hashing and key-value pairs with the value being the data address in an extremely efficiente and scalable way, that is in constant time (O(1)), and a Single Address Space Operating System (SASOS). Indeed, the points with the inclusion of features of key-values stores and the utilization of such a storage system for a graph or triple store, as they are used for e.g. storing RDF triples and OWL models, has already begun to materialize in the new version SQLite4 of the SQLite database library that even comes closer to what we need for our file systems Ontologic and Ontology-oriented File System (OntoFS), and Very Large DataBase File System (VLDBFS) based on our discussed Very Large Log File System (VLLFS or VL²FS) and by its new features that are given on the website of SQLite:
    1. [...] improved [...] file format.
    2. The run-time environment is encapsulated in an object.
    3. A greatly simplified key-value storage engine is used:
    a. A single large key space - not separate key spaces for each table and index as in SQLite3.
    b. Keys sort in lexicographical order.
    c. Multiple storage engines, interchangeable at run-time.
    d. Default on-disk storage engine uses a log-structured merge database.
    4. The primary key of a table really is used as the key to the storage engine.
    6. Foreign key constraints and recursive triggers are on by default.
    7. Covering indices can be declared explicitly.
    Besides this, Log-Structured Merge (LSM)-trees cannot become fragmented.
    Now, we have to look even in more detail onto the new SQLite4 library and our general concept when designing related architectures of a file system and a storage system based on it, or using the SQLite4 library, though we started it just for fun and had not the intention to develop further storage systems. Somehow we do feel that this is becoming something that is much better and faster than expected in this field in general.


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Im Zusammenhang mit einem Nachruf auf den Mitbegründer des Unternehmens Apple, Steve Jobs, wurden Bilder wichtiger Stationen in seinem Leben gezeigt. Unter anderem wurde dabei selbstverständlich wieder ein Bild gezeigt auf dem S. Jobs einen Tablet-Computer präsentiert und weiterhin vorsätzlich falsche Angaben in dem Untertitel gemacht, nämlich "2010: Mit dem iPad haucht Apple der Geräteklasse der Tablet-Computer neues Leben ein". Das ist bekannterweise falsch und deshalb wiederholen wir an dieser Stelle unsere ausführliche Erklärung, die wir bereits im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall des Unternehmens Axel Springer in den Investigations::Multimedia am 13. August 2012 gegeben haben:
    "Außerdem wurde genauso rufschädigend die Entwicklung der Tablet- und Pad-Computer mit der sogenannten Multi-touch-Funktionalität absichtlich verkehrt wiedergegeben. So wurde behauptet, dass S. Jobs von dem Unternehmen Apple von Anfang an die sogenannten Netbooks, die kleine mobile Computer mit Muschelmechanismus und Tastatur aber ohne Festplatte und mit geringer Gesamtleistung sind, grundsätzlich ablehnte weil er schon längst den Tablet-Computer entwickelte. Das ist natürlich falsch, wie wir bereits mindestens zweimal erklärt haben. Die Fakten sind, dass wir schon seit dem Jahr 2003 die Domain intellitablet.com registriet haben und außerdem den Bereich des sogenannten Ubiquitous Computings mit seinen Konzepten Tab und Pad als ein Tätigkeitsfeld im OntoLab sowie das zugehörige Projekt Qixel anführen und man somit bei Apple ganz genau wußte, dass wir in diesen Bereichen tätig sind. Aber weil wir die ganzen Jahre keine Geräte präsentierten und man zusätzlich sein eigenes Smartfon und dessen Technologie schützen wollte, meldete man aus all diesen Gründen rein vorsorglich das Patent eines Tablet-Computers an, der aber eigentlich nur die vergrößerte Variante des Smartfons ist. Doch bis wir am 19. März 2008 zum ersten Mal den Begriff P@d erwähnten sowie am 25. Mai 2008 mit dem P@d 2.0 unseren ersten Tablet- und Pad-Computer dieser neuen Art präsentierten ohne das Patent von Apple überhaupt zu kennen, da der Pad-Computer nur die Oberfläche==Surface des multimedialen Tischs der 2. Generation mit allen seinen Funktionalitäten ist zu der im Unterschied zu der 1. Generation die Multi-Touch-Funktionalität zählt und der von dem Unternehmen Microsoft im Zusammenhang mit seiner neuen Surface genannten multimedia Technologie, die man in einen interaktiven Tisch eingebaute, in der Annahme vorgestellt wurde, dass wir in diesen Bereich einsteigen würden, wollte S. Jobs und das Unternehmen Apple genauso wie die gesamte Industrie schon seit Jahren überhaupt nichts mehr von dem bereits als vollkommen gescheitert erklärten Segment der Tablet-Computer wissen, geschweige denn noch groß in diese Geräteklasse investieren und so gab es noch nicht einmal ein sogenanntes Webpad von Apple. Außerdem wurden wir für unseren damaligen Schritt von den Medien hinter vorgehaltener Hand für dumm erklärt. Aber bei Apple begann man trotzdem durch Strohmänner heimlich auch Domains und Handelsmarken anzumelden, denn man wollte weiterhin C.S. folgen, wie man es etliche Jahre lang zuvor schon getan hat, weshalb ja unter anderem auch der MPEG 2 Layer 3 Standard überhaupt gibt, der auf einem Hörexperiment im Rahmen der Leistungsfahigkeit von Gehör aus dem Biologieunterricht von C.S. stammt und den man Apple für dessen MP3-Abspielgeräte zugeschachert hat. Weitere Fakten sind, dass durch unser erstes Engagement bei dem Projekt One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) im September 2007 auch das Momentum im Segment der Netbooks entstand von dem die gesamte Industrie bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt genauso wenig etwas wissen wollte, dass Apple erst 2 Jahre später seinen ersten Tablet-Computer zeigte als auch Unternehmen wie Hewlett-Packard und Microsoft wieder Interesse an dieser Geräteklasse zeigten und dass Microsoft sogar die Beschreibung unseres P@d 2.0 und unsere ergänzenden Erklärungen im Zusammenhang mit der Oberfläche==Surface für deren Tablet-Computer illegal kopiert hat. Das sind die unumstößlichen Fakten, die eher zeigen, was für ein großer assozialer Kleptomane S. Jobs in Wirklichkeit war und sonst gar nichts."

    Wir fordern die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf so schnell wie möglich eine Gegendarstellungen zu veröffentlichen.

    Wir fordern die Staatsanwaltschaft auf Ermittlungen gegen die verantwortlichen Personen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aufzunehmen und diesem Treiben ein Ende zu setzen.
    Außerdem wurde unserer Meinung nach dem Standort B.R.D. ein erheblicher wirtschaftlicher Schaden zugefügt als auch die gesellschaftliche Ordnung gestört, sodass man auch weitere Verfahren einleiten sollte.

    Comment of the Day
    Playback robot™
    Playback bot™
    Learning by doing™
    Learning by showing™
    Learning by adapting™
    Bot with common sense™
    Common sense robot™
    Common sense bot™
    Common robot™
    Common bot™

    Robots with common sense© due to the content of the website of OntoLinux.

    Clarification #1
    Like Cyc is no ontology, but a common sense knowledge base, so is every result of a combination of a Web 2.0 linked data base or knowledge base, like for example a wiki based encyclopedia, with technologies and techniques of the semantic world wide web no ontology, with some extremely few exceptions that belong to sometimes very deeply going theoretical discussions but not to practical applications. For an easier understanding of this issue the reader has to differentiate what a fact is seen from the formal methods applied on any knowledge base or linked data base, and what a fact is seen from the content of a base of knowledge or linked data. The contents of knowledge and linked data bases are in most of the cases not mathematically provable, and neither the nodes/entities nor the links/relations are facts of the contained knowledge from the view of the applied logic methods and the Ontology-Oriented (OO 2) paradigm, but only from the formal methods applied on the said knowledge and linked data base contents, which is a giant difference. In fact, ontologies are strongly related with the field of classic logics and in this way with Artificial Intelligence 1 (AI 1), and neither with AI 2 that is based on emergence, calculus of probability, and statistics, and to which belong e.g. unverified black box artificial neural nets and swarm intelligence, nor to techniques of machine learning and evolutionary computing, fuzzy logic, bayesian algorithms, or other imprecise approaches due to the application of randomized methods or the black box concept. They can be part of AI 3, but here again the ontology orientation comes from the side of AI 1 and not from the side of AI 2 and the other softbionic techniques and methods. What kind of total nonsense is done since quite some time now can be best viewed with a comparison to the Object-Oriented (OO 1) paradigm and the integration of OO 1 with the ontology-based approach to the OO 2 paradigm by taking the class model: What the incompetent, often defrauding, and even serious criminal entities in universities, research institutes, and enterprises do is that they say in the end, that an object/instance of a class belongs to 70, 90, or eventually 95% to a class, which for sure is only utter nonsense, even if the specific class is actually not known. So the wrong step is to mix exactly the differentation of what is a fact on the different levels in a wrong way for argumenting pure nonsense and doing just only politics in the end. But everybody knows that the latter is not trustworthy, like in the same way statistics and infromations can not be trusted that have not been manipulated by yourself, and to wait for luck in computer science can only be declared as ridiculous. Even more funny is, that these entities stepped directly into the trap given by us on the webpage Terms of the 21st Century in the sections Pure Rationality, Softbionics and Artificial Intelligence, and Friendly Artificial Intelligence that we have deliberately written in exactly this way, so that we are able to filter out all of them now. An intelligent machine could do this even much better in many situations than the best magician, so that it is much more dangerous to support such a mixing approach. Also, if all together believe that something is correct, then it must not be a fact, which is the reason why we take pure rationality based on the stars, because stars don't lie.
    In the same way the attempt is made to talk about a quality management of an ontology, which by the way is always stolen from our websites of Ontonics and OntoLinux, and it is claimed a correctness of an automatically created knowledge base of 70 over 90 to 95%. This is also pure nonsense only, because an ontology is correct to 100%, or otherwise the ontology based approaches make no sense even no common sense at all. Here is once again tried to pervert the facts now of in the field of digital or computational ontology itself. Also important to mention is the fact, that only one wrong fact in such a knowledge base created by mixing every nonsense can be enough to pervert the whole statement of the knowledge base even if it is to 99,9...9% correct, which makes that wrong approach extremely dangerous. Imaging a pandemia and a drug must be developed in an extremely short time before the humanity is gone. If such an incorrect knowledge or linked data base is used, as it is already the case in the fields of bioinformatics and computational genomics for the development of drugs, then the following scenario can very quickly arise: A related expert system uses the incorrect knowledge base and gives as the result of its finding a recipe for the urgently needed drug, but it contains a mistake due to the 5% or 0,0...01% incorrectness. Based on this recipe a second automata creates the stuff and a third automatic logistic system delivers it world wide. The humans take it and before they understood what happened, they are all gone, because the drug did not work, despite every single step was correctly done for 100%. Further scenarios are given by the looking at e.g. the comutational infrastructure of modern cities and nations, and the well known Terminator saga, the movie iRobot, and related and similiar works in science fiction. Unbelievable but true, some entities are even implementing now the Skynet of the Terminator saga, while others are constructing the terminator robots.
    Furthermore, watermarks as a protection against the stealing of ontologies are also only nonsense seen from the general point of view and from the specific nonsense to apply methods like adding fake facts or subtracting real facts. Whoever has developed such a garbage has proved to be totally incompentent in the field of computational ontology.
    Moreover, to use the term RDF ontology for a common ontology is absolute nonsense as well, because obviously, doubtlessly, and definitely, there is a difference between the RDF ontology, which is the ontology about the Resource Description Framework (RDF) itself and nothing else, but not of an ontology written by using the RDF.

    In fact, the terms ontology, rdf ontology, and quality are deliberately used in a wrong way to jump on our bandwagon of ontology and the semantic world wide web, to pervert the facts related with the ontology based approaches and mislead the public, and in this way to steal our intellectual properties, as we already could prove several times and will prove further in the future.

    Für die Staatsanwaltschaft: Wieder einmal ist hier die Universität Saarbrücken als auch das Max-Planck-Institut am Werk, diesmal mit der sogenannten Ontologies Gruppe, die natürlich nicht Ontologie-Gruppe oder Ontologien-Gruppe genannt wurde, also nicht durch die Anwendung der lokalen Sprache, damit durch die syntaktische Nähe unsere Handelsmarke Ontologics geschädigt wird. Des Weiteren werden hier seit Jahren Steuergelder sinnlos vergeudet.

    Clarification #2
    For sure, we will create our own ontologies and use only those ontologies that we have deeply investigated, specifically in the fields of computer science and here in the fieldsof operating systems, inclusive ontologies for file system and desktop environments, and multimedia, inclusive natural language processing, based on other sources. In this way we do ensure that the public does not need to use ontologies by defrauding and even serious criminal entities in for example the fields of semantic storage systems and semantic desktops. In addition, we will ensure that OntoLinux will only work with our ontologies by using methods that truly work in opposition to the nonsense approach of using some kind of watermarks.

    Ontonics Website update
    We added the old project called:

  • Adaptrobotics

    to the Innovation-Pipeline.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We would like to present some design studies that show how our BeamW@tch with NanoProjector, our EyeW@tch with Retina Project- or, or a Sm@rtWatch combination consisting of our 3D W@tch with 3D display, BeamW@tch, and EyeW@tch could look like (see also the webpage Links to Hardware of the website of OntoLinux):

    Isamu Sanada → BeamW@tch with Nanoprojector or EyeWatch with Retina ProjectorBeamW@tch with Nanoprojector, EyeWatch with Retina Projector, or Combination of 3D Watch, BeamWatch, and EyeWatch
    © Isamu Sanada and :(

    Roboticle Further steps One Robot Per Child (ORPC) #4 8:48
    We would like to present the exemplary JO-E exterior design and style for the XORO and ROXI of the ORPC project:

    JO-E Humanoid Robot
    © :I

    For sure, we will not copy this toy figure in the shape of a robot, but it fits so well as an exterior of the basic robot shown in the Further steps ORPC #2 of the 6th of October 2012 and Project update ORPC #3 of the 8th of October 2012, and before its manufacturer jumps exactly on this bandwagon, as always done in the past, we simply wanted to present the concept first, because we are the original.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We would like to inform our readers about a new project that on the one side is based on the Back2Front design study called Peugeot 4002 by Stefan Schulze, which is derived from the original Back2Front design of the L 2054 created by Harald Belker for the movie "Minority Report" and was shown later in the movie "The Island" as well, but in the version also called T-Cruiser made for Mattel→Hot Wheels, which again are derived from the concept car Avus quattro by the marque Volkswagen→Audi. S. Schulze made his study for the design competition of the marque PSA Peugeot Citroën→Peugeot in the year 2002, and on the other side on the model Veyron by the marque Volkswagen Bugatti. We came to this concept, because we were always fascinated by the Back2Front design, we are actually working on another project soon to be presented that goes into a similar direction, and we looked for a way how the passenger cabin of the Veyron could be made narrower while keeping its drivetrain with the W16 engine and the 4 Wheel Drive (4WD), and large parts of its chassis. For sure, the original design study 4002 has to be overworked by us, which is not only due to the adaption for a different marque but also due to some design decisions by S. Schulze that we would not like to follow.

    Harald Belker Minority Report L 2054
    Harald Belker Minority Report Car → Stefan Schulze Peugeot 4002 Design StudyHarald Belker Minority Report L 2054 → Stefan Schulze Peugeot 4002 Design Study
    ©© Ice Man
    PD Chiemsee Man

    *** Proof-reading mode ***
    Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics

  • Rethinking Robotics: The company claims that the programming method of its robotic system is revolutionary new, but in fact it is not, because it is the well known playback method used for example for painting robots since more than two decades. Furthermore, it has infringed our copyright related with the website of OntoLinux that exactly connects the approach to use common sense with the field of robotics (see the related section about our approach of Softbionics and Artificial Intelligence 3 (AI 3) of the webpage Terms of the 21st Century on the website of OntoLinux). Said this, we won't respect the slogan "Robots with common sense". Also, the company claims that its software is open source licensed, but neither the software nor the license is available for examination and download without a login into a private section of its website. Both claims are not ture and misleading the public, so that both are criminal marketing lies, which by the way proves that the company does not understand what the term legal responsiblities truly means, too. We also found out that its software stack is based on a robotic operating system which developers have been convicted by us of stealing our Ontologic System (OS), Hightech Operating System (OS) and complex Dimensional Operating System (cDOS) OntoLinux (see the case of the company Willow Garage, its contributers and supporters, and the other cases of companies, universities, and research institutes in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics of the 24th of September 2010).

    We demand the International Free and Open Source Solutions Foundation (iFOSSF) to demand the company Rethinking Robotics to give its software stack free for examination by the open source community and for download, or to remove all open source software from its machine and software stack as well as the claim of offering open source software immediately.

    We demand the worldwide media to except the technological facts and to pay attention for our copyright in reports about the companies Amazon→Kiva System and Rethinking Robotics.
    Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf in Reportagen über die Unternehmen Amazon→Kiva System und Rethinking Robotics die technologischen Fakten zu akzeptieren und unser Urheberrecht zu beachten.

    We would like to ask the prosecutors in the U.S.A. as well as in the Swiss and eventually in further states that they already reservate enough time and space for their investigations.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    In the past, we looked at several possibilities for the exterior design of the Apollo II, which were the design of the Veyron SuperVélocité as a true Apollo Speed or Apollo SuperVélocité, but which stays a reservated update for the factory, the design of the SuperDrago as SuperGryphon, which stays the conversion of a model by Lamborghini, a less expensive design option, which was only mentioned but not revealed, the exterior of the Cayman ST, which stays a conversion based on the platform of the Porsche Boxster or Cayman, or the Lamborghini Gallardo or Audi R8, the new interpretation of the Lancia Stratos Zero, Ferrari 512 S Berlinetta Speciale, and Vauxhall Styling Research Vehicle (SRV) by us called S 0 S, which stays as well a model on its own, that we have discussed in the Further steps of the 25th of September 2012 followed by a very short description of as as the platform of the i! * j! * k! series that we gave the working name Apollo series in the Further steps of the 1st of October 2012 and described in more detail on the 2nd of October 2012, and found out that we have designed a second model series with the A * B * B * L * S series on the 4th of October 2012 and showed why this is the case on the 5th of October 2012, and also discussed the Bugatti Back2Front based on the model Veyron on the 11.October.2012 (yesterday), we have seen that the Apollo II could also be based on the concept car Audi Avus quattro with a similar design like the concept car T-Cruiser, which is a different version shown in the movie "The Island" of the red L 2054 shown in the movie "Minority Report", with the original tubular frame slightly changed or a chassis made out of aluminium sheets, and an overworked MR/TI B2F design with gullwings again, but still no Audi TT air-vents anymore, which are eventually compensated with the W12 and V12 TDI options, has become now a very serious option. Nevertheless, we kept our promise with the announcement of a complex and extremely fascinating design.

    Audi Avus quattro ConceptAudi Avus quattro Concept
    Harald Belker The Island and Mattel Hot Wheels T-CruiserHarald Belker Minortiy Report L 2054
    Harald Belker The Island and Mattel→Hot Wheels T-Cruiser Update
    © Audi, Harald Belker, Mattel→Hot Wheels, and :(

    In this context, see also the Original vs. Inspiration of the 6th of February 2008 and 4th of March 2008, and the case of the company Walt Disney Pictures in the Investigations::Car #137 of the 9th of August 2009).

    Comment of the Day #1

    Comment of the Day #2
    "#III is still alive.", [C.S., Today]
    In fact, the Space Shuttle III/BigStar is of very good health and retirement is no question at all, so that it can truly start into the space now.

    Ontonics Website update
    Due to the addition of the BareLight Operating System we have taken the subsection Light/Optical/Photonic Computing out of the subsection Hardware Technology of the section New Paradigms and put it into the subsection Soft- und Hardware Technology of the same section.

    Style of Speed Website update
    Today, we are very pleased to inform our worldwide fans that we have stopped the research and development phases of our XSS-3 and started the production phase by finally giving it its true name Space Shuttle III and naming the first aerospaceplane of this kind BigStar.

    Also, we have uploaded on the webpage of our Cayman GT an image by Olli Teittinen that in the original shows a conversion of the model Carrera GT by the marque Volkswagen→Porsche with hardtop.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    While we were looking at the Bugatti in the Back2Front design and the related option of an exterior design of the Apollo II (see the Further steps of the 11th and 12th of October 2012), it seems to be that already either a tuner jumped on the bandwagon, or even the factory demanded the convertions of a narrowed R8 or/and the related special version of an Avus quattro 2.0 based on the model R8. In the case of the narrowed R8 this led us to the considerations about convertions as they were described in the short specification of the Apollo series in the Further steps of the 2nd of October 2012, that means by adapting the different exterior designs, specifically the front and rear sections, but also the interior styles, and to the already discussed addition of the Cayman ST to the Apollo series as well.
    In the case of the Avus quattro 2.0 we think that besides the engine options V8, V10, V12 TDI, and W12 out of the stock of the Volkswagen marques, it could also have the options of the larger engines as options, which are the Lamborghini V12 and eventually also the Bugatti W16.

    Now, we have to look at the next option for the Apollo II, which could be a similar car like the concept cars F1, CanAm, and CanAm Spyder by the company Hulme Supercars, which is a very similar endeavour due to the fact that it got no decisive momentum and has permanent financial problems like Gumpert with the Apollo, so that its business development last now for around 8 years or even longer, and of which we are also one of the most competent experts worldwide.

    Furthermore, we are thinking since quite some time about the possibility to make out of our model Cayman GT a further model due to the different roof and rear side windows, which as a matter of fact are of the model Porsche 911. This new model could have the front and rear lights of the Beetle and of the related concept car Beetle R by Volkswagen, inclusive the front and rear bumpers and the front splitter and the rear wing.
    This led us to go on with the update of our Electron B and Electron C by taking again the front and rear bumpers and lights of the newest generation of the model Beetle and of the related concept car Beetle R inclusive the front splitter and the rear wing.
    This led to the consideration of an extension of our 550 series by creating much less expensive versions of the models Boxster and Cayman that feature suitable engines, like for example the Beetle engines or the V6 based drivetrain by a GT, the front and rear bumpers and lights of the Beetle and the Beetle R, as well as the front splitter and the rear wing of the Beetle R. Or said in other words: A Boxster and a Cayman chassis with the Beetle and further Volkswagen drivetrains.
    This led to the consideration of the conversions Beetle GT and eventually Beetle GTR that have a middle motor configuration, and the drivetrain of the models Boxster and Cayman, and even the V8 engines of our conversions 550 V8, and Boxster GT and Cayman GT. Or said in other words: A Beetle Cabrio and Beetle chassis with the Boxster and Cayman, and our drivetrains.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have added to the webpage of our Bionic Vehicle Ape ESP the paragraph Further informations.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    In the last days we tried to select the right exterior design of the Apollo II, which is an update of the model Apollo by the manufacturer Gumpert. But until today we could not make the last decision due to many old considerations related with the model range and business philosophy of our enterprise, and new considerations related with the actings and demands of large automotive corporations (see the Further steps of the 12th of October 2012 and 13th of October 2012 (yesterday)). This is also the case with our latest suggestion made yesterday related with the endeavour of the manufacturer Hulme Supersports and its concept car Hulme F1 and CanAm. But a deeper look on the case yesterday and today showed a clearer picture of the situation. Firstly, there is already the concept car Indigo by the manufacturer Ford. Secondly, there is already the model Enzo by the marque Fiat→Ferrari. Thirdly, Hulme Supersports has tried two times now to copy the general concept of the Enzo, as it can be seen easily if the fenders are removed but not the headlights, and the Indigo, as it could be seen last year again with the higher front spoiler design and headlights, and the added windshield of its Spyder version. Fourthly, after thinking about the case we remembered that there was the clone of the Indigio and the Hulme CanAm by the already insolvent manufacturer IMC Sports Cars. Fifthly, we have this kind of car already in our pipeline since around 8 years as well, and on the one hand parked the Indigo on the website of our mod rod Bee!, but on the other hand wanted to show that there is a common platform. Sixthly, a design study by Pininfarina of the Enzo is the inspirational and foundational design of our model 333 ST. And seventhly, none of this activites resulted in an economical success, as it said as well about the car by the manufacturer KTM.
    Said this, we reject this exterior design option as well, because we favour our own new model already started secretly so many years ago, we think about the start of a related new model series that is eventually created by making the Boxster P^3 a model of its own, as already discussed, and we have now a pipeline of new models and conversion that is slowly becoming too large. Moreover, we have and will wait and see what happened with the corporations of Gumpert and Hulme Supersports, and how their investors behave.

    Ford Concept Car Indigo
    Hulme Supercars Hulme F1 2012
    © Ford, Hulme Supercars

    Investigations::Car #363

  • Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini: We have heard rumours/unconfirmed informations that the factory has shown interest in the 2+2 version of our conversion S 0 S by Style of Speed.
  • Daimler→Mercedes-Benz→Smart: For a concept car the description of an essential application of our LaserLamp™@Car was stolen, which is the function of a projector of movie cinemas based on laser projection technologies, and in this way in the same way again our copyright infringed as in the years before.
    *** Quotes from its website missing ***
  • Exagon: That company has again stolen from our website of Style of Speed. This time a large fraction of our marketing story was illlegally copied and in this way our copyright infringed. Interesting in this conjunction are the facts that the company Siemens seems to be more involved in the business than only to be the supplier of the electric drivetrain components and that the interior of the presented car features the air-vents of the model TT by the marque Volkswagen→Audi. Both points to a fake business founded for damaging our business activities related with our business division Style of Speed.
  • 9ff: Das Unternehmen weiß sich mittlerweile nicht mehr anders zu helfen als direkt von unserem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed abzuschreiben. So wurde unsere Modellbezeichung GTron™ für die Bezeichnung eines Standardumbaus des Modells 911 der Marke Volkswagen→Porsche in der Form GTronic kopiert. In der Vergangenheit konnte man schon ähnliche Vorgänge mit Bezeichnungen wie Speed9 oder CS neben der Adaption von Exterieurthemen, wie in dem zuvor schon adaptierten klassichen schwarz-goldenem Style von dem Formel 1 Team Lotus und John Player Special, sowie Designelementen von Konzeptfahrzeugen und Modellen anderer Unternehmen sehen, wie zum Beispiel der RS-Modelle der Marke Volkswagen→Audi. Auch wurden Fahrzeuge für Vergleichswettbewerbe von (Klein-)Serienfahrzeugen extra verändert, indem man zum Beispiel eine vollkommen irrationale Getriebeübersetzung einbaute, oder sogar extra als Unikat aufgebaut, um sich so einen Vorteil zu verschaffen und eine mehr als zweifelhafte Kompetenz und Leistungsfähigkeit der Produkte anzupreisen.
    Des Weiteren wurde wieder einmal klar, dass der Axel Springer Verlag das Unternehmen bei seinem Treiben durch das Schreiben und Veröffentlichen von ganz bestimmten Berichten unterstützt.
    Übrigens: So sehen schlechte, stillose Verlierer aus, aber eben nicht Gewinner:

    9FF GT9-R Crash

    It was a brake failure at 220 mph, which we have seen so often in the last decades with those typical back yard companies that are only specialized in taking turbochargers out of the stock and mount them on an engine. Indeed, we think that interested persons should better not play with their lifes and come directly to the original Style, Speed, and Hightech Competence™™™. Isn't it?

  • Prior Design: That small company has copied the concept of our R8 BB conversion with design lines of the concept car R8 V12 TDI by the factory that we have adapted for the rear of our RE, so that its copying is also related with the version RE RSR.
  • Adv.1: That manufacturer of wheels thinks to be very clever by claiming to be the inventor and trendsetter of the concave wheel design, which for sure that company is definitely not, because the concave design was used with the BBS RS Wheels on the Porsche 935, Audi IMSA and Audi Trans Am race cars in the deep concave version, and even on the Volkswagen Golf in the regular concave version, and the trend was set by us from Style of Speed after we showed them on the webpage of our Rims again. So forget that stupid, usual, and already boring napkin story by its owner. In addition, it has copied the design of the wheel with in 8-spokes design and again the related trend, and also stolen parts of our marketing by talking about the street+racing story, using terms like e.g. "styles", "#1", "beast", and "superlight", so that we are sure it has copied even more textual contents form our Style of Speed website. It is also showing a picture of the emblem of the Scuderia Ferrari on its website in such a way that in fact the company misuses it for advertising its products by imitating Style of Speed a further time. If we take all together, then we call it a copyright infringement. Besides this, it has stolen at least one wheel design of the manufacturer BBS and most potentially wheel designs from other manufacturers as well.
  • Super Replicas: Unbelievable but true. That bold company messed up with the whole automotive market, copied the name of the motor TV show and home of the Stig for marketing its junk under the label "Top Gear Reproductions" is claiming for having business relationship with a very well known U.S.American customizer, who by the way has also no fear to fly in different hemispheres sometimes and still has open accounts at Style of Speed for the mid-engine mod rod and other concepts, and even is boldly advertising a cheap copy of our model E458 without making any circumventions as "Ferrari Italia Electric Clone" with "Tesla clone electric motor". It even tells the nonsense that we have explained two time: "The electric Ferrari Italia clone has two turbine fans inside the front hood that spin as the car drives. [...] The natural wind generates electricity to the Tesla clone batteries recharging them continually." But it comes even better with the perpetuum mobile: "The Battery highvolt Charger functions similar to the automotive alternators by recharging the battery while the car is running. [...] The Battery highvolt Charger [...] is a highly efficient magnetic turbine which generates high surges of voltage into a transformer to distribute the charge directly into the Tesla clone batteries. The magnetic turbine is mounted 10 inches above the rear wheel axle and a motor cycle chain connects the magnetic turbine to the axle. [...] As the rotation of the axle and the turbine rod increases in speed this in turn producing the higher voltage surge which is then distributed into the transformer." Äh??? Besides this, it even claimed the following: "The cars body is made of a bullet proof substance which is Kevlar mixed with carbon fiber [...]". Actually, we do not know how that company want to do these at all. Furthermore, despite the copyright infringement the technological descriptions are so ridiculous that we can not believe that this is a serious business, but looks more like a bold joke.

    We demand the U.S.American and the European governments to pressure the government of Panama to pull the plugs of defrauding companies immediately.

  • Better Place: The responsible person, who was a manager at the software company SAP, seems to be not so talented as always claimed and we always denied. After Fisker with his little fire costing 830 million U.S. Dollar 360 million Euro have been burned here as well already and the remaining 140 million Euro will be added in large part to the global warming.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We have added to the webpage of our model Gallardo III BB an image of the design study Bugatti Lemans made by Romain Chevallier in 2004 and 2005 (Concept I) and 2009 (Concept II), which is a little Bugatti based on the Gallardo platform, that shows in which direction the rear of the BB conversion or even the EB conversion with e.g. a W12 engine goes. In relation with the EB concept and for getting more inspiration we recommend a further look on the webpage of our model k! and at the model Veyron by Bugatti.

    Comment of the Day
    "In einem Rechtsstaat sind Hexen ordnungsgemäß unter Einhaltung aller Gesetze und Hygienevorschriften bezüglich des Reinwaschens der Hände strikt nach den Vorgaben der DIN zu verbrennen."

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We are thinking of a special model called J³ based on the design study Boulevard Racer by Sabino Design, who had just more than only fun while playing a lot with surfaces, obviously, which can be seen as our answer to the one-off model Aventador J by the marque Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini.

    Sabino Design Boulevard Racer Concept Car → Aventador J^3
    Sabino Design Boulevard Racer Concept Car → Aventador J^3
    Sabino Design Boulevard Racer Concept Car → Aventador J^3
    © Sabino Design

    *** Translation mode ***
    We have made a general note on our Culture webpage due to irrational auction outcomes of abstract paintings by Gerhard Richter and related manipulations most potentially conducted by the usual defrauding entities. In this connection, we also made further notes about the artist Gerhard Richter and his main sponsor Frieder Burda and his foundation, as well as the publisher Spiegel-Verlag Rudolf Augstein, and a note about the musician and collector Eric Clapton.

    Picture of the Day
    Zaxxon by Sega (1984)

    © Sega/Gremlin

    The isometric perspective is also called the 2½ dimensional perspective.

    OntoLinux Website update
    We added to the webpage Links to Software in the section Exotic Operating System a link to our operating system architectures:

  • OntoLab: Boot2Web and
  • OntoLab: SASOS4Fun - Single Adress Space Operating System for Fun.

    Comment of the Day #1
    "It's better to burn out than to fade away!", [Highlander I, 1986]
    Obviously, this holds for Google as well.
    By the way: The quote is neither from Neil Young, who said "It's better to burn out 'cause rust never sleeps" in his song "Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)" and that he would rather "burn out than fade away", which again is from Jeff Blackburn, who wrote a song containing the lyric "It's better to burn out than it is to rust", nor from Kurt Curbain, who repeated the statement in his suicide note said by the villain Kurgan in the church scene of the movie.

    Comment of the Day #2
    "Nice fire on the oil platforms.", [C.S., Today]
    Metaphorically speaking. Real fires on oil platforms are not funny, for sure.

    Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics

    *** Fine Tuning mode; Some few comments may still be not correct. ***

  • Universal Robotics: As not otherwise expected from the far, we have found out that that company has stolen essential parts of OntoLinux, Ontoscope, and Active Components and in this way infringed our copyright. We present the undeniable facts by quoting the contents of its website and giving comments and the related links to the original places on our websites: "[The company] has brought to market a new form of Artificial Intelligence, called Neocortex, that uses sensor information to learn. The software is independent of any hardware, allowing it be used for a host of applications from data analysis to robot and motor control. [The label Neocortex clearly shows that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) is related with before publicated informations, which are also directly related with OntoLinux, the Ontoscope hardware and our Active Components, like for example the Active Trac system and also the Active Suspension system, that are all powered by the same functionalities of OntoLinux.]", "It allows companies to leverage the best sensors and equipment [...] [This is a speech act stealing, at least, so we say only "Equipment is Everything™s".]", "[...] three components [...] [Doubtlessly, this is the 3³ Theme by C.S. and the structure of the OntoLinux website. In this case it points to the webpage Components.]", "[...] Sensing. In order to conduct activities within a work cell, understanding three dimensional space is critical. [Its] engineers are experts at mixing sensors of appropriate wavelengths with other technologies to generate accurate 3D vision image guidance and inspection. [We will show what was stolen from the OntoLinux website, the related project descriptions of our Innovation-Pipeline, but the reader can already see for example by the used key words that it is related with our technologies described for example on the webpages of our Active Camera and Active Trac systems.]", "Engineers have deep knowledge of kinematics, path planning, and obstacle avoidance [__] [This reminds us of our solutions MobileKinetics, Plan & Proof, and ....]", "Intelligence. Learning to handle random tasks is critical for tasks successful manipulation of never-seen-before objects in irregular orientations. Universal uses patented machine learning techniques [...] [So, here we have an interesting point, because that defrauding company speaks about AI that is based on machine learning.]", "Applications [Besides the 3³ Theme by C.S., even the structure of our OntoLinux website was copied in parts.] "[...] automated logistics solutions require 3D sensing, reactive control and spatial intelligence [...] [Again, this points directly to the website of OntoLinux.]", "[...] whether cameras, state-of-the-art structured light sensors, lasers, infrared signals or other devices [...] [This is about the projects related with object recognition and tracking, as they are listed in the subsection Kinetics of the Innovation-Pipeline, and our Active Camera solution, doubtlessly.]", "[...] cameras for 3D resolution [...] [Everytime it is spoken about 3D in a context of spatial intelligence we are also in the field of the OntoBot and OntoScope software components.]", "These applications use a combination of Microsoft Kinect structured light sensor with two pairs of USB cameras [...] [This was stolen from the description of our Ontoscope hardware used in the field of robotics and our Active Camera that both share the same technological basis given by OntoLinux.]", "Spatial Vision Inspection provides multi-dimensional inspection [...] [This was stolen from the OntoLinux website, as it becomes more clear in the following.]", "[...] Spatial Vision Robotics uses 2D, 2½D, and 3D sensing [...] [We do not see the 2.5Dimensional feature at all, and on older webpages we can find the term "2/3D" only. In fact, the term 2½D is used in the field of robotics in a wrong way since some years, because it is related with geometry or better said the spatial dimension of an environment/space, but not with an enrichment of 2D data by additional informations, like for example a height map. Said this, 2½D refers to the isometric perspective on an object or a space, and is used with this semantics since more than 2 decades in the field of computer-aided software tools and computer games, which is also the way we use it (see also the Picture of the Day of the 18th of October 2012 (yesterday)).]", "[...] Neocortex provides intelligence for operational analysis or flexible machine control in chaotic environments, enabling identification of task patterns and manipulation of never-before-seen objects [...] [Like with the point of spatial intelligence in more than 2 dimensions, everytime it is spoken about a neocortex related artificial intelligence functionality in a context of spatial intelligence we are in the field of the OntoBot and OntoScope software components, as well as e.g. our specific solutions iarm, which functions the same way as its robot arms, and Active Trac system, which is the original function that was copied for its AI based control system.]", "[...] combined automated multi-dimensional inspection with automated intelligence to provide 2½D, 3D, 4D (color) and Multi-D [...] [Everytime it is spoken about more than 2 dimensions and about multi-dimensionality it is related with the stolen intellectual properties presented on the website of our Ontologic System (OS), Hightech Operating System (HOS), and n-Dimensional Operating System (nDOS) OntoLinux, Ontonics, specifically the webpage Innovation-Pipeline, Style of Speed, especially the related webpages of our Active Components, and our other websites. In fact, we mentioned the term "Multi-D[imensional]" as well in relation with a component of our OntoFS on the 29th of July 2010 that is tightly integrated with our OntoBot and OntoScope software components of our HOS & nDOS OntoLinux that powers our alreadey named solutions, e.g. iarm and Active Trac.]", "[...] integrating with any sensor appropriate [...] [This was stolen from the related webpages of our websites of OntoLinux, Ontoscope, Ontonics, and Style of Speed, because we speak here about our general multimodal multimedia interface of OntoLinux that is surely not only limited to the version of OntoLinux for humans, who use the Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI), and we speak here about the Ontoscope hardware used in the fields of robotics and vehicle control (see also the case of the company Samsung in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 18th of July 2012 and the Investigations::Multimedia of the 8th of September 2009, "more sensors and methods of the subjects Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, like object recognition and object tracing", that we repeated in that specific investigative case of Samsung).]", "Compare – actual 3D to CAD/specs [...] [This was stolen form the webpage Overview]", "Complex Objects [...] [speech act stealing]", "Combine – with Spatial Vision Robotics for vision guidance or [its AI system] for automated intelligence for random situations [...] [By this formulation a differentiation of the 2D, 3D, and nD/multiD functionality and the AI functionality can be seen, which reflects the desection of our OntoScope and OntoBot software components to a 100%.]", "[...] 3D maps (point clouds) [...] [This point has a twofold meaning. On the one hand, we have here the 3D map and the point cloud seen as single fields, which already shows that this was stolen from the webpage Links to Software, specifically from the sections Mixed Reality (see the links to the sba software library and to its application with Blunder), Geography, and also to Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe, because we speak about more than 2 dimensions. But we have here also the integration/mixture of both approaches which is our invention. Said this, we have here the next clear evidence of its copyright infringement. On a related image we can also see the terms "Microscope", "X-Ray", "Laser", "Large Laser GPS System", "Structured Light Laser", "Hi-Res Vision", "Laser Radar", and "3D Vision", which more than obviously were written on the graphic for stealing our different Multiray™ sensors, our worldwide unique Multiray™ technology described on the webpage of our Active Camera component, and the Ontoscope hardware and software approaches, and in this way proves again its copyright infringement.]", "[The company] has combined automated intelligence with high-speed control to enable 3D sensor input to update robot behavior in real-time. [No, that is wrong. The truth is, that the company has copied our website contents without getting a license, which constitutes a copyright infringement.]", "[...] three main components [...]", "[...] multi-dimensional vision [...] [This was stolen from the website of OntoLinux.] "[...] (Autonomy) [...] [Surprisingly, the link leads not to a webpage called autonomy but servo-sensing, which again points to our ORPC.]", "[The company]'s applications integrate the best sensors and equipment with three main components [...] [This was stolen from the related webpages of our websites, specifically of OntoLinux.]", "[...] complex motion [...]", "[...] intelligence for operational analysis or flexible machine control in chaotic environments, enabling identification of task patterns and manipulation of never-before-seen objects [...]", "Traditional vision approaches can't automatically detect and identify complex parts randomly placed in a pile. Even with the problem simplified, the result was either overly complex, too slow for normal operations, or had low return on investment. [Since the end of 2006, the official start of our OntoLinux, this claim is not true anymore in general. Said this, it is an example of an illegal marketing lie. Furthermore, it explains why we talk about 2½D applications in relation with the hardware and software of the projects One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), One Tablet Per Child (OTPC), and One Robot Per Child (ORPC).]", "[...] uses a suite of sensors that integrates off-the-shelf structured light sensors and pairs of cameras for stereoscopic vision [...] [Obviously, this is our Ontoscope hardware solution in conjunction with our OntoScope and OntoBot software components.]", "[...] dynamically provides 3D [vision] guidance to the robot [...]", "State of the Art 3D Sensing [No, this is not true, obviously, and so we have here an illegal marketing lie.]", "Many vendors today are adding 3D vision to their capabilities due to customer demand. [So, here we have the next proof that it is following our actings, because our OntoLinux and the related applications in the field of robotics are not new, but matured.]", "[...] is founded on NASA patents that lay the groundwork for robots to be spatially intelligent far beyond just 3D stereoscopic vision [...] [This is not true to a 100% said in this way. In fact, the technology by the NASA is partly based on our technology. We also got with this statement a precise time scale for evaluating the ownership of the intellectual properties, because not all patents by the NASA in the field of robotics are relevant, if they were filed too late, which are at least most of the patents related with the robot Robonaut 2. Also, it has become a fact now that this kind of robotic technology was not developed to support the manufacturing in the U.S.A. by stopping out-sourcing in this way, which will not happen at all, because as a matter of fact this kind of robotic technology, which is sold by that company investigated here and also by e.g. the U.S.American company Rethinking Robotics, is already out-sourced to the nation India and the V.R.China. How ridiculous is that? It also raises the question why the government of the B.R.D. has supported the U.S.A. in this field by stealing our intellectual properties and giving it to U.S.American companies, like the investigative case of the technical university in Munich and the only stealing company Willow garage proved (see the cases of companies, universities, and research institutes in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics of the 24th of September 2010 and the related case of the company Rethinking Robotics in the Investigation::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics of the 11th of October 2012 that uses as well our solutions that was stolen in this way). What a massive conglomeration of incompetences.]", "[...] three sensor suite resolutions [...] [Again, we have here the 3³ Theme.]", "After calibration of cameras and sensors, Spatial Vision Robotics software coordinates 3D input to the robot by getting an overall 3D view of the boxes, detecting all parts that match a 3D CAD model, selecting a part to be moved, and monitoring the motion of the robot as it places the part. [Here we have the absolutely clear explanation that it is not related with our Caliber/Calibre, as it tried to convey the impression for misleading the public, and even based on our Caliber/Calibre, and that the point "computer-aided software engineering tools" of the webpage Overview was stolen, which by the way is not in the patents of the NASA. In conjunction with this, we would like to clarify that our copyright counts more than a patent.]", "The 3D sensor system uses a combination of 3D stereoscopic vision and structured light [...] [This sounds very familiar.]", "[...] reflective surface matching to handle a wide range of reflective [...] [The reader should not be confused, because this has nothing in common with a reflective system like our Ontologic System (OS), Hightech Operating System (HOS), and complex-Dimensional Operating System (cDOS) OntoLinux.]", "[...] 3D suite of sensors [...]", "[...] high-speed servoing [...]", "Today, the majority of robotic vision systems are either 2D or 2½D. [Actually, we really can not remember any informations about such a kind of 2½D vision system in the field of robotics that is listed on the website, but only in the field of visual environments for modelling robotic applications like plants by using the isometric perspective displaying methode as it is also used with CAx and modelling systems. In fact, it makes no sense under the normal conditions, and the related graphic of its website that describes 2D, 2½D, and 3D vision systems is not showing such a system with an 2½D/isometric perspective at all, but indeed a composited 3D system. The 2½D vision, processing, and visualization system about which we do speak is related with the first and in this way revolutionary computer game with such a display methode, also called 3D-scrolling, the isometric shooter arcade game Zaxxon by the companies Sega/Gremlin and Synapse Software presented in the year 1984. Funnily, it was described at first of using 3D-dimensional like playfield. Said this, that company uses the term 2½ deliberately in a misleading way. Somehow, that company made here a giant mistake while stealing intellectual properties, which is a common convicting mistake by plagiators.]", "Calibration and servoing software [This sounds very similar.]", "True 3D [...] [No, no, no: True 3D™!!!™ Respect our trademarks and copyrights!!!™ Or better close that company directly again.]", "[...] 3D Vision [...] [We only say: "3D Sound and Vision™".]", "[...] patented software with sensors (vision, laser, microwave, infrared, etc.) [...] [We are sure that this patent is obsolete due to descriptions of our Ontoscope hardware used in the field of robotics. Quite contrary, such patents have proved in many similar cases of entities that they have indeed stolen our intellectual properties.]", "[...] multi-dimensional [...] [Take a look for the comment of the related quote that contains this term as well above.]", "SVR-2.3-Collage [This is the file name of a shown image which says it all.]", "Typical 2D or 2½D machine vision is limited to a smaller area associated with a fixture. Corresponding to this, machine vision often requires micron levels of accuracy. [No, this is not true in general.]", "Autonomy – Automated Robot Programming [We are not so blue, so first of all: Auton™!!!™ Furthermore, this is related with our solution Adaptrobotics, but not with autonomous robotics nor with our Autobots.]", "[...] scope of motion control [...]", "[...] Software with an IQ [...] It uses sensor information [...] [This is interesting, because it infringes our copyright related with the trademark IQSense™.]", "It [(an AI feature)] is unlike any other technology. [This is a criminal marketing lie, because we do know about at least 2 further systems.]", "[...] learning on the fly [...] [This is the next copyright infringement due to the fact that we have this feature in our OntoBot software component by the links on the webpage Links to Software to the section Formal Verfication, especially to the on-the-fly model-checker for Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) called Spin, and to the section Intelligent/Cognitive Agent, which lists many agent architectures that are based on LTL as well. As we said, OntoLinux is one of our many absolutely outstanding ingenious systems that integrates all in one. Yes indeed, OntoLinux exhibits this incredible high density of features, and we do know that any other party that comes up with such a system must have infringed our copyright.]", "When a high degree of flexibility is required, traditional programming approaches fail. [This is not true even with traditional programming.]", "Greater variations require more and more rules, making artificial intelligence more complex, slower to react in real-time, and always a step behind new changes. [No, this is wrong, because if such an AI is carefully programmed, then only one or some few more new rules are needed only. Obviously, that company has no clue about logic programming and AI 1.], "[The company's AI system] is a new form of artificial intelligence that uses sensor information to learn. [No, this is wrong, and so we have here a criminal marketing lie. If it would be a new form, then it must have been stolen from the OntoLinux website, because OntoLinux and its software components OntoBot and OntoScope are not new but matured, obviously.]", "[... complex] patterns [...] [In the context, it points directly to the new science called by us Ontonics]", "The software is independent of any hardware, allowing it be used for a host of applications from data analysis to robot and motor control. [...] controls machines and robots [...] [Here we can see that that company is trying to steal a part of the application of OntoLinux with motorized vehicles as presented on the website of Style of Speed and in the section Robotics of the Innovation-Pipeline.]", "As a data analysis tool, [the AI system] is used for supply chain and manufacturing throughput analysis. The entire material flow can be analyzed to look for improvements. [The point here is not so easy to be seen, but in fact we have here the application of its AI system as a part of a management system of specific business processes which quality should be optimized. But this leads back to the point total quality management listed on the webpage Overview.]", "Shares learning from one machine with other connected machines [...] [This is a critical feature, because if it is based on wireless networking or/and internet technologies, then it is the next proof of its copyright infringement.]", "[...] mixed objects [...] [This was said do to the term mixed reality used with our OntoLinux. In this sense: "Maximize the Mixing™".]", "Operators interface with [the AI system] through a tailored, easy-to-use Graphical User Interface. [This is a copyright infringement, because it this user interface must have features of our Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) of OntoLinux and our Ontoscope.]", "Previous generations of artificial intelligence tend to be brittle and cumbersome. They require per-established, specific rules of action based on historical trends [(on a graphic it is said historical rules linked with logic) ...] Greater variations require more and more rules, making artificial intelligence more complex, slower to react in real-time, and always a step behind new changes. [At this point we would like to ask how its AI system truly works, which could be natural intelligence or more precisely emergent AI (AI 2) or machine learning only or both as AI 3 following the text and the content of the related graphic, because the company explains that it uses the sensor data only, analysis the complex patterns, and still has such a high flexibility to learn the found patterns. Said this, it seems neither to be an AI system, as we thought at first, nor truly flexible. Somehow, it is either not telling the truth or can't explain it, because then we would have the next evidence that it is indeed our OntoLinux. More important, if its control system has no logic inside, which is the point with the rules about which it is discussing in a negative way, and is so specific in its functioning, then its system is not future proof and leads to Nasty AI (compare with Friendly Artificial Intelligence). Even more, it is not "software with IQ" at all, because the control system is just a simple complex reactive system that simulates intelligent behaviour and learning. Somehow, it all sounds only like the next generation of old and common industrial robot technology used since several decades. And no logic means no semantic world wide web. The patents might be troll patents.]", "[...] chaotic environments [...] [The term is connected with the term singularity.]", "[...] fine-tuned [...] [No, no, no: Fine Tuning™!!!™]", "[...] learns to discern variation in quality [...]",
    From here on new:
    "It is the equivalent to a human’s intuitive learning process. [We think this is a misleading comparison. Even the claim that its AI system learns might be too much.]", "The software does not require pre-programmed dimensions, models, or reading of labels to recognize the object. Once learned, when the object is encountered again, [the AI system] remembers it, delivering efficient performance. [Despite that the metaphor is misleading again, the software must have somekind of a so-called trajector that functions as the goal or the direction for the learning process. This trajector makes the AI system highly specific, so that it is flexible in a very specific range only. Extending it by adding new ranges of application makes is even more difficult than using the traditional approaches.]", "[...] Spatial Vision™ [...] [We do not respect this trademark, because it is a common term in the fields of robotics in opposition to e.g. True 3D™, Fine Tuning™, and Simply Better™.]", "[...] real-time guidance of robots and machines [...]", "[...] using a wide variety of 3D sensors [...] [The statement is stolen from the description of our Ontoscope hardware and the related Active Trac system. Furthermore, the problems will rise, if the 3D sensors are based on our concepts and technologies, which some of its partners have already begun to steal, like the only stealing company Microsoft and most potentially Nvidia as well. Both companies will be investigated once again in the near future to also prove and document our claim made before. Besides this, the description of one of its partners is much better seen from being precise and correct.]", "True 3D [Repetitions will not change the fact: True 3D™.]", "Best price/performance of any 3D solution [This is not true.]", "[...] 3 objects [...] [In the context it is indeed the 3³ Theme by C.S..]", "[...] Neocortex™ [...] [We also will not respect this trademark, because on the one hand it is a term used in the fields of biology and bionics, like for example in artificial intelligence and robotics, and on the other hand by many other companies in the mentioned fields as well in the same way. Both arguments clearly prove, that it is a common term.]", "[...] fine tuning [...] [Repetitions will not change the fact: Fine Tuning™ Moreover, it proves the copyright infringement conducted by that company. Go away.]", "[...] complex motion control for high speed motion [...] [speech act]", "[...] run the wizard, take 15 snapshots of a pattern in the robot workcell, load a standard CAD file of your part, run the software ‘training’ step, and you’re ready to go [...] Object recognition by matching parts based on 3D shape [...] Uses standard [a company of Computer-Aided Design (CADs) software] DXF file for object recognition [It was claimed before that no model of the handled object is needed. Now, we do know that exemplary images of an object and CAD models stored in a specific file format (here DXF) are needed for the training process. But both are representation of models. Furthermore, this is not enough for self-learning as long as a huge knowledge base or better said model base is stored in the system and used as the trajectory mentioned in a related comment made before by us or as the company say for the "calibration", which is contradictory to the claims about self-learning made as well before by the company on its website.]", "[The AI system] was co-developed over seven years by NASA and [an u]niversity, and was funded by U.S. Department of Defense [(DoD)]. [But at another place on the website this sounded in a way that we got the impression that that company was a research partner of the NASA. In fact, what it did was simply to look at our webpage Links to Hardware, found there the link to the robot Robonaut by the NASA, went to the NASA, and adapted the AI software to the process of palletizing. So, now we do know as well why there was this little momentum in this specific field around 3 years ago and recently by the start of another robotic company.]", "[...] can interface to your C or C++ [...] [Surprisingly (not really), it is not based on the programming language C#.]", "Microsoft Windows 7 [...] Copyright © 2010 [We will take this information and date for the content of its website.]", "[...] multi-dimensional inspection of random objects [...] Spatial Vision Inspection connects and calibrates sensors and cameras, then generates an integrated spatial image, and analyzes the results [...] Inspects beyond 3D – to Multi-Dimension [Now, we have no doubts anymore that the multi-dimensional features are stolen from our n-Dimensional Operating System OntoLinux, because it is related with the Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE) subcomponent of the OntoScope software component and the OntoFS software component that can be implemented by using the SQLite library with "its interesting R-Tree extension, that "is a specialized data structure that supports fast multi-dimensional range queries"", as we already explained in the comment about the quoted statement that contains "Multi-D" (see also for example the Picture of the Day of the 16th of June 2008 that we have shown once again as one of the Pictures of the Day of the 5th of March 2012). Our view is also strengthened by the utilization of the terms "calibrates" and "integrated spatial image". Now, we have here the next clear convicting evidence for the copyright infringement.]", "[...] real-world qualities of objects [...]", "Multi-dimension Spatial Vision Inspection describes the entire surface of an object, whereas 3D inspection only defines specific dimensions of interest [...] [Firstly, this is nonsense. Secondly, that company has said itself that also other features . Thirdly, if this is what that defrauding company understands as multi-dimensional, then it is deliberately misleading of the public, because it stays a 3D inspection only, so that an explanation constitutes a criminal marketing lie.]", "[...] pattern recognition and geometric feature detection tools [...] [Here we have finally the term "geometric". We use this term as well in conjunction with the concept behind OntoLinux and our Caliber/Calibre mentioning A. Einstein and his general and special theories of relativity.]", "[...] augments [...] [No, it is not related with Augmented Reality (AR), but it proves that it copied as much key words from the OntoLinux website.]", "[...] structured light sensors, stereoscopic vision, and lasers [...] [Or said in other words, sensors already connected before with our Ontoscope hardware for example, and this even in the fields of robotics.]", "[...] fast multi-dimensional imaging [...] [This proves that it speaks about multi-dimensionality in the field of information analysis, which points to the OntoBot, and also in the field of visual information gathering, which points to the OntoScope, and in this way reflects the n-Dimensionality of OntoLinux. Said this, it is the next convicting evidence of its copyright infringement.]", "The best-known structured light sensor (infrared) is the Microsoft Kinect. [No, this is wrong, definitely, and so we have here an illegal claim. Furthermore, the whole issue with that company points directly to an illegal acting by that only stealing company Microsoft, which wants to steal now our intellectual properties in the field of robotics. But now it is not so easy anymore, as it was before the year 2006 when it has stolen C#, the operating system Singularity, and spec# and sing#.]", "In 2011, Universal Robotics was the first company to use the Microsoft Kinect structured light sensor to provide real-time 3D for an industrial application. [Despite we do think that this claim is not true as well, we got now a date, which was said due to the fact that we presented a similar technology for mobile application called MobileKinetic on the 28th of February 2011, and more sensor technologies like our light-field and wave-field sensors, as well as related techniques like our Structured Time-of-Light-Flight. But what the company and its partners overlooked are the facts that 3D displays and robotic systems based on the structured light technique mentioned here already existed before, and that we connected them with the other general features presented by the investigated company with our OntoLinux in the most flexible way which comprises its solution just form the start in the end of 2006. If no other proof can be delivered by that company and its partners, then more or less, or even all of its solution is taken from our websites with some few exception like the basic control software and AI of the NASA robot Robonaut.]", "Stereoscopic vision [...] [Needless to say, that this is an Ontoscope feature.]", "Line lasers generate multi-dimensional point clouds [...] [So, why use the kinetic technology by Microsoft at all? In fact, such a laser array and 1 or 2 cameras are much better suited for industrial use than the toy and must not cost much more.]", "Spatial Vision Inspection blends many modes of sensors [...] [This was also stolen from the description of our Ontoscope hardware.]", "[...] processing of point clouds [...] [But shown is a cube of cubes that reminds us of Lego® bricks. But to be honest, we have had this impression with another point cloud processing software library as well. Somehow, our cubic approach with the Lego bricks seems to be better than the common approach based on point clouds, as it is done with Microsofts Kinetic toy. Said this, this sharpens the white line between our handling of visual informations as geometric shapes in space in contrast to 1-dimensional points. By the way: We might investigate in the future an university from the B.R.D. which implemented the mentioned point cloud processing software library.]", "[...] structured light sensors that capture a point cloud [...] sensors are generating point clouds [...] [This is now clarified and documented. At this point, we would like to mention as well that Microsoft uses a specific structured light technique. Eventually, there are time of flight sensors as well by its partner companies, but definitely not light-field or wave-field sensors. And if there is a hole in our argumentation, then we argument on the next level, as we did already in our comments.]", "[...] automated robot programming software [...] automating the process of creating jobs[/tasks ...] [Sadly to say here again (not really), this is a feature that our OntoBot has by incorporating the SIM_AGENT - SimAgent TOOLKIT.]", "The software can work with any robot from any manufacturer. All the software requires is an accurate CAD model of the robot. [The specific issue here is is not so easy to see, but it is as well a feature of OntoLinux. The said software combines as well computer-aided software engineering tools with reflection, as we mentioned both on the webpage Overview, which in this case is given by the circumstance that the robot running the software is using its own model/virtual mirror image in this way. Right? Yes, it is a reflective feature of the software, and so this statement is the next absolutely clear evidence of its copyright infringement. Clever formulated, but not clever enough.]", "Automatic generation of inverse kinematics of the joint angles [...] Automatic collision avoidance between arms, between peripheral devices, and between tools [...] Geometric modeling and creation of motion schema of the robot, system, and environment for testing [...] Model directly translated into motor control of the robot [This is related with the quote and its comment made before. Indeed, we only waited for such a feature description, because here we have some features that are based on reflection and related with our Caliber/Calibre, and in this way again with our OntoLinux.]", "[...] with world class non-recurring engineering (NRE) services [...] [Obviously, this is a marketing lie.]", "Other Typical Mechanical & Electrical Sensors [...]", "3D Point Cloud Analysis", "Machine Learning [...] Closed Loop Control, Supervised/Unsupervised learning, Reinforcement learning [So, now our guess has been confirmed: Its AI system is a special Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that belongs to AI 2 with all of its problems like being a black box that only in the simplest cases can be verified mathematically and so it runs sooner or later into the problems of the scalability problem and the Nasty AI, that led us to the combination of AI 1 and AI 2 to AI 3. Indeed, it fits perfectly together with Microsofts Kinetic toy, because it is the technology of toy robots with a scaled up quantity for industrial use, but still with the same quality. To be honest: Its a nice concept, but of the year 2004 and not 2012 anymore.]", "Partners [...] Microsoft via the Kinetic for Windows Technology Adoption Program [for stealing the application of its kinetic toy in the field of robotics, but only 1 specific structured light technique and not the also stolen MultiKinetic of us, no MobileKinetic which was stolen by another robotic company, Nvidia, no wave-field computing and sensing of any kind (light, ray, sound, and so on), NASA, Robonaut was referenced which was stolen from the seciton Robotics of the Links to Hardware webpage, Verizone for stealing our unique wireless network approaches based on WiMAX and mobile/cell phone communication standards as explainde in the Clarification #2 of the 6th October 2012, MV Center Sp. for stealing the integration of the total quality management system listed on the webpage Overview, ...]", "Partners Portal [This is a further evidence that further contents of our website was stolen that is not directly connected with the fields of robotics.]", "Real-time Gesture Control using the 3D Point Cloud", and "[A team member] is also an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at [an] university [...]. He has over fifty publications [...]. Well regarded among his peers in robotics, he has been a member of the NASA Robonaut research team [...] [The competencies so far a clear, but why does he came up with this solution years after we started officially OntoLinux and not in 2000 for example. The point with the point cloud processing was never such a problem at all. We give the answer in the closing comment below.]".
    Its system is essentially nothing else than the AI software of the humanoid robot Robonaut by the NASA, DoD, and some research institutes, that was extended with our technologies of OntoLinux like the n-/multi-dimensionality, the Ontoscope with its range of sensors for a wide range of electromagnetic frequencies and modes as well as their blending, and its application in 2 and 3 dimensions and for so-called kinetic concepts based on structured light in the fields of robotics. This investigative case also reflects some aspects of the case of the company Rethinking Robotics documented in the Investigation::AI and Knowledge management, and Robotics of the 11th of October 2012, and with a similar high criminal energy. In fact the whole business has one single business strategy, which is to steal our intellectual properties with the support of its partners. Furthermore, we have drawn a clear white line with the comments of the quoted text passages and the Clarification #2 of the 6th of October 2012 that hold for every company in the field of robotics. In this conjunction, we see for example that that company has no semantic world wide web, light-field and wave-field, and further functionality described, which is the case for all the other companies, as well as one of the many undeniable evidences of a copyright infringement. The quotes and comments by us speak their own clear language in relation to the result of this investigative case: Convicted!!!™

    We demand the worldwide media not to report about the company Universal Robotics, because it has infringed our copyright related with the our software system Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux with its components OntoBot and OntoScope, our Ontoscpe hardware architecture and platform with its application, specifically in 3 dimensions and using sensor techniques with structured light, and with related projects in the field of sensors described in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics. Besides this, it has stolen trademarks created by us. Practically, the company has not developed own inventions.
    Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht mehr über das Unternehmen Universal Robotics zu berichten, weil es unser Urheberrecht bezüglich unserem HochtechnologieBetriebsSystem (HBS) OntoLinux mit seinen Komponenten OntoBot und OntoScope, unserer Ontoscope Hardware-Architekture und -Plattform mit seinen Anwendung, speziell in 3 Dimensionen und Sensortechniken mit strukturiertem Licht nutzend, sowie mit Projekten im Bereich von Sensoren, die in der Innovationswarte- und -abarbeitungsschlange von Ontonics beschrieben sind. Das Unternehmen hat praktisch keine eigene Innovationen entwickelt.

    We would like to ask the prosecutors in the U.S.A., as well as in the Swiss and in further European and Asian states that they already reservate enough time and space for their investigations.

    *** Ready ***

  • Rethinking Robotics: We investigated that company the first time on the 11th of October 2012 found out today the following: Rodney Brooks, who is known from the works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and founder of the company Rethinking Robotics, has copied the work "Ein elastisch angetriebener Roboterarm==An elastically driven robot arm" by Bernhard Möll that is stored in our archive since the year 2000 under bionics project. The original document shows a robot arm with springs between the drive motors and the joints, balls as hands, and a shape that looks exactly like the arms of the robot uBot5 by the University of Massachusetts, which we have shown in the Originals vs. Inspiration on the 9th of April 2008 and which by the way features a monitor as a head like the robot Baxter of the company Rethinking Robotics. The original document also mentions some of the advantages that R. Brooks presents in a way, as if this solution would be his innovation. If we take the already mentioned illegal clone of our OS, HOS, and cDOS OntoLinux, the robot capabilities, the elastically driven robot arm, and the monitor head together, then we can't found any innovation by that company at all, but have a bunch of serious questions.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    After we thought again about the new exterior design for the model Apollo I by the manufacturer Gumpert we came to the two options:
    1. Further development of the original design, which has matured in the last years more and more.
    2. New development of the design by taking the racer design shown below as an in, which fits perfectly because it was made for a similar automobile, and adding eventually head- and taillights from a model by the marque Audi, if the latter will not limit our internal plan of the model range.
    We also do recommend to redesign the fuel tank (see for example the model Carrera GT by the marque Porsche) or to look for another position, and then to redesign the tubular frame for getting wider doors by shifting the related tubes to the rear by around 12 cm +/- 3 cm (very roughly estimated), which is possible without destroying the geometry and statics of the frame. Eventually, some additional tubes or metal sheets can simply be added.

    Ultimative Racer
    © :I

    We made no link to the designer, because we were not referenced by the other side as well in the past.

    Furthermore, like the concept of a little Bugatti model based on the platform of the model Gallardo by the marque Audi→Lamborghini (see also the webpage of our conversion Gallardo III BB), we are looking on a similar concept that follows the development of the model Veyron by Bugatti in the opposite direction, which means that we take now the Veyron for the development of the model Hunaudières by the marque Bentley that would feature the Veyron chassis with drivetrain, the original exterior design overworked by us with a new rear, and headlights and the grille face panel in the actual Bentley style.

    In the same way as the conversions Little Bugatti respectively Lam- borghini Gallardo EB and Bugatti Hunaudières, we have also made the already discussed conversion of the model R8 by the marque Audi as part of the proposed Apollo series, which eventually is called R8 GT Speed and follows the exterior design of the Hunaudières with the grille face panel and headlights of the model Continental GT or one of the other models by the marque Bentley.
    To this conversion a second conversion was added, that could be called RS8, is an overwork of the concept car R8 V12 TDI by using the side design elements of the acutal model, front design elements and headlights of either the model RS6, S7, S8, or TT RS Plus, or a mixture of them, the characteristic (urquattro) fender extensions and wheels, like e.g. with the 5 arm rotor design, and some more modifications at the tail, and the other parts of the exterior and the interior. A similar model is our RA.
    As engines for both models the already suggested V12 TDI and the W12 engines would be very interesting due to their sound.

    We also said something about a narrowed R8, but a comparison with the models TT and A1 gave as the results a gain of around 9 to 17 cm only. So, we thought we need a more radical solution, which is the mix of the R8 Spyder as the rolling platform and the exterior of the concept car Urban concept or the XL1. For sure, this yields in a truly narrowed version of the R8 that is exactly after our taste.

    The next concept is based on the idea to take the Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) drivetrain of the model FF by the marque Ferrari for a Super Bee! with the mid-engine configuration.

    And for rounding up the Further steps of today we show images of 2 design studies, to which the sketches by Adam Flay belong, that we would like to mix for the special conversion of a Ferrari model announced some days ago and named F7X or Neo today, though we have now the comfortable problem that the mixing would fit for the model 458 Italia in the same way as for the upcoming new model known under the name F70. Most potentially, we have now for both 2 models a conversion, and we are also thinking about a New Energy Sports Car (NESCar) conversion with hybrid drivetrain besides the utilization of a Brake Energy Recovery System (BERS).

    Adam Flay Sketches
    Painting → SOS Neo or F7XRendering → SOS Neo or F7X
    © Adam Flay and Victor U.

    The sketches by A. Flay would have been enough already, but we thought we should give the whole endeavour the right kick.
    Besides this, we would like to mention the following: We named the first designer, despite his design has some essential lines of the models B! and D!, but with showing and reusing his sketches we will leave it as it is.
    The second designer was not named by us, because he has taken the "organic, yet simple shape" of our airship of the swarm concept for the passenger compartment of his design study of a Ferrari shown above, as his key sketches prove that he even publicated on 3:33 PM, shamelessly plagiarized our Elettoro, aka. Apollo Speed-E (SE), as the project "Lambo based on Audi's E-tron package", which in fact is not Audi's but our Elettoro and RE, what that person does know very well, took our Style of Speed website for a Ferrari Spaceship due to the SOS logo and the section Spaceship, has stolen further contents and concepts from our websites without referencing, did some very suspicious actings in the past about we wondered at first and thought to be happenstances, but only until we found his blog, and even referenced instead other defrauding designers, like the one related with a design study for an only stealing small car manufacturer with ties to the international racing circus. The latter points are for us even more absurde due to the fact that he is as well a victim of thefts of his own intellecutal properties and seems to get no job. Furthermore, the acting of a design team to which he belonged raises some similar questions about respecting other properties. Said this, we can only give the advice to the second designer that he goes away and will come back only after he has cleaned his blog, cleaned the internet from his mess, and added the missing informations in the world wide web. By the way: The whole automotive industry does know how his character truly is.
    To be honest: This is already the second reaction to the actings by one of this anarchic design punks. The first reaction was a legal derivation of a concept by him based on magnetic levitation (maglev) that we described by combining our irail and ipad, berail and bepad, and raylev technologies to the different versions of the intelligent Rail levitation (iRailev) technology.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We would like to present the matrix of the different discussed possiblities of the conversion RS8 in form of the first very dirty doodles:

    Volkswagen→Audi R8 V12 TDI ∧ TT RS ∧ S6 → SOS RS8Volkswagen→Audi R8 V12 TDI ∧ TT RS ∧ S8 → SOS RS8
    Volkswagen→Audi R8 V12 TDI ∧ TT RS ∧ S6 → SOS RS8Volkswagen→Audi R8 V12 TDI ∧ TT RS ∧ S8 → SOS RS8
    © Audi and Style of Speed

    Alternatively, a grille face panel, air intakes, and splitter of the other models of the S line and RS line by the factory can be used, like e.g. RS4, RS5, RS6, S7, and S8, though the doodle matrix show most of the range of the different design elements. Keep in mind that the same was already described for the tail and that some proportions and positions may not be correct with the real components and the final results.

    Comment of the Day
    Maglev bearing™
    Active bearing
    Biodiesel injection™
    Biomass injection™
    Biomasse injection™
    Turbo biodiesel injection™
    Turbo biomass injection™
    Turbo biomasse injection™

    Ontonics Website update
    We added the not so new project:

  • Maglev Bearing

    to our Innovation-Pipeline (see also the project HyperBearing).

    Style of Speed Website update
    After some fraudsters already understood around 3 years ago how our combination of the As-Wheel Active Motor and the Stroetmann Wheel must function due to the only possible general construction, we added to the description of the Active Differential #3, the HyperArchitecture, the phrase "which in this combination functions like a linear motor and uses the magnetic levitation like a maglev train, and in this way is even frictionless".

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We would like to present more doodles of the matrix of the different discussed possiblities of the conversion RS8 in form of the next very dirty doodles:

    Volkswagen→Audi R8 V12 TDI ∧ S6 → SOS RS8Volkswagen→Audi R8 V12 TDI ∧ S6 ∧ S8 → SOS RS8
    © Audi and Style of Speed

    And we got something else while in doodle mood:

    Volkswagen→Audi R8 → Audi RSQ Concept → Visual Limits R8 RSQ → SOS R8 GT → SOS R8 LM and Audi R8 GT3 ∧ S6 → SOS RS8 GT
    Volkswagen→Audi R8 → Audi RSQ Concept → Visual Limits R8 RSQ → SOS R8 GT → SOS R8 LM and Audi R8 GT3 ∧ S6 → SOS RS8 GTVolkswagen→Audi R8 → Audi RSQ Concept → Visual Limits R8 RSQ → SOS R8 GT → SOS R8 LM and Audi R8 GT3 ∧ S6 → SOS RS8 GT
    © Audi and Style of Speed

    Again, the proportions and positions, and lines and slits are not the finals and may be incorrect, as it can be seen with the too large single frame grille, but it will be directly clear how it must look like when drawing with precision. We would also like to mention that the new elements of the actual grilles shown in the 2 images with the red RS8 could be used for the air outlets at the rear as well.

    And we got something else while in doodle mood, but this time it is the A * B * B * L * P * S/Audi * Bentley * Bugatti * Lamborghini * Porsche * SOS series and its model Audi Ultron, and a sneak preview on the model Lamborghini Aventador Jota or SuperElemento:

    Volkswagen→Audi R18 TDI ∧ XL1 → SOS A * B * B * L * P * S Series
    Volkswagen→Audi R15 TDI ∧ R18 TDI E-tron ∧ Urban Concept → SOS Ultron
    Volkswagen→Audi R15 TDI ∧ XL1 TDI → SOS A * B * B * L * P * S Series
    Volkswagen→Audi R15 TDI ∧ R18 TDI ∧ Urban Concept → SOS A * B * B * L * P * S Series
    © Audi and Style of Speed

    Especially made for outstripping McLarens in the 'Yoohoo, we'll make you famous' version.

    Comment of the Day

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We have updated our model TE by integrating technical and aesth- etical features of the concept car eT! by Volkswagen and its and ours multimedia and robotic systems.
    In a subsequent step, we have developed the new model ETE which is the concept car eT! by Volkswagen with technical and aesthetical features of our model TE for transporting persons instead of pack- ages.
    Based on the updated model TE and the new model ETE we went on and created our next taxi models called Taxi!, and eTaxi, eTaxi! or eTax! following the taxi conversion of our model Tan based on the model Touran by Volkswagen and our taxi conversion Cabby™ in the special and exclusive NYC cab style based on the model Caddy by Volkswagen (see also the case of the government of New York City in the Investigations::Car #319 of the 5th of May 2011) by integrat- ing the concept cars Milano Taxi, London Taxi, and Berlin Taxi based on the up! platform with electric drivetrain by Volkswagen as well. The New York, Los Angeles, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokio, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, London, Milano, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, and other vers- ions of capitels and metropolis do not feature the specific colour schemes only, but also the characteristic style and design elements, like e.g. the taxi light on top of the roof and the grille face panel in the case of the London taxi version.

    Comment of the Day
    "Freedom of press does not mean anarchy of journalism.", [C.S., Today]

    OntoLab and OntoLinux Further steps
    Last week we took a further look again on the display server frame- work Wayland, especially on the Qt based 3D Maze compositor that renders a 3D maze using Qt and brings in some Wolfenstein 3D elem- ents, as well as on the new compositor Green Island that uses Qt, QtCompositor, QtQuick, and QML.
    The first thought was that Wayland sounds familiar in relation to what we designed at the end of the year 2005 in relation to the in- tegration of the X Window System/X11 and OpenGL, and to desktop environment frameworks.
    The second thought was that the Qt 3D Maze has something of our OntoScope software component.
    The third thougt was to go on by following the development of 3D game engines, as we did for the development of the OntoScope component, by integrating the range of the id Tech engines used for computer games like Doom, Quake, and Half-Live, related ones like the GoldSrc engine, and so on.
    The fourth thought made today is to put it directly into our Boot to Web (B2W) Cloud Operating Systems (COSs) by using the support of the WebKit software library of Wayland through e.g. WebKitGTK+ and WebGL, which is done in general for the accelerated Epiphany web browser.
    The fifth thought was to take Blender for this as well. Further consid- erations are to put the whole OntoScope running on this display server as well, and if this should be done with our without using the upcoming XWayland.
    And the sixth thought is related with the hardware side by using our upgraded QT 3D Game Engine compositor that is ideally used with large displays, like for example electric tapestries, our LaserPaper and LaserPaper, our range of Image Display 2.0, specifically the Las- er Image Display 2.0, our eVSG technology, our Beamicle devices, our Sp@ce concept as well as related technologies used within the fields of intelligente architecture, automotive multimedia, and robot- ics to name some examples.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    For getting a better impression about what we talked yesterday in conjunction with the ETE based taxi concept we would like to show the following collage:

    Volkswagen→up! → London Taxi ∧ eT! ∧ Style of Speed → SOS eTax!Volkswagen→up! → Berlin Taxi ∧ eT! ∧ Style of Speed → SOS eTax!
    Volkswagen→up! ∧ eT! ∧ Style of Speed → SOS eTax!
    Volkswagen→up! → Hong Kong Taxi ∧ eT! ∧ Style of Speed → SOS eTax!Volkswagen→up! → Milano Taxi ∧ eT! ∧ Style of Speed → SOS eTax!
    © Volkswagen and Style of Speed

    Comment of the Day
    Future on wheels™
    New power™
    Smart Energy™
    Smart power™

    OntoLab and OntoLinux Further steps
    We have developed a new User Interface (UI) concept with desktop environment framework that is based on the so-called Modern UI design derived from subway stations, but has different versions in close concert with the HTML5, XML, and XAML standards, so that a tile is basically like an application window or a tab of a web browser without frame. The 2D version features multimedia tiles showing also all kinds of typographies, images in motion, and videos, which means that they are not only so-called live tiles updated on notification, while the 2.5D version uses the isometric perspective and has cubes, rectangular bodies, and other three-dimensional shapes instead of plane tiles (see also the Picture of the Day of the 18th of October 2012), and finally the 3D version. Furthermore, each tile or body can be a portal/2.5 or 3D hyperlink that leads to another area, that is connected with all the other areas in an n-dimensional space, as it is known from for example the Croquet software development kit. For sure, the Lego® metaphor is also envisoned for all versions of our subway desktop environment framework. Also, this could be easily implemented with the display server framework Wayland, especially with the QT-based 3D Maze compositor discussed in the Further steps of the 24th of October 2012 (yesterday).

    Besides optimizing issues related with file systems, we are looking at some few technical and not really serious problems with hybrids of file database management systems that are generally related with atomic respectively transactional processing, (light weight) barriers, journaling, ordered execution respectively command queuing, and further techniques, and specifically related with the file systems ext2, ext3, ext4, and btrfs, and the database library SQLite.

    Ontonics Website update
    We have added the description of the concept:

  • HyperCycle@Home/Stroetmann-Cycle@Home

    to the Innovation-Pipeline.

    Style of Speed Website update
    Two days ago discussed the first time (see the Further steps of the 23rd of October 2012), yesterday shown in a conceptual collage, and already today officially started: We have set up the new web- page of our model ETE in the section Electric Multi-Purpose Vehicle & Van. In this conjunction, we are pleased to present many new spec- ial areas of utilization based on the original concept vehicle eT! by the manufacturer Volkswagen.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We are looking at the fuel cell powertrain technologies by the manu- facturers Volkswagen and Daimler for rework, reconstruction, opti- mization, and utilization, as well as integration with our Looped Fuel Cell technology and further hybrid drivetrains.
    In this connection, we already combined on a conceptual level our New Energy Sports Car (NESCar) architecture based on the electric components of the hybrid drivetrain used by the manufacturer General Motors for the models Volt and Opel Ampera, and the hybrid fuel cell powertrains by the manufacturers Volkswagen and Daimler. For sure, this extended NESCar architecture with its New Energy Car (NECar) and Smart Energy Car (SECar) platforms can be used for other electric vehicles as well, like E-City Cars, E-SUVs & E-SUTs, and E-MPVs & E-Vans.

    *** Beautifying mode***

  • KDE and Basyskom: For its Plasma Active software bundle the developers have stolen essential features from the website of OntoLinux, that are described on the webpages of possible Applications and the Ontologic File System (OntoFS). The website contents says the following: "[...] all types of tablets, smartphones and touch computing devices such as settop boxes, smart TVs, home automation or in-vehicle infotainment [...]", "[...] ustomizable and modular [...]", "[...] beautiful surface [...] [This was copied from the description of our P@d 2.0, like Microsoft did it as well in the same field of tablet computer.]", "[...] a design completely rethought for the best experience on modern ultraportables [...] [First of all, it was not completely rethought by the founders and the supporters of that project. Furthermore, we have here a direct link to our trademarks Ultratablet™ and Ultrapad™, which constitutes another aspect of the copyright infringement.]", "[...] planning [...], organizing [...] or entertaining [...]", "[...] adapts to your life [...]", "Files is a new default application in Plasma Active. It is a file manager, but, unlike most others, it isn't based on folders; rather users can search for documents by file type, creation time and semantic information such as Tags. Files does not use the file system directly; it organizes documents with [a project led by a defrauding research institute], Plasma Active's underlying semantic engine. [This is not quite true. True is, that it is related with our Ontologic File System (OntoFS) by at least 2 ontologies that were created as an defrauding and also criminal attempt by a project leading research institute from the B.R.D., as we do know. Moreover, the members of the project of the underlying semantic engine belong to a group that has spied out our company over a periode of several years and is the result of that spying. It was officially convicted by the creation of the 2 ontologies, which are strongly related with the contents of the website of OntoLinux, like the listed project Semantic Linux and the ontology-based operating system with an also ontology-based (semantic) desktop respectively ontologic desktop. Stay away from that semantic engine and come to OntoLinux if you want to be on the legal side, because it is highly likely that the responsible persons get problems with the prosecutor in the B.R.D. and perhaps further European countries, and on the future proof side, because the project lacks so much technologies, like for example the components OntoFS, OntoBot, and OntoScope, and will be incompatible with OntoLinux, definitely.]", "Okular [...] [Obviously, we have here a name that has also a relation to visual instruments like our OntoScope software component.]", "Mer is the leading openly developed Linux-based OS for mobile devices. [No, this is wrong. Mer is a project that is the rest of the two failed attempts by the companies Intel with its Moblin OS and Nokia with its Maemo OS, and with their joint venture by combining Moblin and Maemo to the MeeGo OS to steal OntoLinux by Linux-based operating systems. Besides this, we still would like to mention: Mobile Device™. Plasma Active is now the next attempt by the company Nokia, which for this already bought the company Trolltech some years ago, which is the founder of the QT toolkit. It seems to be that Nokia has not given up this attempt despite it has become a partner of the company Microsoft some months ago, as it is also proved by a quick look on the website of the defrauding company Basyskom and the launch of the Mer operating system.]", "With the size of the Core OS reduced to the bare essentials, Mer delivers performance. [Obviously, it tries to follow as well our operating system designs, because with this statement our OntoL4 component is meant, as well as other operating system architectures owned or referenced by us.]", "[...] use of Qt5 and KDE Frameworks 5 [...] [This statement is not directly relevant with our investigation, but we have to inform our beloved readers that until now the KDE framework project has been making plans for an eventual transition to Qt5 only, and a main developer of the compositing window manager of the KDE framework clearly said last week that KDE needs at least a further year to support natively a specific display framework after it was announced for January 2012, and while doing this it has run into a very serious problem related with its fundamental architecture. So much to the road map and its future. At this point we can only repeat: Stay away and come to us from OntoLinux where you will find the true Hightech Competence™ and not the usual hot air, empty words, and blah blah blah, as well as criminal actings.]", "Check it out! [This slogan is very critical, but we do not explain today why for good reasons.]", "[...] Qt [...] uses existing Free desktop technology [...]", "Collaboration [...] [see the webpage Overview]", "[...] designed around the web, social networks and multimedia content [...]", "Project Vision [In the context it is indeed more than a simple speech act stealing.]", "[...] deeply integrates concepts of sharing, connecting and uploading various artifacts of the user's digital environment [...]", "[...] replaces a centralized app-store model with a peer-to-peer-based web of trust of creators and consumers [...] [For example, stolen combination of OntoLinux and Castel in the Cloud.]", "[...] 091011 [...]", "[...] beautiful [...]", "[...] new and innovative usage paradigm [...]", "[...] using adaptive activities and intelligent recommendations [...] context-sensitive user interface that adapts to current context, context-sensitive user interface that adapts to current context, current activities and behavioral patterns of the user [...] [compare with webpage Applications]", "[...] data-centric user interface which is not concerned with applications but rather offers intelligently combined data through a context-sensitive recommendation manager [...] [stolen from the webpages Ontologic File System (OntoFS) and Applications, and section Intelligent/Cognitive Interface of the webpage Links to Software]", "[...] all kind of devices like Tablets, Smartphones, in-car or Set Top Boxes [...] [stolen from the webpage Links to Hardware of the website of OntoLinux, and related project descriptions liste in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics]", "We have a proof-of-concept working on certain hardware, with a basic working shell, but an incomplete set of key applications. [As in the case of the tablet computer. In fact, this is a characteristic pattern of behaviour of fraudsters, who do not know what to steal next. We have seen it so many times in the last 10 years that there is no doubt. And this mess as well as the mess around the open tablet computer gives us right already. Busted!!!™]", "Our Vision [This is a lie, because it is our vision behind OntoLinux. Besides this, this refers to the OntoLab, the Lab of Visions.]", "Activities and Recommendations [...]", "[...] combine the available data with personal usage patterns and context information [...] [In fact, as it can be seen by further quotes and comments this is stolen from the webpages Ontologic File System (OntoFS) and Applications, and section Intelligent/Cognitive Interface of the webpage Links to Software.]", "[...] different entry points for different situations and contexts, called activities [... that] can contain different resources like files, contacts, applications, informations etc. The system provides smart recommendations based on the current context like the current geo location, time but also the current activity, active files and applications or recent action history [Here we also have the section Geography of the webpage Links to Software as well as a link to the Caliber/Calibre by the aspect of time and space (geo location).]", "So the provided resources depend not only on the context, but also on the previous behaviour of the user. The system tries to learn those patterns and adjust them to the users' needs in every situation. [And again Applications, and section Intelligent/Cognitive Interface.]", "The context includes all the information that can be gathered from the sensors like: Current geo location[,] Time[,] Surrounding sounds[,] Movement of the user[,] Current activity[,] Active files and applications[,] Recent action history (conceptually the whole history can be taken into account - the further away an action is the less relevant it is) [...] [And again the contents of the webpages Applications and Caliber/Calibre, inclusive multimodality and a hidden but still direct link to horology, because movement is another term used for a calibre of a watch.]", "Behavioral Patterns [...] Input for the patterns are the context and the actions the user takes. [...] [Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) and the Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes (CALO) listed in the section Intelligent/Cognitive Interface.]", "The activity is the static part of the user context. [And we did thought that activities are dynamic by definition.]", "Actions, applications and resources have a certain distance to an activity. [This is a hidden link to some kind of a geometric system, as explained by us before in relation with the Caliber/Calibre.]", "[...] system can suggest [...]", "But the system will never create activities automatically. [So, what do they want to steal next then? Some funny icons form Windows?]", "[...] complex rules [...] [Somehow this reminds us of rules used with logic programming and in this way of the OntoBot software component.]", "Recommendations are propositions [...] [Here we have finally a combination of the Applications and the OntoBot.]", "Based on the detected patterns (selflearning) and likes of the user (manually) [...] [So, so, a selflearning agent. And what comes next, a reflective agent?]", "[...] relation between resources (information, documents, applications etc) and activities [...] [Has the reader seen it? It is a direct link to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) or at least to linked data, and in this way to the Ontologic File System (OntoFS)]", "[...] User context[:] Location[,] Time[,] Actions in proximity [...] [Again, we have here the space-time aspect again and in this way a link to the Caliber/Calibre.]", "[...] applications fully integrated with the [user interface ...]", "[...] high technical quality [...] [In fact, this is not true, because the software quality has not become better in the last years.]", "[...] separates visualization and data [...] [This is aka. the Model View Controller (MVC) approach.]", "[...] interchangeable user interface [...] [Should this be a clever design, or an evidence that either the responsible person do not know what UI they should take or that they want to copy them all.]", "No use of traditional, widget-based menu-, tool- and statusbars [...]", "[...] in-flight entertainment [...] [stolen concept]", "[...] onto tablets [...] [Go away.]", "[...] high-quality applications [...] [This is more than a simple speech act stealing.]", and "Marble To Go [-] Mobile geolocation and navigation app. [This has been stolen from the he section Geography of the webpage Links to Software as well.]".
    Furthermore, we do see a heart on one of the screenshots, and have some questions: What comes next besides the already mentioned features? Perhaps a 3D user interface, or what? And what does the responsible persons think how its defrauding actings continue, because the white line has been crossed several times already? To make it clear, this holds for both the software and the hardware. Active result: Convicted!!!™

    Btw.: Do not believe the fairy tales related with that open tablet computer. We heard the same story around 20 times in the last 10 years and none of these endeavours succeeded. In addition, 2 referenced manufacturers of tablet computers were already busted by us, because one manufacturer was a giant criminal hoax by some fraudsters (see the case of Neofonie & 4tiitoo →WePad in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 13th and 29th of April 2010), which even is now imitated by Aaron Seigno and obviously by Eva Brucherseifer, and the other manufacturer has been officially convicted in relation with a large discounter in the B.R.D. (see the case of Lidl in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 26th of September 2012) and also inofficially by us of imitating only our business unit intelliTablet.

    We demand the worldwide media not to report about the project Plasma Active of the KDE Community and the company basysKom, which is developed by for example Aaron Seigno, and should be used with a tablet computer, becauce the concepts and technologies were stolen from the websites of OntomaX, OntoLinux and intelliTablet among others.
    Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht über das Projekt Plasma Active der KDE Community und dem Unternehmen basysKom zu berichten, das zum Beispiel von Aaron Seigno entwickelt wird und für einen Tablet-Computer genutzt wird, da die Konzepte und Technologie unter anderem von unseren Web-Auftritten OntomaX, OntoLinux und intelliTablet gestohlen wurde.

    Comment of the Day

    Ontonics Website update
    We updated the description of our e-dashboard by adding the links to our technologies of the eLSG/eVSG@Car, the LaserPaper, and the multi-layer/stacked 3D displays.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We updated the webpage of our streetlegal model 9! by mentioning in the caption of the image, which shows the interior with the glass cockpit, the Laser Image Display 2.0 for clarification, and adding the LaserGlass as new technology.

    Comment of the Day
    "Androgynous cyborg", [C.S., Yesterday]
    Said in conjunction with a report about androgyny in arts, especially photography and filming, design, especially fashion, and commerce, especially marketing, and the next step of transhumanism as des- cribed by Isaac Asimov.

    Investigations::Car #364

  • Volkswagen→Audi U.S.A. and Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy: After the marque and the research institute presented a mul- timedia system called Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA) that in its first generation combined some kind of an animated interior ro- bot head with an artificial emotional behaviour placed into the dash- board of automobiles, which is a concept that has been copied from the webpage of the Active Interior components by Style of Speed that are powered by OntoLinux and utilizes technologies by Roboticle (see the related case in the Investigations::Car #190 of the 16th of November 2009), they presented in the May of 2011 an updated version of the project called AIDA 2.0. The first point to mention is that the second generation of the project has nothing in common with robotics anymore, but now with other concepts and technolo- gies taken as well from our websites of Ontonics, OntoLinux, and Style of Speed that are documented below, so that it is proven now by this deflection of focus that the goal of the participating entities of the joint project AIDA is not to develop a specific technology, but to deliberately steal our intellectual properties following a general method, even if seen from a purely objective point of view, which is strengthened by nearly all of the other documented unpleasant act- ings by both parties.
    In detail, the AIDA 2.0 system is described in 2 related videos pre- sented by the project members as a "predictive in-car recommend- ation system based on real-time driver and city profiling", that is "in sync with what really happens around [the driver and the passengers] with a map that comes alive", "visualizing photos", "knowing everything around [the driver and the passengers] as [she, he, or they] move through the city", so that [the driver and the passengers] are "finding [the multimedia contents] right in front of [them] on the dashboard" by controlling the display and "navigating the data with simple hand gestures". On a website it is also described in a report with the title "3D, interactive dashboard car navigation" as a system that is based on "3D graphics projectors to display an interactive map on a dashboard of a car" creating a "virtual display" that "uses the whole of the car's dashboard and side mirrors to display and relay information". The navigation system itself functions by using a "location-destination-waypoint model and analyzing drivers behavior will identify goals the driver would like to achieve. That means it tries to help [the driver and the passengers] locate [what she/he/they] like [...]. It will be as well connected will social networks so that the driver [and the passengers] will be informened not only about places nearby that may be of particular interest [(Point Of Interest (POI))] but as well about people, friends and family. Furthermore, "It's designed to learn [the] driving habits [of its driver], preferred destinations, and typical routes. It offers [the driver] advice for [her/his] trip by determining [her/his] objectives and goals. It learns things like [her/his] favorite [destinations] and activities and will make suggestions to [her/his] based upon your favorites.
    With the descriptions of our solutions listed below and the following informations it should be easy for our readers to understand the case. Said this, on our side the following contents, concepts, and technologies, and their integration are relevant:
    OntoLinux, and its applications and utilization in vehicles, inclusive
    3D displaying techniques,
    Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI™),
    intelligent learning agent and recommender system, and
    as well as
    Laser-based NanoProjector™,
    eVSG→eLSGeVSG™/eVSG™@Car, and
    Laser Image Display 2.0,
    and also
    Active Components™, especially
    Active Trac™,
    Active Suspension™, and
    Active Interior™.
    In addition, it is also important to know that before we developed the related solutions, the marque Fiat→Maserati presented the concept car Birdcage 75th, that features a dashboard based on projection technology, little cameras and monitors as rear view mirrors, and at that time common mobile/cell phone connectivity but without internet and integration with the dashboard. With the start of the derived model 9! by Style of Speed we extended its display and communication systems with 3D displaying technologies, Augmented Reality (AR), gesture control, which by the way led later to the descriptions of our eVSG and eVSG@Car, as well as our Laser Image Display 2.0 technologies and the related claims by us (see also the Investigations::Multimedia Human Machine Interface Special of the 13th of July 2012), AutoSemantic, and intelligent learning agent and recommender system due to the utilization of OntoLinux. AR was also presented with the Volkswagen concept 2028 (see our derived model 9ii™), but the presentation of this concept was done after we started OntoLinux and gave the explanation that we will use OntoLinux in our vehicles together with most of the features discussed here as well. On the webpage Applications of the website of OntoLinux we also mentioned the learning and recommending capabilities of such a multimodal multimedia system even in conjunction with the automotive field, and wrote already in the case of the manufacturer Ford documented in the Investigations::Car #334 of the 13th of September 2011 about a similar acting: ""Learning driver habits and capabilities, the technology can overlay map and weather data sourced from the cloud to adjust powertrain, steering, suspension and braking systems for optimum enjoyment, comfort and safety. [This is another evidence for the copyright infringement, because this concept was copied illegally from the webpages of our Active Components™, especially for example the webpages of our Active Trac™ (compare the quote with the paragraph Proactivity) and Active Suspension™, and the linked webpages in their descriptions.]"".

    In this context, the fact is extremely conspicuous for us is that the agent system part of the presented and here investigated second generation of the automotive concept is the same as what was stolen by developers of a special project derived from the KDE desktop environment at nearly the same time when the concept AIDA 2 was presented (see the case of the project KDE Community and Basyskom→Plasma Active in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 26th of October 2012 (yesterday)).

  • Bosch: We found again a technology that was stolen from our website. In detail, the company offers a navigation solution for a smart mobile device used in vehicles that has a user interface with 3D graphics, natural language processing and multi-touch functionality, and warns of curves ahead. Besides the Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M&supp2;UI™) of OntoLinux and its use with a mobile device, we had already documented in the past in the case of the marque Volkswagen→Audi in the Investigations::Car #204 of the 5th of December 2009 the following as well: ""[...] follows the route in advance during driving and provides the data to the control units for the automatic transmission, the headlights and for [another] function [...] [This is also one of our innovations and was described under the terms IQNav™ and proactive-drive/predict the future in the Sneak preview of OntoLinux™ with the AutoSemantic::Car package at the 13th of March 2008 and in the Feature-lists #1 and #2 at the 22nd and 24th of April 2008.]"", which proves that the point with the curve warning is also related with our solutions.

    Btw.: Since around 11 years now, it is documented by third parties and us, that the marque Audi and the company Bosch are acting together against our company, especially in the fields of ontology-based systems, used e.g. for the operating systems of embedded systems that are the injection system control units of automotive engines, electric drivetrains, specifically with Electric Torque Vectoring™, and In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems.

  • Toyota: The manufacturer presented sometimes ago a multimedia system called Sunnyside that is as well based on eVSG@Car and other solutions mainly developed by us. Because it's case is exactly the same as the case of the manufacturer General Motors, we would like to direct our readers to the documentation of it in the Investigations::Car #345 of the 6th of February 2012, and also to the related cases of the IT-news web portal Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de in the same Investigations::Car #345, and in the Investigations::Car #346 and the Investigations::Multimedia of the 7th of February 2012, which leads to further similar or equal cases of other automotive manufacturers and companies. For its system the company Toyota has even used the slogan "Window to the world" that was stolen from our slogan "Windows to the world™" respectively "Window to the world™" mentioned the first time on the website of intelliTablet in its Further steps of the 6th of January 2010.
  • Daimler: We have taken a look on the webpages about its range of drivetrains and found some few text passages that we have to quote and comment: "[...] modular hybrid system [...] [familar speech act]" and "[...] purely electric [...] [No, no, no: Pure Electric™.]".
  • McLaren: As in the case of the joint activity by the marque Volkswagen→Audi and the research institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology (see their case above), it needs sometimes a little bit more time that we document criminal actings, but in the end they will be found by us. This is the case with the only stealing company McLaren. In detail, that company has conducted from December 2009 to around July 2010 a design contest for a Sports Utility Vehicle, because we do have such type of automobile as well, like the large manufacturers. The result of the contest was the selection of three design studies in the final, of which at least one was presented as a model at an automotive exhibition in Swiss in the year 2011. We do quote from the description given in the related press release and on the display of the model: "[...] 33 design drafts [...] [Ron Dennis as we do know him: Cheap and stealing only, as always. In fact, this was arranged, because it is the 3³ Theme by C.S..]" and "[...] Holon [...] [So, now we are already at our holonic operating system included in our Ontologic System OntoLinux, Style of Speed, and Holistic design.]". The following quotes are related with one of the finalists to which belonged Salvatore Cutaia, Vasily Kurkov, who has also connections to the defrauding automotive designer Chris Bangle (former chief designer of the manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke), and Adrian Garcia Solis: "Bio Renovatio [For our readers, who do not know what the term renovatio means, we would like to explain that this term means renewal, was also used in relation with the term renaissance/rebirth, is related with the renaissance 1.0, and is used often in the field of motorbikes and automobiles after we called out the renaissance 2.0 some years ago.]", "[...] 2 electric motor-wheels working on [(magnetic levitation)] MAGLEV principle [...] [This is not so easy to see, but it is our Active Differential #3 that is the Active Differential #2 realized with As-Wheel™ Active Motors™ in the also described special version of the combination with the hubless Stroetmann Wheel™ that for sure is friction-less, because it must be a circular (linear) motor and funtion like the linear motor of maglev trains, but with the rim as the moving rotor/motor and the ring that functions as the rest of a hub as the fixed stator/rail. We developed it around the year 2003 as well for applications with flying cars and our Autocopters, so that a rotor can be placed on the inside (see the Style of Speed Further steps of the 18th of September 2012) Was the claim of ingenious engineering really too much? We do not think so, and apologize for holding back this information about the rim as part of a linear motor due to such criminal entities.]", "[...] the suspensions are active [...] [The reader might have some fun and compare this with our Active Suspension.]", "[...] AI CPU (artificial intelligence central processing unit) [...] [No, no, no: AICPU™!!!™ As if we would be so stupid and would not list this acronym as well in conjunction with our chip series artificial Neural Net Central Processing Unit (NNCPU) and e-quattro©™ in the description of our MultiCore Competence. So, respect our trademarks or go away. Furthermore, this is a clear evidence of our claimed copyright infringement by the design team and its sponsor.]", "Wheels are communicating each other with the main processor of the vehicle. The AI of the suspension calculates the algorithm of keeping vehicle's body on the same level - in relation to the relief of the roadbed. [Obviously, this is the next proof that our concepts were stolen from the descriptions of our our Active Components, specifically our Active Differntial, Active Suspension and Active Trac, and MultiCore Competence and that are all powered by our OntoLinux optionally running on an AICPU as said for example on the webpage of the Mustang E and BumbleBeeE.]", "Consequently the clearance varies from 3 cm to 53 cm. [A little bit of the 3³ Theme by C.S..]", "[... elements] of the vehicle is adaptable [...] [This points to the Active Exterior]" and so on.
  • Tesla Motors: After on the hand the manufacturer Toyota stopped its engagement in the fields of electric vehicles due to the high prices of the batteries that have not fallen as expected and the manufacturer PSA Peugeot Citroën even stopped the production of ist smaller electric vehicles, and rumours say that the marque Volkswagen→Audi has given up as well to bring its clone of our RE on the market due to the same reasons as Toyota gave, and on the other hand the marque Daimler→Mercedes-Benz announced to bring its Electric Super Sports Car™ on the market for around 400.000 euro and a small manufacturer based in Monaco also speaks about a price of around 400.000 euro for its small Electric Sports Car (ESC), we calculated respectively estimated that the company Tesla Motors must have subsidized the sale of its more than 2.000 2-seater ESCs with around 150.000 to 180.000 U.S. dollar each. This explains why the production was stopped some months ago without giving a convincing reason, and it proves the hidden Ponzi scheme.
  • A small tuner: A small tuner thought to be very clever by stealing the marketing story of the lucky dragon and trademarks by our business division Style of Speed for a simple conversion. We do quote out of the presse release: "The power of the dragon [...]", "Inside Your Style ... A Chinese businessman with a large car collection ... The Year of the Dragon [...] With these elements [that company] developed and executed a project with no peers in this realm. [First of all, it might that there is no Chinese businessman at all. In fact, it is not about the year of the dragon but about our business division Style of Speed and its mascot, and stealing our story as well as damaging our trademarks and slogans like In Style. Said this, the claim of a project with no peers in this real is a criminal marketing lie and an infringment of our copyright, because it is a copy ouf or foundamental marketing story.]", "[...] racer [...] [In the context it is speech act steeling.]", "Inside of Your Style for the performance of the project. [This is even more than a speech act stealing.]", "The studio decided to create an idea which aligns elements of a dragon - it is the year of the dragon, the customer is Asian, the car is exotic and sporty. [Yes indeed, a copyright infringement.]", "The designer drew a dragon [...] Every single element of the dragon body was hand-drawn by the designer personally on a pattern inside. [We think it was taken from another website. Besides this, it is what C.S. did for the SOS logo.]", "[...] pure style [...] [This is a further evidence of its copyright infringment because it is the Pure Theme in conjunction with the Style Theme by Style of Speed.]", "[...] black [...] red [...]", "[...] red chrome [...] [No, no, no: Red Chrome™!!!™ Go away.]", and "[...] exhaust pipes are made of titanium [...] [This sounds familiar.]".
  • Another small tuner: A small and unimportant tuner has stolen our marketing story of the 3³ Theme by C.S. for a simple conversion of the model R8 by the marque Volkswagen→Audi. We only waited for such a copyright infringement, because in the last past we saw more and more styling concepts on its website. From a report about this said conversion publicated by the media company Axel Springer, which publishes one of the worst tabloid worldwide (see also its next case below), we got the following related informations: "Because the model is limited to 333 exemplars, [an unimportant company] takes up the number again. The tuner has 3 models of the GT Spyder with each 3 different mit jeweils drei unterschiedlichen Felgen seiner "6Sporz²"-Reihe ausgestattet, die wiederum aus drei Teilen geschmiedet Besides this, it has copied our Pure Carbon™ and Fine Carbon™ rims.
  • Axel Springer→Die Welt: Wieder einmal hat der Verlag nicht die Wahrheit berichtet. Diesmal wird sowohl der Marke Volkswagen→Audi als auch einem unbedeutenden und mittlerweile nur noch bei uns stehlenden Fahrzeugveredler unser 3³ Thema von C.S. angedichtet, das insbesondere von unserer Geschäftseinheit Style of Speed seit mehr als 5 Jahren neben dem Glücksdrachen sowie den Themen Style und Fun als Signatur im Rahmen des Marketings geführt, woraus sich auch die Urheberrechtsverletzung ergibt. Wir zitieren den entsprechenden Bericht: "Das Spiel mit der Drei [-] Spielt die Drei schon im Serienmodell des Audi R8 GT Spyder eine wichtige Rolle, da das Modell auf 333 Exemplare limitiert ist, greift [eine unbedeutende Firma] die Zahl weiter auf. So hat der Tuner drei Modelle des GT Spyder mit jeweils drei unterschiedlichen Felgen seiner "6Sporz²"-Reihe ausgestattet, die wiederum aus drei Teilen geschmiedet wurden. Eine gekonnte Hommage an die Baureihe[, was falsch ist, denn in Wirklichkeit wurde nur unsere Marketingstory gestohlen]. Die Felgen kommen im 20-Zoll-Format und bestehen aus Karbon, was den offenen Supersportwagen noch ein wenig leichter macht. [Auch dies wurde von unsere Web-Seite Rims kopiert.] Für die individuelle Note lassen sich alle drei Bestandteile der Felge auf Wunsch noch unterschiedlich einfärben. Hier stehen es aber selbstverständlich mehr als drei Varianten zur Auswahl."
    The English translation is as follows: Once again the publisher does not report the truth. This time it has imputed the marque Volkswagen→Audi as well as an unimportant tuning company, which in the meantime is only stealing from us, our 3³ Theme by C.S., that besides the lucky dragon and also the Style and Fun themes is especially used by our business unit Style of Speed as signature and in conjunction of the markting since more than 5 years, from which the copyright infringement follows.

    Wir fordern den Axel Springer Verlag auf so schnell wie möglich die wahren Ursprünge unseres 3³ Themas richtig darzustellen.

    Ontonics Website update
    We updated the description of our e-dashboard once again by adding this time the link to our MultiKinetic technology.
    We also added to the descriptions of our e-door@Car and e-door@Home the links to the LaserPaper and LaserGlass.

    Style of Speed Website update
    We updated the webpages of our streetlegal models 9!, B! and 9ii by mentioning in the caption of the image, which shows the interior with the cockpit, the Sp@ce@Car concept for clarification.
    Furthermore, on the webpage B! we mentioned also in the same caption the Laser Image Display 2.0 and LaserGlass for clarification as well, which were already added on the webpage of the 9! with the Website update of the 27th of October 2012.
    On the webpage of the 9ii we harmonized the description of the cockpit with the description given on the two other websites by replacing the old image caption text "Interior with Gesture sensitive Display and Augmented Reality" with "Interior with Glass Cockpit and Sp@ce@Car, Augmented Reality, Gesture sensitive Displays based on Projection, and Laser Image Display 2.0, eLSG/eVSG, and LaserGlass".

    Ontonics Website update
    For more clarity and correcting formal but not conceptual faults we have split the description of our iRailev technologies by putting the descriptions of the versions:

  • beRailev and
  • beOverheadRailev

    into own project descriptions.

    We also mentioned in the description of the berail and bepad the system solutions iRailev, beRailev, and

  • beOverheadRailev.


  • Regierung B.R.D., Hessisches Biogas-Forschungszentrum, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg und Fraunhofer Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik: Mittlerweile fördert der Bund die Versuchsanlage für das schon seit Jahren bekannte sogenannte Energie-zu-Gas-==Power-to-Gas-Verfahren mit 4 Millionen Euro (siehe unseren ersten Bericht in den Investigations vom 28. März 2012. Dabei stellen KritikerInnen immer öfters die Frage warum die Bundesregierung überhaupt noch Aktivitäten großer Unternehmen in solchen Bereichen mit Steuergeldern fördert (siehe z. B. den Fall des Zentrums für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg und der Marke Volkswagen→Audi unten). Des Weiteren stellt sich die Frage nach der Sinnhaftigkeit , denn wenn man jetzt die Ergebnisse der anderen Forschungsvorhaben der letzten 15 Jahre heranzieht, dann muß man feststellen, dass offensichtlich die Brennstoffzelle als auch die Elektromobilität aus Sicht der EntscheiderInnen als auch der BürgerInnen mit Pauken und Trompeten gescheitert sind. Von unserer Sicht aus stellt sich zudem die Frage ob man nicht doch früher oder später sich unseren Hyperkreislauf/Stroetmann-Kreislauf==HyperCycle und HyperCycle@Home illegal aneignet. Dabei möchten wir jetzt schon darauf hinweisen, dass unser Hyperkreislauf/Stroetmann-Kreislauf in den verschiedenen Größenordnungen nicht aus purem Zufall nur die Herstellung von verdünntem Wasserstoffperoxid, sondern auch die Elektrolyse von Wasser in Wasserstoff umfasst. Wir sind schon da.
  • Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg und Volkswagen→Audi: Wie sich jetzt herausstellt haben das Forschungszentrum und der Fahrzeughersteller mit seiner Automobilmarke auch eine große Anlage für das sogenannte Energie-zu-Gas-==Power-to-Gas-Verfahren an einem Standort in Niedersachsen in Planung. Damit ist wieder einmal bestätigt worden, dass man seit über 11 Jahren die Strategie gewählt hat große Teile unseres Unternehmens ohne Legitimation auf die Marke Audi abzubilden.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    It is doodle time at Style of Speed again. Said this, we would like to present the next possibility of the conversion matrix of the Audi R8 with the Bentley design internally called B8:

    Volkswagen→Audi R8 ∧ →Bentley Continental GT → SOS B8
    © Volkswagen and Style of Speed

    For sure, the single front elements are not at the right place and their dimensions are also not correct, but the concept is more than clear. In the same way it must not be clarified that the sides and the rear need a related design as well.

    © and/or ®
    Christian Stroetmann GmbH