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News 2013 September

Style of Speed Website update
We added to the webpage of our AutoBrain the Content Addressable Processor (CAP).

Picture of the Day
Kinder Riegel

Kinder Riegel

©© A. Kniesel


  • Google: The company has even copied our marketing story-within-the-story of OntoLix and OntoLinux that is related with the milk cho- colate bar/stick Kinder Riegel of the company Ferrero (compare the style of the package of the chocolate bar (see Picture of the Day above) with the logo of our operating system platforms and see the related case of the company LG Groupin the Investigations::Multimedia of the 16th of October 2009, and also see the Original vs. Inspiration of the 8th of July 2013). Doubtlessly, this is not such a new way of communicating and profiling a brand.

    Picture of the Day
    Ontoscope Nano I 3. Eye and Golden Eye
    Ontoscope Nano I 3. Eye and Golden Eye Basic Design
    © Ontoscope

    We presented these specific variants of our Ontoscope Nano series, which surely are able to take 3D pictures and videos as Ontoscopes, in the Ontoscope Further steps of the 28th of December 2011. See also the description of the Multilense for example, which is based on this concept of us as well. In this conjunction, we really do not know what the companies Canon and Sony, as well as Samsung together with the media are claiming for.

    Investigations::Car #392

  • RWTH Aachen University: In a report of the joint television chann- el Phoenix of the working group of public-law broadcasters of the B.R.D. (ARD) and the Second German Television (ZDF) an employee of the university very deliberately presented incorrectly various sy- stems as innovations of the RWTH Aachen (see the case of Phoenix below). In doing so he spoke about location awareness of vehicles (see also the Clarification of the 8th and 22nd of June 2013), a mod- ular system, by which he certainly meant our Active Componenten system, and a clone of our original vehicle concept RE of Style of Speed (see the case of Volkswagen→Audi, Audi Electronics Venture, Robert Bosch and Bosch Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, tech- nical universities of Munich, Dresden and Ilmenau, Leibniz University Hannover, the Fraunhofer Institute, Forschungsgesellschaft Kraft- fahrwesen mbH Aachen, and the German Federal Ministry for Educat- ion and Research in the Investigations::Car #365 of the 11th of November 2012 and the Clarification Style of Speed RE Special of the 10th of May 2013, specifically the point 11., as well as the In- vestigations::Car #192 of the 18th of November 2009 and #204 of the 5th of December 2009, and also for example the case of the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and partners in the Investigations::Car #247 of the 13th of April 2010) among others. In that respect it turned out, that not only both Active Differentials #1 and #2 have been built-in into the clone of our model RE and were deceitfully declared as own innovations (see also the case of the company GreenGT in the Investigations::Car #389 of the 5th of August 2013, in which we have given a related summarization), but also the 3³ Theme by C.S. was copied at the same time. Moreover, a new project was started, that was impudently called Speed-E as well borrowing from our model Elettoro, aka. Apollo Speed-E, for the further misleading of the public, and should develop a vehicle con- cept with special movement abilities, which Style of Speed present- ed already with the model RQ and in addition were realized as a rid- able prototyp by another university (see the case of the Technical University Braunschweig in the Investigations::Car #390 of the 16th of August 2013).
    In einem Bericht des Gemeinschaftssenders Phoenix der Arbeitsge- meinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundes- republik Deutschland und des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens stellte ein Angestellter der Hochschule mit voller Absicht verschiedene Sys- teme fälschlicherweise als Innovationen der RWTH Aachen vor (siehe den Fall von Phoenix unten). Dabei sprach er unter anderem über die Ortswahrnehmung von Fahrzeugen (siehe auch die Clarification vom 8. und 22. Juni 2013), ein modulares System, womit er natürlich un- ser aktives Komponentensystem meinte, und einen Klon von unserem originalen Fahrzeugkonzept RE von Style of Speed (siehe den Fall von Volkswagen→Audi, Audi Electronics Venture, Robert Bosch and Bosch Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, technical universities of Mu- nich, Dresden and Ilmenau, Leibniz University Hannover, the Fraun- hofer Institute, Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen, and the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research in den Investigations::Car #365 vom 11. November 2012 und die Clarificat- ion Style of Speed RE Special vom 10. Mai 2013, insbesondere Punkt 11., als auch die Investigations::Car #192 vom 18. November 2009 und #204 vom 5. Dezember 2009 sowie zum Beispiel den Fall der Hel- sinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and partners in den Investigations::Car #247 vom 13. April 2010). Dabei stellte sich he- raus, dass man in dem Klon unseres Modells RE nicht nur beide aktive Differentiale #1 und #2 eingebaut hat und betrügerischerweise als eigene Innovationen deklariert wurden (siehe auch den Fall des Un- ternehmens GreenGT in den Investigations::Car #389 vom 5. August 2013 in dem wir eine zugehörige Zusammenfassung gegeben haben), sondern dass man gleichzeitig auch das 3³ Thema von C.S. kopiert hat. Außerdem wurde ein neues Projekt begonnen, dass man zur weiteren Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit in Anlehnung an unser Modell Elettoro, aba. Apollo Speed-E, unverschämterweise auch Speed-E genannt hat und ein Fahrzeug- konzept mit besonderen Bewegungs- möglichkeiten entwickeln soll, die Style of Speed schon längst mit dem Modell RQ vorgestellt hat und zudem von einer anderen Univer- sität bereits mit einem fahrbaren Prototypen umgesetzt wurden (sie- he den Fall der technischen Universität Braunschweig in den Invest- igations::Car #390 vom 16. August 2013).
  • Working group of public-law broadcasters of the B.R.D. and Sec- ond German Television →Phoenix: We already have proven several times in the past that the public and especially the fee payers are misled by the public-law broadcasters deliberately. In the course of this, we could show as well that for this purpose also third persons have been involved into the web of lies, for example by arranged interviews (see the case of the TV channel in the Investigations of the 3rd of September 2009). But for what the liberty was taken to- day in a report about a test track for automobiles, gives the shame- less activities a new, negative quality. In general the reporting was about the theme of education and innovation at the research loc- ation B.R.D. and in detail about an electric car, in which construction also the Rhenish-Westphalian Techhnical University Aachen has tak- en part and that doubtlessly is based on the models Elettoro, aka. Apollo Speed-E, and RE of our business unit Style of Speed (see the point 11. of the Clarification Style of Speed RE Special of the 10th of May 2013 and the case of the RWTH Aachen above). When it came to our Active Differentials, a scientist was asked to present the drive- train. At first he tried to behave correctly by explaining that the front axle is driven by an "electric motor with integrated differential", our Active Differential #1, and at the rear axle "two electric motors" are built in, which make an exceptional driving dynamics possible. After that, the reporter said literally "What kind of driving dynamics do you think of? Feel free to say it! [Say it. Feel free!]" to almost compel the scientist to his answer, that it is about "Torque Vector- ing", a feature of our invention of the Active Differential #2. Further- more, the reusability of the front axle of the model R8 was stressed, because we showed it as well in point 1. of the Clarification Style of Speed RE Special of the 10th of May 2013.
    Dass man bei den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten und ihren Spartensendern die Öffentlichkeit und vorallem die GebührenzahlerIn- nen vorsätzlich in die Irre führt, haben wir bereits in der Vergangen- heit des Öfteren bewiesen. Dass man dazu auch Dritte mit in das Netz von Lügen hineinzieht, zum Beispiel durch abgesprochene Inter- views, hatten wir dabei genauso zeigen können (siehe den Fall des Senders in den Investigations vom 3. September 2009). Aber was man sich heute in einer Sendung über eine Teststrecke für Automo- bile erlaubt hat, gibt dem schamlosen Treiben eine neue, negative Qualität. Im Allgemeinen ging es in der Berichterstattung um das Thema Bildung und Innovation am Forschungsstandort B.R.D. und im Detail um ein Elektrofahrzeug, an dem auch die Rheinisch-Westfäli- sche Technische Hochschule Aachen mitgebaut hat und das ohne Zweifel auf den Modellen Elettoro, aba. Apollo Speed-E, und RE von unserer Geschäftseinheit Style of Speed basiert (siehe Punkt 11. der Clarification Style of Speed RE Special vom 10. Mai 2013 und den Fall der RWTH Aachen oben). Als es dann um unsere aktiven Differentiale ging, wurde ein Wissenschaftler gebeten die Antriebseinheit vorzu- stellen. Dieser versuchte zunächst sich korrekt zu verhalten indem er erklärte, dass die Vorderachse durch einen "Elektromotor mit inte- griertem Differential" angetrieben wird, also unserem aktiven Diffe- rential #1, und an der Hinterachse "zwei Elektromotoren" verbaut sind, die eine besondere Fahrdynamik ermöglichen. Daraufhin sagte der Reporter im Wortlaut "An was für eine Fahrdynamik denken Sie? Sagen Sie es ruhig! [Sagen Sie es ruhig!]", um den Wissenschaftler schon fast zu seiner Anwort zu nötigen, dass es sich um "Torque Vectoring" handelt, also einer Eigenschaft unserer Innovation des aktiven Differentials #2. Außerdem wurde die Wiederverwendbarkeit der Vorderachse des Modells R8 hervorgehoben, da wir sie auch in Punkt 1. der Clarification Style of Speed RE Special vom 10. Mai 2013 gezeigt haben.

    Ontonics Further steps
    You might have asked yourself where the latest innovations are. For sure, we developed a whole bunch of new solutions in the last days (5th to 8th of September 2013) and will publicate their descriptions in the next future.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a new generation of an older type of device in several variants.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    In the meantime rumours get louder that the NSA built a hidden back door into the Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and the Security-Enhanced Android (SE Android). Since the first documents about its programs leaked we are thinking about removing SELinux from the webpage Links to Software of our operating system platforms Onto- Lix and OntoLinux.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    How funny is this? While adding the dates of publication to the web- page Feature-Lists we found again our Feature-list #3 publicated on the 29th of April 2008 and Feature-list #4 publicated on the 15th of May 2008. So we updated the webpage, but also the related mess- ages about the newly added feature-list on the 11th of July 2013 and 16th of July 2013 by giving them the correct numbers.
    And while we were already there, we added the Feature-List Auto- Semantic #2 and the features mentioned in the Clarification of the 19th of September 2012, and 8th and 22nd of June 2013 as well.


  • Apple: That company fiiled in the 3rd quarter of the year 2011 a patent of a 3D imaging camera with depth-detection sensors such as lidar, radar, and laser, and chrominance and luminance sensors. The 3D camera should also be used for recognizing facial gestures (see also the case of the company Google in the Investigations:: Multimedia of the 6th of June 2013). We described all the general solutions already before with our Ontoscope and our Active Camera and Active Sensor components, that all can apply our Multiray sens- or and our MobileKinetic technologies. In detail, we said for example in the Ontoscope 2.0 Further steps of the 11th of July 2009 "the Ontoscope, which can be compared by an OntoLinux powered mobile phone with 3-D/stereo (digital) camera, Magic Eye and Active Cam technology, Artificial Intelligence", in the Ontoscope Announcement and the Investigations::Multimedia of the 8th of September 2009 "Ontoscope S version has an additional sensor package" and "the Ontoscope is a Mobile Device with hightech lenses, Multiray sensors" as well as "partly shown as features of our Ontoscope in the past. Mainly these are the applications of more sensors and methods of the subjects Artificial Intelligence and Robotics", in the description of our Active Camera "Based on our worldwide unique Multiray technology, each unit of an Active Camera is composed out of one or more standard wave receiving Active Sensors capable of processing one or many different types of physical waves in realtime, as well as following another time our Multiray™ concept many different types of waves together with one sensor.", and in the description of our Active Sensor "On the side of the technology we use every kind of available wave receiving sensors capable of processing one or many different types of physical waves in realtime, as well as following another time our Multiray concept many different types of waves together in one sensor." (see also the summarization of our Ontoscope models in the Ontoscope Further steps of the 13th of August 2012).
    Said this, the patent seems not to be valid, because it describes no invention at all and instead only gives specific specifications and repeats applications that are already covered with the descriptions of our named technologies.
  • Econa Internet→Giga Digital: Das Online-Magazin berichtete am 27. Mai 2013 über eine mögliche Variante eines Mobiltelefons, das demnächst vorgestellt werden soll, und schreibt dazu: "Apples Pa- tentportfolio umfasst unter anderem auch zahlreiche Patente, die sich mit 3D-Fotografie befassen. [...] Die Frontkamera bietet eine Auflösung von acht Megapixel und kann ebenfalls dreidimensional aufnehmen. 3D mit einer einzelnen Kamera? Ja, Apple hat’s erfun- den." Dabei wird in dem zitierten Text auf einen Bericht über genau 1 Patent des Unternehmens Apple verwiesen. Offensichtlich ist die Aussage irreführend (siehe den Fall des Unternehmens Apple oben). Zudem hatten wir bereits in dem Fall des Unternehmens HTC und seinem Mobiltelefon mit 3D-Kamera in den Investigations::Multimedia Ontoscope and intelliTablet Special vom 23. März 2011 erklärt, dass das Unternehmen "is positioning the two lenses nearly side by side, which makes no sense [...], so that it could also use only one camera with one lens, as other companies are handling the case due to technical reasons==die zwei Objektive fast nebeneinander positioniert, was keinen Sinn macht [...], sodass es auch nur eine Kamera mit einem Objektiv benutzen könnte, wie andere Unternehmen die Sache aufgrund von technischen Gründen handhaben". Dazu gehören auch die folgenden Erklärungen von den Web-Seiten unserer aktiven Kamera "Based on our worldwide unique Multiray technology, each unit of an Active Camera is composed out of one or more standard wave receiving Active Sensors==Basierend auf unserer weltweit einzigartigen Multi-Strahlentechnologie besteht jede Einheit einer aktiven Kamera aus einem oder mehreren normalen Wellen empfangenden, aktiven Sensoren" und der darin referenzierten aktiven Sensoren "On the side of the technology we use every kind of available wave receiving sensors capable of processing one or many different types of physical waves in realtime, as well as following another time our Multiray concept many different types of waves together in one sensor.==Auf der Seite der Technologie nutzen wir jede verfügbare Art von Wellen empfangenden Sensoren, die in der Lage sind einen oder verschiedene Typen von physikalischen Wellen in Echtzeit zu verarbeiten sowie unserem MultiStrahlen-Konzept ein weiteres Mal folgend viele verschiedene Typen von Wellen in einem Sensor."
    Nein, Apple hat's nicht erfunden und auch nicht die Schweizer, sondern C.S..

    Wir haben die Redaktion per E-Post informiert und eine Richtigstel- lung vorgeschlagen über die sich sicherlich auch die LeserInnen des Online-Magazins freuen würden.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    On the webpage of the Links to Software we have removed all links related with the Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) in favour of the other security packages. Users of OntoLix and OntoLinux, who are forced to use one of the Linux Security Modules (LSM), can add it on their own, while the other users should simply take the other listed kernel extensions.

    We also added our breakthrough research result of the seamless bridge from Natural Intelligence (NI) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) or said in other words reflection between NI and AI conducted around the year 2005 to the webpage Feature-Lists that we explained many times on this webpage in the past, specifically in the Investigations ::AI and Knowledge management, and have summarized in the Onto- logics.info Further steps of the 26th of August 2013.

    Picture of the Day
    Have a break, have a ...

    Have a break, have a ...

    © Nokia

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have overworked a specific mobile device concept demanded by the customers with an existing display technology, so that a problem with this concept might be solved. If it truly works to 100 % has to be proven in practice.


  • Fraunhofer Institute and partners: The institute has copied the part of our PowerTable that is related with the power supply, inclus- ive a loosely inductive coupling similar or even equal to our Wireless Resonant Power Link (WRPL) technology.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    We worked on the basic architecture of our Ontologic File System (OntoFS), specifically on the concurrent processing and memory-mapping features. This yielded three results. Firstly, concurrent writing and reading is done deadlock free now. Secondly, by the memory-mapping the performance of our prototyp has increased by a factor of around 20, as not expected otherwise. Thirdly, as a by- product OntoFS can handle up to 256 terabytes now and we can't see a technical reason why it should not support 1 or more peta- bytes as well.
    Also, it is not surprising that the updated OntoFS architecture fits nicely with the concurrent processing and memory-mapping of our LHFS or LogHashFS, though there is still some work of harmonizing and optimizing left to do.
    By the way: It is obvious that our file systems support the map and reduce functions commonly used in functional programming through the tightly coupled interplay with our other software component OntoBot, as it can be seen with the in-memory MapReduce library Metis for example that we referenced in conjunction with the LHFS or LogHashFS (see also the Ontonics, OntoLab, and OntoLinux Fur- ther steps of the 8th of October 2012 and the related Clarification of 19th of June 2013).

    Style of Speed Website update
    We added our SpeechCloud to our Hyper Connectivity suite and updated the webpages of our AutoCloud and AutoBrain accordingly.

    Do not be fooled by the usual entities, which come from the sides of the mapping, cloud computing, and media reporting, because we are the original and the others are copying our website contents for their misleading marketing and fairy tale telling only, as it was the case with the fuel cell, the Pure Electric™ drive, and the Car-to-X approach based on our distributed computing architecture of OntoLix and OntoLinux. But this time the world could see their fraud in real- time.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed an extension kit for a common device by utilizing one of our multimedia solutions.

    Ontologics.info Further steps
    In the last two weeks our Ontologic Information System (OIS) called Ontologics.info, the first Search, Find, and Information (SFI) engine based on our Ontologic System (OS) architecture (see also the Further steps of the 26th of August 2013), got a considerable push that we have not expected in this way. Actually, we are sorting out some options, deciding some details of the system designs, and are looking at some other points as well.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a stationary multimedia device in two points further, that are its design and its basic technology.

    Comment of the Day
    "Diplomacy won. Humanity lost.", [C.S., Today]

    Picture of the Day
    Wile E. Coyote goes through the clouds

    Wile E. Coyote

    © Warner Bros. Entertainment

    We have chosen the image in relation with a media report that tried to play down the impact of the revelations by Edward Snowden. In fact, we have more and more the impression that the issue is of a major importance for companies indeed.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a mobile multimedia device in two points further, that are its design and its basic technology.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    On the webpage Components we have replaced in the subsection Debian Squeeze with Wheezy and Wheezy with Jessi following the Debian® project, and
    in the subsection Ontoscope the links Nokia: Qt® 4 with Qt Project and Digia: Qt® and Nokia: Qt Script Module with Qt Project and Digia: Qt Script Module.

    Accordingly to the changes listed above we have also updated the webpage Project Status.


  • Google and Canonical: In conjunction with a tablet computer cust- om-made for the company Google we heard that both companies partnered to substitute the totally obsolete operating system An- droid with another Linux kernel based distribution as a development exercise. This raises several questions in relation with the individual goals of both companies, because it makes no sense for them in the end, and the overall goll of their joint work. The only reason we can see is that they want to attack our superior, original operating syst- em platforms OntoLix and OntoLinux together (see also the Clarific- ation of the 16th of August 2013) and that Canonical works for Google already with the goal to disturbe all other Linux based distrib- utions now and not only Debian GNU/Linux.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a stationary device further by utilizing one of our multimedia solutions.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    Because the application framework Qt has been developed further, we took a quick look on its latest version Qt 5. What we ascertained in the last years is that its development followed closely our operat- ing system platforms as well, so that now Qt has as well a/an:

  • OpenGL based scene graph,
  • JavaScript-based, declarative language called Qt Meta Language or Qt Modeling Language (QML) with runtime engine Qt Declarative,
  • offline storage based on SQLite with a HTML5 Web Database API conformant JavaScript API,
  • web content rendering engine based on the open source WebKit project that supports standard web technologies like HTML5 and WebGL (see also our WebGLKit),
  • set of QML types and C++ classes to handle multimedia content,
  • C++11 lambda functions,
  • better support for IPs, and
  • access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition both via QML and C++ interfaces.

    On the one hand this makes the development easier, the software architecture more compact, and the system faster indeed, but on the other hand we have to update our software components at two places accordingly that is to substitute the used software code of the older Qt versions with the new one and also to update our software architecture due to the new features of Qt besides our features copied by the application framework.


  • Nettle: The Russian start-up has presented a 3D system which indeed is an old hat only, or being more precisely, a virtual reality workbench with a head tracking system like our Workbench 2.0 and our Image Display 2.0 of Ontonics.

    Comment of the Day

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a new and truly fascinating device and devel- oped many existing solutions further.

    Besides this, we selected around 9 device types and their variants for presenting them to potential investors. In this relation we have preselected one manufacturer for one to three of these devices.

    Comment of the Day
    "Money for nothin' and your chicks for free", [Dire Straits, "Money for Nothing", 1985]
    So, "do the walk of life".

    Orginal vs. Inspiration
    1. row: 100,000 U.S. Dollars Bill, 10 Million Looney Tunes Dollars
    2. row: Zero U.S. Dollar
    3. row: 1 Disney Dollar 2001
    4. row: 1 Disney Dollar 2005
    5. row: 1 Disney Dollar 2007
    6. row: 1 Fantasy Dollar School, Learning Resources, Play Money
    7. row: 1 McDonald's Dollar 2001
    8. row: 10 Royal Family Pounds, 500 Bean Koruna
    9. row: 100 U.S. Dollar, 100 Euro Banknote Toilet Tissue

    United States of America 100,000 U.S. Dollars Bill Obverse Side10 Million Looney Tunes Dollars
    Zero U.S. DollarZero U.S. Dollar
    1 Disney Dollar 20051 Disney Dollar 2005
    1 Disney Dollar 20051 Disney Dollar 2005
    1 Disney Dollar 20071 Disney Dollar 2007
    1 Dollar Fantasy School Money1 Fantasy Dollar School Money
    1 McDonald's Dollar 20011 McDonald's Dollar 2001
    10 Royal Family Pounds Banknote500 Bean Koruna Banknote
    100 U.S. dollar Banknote Toilet Tissue100 euro Banknote Toilet Tissue
    © Warner Bros. Entertainment, :(, Walt Disney, McDonald's, :(, :(, :(, and Geheimshop

    Obviously, there are alternative stimulus programs. See also the note to the Picture of the Day of the 19th of November 2011.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed many existing solutions further.

    Question of the Day
    "No shares bought today?"

    Ontonics Website update
    We added to the description of our multi-layer/stacked display tech- nology the other missing term tomographic image synthesis.
    We find it always funny if others come up an give our actings and solutions specific names, as in this case of the approach of the gen- eralized parallax barrier and the related technologies coined after our explanation.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a new generation of an older type of a station- ary multimedia device by utilizing one of our multimedia solutions.

    Also, we developed a new generation of an older type of a multi- media device by integrating its components further.

    We are also working on an update of a basic technology of a multi- media device type.

    Furthermore, we are designing some new integrated circuits.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have optimized a basic multimedia technique, so that it can be applied with less processing power.

    Also, we developed a new generation of an older type of a station- ary multimedia device by integrating an older technology of another company and an older technology of us.

    We also developed a new generation of an older type of mobile mul- timedia device and related new subtypes of essential components.

    We optimized a mobile multimedia device significantly by applying one of our multimedia techniques.

    Orginal vs. Inspiration
    iPhone 2 clone with fingerprint scanner (2008), Apple iPhone 5S with fingerprint scanner clone (2013)

    iPhone 2 Clone with Fingerprint ScannerApple iPhone 5S
    © :( and :(

    See also the 2. row of the Original vs. Inspiration of the 7th of Oct- ober 2011 and the Investigations::Multimedia of the 9th of Septem- ber 2013, for example. We also found a patent filed by the company Apple, that is about an integrated pico-projector in mobile devices of the company. If one solution is definitely not an invention by the company, then it is an ipod and iphone with an integrated projector.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a further basic architecture for the new sub- types of the mobile multimedia device developed yesterday.

    Furthermore, we developed a new variant of a basic technology of a multimedia device type. This solution gets more and more fascinat- ing.


  • British Broadcasting Corporation: And we could catch the next defrauding journalist of the British Broadcasting Corporation with Rory Cellan-Jones. Indeed, he is a little bit more clever with the writings of his misleading reports. But that the tablet computer revolution was started by C.S. with our Pad Computer and not by Apple is just a documented historical fact, because Apple did not want to produce a tablet computer at all at that time and only waited for our actions, like the standalone lens for mobile devices like a smartphone was invented by us and not by Sony, which in our case can even have an own optional display (see for example the Picture of the Day of the 6th of September 2013, guess where the battery is (hint in the casing of the display is not enough place due to the bayonet catch), and read the description of our related Multilense for example), and the eye-tracking for tele- visions was surely not the brain work of a Chinese manufacturer, as it can be easily seen with our Image Display 2.0. For sure, these are only some very few examples.

    Picture of the Day
    OntoLab Multi-Layer Concept (2008)

    OntoLab Multi-Layer Concept

    © Brickshelf, CollectionDX, Milllionaire Playboy™, Lego®, and OntoLab

    The picture was shown as part of the Original Sketches of the 23rd of January 2008 and proves that, as part of our development of a 3D palm computer around the year 2003, we in the OntoLab have truly invented the multi-layer/layered 3D display with the techniques of the so-called content-adaptive parallax (here 5 layers and 1 sub- frame respectively 4D light-field with rank 1) and also of the tomo- graphic image synthesis inclusive the basic tensor display approach, which is only an implementation of our approach in the end with higher light-field ranks and time-multiplexed sub-frames. The visual effect can be seen with the figure at the center, and even works without time-multiplexing and a dual- or multi-layer screen, obvious- ly. For its realization we had to take several steps very carefully, that are selecting the suited original single images at first, then de- ciding about their positioning in the plane and ordering in the stack, and finally adjusting the brightness of each single layer. Even more ingenious is that we could prove at the same time that no homoge- nous 4D light-field of only one single scene is needed at all, or said in other words, that the effect occurs with different 2D images as well.
    Do not be fooled by the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as many sponsors of it again (see also the relat- ed Investigations::Multimedia of the 7th of August 2012).

    Ontonics Further steps
    In the last three days we have developed two new, revolutionary multicore chips with impressive specifications and possibilities.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have updated the designs of some mobile devices.

    Furthermore, we have developed a new hardware component for a multimedia device.
    And while we worked with this component already, we simplified the basic approach with a very elegant twofolded generalization.

    Also, we have developed a new variant of a basic technology of a multimedia device type, which is already a breakthrough in its basic version, has been developed further recently to become even more fascinating, and with this latest development step is simply unde- scribable now. But it comes even better:
    Since around the late 1990's we are looking at 'something' and al- ways guessed that there is a related specific solution on the one hand, but were unable to describe it in technical terms on the other hand. In the following years we came back to this problem from time to time again and in the last days we got this special feeling that the long awaited solution is not far away anymore. Today, it seems to be that we have found a way and are already at the point where we can feel how the solution looks like. Indeed, this would be anoth- er breakthrough that has to be declared as truly revolutionary in comparison with the other available solutions.

    The Laser Lamp@Bike, which is our Laser Lamp@Car system adapted for bicycles and motorcycles, has been presented on the 21st of April 2012 by us. Said this, we can't see that it is a completely new innovation by a designer, as she and the media claim, but have the impression that the other bicycle light is only a plagiarism of our solution. But nevermind, in under 3 minutes we have overworked it with our Laser Lamp 2.0 today.

    To summarize, we have revised and updated large parts of our Inno- vation-Pipeline with totally unpublished, superior inventions in only 5² days. Said this, related high-tech of potential competitors has to be declared as low-tech now, even if they have stolen it from our webpages, which adds to their lost of trustworthiness by the way.


  • ARD, ZDF, ORF, and SRG SSR→3Sat: In a special report about the 30th birthday of the mobile/cell phone and its future contents of our webpage Innovation-Pipeline of the website of Ontonics and of the websites of our Ontoscope and our operating system platforms On- toLix and OntoLinux were taken without allowance. Doubtlessly, in around 10 minutes the report presented our technologies Sensor Case and MobileKinetic in relation with gesture control (see also the webpage Ontologic Applications of the websites of OntoLinux and OntoLix), Holonicle, specifically autostereoscopic displays for smart- phones (see again our Ontoscope), Active Display, Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and implanted brain chips (see the section Human Enhancement and Cyborgs of the Innovation-Pipeline and the related section Human Enhancement and Cyborgs on the webpage Terms of 21st Century of the OntoLix and OntoLinux websites), Multi-Band Network, as well as Augmented Reality (AR; see the OntoScope software component and the section Augmented Reality of OntoLix and OntoLinux), and implantierter Chips. For sure, we were not nam- ed either as the true pioneers or the original inventors, but instead other entities were imputed with our achievements, that in the most case are plagiarists, frauds, or even serious criminals. Also, totally wrong statements were made about the state and availability of our technologies. For example, it was claimed that our autostereoscopic displays would be available in 5 or more years, but we always ex- plained that they are available since the year 2003 with our 3D palm computer of the OntoLab. In general, with most of the other tech- nologies we are ready to go as well since several years and even have developed or actually are developing the next generations.
    All the years we delivered outstanding solutions, since the autumn of the year 2006 we have made every step public, and documented it on our related websites, so that others could satisfy themselves that we say the truth. Since more than 2 years 10,000s of visitors are following our activities every month. We can't believe that the facts are really so hard to comprehend, and that still some incomp- etent journalists do think that they could make their life easier with publicaitons of such reports on our costs.
    In general, we have not only the impression but the proof that top- class performance is not desired and that our business is attacked massively since more than 17 years now.

    Comment of the Day
    "Yes, it was my fault." [Jesus, 30–33 AD]
    Yes indeed, to believe that a human is born as a good being that does good is a mistake. Isn't it, specifically if it always ends at the cross or in the fire?

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a new generation of older types of devices, that have a higher efficiency, which makes them highly attractive for practical use now.

    Also, we have overworked a new chip series and designed a bunch of new variants.
    The same was done with another new chip series.

    And we are sure to have found a way to describe the special solut- ion of 'something' now. So, it will be extremely interesting to see if and how it is working in practice.

    Comment of the Day #1
    "We are best."
    Steve Ballmer "took aim at some of the company's rivals, calling Apple "fashionable" and Amazon "cheap". He said Google was focused on "knowing more", while Microsoft was about "doing more"".

    Comment of the Day #2
    "Wow, I do have a remote control for the industries.", [C.S., Today]
    It has even an on/off button.

    Comment of the Day #3
    "Animal Server Farm", [C.S., Today]

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    Our commercial version OntoLix made considerable headway as well as our other new applications.
    Said this, users and manufacturers could already be freed from Google's slavery.

    Ontologics.info Further steps
    We are pleased to inform our readers that we have access to sever- al web indices that are spam free in stark contrast to the indices of others, up to date, and span a vast amount of terabytes. In this way, the horizontal search engine problem can be considered as solved already.

    In conjunction with our criticism, that companies do not ask and surely do not pay for the use of website contents owned by others, we are developing a related economic system further, so that in this way advertising revenues will be spread to all content creators.

    Tuxic and Tuxical Further steps
    In the last days we worked on our universal app store Tuxical, which will offer very intersting features for the customers and the developers. But sadly to say, we have to make some other work before we will start it.


  • Google: At first we thought that a newly founded company was more related with the governmental healthcare program. But now we could see that that only stealing company Google only reflects our actings again, which are related with fighting cancer and prolonging the human life span, as it can be easily seen in the section Biology of the webpage Links to Organizations and in the related sections of the webpage Terms of 21st Century of the websites of OntoLix and OntoLinux (see also The Proposal). What makes us wonder is that it took so many years for this next act of plagiarism and that the man- ager of the new subsidiary is also a member of the administrative board of the company Apple. As a share holder we would not accept that agreement.
  • Time Warner: The question why a report about a newly founded subsidiary by the company Google (see the case of the defrauding company above) is dated with "Monday, Sept. 30, 2013" should be easy to answer. Extra bold is the section "The unavoidable question this raises is why a company built on finding information and serving ads next to it is spending untold amounts on a project that flies in the face of the basic fact of the human condition, the existential certainty of aging and death? To which the unavoidable answer is another question: Who the hell else is going to do it?", because the authors do know exactly our operating system platforms OntoLix and OntoLinux, as well as the informations about our Search, Find, and Information (SFI) engine Ontologics.info that all are based on our Ontologic System architecture, as the terms "finding information", "existential", and "aging", and the given date prove doubtlessly. Because it is a documented fact that we are telling the truth, the unavoidable answer to the second quoted question can only be: The devil!
  • Spiegel-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH→Spiegel Online: Warum ein entsprechender Bericht zu dem neuen Tochterunternehmen des Un- ternehmens Google mit der Überschrift "Algorithmus der ..." beginnt, läßt sich leicht anhand der entsprechenden Abschnitte Biology der Web-Seite Links to Organizations und den dazugehörigen Abschnit- ten auf der Web-Seite Terms of 21st Century und in dem Prototypen von The Proposal, insbesondere Kapitel 3 Kolmogorov-Komplexität und algorithmische Informationstheorie, erkennen, die schon seit etlichen Jahren auf den Web-Auftritten von OntoLix und OntoLinux veröffentlicht sind.
  • Hubert Burda Media→Focus: Wie üblich dichtet das Magazin wei- terhin unser Handeln und unsere technischen Entwicklungen anderen Unternehmen an, wie jetzt schon wieder im Zusammenhang mit ei- nem neuen Tochterunternehmen des Unternehmens Google (siehe oben).
  • British Broadcasting Corporation: And we have catched the next defrauding journalist of the British Broadcasting Corporation with Richard Taylor. Indeed, he was also smarter than some of his other busted colleagues when writing his defrauding reports, but it could be seen easily that his latest report was deliberately authored in such a way that the public should be distracted away from our company and that another company should be imputetd with our actings and achievements.

    Investigations::Multimedia, AI and Knowledge management

  • Google: We only waited for the next defrauding action of that only stealing company after we published the Ontologics.info Further steps on the 26th of August 2013. Accordingly, the latest update of its search engine only added for more support of voice-based control some more linguistics and natural language processing to the con- ceptual knowledge graph, which was already copied from our Onto- logic System architecture like the related Proactive/Predictive Int- elligent Personal Agent (PIPA; see its case in the Investigations:: Multimedia, AI and Knowledge management of the 30th of April 2013 and the Investigations::Multimedia Android Special of the 8th of July 2013), so that it can process whole sentences and be more conversational. In fact, with such actings, specifically by Amit Singhal and Ray Kurzweil, who have no own visions and are only presenting our intellectual properties in an illegal way like Larry Page does more and more as well, obviously, Google has become one of the largest blocker of innovations and creative works. Again, this was no revolution but only a faild attempt to steal a show that others and we already presented.
    Watch out! Google is using the contents of your vertical search engines and your community driven websites, and present related search results and informations as its own, like it does with our intellectual properties.
    Btw.: With that social cancer and democracy destroyer Google your privacy is not save and you are put into a personalized information and advertisement bubble, so that you give your freedom and in return get only that what that company wants to give you. Honest- ly, there is already no need to use Google anymore, definitely.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a slightly different variant of the new generation of an older type of multimedia device, which is focused on the feat- ures of instant production, power efficiency, and easy applicability.

    Also, we have developed a further variant of an older mobile multi- media device in three points, that are its design, functionality, and applicability. You will love it.

    Furthermore, we have developed a new peripheral device. It is cool as well.

    Besides this, we developed new variants of an older type of multi- media device. Now, it is even more efficient.

    We also developed a slightly different variant of a new technique for an older type of device.

    Comment of the Day
    Lucky Dragon™

    Ontonics Further steps
    We are designing a specific architecture of a multicore chip series with impressive specifications and possibilities. Potentially, we call this series Lucky Dragon™, though Dragonslayer™ would fit as well, if we would not be loving our dragons.

    Innovation happens™. So, we have developed some new types of integrated circuits and device components based on them, which again are all based on our protected intellectual properties.

    We have developed a new generation of older types of basic comp- onents and related devices, which have a higher efficiency and usability that makes them highly acttractive for practical use now.

    Ontologics.info Further steps
    We are pleased to inform our readers that our Search, Find, and Information (SFI) engine based on our original Ontologic System architecture begins to blast off and we truly have some problems to handle the incredible momentum and keep it on the ground until we have done some more steps before we can start it officially.

    Comment of the Day

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a new technique by integrating two different techniques advantageously.

    When we were developing some new types of integrated circuits and device components yesterday, we were already sure that we have not considered every possibility and each detail. After we thought further about them we could realize the whole elegance and ingenui- ty of our approach today. Accordingly, we handle the technology in a better and more perfomant way now.

    Moreover, we have not covered all variants with a further integration of components of a new generation of a multimedia device and one specific variant of it that were presented in the last past. Neverthe- less, we catched up on this today and the result is even better than thought before.

    We also developed a basic component that is derived from one of our new basic components developed yesterday and the work mentioned before.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    Since nearly 2 years now we are thinking about the step to take the battery powered automobiles out of our product range, because they make no sense actually. Why they are still presented on the website is due to historically reasons.

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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH