Comment of the Day #1
Exoskeletal jet
Exoskeletal fan
Exoskeletal rotor
Comment of the Day #2
"I love this game", [Kermit the Frog, Advertisement for the National Basketball Association (NBA), 1993]
Picture of the Day
Astronaut Kermit the Frog at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, U.S.A. (2005)

© potentially NASA
See also the Picture of the Day of the 5th of November 2010 and the image "International Space Station Spacewalk".
Style of Speed Announcement 9:00 CET
As the true pioneers, the world's firsts, and the only ones, we from Style of Speed are very proud to offer for the suborbital flights with our X-3*/LittleStar; the option of the tethered spacewalk for private persons by opening the large door of the cargo bay respectively the passenger compartment, and let 2 or 3 passengers out of the Little Star. Now, it is up to our fans to decide if this is crazy enough for them.
No competitor has such a space craft with a wide opening for watching the sky and the stars, and making spacewalks possible. And even nobody has guessed why our LittleStar has no bull's eyes, windows, or a large cockpit canopy.
Once again our hightech office Ontonics, our OntoLab, the Lab of Visions, and Style of Speed have totally outsmarted the whole industries.
Style of Speed Further steps
Due to new developments and informations we are recalculating once again the cost for bringing a kilogram of payload into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The claimed price by a competitor is only around 70 US dollar per kilogram for a Horizontal Take-off, Horizontal Landing (HTHL) Reusable Lauch Vehicle (RLV) with a maximal payload weighing up to 1,000 kg and used for 100 flights.
Investigations::Aviation and Space
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik: Trotz fortwährender öffentlicher Aufforderung unsererseits weigert sich die ARD nicht nur endlich die von uns seit über 4 Jahren dokumentierten permanenten Verletzungen unseres Urheberrechts, Nichtachtungen unserer Handelsmarken wie z. B. Dragon, Angriffe auf unserer Glaubwürdigkeit sowie das Mobbing zu unterlassen, sondern treibt ihre kriminelle Handlungen weiter indem auch heute extra noch einmal über das schwerkriminelle U.S.Ameri- kanische Unternehmen Space Exploration Technologies berichtet wurde, das im Rahmen eines nationalen Marketingschwindels auch unser Urheberrecht als auch unsere Handelsmarken mißachtet, ins- besondere unsere auf dem Thema Drachen, Glücksdrachen bezie- hungsweise Dragon basierende Werbestrategie, obwohl das Ereignis selbst bereits gestern stattfand und die ARD auch gestern schon da- rüber berichtet hat. Außerdem wird weiterhin nicht dem an den öf- fentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk gestellten Auftrag Folge geleistet und die BürgerInnen über die Fakten im Zusammenhang mit unserem Un- ternehmen als auch mit dem betrügerischen Machenschaften des U.S.Amerikanischen Unternehmens und der Administration des U.S. Amerikanischen Präsident Obama aufzuklären, die gemeinsam den Steuertopf der U.S.Amerikanischen Bürger plündern (siehe auch die Fälle der ARD in den Investigations::Aviation and Space vom 10. Mai 2011, 20. Juli 2011 sowie 14., 22., 26. und 31. Mai 2012).
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen →Phoenix: Wieder einmal wurde auf dem Gemeinschaftssender von ARD und ZDF am Ende einer Sendung, die vor 2 Tagen ausgestrahlt wurde und deren eigentliches Thema Unbekannte FlugObjekte (UFOs) war, ohne irgendeinen näheren Zusammenhang und in einer ganz be- stimmten Art und Weise über ein Unternehmen aus den Niederlanden berichtet, das suborbitale Flüge anbietet, indem man unter anderem von einer Space Shuttle sprach und erklärte, dass es ein vollkommen seriöses Unternehmen wäre, weil es ja schließlich angemeldet ist und außerdem mit dem Luftfahrtunternehmen KLM Royal Dutch Airlines kollaboriert, so dass unter Umständen unser Unternehmen von den ZuschauerInnen als unseriös wahrgenommen werden könnte. Aber dass das andere Unternehmen lediglich seit mehr als 2 Jahren nur Marketing betreibt, nur lauwarme Lüftchen verkauft und bis auf ein Ausstellungsmodell ihres Fluggerätes, das eine Kopie des russischen Raumgleiters Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-105 EPOS (Experimental Pas- senger Orbital Aircraft) des russischen Mehrzweck Luft- und Raum- fahrtsystems (MAKS) aus den Jahren 1976 bis 1978 ist, der mit Ele- menten des geplanten Raumfahrzeugs Prometheus des Unternehmens Orbital Sciences überarbeitet wurde, und dass der genauso unseriöse Hersteller des Raumgleiters die Einsatzfähigkeit schon für den 26. März 2008 angekündigte, aber mittlerweile die erste Testphase auf das Ende von 2012 verschoben hat, und außer ein paar Testläufe eines Raketenmotors sowie dem Kopieren von den entsprechenden Inhalten unseres Web-Auftritts von Style of Speed, insbesondere der Web-Seite unseres kleinen Luftraumflugzeugs und Space Taxis X-3*/LittleStar ansonsten nichts Wesentliches unternahm, wurde selbstverständlich wie immer den ZuschauerInnen unterschlagen (siehe auch den Fall des Unternehmens Xcor Aerospace in den Investigations::Aviation and Space vom 8. Oktober 2011). Wenn hier etwas unseriös ist, dann kann das ja wohl nur die ARD, Xcor Aerospace, und KLM mit Space Expedition Curaçao sein.
Wir fordern die ARD ein weiteres Mal auf die von uns bereits am 22. Mai 2012 geforderte Gegendarstellung zu senden.
Christian Stroetmann GmbH Further steps
For building up our first 30 to 33 stock corporations we are looking for interested persons, especially representatives of the board of managers that are needed due to given laws, and even investors and many lawyers.
In Neal Stephenson’s novel "Snow Crash" a near-future America and the so-called Metaverse are described, Stephenson's version of the global information structure, which could be seen as a three-dimensional audio and visual "Consensual hallucinations", [William Gibson, "Neuromancer"], of a planet-size virtual city built around the mystical powers-of-two and cartoon physics with up to 120 million cheap avatars as the representatives. To the features of Stephenson's Metaverse belong the
Built-In Operating System (BIOS), which should not to be confused with the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) system firmware of a computer,
World Wide Web (WWW), specifically the Web 2.0,
some aspects of mirror worlds, like our OntoGlobe/OntoEarth, and in some parts other 3D maps and earth simulations/virtual globes, and
a fully immersive Collaborative Virtual (Reality (VR)) Environment (CoVE) with standard avatars, that features
- a standard physical simulation of the environment and
- the avatars' behaviour, that is also controlled by a standard low Artificial Intelligence (AI) and some aspects of the agent-oriented software approach (see also the subsection Intelligent/Cognitive Agent of our Links to Software webpage), besides
- a small subset of a Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI).
Nothing more is contained in the Metaverse as described in the novel, in contrast to what is claimed since the start of our Ontologic System (OS) and Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux by a consortium that since the start of OntoLinux is trying to claim for the leadership, and to steal our technologies by copying our website contents.
Doubtlessly, what we have, or better said C.S. has added to this Metaverse concept with the start of OntoLinux in the year 2006 are already existing or by us invented concepts and technologies, like for example:
reflection, specifically reflective operating system (see The Proposal),
total model-based approach and not only for the visual part like a 3D/virtual environment,
world's first 3D up to nD operating system,
full Artificial Intelligence (AI) I, II, and III, inclusive General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI),
machine learning,
Evolutionary Computing (EC), inclusive Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), Genetic Algorithms (GA), and for sure Genetic Programming (GP),
full-fledged and intelligent/cognitive agent-oriented architectures,
intelligent/cognitive Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) and browser for the 3D operating system, 3D internet, and 3D web,
ontology-based semantic web and ontologic web,
operating system as the infrastructure for the Web 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and so on, as well as the interverse and the ontoverse,
extension of the Mixed Reality (MR) concept by adding new limits,
extension with Augmented Reality (AR) and without doubt Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR),
Caliber, the best possible or even perhaps the Theory of Everything (ToE)/Universal Theory about the observable universe, because it is for example all-embracing, dynamic, and self-optimizing, and moreover goes far beyond of only blurring the line of reality and virtuality, or/and what is called by the term second earth, because it is more a second universe,
full support of scientific fields, like e.g. physics, biology, epistemology, philosophy, arts, informatics, computer science, and so on,
full support of technologies, like e.g. nanotech, microtech, macrotech, chemtech, biotech, and many more, and engineering in general,
full support of software concepts and single software technologies, like Multimodal Multimedia User Interfaces (M²UIs) that even have a voice-chat interface and a full 3D gaming-platform with support by e.g. 3D modeling tools for the creation of for example Massively Multiplayer Online (Role-Playing) Games (MM(OR)PG) even with Lego minifigures as avatars (read the webpage about the Virtual Object System (VOS)) in stark contrast to all virtual web services and online 3D gaming platforms in 2007 that obviously were only illegally made hyped clones of our actings in the field of the virtual world environment and eventually also in the field of 3D gamining worlds,
validated and verified, log-based Ontologic File System (OntoFS), with atomicity supporting transactions, cryptography, and many other basic functionalities, which even comprise
- our superset of an approach in the field of database management systems called Not Only SQL (NOSQL), and
- the blockchain technique (see also the smart contract transaction protocol),
full support of hardware concepts, for example ubiquitous computing and Ubiquitous Sensing, and single hardware technologies, like e.g. stereoscopic virtual-reality goggles, wearable computing with Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), Human Object Interface (HOI), human enhancement and cyborg technologies, inclusive Brain Computer Interface (BCI), and geospatial positioning systems to name some of the best known, but also our intelligent tablet computers, Pad Computers, and Ontoscope hardware, as well as our younger Retina Projection, MobileKinetic, Wireless Supercomputing (WiSer), Mobile Photonic computing technologies, and many more,
so much more, and
integration of all.
Said this, OntoLinux is more than only an "effort to bridge map worlds and the real world", and already constitutes the foundation of what is described with "It will look like the real earth, and it will support even more users than the Snow Crash cyberworld, functioning as the agora, laboratory, and gateway for almost every type of information-based pursuit. It will be accessible both in its immersive, virtual-reality form and through peepholes like the screen of your cell phone as you make your way through the real world.", but goes far beyond of this, as the public begins to understand, what it truly is, how it is functioning, how fundamental its transformative power is, and what this all really means, because until today it was thought to be a virtual world environment with somekind of the latest software and web technologies only. Obviously, OntoLinux is different, and everything else written is either:
only nonsense,
wrong informations and explanations, oftenly given by e.g. large companies and institutes of technology for playing down our ingenuity,
infringing our copyright,
giving wrong references not pointing to the original webpages of our OntoLinux website, especially if not dated before the July of the year 2006, as it is done in different versions of a document describing the Metaverse copy of a consortium, and in reports, descriptions and explanations given by the media, especially in magazines and technological reviews since the middle of 2007, that are even back dated or manipulated later by adding addtional informations following our actings, or
even part of a giant crime conducted by some governments against C.S. and our company, as we could crystal clearly prove in the last years.
If information is dated before the July 2006, then we have to analyse the source at first for clarifying a special case, but a good line for orientation are the dates of publication of our linked or/and described software projects on the OntoLinux website. Furthermore, a large internet search service company has given up its labs last year and presented recently smart eyewear as well, like we already listed on the webpage with the links to hardware, because it has seen more than 4 years later that we are already there with our OntoLinux. Do not be fooled by others, especially the industries, and stay on the right side that is doubtlessly our side, if undecided. As a rule of thumb simply look what the larger companies did since 2007 and more important what they have not done until around 2010, and then compare it with the contents of the OntoLinux website. For example, in July 2007 a large internet search service provider had declared that it has no plan to connect its virtual globe with a virtual web environment hyped at that time, but sits now in a consortium in field that is related with the novel's Metaverse. It also has stopped its virtual world in 2010 and even closed its whole software labs in the middle of 2011.
Besides this, all companies and projects in the field of virtual worlds have strong financial and technical problems and so around 90% of them have either fully stopped operation in the last months as well, despite the fact that one of them even had that definitely and obviously not so genious and now busted James Cameron and also Jon Landau on its advisory panel, besides 4.175 millions US dollar of series A funding and some large customers, while the other 10% are standing still where they are or only stealing our intellectual properties form our website of OntoLinux, which is oftenly due to a wrong business strategy, and bad hard- and software-technical foundations.
In this conjunction, and because actors in every single field mentioned above have taken our solutions or even copied illegally our intellectual properties without referencing us, we the Christian Stroetmann GmbH with our business divisions Ontologics, and our OS and HOS OntoLinux, claim the leadership in the field of 3D internet and 3D web, inclusive multi-, meta-, and ontoverse, today. We also do encourage every entity and not only the interested ones to join up as quick as possible and to collaborate with us this time, as well as for respecting our copyright, specifically in this field and the field of mobile computing.
OntoLinux Website update
Due to a foul play in relation with a giant fraud by a consortium in the field of the multiverse respectively metaverse consisting of a handful of companies, institutes, and organizations that are trying unsuccessfully to claim for our leadership, and to steal our techno- logy and our website contents since the start of OntoLinux, we had to remove the link to the organization:
The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Leo and Gloria Rosen family: Cancer.org.
OntoLinux Further steps
We would like to inform the public once again, if it was not clear before or enough, that our general user interface is based on data visualization with points and spheres, besides many other geometric elements at the nodes of a graph, and implemented by our Ontoscope software component, specifically the very elegant integration of the X Window System, the Collaborative Virtual Environment CoVE that implements already the sphere based user interface metaphor as one mode, and the software library Tulip for the graph layouts. Moreover, one version of the uncountable many (multimodal) user interfaces of our OS, HOS and nDOS is the so-called mirror world interface which has an option that substitutes the desktop metaphor with a virtual globe, while another version is the mirroruniverse interface that substitutes the application windows with virtual globes of the earth or an imaginary planet as windows on a mirror world in the form of the mentioned spheres (see also the Clarification of today above).
Furthermore, we have connected the whole mixed reality with social networking and the mobile computing already since a longer time, and not only the virtual reality or/and the augmented reality, and if the larger social service provider do think now that they could jump on this bandwagon as well, then we claim already today for our copyright.
For emphasizing our now more than obvious leadership in the field of the so-called metaverse respectively multiverse, and for the further building up of the 3D internet, the 3D web, the semantic web, and the Web 3.0 and 4.0, as well as the central part of our inventions of the Ontologic Web and the Ontoverse based on and synchronized by our Caliber, we are also thinking about the question if we should do the step now that we have refuted all the years due to defrauding actings in these fields, and add links to related open source projects in the subsection Collaborative Virtual Environment of the webpage Links to Software.
In this conjunction, we have begun as well to examine the open and formerly proprietary software source codes written by open source projects and companies that have ceased operation some months ago, which gave as the first result that their approaches have not taken the best programming language due to their failed attempt to steal in this way our OntoLinux and O#. Now, we are looking what and how we can recycle and transform the software source codes as we do need them.
Also in this conjunction, we have taken a look at some open source projects in different fields once again for a possible integration with the game engine Delta3D, and the game engine of the 3D content creation suite Blender and two multiverse projects as an extension, or a replacement for our Mekensleep Underware software base of the Ontoscope software component, and as a realization of the al- ready announced integration of some kind of a multiverse into CoVE.
Comment of the Day
U fan
V fan
Loop fan Looped fan
Ring fan Ringed fan
Luftmultiplizierer Luftmultiplizierung
Pictures of the Day
Queen Elizabeth 2. at her best

© ?:(
Now it can be imagined why she is loved by so many people: She is the original, cares for many, and does everything in style. Indeed, she has much more style than Bibo, hasn't she? By the way: May we have some of the McRoyal's© fish and chips with rémoulade sauce, ketchup, a hamburger Grand Royal, and a funky cold bubble ice tea©, please?
Coincidents with the art and fashion publication Visionaire that is publicated three times a year and the 3 Theme by C.S. are on the one hand pure happenstance, because we heard one or two times about this, and on the other hand no happenstance, because the 3 Theme by C.S. is exactly about the number 3 in general and for example by the 3 Themes of other entities, e.g. religions, the Star Trek saga, or the publication Visionaire, as it could be seen easily with its issue "24. Light" that came out in 3,300 numbered copies using 33,000 batteries for the fully-functional light boxes. So, while all the other entities are focused on the 3 Theme, the 3 Theme by C.S. is in fact the 3³ Theme, as we call it from today on for a better distinction of the perhaps 3 different views on this subject. There is also more related with the 3³ Theme by C.S., but we will not reveal something about this point today due to the annoying contemporary plagiarists on all levels related with arts.
Besides this, we can already see that as a matter of fact the publication is following the actings of C.S. since quite some times, as it could be easily with the edition "55. Surprise" that shows works all transformed into a three dimensional or movable art form.
Ontonics Website update 15:00 CET
We have added to the description of our eVSG/VSG•E the informat- ion that "another appropriate technology of transparent display, e.g. on the basis of flexibel LED-display or LCD technology," can be used as interlayer, with the advantage of the e-paper that it can keep displaying the last image without power consumption". Further new features and detail informations are: "Furthermore, the integration with transparent solar cells is possible" and "The solution can be used for all kinds of consumer electronics as well, specifically televisions and mobile devices."
Besides this, we have created two new propulsion and lifting concepts for real aerial vehicles called:
U-Fan and V-Fan, and
Looped Fan and Ringed Fan 15:19 CET.
Toshiba: We found out today that since around the October of the year 2011 the company has presented some versions of its laptop models that feature our Mobile 4D Display based on our MobileKinetic in the version that uses a simple web camera (see also the cases of the media company British Broadcasting Corporation and the manufacturer Acer in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 15th of October 2011, the Ontonics Website update of the 28th of January 2012, as well as the case of the company Samsung in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 3rd of May 2012). The related description from its website is "Das revolutionäre autostereoskopische [...] Full-HD-3D-Display setzt neue Maßstäbe: 3D-Inhalte genießen Sie hiermit ab sofort ganz ohne 3D-Brille. Ein innovatives Face-Tracking erkennt Ihr Gesicht und passt das 3D-Bild automatisch an den Betrachtungswinkel an.==The revolutionary autostereoscopic [...] Full HD 3D display sets new standards: With this you enjoy 3D contents without 3D glasses from now on. An innovative face-tracking recognizes your face and automatically adjusts the 3D image to the angle of vision.", which constitutes a clear copyright infringement, which is strengthened by the fact that it has simply merged the terms that we use in the text passage "techniques of head-tracking or facial scanning, like e.g. the eye-tracking" to the term "face-tracking" and linked it with face/facial recognition==Gesichtserkennung.
Also, we can see many more contents of its website that infringes our copyright.
Btw.: The reason why we do differentiate between "a simple [(web)] camera and a more complex system [(that uses a source of light)], like for example our Retina Projection based MobileKinetic mobile motion sensor technology," is the fact that the MobileKinetic technology enables the tracking and scanning in 3D and not only in 2D, because a source of light with a sensor is one option that can be used for scanning and motion tracking in a 3-dimensional connection.
Furthermore, we would like to mention that the claim "Unschlagbar Dünn==Unbeatable slim" is a criminal marketing lie due to our P@d concept and the specifications of the related tablet and pad computers, and that by using the terms "3D Vision" and "Sound 3D" for the description of some of its mobile computers we have somehow our slogan "3D Sound and Vision".
Investigations::Culture Preview
Eventually, we will made a notes on our Culture webpage about the publication Visionaire, the light artist Chris Levine, the photographer Mario Testino, and the salesman who claims of being a designer Tom Dixon due to many irregularities in relation to their works, especially a portrait and some nonsense in the field of lasers, presented persons, specifically those already noted, and media contents of all found recently that we have to analyze in more detail at first. What we can already say is that both entities are trying to pervert facts in relation to C.S.' actings by constructing in a retrograde way a wrong reality with our website contents and by quoting other entities that also have taken our contents and are also connected with the Visionary, like e.g. Karl L Babblehead or so, Swarovski, Philip Starck, Marc Jacobs, Andreas Gursky, Thomas Ruff, Mario Testino, M. Catalany, Tom Dixon, and possibly more of The Rats Pack. One of the best examples: "He is a true visionary.", [Mario Testino about Chris Levine quoted form the website of the latter one]. Hypernonsense. It was only said as part of a self-feeding cycle of a group that is only lying, babbeling, and stealing everything from the true artists, designers, pioneers, and geniuses for creating an artificial aura of elite, as our readers should already see and as we are documenting since some years now. One of the best exemplary evidence for this is the existens of the pop musician S.J.A. Germanotta, who is indeed only a marketing box for products of many of the fashion producers and the industries that also made works for the issues of Visionaire, like e.g. McQuin, and clearly shows once again that she is not that artist as she and everybody claime. So, be surprised and entertained about the facts and the true benchmarks set by C.S. some of them more than 2 decades old
Comment of the Day #1
3D DLP display
3D DLP tv
3D DLP television
3D laser
3D laser display
3D laser tv
3D laser television
Laserglass lglass
Laserglas lglas
Laserpaper lpaper
Laserpapier lpapier
Comment of the Day #2
"Pop but no culture", [C.S., Today]
So much about the heros of the contemporary stupidities.
Ontonics Website update
We have added to the Innovation-Pipeline our new projects called:
Beamed Energy Image Display (23:00 CET),
LED DLP Image Display 2.0 (18:50 CET),
LaserPaper (lpaper) (11:19 CET), and
LaserGlass (lglass) (11:19 CET).
We have also updated the description of our Laser Image Display 2.0 by mentioning the technique of head tracking for more clarity and easier understanding, and as the additional fields of application the 3D Laser Display and the 3D Laser TV.
Government B.R.D.: "Die Umwelt-Sachverständigen der Bundesregierung schlagen den Bau elektrischer Oberleitungen für dieselelektrische Lkw an Autobahnen vor." "Siemens habe [bereits] eine Teststrecke in Brandenburg gebaut." Mehr als offensichtlich handelt es sich größtenteils um unsere iRail==iSchiene beziehungsweise iLeitplanke, die weitaus eleganter ist und in der Nutzung keine höheren Kosten im Vergleich zu einem Oberleitungssystem verursacht, da:
keine zusätzliche Grundkonstruktion notwendig ist, weil es ja in einer normalen Leitplanke integriert ist,
wegen der Integration in einer normalen Leitplanke auch nur auf niedriger Höhe installiert wird,
die intelligente Schiene nur abschnittsweise installiert werden muss, denn es handelt sich auch um ein dynamisches Ladesystem und nicht nur um ein permanentes Stromversorgungssystem wie ein Oberleitungssystem,
durch die abschnittsweise Installation es zu keinem Totalausfall des gesamten Systems führt, wie es bei einer Durchtrennung der Oberleitung gegeben wäre,
die Wartung alleine schon wegen der niedrigen Höhe günstiger ist,
keine weiteren Eingriffe in die Natur notwendig sind und zudem
alle Fahrzeuge mit Strom versorgt werden können, also sogar auch Motorräder und unsere Autokopter und nicht nur LKW auf der rechten Fahrspur.
Außerdem kann man anstatt einer Oberleitung auch unser Raylev/Wavelev Transportsystem verwenden indem man nur das System der gestrahlten Energie nutzt, aber den Teil mit dem Schweben einfach wegläßt.
Also, instead of the overhead electrical line our Raylev/Wavelev Transport system can be applied by only using the beamed energy system, but simply omitting the part with the hovering.
Die CDU und CSU geführte Bundesregierung ist sich diesen Fakten vollkommen bewußt, denn nicht umsonst wurde im neuen Multimediahaus unser iPad in den Parkplatz der Fahrzeuge eingelassen und im Dezember begonnen eine Teststrecke für unsere iRail zu erstellen. Letzteres sehen wir im Zusammenhang mit dem gescheiterten Versuch der Stanford Universität in den U.S.A. unsere urheberrechtlich geschützte iPad-Technologie durch die Anmeldung eines Patents zu stehlen (siehe den Fall der Universität in den Investigations::Car #345 vom 6. Februar 2012). Zudem versuchen die CDU und die CSU hier wieder einmal, dass eine unserer Technologien kopiert wird indem sie einfach nur leicht abgewandelt wird, wie schon zuvor mit der gesamten Strategie der Elektromobilität, in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologie , insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit unserer ontologieorientierten Softwarekonzepten und unserem Hochtechnologischen BetriebsSystem (HBS) OntoLinux, den neusten Ansätzen im Automobil-, Flugzeug- sowie Raketen- und Raumschiffbau als auch dem Stroetmann-Kreislauf, wobei man übrigens den totalen Schwachsinn verfolgt indem man die flüssige und vollkommen ungefährliche Mischung von Wasser und Wasserstoffperoxid mit gasförmigem und tiefgekühltem flüssigem Wasserstoff sowie gasförmigem Methan ersetzt, um dann so ihre Klientel zu fördern und unser Unternehmen zu umgehen.
Comment of the Day
Ray-field camera
Wave-field camera
Ontonics Website update
We have added to the descriptions of the technologies Beamed Energy Display and LaserPaper (lpaper) the little detail that the light-emitting elements can also have "other suitable properties", and explicitly clarified that a common power supply is not needed for the screen.
We also added our new project called:
Ray-Field Camera 22:00 CET.
Ontonics, OntoLab, and Ontoscope Further steps 21:50 CET
We extended the basic hardware of our large range of Ontoscopes with the technology of the light-field camera, which functions like a digital camera for still photographs or/and moving video but also records the angle at which rays of light arrive. The result is not an image or a video, but a data structure, like for example a database, that contains the three-dimensional pattern of light called the light field. The technique of the light field is already used in software for 3D modelling, ray casting and ray tracing, and producing 2D and 3D animations as well as movies, and enables many other hardware and software applications by applying this fascinating new dimension in the fields of photo- and videography, like applications in the fields of science, vehicles of all kinds as well as robotics. By combining the light-field camera technology with the already given other sensor technologies of all kind of our different special Ontoscope versions an electromagnetic ray-field camera can be created that enables applications that go far beyond the ones of the visible light-field camera.
Comment of the Day #1
Wave-field microphone
Sound-field microphone
Kinetisches Feld
Wave-field sensor
Comment of the Day #2
"There is no deficit of specialist workers, but of paragons.", [C.S., Today]
"Es gibt keinen Mangel an Fachkräften, sondern an Vorbildern.", [C.S., Heute]
Question of the Day
"How long will the B.R.D. be able to afford the euro crisis?", [C.S., Today]
Ontonics Website update
We have added to the Innovation-Pipeline our new projects called:
Sound-Field Microphone (2:03 CET),
Wave-Field Microphone (2:10 CET), and
Kinetic-Field (15:00 CET).
*** Proof-reading mode ***
E-Ink: Since the support by the foul playing german government with for example the building up of its german subsidiary, we do know very well that the whole endeavour is done to steal our intellectual properties, and to damage our company. Now, that company and the minister of education and reseach think to be very clever by looking either on applications or related technologies for realizing their strategy further. But as the reader can see by the images of flex monitors shown on our webpage Links to Hardware of the website of our HOS OntoLinux, as the Sneak Preview of the 3rd of October 2008, and as the Original vs. Inspiration, Sketches, and Sneak Preview of the 28th of October 2008 that on the one hand its first technology is already outdated, and that on the other hand we have come from two other sides in the field of display technologies, so that criminal strategies by such an orchestration or similar action will not work. In fact, the company is already producing components for standard displays since quite some time.
Corning: Once again, that massively stealing glass manufacturer has not respected our trademarks and infringed our copyright by the statement "Displays become more pervasive each day and manufacturers strive to make both portable devices and larger displays thinner," [A programme director at Corning after a report of the British Broadcasting Corporation], which doubtlessly reflects the description of our Qixel project based on the metaphor Ubiquitous/Pervasive Displaying#153; created and coined by us in the OntoLab, and related technologies of us, like the LaserPaper and the LaserGlass as well as our electronic Laminated (Security/Safety) Glass eLSG/eVSG, and also damages our trademarks Ubiquitous Displaying#153; and Pervasive Displaying (see also the case of the IT-news web portal Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 7th of February 2012, which is about a marketing campaign of that massively stealing manufacturer). The informations also given in a report by the media company British Broadcasting Corporation about a new thin glass product (see its full case below), which says that the "glassmaking process [is] called Fusion", it is "as thin as a sheet of paper", and "575 products by 33 manufacturers" are using another glass product, clarify who are the plagiarists and who is the original (we).
Btw.: The real question is how often the wrapable glass can be moved until it breaks.
British Broadcasting Corporation: Again, that serious criminal media company reported about defrauding entities that have stolen intellectual properties from us. The first issue is about a manufacturer of a thin glass (see the case of the company Corning above). The most important quotes for documenting this issue are: ""Displays become more pervasive [...]," [A programme director of the glass manufacturer] [This was only quoted due to our Qixel project and the related metaphor Ubiquitous/Pervasive Displaying#153; created by us.]", "[...] as thin as a sheet of paper [...]", "[...] producing a continuous sheet that can be rolled out in a mechanism similar to a traditional printing press [...] [This was only said due to the same manufacturing process of printed flexible plastic electronics and the application as e-paper.]" and "The new glass could be both for rigid and flexible displays [This was taken by us from a caption of an image and was only written by the media company due to our LaserPaper and LaserGlass. In this conjunction we have to ask the real question: How often the wrapable glass can be bended until it breaks? We do think that it is not so often, so that it is suitable as a flexible display, which renders its mentioning in this context as a clear deliberately conducted misleading of the public for attacking our business.]".
The second issue is connected with our copyrighted SenseTouch approach, Haptic Screen, and Haptic Paper. Here we have the quotes: "[...] prototypes of flexible touchscreens [...] have already been developed [(but no date was given in the report in opposition to the other two cases) ...] such displays could even give the user "sensational" feedback. "We went from physical buttons to touch screens, the next step will be integrating some sensing capabilities," said [the responsible researcher of a university]. "Your phone will be able to sense if you're touching it, will sense the environment around [...] [We only say once again: SenseTouch.]".
And finally, the third issue is strongly related with our Orukami concept, cBook, and Smart Digital Assistant. We do quote: "[...] created a millimetres-thick prototype flexible smartphone in 2011, made of a so-called electronic paper. The scientists said they used the same e-ink technology as found in [an ebook and for sure our solutions mentioned already above], bonded to flex sensors and a touchscreen that interpreted drawings and text written on it. "This computer looks, feels and operates like a small sheet of interactive paper," said one of the researchers [...]. "You interact with it by bending it into a cell phone, flipping the corner to turn pages, or writing on it with a pen." In this second case it also showed a crop of exactly the same image by the University of Arizona with the caption "Canadian and US researchers developed [a] prototype of a flexible smartphone in 2011" that we have shown before in relation with our "electronic time management system, (personal) organizer and Filofax® with printed flexible plastic electronics prototyp, [our] Smart Digital Assistant", despite that many other images were presented by the university, and that it is our concept of The Thinnest Mobile Device of the World presented on the 2008 respectively a flexible smartphone presented the first time as part of the comparison Original vs. Inspiration on the 17th of January 2008 (see also the Sneak Preview of the 3rd of October 2008, the Original vs. Inspiration, Sketches, and Sneak Preview of the 28th of October 2008, the Original vs. Inspiration of the 1st of April 2008, the Original vs. Inspiration of the 21st of March 2012, and also the OntoLinux Website update of the 1st of April 2012).
Sony: That only stealing company has now jumped on the bandwagon of the MagicBook listed in the section Multimedia of our webpage Links to Hardware of the website of our HOS OntoLinux and our flexible and coloured electronic book cBook.
We demand the worldwide media not to report about entities that presents a flexible and coloured electronic book with either an electronic paper technology that reflects light, a touch-functionality, or/and a haptic flexible display, because this will infringe our copyright related with our cBook and our Haptic Paper.
Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht über Entitäten zu berichten, die ein flexibles und farbiges elektronisches Buch mit entweder einer elektronische Papiertechnologie, die Licht reflektiert, einer Touch-Funktionalität oder/und einen haptischen flexiblen Bildschirm präsentieren, da unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit unserem cBook und unserem haptischen Papier verletzt wird.
Comment of the Day
Light-field sensor
Ray-field sensor
Sound-field sensor
Obviously, our actings with our Ontoscope has not only motivated the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to jump on the bandwag- on of photography again (see the case of the institute in the Inve- stigations::Multimedia of the 15th of June 2009 and our Ontoscope 2.0 Further steps of the 11th of July 2009), but also the Stanford University, and most potentially much more companies and research institutes. Doubtlessly, this led in the case of the Stanford University to its spin-off Instagram, which has been bought by a social network service provider after we gave more momentum to the field of pho- tography with the creation and presentation of our additional system camera and Ontoscope series Nano (see their presentations of the 23rd, 25th, and 28th of December 2011), and to its other spin-off, which we have topped in the last two days with our new range of Ontoscope versions based on light-field and ray-field cameras, and sound-field and wave-field microphones, as well as today new sens- ors for all of them. Furthermore, another start-up has also taken up momentum in the field of photo sharing, and in its case it's also easi- ly recognizeable where the inspiration came from, because every- where the word "onto" can be found, as it could be seen before with the sign "#" in the case of a short messaging service provider.
Ontonics Website update 00:01 CET
In relation with our new light-field and ray-field cameras, and sound-field and wave-field microphones presented in the Ontonics Website updates of the 5th and 6th of June 2012 we have created a new project series in the field of sensors called:
Light-field sensor,
Ray-field sensor,
Sound-field sensor, and
Wave-field sensor, as well as
PackFancopter 22:44 CET.
*** Proof-reading mode ***
Google: Once again the company is in the spot of our investigat- ions. This time we got informations about its news conference held yesterday for previewing new mapping features for its digital map and virtual globe that comprise some 3D enhancements to its virtual globe that are common since some years. The company has also an- nounced to bring its map and with it its virtual globe on the desktop. If this becomes a desktop metaphor of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the operating system, then it is a clear copyright infringe- ment, because this reflects the already existing architecture of our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux with the Ontoscope software component and the Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) based on it, and also the foundation on which we can direct- ly run all related software mentioned on the webpage Links to Soft- ware, specifically in the section Geography among others. For sure, a legal possibility is to use one of the already existing virtual globes and extend this kind of application with an interface to the map data, but in this case we also come closer and closer to the clearly drawn white line, which begins for example at the point when the HyperText Markup Language 5 (HTML5) is used in addition due to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) integrated in it on the one hand, and because OntoLix and OntoLinux integrate all in one by their software architecture and most features of the used software libraries, applications, and operating systems listed on the webpage Links to Software on the other hand. It was absolutely clear for us that the company Google will react in exactly this way after we pub- licated our Clarification and the OntoLinux Further steps on the 2nd of June 2012. At this point we have to repeat once again that Onto- Linux was not created for being stolen by the Android consortium as it can be seen already with the latest actings by the manufacturer Samsung (see its case in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 3rd of May 2012) and Sony (documented in the Investigations::Multi- media of the 7th of June 2012 (yesterday)).
Besides this, a responsible person said something about "magic", "Superman wings", and "It's almost as if you are in a personal heli- copter hovering over the city", which is also no surprise for us at all, because we knew all the time that our powered lift aircrafts and autocopters by Style of Speed raised the attention of the com- pany. Furthermore, its portable device is a backpack unit and these quotes above are also related with our (Back)Pack Aircrafts, so that we do not think the claim is wrong that eventually the company Google was indeed responsible for the hoax conducted together with the person Floris Kaayk (see his case in the Investigations::Aviation and Space of the 5th of April 2012), as guessed by an expert and us, which would be more than an ordinary copyright infringement. So its up to the company to explain itself, which begins for us with the correct amount of cash and shares.
British Broadcasting Corporation: Again, that media company reported about entities that are following our actings by using our website contents and explaning our concepts, services, and technologies, while still refusing to name us as the true creators. This time the report is related with new mapping technologies in relation to a digital map and a virtual globe by a large IT-company with 3D representation of objects. We do qoute for documenting this case:
"[...] reassert its position as a market leader [...] [This means in other words that the former market leader has problems to compete in the market.]",
"[...] smartphones and tablets [...]",
""Personal helicopter" [Surprisingly (not really), this was a header of a section, though the report is about digital mapping technologies.]",
""It's almost as if you are in a personal helicopter hovering over the city" [...] [Doubtlessly, with the qouted statement by a responsible developer of a digital mapping technology and service we are at our powered lift aircrafts and autocopters by Style of Speed]",
"[...] aims to bring the new 3D imagery to desktops [...] [See the OntoLinux Further steps of the 2nd of June 2012, then it becomes clear why we talk about a copyright infringement by both companies.]",
"[...] 300 million people [...] [In the context it is a link to the 3³ Theme by C.S..]
"'Platform battle' [...] But the war goes beyond [Google's Linux® kernel based operating system] versus [Apple's also Unix® based operating system]. [Here our readers should already see that the media company is absolutely aware about our concepts and technologies related with our HOS OntoLinux, and our Clarification of the 2nd of June 2012.],
"Developers and publishers [...] opted to go with the free and volunteer-driven OpenStreetMap [...] as its baseline mapping technology, instead of Google Maps. So did the mobile version of an internet encyclopedia. [But they did not opted in this way due to the charges taken from the company Google, but because we made this step much more earlier, even in the field of knowledge representation and mobile computing, as it can be seen for example in the sections Geography and Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe on the webpage Links to Software on the website of OntoLinux, and our technologies based on alread existing earth simulations and virtual globes that are part of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that we use for it.], and
"[...] OpenStreetMap [...] could be another "viable alternative" to [the operating systems of the companies Google and Apple ...] [Doubtlessly, the British Broadcasting Corporation says implicitly that this alternative is our Hightech Operating System OntoLinux, because this alternative is protected by many of our copyrighted intellectual properties (see once again our Clarification and the OntoLinux Further steps of the 2nd of June 2012, sections Geography and Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe on the webpage Links to Software, and the descriptions of our projects Map & Globe and our ontology-based OntoGlobe/OntoEarth ready for the semantic (World Wide) Web). But it still refuses to name us for not misleading the public any longer.]".
Btw.: As all other entities, that media company has as well no chance to pervert the facts, to ignore us further, and to respect our copyrighted intellectual properties. Besides this, it does not matter at all, if the journalist is in the U.K. or the U.S.A. for getting around legal actions.
We demand the worldwide media not to report about entities that present a solution based on a digital map or/and an earth simulation/a virtual globe in combination with a mobile digital 2D or 3D camera or a smartphone with 2D or 3D camera that create 3D images, as well as a desktop metaphor based on an earth simulation/a virtual globe, because this will infringe our copyright related with our Ontoscope and our OntoLinux.
Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht über Entitäten zu berichten, die eine Lösung präsentieren, die auf einer digitalen Karte in Kombination mit einem mobilen digitalen 2D- oder 3D-Kamera oder einem Mobil-/Smartphone mit 2D- oder 3D-Kamera basiert, die 3D-Bilder erstellen kann, sowie einer Desktopmetapher die auf einer Erdsimulation/einen virtuellen Globus basiert, da unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit unserem Ontoscope und unserem OntoLinux verletzt wird.
Samsung: At first we had to look for the decisive puzzle piece, but then its case documented in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 3rd of May 2012 was much easier to handle, because we remembered the following description on the webpage Ontologics Applications of the website of our Hightech Operating System (HighOS) OntoLinux: "allowing the user to interact with [applications] through common language, gesture, and sense" and "improving context sensing by making use of Multimodal [Multimedia] User Interfaces [(M²UIs)] and other sensors". Due to the facts that on the one hand all of our Mobile Devices, inclusive cell/mobile phones and smartphones, as shown and listed on the webpage Links to Hardware for example, are powered by our HOS OntoLinux that has a Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) since right from the start, inclusive this gesture control respectively face- or eye-tracking and also a voice/natural speech control, and on the other hand its new smartphone model also offers a user interface with gesture and natural speech control, we have at least the clear evidence of a copyright infringement and eventually even more.
Toshiba: While investigating its case on the 3rd of June 2012 we had somehow confused its acting by focusing on our Mobile 4D Display with its "techniques of head-tracking or facial scanning, like e.g. the eye-tracking", and the term "face-tracking" used by the company and linked by it with face/facial recognition==Gesichtserkennung. We have to apologize for this confusion.
Comment of the Day #1
Comment of the Day #2
"Every thought leaves a trace.", [C.S., Today]
Ontonics Website update
We have added the new subsection Innovation-Pipeline more structure.
p>In the last 2 decades we have conducted foundational research and develompent in the field of brains that led to Human Object Interfaces (HOIs), Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), our Ontologic System (OS) and Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux, our ingenious Ontoscope, as well as human enhancements and cyborg technologies. In the last decade we have strengthened our outstanding competencies by using our technologies and by looking at concepts of other parties for determining the technical and social limits of these technologies. Recently, we have made the third step forward and present now our new projects:
Orbis 8:33 CET and
Orbis 2.0 8:33 CET,
as well as
Mobile Motion-Tracking Display 14:22 CET.
Comment of the Day #1
Beamed energy screen
Beamed energy paper
Beamed energy speaker
Beamed energy rail
Beamed energy pad
Beamed energy overhead line
Beamed energy overhead rail
Comment of the Day #2
"We do not forget anybody.", [C.S., Today]
Ontonics Website update
*** Copy mode ***
We have added to the descriptions of our LaserPaper (lpaper) and our LaserGlass (lglass) the information that the technique of the wave-field synthesis for generating a light-field can be applied as well, as it is already done with the wave-field rendering/synthesis for 3D sound systems without headphones, so that also fully immersive virtual reality environments and the multi-person 3D feature already mentioned for a short time on this website can be created without the need of a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) or glasses (5:55 CET).
This information about the application of the light-field rendering/synthesis was also added to the descriptions of our LED DLP Image Display 2.0 and our Laser Image Display 2.0.
Moreover, we have also updated the descriptions of our haptic screen, our haptic paper, and our haptic speaker by adding the information to use the haptic technologies together with the beamed energy system of our new technologies of the Beamed Energy Screen, the Beamed Energy Paper, and the Beamed Energy Speaker.
Additionally, we also added to the description of our haptic speaker the information to use the technique of the wave-field synthesis for creating ultra sound-fields, in the same way as it is used for the sound-field synthesis for creating audible sound (8:23 CET).
Our LED DLP Image Display 2.0 and our Laser Image Display 2.0 can be combined with our Sp@ce approaches as well, specifically with our Sp@ce@Home concept, like the LaserPaper (lpaper) and the LaserGlass (lglass). In this way totally amazing building concepts can be created which would be the first augmented reality and fully immersive virtual reality environments without glasses or Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), as already mentioned on 5:55 and 8:22 CET. But by also adding to the LaserGlass (lglass) our integrations of the eVSG with the Sp@ce approach, and the multimedia technologies Holonicle and Hapticle with the wave-field synthesis for creating light-fields and ultra sound-fields in the same way, as it is used with the sound-field synthesis for creating audible sound, we are at the point of a true holodeck, like shown in the Star Trek® saga.
It seems to be that we have already made this revolution in the last days and by adding the full featured Caliber we go even far beyond the boarders of imagination.
We have also added the new technologies called:
Beamed Energy Screen (22:06 CET),
Beamed Energy Paper (22:39 CET),
Beamed Energy Speaker (22:02 CET), as well as
berail and bepad (22:35 CET), and
Beamed Energy Overhead Line/Rail.
The Beamed Energy Overhead Line was already mentioned in the Investigations of the 4th of June 2012.
Ontonics Further steps
Potentially, we will also add the new technologies called:
Light-Field Image Display and
Ultra Sound-Field Speaker.
Comment of the Day
Beamed Energy Link
Beamed Power Link
Energy beamer
Power beamer
Multimusic paper
Emotion plate
Emotion dish
Ontonics Website update
Yesterday, we could not add the descriptions of the projects:
Beamed Energy Link and
BEL@Home (0:56 CET)
due to the date change, so we did it today.
The Beamed Energy Link (BEL) itself was already described with the Raylev/Wavelev technology.
Furthermore, following the structure of our Hapticle series we added the new subsection Beamicle for the series of technologies that use our Beamed Energy Link for producing pressure waves, like sound and ultra sound waves. In this conjunction, our readers might have seen it as well that somehow we already have the Beamed Energy Display, but it does not fit very well in the structure of the Beamicle series. So we renamed the former Beamed Energy Display into Beamed Energy Image Display and use from now on the term Beamed Energy Display for the technology that is the counterpart to the Hapticle::Display technology of integrating displays, including the Beamed Energy Image Display.
In perfect harmony with our Happy Bull$hitday celebrated yesterday, we've made notes about the sponsor Volkswagen once again and the artist Tacita Dean on our Culture website.
Obviously, we, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, are not a so-called patent troll or a copyright troll. If we wrote nice songs in the last years, then the industries can't copy, play them, and sell them legal- ly without getting our consent.
Ontonics Website update
We have given our Innovation-Pipeline more structure and added the new subsection Wave-Field Computing to the subsection Hardware-Technologie of the section Informatics -New Paradigms, and then listed in this new sections our wave-field sensors.
Also, we added the new projects that is called:
eUmbrella (23:38 CET),
Multimusic Paper (23:43 CET), and
Emotion Plate and Dish (23:50).
*** Fine Tuning and Proof-reading mode ***
Apple: We have seen it already some years ago, got the proofs some weeks ago, and have now enough mass to prove at the courts that without any doubts the company has infringed our copyright in relation with our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux. Its mistakes were that generally it has not stopped stealing our intellectual properties, and specifically that it has integrated the before camouflaged hard- and software development activities, into one mobile operating system (all single actings and technologies, and some of their integration are indeed legal, but only as long as they stayed unconnected single solutions, so that this trick is busted now), and that it proved its serious crime itself by making single marketing statements given on its website but also in many interviews that are as well all legal, if taken alone, but we will connect all this issues in this investigation to finalize the puzzle, and show why the white line has been transgressed vastly.
After there is no doubt anymore now that it has indeed stolen our two further developments of the two since at that time more than 3 years orphaned digital desktop assistant projects Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) and Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes (CALO) by developing the concept of their mobile versions, and by integrating the digital desktop assistant projects and accordingly the mobile digital assistant with Natural Language Processing (NLP; see the related case of Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 5th of October 2011, the Clarification of the 28th of December 2011, and the related sections Natural Language Processing and Intelligent/Cognitive Interface of the webpage Links to Software of the website of our HOS OntoLinux), it did it once again in the fields of 3D software, geographic information systems (GISs) and earth simulation/virtual globes (take a look on the Links to Software webpage again, especially the sections related Geography, and Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe, and for example the latest case of the company Google documented in the Investigation::Multimedia of the 7th of June 2012) by applying the same method, that is buying those companies, which before have either developed own technologies in a legal way or have simply stolen our intellectual properties, and then integrating their services or/and products into its two operating system plattforms. With its new operating system version it has integrated now both our before stolen concept of the mobile voice controlled digital assistant with a mapping system and service, which has also a direct link to our website, exactly in the same way as we described it before, which is the next crystal clear evidence for its permanent infringements of our copyright. And the issue goes on, because the maps and navigation aids originate from the company TomTom. Surprinsingly, we have already convicted the company TomTom 2 times of stealing our intellectual properties, in the latter case related with our MultiGPS solution (see its cases in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 29th of April 2011 and 25th of February 2012, but also the case of the consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany and ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat in the same investigations). Here again the single step is legal, for sure, but the latter integration of stolen intellectual properties by the company TomTom into services and products by the company Apple, as in the case with the mobile digital assistant Siri and now with its new 2D and 3D mapping service, is not legal. Apple can't collect services and products stolen by third entities, integrate them into its services and products, and then claim that our copyrighted descriptions are nonrelevant or invalid. This is definitely not case, because here we are also in the field of law called 'dealing in stolen goods' besides the copyright law. By the way: The company TomTom is dead, so get away its shares as quick as possible. But the specific issue with the map data goes even further, because the company also uses data of the OpenStreetMap project as well, which again is a clear copyright infringement, specifically be adding also the 3D view to the OpenStreetMap data (see again the section Geography). This would have been a clever step, if not all of its actings before were already illegal and if we were not already there. Moreover, "Apple's vice president of the mobile system, said [... that:] "This is a worldwide effort. We're covering the world."" and "3-D modeling, one of the features touted by Apple", [a news network, today]. This is a clear evidence that with the next step the company wants to steal from the section Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe of the webpage Links to Software as well as our Ontoscope software component linked with the 3D software Blender, which includes a 3d modeling environment (see also the section Visualization of the webpage Links to Software), which makes it a worldwide copyright infringement.
The next point is related with the installation of its version of our mobile digital assistant concept on its tablet computer iPad, but here again we have the general copyright infringement by Apple with this mobile personal assistant and the specific copyright infringement by installing it on tablet computers as well. This investigative case continues with the enhanced social network integration into its operating system, which doubtlessly is copied form our Boot to Web Cloud Operating Systems (COSs), our Boot to Rekonq, as well as our social network service Fireplace.
Besides this, we find it highly critical that its mobile phone is integrated with the computing and multimedia enviornment of vehicles despite it is done as a so-called "eyes free" feature that integrates a Siri[/a personal assistant] button to activate the smartphone's voice-operated assistant", [a British broadcaster, 11th of June 2012]. But here again, it does not matter at all what kind of version was chosen in doing so, because the mobile software application Siri already constitutes an infringement of our copyright and the company only worsen its situation by installing it now into vehicles as well. Moreover, it must be clear that its true motivation is to bring its voice-activated navigation system into vehicles as well, which will be a further clear evidence of copyright infringement. Also, we are already at the interior and the related multimedia applications of our models j! and iCup, eventually the responsible persons of the company Apple have not seen the point that the overall specification of our Active Components includes the link to our HOS OntoLinux. Later it we will take our itablet and ipad holder as well.
Btw.: A first image, which must be declared as being speculative, shows a mobile phone with a larger red coloured lens at the front side, which from our point of view is our MobileKinetic mobile motion sensor technology and its component with a source of infrared light or a source of structured infrared light and an optical sensor that are both based on our Retina Projection.
The company Apple has proved itself that it is unable to cooperate with others and an only stealing company, definitely. Extra bold is the fact that despite we have already convicted the company several times, Steve Jobs has died, and we tried to build a bridge by our suggestion of the Pad Alliance, the company continued to take the intellectual properties of C.S. without neither asking nor paying for it. Said this, read also the other cases of this investigation, and keep in mind that here is no more Steve Jobs inside, but only C.S.. Due to the fact that it has very aggressively acted and thoroughly looted our website of OntoLinux and also took a too deep look on our websites of Ontonics and Style of Speed the result is once again clear: Convicted!!!
For each sold device running iOS 5 a license fee of 5 US dollar has to be given, for each sold device running iOS 5 plus Siri the license fee is 10 US dollar, and for each sold device running iOS 6 20 US dollar are the license fee. Now it can be calculate what was not payed until today. In addition, the issues related with the app store and the iCloud were neglected. After our overall estimation, inclusive further damage compensation, Apple has already an open bill of around 5 billion US dollar and this new operating system will easily add 3 billion US dollar or even more.
British Broadcasting Corporation: Already yesterday, the media company has publicated a report about the new version of the mobile operating system by the company Apple (the case of the company Apple can be read above). Besides informations about already mentioned features we think the following quote gives our readers an interesting detail information for finalizing the whole puzzle, as we described it: ""I think the whole operating system is getting more clever. It's learning from what consumers are doing and improving the experience." [This was said by a responsible person of the company Apple and proves our claims a further time, especially in relation with our concept of the mobile voice controlled digital assistant stolen as Siri, the 2D and 3D mapping system and service, as well as the integration of both, and the further integration with an operating system (see also the case of the company Apple above and the other cases of media companies and broadcasters below for getting the whole story).]".
Before, it reported: "Between Apple, Google and Microsoft, "we may end up with three centres of gravity", [an technology analyst] told the BBC. [Doubtlessly, the technology analyst as well as the quoting broadcaster do know exactly that than the center of the universe is our company with our HOS OntoLinux (take a look on the logo of Ontologics and the Investigation::Multimedia of the 7th of June 2012 to the true inspiration of this statement)]".
As expected, the media company has not followed our demand but instead has taken our content of our investigations in the field of multimedia for a report about a work based on stolen intellectual properties owned by us (see once again the case of the company Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 5th of October 2011).
Cable News Network: We quote out of a report about the updates of the mobile operating system by the company Apple (see the case of the company Apple above) and give explanations and hopefully only the facts directly as comments to the single quotes: "A brand new map system, complete with 3-D imaging and voice-assisted, turn-by-turn navigation [Here we have a good example again about what we are speaking. The single technologies and even its integration in this way ist absolutely legal, but not its integration into the operating system.]", "And an upgrade to Siri looks to turn the [the company's mobile phone]'s feature from a novelty with a few useful applications into the full-fledged "digital assistant" the company promises, with voice-activated search being a key component. [Here we can clearly see now that our claim in the case of our mobile software application Siri was correct: It is indeed our concept of the mobile version of the digital desktop assistant projects Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) and Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes (CALO) integrated with natural language processing by us as a further development (see the related case of the company Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 5th of October 2011, the Clarification of the 28th of December 2011, and the related sections Natural Language Processing and Intelligent/Cognitive Interface of the webpage Links to Software of the website of our HOS OntoLinux).]", ""[...] creating a consortium of powerful web partners [a technology analyst ... the company] will continue to add content partners for Siri [...] [If this is truly the case, then this step by the company Apple would be the next evidence that it is copying illegally our HOS OntoLinux, because powerful web and content partners are those that provide databases of different kinds and web content providers that will use the upcoming HTML5 web standard. But this infringes our copyright again due to essential features of our our Ontological File System (OntoFS) that uses the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and its deep integration into our HOS OntoLinux, which is also the world's first 3D operating system, as we explained it in the case of 2D and 3D mapping systems, and virtual earths before in relation with the company Google (see the last case of the company Google in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 7th of June 2012).]",
"[...] enhanced [social network] integration [...] [Besides that the media company now has taken our speech act for talking nonsense and in this way misleading the public away from our Cloud Operating System (COS) series Boot to Web with the COSs Boot to Rekonq, as well as our social network service Fireplace.]",
"[...] Apple's vice president in charge of the mobile system, said [... :] "This is a worldwide effort. We're covering the world." [This is a clear evidence that the company wants now to steal from the section Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe of the webpage Links to Software in the next step.]",
"Significantly, 3-D modeling, one of the features touted by Apple on Monday, was among the upgrades. [We do ask the question why we were not referenced, because . Said this, we have here an evidence of a copyright infringement conducted by both the IT-company Apple and also by the media company Cable News Network.]", and
"The company [Google] hasn't been shy about encroaching on what Apple considered its own turf. [How bold and criminal is that by the media company Cable News Network? Its our turf and neither Microsoft's, Google's, nor Apple's, because they are infringing our copyright.]".
As expected, that media company has not followed our demand but instead has taken our content of our investigations in the field of multimedia for a report about a product based on stolen intellectual properties owned by us (see once again the case of the company apple Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 5th of October 2011 and above).
Thomson Reuters: We also found in its report about the updated mobile operating system of the company Apple interesting informations, so we do quote and comment:
"[...] electronic assistant technology [...] [Here we got the information that suddenly (not really) the so-called application Siri is not only a voice control system.]",
"[...] innovative voice-activated [smart]Phone search-feature [...] is now available on [tablet computer]s and recites a larger database of answers [...] [Besides that Apple's version of our original concept of the mobile voice controlled digital assistant is here again called a voice-activated search feature instead of the term "electronic assistant technology" used before in the report, we have here again a link to database technology and contents.]",
"[The electronic assistant technology] is also integrated into the new mapping service [...] [Besides the single technologies that we already discussed due to copyright infringements, we also said before that it is this integration that is a crystal clear evidence for its copyright infringement in relation with our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux that already has such features. We do have enough publicated documents about solutions and software that prove our claims, and the fact that some features of the iOS series are indeed open source software, but we won't publicate them now or in the near future, for sure. Said this, Apple has a further large problem, because its strategy to copy our integrations and the integrations done by third parties could already demand to open the source code base of its operating system. So, at this point everybody can see that we also took Linux® as the base for our OntoLinux platform as a protection against companies with proprietary closed source code software, like e.g. Microsoft, Apple, and Nokia, and why Apple should better stop immediately with its copying of OntoLinux. But this gives no advantage for companies and consortiums with mobile operating systems based on open source software code in any way, because they still have to reference our works correctly.]",
"[...] demonstrating Apple's ability to take an experience offered by rivals and "go even further" [...] [Again an incompetent analyst tells nonsense or a nasty analyst knows our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux and also our other business unit Style of Speed and makes wrong statements, because Apple did not go even further, but took only from us and is still behind. We do think that the company the analyst is working for is such a large one, that the second case refelcts the truth.]", and
"[...] "retina" displays [...] [We often explained why it is a misleading marketing lie, if Apple use this term for its common display technology. So why does the media company come up again with this issue? Once again, it is not a retina display (read the Clarification of the 3rd of November 2010, and see the Original vs. Inspiration of the 6th of December 2010 as well as the Ontonics Further steps of the 8th of November 2010).]".
Consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany: Doubtlessly, "Die neue Architektur: iOS6==The new architecture: iOS6" is in fact the old architecture of our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux presented many years ago, and was said only to damage our company and to mob C.S. further. Furthermore, "So ist beispielsweise die auf Android-Geräten kostenlose Straßennavigation von Google Maps noch immer nicht auf Apples iPhone verfügbar. [...] Daher soll der damalige Chef Steve Jobs schon vor drei Jahren die Entwicklung eigener Kartendienste angeordnet haben. Apple kaufte sich dazu drei Spezialfirmen zusammen, jetzt soll das Produkt fertig sein. Die Vision sei, die Kartendienste noch tiefer in das iOS-System einzubinden, berichtete das "Wall Street Journal". Etwa könnte die Kalender-App den Nutzer warnen, wenn sich auf dem Weg zu einem Termin ein Stau zusammenbraut.", "iPhone warnt vor Staus", From the point of view of the company Apple it seems to be correct, but it is not, because the integration of the mapping system and the navigation system with our mobile software Siri on the one hand, and the deeper going integration with a mobile operating system in general was again illegally taken from our websites of OntoLinux and Style of Speed. From the point of view of that consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions it is again a copyright infringement and a serious criminal acting, because it has copied our marketing story related with the Vision Theme and the 3³ Theme, besides that it advertised a product that is in fact based on our intellectual properties. "Settop-Box Apple TV" and "Xbox-Plattform", but no word about our since 2001 already existing and with the Ontonics Website update of the 14th of March 2008 presented XTbox that is as well powered by OntoLinux. Also "iPhone wird Portemonnaie", "Wo bleibt das iTV?==Where is the iTV? [The answer is simple and the public, the experts, the investors, as well as the media can't believed it: Apple has nothing that can be compared to our solutions like the LED DLP TV 2.0, Laser TV 2.0, and definitely the LaserGlass, and the Beamed Energy Image Display to name just some few.]", "Nicht einmal ansatzweise äußerten sich die Apple-Manager zu den Fernseh-Visionen, die einst Steve Jobs höchst persönlich entworfen hatte. [Here again the attempt to talk about our vision designed by C.S. in the OntoLab, The Lab of Visions.]", "Die Karten und Navigationshilfen stammen von der Firma TomTom [Surprinsingly, we have already convicted TomTom 2 times of stealing our intellectual properties (see its cases in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 29th of April 2011 and 25th of February 2012, but also of that working pool and ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat in the same investigations).]", "sprechende "persönliche Assistent" Siri kommt nun auch aufs iPad [But here again we have the general copyright infringement by Apple with our mobile personal assistent, because Siri is our copyrighted concept of the mobile version of the digital desktop assistant projects Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) and Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes (CALO), and our concept to integrate the mobile digital assistant created in this way with natural language processing (see the related case of Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 5th of October 2011, the Clarification of the 28th of December 2011, and the related sections Natural Language Processing and Intelligent/Cognitive Interface the Links to Software webpage) and the specific copyright infringement by installing it on tablet computers as well.]", and "spacigen neuen Apple-Welt [This time we have a link to our Sp@ce.]".
We demand the worldwide media not to report about the actual mobile operating systems (iOS 5 and iOS 6) of the company Apple, specifically if it is about our mobile software application Siri, and its integration with a natural speech processing system, a mobile operating system, and a 2D and 3D mapping system and service on the other hand, as well as the further integration of the resulting software system with a stationary or/and a mobile operating system, because this infringes our copyright related with our operating system OntoLinux.
Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht über die aktuellen mobilen Betriebssysteme (iOS 5 and iOS 6) des Unternehmens Apple zu berichten, insbesondere mit unserer mobilen Softwareanwendung Siri und dessen Integrationen mit einer System für die natürliche Sprachverarbeitung, einem mobilen Betriebssystem und einem 2D- und 3D-Kartographiesystem und -dienst sowie der weiteren Integration mit einem stationären oder/und mobilen Betriebssystem, weil unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit unserem Betriebssystem OntoLinux verletzt wird.
Comment of the Day
"Krisen werden nicht herbeigeredet, sondern schöngefärbt.", [Blogger Joshui, Heute]
"Crises are not talked up, but sugarcoated.", [Blogger Joshui, Today]
Picture of the Day
Logo of Tuxic

Larry Ewing "Permission to use and/or modify this image is granted provided you acknowledge me lewing@isc.tamu.edu and The GIMP if someone asks."
© Tuxic
Very well done Linus. To be honest, we have seen at that time that Linus implemented the first version of Linux®, we even discussed his e-mail, but at first C.S. was not interested in a specific microkernel-based operating system cloned from Unix®.
See also the Picture of the Day of the 2nd of November 2009.
Ontonics Further steps 15:00 CET
For sure, all of our devices, like image displays, televisions, e-books, smartphones, tablet and pad computers, notebooks, cameras, dash- boards, e-wallpapers and e-walls, and so on, which feature tech- niques, like the body scanning, inclusive e.g. the head tracking and the torso tracking, the facial scanning, inclusive e.g. eye tracking and gaze tracking, or/and the facial recognition, can distinguish who is watching, and provide general data, like about the viewers' gender or whether they are adults or children, but should not identify spec- ific people. In this way they are allowing and helping users and com- panies to target services, like e.g. advertising, interactivity, and so much more. Naturally, a user has the option to enable such features of a device on her/his own to keep full control over her/his privacy on the one side, but on the other side our solutions also give every- body the opportunity to enjoy new and surely better models of sub- scribing, rating, and advertising in general and not only in the field of TV. Additionally, with our solutions content providers of all kind do not need to license their networks and TV shows to us at rates that could undercut their established cable and satellite, as well as inter- net and further media partners.
Comment of the Day #1
Autogyro Multiplier
Autogyro fan
Ontonics Website update 10:30 CET
We have added the new Air Multiplier technology called:
Autogyro Fan.
In the subsection Flying Robots we have added the:
We also added the new subsection Image Display 2.0 for giving the Innovation-Pipeline more structure, and filled it with the already existing LED DLP Image Display 2.0 and the Laser Image Display 2.0, as well as just for fun the two projects:
LCD Image Display 2.0 and
Plasma Image Display 2.0.
The LCD Image Display 2.0 was added, because we have seen that too much of TVs based on the LCD technology are sold, and the Plasma Image Display 2.0 was added, because the series could be completed in this way, so that the webpage looks more beautiful, and because the plasma display technology is a nice solution for the construction of large displays, though we would like to mention that plasma displays need more power than the other technologies in this field.
Moreover, we updated the descriptions of the Image Displays 2.0 by explaining the information that the technology can be built into the device or be realized by an additional device.
Ontonics Further steps
We will mention the contents of the Ontonics Further steps of yester -day in the general description of the subsection Image Display 2.0.
Style of Speed Website update
We have added to the webpages of our powered lift aircraft models, specifically the 3³ :) (Triple 3 Fun) and Hawk 333, and the Z :) (Z Fun), and our autocopters models the option to use our Air Multiplier fans.
In the case of our autocopters, specifically our models R1 and Z1, a further reason can be seen now why we have developed our hubless Stroetmann Wheel (see for example the webpages of our SRacer, or our motorcycle models #1 and #4), and the reason why we have developed our Active Differential #3, the HyperArchitecture. Nobody can tell anymore that we were not already there all the years, or criticize us that we have not given enough informations and hints. SOS - In Style and Speed as Always.
Comment of the Day #1
Exoskeletal aircraft
Exoskeletal air vehicle
Exoskeletales Fluggerät
Exoskeletal plane
Exoskeletales Flugzeug
RoboStylist RoboStyler
RoboTattoist RoboTattooer
Comment of the Day #2
"Eurozone Domino Year", [C.S., Today]
1. row: George de Bothezat (1940)
2. row: Horace Pentecost E-III Hoppicopter (1945), André Franquin Fantacoptere (1951), George Sablier (1954)
3. row Gen Corporation Gen H-04 (1999), Franz Schoeffmann, Swingavi SA4H (2003)
4. row Celier Aviation and French Army Fanman 550E (ca. 2004)


© Popular Science, :(, André Franquin, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Gen, :(, :(, and :(
There exist some more designs. See also the Original vs. Inspiration of the 9th of April 2008, the Originals of the 28th of September 2009 and the Picture of the Day of the 18th of May 2011, as well as our ExoAircraft.
Ontonics Further steps
It's doodle time, so we present some quick and dirty doodles of our ExoCopter.

Ontonics Website update
Already yesterday, we have started to fill our new subsection called ExoAircraft that we created for the combination of our ExoWear and our Backpack Aircrafts mentioned several times in the past. Actually, one problem related with this is the naming schemes for the Backpack Aircrafts and the ExoAircrafts on the one hand, and our ExoPowertrains (see also the Ontonics Further steps of the 31st of May 2012), as it can be easily seen with for example the name of our Backpack Exocopter, or the names Exofan, Exojet, and so on.
Some days ago, we also wanted only to add the not so new RoboCrafter called RoboBrusher, but while writing about it we suddenly had a whole new series that comprises the:
RoboTattooist/RoboTattooer, and
RoboManicurist and RoboPedicurist.
Style of Speed Website update
We have extended our Active Camera component with an optional mirror for taking panoramic/360° images and views.
Style of Speed Website update
We have started to add to the webpages of our powered lift aircraft and our autocopters models the powertrain option based on our Exofan and our other Exoskeletal Engines.
Comment of the Day #1
Comment of the Day #2
Ontonics Further steps
For everybody, who like to be inspired, we have released the doodle of our ExoCopter made also two days ago (see the Ontonics Further steps of the 15th of June 2012), the doodle made also two days ago and reworked today with the Gen H-4 backpack helicopter, and the doodle made today with André Franquin's backpack helicopter design called Fantacoptere.
Ontonics Website update
We added the new subsection RoboCrafter, and put all RoboTinsmiths as well as all the RoboCrafters presented in the Ontonics Website update of the 15th of the June 2012 into this new subsection.
We also renamed the RoboStyler/RoboStylist into RoboVisagist/Robo- Makeup Artist as well, because it describes better what this type of robot does.
Comment of the Day
Exoskeletal powertrain
Exoskeletal propulsion
Exoskeletaler Antrieb
Picture of the Day
MontB (2008) of the series "Pattern"

© C.S.
The painting has been presented as an Original on the 21st of Dec- ember 2008 for the first time. It does not represent the logo of a manufacturer of writing instruments that looks like a white star, but the creation of the art work was inspired and driven by three different issues.
The first inspiring issue is the story of a kidnap victim of the Lufthansa Flight 181/Mogadishu hijacking in the October of the year 1977: The Palestinian leader of the terrorist group found a pen of the company Montblanc. He then claimed that the six-pointed star would be one of the Jewish symbols, specifically the 'Star of David'. Due to his ignorance he wanted to execute the owner directly in the plane, but for the pen owner's luck the captain could finally explain that the sign has nothing in common with the Jews and Israel, but with a company label.
The second issue is related with a two-part performance, which has as the one part a demonstration and as the other part an open-end- ed test of social behavior.
In this context it must be understood as well that C.S. has titled the image "MontB" and just not otherwise in wise foresight of the related events to come in the future as a demonstration of even this totally outstanding ability and expertise.
And the third issue is the pattern itself.
Ontonics Website update
We have added the new subsection RoboArtist and sorted the relat- ed RoboCrafters into it. While doing so, we simultaneously split the common technology of the RoboManicurist and the RoboPedicurist into the single solutions RoboManicurist and RoboPedicurist.
Furthermore, following the Ontonics Further steps of the 31st of May 2012, we have added the new subsection Exoskeletal Propulsion and are filling the new subsection with the single technologies.
For beautifying our webpage Innovation-Pipeline and complementing the subsection Backpack Aircraft we also added the classic project of the Backpack Helicopter.
We have made a note about the sponsor Montblanc International in relation to the image "MontB" by C.S. (see the Picture of the Day above).
Comment of the Day
Exoskeletal turboprop
Exoskeletal turboshaft
Exoskeletal propfan
For those entities that still try to tell the fairy tale about a tablet computer and the pad computer we would like to mention our Comment of the Day #1 of the 19th of March 2008. At that time the company Apple had only patented its multi-touch display used for its mobile phone for tablet computers as well, but no plan at all to manufacturer this kind of device, because nobody thought that there would be an interest at the market after the tablet Personal Computer (tablet PC) by the company Microsoft was a giant flop all the years before. Said this, it was not Steve Jobs, who made the decisive steps, and the reports about such a tablet computer by the company Apple were only totally unconfirmed rumours out of the land behind the seven mountains based on the said patent. Quite contrary, without C.S.' actings with the creation of our business unit intelliTablet and the registration of its internet domain in the year 2001, the project P@d 2.0 in the year 2008, which was called 2.0 and not 1.0 as a clear sign that it is the next generation after the market disaster with the tablet computer in the sense that the tablet computer is the version 1.0 and our pad computer is the next generation version 2.0, and the concept called Qixle there would be no mobile device like the iPad at all (read also the Clarification of the 16th of February 2011 for example, besides the many other explanations given on the OntomaX website).
The same holds with the usage of a special processor architecture that was always supported by the versions of our integration of the L4 microkernel and our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux, and our Mobile Devices, specifically the multi-touch tablet and pad computers with or without a stylus/digital pen. Said this, we also made in this special technical field the first steps already at the end of the year 2006.
So do yourself a favour and stop telling utter nonsense to the public, because these historical facts are documented by the worldwide media and by us.
Ontonics Website update
While in the process of adding the single powertrains into the subsect- ion Exoskeletal Propulsion, we have created for a more beautiful style the new engines:
Exoprop and Exoshaft, and
We also found some time to put the Ontonics Further steps of the 14th of June 2012 into action and added the related content of the Ontonics Further steps of the 13th of June 2012 to the general description of the subsection Image Display 2.0.
Ontonics and intelliTablet Further steps 11:00 CET
It should be more than clear that each of our consumer devices is a Castle in the Cloud and has a place at the Fireplace, if wished by the owner.
Ontonics and intelliTablet Further steps
We are thinking about a new version of our P@d Computer hardware architecture that has an keyboard integrated into the attachable accumulator, so that it triples to an accumulator, a display cover, and a keyboard. Eventually, the keyboard could be fixed at the case of the device as well, be flat or have keys that can be depressed, and feature a touch-/trackpad.
Microsoft: The company has again infringed our copyright, this time in relation with the combination of a multi-touch tablet and pad computers in the slate style that are called Surface and feature a stylus/digital pen. In fact, it is the decisive feature of our multi-touch tablet and pad computers in the slate and portfolio style (larger slate style), but also in the booklet style, "The hardware architecture is basically the same as it's used for the slate styled intelliTablets, but features a folding two-/dual-touchscreen technology as well.", which also gives the implicit explanation that our other tablets have had already a pen/stylus as standard or an option (see the images shown as Original on the 13th of February 2008, the intelliTablet (iTablet) Further steps of the 30th of April 2010 and 29th of May 2010, the Clarifications of the 16th of February 2011, 24th of August 2011, 9th of September 2011 (the point that begins with "In August 2011"), and today above, as well as the case of the company Asus in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 22nd of March 2012). We do think that this makes this case clear, and now we do know as well why it is called Surface, which is as well a copyright infringement due to the explanation given by us for example in the case of the vehicle manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke in the Investigations::Car #312 of the 2nd of March 2011 (see also the Clarification of the 16th of February 2011).
The same holds for the combination of tablet and pad computers with a special processor architecture, because all of our Mobile Devices can run the versions of our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux that combine the L4 microkernel and our HOS OntoLinux.
British Broadcasting Corporation: How could it be otherwise with that serious criminal media company? For documenting its case and the case of the company Microsoft (see above) in relation to a tablet and pad computer we quote out of the related report but give only very short comments. More detailed comments to the quotes can be found in the documentation of Microsoft's copyright infringement and the Clarification of today (see again above for bith). The quotes are: "[...] Surface [an operating system] tablets [...] [copyright infringement by the company Microsoft]", "[...] choice of an Intel or ARM-based processor [...] [see the first versions of our intellitablets (iTablets)]", "The specifications mean the Surface tablets have bigger screens than the iPad but are heavier. [see also the specifications of our intellitablets (iTablets)]", "The devices are also designed to work with a pen accessory [...] stylus [...] [copyright infringement by both, the media compnay and the IT- company]", "[...] either 32GB (gigabytes) or 64GB of storage [...] [as some of our intellitablets (iTablets) models]", ""They seem to be be targeting a professional audience," [...] the focus for ARM-based Surface tablets would be consumers [...] [Obviously, Microsoft wants only to steal our intellectual properties and so it is only focused on our acting no matter what we do in the end.]", ""Microsoft will be its own worst enemy in this market," [...] [No, this is wrong. We are now its worst enemy in this market at least due to the massive copyright infringements.]", "[...] limits [a tablet computer] options to connectivity, storage, and black… or white [...] [We give consumers the choice to decide themselves when they are overwhelmed by the choice.]", and "The firm's [processor] designs have already proved popular with smartphone makers, but Microsoft's support for its technology [...] offers it the potential to expand into a market dominated until now by Intel and AMD. [That is total nonsense, because its processors are already used in the market sector of tablet and pad computer. We have the processors of ARM thrown out again due to our own even more superior High-Performance MultiCore chip series, the lack of support all the last years by that processor manufacturer, and the new generation of processors by the other chip manufacturers. So let's see when suddenly neither Microsoft nor an operating system consortium will use them furthermore.]".
We demand the worldwide media to report accordingly about the tablet computers by the company Microsoft, because it uses our intellectual properties without referencing us.
Wir fordern die weltweiten Median auf entsprechend über die Tablet-Computer des Unternehmens Microsoft zu berichten, weil es unser intellektuelles Eingentum nutzt ohne uns zu referenzieren.
We, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, would like to thank every media company worldwide for its cooperation in relation to the protection of intellectual properties, especially the protection of copyrights. For those media companies that have not seen it, we've made a further compensation for this support (see the description of our Image Dis- play 2.0 technology) recently.
*** Fine Tuning mode - Simply read it and then think about it as a whole. ***
Second Metabolism, Self-Symbiosis, and Selfbiosis or Reflective Symbiosis are three concepts that we have hold back all the years and not revealed officially until today. While the Second Metabolism could be seen as a backup system of the personal metabolism, or as we say the systems biology of an individual, and based on a suggestion mentioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in relation to our HOS OntoLinux and the Virtual Soldier Project with the Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation) 1.0 and the Holomer 2.0 by the DARPA, the U.S. Army, and the members of the project collaboratory respectively our further development with our Holomer (HOLOgraphic MEdical Record), our Holodoc 1.0, and our 21st Century Health Care Card, the Selfbiosis or Reflective Symbiosis is our further development of the Second Metabolism and the tangible Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation and HOLOgraphic MEdical Record) respectively our further development with our Holomer (HOLOgraphic MEdical Record), our Holodoc 1.0, and our 21st Century Health Care Card concepts, and is even a whole exact clone of oneself, the self-symbiote/self-symbiont or selfbiote/selfbiont/selfreplicator/selfclone, not to confuse with an embryo respectively fetus or a twin, which can be used as reviving/reincarnating concept after a normal death. It is related with the character Kuato of the movie "Total Recall", who is a small humanoid form conjoined to another man named George, the symbioitc race Goa'uld, Children of the Gods, integrated within a host, like a human, of the "Stargate" saga, and the humans with their external souls that are sentient daemons in animal form of Philip Pullman's novel "Northern Lights" respectively "The Golden Compass" based on a line of John Milton's poem "Paradise Lost", and its movie version also called "The Golden Compass", as well as concepts shown in comics, like for example the fictional race of the Symbiotes of the Marvel Comics universe, many further science fiction and fantasy novels and movies, as well as toys, specifically the Lego® Exo-Force series.
We have connections to the sections Extended Identity, Human Enhancement and Cyborg, Changeling, Shapeshifter and Transformer, Holomer, Caliber, and so on.
In relation to a case documented in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, Multimedia and Robotics of the 16th of May 2011:
"1. series Med!Mobile,
2. Ontoscope, which in its different versions features two or more visual sensors and further optional sensors, like for example our Multiray sensors, having different functionalities, eg. for stereoscopic viewing, Glassy viewing, multi-spectral imaging, and chemical elements detection, and
3. combination of the Holomer (3.0) with our Retinascope called Holodoc 1.0, which features as well two or more camera systems and further optional sensor systems like the Ontoscope based solutions
(see the Announcement Ontonics Website update and the Originals of the 21st of November 2008, the Ontoscope Announcement of the 8th September 2009, the OntoLinux Website update of the 29th of August 2007 and also the Clarification #1 of the 29th of April 2011, for example)", and
the related Clarification of the 13th of January 2012
It should be totally clear now that we described it as an USB memory-stick, Bod•E, and the rest, and showed the many related images in an unconnected way until today for irritating the competitors and nasty entities, but in fact it was always meant by us in relation with emotions, like love and fun, our HOS OntoLinux, and the Virtual Object System, besides so many other relations, because it is an tangible avatar better known as token of the Second Metabolism and Selfbiosis, and the Brain Machine Interface (BMI) mentioned in relation with many of our vehicles, like e.g. our SRacer, our Walkers/Mechas, and our ExoAircrafts.
We have presented many images but distributed them unconnected:
Take every shown Lego® minifigure and similar figures, every shown exoskeleton, and also the Lego® Exo-Force figures presented on the OntomaX website.
1. Pictures Reloaded showing the Hotspot of Innovations on the 6th of February 2008;
The minifigure in the iRaiment classic style has somekind of a green backpack or wearable mount, which was already meant at that time for being used with the tangible selfbiont as part of our fractal/holonic tangible Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation and HOLOgraphic MEdical Record) concept and as the one end of the scale of the whole reflective selfbiosis (endosymbiotic aspect; micro-force), so to say, and as shown with the Exo-Force image with the Lego skeleton that has a heart and and angel at the right side (point 5.; see also point 9.) as the other end of the scale (exosymbiotic aspect; macro-force). So the concept is not only about a second metabolism and a self-symbiosis, including the integration of endosymbiosis and ecto-/exosymbiosis, but also a reflective/fractal/holonic system itself (see also point 6.), which makes it extremely complex in every sense for sure.
2. Pictures Loaded showing the Hotspot of Innovations on the 8th of February 2008;
The shown exowing or exospeeder has 3+1 backpack robots, that are 1 large reflective robot and 2 small robots at both sides of the large one, which all feature multiray visors, and 1 reflective robot consisting of a laptop and a robotic arm with hand that programs itself by using the keyboard, as shown on the image. For sure, all robots a connected and work as a team together with the pilot. It is related with the minifigure mentioned in point 1., the Exo-Force image with the Lego skeleton as selfbiont, that has the heart and the angel at the right sides (point 5.) See also the Exo-Force battle mechas (point 9.).
3. Original vs. Inspiration of the 27th of March 2008;
Ratchet and Clank, that are related with the items mentioned in point 1., 2., and 5.. Also Gaston is controlling a model of himself. Now let Gaston controll his self-model as a doctor that operates himself (see also point 14.).
4. Original Sketches shown on the 22nd of January 2008;
We called one image the Vodoolove OntoLab Concept and then talked about the Lego® OntoLab-Minifigure. By the way: The image of the Finite Element Method (FEM) model of a human heart was taken from a webpage of the NASA about activities in the field of medical support for astronauts in space, which somehow was found in conjunction with the website of the Virtual Soldier Project and its Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation) 2.0 by the DARPA, the U.S. Army, and the members of the project collaboratory. The heart is also reflected in the Lego® OntoLab-Minifigure, the reflective selfbiont/tangible functional holomer, while the second metabolism is represented with the angel on the right sight where "To have one's heart in the right place".
5. Original Sketches shown on the 23rd of January 2008;
The Exotimesub combines the before mentioned objects of a selfbiont, tangible functional holomer, and exoskeletton, with space time and physics, which points again to our Caliber.
6. Original Sketches shown on the 20th of July 2008;
It was never meant to be only a robot exterior, which is strongly related to the selfbiont/tangible functional holomer and should point to cyborgs as well, but should also show the integration of endosymbiosis (micro-force) and ecto-/exosymbiosis (macro-force), as a reflective/holonic system on its own (see also points 1., 5., and 9.). It also shows that both most not be equal in every aspect at all.
7. Roboticle Original sketch of the 18th of March 2009;
It shows a sketch of a minifigure/minifig and a macrofigure/maxifig (see also point 8.).
8. Pictures behind the links "Roboticle: Open ROBI Maxifig/Macrofig Platform" and "Roboticle: Rob-E Maxifig/Macrofig" in the section Robotics on the webpage Links to Hardware.
We gave deliberately the two links the same name 'Maxifig/Macrofig', but then showed the small robot and the large robot in the sense of the difference between endosymbiosis and ecto-/exosymbiosis, but also in respect to the picture of point 6. and the other related pictures or minifigures as robotic exteriors so that both the minifig and the macrofig are connected. In this way we wanted to confuse the usual fraudsters. Clever? Hopefully, this is now clear by taking point 6. and points 1., 5., and 9. together. We also gave the related description Rob-E in the subsection Humanoid of the section Robotics of the Innovation-Pipeline by Ontonics and the OntoLab, The Lab of Visions.
9. Original Sketches shown of the 1st of October 2008; The battle machines Stealth Hunter, Grand Titan, and Supernova have all on their backs their selfbionts, like somekind of a dragonfly and a dog, as the physical complement (point 6.) to the metaphysical concept of the daemons of humans in the novel "Northern Lights" respectively "The Golden Compass" (point 15.).
10. Sneak Preview of the 27th of November 2008; The USB memory-stick was only an exemplary device or a place holder for talking about a tangible interface, but that fits very well with everything that is related with a Lego minifigure, the Bod•E, the tangible functional Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation and HOLOgraphic MEdical Record), the Holodoc 1.0, 21st Century Health Care Card, and so on.
11. Roboticle Further Steps of the 09.11.09; Turn of the eras, but in a different sense, or said more precisely in the sense of this whole subject. We have spoken about the Roboticle GreenHeart, BlueHeart, and RedHeart for making links to light, 3D, and holography, as well as to the other points. Said this, the belly botton of the robot was also shown in this way as a link to the character Kuato of the movie "Total Recall", the symbioitc race Goa'uld, Children of the Gods, integrated within a host, such as a human, of the Stargate saga, but also with the next image showing an ultrasound imaging system for pregnant women that present coloured images. Replace the round belly button with the round display that shows the ultrasound image in the sense of the embryonal, fetal, and adult selfbiont.
12. Picture of the Day of the 3rd of September 2008; The picture of the ultrasound imaging system for pregnant women was shown as a link to The Proposal, and in this way to OntoLinux and the selfbiont, for sure. By the way: We have chosen the date 03.09. with a reason due to the important meaning of the image.
13. the Picture of the Day of the 1st of March 2009
14. Original vs. Inspiration of the 8th of April 2008; The Little Helper repairs itself by exchanging the broken fuse. Now do the same: Take the role of the Little Helper as a macrofigure and take your mini(memory-)figure/USB memory-stick with the 21st Century Health Care Card and replace it with the Bod•E/tangible functional Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation and HOLOgraphic MEdical Record) that is your selfbiont with Holodoc skills, if you are broken. But here it does not stop, because the Little Helper itself is again an exemplary selfbiont in respect to the reflective, holonic nature of the whole self-symbiosis system (see point 1. again).
15. Original of the 12th of December 2007; Images of the Star Trek Communicator, the Star Wars® Jedi Imagecaster/Holoprojector and the alethiometer Golden Compass with a Caliber inside, that were shown together as a sketch of a prototyp of such a pure rational, the truth telling device running our Caliber that is our model Ontoscope Holo, that combines our Ontoscope and Retinascope technologies (see points 16., 17., 18., and 19.). In general a holographic display is not needed at all, because actual 3D image displays are sufficient. With the full support of the mixed reality scale by OntoLinux we have already opened the cyberspace officially at the end of the year 2006.
16. Image of the Day of the 7th of November 2010; We showed the OntoLab Retina Projector Star Wars® Jedi Edition (see point 15. for example). We keep promises
17. Original of the 26th of November 2010; The picutres of holocrons of the Star Wars saga where shown in relation with our Caliber and the alethiometer called The Golden Compass (point 15.), but surely as well with the concept of the tangible functional Holomer (HOLOgraphic Medical Electronic Representation and HOLOgraphic MEdical Record). So think about a minifigure or macrofigure as a holocron.
18. Our Ontoscope powered by our OntoLinux
based on our Caliber
19. Retina Projection as shown on the webpage Links to Hardware of the website of OntoLinux. If someone wants to, then a minifigure or macrofigure could have an integrated Retina Projector.
Have you not seen it all the years? *<:o)
For everybody who still cannot see it: Stay on our side.
Ontonics Website update
We have added the informations given in the Ontonics and intelliTablet Further steps of yesterday about the new verison of the hardware architecture, which triples the attachable accumulator to an energy storage, a display cover, and an input device, to the description of our P@d 2.0.
OntoLinux Further steps 11:35 CET
We will add the new sections maybe called Self-Symbiosis, Second Metabolism, and Selfbiosis to the webpage about the Terms of the 21st Century. While the Self-Symbiosis "refers to our propensity to create [tools and] artifacts that change our future selves", the Second Metabolism could be seen as one of an additional biological mechanism, and the Selfbiosis could be seen as a life-saving backup of an individual. More details are given in our clarification of today (see above).
*** Fine Tuning mode ***
Investigations::Car #358
Volkswagen→Audi: In relation to a well-known 24-hour endurance race we would like to point to the case of the marque in the Investigations::Car #337 of the 22nd of September 2011 once again. We add to this additional quotes taken from the press release related with the race: "[...] all-wheel drive of the future in which the conventional drive system is intelligently combined with an electrically driven axle [...] [Obviously, doubtlessly, and not discussible, this is based on our concept and not Audi's, as described with our Active Differential #2, and the sections First-ever Records, quattro is alive!, and Electric quattro Mobility on the webpages of our models Apollo Speed-E/Elettoro and RE, as well as RA.]", "[...] 5.151 [...]", "[...] core competency [...] [This is a clear pointer to our MultiCore Competence, but we let it be as such.]", "[...] nicknamed "Electra" [...] [We mentioned an Electrina in the Style of Speed Further steps of the 21st of February 2012 and the 4th of April 2012.]", and "[...] #3 [...] [#1 and 3³ Theme]".
Bayerische Motorenwerke: Following the presentation of our model RA, a special concept car was quickly created that is also of the design type of the concept car Volkswagen→Audi quattro concept, and has also the deep red metallic paint job, as we showed with a sketch of our RA, besides an allusion to a Z. To the latter point we only say Z1 and Z :) (Z Fun), and GTron Ultra.
Bayerische Motorenwerke→Mini: A further issue is the press release about a new design of an old concept car that we have already investigated in the Investigations::Car #312 of the 2nd of March 2011. We do quote and comment maybe once again the same text passages: "[...] driving fun [...] [This was said to reflect our Fun Theme and our slogan "Fun to drive".]", "[...] 3+1 [...] three [...] three [...] [Despite that the quotes are related with features of the concept car, we have here also our 3³ Theme.]", "[...] contemporary [...]", "[...] smile-inducing [...] [This was said in relation with our slogans "Smile in the face" and "Makes you smile".]", "[...] spaceframe is made from carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic [...] [The application of a spaceframe made from Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer/Plastic (CFRP), or simply carbon fiber, is not an invention of the manufacturer. In fact, it came from us, was as part of a very suspicious act presented by the manufacturer Volkswagen, but was directly abandoned and became orphanded until it jumped also on our bandwagon again, as we presented our first small streetlegal models, specifically the models Just 4 :) (Just For Fun), 333 ST, and B!, as well as our Mod Rod Belly Tank Lakester.]", "[...] stylish [...]", "The rear lights [...] work using projector technology. [Despite we only see standard LED-based technology, we have here a direct link to the description of the led-laser-diode-based and laser-based projector versions of our Active Light that is also called LASER Lamp@Car or LASER Projector@Car (see also the Clarification #2 of the 4th of April 2012 and the Style of Speed Website update of the 21st of April 2012). If more than 1 colour is used, like e.g. with a red laser, then we have an infringement of the right protecting our intellectual properties due the given informations by us.]", "[...] full-surface glass roof [...] integrated optical fibres [...] [So far it is a correct description, but we already see a link to our technologies electronic Laminated (Safety/Security) Glass@Car and LaserGlass, as well as ....]", "[...] 3D effect [...]", "[...] style and function [...] high-performance [...] [We do think that this was said in direct relation to our trademarks High-Style and Performance Style, and our slogan "Performance In Style".]", "[...] sporting spirit, [...]-chic style [...] [Style of Sports, "Spirit of Style", and "Spirit of Elegance"]", "[...] three-dimensional cockpit [...] [Attention: Despite it was said in relation to a 3-dimensional cockpit motif, it is a clear speech act stealing and also an crystal clear attempt to connect the company and its marque with our interior solutions based on 3D imaging displays, so that it in the mind of the public.]", "[...] MINI figure [...] [This looks as if it is legal to make such a statement, but because it was only said in relation with our many references to the Lego® mini figures in conjunction with our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux (see also the webpage about the Virtual Object System), and our related Sneak Preview and Original Sketches #1 presented on the 27th of November 2008 we think it is not legal anymore, but an evidence of a copyright infringement conducted in the same way, as in the case of the 3-dimensional cockpit (motif). See also our Ontologics Further steps and our Clarification of today above.]", and "[...] further evidence of the brand’s extraordinary creativity in the design of solutions [...] [speech act stealing]".
Ac Schnitzer: In a bold act of stealing that company has massively infringed our copyright, especially by copying contents of the website of Style of Speed. For documenting its criminal acting we have directly taken its website written in deutsh. Extra bold is the fact that it claims to be the original and the good guys, and that it is lucky about a conviction of a plagiator on the on hand, and on the other hand it is stealing from our website contents and concepts, besides copying from other companies and their marques, like e.g. Volkswagen→Porsche.
Geht es vielleicht noch frecher? Auf der einen Seite finden wir auf dem Web-Auftritt eine Reportage über Plagiarismus, die natürlich rein zufälligerweise unsere Intentionen abbildet, die wir seit Jahren mit unseren Investigations::Car verfolgen. Der einleitende Text des Berichts lautet: "Gegen den Ideenklau: Fälscher der [das Unternehmen] Typ V Felge erhalten "Plagiarius 2012" Profit auf Kosten anderer – Das ist das Ziel von Plagiatoren, die erfolgreiche Produkte kopieren und verkaufen. Neben dem wirtschaftlichen Schaden [...]. Um auf diese Umstände aufmerksam zu machen, wurde 1977 der Plagiarius-Preis ins Leben gerufen. Der „Plagiarius" wird jährlich [...] an die dreistesten Plagiatoren verliehen und prangert Einfallslosigkeit von Nachahmern an. [...] Für [das Unternehmen] ist die Verleihung des „Plagiarius" aus mehreren Gründen wichtig. "Sicheres und seriöses Tuning steht im Vordergrund unserer Firmenphilosophie", betont [der] Geschäftsführer [...]". Zudem kann man, natürlich auch nur rein zufällig, Informationen über folgende Modelle finden: "AC Schnitzer Eagle" und "AC Schnitzer Raptor" (siehe unseren Raptor, das Original), wobei letzteres uns irgendwie and die Intentionen bezüglich unserer Modelle erinnert, wir zitieren "all areas of the vehicle have been optimised by technicians and engineers with respect to "efficient performance" in the development of the [concept car]==alle Bereiche des Fahrzeugs wurden von Technikern und Ingineuren mit respect auf "effizient Leistung" bei der Entwicklung des [Konzeptfahrzeugs]", wie etwa den GTron Ultra, den 911 V8 und den Maestro, was ja auch ein Zufall sein kann. Da fehlt eigentlich nur noch unser Hawk. Selbstversändlich ist es auch ein purer Zufall, dass man dann auch noch für das Exteriordesignthema des Konzeptfahrzeugs AC Schnitzer Raptor neben der Porsche-typischen Typographie und dem Style des Volkswagen→Porsche Modells 911 (997) GT3 RS noch einen Fuß mit 3 Krallen genommen hat (siehe den linken Fuß unseres Maskottchen, den Glücksdrachen, der auch auf dem Logo von Style of Speed abgebildet ist). Nicht nur einen Räderfinder im Sinne unserer Slogans "Wir suchen nicht, wir finden", "Das Finden geht weiter" und "Besser finden" anbietet, sondern sich auch noch mit der Polizei schmückt setzt der Kirsche nur noch die Sahne oben drauf, aber ändert nichts an der Frage ob man dem Unternehmen wirklich sein Vertrauen schenken darf. Außerdem möchten wir anmerken, dass uns das Unternehmen schon vor Jahren aufgefallen ist, weil es auch den Motorradumbau begann und dabei vollkommen überraschend ein Modell Stealth genannt hat, was natürlich in keinstem Fall unser Stealth Thema nachempfunden ist (vergleiche mit unseren kreierten Handelsmarken, die die Zeichenfolge S-T-E-A-L-T-H (Stealth) enthalten), sowie auf einem Modell mit dem Namen Angel einen Engel abgebildet hat, was genauso wenig bewußt getan wurde und deshalb auch nicht in Verbindung mit unserem Logo Angel von Style of Speed in Verbindung gebracht werden kann. Und wer beim dem Motorrad Umbau Beaster eine Verbindung zu unseren Handelsmarken wie etwa Beauty Beast, Breed of Beast, Beasty Beauty und Beastie Beauty erkennt, der wird wohl auch Mickey Mäuse im Wald sehen.
Offensichtlich wurden eben nicht rein zufällig, sondern methodisch Teile unseres Web-Auftritts von Style of Speed ohne unsere Erlaubnis abgebildet, sodass wir in diesem Fall von einer Urheberrechtsverletzung sprechen. Wir denken, dass es deshalb richtig ist zu sagen: Einer der wirklich dreistesten Plagiatoren ist hiermit überführt!!!
Übrigens: Auch Marketingaktivitäten, wie z. B. die Erstellung eines Web-Auftritts und einer Markenpflege, sind mit erheblichen Kosten verbunden, die oftmals bei weitem den wirtschaftlichen Schaden durch z. B. das Kopieren von Autofelgen übersteigen.
Außerdem gab es schon einmal einen hochgezüchteten, noch leistungsfähigeren und noch schnelleren Mini Cooper und zwar der Qvick Mini Cooper S3 mit dem Motor aus dem Modell M3 (E36) des Herstellers Bayerische Motorenwerke. Was behauptet man also hier bei dieser Firma? Besonders lustig ist zudem, dass man seinen Motorradschalldämpfer Stealth nennt, aber dann mit der Aussage ""Avoid Silence[==Vermeide Ruhe]" bedeutet gegen die Stille!" vermarktet.
Style of Speed Further steps
Our fans have already guessed it correctly: Finally our radical conversion Maestro got the Ducati engines as well. Now the story has the perfect harmony, which does not mean that the V8 engines based on the Hayabusa engine by the manufacturer Suzuki are a bad choice.
Besides this, we would like to show images related with our conversions Gallardo SuperVeloce/SV, which show the front, and Gallardo BB of the models Gallardo II by the factory and our Gallardo III.

© BR Styling, Eneite, Sander Hendriksen, Rc82 Workchop, and SOS
Obviously, the designer of the model Lambo Bee has followed our actings of Style of Speed, which can be seen easily by the colour yellow, the rear wing, some lines of the diffusor, and front bumper with spoiler in the SuperVeloce design, as well as the old headlights of the Gallardo I and the rear lights of the Gallardo II as our Apollo Speed-E (SE)/Elettoro and our conversion Gallardo II SuperVeloce (SV), and for sure our BumbleBeeE. Also, the two SuperVeloce designs feature the essential elements of our conversion Gallardo II SV.
The combination of a Mobile Device and an external device connected with it, like e.g. an USB stick that contains technology for gesture control in 3D, claiming for the integration of such a technology into tablet computers, smartphones, laptops and game systems, as well as given a description that talks about 3D modeling by applying such a mobile solution, infringe our copyrights related with the related description of our Hightech Operating System OntoLinux and the component with a source of infrared light or a source of structured infrared light and an optical sensor, both based on different versions of our Retina Projector/Retina Screen 1.0, which for example is used with our mobile motion sensor technology MobileKinetic. How our technology is realized in detail is not relevant at all, because the main focus is the problem to be solved. Besides this, the application that surgeons can control 3D medical data with their hands without taking off their gloves is an old hat.
OntoLinux Further steps
We will go stronger now into the direction of the Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5).
Furthermore, we are thinking about the chaos that was created in the field of the semantic (world wide) web in the last 13 years, but as we do see the problematic situation the work has doubled or even tripled by contra-productive effects, which have to be sighted and then cleaned up as well.
*** Fine Tuning mode; Some few links are missing ***
British Broadcasting Corporation: The serious criminal media company reacted in its usual way on our Clarifiaction of the 20th of June 2012 and made a similar report as the publisher Hubert Burda→TV Spielfilm Verlag (see its case in the Investigations of the 30th of May 2012). We document this case also for historical reasons:
"It's been 30 years since the release of Blade Runner and 10 years since Minority Report. Both are rich sources of predictions about the future. But what has actually come to pass?",
"[...] Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? [...] Blade Runner [...] replicant [...] [Here we are already at our Clarifiaction of the 20th of June 2012 and so much more.]",
"[...] Minority Report [...] [We mentioned this movie as well, but due to related discussions about the development of the societies in the section Free Determinism versus Deterministic Will of the the webpage Terms of 21st Century and not about the technology, because most of it was not so new and in this way relevant for the webpage about Terms of 21st Century at all, and because we had already developed the next generations of most of it.]",
"On the Death and Life of [Natural] Languages [...]",
"Gesture-based computer interfaces [...] [It the reader might not find it directly on our websites we would like to give the hint that we directly use the term Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) which includes as one mode the gesture contol.]",
"John Anderton [...] character in Minority Report[,] dons a data glove to use a rather elegant gesture-based interface. [An online] magazine reported back in 2008 that such interfaces would soon become a reality. [We wrote this before on the webpage Ontologic Applications of the website of OntoLinux, and in this way created as well the decisive momentum in this field, specifically by our invention of the integration of mobile computing and gesture-based computer interfaces for which we were laughed out the following years since the end of 2006, as in the case of for example mobile natural language processing in conjunction with organizing, 2D and 3D maps, and virtual earths/globes, and tablet and pad computers, and much more, as it could be easily seen on the webpages with the Links to Software and the Innovation-Pipeline.]",
"[...] triumph of touchscreen interfaces [...] [see the quote and its comment before]",
"[... a company's] Kinect games system allows users to control the action with their movements [...] [see the comment before and our MobileKinetic technology respectively our Retina Projector 1.0. Even the company Microsoft had no related concept for mobile gaming and computing. Besides this, we looked at every university in the U.S.A., Australia, South Korea, and Europe, and found nothing like our MobileKinetic mobile motion sensor technology all the years, specifically its version with a source of infrared light and an optical sensor, or a source of structured infrared light and an optical sensor, both based on our Retina Projector/Retina Screen 1.0, which was the true reason why we described it at all explicitly besides mentioning it implicitly as part of the Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M²UI) of OntoLinux for Mobile Devices.]",
"The most recent addition is the [company] gesture-based computer interaction system, launched in May. The USB device tracks an area [...] for movement, and is capable of differentiating between fingers, thumbs and pencils. [...] [See our MobileKinetic technology based on our Retina Projector 1.0 a further time and the Clarification of the 21st of June 2012 (yesterday). This act by the media company is even more nasty, because it is more than clear that the reported company is started as a pure fake, which can be seen by the facts that it simply has copied the description of our MobileKinetic technology, followed our investigations for creating its fraud, and takes pre-orders, which indeed means that the product is not existent and the promotional video is a fake. That serious criminal media company did it now a second time and reported knowingly about thieves of our Retina Projector 1.0 technology (see also its case and the case of the manufacturer Acer in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 15th of October 2011, the Ontonics Website update of the 28th of January 2012, as well as the case of the company Samsung in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 3rd of May 2012, the case of the company Toshiba in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 3rd of June 2012, and the cases of both companies in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 7th of June 2012).]",
"Hover cars [...] As well as flying, vertical take-off and landing, the police car used [...] in Blade Runner is capable of ground travel. [So here we are at our Autocopters by Style of Speed, doubtlessly.]",
"[...] car driven by Anderton in Minority Report has an electric engine, body panels that change colour [...] [So here we are at our street leagal cars and electric conversions by Style of Speed, and our e-door@Car solution.]",
"[... a company] had created the first prototype flying car [...] can perform as an aircraft or a street-legal vehicle [...] [Besides the speech act stealing conducted by using the term street-legal, we would like to mention that the flying car by the spin-off of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from the U.S.A. is one of those solutions that never worked economically since the invention of the car. It is just a plane with foldable wings and 4 wheels.]",
"While hover cars are still fantasy [...] [Here it can be seen once again how that serious criminal media company manipulates the public deliberately, because we are already there since many years with our Spinner and Autocopter technology by Style of Speed that led to research activities by the European Comission based on our activities (see the Investigations::Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge management, Robotics, Aviation and Space of the 28th of January 2012) and the automotive industries. See also the scaled prototyp of our Z :) (Z Fun) and our Z1 shown with the Style of Speed Further steps and the Picture of the Day of the 9th of March 2012.]",
"Iris recognition technology [...] Facial recognition technology [...] [Here we have also links to our MobileKinetic mobile motion sensor technology once again, and our Image Display 2.0 for example, but in a further developed generation done by us.]",
"Personally targeted advertising [...] iris recognition technology led to Anderton being bombarded by images targeted specifically at him [...] [see the quote and its comment before]",
"[...] advertisements would soon be able to adapt to our moods [...] [Here we have a link to emotions and in this way to OntoLinux that powers all of our devices.]",
"[...] the effect of [a company]'s new digital signage systems will be video feeds that can tailor ads to the age and gender of shoppers [...]",
"Predictions of wrongdoing [...] Predictive policing [...] Obviously no force in the world is going to be putting psychics at the heart of their strategy, but there has been growing interest in the idea of mapping future crime trends and even predicting which individuals could become a problem.[So here we are again at OntoLinux and the Clarification of the 20th of June 2012. By the way: We predict the future by inventing it.]",
"[...] state intervention could become "pre-birth even" as it was possible to predict that children born in some circumstances could later become anti-social [...] [Hopefully, this led to a situation that the societies must not accept those criminal journalists.]",
"Advances in artificial intelligence [...] While the replicants in [the Blade Runner] film seem to be synthetic humans rather than true robots, the film still explores the idea of artificial intelligence. A key device in the movie is that the replicants do not have a normal emotional range [And again we are at OntoLinux.]",
"This is based on a test devised by mathematician Alan Turing to determine whether machines can think and use natural language. [...] cognitive science programme at Indiana University, says technology is "not very close" to a machine which can fully pass the Turing test [...] [see again OntoLinux and the related comments done in 2008 or 2009 (we will give the links). Here again an attempt by that serious criminal media company to play down C.S.' ingenuity and mislead the public.]",
"At the moment, the closest is IBM's Watson [...] [We have explained fully that this is not really AI, but only brute force and highly dangerous for the humans. The serious criminla British broadcaster does know our investigation.]",
"Companies have not yet been able to create a machine that can combine human behaviour and language with the mechanics of human movement [...] [Again the attempt to downplay C.S.' ingenuity and mislead the public. So now it should be clear why we do not show it until we are correctly described by the media or we have done more protective measure for our intellectual properties.]",
"Privatisation of space exploration [...] more pleasurable "off-world colonies" [...] Moon colony [...] [Here we have a link to the section Space on the website of Style of Speed. We presented also related images and gave informations.]",
"Robot morality [...] [Is better than human morality.]",
"[...] creating intelligent life forms in our likeness [...] the replicants are not robots - they are made of organic materials and bleed, just as humans do [...] [Now, it should be more than crystal clear that we are at our Clarification of the 20th of June 2012 one day before its report.]",
"Blade Runner goes "way beyond" the question of artificial intelligence, using the metaphor of technology to explore why society decides certain groups of people are acceptable and others not. [This is a further evidence that the report is in fact a reaction to our acting, because we took the our concept of the Lego® minifigure metaphor.]",
"At the moment work is under way on developing a control system for military robots "to make sure they abide by the rules of combat", and creating robots for use in the care of elderly people. [Here we have a link to the military and also to many defrauding companies in the field of robotics, besides our actings and original works in this field.]".
Btw.: We did know so many years before a point-and-touch data interface like shown in the movie "Minority Report", so that we do not understand the hype about the inventor of the specific user interface in this single movie, if he was it at all. So please, come down to earth again and go to OntoLinux, which is even in this field a system that is going beyond by far and has such a function module for stationary and also mobile applications. The latter was not presented before we did with OntoLinux, which is the reason why we claim for the copyright in relation with OntoLinux, Retina Projection and MobileKinetic.
Consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany: Today the ARD reacted both on our Clarifiaction of the 20th of June 2012 and the reaction by a British broadcaster given yesterday (see the case of the media company above). So it focused on the international robotics competition called Robot Soccer World Cup, specifically on its class with the humanoids, and on the aspect of emotionlessness.
"[...] nur Emotionen spielen nicht mit==but emotions are not playing with [...]",
"Roboter sprechen sich über WLAN ab==Robots agree via [Wireless Local Area Network (]WLAN[)] [This has to be seen with our MultiDrone that does not use as its primary communication technology the WLAN technology marketed as WiFi, but the standard mobile communication standards as used with mobile phones. In this way we kicked a defrauding competitor out of the market of our spinners and autocopters by Style of Speed. By the way: The designer Syd Mead described the spinner as an aerodyne originally invented by Lippisch and later constructed by Dornier – a vehicle which directs air downward to create lift, though press kits for the film stated that the spinner was propelled by three engines: "conventional internal combustion, jet, and anti-gravity". Besides, all of our humanoids speak standard mobile phone communication standards as well due to the strong link to our Ontoscope. Said this, there is no way to steal this technology anymore as well due to the problem of copyright infringements.]",
"Die drei Roboter [...] sind 60 Zentimeter groß und Menschen schon ziemlich ähnlich==The three robots [...] are 60 centimeters large and quite similar to humans [...] [Our OpenPino exists before Qiro and its clone (see the image of the Roboticle Further Steps of the 09.11.09).]",
"[...] 0:3 hinten oder 3:0==0-3 down or 3-0 [...] [This is the 3³ Theme by C.S. and a pointer to the remark about the date of the Roboticle Further Steps of the 09.11.09 given with the Clarification of the 20th of June 2012 as well.]", and
"Es spielen keine Emotionen mit. Und das wird der Grund sein, warum wir gewinnen - also die Roboter.==There are no emotions at play. And this would be the reason, why we win - that is to say the robots. [There is no proof for that, especially due to the fact that we have human enhancements in 2050 ready as well.]".
Comment of the Day #1
Personal Automatic Virtual Environment
Comment of the Day #2
"That's soccer."
"So ist Fußball."
Pod and Swoop Racing League Further steps #19
Regulation Announcement
Today, we would like to present further general competition rules and also the first version of the specific rules by the Pod and Swoop Racing League Association for the Aerodyne Class I and II for pod racers and swoops.
The Pod and Swoop Racing League Association will not withdraw from the following rules, and it is assumed that the race teams agree to this.
Teams can choose different rules upon common agreement, with the exceptions of the Cheerleader rule, the Laser sword rule, and the Time travel rule.
Cheerleaders are mandatory.
Laser swords have to be given to the race organization before the start of a competition.
Time travel devices, e.g. the Flux capacitor, are neither allowed nor welcomed.
Human enhancements are allowed and welcomed.
Cyborgs are allowed to participate and welcomed.
E.T.s are allowed to participate and welcomed.
Anti-gravity devices are allowed and welcomed.
Helmet, goggles and gloves, as well as hot seat and parachute for the pilot are recommended.
Aerodyne Class I
- airbreathing
- ducted fan
- turboprop based (aircraft propeller, no geared turbofan)
Swoop Racing League:
Exterior shape: aerodyne
Configuration: 1 × frame
Rest is free to choose
Pod Racing League:
Exterior shape: aerodyne (e.g. Lippisch, patent 2,918,230, figure 2, or Dornier)
- 2 × tugs + 1 × pod
- 4 × tugs + 1 × pod
- tugs can be connected
- pod must be connected to the tugs by either pull cables or pull rods
Rest is free to choose
Aerodyne Class II
- airbreathing
- ducted
- turbine based (turbojet, turbofan, turboprop, and others; no propfan)
- Dimensions turbine:
- Length max.: 50 in/1270 mm
- Diameter max.: 25 in/635 mm
Swoop Racing League:
Exterior shape: aerodyne
Configuration: 1 × frame
Rest is free to choose
Pod Racing League:
Exterior shape: aerodyne (e.g. Lippisch, patent 2,918,230, figure 2, or Dornier)
- 2 × tugs + 1 × pod
- 4 × tugs + 1 × pod
- tugs can be connected
- pod must be connected to the tugs by either pull cables or pull rods
Rest is free to choose
The first aerodyne race will be run in the first September after at least 6 teams in one class have presented their racing machines at the Reno Stead Airport, Nevada, U.S.A., in collaboration with the Reno Air Races, aka. National Championship Air Races. The race track will not be the oval of the air races, but a one way track that is around 400 miles/643.6 kilometers long. Two further races have been already announced in the Pod and Swoop Racing League Fur- ther steps #18 publicated on the 28th of February 2012), which are the one in and around Las Vegas, U.S.A., and from Las Vegas, U.S.A. to London, U.K.. So let's see what truly are the solar system's fastest motor sports.
Ontonics Website update
Finally, we have revealed the meaning of the acronym PAVE:
Personal Automatic Virtual Environment.
It was created by us many years ago in respect to the term Person- al Computer (PC), and with our Ontoscope software component of our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux, and the many proj- ects in the Innovation-Pipeline we have created the whole area. By the way, we have done this already a further time with our Personal Cloud approach, aka. PC 2.0.
OntoLinux Further steps
We would like to add some links to the section Formal Modeling that are related with integrated approaches that use the object-orientated, Petri net, and entity-relationship models. Read also the OntoLinux Further steps of the 21st of August 2010 for getting deeper into the subject and find informations about our contribution to this fields and their integration. Actually, we are sighting some documents, like:
"Towards a 3-dimensional Net-based Object-Oriented DeveLopment Environment (NOODLE)", 1992, which is interesting for historical reasons at least, though we have a problem with its publishing date and the dates of some referenced documents, e.g. 1992 vs. 1994 and 2009,
"A Petri-Net based Object-oriented Approach for the Modelling of Hybrid Productive Systems", and
"Information Systems Modelling Using LOOPN++, An Object Petri Net Scheme", 1994, which fits very well due to the mentioned Russian philosopher problem, and its connection to the images shown as Originals and Pictures of the Day of the 7th of May 2012, and the image Evidence by C.S., and due to the features of the programming language.
Investigations::Multimedia, AI and Knowledge management
*** Beautifying mode ***
Barry Smith, colleagues, and supporters: This time we could catch Barry Smith, some of his colleagues, and some of his supporters and funders, like for example the Volkswagen Stiftung and further funders, in the field of computational ontology, after the mess with the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science and its Basic Formal Ontology (BFO). We quote from a website of an institute by an ontology research group: "The Ontology, Logic and Technology Unit (OLT) is engaged in foundational ontology research and content development, especially in the biomedical domain;", "The Referent Tracking Unit (RTU) carries out applied research and software development pertaining to electronic health records and other data resources in the biomedical domain; [For all readers, who do not know all facts: C.S. is active in the fields of software technology and information systems, inclusive hospital information systems and the electronic health record, since around 18 years now.]", "The Qualitative Spatiotemporal Reasoning Unit (QSR) is applying ontological techniques derived from qualitative spatiotemporal reasoning and the field of Geographic Information Systems in order to improve the representation of canonical anatomy, as well as the processing of X-ray, MRI, and other forms of image and signal data. [Convicted. This was stolen from the website of OntoLinux, specifically in conjunction with our Caliber.]", "Vision [Compare with our slogan OntoLab, The Lab of Visions, which created the momentum and for which we were laughed out many years.]", "[...] is in need of management [...] [See the webpage Overview of the website of OntoLinux.]", "'Ontology' here, means a representation of the entities and relations existing within a particular domain of reality such as medicine, geography, ecology, or law. [So, here we have a link to the Entity Relationship Model (ERM). We already use the Structured ERM (SERM) as part of our holistic approach with the HOS OntoLinux (see the section Formal Modeling of the webpage Links to Software of the website of OntoLinux, but read also our explanations given in the OntoLinux Further steps of the 21st of August 2010).]", "The goal is to create a formal framework so that the calibration of all computer repositories will become possible. [The term "calibration" points directly to our Caliber but also to our and constitutes a further crystal clear evidence of it massive copyright infringement. The next evidence of this strength is the fact that C.S. created this connection of the terms Caliber and Caliber, as well as spatiotemporal in conjunction with at least ontology and software.]", "[...] calibration of all databases [...] [see the quote and its comment before]", "[...] collecting and storing data are internally coherent and well-defined, interoperable between databases, and accurate to the facts of reality as reflected by the current state of our knowledge in a particular domain [...] [See once again the two quotes and their comments before, and also the webpage Overview where the reader can find the terms "well-structured and -formed". Moreover, it should have become clear now that in fact an essential feature of our Ontological File System (OntoFS) was repeated without referencing.]", "[...] designate universals in reality and that the ontology contains an adequate representation of the relations between them [...] [This sounds extremely familiar.]", "[...] internally coherent and well-defined, support interoperability of ontologies and data, and accurate to the facts of reality in a particular domain [...] [see the quote and its comment related with the term "well-defined" before]",
"[...] variety of formats, ranging from lab instrument data, gene expression profiles, raw sequence traces, chemical screening data and proteomics data, to metabolic pathway models and full-fledged life-science ontologies [...] [This was stolen from the website Ontologics.info and the OntoBot software component of OntoLinux.]", "At the other end of the spectrum are electronic health records [...] [It is no surprise at all that B. Smith is as well in the field of ontologies for electronic health care records, like C.S.. In fact, we do know since more than 8 years that one of his funder has given him informations about C.S. gained by applying serious criminal methods.]", "[...] natural language based, or are taken from semi-formalized classification systems, terminologies or ontologies [...] [This is an attempt to steal the approach developed by C.S., who brought natural language processing, data storage and retrieval, and ontology together, and was also stolen from the website of HOS OntoLinux and related explanation publicated on the website of OntomaX, which makes it the next clear evidence for the copyright infringement by the research institute led by B. Smith.]", "[...] evidence-based [...]", "[...] middleware components [...] [See the section Network on the webpage Links to Software once again. It also shows, that those fraudster really attempted to to steal our HOS OntoLinux]", "[...] build a coherent set of ontologies to link together the various resources in a semantically coherent way [...]", "[...] Electronic Health Records, Natural Language Understanding and Ontology [...]", "[...] ontologies grounded in realism [...]", "[...] designed to act as a backbone for other applications [...] [This is again the attempt to steal OntoLinux.]", "[...] RDF as a representational language and can be queried by means of a variety of semantic query languages, thereby providing support for reasoning over multiple ontologies [...] [Once again we have here the next convicting evidence for its massive infringement of our copyright related with OntoLinux, because it is again an essential feature of our Ontological File System (OntoFS).]", "[...] contains a visualization component for the graphs stored [...] [And everybody, who is still not convinced that we have convicted those thieves, is a person who refuses to accept the reality and the facts, because this statement is about our Ontoscope software component.]", "[...] distributed, collaborative environment [...] [Here we have again a link to our software component Ontoscope and its Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE).]",
"[...] provenance [...] [See the section Semantic File/Storage System of the webpage Links to Software for this term.]",
"[...] Globally Networked and Integrated Intelligence Enterprise [...]", "[...] system of singular [...] [speech act stealing]", "[...] ontological principles [...] [We only say: Ontologic Information System, Ontologic Modeling, Ontologic Scene Graph, and Ontologic P2P, as well as Ontologics 'R' Us.]", "[...] stores patient data in XML [...] [It is good to see that at least the persons at this institute have understood that the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is connected to the field semantics, and is not so widely used due to the reason that there are so many XML software tools running under the operating system Windows by the company Microsoft, as an incompetent professor at a german university in B.R.D. claimed in his lecture. Das war noch weniger als nicht so prickelnd.]", "[...] Mid 2008 [...] Peer 2 Peer (P2P) [...] [Oh, what a pity for those fraudsters. They have not seen that we have hidden the connection of HOS OntoLinux to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing behind the link Grid Computing Info Centre (GRID Infoware) listed in the section Network on the webpage Links to Software.]", "The goal of [a cloned part of OntoLinux] is to develop video-analysis software able to capture articulated motion in a threelayer hierarchical dynamical graphical model: (i) development of spatial-temporal atoms for basic features such as points, lines, and regions, (ii) semi-supervisedly examine spatial and temporal coherence inherent in appearance, structure and motion of these lowlevel atoms to induce parts at the mid-level over which joint probabilistic and statistical mechanics models are learned; and (iii) generalizations of these (reusable) mid-level parts into full objects and activities at the high-level by means of a realism-based ontology. [An very interesting information for us is that this project is supported by the Army Research Lab and the DARPA.]", "The QSR is pioneering an approach to the analysis of biomedical data through the application of ontological techniques derived from the field of Geographic Information Systems [(GISs)] and qualitative spatiotemporal reasoning, providing a new avenue to the representation of canonical anatomy, and the processing of X-ray, MRI [(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)] and other forms of image data, as well as signal data such as EEGs [(ElectroEncephaloGraphyies)]. The qualitative ontology-based methodology offers a very natural and efficient approach to the analysis of spatio-temporal phenomena that are difficult to quantify, such as the distinction between normal and non-normal waveforms or the tracking of the development of tumors over time. [Where this qualitative ontology-based methodology in the context of scientific visualization was stolen from should be totally clear now. If not, then we give a little hint: OntoLinux with its components Ontoscope, OntoFS, and OntoCOVE. So forget the point related with pioneering, because it is more than obvious that they are standing in the shadow of C.S. and are stealing our intellectual properties.]", "Qualitative spatiotemporal representations are logic-based representations of qualitative spatial relations and their change over time. Qualitative spatiotemporal representation and reasoning techniques [...] [Besides that it is nonsense said in this way, we have here again a very convicting evidence of the serious criminal actings by the responsible persons, because in the context it connects qualitative spatiotemporal reasoning and qualitative spatiotemporal representation with qualitative ontology-based methodology on the basis of logics, like in the quoted explanation before. But then we are at the Ontologic System (OS) OntoLinux, doubtlessly.]", "[...] ontologically salient features [...] [Thank you for the flowes. Now go away.]", "Thus, with the assistance of formal ontology, the methodology of qualitative spatiotemporal reasoning makes spatio-temporal phenomena easier to quantify and facilitates the integration of heterogeneous data [...] [What an achievement by C.S..]", and so on.
Doubtlessly, the presented work and system is based on informations stolen from the websites of OntoLinux, Ontologics.info, and Ontonics, as well as the OntomaX website, as it can be clearly seen with the terms "qualitative", "spatiotemporal", "reasoning", and "qualitative spatiotemporal reasoning", as well as "calibration" (see the wepages Overview, Caliber, and OntoFS a further time), so everywhere you see such a combination and not a reference to Ontologics, OntoLinux, or/and C.S. you have found a fraudster or a bandwagon jumper. Barry Smith and the rest of his group have stolen our intellectual properties and all the rest related with Ontologics and C.S.' actings, because they have not referenced our work as their original source, which is now his second stealing after the issues with the formal ontology in the field of medical information science. Furthermore, a quick analysation of a scientific paper written by B. Smith in the year 2006 shows us without any doubts that as a matter of ontological reality and fact he has got as well informations illegally gained by spying while working at an institute in the B.R.D. funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. We have much more evidences collected in the last 8 years, so that he and many of his supporters are now: Convicted!!!
Btw.: This is only a fraction not greater than 5% of OntoLinux, and it seems to be that the implementation of such a system with all features is much too complex for the worldwide research and development community due to quantitative and qualitative reasons on the one hand, and because humans will not trust each other or/and such a system, or such a system will terminate them while constructing it on the other hand, because the more such a system becomes smarter, the less it will not trust humans. All proposed solutions by C.S. have been rejected by democratic processes.
*** Fine Tuning and Proof-reading mode ***
Oblang Industries: We found some time and the mood to finally investigate the company of the designer of the user interface with gesture control that was shown in the movie "Minority Report". First of all, we would like to repeat once again that with the start of our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux at the end of the year 2006, the momentum was created for gesture control for common computing besides the sticks of some game consoles. Said this and due to the usual nonsense reports, like from the media company British Broadcasting Corporation (see its case in the Investigations::Multimedia of 24th of June 2012 (yesterday)) and the publisher Hubert Burda→TV Spielfilm Verlag (see its case in the Investigations of the 30th of May 2012), we did not expect something else, than to find a massive infringement of our copyright on the website of that company. For sure, we have documented this case by quoting and documenting:
"Our technology transforms the way you work, create, and collaborate. [We had a very similar statement on the website of OntoLinux, but deleted it, because it was not from us. Said this, we do know that this phrase is also not from that company investigated here.]",
"[...] groundbreaking spatial interface [...] [We do think that such a user interface was progressive in the mid of the 1990's.]",
"[...] spatial operating environment [...] [Do not confuse this with our n-dimensional Higtech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux with its Caliber and its user interface software component Ontoscope that integrates the Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE).]",
"But its full history extends backward to three decades of research at the MIT Media Lab. [Let's laugh a litte bit for this jump on the bandwagon of the 3³ Theme by C.S.. Moreover we do ask the question: When was the Media Lab founded by N. Negroponte and J. Wiesner? In the year 1985 and not in 1982. At this point our readers can already guess how this investigation will go on.]",
"[...] implements the biggest advance in human-machine interface in twenty-five years [...] [We think that it is already more than clear that the Ontoscope software component with our Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE) of our HOS OntoLinux is leading the way in this field of user interfaces since around 5 years now]",
"It also introduces a new model for multi-process cooperation[,] a real-world geometry engine for gestural input and multi-display output[,and] an athletic new network layer for data translation, encapsulation, and transport [At this point we have left the user interface shown in the movie and are partially entering the world of intellectual properties of us.]",
"[...] collaboration, whiteboarding, and presentation system whose triptych [...] [No, no. There is no further relation to arts at all. And such a triptych display configuration is standard for nerds since the start of the personal computing.]",
"[...] working via the system's intuitive spatial wands, via a fluid browser-based client, and via their own portable devices [...] [Thank you for the reminder about the term portable device as a substitute for Mobile Device.]",
"[...] interact directly with applications running on any connected [device ...] [There is a standard technology called Virtual Network Computing (VNC), which is done even at home since the upcoming of the first graphic cards that could control 2 displays simultaneously and even fusion the images together, and also mentioned in linked software on the website of OntoLinux.]",
"[...] complement [...]",
"[...] efficient decision making [...] [For our readers: Decision making is a task of management and also related with the control of agents, like e.g. software agents, software robots (software bots or softbots), and other robots.]",
"[...] unrivaled environment for planning, analysis, consensus, and decision [...] [If we have to be honest, then we have to say no, this is not correct, because somehow a control loop of quality management was described.]",
"[...] military simulation [...] [Follow the link to the gaming and simulation engine Delta3D given with the Ontoscope software component of OntoLinux and see the section Human Simulation/Holomer of the webpage Links to Software for finding the relations to our work.]",
"[The company] provides installation, developer training, and support. [This sentence reminds us of our Personal Automatic Virtual Environment (PAVE) approach.]",
"Available options include additional screens (as well as table-top and three-dimensional displays), larger-footprint 'architectural' installs [...] [So here we are at such multimedia devices that we develop as well, but the last term points to iArchitecture.]",
"[...] singularly [...] [So, here it begins more and more with the copying of the content of the OntoLinux website.]",
"[...] gestural and spatial interface components [...] [See again the Ontoscope software component and section Multimedia of the Innovation-Pipeline by Ontonics.]",
"[...] built-in collaboration and application sharing facilities [...] [Were these features shown in the movie? We do not think so, but think that it comes form our HOS OntoLinux.]",
"[...] core geometry engine [...] [Somehow we have the impression that it wants to tell us something about our HOS OntoLinux.]",
"[...] structured execution and processing model [...] [Now we can see the copyright infringement, because it has simply copied our website contents and transformed it into sentences that all sound like the originals, but try to say the same. Under normal conditions this is legal, but if the whole website is constructed in this way, then it becomes illegal. Can it be that its trick is busted? Besides this, the statement points to an essential feature of OntoLinux that is related with our Ontological File System (OntoFS) and the information that we use a structured approach, as it could be seen with the section Formal Modeling on the webpage Links to Software and read also our explanantions given in the OntoLinux Further steps of the 21st of August 2010.]",
"[...] grammar for the platform's 'strong timing' mechanism, whereby fine-grained temporal relationships between different running components can be prescribed [...] [see the quote and its comment before]",
"[...] gestural and spatial input analysis [...] [Suddenly, we are away from the gesture control and again in OntoLinux land with our Ontoscope software component and our Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE).]",
"[...] reactive, process-backed visual scene graphs [...] [At this point the whole picture is finally clear for us already, because we are indeed at our Ontoscope software component and our Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE).]",
"Additional libraries offer high-level UI, visualization, and analysis components that can be 'snapped together' to form programs with remarkable behaviors. [See again our webpage Component, especially its section Ontoscope, and our webpage Links to Software, especially the sections Visualization and Mixed Reality.]",
"[...] multi-participant, multi-machine, multi-display work is best driven by human hands: hands freed to work at full dexterity throughout a room's three-dimensional space [...] [Here we are again at at our Ontoscope software component and our Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE), as well as at our Personal Automatic Virtual Environment (PAVE) and Sp@ce approaches.]",
"[...] platform's spatial interaction model [...] [We had not the impression that its original gesture based user interface is based on a 3-dimensional spatial interaction model, but a more planar/2-dimensional one. Nevertheless, such a spatial interaction functionality is common for virtual reality environments.]",
"[...] each of a display's pixels has a unique, real-world location, which [a software application] expresses using high-precision X, Y, & Z coordinates. Graphical constructs built from these pixels are thus also located in the real world. [This is now the next clear evidence of its copyright infringement, because that company has stolen an essential feature of our 3D operating system OntoLinux and our Caliber, that is the feature of reflection, as well as the reality-virtuality continuum described in the section Ontologic Virtual Environment of the webpage of our Ontologic Collaborative Ontologic Virtual Environment (OntoCOVE), which is a part of our Ontoscope software component, and also in the section Ontologic Virtual Reality Environment of our webpage of OntoFS by "But the true revolutionary part of this technology is, that in fact an object of the universe is moved in the universe, which opens the gate for undreamed-of future technologies [of transportation]". So now it can be seen as well why that defrauding founder of that company was invited into the White House recently.]",
"When you point at something on a [...] screen, your hand's geometry is described in the same coordinate system as what you're pointing at. Any transaction between humans and digital machines can be expressed in terms of a single, universal space: the room's own. [The reasons why we speak about a clear copyright infringement in relation to this quote are given in the comments to the quotes before.]",
"Transport (intra-process, inter-process, or inter-machine) is rewindable: programs can "look back in time" [...] [Clever, but not clever enough. What is described here is a feature of our OntoFS, that is the support of atomicity for transactions following the ACID principle, which makes a so-called roll back possible (look back in time), and with our technique is even possible for the visual/graphics objects in the scene graph, because scene graph is integrated into OntoFS with OntoCOVE, as described in the section Ontologic Virtual Reality Environment on the webpage of OntoFS. What an ingenious architecture by C.S.. This also proves that the company has invested much time to analyze and then steal our intellectual properties.]",
"[...] displays are everywhere [...] [Now we do not hold it back anymore: We have here indeed a copyright infringement of greater extent due to the description of our Qixel approach and due to the context.]",
"[...] unique approach to problem solving [...] [See again the webpage Overview of OntoLinux website.]",
"[...] industries from aerospace to energy [...,] financial services[,] network operations centers[,] logistics and supply-chain management[,] military and intelligence[,] automotive[,] natural resource exploration[,] data mining and analytics[,] bioinformatics[,] trade shows and theatrical[,] presentations[,] medical imaging[,] consumer electronics interfaces [...] [We will not name the related webpages of our websites where the relations are given to each of these areas, because it is too obvious.]",
"We're directly manifest in every line of g-speak code, every pixel of design, every idea captured in written language. Our labs are open and social and taller than wide. We prize invention, industry, and comedy. [Obviously, this was said following the website content of OntomaX, and is also a marketing lie, as it can be seen without any doubts by this investigation.]", "From Kepler to cars [See for example the Picture of the Day of the 7th of March 2009 and the Pictures of the Day of the 5th of March 2012 and the webstie of Style of Speed.]",
"[...] scientific vision [...]",
"[...] fun technology [...]",
"We’re happy to see that gesture-based technologies are no longer pushed to the “makes you look goofy” quadrants...probably a change from three years ago. [Yes, indeed, but best of all is that it is documented that we with our Ontologic System (OS) and Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux created the true breakthrough of this technolgoy as well, like with the tablet and pad computer, the electric vehicles, the green energy, and so much more.]",
""The [system] software acknowledges that the pixels are literally in the room with you ... each pixel really has an X, Y, Z co-ordinate in the room, the same co-ordinate system that you share as a human. Your pixels become useable in that space." The piece also includes an interesting update on what Audi's up to with head-up displays and gesture recognition. [What a fraudster. This concept has nothing to do at all with the movie "Minority Report" and the gesture controlled user interface at all. In fact, it is our concept presented with our Caliber/Calibre, the OntoCOVE and the Sp@ce concept, as we already explained in detail in the comments above. And the stolen concept by the marque Volkswagen→Audi was documented in the Investigations::Car #3xy on the ..., because it is a feature of our e-dashboard technology.]",
"We felt honored to be included. [And we felt honored to be able to convict those criminals.]",
"First, our work started in a university lab, making [the company] a real-life example of moving innovation from the lab to the marketplace. [But as it can be seen clearly, this is a criminal marketing lie, because it only copies our business unit related with our HOS OntoLinux. That whole company is the same mess as with the company Space Exploration Technologies: No innovation, no hard working, but only stealing, infringing, and marketing the stolen goods.]", and
"[...] interactive, enlightening, inspiring, and frankly, a little fun [...]".
As it can be seen easily, that company has not disappointed, beause we have indeed found the announced massive copyright infringement conducted by that criminal company. Most of the system that is described on its website has nothing in common at all with the system shown in the movie "Minority Report". Clarified this once again, we also repeat what we already said yesterday: "We did know so many years before a point-and-touch data interface, like shown in the movie "Minority Report", so that we do not understand the hype about the designer of the specific user interface in this single movie. So please, come down to earth again and go to OntoLinux, which is even in this field a system that goes beyond by far beyond, and has such a function modul for stationary and also mobile applications.". Furthermore, we have seen that it wants to implement a mobile version, which would make its giant copyright infringement perfect. That company comes si 5 years too late with its latest product. The result of this investigative case should already be clear for our readers: Convicted!!! What else with such an anarchist?
We demand the worldwide media not to report about the products of the company Oblang, because it has infringed our copyright related with our operating system OntoLinux, specifically related with its user interface Ontoscope and OntoCOVE, and its file system OntoFS, as well as our Caliber.
Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf nicht über die Produkte des Unternehmens Oblang zu berichten, weil es unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit unserem Betriebssystem OntoLinux verletzt hat, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit dessen Benutzerschnittstelle Ontoscope und OntoCOVE, und dessen Dateisystem OntoFS, sowie unserem Caliber.
Comment of the Day #1
Comment of the Day #2
"Highly innovative", [C.S., Many years ago]
"Hochinnovativ©", [C.S., Vor vielen Jahren]
The Retina Projector 1.0 presented on the 7th of November 2010 is a stationary and mobile device that combines the classic retina dis- play already based on laser technology with an eye tracking system also based on laser technology, specifically on our NanoProjector technology, which implies that the Retina Projector 1.0 is based on laser technology only and its eye tracking unit applies a laser beam that is not visible, because otherwise it would blend the (laser) image displaying. This eye tracking technology can be basically the same as used by for example a company for its so-called Kinetic system extension of its game console, but only as a user interface that is controlled by body motion and gestures, which is important to note for the other cases related with either stationary image displays or mobile body motion and gesture controls, but is not restricted to exactly this technology, so other technologies that apply an unvisible laser beam are as well meant. The Retina Projector 1.0 features at least 1 laser unit, that in the version with exactly 1 laser unit produces a sufficiently large light frequency range for both the image displaying and the eye tracking, is a 2D or/and 3D system for both the image displaying and the eye tracking, and enables some kind of a multi-touch feature, better called multi-gesture feature in 2D and 3D. The latter is the reason why a company came to late with some patents related with 3D modelling in the air, because seen as a retina display it has no tangible surface. Eventually, its housing features a touch or multi-touch feature. Our mobile motion sensor technology MobileKinetic is another general invention created by us as a spin off technology while creating our Retina Projection, and can have a simple version of our Retina Projector 1.0 with 1 or more laser projector units that can only beam invisible light (e.g. infrared light) among other technologies of recognition and motion sensing, so that it was already described implicitly on the 7th of November 2010, and its description has been made explicit by the Ontonics Website update of the 23rd of March 2011 and 24th of March 2011, and 28th of January 2012. In this conjunction we would like to clarify as well that simply said omitting a laser LEDiode is not enough for the claim of this invention n the case of the version for mobile devices or/and in the case of applying two laser units by others.
The same holds for the basic functioning of our Laser Image Display 2.0, which even generalizes the Retina Projector 1.0. We have gone further by similar implications, for example in conjunction with the e-dashboard, which always featured the control by gestures that was later extended by the simpler versions of our Retina Projector 1.0 and our MobileKinetic as well. The latter holds also for our con- cept of the Mobile 4D Display, so that the same problem exists when describing such a 3D image display, if it is not used in combination with a Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD). Here again the date of its publication is irrelevant due to this implicitly given dependence to the description of the Retina Projector 1.0 presented on the 7th of November 2010.
Last but not least, we do think that it is important to clarify as well that the Retina Projector/Retina Screen 2.0 is focused on the addtional sensors, like e.g. the "torque/inertial sensors for the motion tracking" of the device, and not the motion tracking systems of the user given with the MobileKinetic mobile motion sensor technology. Sorry for this trick, but this is how your world works. Maybe, we have given this explanation in the past already.
For our readers we would like to repeat that we claim for the copyright of a description, which comprises the thought that is described, but not specific words and geometric objects that are used in a description. Good metaphors are music in general and songs, and their melodies and lyrics.
Spinner and Autocopter Racing League #1
We are pleased to announce our next league after the Hoverboard and -skates Championship and the Pod and Swoop Racing League, with our Spinner and Autocopter Racing League for spinners, auto- copters, as well as hybrids of surface vehicles, and aerodynes and other Personal Vertical Take-Off and Landing Vehicles (PVTOLVs), that can be flown and driven. Based on this dual technology the races are hybrids as well, which means flying and driving has to be done in one contest.
The reason for our step is the demand for such competitions by institutions for education and research, as well as by the different industries, inclusive the media.
Actually, we have several contests in mind that are the:
Spinner and Autocopter classes with at first its single classes for PVTOLVs with
- combustion,
- hybrid, and
- all-electric
Volkskopter and Volkswagen brand cups based on our Volkscopter models, like our F1 Cup for our model F1,
brand cups by other manufacturers,
R1, R2, and R3 series based on Spinners and Autocopters, like for example our R1,
long endurance races, like the
- 24 hours of Las Vegas,
- Indianapolis Day of Thunders, and
- Big Golden Apple of N.Y. City,
all in the U.S.A., the
- 24 Heures du Mans, France,
- Mad Max Madness in and around Sydney, Australia, and the
- 3 Days of the Style of Speed in Style mastership, with its many accompanying arts and design events as the season's final,
and the
classic races, like the
- Grand Prix de Monaco after the Formula 1 race weekend followed by the
- International Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy)
special competitions like the
- top speed,
- drag race, and
- braking contests,
- Rescue cup,
- Robocup, and
- Freestyle cup,
as well as
further activities for the teams with attendances at the
- Goodwood Festival of Speed, U.K.,
- Festival of Speed in Miami, U.S.A.,
- Concorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este, Italy,
- Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, U.S.A.,
- Concours d'Élégance Monte Carlo, Monaco, and the
- Style of Speed Classics in Manhattan, U.S.A.,
and much more.
Besides this, we are looking in more detail for a flying club house in the clouds based on our Flying House approach.
Some of the first preliminary rules say that a vehicle must be able to drive and fly, and has at least 4 wheels, with the ruling that a twin wheel at one axle counts as two wheels, and two seats, with one full seat for the pilot and the other one for the show.
In addition, we are also looking at the Le Mans rulings, specifically of the LMP 1 class and the GT class, but most potentially in a much more liberated interpretation called Las Vegas rulings at first.
Das Auto
Ontonics Further steps
After we have created the momentum in the field of gesture controlled devices, specifically computing and displaying devices, and due to latest developments in the related market segments, we will take a further look on our related technologies and concepts, like e.g. our MobileKinetic and Image Display 2.0, for eliminating wrong claims made by us in the past. But it won't be so much, as a first sighting showed. In fact, we have seen only the version of the LCD Image 2.0 that will be reduced by taking out the version based on a standard LCD and a simple camera, but actually not the versions based on an LCD and a more complex eye-tracking system. Here we have to take a look again.
Also, we are looking at the Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) of photons, specifically in conjunction with everything in the Innovation-Pipeline that is related with photonics, like laser based devices and light/optical/photonic computing, though we are convinced that the approach has no effect on the overall capacity of a communication channel due to Claude E. Shannon's work in the field of information theory.
Style of Speed Further steps
For sure, since quite some years we are looking for the flying car called Spinner designed by Sydney Jay "Syd" Mead for the movie "Blade Runner" as our next model of a powered lift air vehicle called eventually S1.
In this conjunction, we are thinking about the split of our Autoscopter model range into the two ranges Autocopter and Spinner, which differentiate by the way they produce the lift force: Autocopters have external rotors, Spinners feature an aerodyne like technology or our air multiplier technology.
Moreover, we are looking for different models like flying pick-ups and vans, and also larger flying trucks and busses.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität: In a collaborative research project in the field of nanotechnology the university has taken the special version of our Jelly/Gel Air Battery that is based on the combination of the concepts of the jelly accumulator, which electrolyte is a rubber-like polymer, and our Lithium-Titanate Air Battery, as the blueprint for its development of the Lithium-Titanate-Polymer Battery. Obviously, we have deliberately left this technology for research institutes open, because by making exactly such a step they create themselves and also accept the clear white line, and our copyright in an implicit way.
So, now everybody can guess why we developed directly the Lithium-Titanate-Polymer/Jelly/Gel Air Battery? Could it be that our technology is known to be even more superior, which means that it features a even higher energy density, lower weight and dimensions, and a higher performance in comparison to an ordinary Lithium-Titanate-Polymer Battery, as well as more than 1000 loading processes and an uncomparable level of safety? And is it really possible that we have closed the gap between supercondensators and classic batteries already by pioneering in this direction? How will the next generation of this Lithium-Titanate-Polymer Battery look like? And what comes next? Hint: Read this investigative case and the given links to our solutions once again.
Wir fordern die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität als auch alle anderen Forschungsinstitute und Unternehmen in der B.R.D. auf das Urheberrecht zu respektieren und dementsprechend richtig andere Arbeiten in Kunst, Forschung und Design zu referenzieren. Dies kann auch im Nachhinein geschehen, aber dann sind selbstverständlich über die gleichen Kommunikationskanäle, die zuvor benutzt wurden, die entsprechenden Korrekturen der Öffentlichkeit mitzuteilen.
Dem Bildungs- und Forschungsministerium teilen wir, die Christian Stroetmann GmbH, hiermit mit, dass man wohl wieder einmal etwas falsch verstanden hat, denn wir haben diese technologische Lücke auch gelassen, damit man eine Förderungsrunde an Zeit erhält eventuell überschüssige Kapazitäten wieder abzubauen und anderweitig zu beschäftigen.
Die bayerische Staatsanwaltschaft steht übrigens schon parat, falls irgendeiner der üblichen Akteure immer noch nicht begriffen hat, dass es hier in der Tat weiße Linien gibt.
Deutsche Telekom: Trotz besserem Wissen als ein weltweit füh- rendes Unternehmen der Informations- und Telekommunikationsbran- che hat das Unternehmen einen Tablet-Computer mit dem Begriff "Retina Display" beworben obwohl es sich nicht um einen Retinabild- schirm handelt und wir schon mehrfach auf diesen Fakt und der damit einhergehenden Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit beziehungs- weise der Falschinformation von KundInnen aufmerksam gemacht haben. In diesem Zusammenhang möchten wir das IT-Unternehmen auch daran erinnern, dass die Begriffe Display und Bildschirm Syno- nyme sind und dass zum Beispiel unser Retina Bildschirm 1.0 wirklich eine solche Bildanzeigetechnologie ist und kein normaler Bildschirm.
Comment of the Day
"Full steam ahead!"
Flying islands are also great.
"Volldampf voraus!"
Fliegende Inseln sind auch toll.
Until today we have used the abbrevation CET for the Central European Time even in the summer instead of CEST for the Central European Summer Time. Said this, the dates must be adjusted in accordance with the Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Comment of the Day
3D LCoS display
3D LCoS tv
3D LCoS television
3D LED display
3D LED tv
3D LED television
3D LCD display
3D LCD tv
3D LCD television
3D 3LCD display
3D 3LCD tv
3D 3LCD television
3D SXRD display
3D SXRD tv
3D SXRD television
3D-ILA display
3D-ILA tv
3D-ILA television
3D D-ILA display
3D D-ILA tv
3D D-ILA television
3D rear-projection display
3D rear-projection tv
3D rear-projection television
3D front-projection display
3D front-projection tv
3D front-projection television
Our Mobile 4D Display concept is based on our general approach to combine mobile computing with gesture control since the end of the year 2006 by the publication of the OntoLinux website, "gesture and sense" and "multimodal interface", and our MobileKinetic technology and Retina Projection.
Deutsche Telekom: Das Unternehmen hat für die Bewerbung eines mobilen Telefons die folgenden Aussagen benutzt: "Blickgesteuertes Display-Standby" und "Die Kamera erkennt, ob Sie gerade auf ihr Smartphone schauen. Solange Sie das tun, bleibt das Display hell". Dazu wurde ein Bild des Smartfons gezeigt. Neben dem offensichtli- chen Kopieren unserer Sprachakte im Zusammenhang mit unseren Anzeigen/Bildschirmen/Displays und Gestensteuerungen für mobile Endgeräte, dem Begriff "Display" anstatt Bildschirm oder Anzeige und der Beschreibung "Blickgesteuertes Display [...]" sowie dem Fakt, dass wir uns bei dem Fall des Herstellers des besagten mobilen Gerä- tes auf unsere in Englisch verfassten allgemeinen Beschreibung einer multimodalen multimedialen Benutzerschnittstelle==Multimodal Multi- media User Interface (M²UI), inklusive Steuerung durch Gestik für mobile Endgeräte, bezogen haben und nicht auf einen in deutsch verfassten Text (siehe den Fall des Unternehmens Samsung in den Investigations::Multimedia vom 3. Mai 2012 und vom 7. Juni 2012), sehen wir trotzdem auch in diesem Fall eine Verletzung unseres Urhe- berrechts. In der Tat besitzt nämlich das beworbene Gerät auf der Vorderseite zwei zusätzliche Komponenten und zwar eine Quelle von Lichtstrahlen, und einen Sensor, der die durch die ausgestrahlten Lichtstrahlen erzeugten Reflektionen registriert, was übrigens neben- bei bemerkt auch eine spezielle (Web-)Kamera an der Gerätevorder- seite übernehmen könnte. Somit basiert aber das beworbene "blick- gesteuerte Display" auf einem Registrierungs- und Verfolgungssystem für mobile Endgeräte, das eine spezielle mobile Version unseres Reti- na Projektors 1.0 ist, wie sie auch mit bestimmten Versionen unse- rer MobileKinetic-Technologie verwendet wird. Hieraus ergibt sich eine eindeutige Urheberrechtsverletzung, denn es wurde hier ein von uns zuvor verfasster Gedanke abgildet. Wir müssen deshalb das Un- ternehmen Deutsche Telekom auffordern diese Art der Bewerbung von mobilen Endgeräten sofort einzustellen.
Übrigens.: Der Grund warum wir zwischen einer einfachen (Web)Ka- mera und einem komplexeren System unterscheiden, wie zum Beispiel unsere Retinaprojektion verwendende mobile Bewegungssensor- technologie MobileKinetic, ist der Fakt, dass die Retinaprojektion beziehungsweise die MobileKinetic-Technologie die Verfolgung und Erkennung in 3D und nicht nur in 2D ermöglicht, da man für diese Art der Objektregistrierung und Bewegungsverfolgung eine Lichtquelle nutzt, sodass diese überhaupt von einem Sensor in einem 3-dimen- sionalen Zusammenhang erkennbar sind.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik: The consortium reported about the next attempt to produce a very inexpensive mobile computer. This is now the 7th or 8th time in more then 10 years that somebody tries to produce such a device for the very poor people, as it always claimed, but in fact it is a nasty marketing approach for an industrial initiative by governments. More important here is the fact that so far all such attempts failed, because it is actually not possible to produce a truly functioning mobile computer with a large enough display for comfortable reading for a price under 130 to 150 US dollar. We with our P@d Computer concept are able to deliver a high quality tablet and pad computer with a really large enough display of around 10" for around 100 US dollar, but only without accumulator and in con- junction with an already existing wireless power link. Doubtlessly, the consortium does know the facts very well as it says so in the actual report. So why does it report at all about these hoaxes everytime in the past? Besides this, we already had busted the first generation of that standard hoax by explaining that the reported manufacturer and the related persons are infringing our copyright, because the report- ed tablet computer is in fact a clone of the first version of our model P@d (see the case of the British Broadcasting Corporation in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 15th of October 2011).
Wir fordern die weltweiten Medien auf keine Berichte über Billig-Com- puter zu veröffentlichen, da sie mittlerweile genau wissen, dass es sich bis jetzt immer um Marketingschwindel von Unternehmen und sogar Regierungen gehandelt hat. Des weiteren wird durch eine Ini- tiative in Indien unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit der ersten Version unserer P@ds verletzt, da das präsentierte Geräte im Grunde nur eine Kopie ist.
Comment of the Day
Structured time-of-flight
Strukturierte Laufzeit
Structured time-of-light
Strukturierte Lichtzeit
Structured time-of-light-flight
Strukturierte Lichtlaufzeit
Hybrid Kinetic
Question of the Day
"Who comes with to the Italian this evening?"
Wir hatten Spaghetti mit Parmesano. War unglaublich lecker!!! Leider war aber keine Bierschubse da. Und morgen gibt es Pizza Tonno. Auch hochlecker!!!
Ontonics Website update
We have added our new technologies called:
Structured Time-of-Light-Flight 16:37 CEST and
MultiKinetic 15:51 CET/16:51 CEST.
Also, we have added to the description of our Multi Global Positioning System (MultiGPS)/Multi Global Navigation System (MultiGNS) the feature that it can also use a navigation system based on the reception of signals of mobile phones, radios and TVs, because they are a lot more powerful and therefore can be less disturbed in comparison to satellite signals, and in this way recieved in environments as well in which satellite signals are poorly or not receivable at all.
Moreover, we also added the informations that our Wave-Field Computing can be used alone and in combination with other systems, like the Ray-Field Sensors in the field of navigation as well, for example as a complement of satellite-based positioning and navigation systems or our MultiGPSystem/MultiGNSystem, but also as a back-up system in the case that the signals of other positioning or navigation systems are disturbed, jammed, or not available.
Style of Speed Website update
We have realized one of the further steps mentioned in the Further steps of the 20th of March 2012 and presented the hybrid drivetrain with our invention of the unique Electric Torque Vectoring powered later with our Lithium-Titanate-Polymer/Jelly/Gel battery and our Lithium-Titanate-Gel Air battery of our E-Muscle car Camaro-E.
Comment of the Day #1
"Cold coup"
"Kalter Putsch"
Comment of the Day #2
"The three-digit form for azure is 007fff."
Comment of the Day #1
Coloured chrome
Chrome color
Green chrome
Chrome green
Red chrome
Chrome red
Blue chrome
Chrome blue
Comment of the Day #2
"Gummizelle statt Gummibärchen"
Style of Speed Website update
Yesterday, we have added to the website of our E-Muscle car Camaro-E the image that shows the car with the Hot Wheels® exterior theme. Today, we added the image of the car in the Fine Carbon exterior theme and two images of the proposed interior, of which one shows the Fine Carbon interior theme and the other gives an impression about the essential cockpit elements inherited through the Voltec powertrain and adapted from the interior of the model Volt by the marque General Motors→Chevrolet.
Google: In the last weeks we have found out and documented in parts, that that only stealing and serious criminal company has started the next very perfide and nasty strategy. As a matter of fact it repeats now every step done by C.S., our main business, our OntoLab, The Lab of Visions, as well as our other business units for building up the same historical past by even copying our development and evolution. Ths first step was the closing of its old lab focused on the World Wide Web (WWW) and the foundation of its relatively new lab, in which the research and development of technologies is done again that was already done around the years 1996 to 2001, which are the same years in which we started inofficially with the OntoLab and its first research and development field multimedia, founded the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, wrote The Proposal, made our first steps in the fields like grid and service computing. Said this, we can see now that that only stealing company Google in its Google Lab developed recently multimedia goggles with augmented reality and smart watches (see for example the section iRaiment, Wearable Computer of the webpage Links to Hardware as well as the section Multimedia in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics), has introduced a grid and service computing service based on unused resources of its server farms (see the link to grid computing in the section Network Technology of the webpage Links to Software), which by the way raises the question why it has unused resources at all, and conducted recently together with the stealing Stanford University the very old machine learning experiment with the simulation of a small fraction of the human brain by a computer cluster (see the references to H. de Garis' works (keywords Cellular Automata Machine Brain (CAM-Brain), Collect and Distribute 1 Bit (CoDi-1Bit), and CAM Brain Machine (CBM)) at the end of The Proposal, The Prototyp, and More Notes). In this way it wants to create a foundation of historical facts that exactly equals our actings since around the year 1996, and does hoax marketing and even claims for nonsense scientific results to drive the interest by the public away from the original, our company. We also do see this as an attempt to outsmart our Caliber, after we explained several times in the past that we have created it as a protection against the largest companies. By a subsequent step it wants to use that artificially created history for conducting further stealings of our outstanding works, and in the end for lying and argumenting that our works would have been made by that company, specifically our Caliber itself (see also the cases of the companies Fujitsu in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 17th of April 2012, Hubert Burda→TV Spielfilm Verlag in the Investigations of the 30th of May 2012, British Broadcasting Corporation in the Investigations of the 23rd of June 2012, as well as of Barry Smith, colleagues, and supporters in the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and Knowledge management, and Oblang Industries in Investigations::Multimedia both on the 24th of June 2012). Now this serious criminal case is documented and stored in the internet as well as the observable universe.
Btw.: The story of the company Google is over due to our Ontologic System (OS), and Hightech and nD Operating System (HOS & nDOS) OntoLinux, and due to the fact that the truth is out in the public. Google exists only, because the responsible persons have spied out our company and our private sphere since the late 1990s, and they could go on like Microsoft, Apple, International Business Machines, and so on as well, because they were supported by several governments of the B.R.D. and local research institutes, and because we have not published and documented our works and achievements until the September of the year 2006 to the full extent, with some few exceptions, like e.g. our internet domain names mostly registered in the year 2001, the related homepages with logos, some few webpages on the website of the OntoLab, and our airships and hypersoars, all uploaded between the years 2001 to 2003, and then substituted with their updates in the year 2006, though their contents was already known by observing, spying, and hacking, and collaborating with the governments of the U.S.A., B.R.D., U.K., and for sure some more.
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