Comment of the Day
Robot Ecosystem-Engineering
Before any nonsense related with infringments of our copyright is re- ported by the media again, we would like to direct the attention of our readers to the project 3D-Palm-Computer in the section Multi- media→Gemischte Realitäten==Mixed Reality in the OntoLab, which needs no special goggle for 3D contents and ended successfully in the year 2003 and the section P@d Computer in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics, as well as the intelliTablet Further steps 8:55 CET of the 28th of March 2010. Do we reallly have to say 3D Pad Computer, P@d 3D, iP@d 3D and iT@blet 3D explicitly in addition to iTablet 3D? We also would like to mention in conjunction with these devices the feature camera jack for detachable cameras of our other models as well.
Ontonics Website update
Before there are some confusions with beamed energy/laser powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), e.g. multicopters, or some nasty incidents with not so clever, criminal entities that want to steal our Raylev/Wavelev technology and our Raylev transport system, we made its implicitly described application with robotic aerial vehicles explicit, and included also other robotic systems by adding to the Innovation-Pipeline the new applications under the label:
Raylev Robotics.
We have also updated the descriptions of our technologies Raylev/ Wavelev and Sensor Swarm Robot by mentioning the systems of Raylev Robotics.
While thinking and writing about the Raylev Robotics solution, we also found out once again that there is a need to separate highly complex autonomous systems that consist out of different robots, and different flocks, herds and swarms of them. So we created in the section Robotics of the Innovation-Pipeline the new subsection Ecosystem, and in this new subsection the new project:
Robot Ecosystem-Engineering.
Comment of the Day
Micro sidewinder
Ontonics and Roboticle
If somebody is really in need of our RApid-FIre Hyper Accuracy Task- ed Ordnance System RAFIHATOS-1 Micro Sidewinder with a maximal velocity of up to Mach 3 and 120 rounds per minute in the beginning, then get in contact with us.
Style of Speed Further steps
We are looking at an integration of the concept design aircraft D8 of the D series with its double bubble fuselage by the research institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the manufacturer Boeing and the concept design aircraft with boxed wing by the manufact- urer Lockheed Martin, both designed and developed in a project rel- ated with greener and leaner aircrafts for the year 2025 funded by the NASA. The result would look like the slightly widened lifting body fuselage of the vehicle concept D8 with the boxed wing design of the first version of the design study by Lockheed Martin and two ultra-high-bypass turbofan engines, like Turbofanprop and Turbo- propfan engines of our hybrid model BWB-1/White Eagle.
Style of Speed Website update
We added an image of the BWB-1/White Eagle to its webpage that was derived from the X-48C by the manufacturer Boeing in relation to a research and development project with the theme airliner in the year 2025 funded by the NASA following our advices given on the webpage of our BWB-1/White Eagle, and also updated the section called Very Highly Efficient by publicating the overall reduction of fuel consumption. By the way: It seems to be that the NASA has confused the values of the fuel consumption reduction by our ultra-high-bypass engines with the overall estimated values that are given by summing up each value of the three different factors related with aerodynamic shape, weight and engine efficiency. In fact, the NASA hs explained in its latests report about such clean and green aircraft designs that the goal of 50% in fuel consumption reduction has not been reached by the manufacturers Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. We have not publicated the values before due to our information politics, and because a claim for a fuel consumption reduction of this amount would have been declared by the so-called experts as ridiculous. Obviously, it is not.
Style of Speed Further steps
We have developed a new function for our PAVs, PATSs and Auto- copters called Coming Home. It will be added together with the already mentioned functions/systems for Autonomous Parking and Storage as part of the announced update of all related webpages.
Clean eagle Whispering eagle
Carrier pigeon Carrier pigeon 2.0 Carrier pigeon NG
Letter pigeon Letter pigeon 2.0 Letter pigeon NG
Message pigeon Message pigeon 2.0 Message pigeon NG
Homing pigeon Homing pigeon 2.0 Homing pigeon NG
Homer Homer 2.0 Homer NG
Racing pigeon Racing pigeon 2.0 Racing pigeon NG
Mail pigeon Mail pigeon 2.0 Mail pigeon NG
Courier pigeon Courier pigeon 2.0 Courier pigeon NG
Brieftaube 2.0 Brieftaube NG
Airmail 2.0 Airmail NG
Ontonics Website update 9:55 CET
We added to the subsection Robotic Aerial Vehicle our Innovation-Pipeline the new project:
Mail/Carrier/Message Pigeon 2.0.
Style of Speed Website update
After a researcher reminded us of Batman and Batmobiles, we have added an archived sketch of the tiltrotor aircraft Bell Advanced Tilt Rotor (BAT) to the webpage of our Sky :) (Sky Fun), though the ratios between the different parts of the aircraft, e.g. the fuselage, wings, rotors and cabin, have changed with our designs in the styles of the Belly Tank Lakester versions and the B! due to their usage as PAVs and PATSs with 1, 1/1, and 1+1, and also 2+2 (in the case of the Sky :D (Sky Big Fun)) seat configurations, and with the application of the latest high-technologies and materials.
Due to the fact that we have our Multimode Intelligent Control System for all of our other Powered Lift Aircrafts and Autocopters we could easily extend the capabilites of our model Hawk 333 with the piloted mode. In this conjunction, we also presented the first image of the Hawk 333 with a cabin.
Our BWB-1/White Eagle also has the feature of our new blended raked winglets/wingtips listed in its specification, now.
*** Beautifying mode ***
Investigations::Aviation and Space
Israel Aerospace Industries (IPI): As we found out, that company has infringed our copyright related with our concept of a remotely controlled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with tiltrotor and ultra-quite, or as we said extremely silent electric motors from the web- page of our Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) Sky :) (Sky Fun), and presented it in the October of the year 2010 without referencing Style of Speed. For further misleading the public as part of its crime and product marketing it jumped on the bandwagon of our 3 Theme as well.
Solotrek: The company has announced around the ... of the year 2011 a full-hybrid Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) that looks from the exterior design like our Z :) (Z Fun), but none of our innovations that are needed for the "highway in the sky" have been presented, like for example our Electric Torque Vectoring and Stability Control System, and our Multimode Intelligent Control System powered by our Hightech OS OntoLinux and our Ontoscope. Said this, we can already guarantee today that the company will get massive problems in the future with infringements of our copyright after it already has jumped on the bandwagon of our innovations of full-hybrid powertrains in this field (see also the Investigations::Aviation and Space of the 28th of January 2012).
Volkswagen→Audi: At first, we wondered why the basic design of our Autocopter F1 transformed from a concept car by the marque had this aircraft canopy, these wheels that look like turbines, and these fenders that together with the wheels look like ducted fans, and for what the areas in the seats at the position between the legs are good for. But after we saw that the automotive industry of the B.R.D. has stolen our glass cockpit with large HUD, which includes e.g. Augmented Reality (AR), and natural control by speech and gestures as basic technologies by the connection with our Hightech OS OntoLinux and our Ontoscope (see the webpages Overview and Ontologic Applications of the OntoLinux website), and shown it on two large exhibitions (take also a look at the case of the manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke in the Investigations::Car #342 of the 11th of January 2012, and see the cases of the marque Audi and the company Daimler in the Investigations::Car #343 of the 16th of January 2012), as well as that the flying car of a company had similar seats with yokes at this position, the whole case was clear.
Syntern: Since the team of the company conducted its first take off with its manned multicopter called e-volo, that it claimed to be the world's first flight with a manned electric multicopter, at the end of October 2011 we wanted to investigate its case. But at first our readers must take a look at the image of "Pippi Longstocking riding its velo==bike". We quote its website for documenting its case of copyright infringement and the aviation history:
"The e-volo multicopter is an innovative, vertical takeoff and landing, human carrying transportation device that establishes a new category of flying vehicle. [Like the company Solotrek (see its case below) we can already guarantee that the persons behind this project will run into more serious problems with our copyright and their infringements.]",
"[...] is classed with the ultralights [...]",
"[...] can use a safety parachute [...] [No doubt, this safety measure concept was stolen from the webpages of our PAVs Flight :) (Flight Fun) and Sky :) (Sky Fun), because we do know that it is our invention with mutlit-rotor air vehicles.]",
"[...] balance the device on all three axes by using independent motor speed control [...] [This is also an innovation by us with manned electir mutli-rotor air vehicles.]",
"Fully automatic attitude and directional control are taken care of by multiple separate and mutually monitoring onboard computers, controlling each engine with the precise rotation speed necessary to fly this tri-axis device. Whether during vertical takeoff, in flight, or landing, a pilot pays little or no attention to minimum speed, stall, fuel mixture control, pitch control or one of many other things that make conventional flight as challenging as it is. [This was also stolen due to the the webpages of our PAVs Flight :) (Flight Fun) and Sky :) (Sky Fun). The explanations are given in the Investigations::Aviation and Space of the 28th of January 2012.]",
"[...] quiet, clean and economically cost efficient [...]",
"The control firmware can be integrated with a sophisticated integrated GPS system or obstacle detection. As such, automated flight for predetermined points on a 3D map is possible. In addition to the relieving the pilot of strenuous navigational tasks, unmanned flight would be feasible similar to other devices (drones). [Doubtlessly, this is a copyright infringement due to the contents given on the webpage of our Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) Sky :) (Sky Fun), for example. In fact, we have here our ingenious invention and revolutionary Multimode Intelligent Control System powered by OntoLinux and Ontoscope (see also the Investigations::Aviation and Space of the 28th of January 2012 and 31st of January 2012 for getting all details)]",
"[...] equipment [...]",
"[...] aerial photography or large field facility inspections [...] [This points to our Flyingscope/AIrview as well (see again the Investigations::Aviation and Space of the 28th of January 2012)]",
"[...] multi-seat version [...]",
"Vision for the future [This is more than a speech act stealing due to our OntoLab, The Lab of Visions.]",
"A hybrid drive, in which a conventional internal combustion engine regenerates the necessary electrical power [We do see here the next evidence of a copyright infringement, especially due to the fact that it claimed all the time for an electric multicopter.]",
"With a slightly different approach, one could use the high cruising speeds of the e-volo multicopter to develop full-blown general aviation vehicles from what was once a purely recreational sporting device. [So, here we do not need to talk the case further anymore.]",
"[...] simplicity [...]",
"Vision [speech act stealing]",
"[...] affordable [...]",
"[...] making the possibility of flight available to the average person [...]",
"[...] Software regarding the 3D obstruction mapping [...] [At this point we are again at the point of the copyright infringement.]",
"[...] safety is written large [...] Safety in flight will be developed with multiple concepts [...] [Obviously, the members of the team do know the webpage of our Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) Sky :) (Sky Fun).]",
"A hybrid concept is in the works using a generated system be it gas, or other more efficient methods to power the device in flight. [...] Hopefully the hybrid version will allow for better flight times of up to an hour or more. [Besides that it claimed all the time being the first with an electric flight device of this kind, it suddenly want to build hybrids as well, because its found out what we have already 2 years ago: Electric flight needs energy as well :P. This is the next clear evidence of a copyright infringement.]",
"Design Studies [This is a further clear proof that the team does know our websites very well, especially of OntomaX and Style of Speed (see the Original vs. Inspiration and so on ...). The flying velo of Pipi Longstocking can be found as well on our websites.]",
"[...] several patents and utility modules [...] [We do not think that these patents were done before the publication of our related webpages and a related with the technolog of this case.]",
Honest as we are, we congratulate the team for its achievement, but its flight was definitely not a controlled flight but just only an up and down. Furthermore, stealing the show and infringing the copyright is a no go, so that we also have to say: Convicted!!!
Attention: This seems to be very much a hoax company for stealing our intellectual properties.
Comment of the Day
Active winglet
Active wingtip
Style of Speed Further steps
We are looking in more detail to the question, if our Pavee Sky :D (Sky Big Fun) should be either a tiltrotor with 2 tilting rotors or tilt-ducted fans, or a larger Quad TiltRotor (QTR) version of the Sky :) (Sky Fun) as a tandem fixed-wing with 4 tilting rotors or tilt-ducted fans at each wingtip, though the latter variante would be equal to one variante of our model Z :) (Z Fun) with 4 seats, the designated Z :D (Z Big Fun).
Style of Speed Website update
In the specification of our BWB-1/White Eagle we have added to the feature tail empennages the detail rudder or/and elevator, or ruddervators, and to the feature of winglets and wingtips the opition of our Active Winglet/Active Wingtip.
We also added the alternative version of a tilt-ducted fan to the webpages of our powered lift aircrafts Flight :) (Flight Fun), Sky :) (Sky Fun) and Sky :D (Sky Big Fun).
Any commercial use of the description of our eVSG/eLSG is for all persons and companies only permitted, if all of the before done infringements of our copyrights (that we name) have been admitted, the resulting damages be compensated in an appropriate way (e.g. by lowering our demand with the accounting with the low damages of our copyright infringements), and furthermore in general all of our intellectual properties are licensed in the future. We think that a different description of the eVSGlass is not possible. Any rights, e.g. copyrights and patents, by other entities are not valid, or have to be given to us for examination.
Said this, a retroactive referencing of our webpages is excluded,
Jeglich gewerbliche Nutzung der Beschreibung unseres eVSGs ist für alle Personen und Unternehmen nur erlaubt, wenn alle zuvor begannenen Urheberrechtsverletzungen (die wir nennen) eingestanden, die entstandenen Schäden in einer angemessen Art und Weise beglichen (z. B. durch Senkung unserer Forderungen mit der Verrechnung mit den geringen Schäden durch unsere Urheberrechtsverletzungen) und des Weiteren im Allgemeinen alle unsere intellektuellen Eigentümer zukünftig lizensiert werden. Eine andere Beschreibung des eVSGlasses halten wir für unmöglich. Jegliche Rechte, z. B. Urheberrechte und Patente, von anderen Entitäten sind nicht gülitg oder uns zur Prüfung vorzulegen.
Eine rückwirkende Referenzierung unserer Web-Seiten ist hiermit ausgeschlossen.
Ontonics Website update way before 11:49 CET
We have added to our eVSG the new sentence that lists the feature of personlization and the different user interface technologies. We also mentioned the use of the eVSG with all other kinds of suited multimedia technologies, like e.g. the Augmented Reality (AR) technology.
Besides this, we made the general and the specific application with iArchitecture of the eVSG explicit by adding the description of eVSG@Home.
Style of Speed Website update way before 11:49 CET
Today, we are very happy that finally the day has come that we can add our eVSG to the section Supplement on the website of Style of Speed, after we have hidden it in the section iArchitecture of the Innovation-Pipeline for so long.
Investigations::Car #345
General Motors: Under the label "Window of Opportunity" the manufacturer has presented a design study of applications that are based on the technique of Augmented Reality (AR) and projected on a side window of an automobile. Obviously, that company has stolen our concept of the Sp@ce@Car technology and essential elements of our Glass cockpit with AR and touch based displays as described and shown with our models B!, 9! and 9ii, for example. Furthermore, a window projection system with AR was shown before in the year 2008 by the design study called 2028 of the manufacturer Volkswagen based on our inventive concept of our multimodal multimedia based interior powered by OntoLinux, though this concept had no touch or gesture controlled user interface (take also a look at the case of the manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke in the Investigations::Car #342 of the 11th of January 2012, and the cases of the manufacturer Daimler and the marque Volkswagen→Audi, as well as one of its other cases related with our AutoCloud computing in the Investigations::Car #343 of the 16th of January 2012, the case of Volkswagen→Audi and Microsoft, and the IT-news web portal Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de below).
Volkswagen→Audi and Microsoft: We found out that the presented Head-Up Display (HUD) was developed together with the only stealing company Microsoft (see the case of the manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke in the Investigations::Car #342 of the 11th of January 2012, the cases of the marque and the company Daimler in #343 of the 16th of January 2012, and the related case of the IT-news web portal Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de below).
Bayerische Motorenwerke: The manufacturer presented a new version of a model of one of its series called 550d that features a diesel engine with a supercharging system consisting of two smaller and one larger turbochargers. While at first the case looks harmless, it came to light after a closer look that it is not, because that only stealing company has taken the descriptions given on the webpages of our model 550 V8 and our http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/engine/forcedinduction/index.htm#turbocharger">Forced Induction systems, especially of our Modular Turbo System, as a blueprint for its development without referencing us. We also have to mention our Tricharger system described on the webpage of our conversion up! R that in this way has been copied by taking only turbochargers. For sure, we thought as well about such a staged tri-turbocharger configuration, as we developed our Tricharger, but we found out directly that our Tricharger solution consisting of turbochargers and superchargers is more efficient than a tri-turbocharger system, and that in the other cases a tri-turbo would make no sense as well. Obviously, that company attempted again to irritate and mislead the public away from our company and our business divisions, like for example Style of Speed, by a further copyright infringement that we have expected when we publicated our webpage Forced Induction.
Nissan USA: The subsidiary of that only stealing manufacturer has marked our trademark Leaf for a vehicle with electric drivetrain as if it would be its trademark. Due to the fact that the company Nissan has stolen this from our websites (see the Investigations::Car #34 of the 25th of June 2008), especially from the webpage of our model Ape ESP, and at least infringed our copyright in this way, we reject its claim and will not respect it, like third parties should do as well.
*** Fine tuning mode ***
Michael Frohlich: That person presented some sketches of a Pure Electric sports car which is in fact the coupé version of a roadster by an U.S.American company with technologies described on the webpages of our model series Raptor, like the marketing is based as well of the car is done by using contents motto "Be unique!" that obviously was derived from the name of our model B!. As part of the presented marketing story it is claimed that he has also built a number of electric powered motorcycles, though we have none seen so far, and also something said about "style" and a "diabolically smiling" car, which points directly to cars like our models up! R and Cup, as well as to the labels of many motorbike models by Style of Speed. Further the explanations are given that a small solar panel would be located behind the cockpit (see the paragraph Active Solar Panels of the webpage Energy Generation), and that for drivers who might miss the charismatic sound of a conventional internal combustion engine, the audio system can replicate the soundtrack of a V8 burble, or the scream of Formula-One racer, which reminds us of our Active Clang system and the Hayabusa V8 engine built into our model 550 V8.
Motor Presse Stuttgart→auto motor und sport: That publisher has misled the public once again by claiming that the new model Boxster by the marque Volkswagen→Porsche has been derived from its concept car 918. Firstly, this is not true, because the model was derived from our model Boxster GT, which again is based on derivations of the old model Boxster following the design of the model Carrera GT and three widebody conversions by tuners. But as it can be seen the new Boxster model has not the design of the front of the model 918 as our Boxster GT (see the case of the marque Volkswagen→Porsche in the Investigations::Car #343 of the 16th of January 2012). That publisher did this as well, because we had at first shown images with overworked designs of the concept car 918 on the webpages of our Boxster GT and the Boxster BB, that were recently removed from the webpage of the Boxster GT (see the Style of Speed Website update of 14th of January 2012).
Stanford University: That university has stolen our dynamic charging technology irail in the WREL version, which we have mentioned in the description of the first version of our irail publicated on the 6th of December 2008 and changed on the 22nd of July 2011 (see the related news message Ontonics Website update ET 03:05 of the 22nd of July 2011), and patented it. Bad luck for those not so intelligent scientists that the old versions of all of the related webpages have been crawled and archieved by the Internet Archive as well. Said this, the patent is definitely invalid, but our copyright is doubtlessly valid, and the scientists are now: Convicted!!!
Btw.: The whole case has more implications:
Firstly, there is a very high potential that the Stanford University has collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its spin-off Witricity, as well as with the large manufacturers Toyota and Daimler, and eventually also with the manufacturers Ford, Volkswa- gen and Bayerische Motorenwerke to damage our company, because that massively stealing company Toyota is a partner company of the company Witricity, and some weeks ago the three largest car manu- facturers based in the B.R.D. and Ford have presented together with the government of the B.R.D. a research project of a new multimedia house with a static wireless charging station that applies a solution that most potentially is our ipad. Also important to mention in this case is that the serious criminal research institute Fraunhofer Insti- tut is a research partner of the other serious criminal research inst- itute Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has recently got 2 million Euro by the federal ministry of education and research of the B.R.D. for testing wireless energy transfer systems, that are like our charging solution irail put into the lanes before traffic lights, as it is claimed. But now we are sure that both research projects are only conducted for the stealing of our whole static and dynamic charging irail and ipad technology, or at least for infringing our copyright once again as part of the organized serious criminal actings support- ed by the governments of the U.S.A., the B.R.D. and many other Eu- ropean countries that we are documenting since more than 5 years now.
Secondly, the case must be seen as a proof that as a matter of fact the company Witricity has not have the idea to use its technology called Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) for powering vehicles with electric motors before we publicated our irail on the website of Ontonics on the 6th of December 2008.
Thirdly, it is obvious that all cases demand the action of the pro- secutors in the U.S.A. and Europe.
American Institute of Physics→Journal of Applied Physics: Due to the fact that scientists of the Stanford University have stolen our irail concept, and were even so bold to patent and publicate it in the Journal of Applied Physics (see the case of the Stanford University above and of the IT-news web portal), we have informed the editorial office of the Journal of Applied Physics published by the American Institute of Physics by sending it the following e-mail today at 2:05 CET:
Subject: Copyright infringement WREL for highways
Dear ladies and gentlemen
We have read in the report "US-Forscher planen den elektrischen Highway" (www.golem.de/news/elektromobilitaet-us-forscher-planen-den-elektrischen-highway-1202-89529.html)[]publicated by the web magazine Golem (www.golem.de) that the work "Wireless energy transfer with the presence of metallic planes["] (apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v99/i21/p214102_s1?isAuthorized=no) describes our irail technology (www.styleofspeed.com/land/supplement/irail/index.htm). We have publicated the description of our irail technology on the 6th of December 2008 with naming explicitly the technology of the Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on our website of Ontonics, and this even at a time as the MIT scientists were only talking about its application in house.
We demand the immediate publication of a clarification and a correction with our description of the irail technology in your publications, for sure without paying any fees.
1. Copy of the webpage irail on the website of Style of Speed of the 21st of September 2010 in the Web-Archiv[e] (web.archive.org/web/20100921011610/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/supplement/irail/index.htm)
2. Copy of the webpage Innovation-Pipeline on the website of Ontonics of the 15th Oktober 2010 in the Web-Archiv[e] (web.archive.org/web/20101015165351/http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm)
With all the best
C. Stroetmann
We demand all media not to report anymore about the Stanford Uni- versity and its work described in the paper "Wireless energy transfer with the presence of metallic planes", because it has infringed our copyright by copying the description of our technology called irail, at least until it has followed our disclaimer.
Wir fordern alle Medien auf nicht mehr über die Stanford Universität und ihre Arbeit zu berichten, die in der wissenschaftliche Publikation "Wireless energy transfer with the presence of metallic planes" be- schrieben ist, weil sie unser Urheberrecht durch das Kopieren der Be- schreibung unserer Technologie irail verletzt hat, wenigstens solange bis sie unserem rechtlichen Hinweis gefolgt ist.
Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de: The IT-news web portal reported as well that our irail system has been developed once again by scientists of the Stanford University (see the case of the Stanford University above), but also about the Head-Up Displays shown by the manufacturers Daimler and Volkswagen→Audi (see the case of the marque Audi and the case of the company Daimler in the Investigations::Car #343 of the 16th of January 2012, and take also a look at the case of the manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke in the Investigations::Car #342 of the 11th of January 2012). The report also contained informations about related issues that we have documented as well on our OntomaX website, e.g. the case of the marque Bayerische Motorenwerke→Rolls Royce with our model Electric Phantom and a wireless inductive static charging system documented in the Investigations::Car #311 of the 1st of March 2011, so that it seems to the reporter is knowing the contents of our websites, and our concepts and technologies very well, and that despite of this he has not reported about the true facts. In the case of our stolen irail technology we have also informed the editorial office of the web portal Golem.de and sent it the following e-mail yesterday at 22:21 CET:
Betreff(==Subject): Urheberrechtsverletzung irail WREL
Sehr geehrte Damen, sehr geehrte Herren
In ihrem Bericht "US-Forscher planen den elektrischen Highway" (Web-Adresse: www.golem.de/news/elektromobilitaet-us-forscher-planen-den-elektrischen-highway-1202-89529.html) wurde unsere irail Technologie vorgestellt (www.styleofspeed.com/land/supplement/irail/index.htm).
Sie haben sogar in ihrem Bericht darauf hingewiesen, dass die grundlegende Technologie Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) zuvor von dem Unternehmen Intel gemeinsam mit dem[]Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) entwickelt und dann von der Ausgründung Witricity des[]MIT[]genutzt wurde. Auch wir hatten zuerst in der Beschreibung unserer irail und ipad Technologien deren resonante Energieübertragungstechnologie WREL explizit genannt. Die Variante bei der sich ein Fahrzeug im Stillstand befindet wurde nachträglich von uns Anfang 2011 als ipad bezeichnet nachdem die Marke Bayerische Motorenwerke--Rolls Royce unser Konzept des Electric Phantom (www.styleofspeed.com/land/careluxury/phantome/index.htm) mit einer induktiven Lösung vorstellte.[]Aber nachdem unsere ipad Technologie mittlerweile auch von der MIT-Ausgründung gestohlen wurde, eine Nutzung mit Elektrofahrzeugen wurde vor unserer Vorstellung der irail Technologie am 6. Dezember 2008 von keinem der drei Entitäten Intel, MIT und Witricity genannt, sondern nur IT-Anwendungen beziehungsweise Anwendungen im Inneren eines Gebäudes, und mit Herstellern wie z. B. Toyota und höchstwahr[-] scheinlich auch mit Daimler weiterentwickelt wird (die dazugehörigen Urheberrechtsverletzungen wurden bereits in den Investigations::Car #329 Wireless Charging Special vom 21. Juli 2011 (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2011/july.htm#21.July.2011) sowie in den investigativen Fällen von Daimler und Toyota in den Investigations::Car #339 vom 8. Dezember 2011 (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2011/december.htm#08.December.2011) dokumentiert), haben wir uns am 22. July 2011 dazu entschlossen die Lösung von der Kooperation vom MIT und von Intel durch unsere eigene kabellose resonante Energieverbindung (KRE)==Wireless Resonant Power Link (WRPL) zu ersetzen (siehe www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#wrpl und Ontonics Website update ET 03:05 www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2011/july.htm#22.July.2011).
Wir müssen Sie deshalb auffordern eine Richtigstellung inklusive einer ausführlichen Beschreibung unserer Technologien irail und ipad (Kopie der Web-Seite reicht aus) als eigenständigen Bericht so schnell wie möglich (z. B. sofort) zu veröffentlichen. Falls es erforderlich ist, dann stellen wir ihnen dazu nach Rücksprache sämtliche Inhalte unserer Web-Auftritte selbstverständlich zur Verfügung und geben ihnen auch gerne weitere Informationen.
1. Kopie der Web-Seite irail auf dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed vom 21. September 2010 im Web-Archiv[](web.archive.org/web/20100921011610/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/supplement/irail/index.htm)
2. Kopie der Web-Seite Innovation-Pipeline auf dem Web-Auftritt von Ontonics vom 15. Oktober 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20101015165351/http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm)
Mit schönen Grüßen aus Moers
C. Stroetmann
In the case of our Head-Up Display (HUD) with Augmented Reality (AR), touch and gesture sensitive displays, and our e-dashboard with gesture control we informed the web portal Golem.de as well, and sent the following e-mail to the web magazine today at 00:24 CET:
Betreff(==Subject): Urheberrechtsverletzung Head-Up-Display e-dashboard Augmented Reality Gestensteuerung
Sehr geehrte Damen, sehr geehrte Herren
In ihrem Bericht "Augmented Reality in der Windschutzscheibe" (www.golem.de/1201/89033.html) haben sie über Multimediasysteme im Automobil berichtet, die auf den Technologien Head-Up-Display (HUD), multimediales Armaturenbrett, Augmented Reality (AR) und Gestensteuerung basieren und von den Unternehmen Daimler als auch Audi und Microsoft kopiert wurden. Dabei handelt es sich aber um unsere Technologie Glass Cockpit mit AR sowie touch-/berührungs- und gestensensitiven[]Displays, die wir auf den Web-Seiten unserer Fahrzeugmodelle B! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm), 9! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/9/index.htm) sowie B! Barchetta und 9ii (hier sogar mit direkter Windschutzscheibenprojektion, www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm und[]www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/9ii/index.htm) gezeigt und beschrieben haben (auch den alternativen Text der Bilder sowie die Fakten beachten, dass es sich im Fall des Modells B! Barchetta bei der gezeigten Abbildung des Interiors [des] Modells B! um eine mögliche Windschutzscheibenvariante mit HUD, AR und Gestensteuerung[]handelt und dass sich[]durch die Anwendung von OntoLinux die Technologie AR sowieso bei allen unseren Vehikeln mit entsprechenden visuellen Systemen immer systemimmanent, also eine verwendete Technologie der Benutzerschnittstellen ist (siehe u. a. die Web-Seite Overview (www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm))), sowie um unsere Technologie e-dashboard mit AITouch (www.styleofspeed.com/land/computing-multimedia/e-dashbaord/index.htm[]und www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#aitouch). Das originale HUD des Konzeptfahrzeugs Birdcage 75th[]von Pininfarina und Fiat--Maserati hat weder AR noch Gestensteuerung und das[]auf die Windschutzscheiben der Designstudien von Fahrzeugen des Volkswagen Konzepts 2028[]projezierte HUD hat zwar AR aber keine Gestensteuerung. Des Weiteren wurde unsere Technologie unter anderem im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall des Unternehmens Pioneer in den Investigations::Car #311 vom 1. März 2011 dokumentiert (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2011/march.htm#01.March.2011). Übrigens: Auch unsere Innovation der Augen[bewegungs]steuerung von mobilen Geräten, wozu wir auch Autos zählen, durch unserer MobileKinetic Technologie (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#mobilekinetic) ist eine Gestensteuerung.
Wir müssen Sie deshalb auffordern eine Richtigstellung inklusive einer ausführlichen Beschreibung unserer Technologien Glass Cockpit und e-dashboard (Kopien der Web-Seiten reichen aus) als eigenständigen Bericht oder eigenständige Berichte so schnell wie möglich (z. B. sofort) zu veröffentlichen. Falls es erforderlich ist, dann stellen wir ihnen dazu nach Rücksprache sämtliche Inhalte unserer Web-Auftritte selbstverständlich zur Verfügung und geben ihnen auch gerne in diesem etwas komplexeren aber trotzdem leicht nachvollziehbaren Fall weitere Informationen.
1. Kopie der Web-Seite B! auf dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed vom 21. September 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20100921011530/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm)
2. Kopie der Web-Seite Innovation-Pipeline auf dem Web-Auftritt von Ontonics vom 15. Oktober 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20101015165351/http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm)
3. Kopie der Web-Seite Overview auf dem Web-Auftritt von OntoLinux vom 30. April 2007 [im Web-Archiv] (web.archive.org/web/20070430161614/http://www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm)
Mit schönen Grüßen aus Moers
C. Stroetmann
We demand all media not to report anymore about any company that presents as its product(s) either a large Head-Up Display (HUD), to- gether with Augmented Reality (AR) and gesture control (includes eye tracking and movement control), a multimedia dashboard with either Augmented Reality (AR) or gesture control (this includes eye tracking and eye movement control), or/and cloud computing toge- ther with vehicles (like automobiles), because they all have infringed or will infringe our copyright by copying the descriptions of our tech- nologies Glass Cockpit with the before named user interface techno- logies, and our e-dashboard, at least until they have followed our disclaimer.
Wir fordern alle Medien auf nicht mehr über irgendein Unternehmen zu berichten, das entweder ein großes Head-Up Display (HUD) zu- sammen mit Augmented Reality (AR) und Gestensteuerung (inkludiert Augenbewegungsverfolgung und -steuerung), ein Multimedia-Arma- turenbrett mit entweder Augmented Reality (AR) oder Gestensteue- rung (inkludiert Augenbewegungsverfolgung und -steuerung), oder/ und Cloud-Computing zusammen mit Vehiklen wie Automobilen als ihr/ihre Produkt(e) vorstellt, weil sie unser Urheberrecht durch das Kopieren der Beschreibungen unserer Technologien Glass Cockpit mit den zuvor genannten weiteren Benutzerschnittstellentechnologien und unser e-dashboard verletzt haben oder verletzen werden, we- nigstens solange bis sie unserem rechtlichen Hinweis gefolgt sind.
Wir fordern ein weiteres Mal die Ministerin für Bildung und Forschung sowie alle anderen PolitikerInnen, denen die Sachverhalte bekannt sein müssen (wir haben Fakten und ein logisches Netzwerk mit diesen Fakten initiiert, die beweisen, dass es praktisch sämtliche Mitglieder aller Parteiführungen auf Bundes- und Landesebenen betroffen sind), sofort ihre Ämter niederzulegen, da es in keinster Weise politische Argumente für dieses assoziale, demokratie- und verfassungsfeind- liche sowie zum größten Teil auch schwerkriminelle Verhalten gibt.
We will also come to all responsible players in the other member states of the European Union, as well as in North America and Asia.
Comment of the Day
Elektronisches Sicherheitsglas
Elektronisches Verbundsicherheitsglas
Electronic safety glass
Electronic laminated safety glass
Electronic security glass
Electronic laminated security glass
We, the Christian Stroetmann GmbH, are able to produce all of our solutions, like the e-door@Car, e-door@Home and the eVSG, since more than 3 years with the needed transparent elektronics in large scales and the needed bandwidth, and this even for a realistic but surely high price. Actually, we should be able to deliver an electronic glass wall with the dimension of circa 3×3 meters for around 90,000 to 110,000 euro.
Wir, die Christian Stroetmann GmbH, sind in der Lage alle unsere Lö- sungen, wie die e-door@Car, e-door@Home und die eVSG, seit mehr als 3 Jahren mit der notwendigen transparenten Elektronik in großen Maßstäben und der benötigten Bandbreite zu produzieren und dies sogar zu einem realistischen aber sicherlich hohen Preis. Zur Zeit sollten wir eine elektronische Glaswand mit dem Format von circa 3×3 Metern für ungefähr 90.000 bis 110.000 Euro liefern können.
Christian Stroetmann Gmbh Website update
We have changed our disclaimer by replacing the old text:
"Any usage of copyrighted and/or copyrightable materials given on our websites is not allowed without referencing."
with the new text:
"Any usage of copyrighted and/or copyrightable materials given on our websites is not allowed without written permission. Furthermore, any usage of copyrighted and/or copyrightable materials given on our websites requires to get a license and to pay a royalty. Any further regulations are not valid anymore since the 7th of February 2012."
Ontonics Website update
On the webpage of our Innovaiton-Pipeline we made a further time an implicitly given specific application of our eVSG explicit by adding the description of:
Besides this, we added to our Sp@ce technology the information that it can be used as well with display technologies, like our eVSG.
We also added to the description of our e-door@Car the explanation that for e-doors with windows our solution eVSG@Car can be used.
Due to the demand for structure and order we also made a further time the general and a specific application of our Holonicle explicit by adding the description of:
And finally, we have added the sentence that is about the use in a private house, as a whole wall or an other spatial perimeter to the description of our evsg solution.
Style of Speed Website update
We have given our powered lift aircraft model Hawk 333 the addit- ional name 3³ :) (Triple 3 Fun).
Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de: The IT-news web portal has reported as well that our technologies P@d with Glassy technology (see also the intelliTablet Further steps 0:24 CET of the 6th of January 2010), multimedia tables, especially the Power Table with WREL/WRPL@Home and P@d, HouseTouch, e-door@Home and e-door@Car, eVSG, eVSG@Home and eVSG@Car, Sp@ce@Home and Sp@ce@Car, e-dashboard, and also the Glass Cockpit of the interior of our model B! has been developed once again by a project of the massively stealing compa- ny Corning after we presented them years before. In the report this fact and all of our innovations listed above were surely not mention- ed. In the report it was also claimed that no company is able to produce these solut- ions for an realistic price, which is not true and was only written for misleading the public away from our company or at least to question our competencies and irritate the public in this way (see our Clarification of today above). Due to the fact that the publisher has taken the time for not reacting on our two e-mails sent the two days before (see the Investigations::Car #345 of the 6th of February 2012 (yesterday)), but instead attacked directly all of our hardware and software technologies related with glass, we have given it a limit of time until the 12th of February 2012 to react constructively. We have also informed the editorial office of the web portal Golem.de and sent it the following e-mail today at 22:09 CET:
Betreff(==Subject): Urheberrechtsverletzung P@d Glassy iArchitecture HouseTouch eVSG e-door Sp@ce e-dashboard Glass Cockpit
Sehr geehrte Damen, sehr geehrte Herren
In ihrem Bericht "Touchscreens: Gläserne Zukunftsvisionen von Corning" (www.golem.de/news/touchscreens-glaeserne-zukunftsvisionen-von-corning-1202-89573.html) haben sie über Multimediasysteme berichtet, die auf den Technologien interaktives Tablet- und Pad-Computer, elektronisches (Sicherheits-)Glas mit Multimediaanwendungen, unserer Technologie Glassy, multimediales Armaturenbrett, Augmented Reality (AR) und berührungssensitive Steuerung sowie Außen- und Innenarchitektur basieren und von dem Unternehmen Corning kopiert wurden. Dabei handelt es sich aber um unsere folgenden Technologien:
1. P@d mit Glassy Technologie (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm@padcomputer und www.intellitablet.com),
2. Multimediatische (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#multimediatable),
3. HouseTouch (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#housetouch),
4. eVSG (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsg), eVSG@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgathome) und eVSG@Car (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgatcar),
5. e-door@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#e-doorathome) und e-door@Car (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#e-dooratcar),
6. Sp@ce (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#space), Sp@ce@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#spaceathome) und Sp@ce@Home[Car] (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#spaceatcar),
7. Glass Cockpit mit AR sowie touch-/berührungsensitiver Steuerung (siehe die Web-Seite unseres Fahrzeugmodells B! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm), alternativen Text der Abbildungen beachten) und
8. Kombinationen beziehungsweise offensichtliche gegenseitige technische Abhängigkeiten und Verbindungen der Technologien und Lösungen aus den Punkten 1. bis 7.,
die die Firma Corning auch genauso erkannt hat.
Zu Punkt 1.:
Informationen zu unseren Tablet- und Pad-Computern inklusive der Glassy Technologie finden Sie auf dem Web-Auftritt von intelliTablet und in der Innovations-Pipeline von Ontonics (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm@padcomputer).
Zu Punkt 2.:
Wir haben viele Varianten an Multimediatischen entwickelt, die selbstverständlich im Rahmen unserer ho[l]istischen Herangehensweise mit allen anderen technischen Lösungen sich kombinieren lassen.
Zu Punkt 3.:
Unsere Lösung HouseTouch ist in der Innovations-Pipeline von Ontonics beschrieben. Da es sich um eine allgemeine Technologie handelt ist sie selbstverständlich mit allen anderen Konzepten der intelligenten Architektur (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#iarchitecture) verwendbar, insbesondere unseren Innovationen eVSG und eVSG@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgathome), e-door@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#e-doorathome) und eVSG@Car (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgatcar).
Zu Punkt 4.:
Unser elektronische[s] VerbundSicherheitsglas (eVSG), das (Verbund)Sicherheitsglas mit elektronischen Papier (e-Paper) integriert, ist bereits vor Jahren in der Innovations-Pipeline von Ontonics beschrieben [worden]. Da es sich um eine allgemeine Technologie handelt, ist sie selbstverständlich mit allen anderen Konzepten der intelligenten Architektur (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#iarchitecture) verwendbar, insbesondere unseren Innovationen eVSG und eVSG@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgathome), e-door@Home (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#e-doorathome), aber auch mit unseren Lösungen wie eVSG@Car (www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgatcar).
Zu Punkt 5.:
Unsere Lösung e-door@Home ist ein multimediales Türkonzept für jede Art [von] Gebäuden, das das Konzept des E-Papiers integriert. Dies impliziert selbstverständlich auch Fenster, Glastüren sowie die gesamte Inneneinrichtung von z. B. Privathäusern, Schulen, Krankenhä[us]ern, Fabriken, Kirchen und allen anderen Ausprägungen. Entsprechendes gilt auch für unsere Lösung e-door@Car.
Zu Punkt 6.:
Unsere Innovation im Bereich der Sp@ce Technologie ist sie auch für mobile Multimediaanwendungen zu nutzen, die auf berührungs- und gestensensitive Benutzerschnittstellen basieren.
Zu Punkt 7.:
Wir haben bereits mit unseren Fahrzeugmodellen B! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm), 9! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/9/index.htm) sowie B! Barchetta und 9ii (hier sogar mit direkter Windschutzscheibenprojektion, www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm undwww.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/9ii/index.htm) die Technologie Glass Cockpit gezeigt und beschrieben (auch den alternativen Text der Bilder sowie die Fakten beachten, dass es sich im Fall des Modells B! Barchetta bei der gezeigten Abbildung des Interiors Modells B! um eine mögliche Windschutzscheibenvariante mit HUD, AR und Gestensteuerunghandelt und dass sich durch die Anwendung von OntoLinux die Technologie AR sowieso bei allen unseren Vehikeln mit entsprechenden visuellen Systemen immer systemimmanent, also eine verwendete Technologie der Benutzerschnittstellen ist (siehe u. a. die Web-Seite Overview ([http://]www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm))), sowie unsere Technologie e-dashboard mit AITouch (www.styleofspeed.com/land/computing-multimedia/e-dashbaord/index.htm[]und www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#aitouch). Das originale HUD des Konzeptfahrzeugs Birdcage 75th von Pininfarina und Fiat--Maserati hat weder AR noch Gestensteuerung und dasauf die Windschutzscheiben der Designstudien von Fahrzeugen des Volkswagen Konzepts 2028 projezierte HUD hat zwar AR aber keine Gestensteuerung. Des Weiteren wurde unsere Technologie unter anderem im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall des Unternehmens Pioneer in den Investigations::Car #311 vom 1. März 2011 dokumentiert (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2011/march.htm#01.March.2011). Übrigens: Auch unsere Innovation der Augensteuerung von mobilen Geräten, wozu wir auch Autos zählen, durch unserer MobileKinetic Technologie (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#mobilekinetic) ist eine Gestensteuerung.
Zudem lässt sich unsere Technologie eVSG ([http://]www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#evsg), die (Verbund-)Sicherheitsglas mit elektronischem Papier (e-Paper) als Zwischenfolie kombiniert, auch in Fahrzeugen einbauen (siehe auch eVSG@Car [http://]www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgatcar), wie wir oben bereits erwähnt haben. Auch wurde schon längst von uns zuvor die Anwendung eines Tablet- oder Pad-Computers in Fahrzeugen als die leicht zu verstehende Benutzerschnittstelle für die Gebrauchsanleitung und die(/alle) digitalen Elemente beschrieben, wie z. B. auf der Web-Seite von unserem Modell j! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/j/index.htm, sowohl das Smartphone als auch der Tablet- oder Pad-Computer lassen sich aus der Armatur herausnehmen (leider nur in Spanisch beschrieben)).
Zu Punkt 8.:
Die Kombinationen mit und in den Bereichen wie Architektur und Mobilität ergibt sich aus den Punkten 1. bis 7..
Des Weiteren stellen wir hiermit in Opposition zu ihrer Aussage klar, dass wir seit ungefähr 3 Jahren als einziges Unternehmen in der Lage sind, sämtliche hier besprochenen Systeme zu einem bezahlbaren Preis mit der notwendigen transparenten Elektronik in solchen Maßstäben und mit der benötigten Bandbreite liefern zu können und nach ihrem Bericht sind wir sogar das einzige Unternehmen weltweit.
Wir müssen Sie deshalb auffordern eine Richtigstellung inklusive einer ausführlichen Beschreibung unserer Technologien Tablet- und Pad-Computer mit Glassy Anwendung, intelligente Architektur mit HouseTouch, e-door@Home und e-door@Car, Sp@ce@Home und Sp@ce@Car, e-dashboard, Glass Cockpit sowie eVSG und alle seine Varianten (Kopien der Web-Seiten reichen aus) als eigenständigen Bericht oder eigenständige Berichte so schnell wie möglich (z. B. sofort) zu veröffentlichen. Falls es erforderlich ist, dann stellen wir ihnen dazu nach Rücksprache sämtliche Inhalte unserer Web-Auftritte selbstverständlich zur Verfügung und geben ihnen auch gerne in diesem etwas komplexeren aber trotzdem leicht nachvollziehbaren Fall weitere Informationen.
Außerdem möchten wir ihnen die Information geben, dass die Kopien im Web-Archive vor Gerichten in den U.S.A. und in Europa unter Einhaltung einfacher formaler Vorgaben sogar in Rechtsfällen um Patente anerkannt werden, sodass im Allgemeinen unsere Forderungen voll und ganz gerechtfertigt sind und wir, die Christian Stroetmann GmbH vertreten durch Christian Maximilian Stroetmann, als die wahren Erfinder und Urheber generell auch nicht auf unsere Wünsche der Richtigstellung und Gegendarstellung verzichten müssen. Falls Sie sogar Informationen haben, die unsere Aussagen widerlegen können, dann würden wir uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns diese mitteilen, sodass wir sofort eine Korrektur veröffentlichen und unsere eventuellen Falschaussagen richtigstellen können.
Des Weiteren stellen wir uns die Fragen, ob Sie unsere Kreativität und Leistungsfähigkeit stört und warum sie die Zeit genutzt [haben] den hier von uns auch zu Recht beanstandeten Bericht zu verfassen und zu veröffentlichen, anstatt im eigenen Interesse unsere Gegendarstellung im Zusammenhang mit unseren Innovationen der Technologien irail und ipad in der Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) Version (siehe unsere e-mail vom 5. Februar 2012 um 22:21 CET), sowie Glass Cockpit und E-dashboard mit Augmented Reality (AR) Technologie und Gestensteuerung (siehe unsere e-mail vom 6. Februar 2012 um 16:51 CET).
Wir hoffen, dass Sie Verständnis für unser Anliegen zeigen und erwarten deshalb hoffnungsvoll eine kurze konstruktive Stellungsnahme per E-mail bis zum Ende der Woche (12. Februar 2012).
1. Kopie der Web-Seite B! auf dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed vom 21. September 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20100921011530/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm)
2. Kopie der Web-Seite J! auf dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed vom 21. September 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20100921011545/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/j/index.htm
3. Kopie der Web-Seite Innovation-Pipeline auf dem Web-Auftritt von Ontonics vom 15. Oktober 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20101015165351/http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm)
4. Kopie der Web-Seite Overview auf dem Web-Auftritt von OntoLinux vom 30. April 2007 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20070430161614/http://www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm)
5. E-mail von C. Stroetmann and die Redaktion von Golem.de vom 5. Februar 2012 um 22:21 CET mit dem Betreff "Urheberrechtsverletzung irail WREL" (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/january.htm#05.February.2012)
6. E-mail von C. Stroetmann and die Redaktion von Golem.de vom 6. Februar 2012 um 00:24 CET mit dem Betreff "Urheberrechtsverletzung Head-Up-Display e-dashboard Augmented Reality Gestensteuerung" (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/january.htm#06.February.2012)
7. E-mail von C. Stroetmann and die Redaktion von Golem.de vom 7. Februar 2012 um 16:51 CET mit dem Betreff "Urheberrechtsverletzung Sp@ce Glass Cockpit Head-Up-Display Augmented Reality berührungssensitive Steuerung eVSG" (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/january.htm#07.February.2012)
8. Klarstellung der Christian Stroetmann GmbH im Zusammenhang mit der Technologie eVSG 7. Februar 2012 (www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/january.htm#07.February.2012)
Mit schönen Grüßen aus Moers
C. Stroetmann
We demand all media not to report anymore about any company that presents as its product an electronic laminated (security/safety) glass with any kind of further technology and application, like e.g. Augmented Reality (AR), touch and gesture control (includes eye tracking and movement control), a multimedia dashboard, and further solutions, because they all have infringed or will infringe our copyright by copying the descriptions of our eVSG technologies and its integration with different user interface technologies, and its applications with architecture and vehicles.
Wir fordern alle Medien auf nicht mehr über irgendein Unternehmen zu berichten, das eine elektronische (Sicherheits-)Glassscheibe zusammen mit irgendeiner Art von weiterer Technologie und Anwendung, wie z. B. Augmented Reality (AR), berührungs- und gestensensitver Steuerung (inkludiert Augenbewegungsverfolgung und -steuerung), ein Multimedia-Armaturenbrett und weitere Lösungen vorstellt, weil sie unser Urheberrecht durch das Kopieren der Beschreibungen unserer eVSG-Technologien und seiner Integration mit verschiedenen Benutzerschnittstellentechnologien und seinen Anwendung verletzt haben oder verletzen werden.
Investigations::Car #346
Bombardier: For the marketing of its dynamic and static wirless inductive charging system that company has illegally copied the description of our irail and ipad technology. Furthermore, it tried to damage our trademark E City by infringing our copyright.
Btw.: The described inductive technology was already presented at least two times in the last years.
Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de: The IT-news web portal reported as well that our Sp@ce system has been developed once again by a project of the company General Motors (see the case of the company General Motors in the Investigations::Car #345 of the 6th of February 2012 (yesterday) and also our special solution Sp@ce@Car). The report also mentioned the Head-Up Displays shown by the manufacturers Daimler and Volkswagen→Audi (see the case of the marque Audi and the case of the company Daimler in the Investigations::Car #343 of the 16th of January 2012, the case of the marque Audi in #345 of the 6th of February 2012 (yesterday), and take also a look at the case of the manufacturer Bayerische Motorenwerke in the Investigations::Car #342 of the 11th of January 2012), so that it seems to be that the reporter is knowing the contents of our websites, and our concepts and technologies very well, and that despite of this he has not reported about the true facts. In the case of our stolen Sp@ce@Car technology we have also informed the editorial office of the web portal Golem.de and sent it the following e-mail today at 16:51 CET:
Betreff(==Subject): Urheberrechtsverletzung Sp@ce Glass Cockpit Head-Up-Display Augmented Reality berührungssensitive Steuerung
Sehr geehrte Damen, sehr geehrte Herren
1. Kopie der Web-Seite B! auf dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed vom 21. September 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20100921011530/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm)
2. Kopie der Web-Seite Innovation-Pipeline auf dem Web-Auftritt von Ontonics vom 15. Oktober 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20101015165351/http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm)
3. Kopie der Web-Seite Overview auf dem Web-Auftritt von OntoLinux vom 30. April 2007 (web.archive.org/web/20070430161614/http://www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm)
Mit schönen Grüßen aus Moers
C. Stroetmann
In ihrem Bericht "Window OF Opportunity: General Motors führt interaktives Autofenster vor" (www.golem.de/1201/89183.html) haben sie über ein Multimediasystem im Automobil berichtet, das auf den Technologien Projektion/Head-Up-Display (HUD), Augmented Reality (AR) und berührungssensitive Steuerung basiert und von dem Unternehmen General Motors kopiert wurde. Dabei handelt es sich aber um unsere Technologie Sp@ce, die auf "modernste Projektions- und Sensortechnologien in Kombination mit der Technik der erweiterten Realität (Augmented Reality) für [...] mobile Anwendungen (z. B. Auto, Zug, Flugzeug und Schiff)" basiert (www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#space), sowie unserem Glass Cockpit mit den gleichen und weiteren technischen Eigenschaften (siehe z. B. die Web-Seite unseres Modells B! (www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm), alternativen Text der Abbildungen beachten). Das originale HUD des Konzeptfahrzeugs Birdcage 75th von Pininfarina und Fiat--Maserati hat weder AR noch Gestensteuerung und das auf die Windschutzscheiben der Designstudien von Fahrzeugen des Volkswagen Konzepts 2028 projezierte HUD hat zwar AR aber keine berührungssensitive Steuerung. Zudem ist festzuhalten, dass sich durch die Anwendung von OntoLinux die Technologie AR sowieso bei allen unseren Vehikeln mit entsprechenden visuellen Systemen immer systemimmanent, also eine verwendete Technologie der Benutzerschnittstellen ist (siehe u. a. die Web-Seite Overview (http://www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm)).
Des Weiteren lässt die gewählte Überschrift erkennen, dass ihrem Autor Werner Pluta auch unsere Technologien eVSG (http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#evsg), das (Verbund-)Sicherheitsglas mit elektrischem Papier (e-Paper) als Zwischenfolie kombiniert (siehe auch eVSG@Car http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/multimedia/multimedia.htm#evsgatcar) möglicherweise bekannt sein müßte, da es sich ja bei dem Prototypen von General Motors lediglich um ein Projektionssystem handelt.
Wir müssen Sie deshalb auffordern eine Richtigstellung inklusive einer ausführlichen Beschreibung unserer Technologien Sp@ce, Glass Cockpit und eVSG (Kopien der Web-Seiten reichen aus) als eigenständigen Bericht oder eigenständige Berichte so schnell wie möglich (z. B. sofort) zu veröffentlichen. Falls es erforderlich ist, dann stellen wir ihnen dazu nach Rücksprache sämtliche Inhalte unserer Web-Auftritte selbstverständlich zur Verfügung und geben ihnen auch gerne in diesem etwas komplexeren aber trotzdem leicht nachvollziehbaren Fall weitere Informationen.
1. Kopie der Web-Seite B! auf dem Web-Auftritt von Style of Speed vom 21. September 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20100921011530/http://www.styleofspeed.com/land/carstreetlegal/b/index.htm)
2. Kopie der Web-Seite Innovation-Pipeline auf dem Web-Auftritt von Ontonics vom 15. Oktober 2010 im Web-Archiv (web.archive.org/web/20101015165351/http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm)
3. Kopie der Web-Seite Overview auf dem Web-Auftritt von OntoLinux vom 30. April 2007 (web.archive.org/web/20070430161614/http://www.ontolinux.com/technology/overview.htm)
Mit schönen Grüßen aus Moers
C. Stroetmann
Wir fordern ein weiteres Mal die Ministerin für Bildung und Forschung sowie alle anderen PolitikerInnen, denen die Sachverhalte bekannt sein müssen (wir haben Fakten und ein logisches Netzwerk mit diesen Fakten initiiert, die beweisen, dass es praktisch sämtliche Mitglieder aller Parteiführungen auf Bundes- und Landesebenen betroffen sind), sofort ihre Ämter niederzulegen, da es in keinster Weise politische Argumente für dieses assoziale, demokratie- und verfassungsfeind- liche sowie zum größten Teil auch schwerkriminelle Verhalten gibt.
Comment of the Day
Active seat
Christian Stroetmann GmbH Further steps
Zur Zeit sieht es so aus, dass das Web-Portal Golem.de leider alle unsere Gegendarstellungen und seine eigenen Berichtigungen ver- öffentlichen muß. Auch werden wir die Frage der von uns als solche wahrgenommenen vielen Urheberrechtsverletzungen in jedem Detail untersuchen und in beiden Fällen über mögliche Schadensersatzfor- derungen nachdenken. Außerdem wird zu klären sein warum man vorgestern noch einmal in den Fällen unserer Innovationen Tablet- und Pad-Computer mit Glassy Anwendung, multimediale Tische, Sp@ce und Sp@ce@Car, Glass Cockpit mit erweiterter Realität (Augmented Reality) und Sensortechniken, e-dashboard sowie eVSG, eVSG@Home, eVSG@Car usw. (siehe die Investigations::Multimedia vom 7. Februar 2012 (gestern) aber auch die Fälle von der Stanford Universität und dem Web-Portal Golem.de in der Investigations::Car #345 vom 6. Februar 2012) mit einem gleichgearteten und noch umfassenderen sowie detailierteren Bericht nachgelegt hat nachdem wir schon am 5. Februar 2012 zum ersten Mal per E-Post auf die Problematiken hinwiesen und zudem vor 11:49 CET die Ontonics Website update und Style of Speed Website update veröffentlicht haben.
Das gleiche gilt für viele Publikationen von anderen Medienunternehmen, insbesondere im Automobilbereich.
Kaum haben wir den obigen Absatz veröffentlicht, da wird ein weiteres Mal bestätigt, dass man in Echtzeit unseren Web-Auftritt überwacht, nachdem dies ja vorgestern schon durch den oben genannten und deshalb auch nach unseren Aktualisierungen der Web-Auftritte von Ontonics und Style of Speed um 11:49 CET verfassten Bericht veröffentlicht hat.
Der Autor von drei der beanstandeten Berichte des Web-Portals Golem.de (Stanford University und unsere irail und ipad Technologie, General Motors und unser Sp@ce@Car Konzept sowie Daimler sowie Volkswagen→Audi und Microsoft mit unserem Glass Cockpit mit Augmented Reality und Gestensteuerung) gab sich vollkommen erstaunt, aber verstand nach einem zweiten Erklärungsversuch die speziellen Probleme mit den von ihm verfassten Berichten und später auch größtenteils die Gesamtproblematik. Da zunächst auf Nachfrage erklärt wurde, dass sich der Begriff Urheberrechtsverletzung in der Betreffzeile unserer E-Mails auf die von durch Dritte begannen Urheberrechtsverletzungen bezieht über die man berichtet hat, erklärte der Autor, dass
wir uns doch dann an die entsprechenden Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitute wenden müßten und außerdem
er unsere Web-Auftritte überhaupt nicht kennt.
Wir entgegneten aber, dass auf Golem.de:
in Englisch verfasste Originaltexte in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt, mit eigenen Texten ergänzt und veröffentlicht wurden, die exakt unsere Technologien beschreiben,
die Berichte unsere in der deutschen Sprache verfassten technologischen Beschreibungen beziehungsweise die von uns formulierten Gedanken wiedergeben,
unsere Texte zum größten Teil mehrere Jahre zuvor verfasst und veröffentlicht wurden als die später veröffentlichten Texte von Golem.de,
die Berichte zudem so verfasst sind, dass sie weitere Web-Inhalte von uns mit einer deutlich erkennbaren Häufigkeit, frappierenden inhaltlichen/gedanklichen Übereinstimmung sowie sehr tiefgehenden Detailiertheit und Präzision wiederspiegeln, insbesondere die Inhalte unserer Innovations-Pipeline und des Nachrichtenarchivs von OntomaX und
in den einzelnen Berichten auch eigene, nicht richtige allgemeingültige Aussagen über die Technologien und somit implizit über unsere Technologien gemacht wurden, die es zu berichtigen gilt. Hierbei wurde darauf verwiesen, dass wir im Fall des elektronischen (Verbund)Sicherheitsglases extra unsere Klarstellung vom 7. Februar 2012 (gestern)) veröffentlicht haben um unsere Ernsthaftigkeit und reale Leistungsfähigkeit zu unterstreichen.
Außerdem wurde der Autor informiert, dass wir diese Art der Vorgänge seit 5 Jahren und nicht nur bei Golem.de, sondern bei allen größeren Medienunternehmen und Rundfunkanstalten beobachten und deshalb auch das Nachrichtenarchiv von Golem.de der letzten 5 Jahre analysieren werden, da uns die Existenz von noch mindestens 2 weiteren Berichten bekannt ist. Wir vermuten, dass es bis zu 40 weitere Berichte sind von denen 20 charakteristische Eigenheiten aufweisen. Des Weiteren stellt sich die Frage warum in dem Bericht explizit die ungülitge Patentanmeldung unserer irail and ipad Technologie durch die Standford University erwähnt wurde und so den LeserInnen von Golem.de zusätzlich und nachdrücklich der Eindruck vermittelt werden sollte, dass angeblich eine andere Entität und nicht wir die wahren Erfinder und (Urheber)Rechteinhaber sind.
Nachdem der Autor auch die anderen Problembereiche zur Kenntnis genommen hatte, nämlich dass diese Vorgänge von uns schon seit 5 Jahren beobachtet werden, verblieben man mit der Entscheidung, dass es ein Gespräch mit der Redaktion geben soll.
Ontonics Website update
We have partly revised the steps done in the Ontonics Website up- date ET 03:05 of the 22nd of July 2011 due to the serious criminal actings conducted by the Stanford University (see its case in the Investigations::Car #345 of the 6th of February 2012 and all related cases) and most potentially together with much more criminal enti- ties by mentioning again in the description of our invention of the irail and ipad technology the original phrase "the integration of the Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL) technology" taken from the first version publicated on the 6th of December 2008.
We will also do so, if further criminal actings of this kind have been done.
We also added the project:
eVSGWall and eVSGFence.
Style of Speed Website update
We have partly revised the steps done in the Style of Speed Web- site update of the 22nd of July 2011 due to the serious criminal act- ings by the Stanford University (see its case in the Investigations ::Car #345 of the 6th of February 2012 and all related cases) and most potentially together with much more criminal entities by ment- ioning again in the description of our invention of the irail and ipad technology the original phrase "the integration of the Wireless Re- sonant Energy Link (WREL) technology" taken from the first version publicated on the 6th of December 2008.
We will also do so, if further criminal actings of this kind have been done.
Furthermore, we have differentiated the two names of our powered lift aircraft model 3³ :) (Triple 3 Fun) and Hawk 333, so that the 3³ :) (Triple 3 Fun) is the version with passenger cabin and canopy, and the Hawk 333 the closed cargo version.
We also added to their webpage the section Specification.
Any commercial use of the description of our irail and ipad technolo- gy is for all persons and companies only permitted, if all of the be- fore done infringements of our copyrights (that we name) have been admitted, the resulting damages be compensated in an appropriate way (e.g. by lowering our demand with the accounting with the low damages of our copyright infringements), and furthermore a declar- ation has been given that in general all of our intellectual properties will be licensed in the future. We think that a different description of the irail and ipad technology is not possible. Any rights, e.g. copy- rights and patents, by other entities are not valid, or have to be given to us for examination.
A retroactive referencing of our description is excluded since the 7th of February 2012.
Jegliche gewerbliche Nutzung der Beschreibung unserer irail and ipad Technologie ist für alle Personen und Unternehmen nur erlaubt, wenn alle zuvor begannenen Urheberrechtsverletzungen (die wir nennen) eingestanden, die entstandenen Schäden in einer angemessen Art und Weise beglichen (z. B. durch Senkung unserer Forderungen mit der Verrechnung mit den geringen Schäden durch unsere Urheber- rechtsverletzungen) und des Weiteren eine Erklärung gegeben wur- de, dass im Allgemeinen alle unsere intellektuellen Eigentümer zu- künftig lizensiert werden. Eine andere Beschreibung des irail and ipad Technologie halten wir für unmöglich. Jegliche Rechte, z. B. Urheber- rechte und Patente, von anderen Entitäten sind nicht gülitg oder uns zur Prüfung vorzulegen.
Eine rückwirkende Referenzierung unserer Beschreibung ist seit dem 7. Februar 2012 ausgeschlossen.
Style of Speed Website update
We have added to the webpages of our street legal models 333 ST, 333 ST Barchetta, 962 ST, B!, B! Barchetta, D!, M!, 9!, 9ii, i! and V! the section Supplement options that follows the specification from the webpage of our model j!.
Comment of the Day
"I'm not da Vinci, I'm not Picasso, I'm not somebody else.
I'm C.S.,
and this makes the giant difference.", [C.S., Allways]
Pictures of the Day
Derya Adiyaman: "ID 207 Project 2 - Aerogel", report for the course ID 207 - Materials for Industrial Design, Izmir University of Econom- ics, 2008
© Izmir Chamber of Commerce Education and Health Foundation→ Izmir University of Economics and Derya Adiyaman
Thank you very much, Derya. At least she knows how to behave correctly.
We've presented the Original Sketches of the "Aerogel Ghost Chair" series on the 13th and 14th of June 2008. See also the Original Sketch of the "Ghost Palette (Euro)" presented on the 14th of June 2008 and the Picture of the Day of the 12th of June 2008, as well.
Though despite that some minor informations in this project report are not quite right, this does not matter at all because the report is even better describing some aspects of our work, as we would have not done it at that time, and also pointing out all of its advantages.
King Smiley Further steps
Since around a month we are waiting for the last major sign, so that we can adjust the reward for works of arts created by C.S., again.
Also very interesting for our fans could be our newly developed con- cept called "Ghost Dixi" envisioned to be made out of aerogel or po- lycarbonate for the "Pit Latrine at the Rhine II==Sch#!8haus am Rhein II" series, which is an art project that has been started just for fun in relation to the works by Piero Manzoni and J.H. Beuys, and the Carnival Booth I on the 10th of June 2011 (see also the Pictures of the Day of the 10th of June 2011 and the photo "Dixi am Rhein II ==Dixi at the Rhine II" shown as the Picture of the Day of the 17th of November 2011).
Style of Speed Website update
Finally, we have added to the webpage of our street legal model 333 ST, the worldwide first production car with an F1 race car steering wheel, an image of a steering wheel prototyp made by Amalgan Fine Model Cars after the original Fiat→Ferrari F1 race car of the season 2011.
Our model 333 ST Barchetta has now as well our Active Wiper as an Active component option.
Also, the section Specification of the webpage of our model 962 ST has now the subsection Performance component, and Pure Carbon Rims are now a Performance option.
Due to claimed nonsense about an artist that was obviously said in relation to contents of our websites and the works of C.S., we made a General note on our Culture webpage.
Comment of the Day
Pulse of Progress
Style of Speed Further steps
We forgot to report yesterday that we are also thinking about the possibility to use aerogel for a concept called "Ghost Motorbike". To- day we also added to this thought the related concept "Ghost Bi- cycle". Imagine the visual effect if the frame, fork, wheels (inclusive their rims), and handle bar could be made out of transparent aero- gel.
Style of Speed Website update
Our model 9ii has now as well our Active Wiper as an Active com- ponent option.
Comment of the Day
Intelligent 4 Wheel Drive
Intelligent 4WD
Intelligent All-Wheel Drive
Intelligent AWD
4 Rotor Drive 4RD
All Rotor Drive ARD
AllRotorAntrieb ARA
QuadRotor Drive QRD
QuadRotorAntrieb QRA
MultiRotor Drive MRD
MultiRotorAntrieb MRA
4 Rotor Fly 4RF
All Rotor Fly ARF
QuadRotor Fly QRF
MultiRotor Fly MRF
All Rotor System ARS
QuadRotor System QRS
MultiRotor System MRS
Question of the Day
"When will the Dynamic Trio negate gravity as well?"
This must be possible after the Obamerkozies have already done fairness and democracy.
Style of Speed Website update
The models of the Fun series of our powered lift aircrafts have now the option of an in-wheel electric motor.
Comment of the Day
Modular Forced Induction
Ontonics Website update
We have added the sentence that describes the possibility of differ- ent qualities of the eVSGlass/LSGlass surface to the description of our electronic Laminated (Safety/Security) Glass, which was not said by us explicitly, but for sure was already envisioned just right from the start.
At first, we only wanted to beautify the text layout of some concept and project descriptions, but it ended after a minute in the extended solution of our Mail/Carrier/Message Pigeon 2.0 with the new:
Delivery Pigeon.
Now, you get e.g. your delicious pizza delivered (almost) anytime everywhere.
Style of Speed Website update
We listed explicitly the Quick Start system in the specifications of our powered lift aircrafts and multimode vehicles.
In addition to the already mentioned safety systems Quick Start and Quick Stop, the models of the Fun series of our powered lift aircrafts have now the brandnew Flower/Bloom safety system as a further option as well that folds the rotor blades up in the air while a vehic- le is at the ground, for example before the rotors are started to rot- ate or while they are rotating. Due to the fact that the related new overall safety control system integrates the functions of our Quick Start and Quick Stop systems with the functions of the Flower syst- em in an appropriate way the rotors are opened and spread out for the take off in a safe situation only.
Propulsion systems with ducted fans could get as an option some kind of an additional Iris safety system that in general works similar like the Flower system but opens and closes the duct while a vehicle is at the ground, though our Quick Start and Quick Stop systems give no demand for such a feature.
Comment of the Day
"One spoke about order. The other one speaks about stability. But the result is always chaos.", [C.S., Today]
"Der eine sprach von Ordnung. Die andere spricht von Stabilität. Aber das Ergebnis ist immer Chaos.", [C.S., Heute]
Comment of the Day
Ultratablet Ultrapad
Pure ultra Purely ultra Truly ultra
Touch me
intelliTablet Further steps
Today, we present a further sketch of our P@d Computer series that nicely shows that it is indeed a series of tablet and pad computers derived from a multimedia table of the 2. generation, or described with another word, true Ultrapads. Besides our Hightech Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux and the related Cloud Operating System (COS) RekonqOS, these Mobile Devices can be powered as well by the compatible operating systems iOS of the corporation Apple and webOS of the corporation Hewlett-Packard within the scope of the Pad Alliance.
Attention: Due to many legal and technical reasons in the area of security and user data protection other operating systems for our Mobile Devices are not supported, like e.g. the Windows product family of the company Microsoft, Android of the company Google in close collaboration with others, and ChromeOS also of the company Google. Furthermore, reverse engineering of the Mobile Devices by the Pad Alliance is only allowed for its members.
© intelliTablet and :(
See also the intelliTablet Further steps of the 21st of August 2011, and the 5th and 8th of September 2011, and read also the comment below the images shown in the intelliTablet Further steps of the 30th of December 2011.
Touch Me
King Smiley Further steps
Despite that the media and partly serious criminal actors in the field of arts are still trying to deny the truth, the last months since the May of 2011 proved once again the totally out of this world impact by C.S. on every living being on planet Earth. Said this, we followed the development at the art markets only, and have heightened a further time the reward for works of arts by C.S. accordingly to the reasonable value of: 8 billions U.S. dollar.
In this conjunction we would like to give some very few pointers why this is truly adequate:
1. C.S. is the original.
2. On the website of OntomaX we could only give a very small, but still large enough fraction of informations about the many ingenious creations and works by C.S..
3. We could document and present publicly some of the impacts and influencies, so that a further accounting for the past could be done by taking these factual informations as the starting points for build- ing up an immensely huge network of relations.
4. We have collected some few links (around 200 or 300) to other influencing persons, events and works in all fields of scoieties that can be clearly traced back to the actings by C.S.. In addition, these links extend the factual informations mentioned in point 3.. Actually, we would need for the next 3 or 4 years at least 15 to 20 very well educated and experienced experts, historians, true connoisseurs and journalists of arts alone for the workup and the elaboration of these few links.
5. For the overall workup and elaboration of C.S.' actings schools are needed for studying the whole impact. For the appropriated present- ations Stroetmanneums have to be built.
6. We guess that every second arts exhibition done in the last past was either directly inspired or has shown works that were inspired by the actings of C.S., which in not so few cases even have to be call- ed plagiarizations. This comprises the largest and most renowned museums worldwide, uncountable art societies, but also churches of small communities. Here the actings by C.S. that are related with the 3 Theme together with religions and faith, and philosophy, but also with $h!t have to be mentioned most as the sources of inspir- ation, but also of plagiarism (see also our Culture webpage).
7. While that annoying person from Italy still can't stop to slosh his poison around, D. Hockney has jumped on the multimedia track and uses a P@d Computer. And about the happenings in and actings by the Carnival Boothes I (Düsseldorf, B.R.D.) and II (London, U.K.) we even do not need to talk anymore.
8. Known artists, sponsors, collectors, curators and so-called art ex- perts are trying to damage the brilliance of C.S. by buying and pres- enting works that are doubtlessly inspired by the actings of C.S. in- stead of the originals, because their trustworthiness and competen- cies are already damaged with full justification by C.S. as a reaction to their nasty behaviours in the past.
9. Since quite some years we can see at sales fairs for works of art more and more objects that are clearly inspired by the actings of C.S., even are copies of C.S.' works, or/and are marketed and sold by reflecting the actings of C.S.. For example, at one fair a pink dwarf is actually offered for around 1 million U.S. dollar in a series of 3 following the 3 Theme of C.S.. At the same fair an artificial pile of $h!t is lying on the ground (for getting into this theme see the King Smiley Further steps of the 11th of February 2012, the Pictures of the Day of the 10th of June 2011 and the photo "Dixi am Rhein II= =Dixi at the Rhine II" shown as the Picture of the Day of the 17th of November 2011, or throw away your ears by hearing the related song of S.J.A. Germanotta).
10. Etc., etc., etc..
Comment of the Day
Tesla Air Tesla Aerospace Tesla Space
Style of Speed Further steps
Since around 2 years we are not so happy with the model name Raptor for our original concept of the conversions of the models Boxster and Cayman by the marque Volkswagen→Porsche to Electric Sports Cars (ESCs) with electric drivetrains. The reason for this is that at first the name was only chosen for the more aggressively styled model Raptor RSR based on the Cayman. Since then we have thought about the possibility to rename the models by taking their alternative names Boxster ESC and Cayman ESC derived from Raptor ESC, but until today we are not convinced about this as well. We also looked around and so we watched a report now about the kit car Fairthorpe Electron Minor Mk II painted in Porsche green, like one of our first Raptors (see this image of the "Green Raptor"), which directly led to the idea to take the label Electron instead, because obviously the marque Volkswagen→Audi or another marque can not claim for a copyright. There is also the Electrina.
Comment of the Day
Gamebook gBook
Engine on demand EoD
Cluster engine
Comment of the Day
"We won, they lost!", [C.S., Today]
Ontonics Website update 15:51 CET
We have added the new section:
gBook (GameBook)
to the Innovation-Pipeline and into this new section the versions:
gBook 1.0,
gBook 2.0,
gBook 3.0,
gBook 4.0,
gBook 5.0 and
gBook 6.0.
Ontoscope Announcement 15:15 CET
We are very pleased to annouce our newest Ontoscope series called Ontoscope Gbox, that is a combination of a handheld game console and a smartphone with our worldwide unique invention of using eith- er a slider or a folding mechanism so that it can be opened to the left and the right sides of a Mobile Device and not to the bottom for making the gamepad with its D-pad, action, shoulder and selection buttons, and the optinal analog sticks available. With this new dis- ruptive solution an Ontoscope Gbox features a large display and a much more ergonomic user interface maximizing in this way the gam- ing fun immensely, while still being small enough to be put into the pockets like a usual smartphone, which is not so easy or even im- possible with all the other similar Mobile Devices. Different versions feature a 3D display based on our 3D-Palm-Computer technology, our unique MobileKinetic technology, and much more. We are also thinking about our further inventions like the possibilities to use a hinged display for more gaming comfort, like it is already done with digital system cameras, as well as attachable remote controllers, as they are well known from stationary game consoles. All ©ed and secured by third entities, as always.
© Ontoscope and :(
The image above is only a conceptual sketch and will be beautified.
intelliTablet Further steps 15:51 CET
Actually, we are looking at the possibility to use the solutions of our Ontoscope Gbox series for our tablet and pad computers as well.
Style of Speed Website update 20:00 CET
We have added to the subsection engine our new webpage of our invention of the Engine on Demand (EoD) technology.
Comment of the Day
Ontonics Website update
We have added to the Innovation-Pipeline the technology:
Engine on Demand (EoD)
that was presented yesterday by us (see the Style of Speed Web- site update) by copying the text of its webpage on the website of Style of Speed and translating it.
ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat: und Neue Zürcher Zeitung: In the broadcast of the newspaper called NZZ Format a special report about modern maps and geo information system services has been presented that showed a responsible person of a manufacturer of navigation devices who has exactly repeated the description of our MultiGPS/MultiGNS technology without a legitimation given by us (see the case of the company TomTom below). We have absolutely no doubts, but do know that at least the consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions ARD and the broadcasters ZDF do know very well the facts and our several years old solutions, and the many experiences of the last years prove for us that they did it intentionally for dam- aging our business, as usual. In this conjunction, to show a link to the European Patent Office in the closing credits is totally irrelavant, because we have the copyright either for the technology and/or its description.
TomTom: In a special report about modern maps and geo informat- ion system services broadcasted today (see the case of ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat: and Neue Zürcher Zeitung above) a re- sponsible person exactly repeated the description of our MultiGPS /MultiGNS technology (presented on the 26th of February 2011) without our permission. Especially due to the companies TomTom and Google among others, we hid the first version of our MultiGPS/ MultiGNS technology in the description of our Autosemantic::Car solution by writing "IPNav (based on Galileo System)/IPGPS (bas- ed on Global Positioning System) and IQNav", and in the Feature- lists #1 and #2 of our Hightech OS (HOS) OntoLinux presented on the 22nd and 24th of April 2008 (see also the case of Volkswagen→ Audi and Technical University Dresden in den Investigations::Car #276 of the 30th of July 2010 and the Clarification of the 1st of April 2011).
Furthermore, in the presentation of a function, which belongs to our IQNav solution (already mentioned in its case in the Investigat- ions::Multimedia of the 29th of April 2011) and with which users of navigation devices can update cartographic data in collaboration, a normally not used and in other ways as well unusual term has been chosen that from a technical point of view rather has nothing in common with the presented system function of the company Tom- tom, but instead with a capability of our HOS OntoLinux that uses visual real-time data of cameras for updating map and globe data, and their 2D and 3D graphics (see again our Clarification of the 1st of April 2011).
Due the point that without doubt we have described and publicated our Autosemantic::Car solution and the Feature-lists #1 and #2 of our HOS OntoLinux, our MultiGPS/ MultiGNS technology, as well as our camera based solution in the named clarification before the company TomTom, in fact we do not know a similar description of the company TomTom or another company in the years 2007 and 2008, we are convinced that the company has infringed our copyright, definitely.
Btw.: If the company TomTom would have not refused earlier to make open source software source code public, as the related license required, then it would have had a very high chance to get through with this attempt.
In einer heute ausgestrahlten Sondersendung über moderne Karten und Geoinformationssystemdienste (siehe den Fall von ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat: und Neue Zürcher Zeitung oben) wieder- holte eine verantwortliche Person ganz genau die Beschreibung un- serer MultiGPS/MultiGNS Technologie (am 26. Februar 2011 prä- sentiert) ohne unsere Erlaubnis. Insbesondere wegen unter anderem den Unternehmen TomTom und Google verstecktten wir die erste Version unserer MultiGPS/ MultiGNS Technologie in der Beschrei- bung unserer Lösung Autosemantic::Car "IPNav (basierend auf dem Galileo System)/ IPGPS (basierend auf dem Global Positioning System) und IQNav" und in den Eigenschaftslisten==Feature-lists #1 und #2 von unserem HochtechnologieBetriebsSystem (HBS) OntoLinux, die am 22. und 24. April 2008 präsentiert wurden (siehe auch den Fall von Volkswagen→Audi and Technical University Dres- den in den Investigations::Car #276 vom 30. Juli 2010 und unsere Clarification vom 1. April 2011).
Außerdem wurde bei der Vorstellung einer Funktion, die zu unserer IQNav Lösung gehört (bereits in dem Fall des Unternehmens in den Investigations::Multimedia vom 29. April 2011 bemerkt) und mit der die BenutzerInnen von Navigationsgeräten kartographische Daten gemeinsam aktualisieren können, ein normalerweise nicht benutzter und auch sonst unüblicher Begriff gewählt, der aus technischer Sicht mit der vorgestellten Systemfunktion des Unternehmens TomTom eig- entlich nichts gemeinsam hat, dafür aber mit einer Fähigkeit unseres HBS OntoLinux, die visuelle Daten von Kameras in Echtzeit für die Aktualisierung von Landkarten- und Globusdaten und deren graphi- schen 2D- und 3D-Darstellungen nutzt (siehe noch einmal unsere Clarification vom 1. April 2011).
Da wir zweifelsohne sowohl unsere Autosemantic::Car Lösung und die Eigenschaftslisten #1 und #2 von unserem HBS OntoLinux, unse- re MultiGPS/ MultiGNS Technologie als auch unsere Kamera ba- sierte Lösung in der Klarstellung zweifelsohne vor dem Unternehmen TomTom beschrieben und veröffentlicht haben, in der Tat ist uns kei- ne ähnliche Beschreibung seitens des Unternehmens TomTom oder einem anderen Unternehmen in den Jahren 2007 und 2008 bekannt, sind wir eindeutig davon überzeugt, dass das Unternehmen unser Ur- heberrecht verletzt hat.
Übrigens: Hätte das Unternehmen TomTom nicht schon zuvor die He- rausgabe von Open-Source-Softwarequellcode verweigert, wie es die zugehörige Lizenz erforderte, dann wäre es höchstwahrscheinlich mit diesem Versuch durchgekommen.
We demand all media not to report anymore about any company that presents a technology like our MultiGPS/MultiGNS or our updating of geographical data by using camera images in real-time and specific- ally in collaboration with other systems and users, because our co- pyright would be damaged further, at least until it is proved to be the true creator of the concept, or has followed our disclaimer.
Wir fordern alle Medien auf nicht mehr über irgendein Unternehmen zu berichten, das eine Technologie wie unser MultiGPS/MultiGNS oder unsere Aktualisieren von geographischen Daten mittels Kamerabilder in Echtzeit und insbesondere in Kollaboration mit anderen Systemen und BenutzerInnnen vorstellt, da hierdurch unser Urheberrecht ver- letzt wird, wenigstens bis man bewiesen hat der wahre Urheber des Konzeptes zu sein oder unserem rechtlichen Hinweis gefolgt ist.
Comment of the Day #1
"Bottomless powder keg"
"Pulverfass ohne Boden"
This is meant in relation with the financial and economical crises worldwide and especially in Europe.
Comment of the Day #2
"They are not incompetent, but mentally disordered."
"Die sind nicht inkompetent, sondern geisteskrank."
Comment of the Day
Pure Life
Pure Picture Pure Image Pure Photo
Pure Sense
Pure View+ :Pure View :Pure View+
HTC: That only stealing company has once again taken contents of our websites. In detail, this time it has copied the marketing stories of our System Ontoscope Series Nano and Double Nano (see the Ontoscope Further steps of the 23rd, 25th and 28th, all of December 2011), our tablet and pad computer series intelliTablet I (presented in the intelliTablet Further steps 00:03 CET of the 30th of December 2011; in this case the Roman I is standing for the number one), and our street legal automobile models X!, S! and V! by Style of Speed, and presented as well a series with 3 models named One X, One S and One V, which not only proves our claims, and that it is jumped on the bandwagon of the 3 Theme by C.S., and has tried to damage our created trademark series X!, S! and V!, but also proves that it does know our websites very well and that the com- pany has also copied the name One V of one of the models of our Ontoscope Nano series. Said this, its copyright infringement is ob- vious.
Btw.: For sure, we do not claim for the I, 1 or One.
Nokia: The company has taken the content of our webpage Dis- claimer and derived from our created trademarks like Pure Electric, Pure Advantage, Pure Beauty, Pure Fun, Pure Speed, Pure Pleasure, Pure True, Pure Performance, Pure Aesthetic, Pure 3D, Pure Smart and Pure Power, as well as our logos :pure and View+, and our slogan "Authentic. Pure. Unique" the new name of some of its smartphone models called "Pureview". In a similar way it derived also the model names "303" and "808" from the 3 Theme by C.S. as well as from the acronym SOS of our business division Style of Speed. Due to the fact that there are also serv- ices called Drive and Transports now, there might be an infringment of our copyright done in this way.
Said this, we say this: Pure View+ :Pure View :Pure View+.
Besides these points we would like to mention that it has followed us with our actings in the fields of superphones and our Ontoscopes, as well and as expected already in the December of 2011 (see the Ontoscope Further steps of the 23rd, 25th and 28th, all of December 2011), but also another company.
British Broadcasting Corporation: That serious criminal media com- pany has reacted on the investigative cases above and tried to da- mage our business activities, as usual. This time it has publicated a report about a smartphone of the company Nokia with enhanced camera capabilities (see the case about the company Nokia above). Our related claim is proved by the fact that in the report a principal analyst is quoted, who said ""It's a pity that Nokia was unable to combine the photographic prowess of the Pureview 808 with the style of the Lumia 900"". Said this, guess why we have created the Ontoscope Nano I, Nano II, Double Nano I and Double Nano II series with the models Nano I 3. Eye and Golden Eye?! So, it may be a pity for the company Nokia, but not for the consumers, because we al- ready have created the mentioned superphones besides our many Ontoscopes.
Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de: In a report by the IT-news web portal about a new smartphone by the manufacturer Nokia, which for sure was the model with the enhanced photographic prowess (see the case of the company Nokia above), a link to a video showing a new smartphone by the manufacturer HTC was placed at the right side of the webpage, which by surprise (not really) was only about one of the three new models named by us, and now guess how, One V. If the same issue happens in this way two times in one place, the it is no happenstance but an attempt to damage again our business. Moreover, the author can't claim anymore that he does not know our company and our website contents, and it becomes implausible that he also did not know our company before the other reports were published (see the case of it of the 6th and 7th of February 2012).
Comment of the Day
View# #View
Boot to Web Boot 2 Web (due to © (semantical conformity and derivation) and (risk of confusion due to syntactical equality) in relation with Boot to WebKit and its acronym B2W since the 26th of July 2011)
Pod and Swoop Racing League Further steps #18
What a honour and an appreciation for our one of its kind racing league. After Marty McFly and "Doc" Brown, the responsible persons of our upcoming Hoverboard and -skates Championship (announced on the 22nd of July 2010), finally managed to find some time, as well as our place and our time they declared their interest in becoming the official B2F Pod Racing team with its already very well known credo "Where we're going, we don't need roads.", which is so true that it gives every fan of our sports bright eyes.
But sadly to say, where we are racing, we do need rules, at least on the planet Earth, so after discussing general issues the question was raised by our two new gentleman speeders if it is allowed by the regulations to use the DeLorean in the B2F III configuration. Actually, this had to be rejected by the committee of the Pod and Swoop Racing League Association, because the rulebook lists as a requirement that pod racers must have one or more tugs and a pod (read also issue #10), and that in general Flux capacitors definitely are not allowed for very good reasons. For sure, for the upcoming Speeder Racing League the DeLorean is perfectly qualified with the 1.21 jiggawatts by its Mr. Fusion home energy reactor, though we would like to recommend the installation of a repulsorlift engine, and to mention the need for the deinstallation of devices for time travels, obviously.
But what then followed was again a further proof of the uncompar- able high level of creativity by the "Doc", because he jumped into the DeLorean and before we could say "See you later" he was back again with two blueprints showing a carriage of the year 1888 and some kind of a tug labeled with "Property of the USS Enterprise" and having the graffito "Data and Spot were here". Furthermore, he was not only wearing his ultra stylish sun shades, suddenly, but also the same racing suit, as The Stig always wears.
We are sure that this will become even more interesting, but also more complex due to the point that we all are now even more in flux of the times, as well.
© Universal Studios
Besides this visit by this very special new team and the gained in- formations, the right image also gives everybody an imagination what the next racing route is after the race in and around Las Vegas, U.S.A. (see also the issue #15), and how the curbs may look like.
Past issues:
#1, 21st of October 2008: Pod racer Annikin Beerwalker training
#2, 28th of March 2009: Rocket Bike Girl Sarah Pickens training
#3, 30th of May 2009: Private French Pod racing team testing
#4, 10th of October 2009: International pod racing teams training, testing and promoting
#5, 11th of October 2009: Young generation of pod and swoop racers regulations
#6, 26th of November 2009: Bajaj Auto Swoop factory racing team marketing
#7, 21st of July 2010: Bayerische Motorenwerke Swoop factory racing team secretly testing
#8, 9th of August 2010: Aprilia Swoop factory racing team training and testing
#9, 1st of September 2010: Pod Racer Team Austria with Rocket Grandpa Georg Pletzer testing
#10, 6th of October 2010: Radio Flyer Pod racing factory team testing and optimizing
#11, 14th of November 2010: General regulations
#12, 7th of December 2010: Harley Davidson Swoop racing factory team training and promoting
#13, 3rd of January 2011: Racing league infrastructure and pod racer accident informations
#14, 26th of May 2011: Microsoft Swoop racing factory team designing
#15, 12th of June 2011: Elvis Pod racing team training and testing
#16, 7th of July 2011: Evel Knievel Pod and Swoop racing team training, testing and promoting
#17, 6th of August 2011: National Pod Racer Team Jamaica, Cool Hoverings, training and testing
We would like to give the information that the Near Field Communic- ation (NFC) technology is strongly connected with the Radio-Fre- quency IDentification (RFID) technology, or described in other words, there is an area of overlapping or even an inclusion of the NCF by the RFID. Said this, we would also like to mention our solutions IP RFID and Cell Cash Card, and to explain that special kinds of integration of a smartphone and a cash card evetnually are infringing our copyright for the Cell Cash Card (take also a look at the cases of T-Mobile, Sparkassen und btacs in the Investigations of the 26th of June 2008, and the company Google in the Investigations::Multi- media of the 28th and 29th, both of May 2011), and that any kind of integraten of a smartphone with a communication technology, like e.g. NCF, RFID, Bluetooth and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), for using it as a wallet replacement can not deliver the level of security as our solution Cell Cash Card in the end (see also the case of the consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions ARD in the Investigations::Multimedia of today below). Furthermore, we would like to give the advice for persons, who are not experts in this field, and also for the experts that the descriptions of our solutions mentioned above are formulated in our usual very special way.
Ontonics Website update
Due to the attempt by one company from Spain and two companies from the B.R.D. to damage our business in relation with our Cloud Operating Systems (COSs) that are based on the software library WebKit, we have created the new section:
Boot to Web (B2W),
and seperated our two COSs Boot to WebKit (B2WK) and Boot to Rekonq (B2R) for better describing their differencies.
*** Fine Tuning mode ***
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik: The consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions of the B.R.D. has tried to attack our Cell Cash Card solution with the publication of a report about an integration of a smartphone and a cash card in such a way that is used the description of our solution Cell Cash Card by talking about card manufacturers, PIN numbers, and the security level by using the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology instead of "Funktechniken wie Bluetooth==radio technologies like Bluetooth", which proves our claims doubtlessly. But being no experts in this field it gave false explanations as well, because the technology is not saver in comparison to all other technologies that do not seperate the cash card from a second device, because any integration of a smartphone with a radio technology, like e.g. NCF, RFID, Bluetooth or whatsoever, can be broken by the same methods. For example, the NCF technology must be scanned only with a more sensitive device, so we have the same problem as with Bluetooth. Our solution works in a different way mainly based on our concept to use the physical seperation, which is much harder to break and gives totally different possibilities for protection. Besides this, if now the smartphone gets lost or stolen the disaster is even much greater. In our case the thief must steal two or even more devices and cards, but the game is directly lost by a thief with the first stealing (see also our Clarification above).
Deutsche Telekom: In the meantime it is known by all, that the company is supporting the development of cell/mobile phones with a specific Cloud Operating System (COS) by the Mozilla Foundation. Apparently by company tradition, it sets thereby on the wrong part- ners once again, because our COSs Boot to WebKit, aka. Boot to Web or B2W, and Boot to Rekonq alias B2R or RekonqOS are unbeatably better only by the technical basics. On the other hand the situation is also better this way, because we are only interested in joint activities with the bests and after our valuation standards the Deutsche Telekom most certainly has never numbered among these, neither as a state-owned enterprise nor as a stock company.
Mittlerweile ist allseits bekannt, dass das Unternehmen die Entwick- lung von Mobiltelefonen mit einem bestimmten Cloud-Betriebssystem (CBS) der Mozilla Stiftung unterstützt. Dabei setzt man anscheinend aus Unternehmenstradition schon wieder auf die falschen Partner, denn unsere CBSe Boot to WebKit, aba. Boot to Web oder B2W, und Boot to Rekonq alias B2R oder RekonqOS schon von den technischen Grundlagen unschlagbar besser. Auf der anderen Seite ist die Situation auch besser so, denn wir sind schließlich nur an ge- meinsamen Aktivitäten mit den Besten interessiert und nach unseren Bewertungsmaßstäben hat die Deutsche Telekom weder als Staats- unternehmen noch als Aktiengesellschaft garantiert nie dazugezählt.
Computec Media→Klaß & Ihlenfeld Verlag→Golem.de: Well knowing that a Cloud Operating System (COS) is only called "Boot 2 [a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) rendering engine]" or "Boot to [a HTML rendering engine]" that both do not contain the term web, it claimed yesterday the utter nonsense that it has the alias "Boot to Web", which is not true due to the fact that it is obviously the short form of the label of our COS "Boot to WebKit", and also only an attempt by the author of the report for manipulating and irritating the public, and for damaging our business. A deeper web search proved that only another similar internet news portal also said the same nonsense yesterday, but here only in the title of the HTML webpage and not in the text of the report instead of "booting to the web" which is still the same issuee, (see also the cases of the news portal in the of the 6th and 7th of February 2012, as well as the case of the criminal company Deutsche Telekom above).
We demand all media not to report anymore that the Cloud Operating System (COS) Boot 2 Gecko (B2G) alias Boot to Gecko by the Mozilla Foundation has as a further alias Boot to Web, as well as not to use the label Boot to Web and the description "booting to the web" anymore for any COS, because our copyright in relation with our COS Boot to WebKit oder kurz Boot to Webwould be damaged further, at least until our disclaimer is followed.
Wir fordern alle Medien auf nicht mehr zu berichten, dass das Cloud-BetriebsSystem (CBS) Boot 2 Gecko (B2G) alias Boot to Gecko der Mozilla Stiftung als weiteren Alias Boot ot Web hat sowie die Bezeichnung Boot to Web und die Beschreibung "booting to the web==zum Web booten" für irgendein CBS zu benutzen, da hierdurch unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit unserem CBS Boot to WebKit oder kurz Boot to Web verletzt wird, wenigstens solange bis man unserem rechtlichen Hinweis gefolgt ist.
Comment of the Day
HeartWatch HeartClock
♥Watch ♥Watch ♥Watch ♥Watch
♥Clock ♥Clock ♥Clock ♥Clock
VitaWatch VitaClock
VitalWatch VitalClock
Engine cluster
Hybrid on Demand HoD
Distributed engine
Grid engine Engine grid
Ontonics Website update
We have updated the descriptions of our Cloud Operating System (COS) Platform Boot to WebKit (B2Wk) and our COS Boot to Rekonq (B2R), RekonqOS, in the section Boot to Web (B2W).
Especially the description of the RekonqOS is worth reading, though the given explanations have been already publicated in the past. In this conjunction we would like to clarify, that a Cloud OS Boot to Konqueror (B2K) makes no sense at all due to our Hightech OS OntoLinux.
Also, we would like to mention that we are not convinced by the HTML5 standard anymore after we found out that the company Google only wants to steal in this way semantic web technologies, especially our intellectual properties in this field, and to support its own web services by more multimedia support, which might damage the intellectual properties owned by the company Adobe. Also, it is done again in the same nonsense way as the companies Google and Amazon did it with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) by using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). In fact, HTML5 is getting more and more messy, as usual with our Gootrolls.
We also added in the section Smart Watch our new models:
HeartWatch/♥Watch and
Style of Speed Further steps 19:43 CET
We will add two new webpages for our new technologies:
Hybrid on Demand and
Distributed Engine (Network)/Grid Engine.
Samsung: That only stealing company has presented a tablet and pad computer with digitizer and in this way infringed our copyright after a designer has infringed our copyright before by taking as well the specifications of our tablet and pad computers, especially of the type/style pad "in form of a drawing pad [... which] is a must have for every progressive and highly gifted artist, designer, competent architect and very important person", and with the features "multi-touch", "higher display resolutions" and "handwriting [...] recognition", without permission (see the intelliTablet Further steps of the 29th of May 2010 and also of the 30th of December 2011).
We demand all media not to report anymore about tablet and pad computers with multi-touch and digitizer functions by other compa- nies, because our copyright in relation with our tablet and pad computers of the type/style pad has been infringed and still will be further, at least until our disclaimer is followed.
Wir fordern alle Medien auf nicht mehr über Tablet und Pad Computer mit Multi-touch- und Digitizer-Funktionen von anderen Unternehmen zu berichten, da unser Urheberrecht im Zusammenhang mit unseren Tablet und Pad Computern des Typs/Stils Pad verletzt wurde und weiterhin wird, wenigstens solange bis man unserem rechtlichen Hinweis gefolgt ist.
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