Comment of the Day
Intelligent charge coupled device
Intelligent CCD
Intelligent complementary metal oxide semiconductor charge-coupled device
Intelligent CMOS CCD
Fuzzy logic complementary metal oxide semiconductor
Fuzzy logic CMOS
Fuzzy logic charge coupled device
Fuzzy logic CCD
Fuzzy logic complementary metal oxide semiconductor charge-coupled device
Fuzzy logic CMOS CCD
Probabilistic complementary metal oxide semiconductor
Probabilistic CMOS
Probabilistic charge coupled device
Probabilistic CCD
Probabilistic complementary metal oxide semiconductor charge-coupled device
Probabilistic CMOS CCD
Bayes network complementary metal oxide semiconductor
Bayesian network complementary metal oxide semiconductor
Bayes network CMOS
Bayesian network CMOS
Bayes network charge coupled device
Bayesian network charge coupled device
Bayes network CCD
Bayesian network CCD
Bayes network complementary metal oxide semiconductor charge-coupled device
Bayesian network complementary metal oxide semiconductor charge-coupled device
Bayes network CMOS CCD
Bayesian network CMOS CCD
Emotion programming interface
Emotional application programming interface
Ontonics Further steps
We mentioned it several times in the past and everybody has made such an experience: You have a problem and do not understand that you are looking at the solution all the time. This happens again with the new generation of devices mentioned in the Further steps of the 4th of October 2013. Now, we do know how to realize the basic technology and can focus on better ways of its implementation.
Comment of the Day
"The best democracy money can buy.", [Greg Palast, 2002]
Ontonics Further steps
While working on the Innovation-Pipeline, we developed the tech- nology mentioned in the Further steps of the 17th of October 2013 further by using the solutions mentioned in the Further steps of the 25th and 29th of September 2013. Our feeling says that this is mighty.
Comment of the Day
Neural Net CCD
Interested readers will easily find out on their own that some spec- ialized Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) for visual analysis are out of the game just right from the start due to so many reasons, which we will not discuss here for sure, or have to compete with similar solutions already at the market for years, the neuromorphic processor of the company International Business Machines called SyNAPSE and suddenly labeled neurosynaptic chip is an extremely expensive tax money burner, retrograde academical experiment, and public relation stunt only, and the Spiking Neural Network Architect- ure (SpiNNaker) is a specific implementation of a common super- computer with a multi-dimensional mesh/torus. In the following sect- ions we would like to give some more informations about the two neuromorphic systems and our Wireless Supercomputer (WiSer) paradigm.
The concept of a chip inspired by a biological neural network, which is often abstracted as an artificial neural network based on the McCulloch-Pitts (MCP) neuron model with weight factors and thres- hold, is not new and was given up relatively early again like many similar concepts due to conceptual abstraction, scalability, handling, and other problems (see also the related informations about the Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) below).
The SyNAPSE chip is also based on such a neuron model and feat- ures 4096 cores arranged on the chip in a 64×64 grid and having 256 neurons each. Each single neuron features 256 synapses and connects to 256 other neurons. From the graphics and an image of the chip presented by International Business Machines we assume that the neurons and cores are hard-wired to a 2D grid/mesh net- work topology and ask the question how the spatial situation on the chip must already look like and how it will be if more neurons and connections should be added. That a complete wiring does not make sense in practice has been proven many times in relation with inter- connects of supercomputers. Also, there are many reasons why computer clusters took over the market that was dominated by massively parallel supercomputer architectures (see Thinking Mach- ines' Connection Machine, Goodyear's Massively Parallel Processor (MPP), and Cray Research's T3D for example).
Indeed, the SyNAPSE chip was most significant for its sheer degree of interconnectedness that is based on an interesting and aggress- ive way of integration to continue the company's research program, as Steve Furber of the SpiNNaker project said. We see it in a similar way: The SyNAPSE chip is a blown up system architecture of the past that is implemented by applying contemporary chip manufactur- ing processes. But we would like to add that it was also interesting due to the company's announcement to implement a flexible rewiring of the connections between the neurons, which has been scrubbed obviously. These and some more not so pleasant technical facts pointed out by another expert already led to very serious discussions about the SyNAPSE project and its funding.
As a matter of fact, the company International Business Machines only acted in the same way as it did in the case of its blown up ex- pert system called Sherlock or so, and thus its SyNAPSE chip also represents another one of its usual public relation stunts respect- ively placebos. This impression is strenghted by the fact that the company presented a new graphic recently, which shows 64 of the 4096 cores with their connections handled by the routers of the cores. Obviously, the graphic should resemble the concept of our WiSer paradigm (compare the old graphic on the left side and the new graphic on the right side). As a side effect, the new graphic on the right side demonstrates nicely the advantage of our WiSer with its completely flexible way of connecting the compute nodes without hard-wiring.
The SpiNNaker was already discussed in this context in the Clarific- ation of the 16th of July 2014. In comparison to the SyNAPSE chip the SpiNNaker is also based on a McCulloch-Pitts (MCP) neuron mod- el on the one hand. But on the other hand the connections between its neurons are not hard-wired, though the single cores of each mul- ticore processor are still hard-wired by a NoC and the single proc- essors/compute nodes and their cores are hard-wired by another NoC with a router, which is similar to the case with the cores of the SyNAPSE chip, and form a 3D-torus network topology.
In contrast, the Neural Net CCD, the Neural Net CMOS, and the oth- er CCD and CMOS chips of our intelligent imager series based on art- ificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and probability theory (inclusive Bayes and Markov Nets; see also the Innovation-Pipeline), as well as the circular WiSer series are superior approaches, which were designed to optimize specialized APUs for signal and data processing and analysis even further and to circumvent the general flaws of approaches like the SyNAPSE and SpiNNaker systems on the one side and to feature all of their advantages at the same time on the other side, while we even could add point-to-multipoint communicat- ion and other interesting techniques and technologies. Furthermore, a WiSer can be constructed as a Neural WiSer by using neuromorphic cores and processors of our Neural Net Core (NNC) and Neural Net Processor (NNP) series for example, and also Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) respectively associative memory, besides Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and memristor chips. Needless to say, all of our component series perfectly fit together by design.
In this context, the CAM, and the NNC and NNP are of particular interest. The CAM respectively associative memory can be used as well for the creation of artificial neural networks and neuromorphic computing systems that integrate computation, communication and memory very closely. Our NNC and NNP series are based on our naive approach of the SuperComputer on a Chip (SCoC), aka. Cray on a Chip (CoC). While the variants with hypercube network topology are based on the scaled down Connection Machine 5 by the company Thinking Machines, the variants with CAM are based on the scaled down Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) of the company Goodyear. These original systems proved already the mentioned general flaws like the scalability problem around 3 decades ago.
But with our Neural WiSer variants the interconnect bottleneck of SCoCs can be overcome. They even surpass "biological neurons, [which are] packed inside the brain, [and] send and receive some- thing in the order of 10,000 connections each", as we explained, because a compute node of a WiSer is able to handle at least two magnitudes more connections and simultaneously offers a much shorter latency than single biological neurons, which in fact are not so fast. All approaches, like the natural brain, the massively parallel supercomputer, the computer cluster, the neuromorphic computer, and in some cases also the quantum computer (see the Clarification of the 30th of July 2014) suffer from the problem of hard-wiring and other issues.
Besides this, we saw some mistakes and marketing lies given by an employee of International Business Machines, like "The [SyNAPSE] chip [...] is "endlessly scalable" for example, which is true on the paper only, and ""You're talking about orders and orders of magnit- ude"", without telling what the measured quantity really is and which is even not true on the paper, because there is no quantity in this context that could have such an improvement. A journalist of a broadcaster mentioned in this respect that "some of the gains might be overstated - or perhaps too eagerly anticipated". S. Furber also points into the right direction, when he told that "time will tell" which strategy succeeds in different applications, though history told us very much already, and obviously only we listened and learned from the past.
At this point, we would like to mention that energy efficiency is not a decisive feature, because everybody uses the same microtechno- logy, and that our Neural Net CCD and Neural Net CMOS chips are protected as well.
It is always better to collaborate with us.
Question of the Day
"Nature has not invented the wheel. So, why should I copy the brain to build a neuromorphic computer?", [C.S., Sometimes]
Now, our readers also know the reason why the WiSer is round.
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed some new variants of components by using solutions of two other companies advantageously.
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new component series.
We also have developed two new variants of a component.
In addition, we developed two interesting approaches of integration.
Just for fun, we developed five different neuromorphic processors:
The first one is a specific variant of the WiSer series.
The second one has a vast amount of cores (e.g. 4096) each feat- uring multiple neurons (e.g. 256), which are based on common components with a specific architecture, and is designed for immediate production and an affordable price now that we know how to manufacture it. This processor could be an alternative to a WiSer and is one of the best choices for all engineering tasks.
The third one is based on common components with another specific architecture designed for immediate production.
The fourth one is a specific variant of a Neural WiSer with SyNAPSE processors of the company International Business Machines as its compute nodes to save at least some of the fascination and to present another finger exercise of us.
The fifth one is a variant of the SyNAPSE processor to save at least some of the fascination and to make it more interesting for us.
We also added a new basic variant to our WiSer series that makes it even more efficient.
Since some days, we are also finalizing the research phase, focusing on the last tasks of the development phase, and beginning the production phase of one of our new technologies that without any doubts will increase our lead significantly.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We have finalized the initial design of two new software libraries with related protocols and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and also found a way to implement them easily. In addition, we worked on the integrations of the new features into the overall system.
Related informations and webpages will be published after we have updated the websites, which follows after we have control of the complexity again and added all project stubs to the Innovation-Pipeline.
Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, Multimedia and Robotics
International Business Machines: We took another quick look on its SyNAPSE processor and came to the same results as before (see its first case in relation with this processor in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, Multimedia and Robotics of the 19th of August 2011, and the Clarification of the 16th July 2014 and 8th of August 2014). But as longer we examine the details as more we be- come disinterested and even disappointed.
In fact, the company's true goal was all the time to copy others' and our intellectual properties and inventions, and never intended to develop something on its own, specifically after we had publicated The Proposal in the November of 2006, and it already had more or less successfully mislead of the public in the cases of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the programming language Java, the op- erating system kernel Linux, and ontology-based software. When we showed "a prototyp of our new superconductive Neural Net CPU with HyperCube geometry feature and the code-/nickname "Uncle Bob"" in the Original of the 13th of November 2009, mentioned the term Neu- ral Net Core on the 17th of July 2010 the first time, and also talked about multicore based Neural Net Cores in the Ontonics Further step of the 7th of September 2010, it thought it could cheat in this field as well, and hence was in need of a neuromorphic processor and also began to promote its SyNAPSE processor (see again its case in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, Multimedia and Robotics of the 19th of August 2011). But when we also mentioned our SuperComputer on a Chip (SCoC), aka. Cray on a Chip (CoC), in the Ontonics Website update of the 28th of August 2012 and public- ated its short description, it was clear that Uncle BoB was a scaled down version of Thinking Machines' Connection Machine CM 1 related with architectures of massively parallel supercompters like e.g. Cray Research's T3D, and that International Business Machines urgently needed a working processor for its marketing. So, we guess that it acted and reacted accordingly all the time and when we surprised it even with our circular WiSer architecture, a second generation of its SyNAPSE processor was presented as the reaction recently. Sadly to say, this time its trick did not work, because basically this processor is nothing new.
Indeed, the second generation of the SyNAPSE chip implements a very simply Artificial Neural Network (ANN) most potentially based on the McCulloch-Pitts (MCP) neuron model as an array with a relatively large number of cores, which have many very simple Processing Elements (PEs) representing the neurons, work in parallel and asyn- chronously without a central clock, and communicate with each other in an event-driven mode over a reconfigurable interconnect of channels. To realize the interconnect system each core has a Net- work on a Chip (NoC) with a router representing the dendrites and the axons with the synapses of its neurons. By this design the chip is able to handle a high degree of interconnectedness.
But the SyNAPSE chip has not many important features of a brain anymore like for example the announced rewiring of the connections between the axons and the dendrites of the neurons (see again its case in relation with this processor in the Investigations::AI and Knowledge management, Multimedia and Robotics of the 19th of August 2011). Other features of a biological neural network are not mentioned anymore or are still not mentioned at all, while the feat- ure of asynchronous operation was not removed, due to the reason that in this way the company can still argue it is a spiking neural net and in this way jump on the bandwagon of this other actual trend in this field.
In detail we can see now that on the one hand the application of the state of the art chip manufacturing process is the only reason for achieving this high level of integration, and that on the other hand the chip seems to be a kludge, which could be simply described as an asynchronously working Massively Parallel Processor Array (MPPA) respectively Massively Parallel Processing Element Array (MPPEA) chip, that should resemble as much as possible the specific variant of the first generation of our Neural Net Chip (NNC) with hypercube network topology. Important to note in this conjunction is the fact that the massively parallel supercomputer architectures vanished through the years for good reasons and so we guess that this generation of neuromorphic processors will take the same path.
As part of its marketing, the company also explains that its proc- essor is fault-tolerant, which means in practice that a neuron/PE could fail without stopping the complete processor and points to other approaches that have this characteristic. This makes us very wonder, because we do not know why a neuron/PE should fail at all and why the company International Business Machines is still not able to realize a microprocessor that runs without faults. Another questionable point is its explanation that the "chip veers from the traditional von Neuman architecture". For sure, it is not a von Neu- man architecture, but we are sorry to say that we cannot see the inventive step. Quite contrary, besides the core and inter-chip communication activities realized as event-driven operations, which are also several years old now, the chip is just an MPPEA only.
Luckily, we focused on different ways to realize the interconnect with for example our original, unique, and hence copyrighted WiSer paradigm, specifically in the fields of cognitive and neuromorphic computing with our Neural WiSer series.
The MPPEA chip also reminds us of approaches like the Cellular Automata Machine (CAM) respectively CAM Brain Machine (CBM) of Hugo de Garis (see also the chapter [7.15] de Garis of the The Prototype of The Proposal).
Comment of the Day
"Na-Nu Na-Nu", [Mork, Mork & Mindy, 1978 - 1982]
"Nano Nano", [Mork vom Ork, 1978 - 1982]
Ontonics Further steps
We toyed with a technique and applied it for some designs.
We have improved a specific type of our WiSer series.
In a subsequent step we used this improved WiSer type for another variant of the Neural WiSer (see also the Further steps of the 10th of August 2014).
Ontonics Further steps
In the last days we designed a new web server and added new features today.
In addition, we have integrated some of the new web server feat- ures into our newest internet routers as well. An absolutely must have for everybody, who wants to compete in the internet business.
Also, we have added the first specialized variant of one of our dev- ices. Here comes a revolution, as usual.
Moreover, we have already started the production phase of a chip series that will change the digital world significantly, as it is the case with our WiSer series.
Last but not least, we have developed a new variant of a multimedia device and optimized two other variants of it.
In this conjunction we would like to give investors a friendly hint: Come to us now or never.
iRaiment Further steps
We developed another variant of a wear eagerly anticipated by the public. Firstly, we would like to give the following information: Yes, it truly works now. Secondly, you will be absolutely amazed. Thirdly, it seems to be one of the first products or even the first product of this kind, and hence constitutes a revolution promised and now ful- filled by us. We are totally carried away.
Comment of the Day
Computer Canvas
Ontonics Website update
We added to the Innovation-Pipeline the new sections @Canvas and computer-Canvas (cCanvas) with the related variants:
@Canvas 1.0,
@Canvas 2.0,
@Canvas 3.0,
@Canvas 4.0,
@Canvas 5.0,
@Canvas 6.0,
@Canvas 7.0,
@Canvas 8.0,
cCanvas 1.0,
cCanvas 2.0,
cCanvas 3.0,
cCanvas 4.0,
cCanvas 5.0,
cCanvas 6.0,
cCanvas 7.0, and
cCanvas 8.0.
Ontonics Announcement
We are pleased to announce the build-up of some kind of an e-book and e-canvas store, and e-paper publisher based on our hardware and software architectures, particularly our ideal computer-Book (cBook), @Book, specifically in the @Book 8.0 variant, and comp- uter-Canvas (cCanvas) series with our colored e-paper and colored e-ink, and the Flexicle technologies, inclusive iFlex and Flip-Flop, as well as the related intelliTablet series and more sup- erior solutions.
In this relation, we would like to invite authors, further artists, interest groupings, collectors, publishers, gallery owners, as well as other e-book stores, service providers, application developers, interested sponsors and investors, and every interested party to affiliate with us and create a one of a kind ecosystem.
Much more is coming soon.
Wow, Gaston Lagaffe and Tintin, novels with dynamic narrative flow and motion pictures, animated Café Terrace and Starry Night, and communicating Self-Portrait with Straw Hat of van Gogh on our @Book. What goose skin makers.
Comment of the Day
Big web
In relation with the Clarification of the 9th of July 2014 and our latest developments in the fields of hard- and software technology, internet services, and business processes, as well as the vast and permanently increasing amount of legal issues we have to say that the compatibility problems with software and services of the compa- ny Google for example have deteriorated further and as a result we must say now that they will not run at all with our works. Indeed, there exist too many ethical, legal, conceptual, and technical differ- ences, particularly in the fields of automation, home computing, automotive computing, robotic computing, inclusive autonomous vehicles, and much more, and we cannot see any reasons at all, why we should change the situation, develop solutions for these problems, for which we are not responsible and which we do not have, and as a consequence deliver a lower quality of our works just to keep up old stuff running, because companies like Google refused to collaborate despite our company was open for business all the years.
The situation for hardware and software manufacturers, service developers, and content creators is totally different, because our development kits support the seamless migration of their works.
In fact, developers and creators will see only very minor differences, like for example a different World Wide Web address for downloading software libraries and tools. In addition, our services will offer special conditions to compensate financial issues on their side as much as possible.
We have also designed internet services that are focused on legality, quality, and user confidence in the first place, and make the migrat- ion path for end users more comfortable. Once they changed they will have big smiles on their faces.
Big Web of Change
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new concept of a camouflage technology, which protects free people against surveillance.
iRaiment Further steps
We are working on an additional smartwatch series.
Style of Speed Further steps
We have developed our own V8 engine further respectively put the components together and added some rocket science.
We also contiuned the work on another engine and maybe made the decisive development step now by rearranging an important part.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We have enhanced a feature based on some common technologies related with the open (street) maps and virtual globes, as listed in the section Geography and Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe of the webpage Links to Software.
Ontonics Further steps
We started the production phase of one of the last missing compon- ents for our robotic architectures, like the robotic vehicle systems K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R. of Style of Speed, that is our one of a kind and absolutely unique, next generation, high-performance laser scanner series based on protected but also on previously unpublished tech- niques and technologies, which were and still are developed exclus- ively in our OntoLab together with our business units following the demands of our customers.
Detailed specifications will be given after the formal activities have been finished. Be amazed.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
We have extended the open (street) maps and virtual globes listed in the section Geography and Earth Simulation/Virtual Globe of the webpage Links to Software with a new feature based on common recognition technologies for our new travel and city guides (see also the Ontonics Announcement of the 16th of August 2014).
In this way we can enhance the user comfort in an independent way and hence do not need to handle the many profound incompatibility problems with other internet services (for more details read the rel- ated Clarification of the 17th of August 2014 and also the Ontonics Further steps of the 15th of August 2014).
Comment of the Day
Speicherstand (only electronics; hardware)
Ontonics Website update
Just right from the start of the website of Ontonics, we planned to set up an own webpage for each main section of the Innovation-Pipeline. Now, we have finished this next phase of the initial plan. In subsequent phases we will also create webpages for subsections and single projects as needed, and add a new project docket that comprises more metadata.
For the transitional period we keep up as much as needed parts of the first Innovation-Pipeline, which will become the global index in the end.
Said this, our readers should not be confused if we make links to other webpages than the Innovation-Pipeline.
We also updated the descriptions of the SuperComputing Core and Chip, SuperComputing on a Chip, and SuperComputing in a Package, specifically the part that is about the network topologies, which are not restricted on the hypercube and 6D mesh/torus topologies.
Ontonics Further steps
We finalized the initial research phase of a technology, developed it further, and can now start the production phase.
We also applied the technologies mentioned in the Further steps of the 1st of April 2014 to try out some alternative configurations and analyze their pros and cons.
Comment of the Day
"Now, we are coming closer to the day, from which on you will never look at your video game console again.", [C.S., ...]
Of course there are exceptions, for example when visiting a museum of technology or so to look at an Atari 2600, a Nintendo Entertain- ment System, a PlayStation or an Xbox.
Image of the Day
Kermit Yay!
© Walt Disney
Comment of the Day
"Todo list:
1.) Learn to fly
2.) Fly away", [Anonymous]
3.) Never come back
Ontonics Website update
We started the new project called:
Twisted Field
and added a related very short description to the Innovation-Pipeline.
Maybe the term Vibrating Field fits better.
Ontonics Further steps
We developed a new basic component. If we describe it as cool, then we are a little understating.
Ontonics Website update
More just for fun we added the older project:
and a related description stub to the Innovation-Pipeline.
Ontonics Further steps
We have optimized one older technology and developed a new technology that solve some problems with some of our older display technologies.
We also have developed a new algorithm that functions ideally on our WiSer processors.
Also, we developed a new basic component by using older techni- ques and technologies. Nevertheless, this is a very fascinating component, because actually we do not know how high the prop- osed performance truly is in the end. But it will be very fast.
Roboticle Further steps
We looked at the features of our Ontologic Systems (OSs), High- tech Operating Systems (HOSs), and n-Dimensional Operating Syst- ems (nDOSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux and our hardware platform for robotic computing and robot construction.
Now, we will take our many competitive advantages very aggress- ively and transform them into our superior robots. This includes the further adaption and optimization of our operating systems and the software libraries of basic applications as well as our architectures for cognitive ontology-oriented and knowledge-based agent systems by exploiting the superior features of for example our high-performance WiSer processors, and neural net and probabilistic actuators and sensors, inclusive lidars and imagers (see also the Clarification of the 17th of August 2014).
Style of Speed Further steps
We have developed and also virtually finished the research and dev- elopment phase of one of our first own combustion engines for mot- orcycles. Honestly, on the one hand we are astonished why we have not found this very elegant solution earlier, which solves two major problems of similar engines, but on the other hand we are not aston- ished that writing this message took longer than the research and development. Now, we can focus on the design of the details and the production phase.
We also worked on the design of the frame and exterior, and the optimization of the suspension of one or more motorcycle models, so that we can start the production phase as well. Motorcycle enthus- iasts will love this ride technology due to its standard limits shifting performances.
Images of the Day
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)
© CBS Studios Incorporated→Star Trek
Some call this scene, when Anij slows down the time to have a moment with Jean-Luc, one of the worst scenes of the Star Trek saga, but we think that it is exactly the opposite. Revolution.
By the way: C.S. already learned to swim some decades ago (see also the Comment of the Day of the 25th of August 2014).
*** Work in progress ***
Ontonics Website update
We revealed that the known technology behind the project with the abbreviation ReR is:
Reversibles Rechnen==Reversible Computing.
The readers already looked at it, because quantum computing is rev- ersible. But it even comes better.
Ontonics Further steps
Because we saw that two of our solutions already offer the basic technologies, we used them in three different ways.
The first way is a new basic component based on one subcomponent of one technology that now solves three problems of similar components, which make the latter highly sensible in a very distructive way.
The second way is an integration of one of our components with the new basic component mentioned before that resulted in two new component series.
The third way is a special variant of one of our basic components based on the integration of one of our components with the new component and component series mentioned before.
All three single solutions are already superior to the devices offered by competitors, but due to our unique hardware and software architectures their interplay is totally beyond state of the art.
Ontonics Further steps
Our revolution continues with the development of a new basic component based on the integration of two technologies. Who needs and sees it, will take it.
We also developed five new basic component series.
We also developed two new component series.
We also developed a new variant of one of our component series.
Furthermore, we applied the new concept mentioned in the Further steps of the 26th of August 2014 to develop a new component.
We developed a simple method and a related little helping tool, that potentially might have a larger impact.
The competitors will get serious problems to shut their mouth again.
Comment of the Day
"We are waiting for the day, when large internet companies sell the bottle post as their invention of a drone based delivery service.", [C.S., Today]
LG Electronics: The company has presented its new round smart- watch model. We took a thorough look at the teaser video, the product images, and the informations given by it so far to find out, if there might be a legal issue related with the case border respective- ly display frame or being precise the bezel of the smartwatch.
In detail, in the related teaser video of the company it is shown that a suite of watch faces exist that can be selected by the wearer and than displayed on the LED screen of the smartwatch. But it is not clear if the smartwatch has also another digital feature to measure and indicate the time by illuminating the marker elements on the bezel in violet and red (see the 6 plus 1 images below) or if it is only one of the graphic effects solely made for the video. If the bezel is examined with more detail on related product images, then it can be seen that it it is attached on top of the computer screen. More importantly, it cannot clearly be seen if the markers on the bezel (see the image with the read arrows) are only carved in and printed on the bezel and have only a stylish aspect, or are little optical, transparent and milky elements that can be illuminated by single small LEDs (compare with the image of the common watch design inspired by a Stargate below that we have shown with the Original vs. Inspiration of the 7th of July 2014) or the LED display that shines through them.
© LG Electronics, :), and Ontonics
Ontonics, Roboticle, and Style of Speed Further steps
Just for fun we developed a new variant of a drone that seems to have not existed before.
iRaiment Further steps
We started the production phase of the next generation smartwatch that will feature a one of a kind component. This solution will prove how true leadership in intelligent raiment and wearable computing looks like. Be amazed.
In addition, the size of the display of the actual generation has been increase with the exchange of square OLED screen to round OLED screen.
Comment of the Day
Today, we would like to give informations about the 3D-effect qual- ity of our Hybrid Multi-Layer/stacked Display (HMLD) technology measured as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), which is an approx- imation to human perception of reconstruction quality. The graphic below shows the PSNR values for multi-layer/stacked displays with LCD layers. The unit of measure for the PSNR is decible (dB) and a value above 60 dB is very good.
The red x marks the PSNR of a display that features one LCD layer and one specific layer with lenticular lenses. The arrows point to the estimated PSNR values of our HMLDs in comparison to the 3D-LCDs (#frames has to be divided by 2). The arrow with the blue head is the PSNR of an HMLD for the next generation of the top class of our mobile devices actually entering into the production phase and the arrow with the green head is the PSNR of an HMLD for an actual high-end stationary computing system that works with a special Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) respectively (General-Purpose) Graphics Processing Unit ((GP)GPU) based on the architecture of our WiSer processor. Sadly to say, such a high-end system is hardly affordable for a common user at the moment.
© Massachussetts Institute of Technology and Ontonics
Investigations::Multimedia Gameboy 3DS Special #1
Nintendo: The company has presented the next generation of its handheld game console that in fact is a clone of our Ontoboy 3D and Ontogirl 3D (see the Ontoscope Further steps of the 27th of March 2010 and the related cases of the company in the Investigations:: Multimedia of the 27th of March 2010, 23rd of April 2010, and part- icularly 4th of September 2010). One of the new features that is most interesting for us is the so-called Super-Stable 3D technology, which reduces the dependency between the 3D representation and the viewing angle of its applied 3D display technology based on the autostereoscopic method with a parallax barrier.
To understand this investigative case in a better way we would like to give the following explanation at first: The top screen of the handheld game console is a 3D display and the second display is a 2D display. The 3D display of the old generation of the game console is a two-layer display with the display layer at the top used for the 2D and 3D contents and the display layer between the top display layer and the backlight used only as the parallax barrier but not for displaying the content. By switching the intermediate layer on and of a user can change between the 2D and 3D mode. In general, 3D dis- play technologies based on a parallax barrier suffer from the problem that the 3D effect is only generated in a specific area in front of the display defined by the distance and angle of view between the eyes of a user and the display.
Several ways are existing to enhance this type of simple 3D display with parallax barrier. One possibility is to use the well known techno- logy of head-tracking to adjust the parallax barrier accordingly, so that the angle of view is increased. But in the past this solution was only related with a single layer display with a passive mask as the parallax barrier and not with a two- or multi-layer 3D display using one of the active displays as the parallax barrier. In the latter case another interesting possibility is to use the parallax barrier display layer also for displaying the contents in specific ways to create a better 3D effect, which is how the first generations of another two- layer 3D display and of our multi-layer/stacked display technology work.
For sure, both the head-tracking technology and the multi-layer/ stacked display technology can also be used together, which is how our protected Hybrid Multi-Layer/stacked Display (HMLD) technology works to realize the enhancements said before and to reduce comp- utational load and what our Ontoboy 2.0 and Ontogirl 2.0 feature as 3D display, but now also Nintendo's new handheld gaming console. In the image below the red arrow points to the head-tracking module using the existent front camera together with an additional infra-red LED and the two-layer display with parallax barrier.
© Nintendo
The actual problems are that on the one hand we cannot say what type of head-tracking based 3D display the company uses and hence we will investigate further to find it out, and on the other hand the company is still infringing our copyright related with the original and unique, copyrighted Ontoscope paradigm by C.S.. Luckily, Nintendo has to talk with us about its next generation of its Gameboy with 3D screen, if it will be able to produce one at all on the one hand and for doing so wants to go in this direction on the one hand (see also the Ontoscope Further steps below), and then we will say something very clearly in relation to the Ontoscope paradigm.
Ontoscope Further steps
We would like to present further potential Ontoscope models called Ontocloud and Firescope.
The model Ontocloud is a specific low budget variant, which was not developed with the pure Ontoscope paradigm and high-end smart- phone features in mind, but on delivering a device that people like to use for entertainment or/and simply try out. In this conjunction, we are thinking about a handheld game console form factor and the next generation of our Ontoscope Jr. respectively our Ontoboy and Ontogirl 2.0 as well (see also the images of the Further steps of the 27th of March 2010). The Ontocloud is powered with our Web Oper- ating System Platform (WOSP) Boot to Web (B2W) and the related OntoCloud software architecture.
The Firescout model is a full-fledged Ontoscope complementing our actual range of Ontoscopes. As a consequence, it runs on our High- tech Operating Systems (HOSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux, though it could run on any Linux kernel based operating system, and offers special features like e.g. convenience functions for online shopping.
© Mozilla Foundation, Buckle Company, and Ontoscope
© :I and Ontoscope
iRaiment Further steps
We started the final stage of the design phase of the next generat- ion wearable computing platform, which will change everything, as usual again. Furthermore, we are thinking about the start of its production phase.
Ontonics Further steps
We worked on a new computer paradigm respectively hardware architecture based on at least four special paradigms to which for example our Wireless Supercomputer (WiSer) paradigm belongs.
While writing the short message about this new hardware architect- ure, we also thought about the integrations of two other paradigms, which are application oriented. If a reader is already fascinated about our WiSer for example, then this is definitely another geek goose bump maker, because this technology is beyond Star Trek.
In addition, we developed a new variant of a technological concept based on a newer paradigm.
Also, we were able to develop a highly complex paradigm further by integrating three foundational technologies. It is fascinating to see how ideas materialize.
Furthermore, we began the work of a very promising component. Surprisingly, this component is not mentioned in the scientific pap- ers.
We have entered the production phase of our one of a kind, original, and unique Delivery Drone technology and the realization phase of the related services. In contrast to the clones of other companies our solution is beyond toys and hobbyist's models, and already work- ing without any initial problems today. But honestly, we are not sure anymore if we should invest further resources in this technology.