Home → News 2014 April
News 2014 April

Ontonics Further steps
We optimized one of our basic technologies by using a component with a higher performance. As a consequence, we now have a much more complex overall system on the one hand, but on the other hand we got an extremely fascinating new generation of the overall system in return.
As a further consequence, we could substitute another component now and hence even got a new type of overall system that was not expected in this way at first.

And we developed a new variant of one of our basic technologies by using a different suitable component.

Ontonics Further steps
Yesterday, we developed a new variant of one of our basic techno- logies by using a different suitable component. Today, we integrated the older and the newer variants of this basic technology by inte- grating the features of the used components. In this way, the over- all efficiency could be increased significantly and can reach 100% with specific realizations.


  • Microsoft: The company has infringed our copyright once again and unveiled a Proactive Intelligent Personal Assistant (PIPA™) for handsets running its related operating system that is similar to the clones of the companies Apple, Google and others. Its icon is a puls- ating ring, which together with the design and some other features of a new smartphone by its designated subsidiary Nokia (see its in- vestigative case below) leads us directly to our Ontoscope model 5S 3D presented with the Ontoscope Further steps of the 22nd of Janu- ary 2014.
  • Microsoft→Nokia: The company presented a new smartphone that also has the retro-design, like the actual smartphone of another company and our Ontoscope models 4S and 5S (see the Ontoscope Further steps of the 22nd of January 2014), which is very similar to the original design of our first tablet computer in the slate style by intelliTablet. The mobile device also features four microphones, and a very familiar camera lens and flashlight that leads us directly to the smartphone of another company and our Ontoscope model 5S once again.

    Obviously, the company's strategy does not work, as the past has proved already. How about getting licenses and paying the debts as the first two steps?

    Pictures of the Day
    Evidence of Reflection (Today)
    Clean-Up (And Nothing of Value Was Lost) (Today)

    Evidence of Reflection
    Clean-Up And Nothing of Value Was Lost
    ©© with referencing King Smiley or C.S.

    See also the Picture of the Day of the 7th of November 2011.

    King Smiley Further steps
    Already around a year ago we have decided that artistic works by C.S. can't be bought anymore, but instead are leasable by a single person, group of persons, foundation, corporation, or other entity. Qualified museums can also ask for their special condit- ions. Leased works of arts can't be transfered or further licensed to another enti- ty. Also, the lease is set on the basis of a special dynamic value in- dex of contemporary pieces of arts. In fact, C.S.' art works became some kind of stocks in this way and we are tihinking about the poss- ibility to handle art works in this way in general.

    Always creative • Always innovative • Always unusual

    Because he has stolen from C.S. once again, we made the next note about that criminal plagiarist Ai Weiwei on our webpage Culture.

    Ontonics Website update
    At first, we explained in the description of our 3D Eyewear that it "applies our MobileKinetic technology for facial scanning". But after we finally understood that on the one hand it could also mean to scan the faces of other persons, who are around a user of such a mobile device, and that on the other hand the media reported about such a surveillance feature correspondingly, we updated the mis- leading phrase with "applies our MobileKinetic technology for the scanning of the face of the user as part of the User Interface (UI)".
    We do not harm other persons' privacy neither at their homes, in the public, nor in the internet.

    Also, we added to the descriptions of the KineticEyewear and the KineticEarwear the missing feature of our MultiKinetic technology.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed the functionality and design of one of our multimedia technologies further.

    Also, we developed the functionality and design of one of our multi- media technologies further.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed the functionality and design of one of our multimedia technologies further by using three related technologies of others, which are similar to the said technology or even derived from it, and one of our other hardware architectures (see the Further steps of the 9th of January 2014), and adding some new components.


  • Google: The company has patented an application that comprises so-called (software computing) nodes of a Linux kernel based oper- ating system for robots running on a robot and other nodes of the same operating system for robots running within the also Linux kernel based operating system Android on a mobile device, which all are connected with a cloud computing system. Seen from the far we have to declare that patent as not valid, because all basic compon- ents, devices, and their connections as part of such a distributed system already existed before with for example our Hightech Operat- ing Systems (HOSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux and the hardware power- ed by them (see the related sections of the webpages Links to Soft- ware and Links to Hardware for example).
  • Apple: The company has filed a patent for a software system that optimizes the runtime of the battery of a mobile device by following the habits of its user. For sure, this is covered by the basic features of OntoLix and OntoLinux, specifically by its general characteristics as a reflective immobot, that "can analyze its state, keep-up itself running, optimize its functionality, and do many other useful things", and at the same time as a proactive, intelligent, personal agent/ assistant system, that can "infer the goals of the user and ways to help the user achieve those goals, simplifi[y] the interface to mach- ines by giving the user helpful recommendations, and improv[e] con- text sensing by making use of [...] other sensors". Furthermore, the referenced document Semantic Linux: a fertile ground for the Sem- antic Web gives as an example the section 4.2 Self-healing Comput- ers, that says: "[...] corruption caused by power failures [...]" and "[...] system with enough formalized knowledge of Linux to detect abnormal system behaviour and recommend or even perform the re- quired changes in the system's configuration". Obviously, this formal- ized knowledge of the underlying operating system and the capabili- ties to detect, recommend, and perform system changes are parts of the general characteristics and features of OntoLix and OntoLinux mentioned before and cover every feature, function, behaviour, and usage of an operating system, so we do not have to list each and every single feature at all. For more details see the features of our OntoBot component in relation with the related points on the web- pages Overview and Ontologic Applications for example.

    Said this, we also do see with the filing of such patents further illegal interventions in competition in general besides the related infringements of our copyright.

    Comment of the Day #1
    Space time™
    Space timer™
    Space master™
    Space diver™

    Comment of the Day #2
    "Do not feed the supertrolls."

    Original vs. Inspiration
    iRaiment Smartwatch Designs
    1. row: Classic Series Subspacer 16610 (2001), Cybermaster (2001), Cybergraph Spacetimer (2000)
    2. row: Modern Series Cyberdiver (2010), Cybergraph Cybertimer (2010), Cybergraph (2008)

    → iRaiment Smartwatch Subspacer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybermaster Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberdiver Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybertimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    © Rolex, Citizen, Breitling, Porsche Design, Ferrari, Swatch, and iRaiment

    See also the additional image of the Cyberdiver.
    Generally, the smartwatches can be operated with every software system, which supports the common System on Chip (SoC) range, though we recommend a special version of our OntoLix or OntoLinux with the display server framework Wearland.

    The images will be updated with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).

    OntoLab, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    Thanks to the effort by a highly skilled developer of the protocol re- spectively display server framework Wayland, we have now a general OpenGL shader generator for "all valid combinations of different in- put, conversion and output pipelines, which can easily be extended with more if desired", that we can directly use or at least re-use as a blueprint for our OpenSceneGraph-Wayland (OSGLand) compositor.

    Comment of the Day
    "Doctor humoris causa"
    For sure, we meant Doctor ridiculus totalus.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We started the development of a special device that is based on others' and our technologies and devices.

    Also, we started to develop a new component, that is based on a new distribution and slightly different application of the basic elem- ents.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    We added to the section Mixed Reality on the webpage Links to Software the software library for Image-Based Modeling and Render- ing (IBMR):

  • Lukas Mach: insight3D - Image-Based Modeling and Rendering (IBMR)

    and to the section Visualization the 3D modeler for realistic humanoid characters:

  • MakeHuman developer team, sponsors, community, and friends: MakeHuman.

    Keep in mind that IBMR algorithms and the 3D Character Animation Library Cal3D are already parts of the OntoScope software compon- ent since the official start of OntoLix and OntoLinux in the year 2006 and that the software library Bundler for the support of IBMR is also integrated in our systems, so that 3D avatars can be easily generat- ed on at least one manual way with MakeHuman and the Blender tools in OntoBlender, and two different automatic ways with a body developed with Cal3D or MakeHuman followed by Image-Based Rend- ering (IBR) or directly with IBMR.

    1. A specific patent filed by a company is only about the interplay of for example 4 front cameras, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a common 2D display, that should produce some kind of a 3D or better said visual effect, but it is not about the related features of our original MobileKinetic technology. The invention is based on the sub- division of the software based desktop in 2 layers, so that the GUI objects on each layer can be moved in accordance with the tracking of the head movement of a user. In fact, the result of this simple simulation of parallax (see the exemplary animation added on the 15th of April 2014) or an autostereoscopic, volumetric Multi-Layer/ stacked Display (MLD) is the same visual effect as another company has built into the GUI of its smartphone already, which on the one hand is also based on our MobileKinetic technology, specifically its inertial sensors, but on the other hand produced sickness and mental irritations by some users that led to the new option, with which this visual effect can be turned off.
    If the patented technique really works has to be proven in practice at first, but we have very serious doubts that it can produce a true 3D effect or even a hologram-like effect, because a user still sees a 2D image only, specifically if she/he does not move.

    This animation is an example of parallax. As the viewpoint moves side to side, the objects in the distance appear to move slower than the objects close to the camera.
    ©© BY 3.0 Natejunk2004

    Besides this, there is a very high potential that essential parts of the patent are not valid due to an older presentation of this special mul- timedia technique.
    2. A mobile device could use the old and very well known 3D/auto- stereoscopic display technologies with either a parallax barrier (real- ized by a mask or a second special masking display), like it was real- ized with the clone of our first Ontoscope Jr., Ontoboy or Ontogirl and the two other clones of our original Ontoscope before, or a layer of lenticular lenses. Both display technologies work more or less poor, because they reduce the resolution and the brightness of the display drastically and, specifically in the case of the parallax barrier, offer only a small sweet spot for the 3D effect depending on the distance and angle between the user and the display.
    3. To enhance the viewing freedom and resolution of the 3D display with parallax barrier mentioned in point 2. it has been combined either with a head-tracking system, like our MobileKinetic technology several years ago, as for example our OntoLab did with our Mobile 4D Image Display technology, or with time multiplexing, as for example we did as well in the OntoLab with our project 3D-Palm-Computer that has been finalized around the year 2003 (see our Multi-Layer/ stacked Display (MLD) technology).
    But doubtlessly, others' and our scientific researches in the OntoLab have proven that these enhancing solutions still will not work as well like our Hybrid Multi-Layer/stacked Display (HMLD), which brings all the best features of the described technologies together in one 3D display technology (see also the intelliTablet Further steps of the 17th of August 2012 and 21st of January 2014, and the Ontoscope Further steps of the 22nd of January 2014).

    Please, respect the historical facts about mobile devices with 3D display, and the original and unique masterpiece of multimedia arts, the Ontoscope paradigm, all by C.S..

    Ontonics Further steps
    We refined the design and developed a further variant of a multi- media device.

    iRaiment Further steps
    We developed the design and functionalities of our smartwatches further.
    Specifically, we added three interesting features to the Cyberdiver.

    OntoLab and iRaiment Open Glasses #2
    We refined the design and developed our Open Glasses further.
    Detailed informations will be given after we have protected the related intellectual properties.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed a further variant of a multimedia device.

    OntoLab and iRaiment Open Glasses #3
    We developed an additional variant of our Open Glasses.
    Detailed informations will be given after we have protected the related intellectual properties.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We took some technologies developed in the OntoLab and by a further business division of us and combined them in new ways and different versions.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have refined our requirement specification of a process, and begun to formalize an essential sub-process and to search for a specific configuration that meets our requirement specification. Until today, two common solutions are practiced that mark the ends of the whole spectrum. We also have a solution that lies more to the middle, but there might be another and more interesting alternative.

    We developed an extension for mobile devices.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed another variant and the next generation of the arch- itecture mentioned in the Further steps of the 9th of January 2014, that are related with older technological concepts on the one hand, but this time are not just for fun anymore on the other hand. Much more radical and surely original, unique, and better than the rest.

    Just for fun, we have developed a component, that is based on an unconventional but very efficient approach and hence offers an uncomparable low price-performance ratio.

    Comment of the Day

    Ontonics Further steps
    We reworked an old concept with a contemporary interpretation and modern technologies, which ideally fits to our related activities.

    intelliTablet Announcement Iri #1
    We are pleased to announce our latest open project that is:

  • a platform of a modular tablet computer,
  • inofficially called Padbricks and officially Iri,
  • developed by our work in the OntoLab many years ago, and
  • also reflected by the original concept of a real Lego mobile/cell phone and models of a tablet computer build with Lego bricks (see the images of the mockups below).

    The basic features of the Iri modular tablet computer platform are:

  • individual device and module housings and cases optionally 3D printed like in the case of our Open Glasses project,
  • an endoskeleton with a bus system based on the high-speed inter- face technology standard UniPro for interconnecting the integrated circuits and modules,
  • exchangeable modules that can be very easily snapped/clicked into the endoskeleton even by hot swapping/plugging at run-time, and
  • more features.

    The Iri modular tablet computer platform in the basic version already features on the side of the hardware a:

  • basic endoskeleton,
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU),
  • flash memory chip,
  • Radio Frequency (RF) network module for Bluetooth and WLAN,
  • multi-touch display with a diagonal dimension of 7",
  • microphone,
  • loudspeaker, and
  • accumulator

    as well as on the side of the software a stack with a:

  • Linux kernel based operating system,
  • wireless network, and
  • much more.

    One of the further versions features a:

  • mobile/cell phone module,
  • larger flash memory chip,
  • back camera,
  • front camera,
  • stereo loudspeakers, and
  • slightly different hardware architecture.

    Lego Tablet Computer Model → Iri Tablet Computer MockupLego Tablet Computer Model → Iri Tablet Computer Mockup
    © Joe Meno and Chris McVeigh

    We hope that we can present the first device in the beginning of the year 2015 for around 70 U.S. Dollar.

    Potentially, we will use the platform for our XOX Tablet and XOX Pad series of our One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) projects as well, that are also based on the theme of the Lego bricks (see for example the intelliTablet Announcement and Further steps One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #1 of the 17th of July 2012, #5 of the 2nd of Septem- ber 2012, #8 of the 14th of January 2013, and #13 of the 20th of July 2013).

    Please keep in mind that it is sadly to say that the company Lego® is not involved in this and similar original and unique projects of us.

    Comment of the Day

    Comment of the Day

    Original vs. Inspiration
    iRaiment Smartwatch Designs
    We simple continue with our Classic Series and Modern Series:

    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Deep Space Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybermaster 600 Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybermaster 600 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spaceracer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch F1 Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph T8 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybermaster Moonwatch Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph T8 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberjack Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybertage CW Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberland Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design
    → iRaiment Cybergraph Smartwatch Cybermaster Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybermaster Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph X-Space Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph CyberPilot Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberpatrol Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Xl Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch V1 Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch V4 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Spacetimer Design
    © Armani, Baume & Mercier, Burberry, Chopard, Gucci, Hamilton, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Longines, Omega, Porsche Design, Seiko, Tag Heuer, Tissot, Zenith, and iRaiment

    Generally, the smartwatches can be worn on the left and the right arm, and operated with every software system, which supports the common System on Chip (SoC) range.

    The images will be updated with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed a new system architecture with interesting features.

    Comment of the Day
    Time conquest™

    Original vs. Inspiration
    iRaiment Smartwatch Designs
    We added some more watch designs to our Classic Series and Modern Series:

    → iRaiment Smartwatch TimeConquest Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberus Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybertage 1954 Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Fellow Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph TimeTraveller CyberVoyager Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybertage SI Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph CyberStar 4810 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberoa Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph TimeWalker Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph TimeTraveller Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cyberbase Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph 10101 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cybertage 1954 Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph V1 Design
    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design→ iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Design
    © Citizen, Corum, Zino Davidoff, Edox, Eterna, Girard Perregaux, Longines, Louis Vuitton, :I, Tag Heuer, Tissot, Zenith, Zeno-Watch Basel, and iRaiment

    The images will be updated with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).

    Trivially Cool

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed two new variants of a system architecture with the applicability put into the focus.

    Comment of the Day

    Comment of the Day

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have begun to develop a new component that unites features of earlier developments.

    We also extended a multimedia system.

    Comment of the Day
    Space voyage™
    Space patrol™
    Space compressor™
    Space conquest™
    Time diver™
    Time patrol™
    Time master™
    Time compressor™
    Time voyage™

    Feature-list of the world wide leading High-technology Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux and OntoLix #7
    Since their beginning in the year 2006, our Ontologic Systems (OSs), Hightech Operating Systems (HOSs), and n-Dimensional Operating Systems (nDOSs) have also a time machine like feature that is based on our original and unique system architecture and composition of software libraries and applications, specifically the integration of our concepts of the extended Mixed Reality (MR) paradigm and the Cal- iber/Calibre (see also the webpages Introduction and Overview), the software components OntoFS with its features like the time-based respectively backup functionality (see also the case of the company Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 22nd of August 2010) and OntoScope with its features like the Image-Based Modeling and Rendering (IBMR) algorithms (see e.g. the Website update of the 11th of April 2014 ), and also the mapping and information system services with their related digital maps, globes, and universes (see the sections Geography, Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe, Astronomy, and Space Simulation of the webpage Links to Software, and also the images of the Ontologics.info, OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 14th of January 2014), as well as the project of the Virtual Time Machine by a Japanese university (see the screenshots below).
    Said this, our systems, which can also be used with e.g. clustered web servers in relation with internet services and cloud computing, have also the feature of:

  • Time-based, Image-Based Modeling and Rendering (TBIBMR) even in immersive 3D environments besides the common Space-Based IBMR (SBIBMR) technique

    that we added on the webpage Feature-Lists.

    Virtual Time Machine ScreenshotVirtual Time Machine ScreenshotVirtual Time Machine Screenshot
    Virtual Time Machine Screenshot
    © :(

    Google: Obviously, the company has copied another feature of our Ontologic Systems (OSs), Hightech Operating Systems (HOSs), and n-Dimensional Operating Systems (nDOSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux, which this time is related with the physical foundation of time and space of our Caliber/Calibre (see also the Feature-list of the world wide leading High-technology Operating System (HOS) OntoLinux and OntoLix #7 of today above for example), and added a time-bas- ed feature to the supplemental service of its mapping service and virtual globe called Street View. Because this new feature works together with its Linux kernel based operating system as well, the company infringed our copyright in this specific case once again in this way.
    What makes this case even more special is the fact that one of the unpublicated images of our smartwatch Subspacer created on the 11th of April 2014 (shown below) is based on an image of its Street View service as well.

    → iRaiment Smartwatch Subspacer Design
    © Rolex, :I, and iRaiment

    Original vs. Inspiration
    iRaiment Smartwatch Designs
    Just for completeness and because we have not done it on the 20th of April 2014 already, we added another smartwatch to our Classic Series:

    → iRaiment Smartwatch Cybergraph Cosmograph Design
    © Rolex and iRaiment

    The image will be updated with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

    Ontonics Further steps
    We worked on a multimedia system further.
    As side effects, we generalized the foundational technology of one of its basic components on the one hand and on the other hand developed a new technological concept that is absolutely outstand- ing and truly fascinating.

    Also, we worked on a multimedia system further with the focus put on a higher performance.

    Besides this, we are thinking about to enter deeper into the market of mobile computers with laptops, which feature our Hybrid Multi-Layer/stacked Display (HMLD) technology (see for example the Clar- ification of the 12th of April 2014).
    In this relation, we have to consider the design of a dedicated business division as well and also are still awaiting proposals about collaborations in the fields of computer monitors and televisions, which would include even more solutions from our side, before we have to make selections on our own.

    intelliTablet Further steps Iri #2
    We are pleased to present our next device of the Iri platform (see the Announcement Iri #1 of the 17th of April 2014) that is a mini tablet computer with a mobile/cell phone module, better known as phablet or large smartphone.

    Allaged Alcatel Lego Smartphone Design
    Lego Smartphone Model → Iri Mini Tablet Computer, Phablet or Smartphone MockupMicorsoft Windows Phone 7 Invitation Lego Smartphone Model → Iri Mini Tablet Computer, Phablet or Smartphone Mockup
    © :(, :I, and :I

    Additionally, we would like to clarify that in fact we have 4 different general variants of our Iri platform:

  • The first variant is based on a Lego like concept with building blocks that have studs/knobs (see for example the intelliTablet Announcement and Further steps One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #1 of the 17th of July 2012, #3 of the 21st of August 2012, and #4 of the 22nd of August 2012).
  • The second variant is based on a different approach that will be presented at a later point in time.
  • The third variant is based on modules that feature a wireless data interface and power link (see again the links given above).
  • The fourth variant mixes the 3 initial variants.

    Finally, we would like to give the information that the first variant of the Iri platform is also based on extremely small micro- and nano-siz- ed building block scales (see also our original and unique NanoTile™ and NanoBlock™ technologies), that result in a significant reduction of space and weight, as well as increase of flexibility for all basic components, modules, and their interfaces in comparison to the orig- inal dimensions of the Lego construction system.

    "The smaller it is, the more realistic the world becomes!"

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed a new version of a hardware architecture further (see the Further steps of the 7th of April 2014) by using a different con- cept of another field of technology, so that we could eliminate even one of the elementary components.

    Comment of the Day
    Scaled building block™
    Scaled building brick™

    intelliTablet Further steps One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #16 20:02 CET
    Today, we would like to present further elements with the dimens- ions of Lego construction elements in relation to our OTPC and OP²C projects, that are plates with contact holes, multiplexers with differ- ent channels, and dual light sensors, which exactly fit together with the electric studs/knobs shown with the Announcement OTPC and OP²C #3 of the 21st of August 2012 and the electric studs/knob lands shown with the Further steps OTPC and OP²C #4 of the 22nd of August 2012. With these basic plates we already can build cust- om circuit and main boards, and passive and active interposers and multiplexers with several channels and bus systems (see the upper images) even in 3D and with vias.
    Also available are all kinds of radiators and sensors, including infrared dual sensor (see the bottom image), ultrasound sensor, magnetic field sensor, compass, accelerometer, gyro, and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and even actuators of for example the field of robotics, as needed for our original and unique Ontoscope paradigm (see for example the Ontoscope Announcement and Investigations::Multi- media of the 8th of September 2009).

    Passive Sensor and Module Multiplexer, Interposer, or Bus System Element
    Active Sensor and Module Multiplexer, Interposer, or Bus System Element
    Short Range Dual Infrared Obstacle Detector Module

    © mindsensors.com

    See also the intelliTablet Further steps Iri #3 of today below, which adds four additional scale levels to the first general variant of the Iri platform.

    intelliTablet Further steps Iri #3 20:02 CET
    We would like to give the first important informations about our Module Development Kit (MDK) of the first variant of our Iri platform (for a short list of all variants see the Further steps Iri #2 of the 26th of April 2014).

    Devices, components, packages, modules, and cases can have studs/knobs, stud/knob lands, or/and holes as shown with the Further steps One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #4 of the 22nd of August 2012, #3 of the 21st of August 2012, and #16 of today. The specification of the dimensions of our original and unique Scaled Building Block/Brick paradigm are following the dimensions and arrangements of elements of the Lego construction system and the standards of the microsystem industry.

    Thickness of plates:

  • macro: 1 - 3.2 - 4 mm; specification Lego dimensions
  • grid array: 100 μm - 1 mm; specifications Land Grid Array (LGA) and Ball Grid Array (BGA) standards
  • flip-chip/Controlled Collapse Chip Connection (C4): 10 - 100 μm
  • micro: 1 - 10 μm
  • nano: to be specified

    Diameter and pitch of studs/knobs and holes:

  • macro: 4mm, 4mm and 5 mm, 3 mm; specification Lego dimensions
  • grid array: 1 mm, 1 mm; specifications Land Grid Array (LGA) and Ball Grid Array (BGA) standards
  • flip-chip/C4: 100 μm, 100 μm
  • micro: 10 μm, 10 μm
  • nano: to be specified

    All technologies supported by our scaled building block/brick para- digm, like:

  • Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC),
  • Systems-in-a-Package (SiP),
  • pure and extended embedded Waver Level Ball Grid Array (eWLB),
  • Fan-Out Waver Level Package (FOWLP),
  • passive and active (silicon) interposer,
  • Redistributed Chip Packaging (RCP),
  • Package-on-Package (PoP),
  • 3D face-to-face,
  • stacked device with (through silicon) vias,
  • and so on

    can be applied as needed.

    Google: Not surprisingly, after the first presentation of our Iri plat- form (see the intelliTablet Announcement Iri #1 of the 17th of April 2014) we found an image (see below), that is showing a simple Lego model related with its project of a modular mobile phone, we have not seen all the months before, and seems to be publicated one day after our announcement on the 18th of April 2014. So far, we can see that the company jumped again on the Lego theme, like many other entities following C.S. and our company since more than 7 years, after it has already presented once again the web browser application of a Lego 3D map some weeks ago, which also infringed our copyright (see its related case in the Investigations:: Multimedia of the 19th of August 2012).
    But on a closer look on the image we also can see that the studs/ knobs of the Lego model somehow resemble both stud variants that we have shown before with the intelliTablet Announcement and Fur- ther steps One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #1 of the 17th of July 2012, #3 of the 21st of August 2012, and #4 of the 22nd of August 2012, despite the head of its project clearly stated that the company's mobile phone does not use mech- anical contacts between the endoskeleton and the modules due to their larger dimensions and other technical reasons. Also important to note in this conjunction is the other fact that on a website of the company closely related with its project of a modular mobile phone the said image of the Lego model was shown on the 27th of April 2014, that is one day after our intelliTablet Further steps Iri #2 of the 26th of April 2014, in direct relation to a several weeks old re- port about a collaboration with an agency that is related with out original and unique Ontoscope paradigm (see its case in the Invest- igations::Multimedia of the 21st of February 2014), which in our case surely comprises modular mobile devices as well and was also partly presented as such some years ago.
    It even has to be questioned if the company has artificially created and arranged the collaboration with a Dutch artist and the marketing of his already busted plagiarism of the concept of a modular mobile phone with building blocks (see again the images shown with the intelliTablet Further steps Iri #2 of the 26th of April 2014 for examp- le) with the goal to steal a related concept of C.S. and our company as well, that has been officially presented as our intelliTablet Iri plat- form recently.
    At this point it should be obvious for our readers, that its project of a modular mobile phone is focused on our actings only, and that in general the company even copies, hinders and attacks C.S.' way of self-expression, comparable to mobbing and stalking, that adds to all its other illegal activities.

    Lego Modular Mobile Phone Model
    © :(

    Keep in mind that the basic modular mobile phone of the related project of the company Google will feature a frame, screen, Wi-Fi connectivity and processor only, but not a cellular connectivity, and that not the retail price is about 50 U.S. Dollar, but the cost of production for this device, that definitely is not a smartphone.

    In conjunction with the movie saga "Matrix" a judge rejected a legal claim alleging that the "Matrix" films were based on another screen- play. In general, he ruled that the authors did not plagiarise another screenplay and the listed 118 alleged similarities between the works, because they were "too general for copyright protection ... or are commonly used, unoriginal ideas". We would like to take this legal case for the discussion about the originality and uniqueness of the works of art created by C.S. in conjunction with substantially similar expressions of ideas. As an example for this, we take the comparison between our Ontoscope paradigm and mobile devices, that feature an own housing, a main control logic, and so on, like for example a camera, a laptop, a tablet computer, a handheld game console, a mobile phone, and a head-mounted display.

    Too general for copyright protection are descriptions of mobile devices with for example:

  • 3D sensor, includes 3D range detector, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and others (device focused); example 3D camera and smartphone
  • 3D display, includes variants with head-tracking (hardware focused)
  • 3D sensor and 3D display
  • 3D sensor and wireless connectivity, includes short and medium range wireless connectivity, like e.g. Bluetooth and WLAN, and long range wireless connectivity, like e.g. GSM, 3G, and LTE
  • 3D display and wireless connectivity
  • ...

    Questionable for copyright protection are descriptions of mobile devices with for example:

  • 3D sensor, includes 3D range detector, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), ... (environment focused, e.g. position determination)
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, and artificial intelligence in game logic in the case of a handheld game console
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, and short range wireless connection
  • ...

    Qualified for copyright protection in our point of view are descript- ions of mobile devices with for example:

  • gesture control (software focused)
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, and medium and long range wireless connection
  • 3D sensor, wireless connectivity, and gesture control
  • 3D display, wireless connectivity, and gesture control
  • 3D sensor, wireless connectivity, and artificial intelligence for hard- or/and software, includes awareness of all kinds (e.g. self, spatial, temporal, ...)
  • 3D display, wireless connectivity, and artificial intelligence for hard- or/and software
  • ...

    Definitely original and unique, and hence copyrighted are descript- ions of mobile devices respectively Ontoscopes with:

  • 3D sensor, 3D display, and gesture control
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, and artificial intelligence for hard- or/and software
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, wireless connectivity, and gesture control
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, wireless connectivity, and artificial intellig- ence for hard- or/and software
  • 3D sensor, 3D display, and robot features; example device is similar to the head and the control logic of a humanoid
  • ...

    In general, in our point of view substantially similar expressions of ideas must be seen as well in relation with the mind-set, motivation, strategic direction, duration, and amount of done actions and incid- ents of a copying entity, specifically if a plagiarizing entity deliber- ately misleads the public about the originator of several ideas in this way, which even happens without infringing a single work, as we have documented it with the investigative cases of large software, hardware, and vehicle manufacturers, service providers, and media companies for example.
    Or said in other words, if an entity copies more than one idea over a longer periode of time, say for example 3 months, then the copying entity has to get the allowance by the original source of the ideas even if each single idea is not protected by the copyright or a pat- ent, specifically if the original source is one single person and if the complete works, the ensemble/composition of the ideas is original and unique, and hence copyrighted, which directly affects the pub- lications of the media as well. We even demand that in such a case an entity has to take corrective measures if the general public dev- eloped a wrong impression about the true origination of ideas due to the repeated plagiarizing.

    Some argue that this kind of following and copying, as described in the section before, is desired by the society, but said in this simple way this is not true. Indeed, it is wanted that other entities are allowed to copy an idea, but it is not wanted that defrauding en- tities mainly exist, because they copy the ideas of others all the time, especially if in this way they gain control over a group or even over a whole society, and the original inventor is shielded from the public. This is definitely not wanted respectively it is only wanted by antisocial entities, moochers and cardsharpers, who want to get more power on the back of others.

    There is no loophole.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    Just for fun we have developed two simple variants of a Space Launch System (SLS) and a Space Transportation System (STS) based on a conventional modular rocket with a reusable first stage and 6.000 to 18.000 kN thrust, that also leads to a reduction in the launch price by 60 to 80% or even more, like our other SLSs and STSs, but in comparison with them these new solutions can be built instantly and flown in 6 to 9 months.
    For the rocket engine we are looking at the RS-25, also known as the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), the RS-68, and the J-2X by Aerojet Rocketdyne, as well as the RD-180 and RD-191 by NPO Energomash.
    For the crew vehicle we are looking at a larger version of our X-3*/ LittleStar by Style of Speed, the X-37C by Boeing and the Orion Mul- ti-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) by Lockheed Martin for example.

    We also reworked and redesigned an older first stage concept.

    Ontonics Further steps
    This time we developed a simple system that is based on common technologies already installed on the one hand and on the other hand is not focused on big business, but on fun maximizing.

    © and/or ®
    Christian Stroetmann GmbH