As a further usual pure marketing hoax, an internet company pres- ented its putative solution in relation with our drone technology Delivery Pigeon and the related projects Mail/Carrier/Message Pigeon 2.0 as well as McNano Mobile of our business division Ontonics.
In detail, the solution consists of a drone that is claimed to be able to deliver shopping and also to transport aid after a disaster. The vehicle is classified as a so-called tailsitter, which is of the type Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft, has a length of about 1.5 metres (5 ft), weight of 8.5 kg (18.7 lb), and a shape of a flying wing with a lifting body. As a VTOL aircraft it is capable of vertical hover at one place and horizontal flight at speed, and also can carry packages weighing up to 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), which are dropped at the destination on a tether.
But there are very good reasons why only one other company fund- ed by the U.S.American military besides the mentioned internet com- pany tried this type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the 21st century, because it literally did not lift-off so very well and even land more worse, if at all, in the 1960's and also often has a poor or critical aerodynamic behaviour. Being more precisely, the tailsitter approach is an absolute no-go for the construction of VTOL air- crafts, comparable to the rear-steering in the field of automobiles for example, because of the failure by design that in general the whole aircraft must swivel by 90° from horizontal to the vertical axle and vice versa to change between the takeoff, hover, and landing modes and the flight mode, which leads to many unwanted implications and further complications in respect how for example the aircraft is maneuvered in the takeoff, hover, and landing modes (e.g. hover to the side and crosswind), the task of surveillance has to be conduc- ted (e.g. a sensible camera must also swivel), and objects must be loaded up, transported, and loaded off (e.g. very ridiculous and too complex solutions for mounting and lowering down on a rope).
As a consequence, common aircraft types, inclusive flying wings, are used for surveillance tasks, and heli- and multi-copters are used for both surveillance and transport tasks. The next options are other powered lift aircraft types with tilt-rotors and tilt-ducted fans, as used with our hybrid wing body aircrafts of the so-called Odonata class, that in addition features lifting body and blended wing body designs (see the Ontonics Further steps and the Style of Speed Further steps of the 16th of June 2013 and the Style of Speed An- nouncement of the 17th of June 2013, the Ontonics, Roboticle, and Style of Speed Further steps of the 20th of December 2013, as well as the model HWB-1/ Agile Eagle of Style of Speed), tilt-wings, and ducted fans integrat- ed in the wings and perhaps in the fuselage.
In this conjunction we would like to make another point clear to all parties concerned: Our Odonata class used in the field of UAVs and combined with multimedia concepts or/and devices, like for example a 3D camera or a 3D printer, and in relation with swarm technology, real LAN and WAN as well as distributed air logistics, and so on are handled by us as original and unique works of multimedia arts by C.S. with which the social discussion about such drone technologies and their applications was and still is carried on successfully.
Ontonics Further steps
We have worked on our 0 Gravity 2.0 project and found an interest- ing solution for a specific implementation of a component. But this specific implementation was not worth to note until we published the Ontonics and Style of Speed Further steps of today (see below), which brought us to another solution that is similar but still different and might belong already to our 0 Gravity 3.0 project.
Despite we are still developing some new aerial vehicles (see the Ontonics, Roboticle, and Style of Speed Further steps of the 29th of August 2014) on the one hand and on the other hand are not very interested in this technology anymore (see for example the Further steps of yesterday), we have added the new projects:
Mail/Carrier/Message Pigeon 3.0 and
Delivery Pigeon 2.0
with related description stubs to the Innovation-Pipeline.
Ontonics and Style of Speed Further steps
Many years we thought about two accepted principles from the point of view of the related physical foundations and their applicat- ions, but could not find out the correlations.
But after looking at a new Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft of the NASA and reminding us of the further development of a component for our 0 Gravity 2.0 project by Ontonics (see its Fur- ther Steps of today above) it simply made click. Innovation happens.
We have developed a new basic solution and developed it further to another new basic solution, which both are very efficient and elegant by design. Scientists, experts, and decision makers will get much to discuss.
iRaiment Further steps
All the time we made the pioneering steps, listened to the wishes of our readers, and developed for them exactly the right solutions. This is the case again now and hence new images and designs of our smartwatches are coming soon when the copycats cannot react anymore, for sure. Come back later and be totally amazed.
Comment of the Day
Active Bezel
J. Doe
Jane Doe
John Doe
Ontonics Website update
After we toyed around a little with the new approach of our Mail/ Carrier/Message Pigeon 3.0, we concluded that it will not hurt some- body if we also add the new project:
Storage and Retrieval Pigeon 2.0
with a related description stub to the Innovation-Pipeline, that could be beautified in this way as well.
iRaiment Further steps 00:40 CET
We have heard our readers arguing that generally a Sm@rtWatch must be fully customizable and hence the bezel should also be fully customizable, specifically due to the reason that the common style of the marker symbol's elements on a bezel would not always fit with the specific symbols and the whole styles of the Graphical User Int- erface (GUI) displayed on the main screen.
Indeed, this feature was not shown in our first image series, but obviously described in the related claims, that are about "[...] one time indicating component build into the case border respectively display frame of the mobile computer system[, which includes the fixed or rotatable bezel respectively the lunette as said in the description of figure 2 (element (10)), ... and for example] can be displayed by an LED-Display[, and so on]", and also was partly shown with for example the images of the watches Kisai RPM and EleeNo Lite Radar that were at first shown and later directly refer- enced with our Sm@rtWatch technology presented on the 7th of July 2014 to get an impression how for example ((O)LED) segments of the extra screen of the active bezel respectively the bezel screen could look like.
Said this, we publicated the first images of our Sm@rtWatches and simultaneously the design of our latest model with this technology of the bezel as a fully customizable screen of its own.

© Breitling, Kisai, Tissot, EleeNo, and iRaiment
See also the images of the Original vs. Inspiration of today below that shows our new model J. Doe in the variant that is virtually a complete smartphone (accumulator wristband not shown respectively only shown conceptually). The other variant has less features and functionalities, e.g. no active bezel and no mobile/cell phone module, and hence is a digital feature watch with a targeted selling price between 250 to 290 euro/330 to 380 U.S. Dollar.
More square watch designs are coming soon.
We consider the Sm@rtWatches of iRaiment as works of multimedia arts by C.S. worldwide due to the direct relation with the Calibre/ Caliber, their highly complex construction, and their outstanding aesthetics.
Original vs. Inspiration
Gábor Balogh Smartwatch Design Concept (7.March.2014) and iRaiment J. Doe

© Gábor Balogh and iRaiment
All designs are copyrighted and registered.
We are updating the images successively, specifically the design of the bezel, but the first images, our clear and unmistakable descript- ions given in the Ontonics Further steps of the 7th of July 2014, and the iRaiment Further steps of today (see above) are already enough for the moment.
Comment of the Day
At the right time
In the right space
iRaiment Further steps 04:14 CET
Of course, we can do it angular as well with our Sm@rtWatch model S.
The model S features a curved angular display, because many of our readers argued that a Sm@rtWatch must have a display that is as large as possible, so that it can offer a better functionality and a richer experience. In addition, the model S is designed in a way that makes wearing it as highly comfortable as a common watch despite of its curved watch case.
Two variants of the model S are planned with a digital feature watch and a fledged out Sm@rtWatch that features for example a mobile/ cell phone module as the decisive difference.
© Martin Hajek and Adam Banks, and iRaiment
The image above is based on a design concept that was reworked by us already. But from our point of view it is more a 3D sketch made to discuss and communicate the style and hence will not be the final design most potentially.
We are also working on some other Sm@rtWatch models with angular shape, which will have different designs and features.
All designs are copyrighted and registered.
Ontonics Website update
*** Copy mode ***
We added to the Innovation-Pipeline the new projects:
Active EL,
RED 3.0, and
Adiabatic Computing.
The IDERWT is another variant of a basic technology and its variant mentioned in a Further steps of the year 2013. This new variant is based on the extension of the technology's foundational technique with a specific technique. Besides that this solution is already very interesting from the scientific point of view, it may offer the long awaited and since around the year 2008 predicted solution for a highly anticipated technology and related devices. Without having any marketing in mind we must confess, that it is truly fascinating.
The NAEYL is a known basic concept that we enhanced with contemporary technologies to increase the user experience and other very well known issues.
The Active EL is a further development of a basic technology based on the integration of older technologies.
The RED 3.0 is a further development of at least one basic technolo- gy by applying a new component.
We also started the production phase of our first display with a very high resolution that is in the range of 2K to 4K Pixels Per Inch (PPI). One already designated device for its application is our Virtual Real- ity Head-Mounted Display (VR HMD) to deliver a fatigue-free user experience.
Comment of the Day
Asyabatic computing
Ontonics Further steps
We developed an additional variant of one of our devices.
OntoLab Further steps
We would like to present the envisioned general designs of our Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays (VR HMDs).

© :(, :I, Smith Optics, and OntoLab
See also the Original vs. Inspiration of the 24th of April 2013 and the 2nd of July 2014, and the Ontonics Further steps of the 2nd of July 2014 and yesterday.
Original vs. Inspiration
Smartwatch Design Concept Cobalt (2008)

© Adam Huffman
Comment of the Day
Ontonics Further steps
Together with our other business divisions we from Ontonics decided to change the priority of a component included in the Innovation-Pipeline and focus on its production as soon as possible.
Ontoscope Further steps
Somehow we missed to finish some details of the designs of the model Ontocloud presented in the Further steps of the 30th of August 2014 and other models of the Ontoscope series 5 and 6. Below is an image of the corrected design of the Ontocloud.

© Mozilla Foundation, Buckle Company, :I, and Ontoscope
In addition, we would like to present the designs of the new model MX2 that have slightly different sensor modules at the front side. While the one version features an infra-red sensor and a camera, the other version features a larger camera, more sensors, and also emitters as needed.
Furthermore, we would like to show the design of the double-edged Sword model with Ontoscope technology inside. A further variant of the Sword called Double Edge features a digital pen/stylus and a special module that both are positioned at the backsight. The Double Edge also has a special style.
But we did not stop at this point and also show a possible design of the Ontoscope Wrap model, which is the consequent further development of the design of the models Sword and Double Edge.

© :I, :I, :I, and Ontoscope
C.S. did it again and developed further the original and unique work of multimedia arts, the Ontoscope paradigm. Now, the Ontoscope paradigm is even literally reflected in the hardware design of all models presented in the last weeks and beyond with our Reflection architecture that has 2, 4, or more identically, independent working, and collaborating systems in one housing that are reflected in the exterior design at the x-axis, y-axis, or/and the z-axis. The model Ontocloud for example has as axis of reflection the x-axis or y-axis, or both the x-axis and y-axis depending on the count of the processor cores.
The realization of the concept of this Reflection architecture already began with dual and quad core processors reflecting the two sides of the human brain and continued with the 3D sensors and related emitters at the front and back side, the dual back sensors, the bezels of the display, the dual stereo loudspeaker and stereo micro- phone components, the case buttons, and the front sensors. Copyrighted.
The designs of the related models will be updated accordingly as needed.
Pure Style
Pure Performance
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a basic component further by optimizing a subcomponent following a similar older solution. In the end, this development step was much easier, so we have to ask ourselves why this was not done before.
iRaiment Further steps
We are pleased to inform our fans about several steps made in the last days.
Firstly, we have developed the design of the model S further (see the Further steps of the 4th of September 2014 and the images below), so that some very few points are left to decide.
Secondly, we also worked on the other Sm@rtWatch models with angular shape, which have different designs and features.
© Rado, LG Electronics, and iRaiment
Thirdly, we added another unique feature.
Fourthly, we have developed a system architecture further, and added some new features. We are sure that our fans will be fascinated and other interested entities will show their increased interest, because we solve real problems.
At the right time. In the right space.
Ontonics Further steps
We developed a specific component.
In addition, we saw that we can optimize a technique that is related with the specific component mentioned before.
Also, we might have found a very easy way to optimize another component. If this solution is more advantageous in comparison to the common path of development has to be analyzed in the OntoLab.
Style of Speed Further steps
We refined the design of our conversions Huracán GranTurismo and Huracán SuperVeloce following the concept behind the conversion Huracán SuperElemento a little.
Also, it is doodle time at Style of Speed again, that today is related with the exterior design of the Huracán GranTurismo.
© Lamborghini, :I, and Style of Speed
The designs are not the final ones and will be refined further. For example, the front hood will get more accentuating facets like the original one, while the rear of the Huracán GranTurismo will get an- other rear wing, which is similar to the one shown with the original Huracán SuperElemento, a different exhaust system, some rework of the diffusor, and several other changes.
Ontonics Further steps
Thanks to recent developments in related hardware sections, we can go on to the two next generations of a technology.
We also might found out a further optimization of the technique mentioned yesterday, which is a direct consequence of the devel- opments of the components mentioned also yesterday and on the 6th of September 2014.
iRaiment Further steps 23:32 CET
We are pleased to announce the production of our SmartWatch models J. Doe and S.
Both models have been developed together with the community, are available at least as digital feature watch and smartwatch, and can be pre-ordered on the website of iRaiment very soon.
In relation with the model S we have found another very similar design concept. See also the other related designs presented in the Further steps of the 4th and 7th of September 2014.
© Fran Costa and Cris Alguacil, and iRaiment
In addition, we are thinking about further variants that feature an ambient light sensor and a camera as shown with the original design concepts of the model S.
Comment of the Day
Ahead of time
The so-called digital crown has already been invented by other designers and companies, and was also presented by us with for example the model iR Elementum Cyber (see the top digital crown with grooves). Besides this, we prefer to use the touchscreen and our MobileKinetic technology as part of the user interfaces.
Ontonics Further steps
We enhanced one of our technologies.
iRaiment Further steps 00:30 and 03:00 CET
We are pleased to present our Sm@rtWatch model C. The model C differs from the model S by its plastic watch case and the vibrant colours for sure.
In relation with the model S we have another image that shows its potential design. See also the related images presented in the Fur- ther steps of the 4th and 7th of September 2014.
© Martin Hajek and Adam Banks, and iRaiment
We also would like to show the ideal complement for owners of the new smartphone by another company and also the perfect supplem- ent for everybody, who likes the new design language, that is our Sm@rtWatch model i6.
In the case of our operating systems OntoLix and OntoLinux the Gra- phical User Interface (GUI) of the i6 is based on our multi-dimensional graphics system OntoGraphics and its special compositor shells call- ed Wearland and Healthland.
© Martin Hajek and iRaiment
The designs are work in progress. For example the i6 might get a crown and some other features.
In addition, we are working on further variants that have a flat screen, like the prototype of the model S (see the Further steps of the 7th of September 2014 once again), and screens in different sizes, as well as more outstanding features and basic system architectures.
The models C and S, and surely the model i6 might be sold over the Apple stores exclusively.
Be fascinated, amazed, or whatever you want.
Picture of the Day
Municipal Art Society of New York "Tribute in Light" (since 2002)
©© BY-NC-ND 2.0 Wasabi Bob and rework by C.S.
Ontonics Further steps
We are pleased to confirm the begin of the development phase of a new System on (a) Chip (SoC) for mobile devices. Once again the reason for this decision is that manufacturers are unable to fulfill our demands.
Ontoscope Further steps
We are pleased to confirm that one of our reworked system archit- ecture will be used for our Ontoscopes as well.
In addition, we are looking at another older system architecture as well.
Furthermore, we would like to present the next image of the Onto- scope model 6 (see the related images in the Further steps of the 22nd of January 2014) that also belongs to the related copyrighted image series of the Ontoscope paradigm by C.S..
© :I, Theo Levey, Walt Disney, and Ontoscope
We also made an image of the variant of a smartphone by another company.
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new Sm@rtEyewear based on an older technology, a device of us that works the same way, and related further developments. This device is so fascinating that we have to call it a crazy thing.
Also, we developed a new subcomponent, which is very interesting from the conceptual point of view at least, but it might also become very useful in general, specifically in conjunction with a relatively similar technology, so that we have now a range of options.
It also fits perfectly together with another technology mentioned in a Further steps. Very interesting
Style of Speed Further steps
It is doodle time at Style of Speed and today we would like to show some very rough doodles related with the former conversion 458 LF (see the Further steps of the 11th and 13th of December 2013) respectively the model F8 (see the Further steps of the 21st of November 2012).

© Ferrari, :(, :(, and Style of Speed
The doodles of the rear views were already begun in May 2014, are not proportionally and perspectively correct, obviously, and show at least two different possibilities in each image that differ in the count of taillights and the position of the exhaust pipes.
Ontonics Further steps
We developed a system architecture and a related module for prod- uction. The architecture is based on an older technique and the module is based on two older technologies and their different real- izations. The resulting system's performance is beyond what is commonly described as outstanding. Somehow, it is becoming more and more crazy in the OntoLab. Sadly to say, we cannot say more.
While we were writing the few sentences above, we concluded that the new module can be used together with another technology of us as well. As a by-product we also widened the range of applications.
Furthermore, we solved a problem with a mobile device in two diff- erent ways. This solution is so cool, clever, and smart, too, but not crazy.
Ontonics Further steps
We developed another variant of a component, which works in the same way as the solution for a mobile device mentioned yesterday but in a different context.
Style of Speed Further steps
We are pleased to announce a new system architecture that is absolutely astonishing and will prove again our Hightech, Style and Speed Competence. This new system architecture is a result of the consequent and uncomparable professional research and develop- ment in the field of rocket science that in the first step adapted an older solution, in the second step added an older technique, and in the third step connected them in a highly intelligent way.
We also made some first quick and very rough doodles of the side of the conversion respectively the model F8. Now, we have all basic elements of the former single conversions 458 LF and F8 together again (see the Further steps of the 21st of November 2012, 11th and 13th of December 2013, and 12th of September 2014) and can focus on the final design.
© Ferrari, :(, and Style of Speed
Ontonics Further steps
Today, we looked at the OpenBCI project and its headset called Spider Claw 3000 (see the images below), which we could integrate with our Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display with Brain Computer Interface (VR HMD BCI) technology and operate with our WiSer pro- cessor or even better with our Neural Wiser processor in the variant of our circular WiSer component, which would perfectly fit on the headset's base plate for the OpenBCI board.

©© BY-SA 3.0 OpenBCI
Furthermore, we have developed a device, that is based on an older technology and our related optimizations and additions, for the usage in another context. We know that the market does want it.
Also, we have developed a basic component further in several ways, so that it delivers a much higher performance now, works perfectly together with the optimized technique mentioned in the Further steps of the 8th and 9th of September 2014 and similar techniques developed in 2013. The new technology can be integrated with the new subcomponent mentioned in the Further steps of the 12th of September 2014.
We also developed another basic component further.
Moreover, we developed a technology of us further, which resulted in two different variants.
In addition, we would like to present an invention that is related with smartwatches and their potential designs that we developed over the years, specifically the one shown with the Original vs. Inspiration of today (see below).
The invention is a mobile computer system, that has a display, an energy source, a case, a wristband/bracelet, and an apparatus with a frame, with the case hinged in the frame in such a turnable and shiftable way, that it can be swivelled respectively reversed and shows in one state the side with the computer display (in the follow- ing called frontside) and in the other state the other side of the computer case (in the following called backside), and that the mobile computer system does not need to be taken from the arm, while turning/swiveling/reversing the computer case respectively changing the states, and that the wristband/braclet of the mobile computer system is mounted at the apparatus with frame.
The apparatus with a frame can have a mechanism, so that the case can be locked in the frame.
The computer case can have a mechanism, so that the case can be locked in the frame.
The mobile computer system can have at least one battery/accu- mulator, which is integrated in the wristband.
The mobile computer system can have a second apparatus to optically display changable informations, which is built into the backside of the computer case.
The mobile computer system can have a second apparatus to optically display changable informations, which is built into the apparatus with frame.
The mobile computer system can have a second watch.
The mobile computer system can have a transparent display.
The mobile computer system can have a touch-sensitive display.
The mobile computer system can have at least one touch-sensitive sensor.
The mobile computer system can have at least one touchless sensor.
The mobile computer system can have at least one sensor to track the movement of the device.
The mobile computer system can have at least one sensor to gather informations of the environment.
The mobile computer system can have a communication interface to other computer systems on the basis of infra-red light.
The mobile computer system can have a communication interface to other computer systems on the basis of the radio technology.
The mobile computer system can have a contact based connect- ion to an external power supply.
The mobile computer system can have a wireless power supply on the basis of induction.
1. Mobile computer systems, specifically so-called wearable comput- ers like smartwatches, that feature a swivelable case with display suffer from the problem that the mobile computer systems have to be taken from the arm at first before the case can be swivelled.
The mobile computer system gets an apparatus with a frame and a swivelable/reversable case. The locking mechanism pretends that the case is not swivelled unintentionally.
Also, the mobile computer system can have a second apparatus to optically display changable informations or even a common watch at the case's backside.
Furthermore, a sensor used to track the movement of the device can be applied to track the swivel mechanism and switch off and on the related display, if it cannot be seen anymore by a user.
As an example, the figures 1 and 2 below show a mobile computer system (1) as top view.
The figure 1 shows a mobile computer systems (1) with computer display at the frontside (2), case (3), frame of the apparatus (4), wristband (6), and operating button (7).
The figure 2 shows a mobile computer systems (1) with case already swivelled by 180° and shifted, but not slided-in again (3), frame of the apparatus (4), base plate of the apparatus (5), wristband (6), operating button (7), movable and spring-loaded sphere of the lock- ing mechanism (8), and second display at the backside (9).
© Ontonics
As usual, all images and designs are copyrighted and registered.
OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
The implementation of our Multilingual Multimodal Multimedia User Interface (M³UI) continues with the support of the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) platforms. More detailed informations are coming soon (see also the Ontonics Further steps of today above).
iRaiment Further steps
We are setting up the first campaign on a crowd-funding platform in the next weeks for our Sm@rtWatch models J. Doe and S, and SI (see also the Further steps of the 9th of September 2014), and also our accumulator wristband.
Interested companies can always step in and buy out the campaign.
In addition, by some happenstances we came to our new model Reverso, which like the original of the watchmaker Jaeger-LeCoultre created in 1931 as a watch capable of surviving the hard knocks of a polo game (see the images of the Original vs. Inspirations of today below and the Ontonics Further steps of today above) features two displays in its watch case that can be swivelled in its carrier. In our Sm@rtWatch variant the Reverso features an (O)LED display on the one side, and a second (O)LED display, an e-paper or Interferometric MOdulator Display (IMOD), or even a common analog or digital watch on the other side. In addition, the carriage can also feature a third display, an instrument (e.g. for confidential informations like vital parameters), or a device (e.g. finger scanner), as it is shown in the image with the special variant Grande Complication à Triptyque. Honestly, this warms our hearts.
Original vs. Inspiration
iRaiment Sm@rtWatch Reverso with Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Grande GMT analog watch face, Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Grande Complication à Triptyque and Grande GMT, and iRaiment Sm@rtWatch Reverso with Apple Watch smartwatch face

© Jaeger-LeCoultre, Professional Watches, WatchCentre, :I, and iRaiment
What a Watch
Style of Speed Further steps
We only would like to give the little informations that we found the rear wing of the special model F12 TRS by the manufacturer Fiat→ Ferrari, which ideally fits with our requirement specification for the design of the model F8 (458 Speciale, 250 GTO, 288 GTO, F40 LM, F12, P series, and LaFerrari) and that we will begin the making of a real image.

iRaiment Further steps
We would like to confirm the start of the production phase of our next Sm@rtWatch system architecture.
We also would like to inform our readers that our next Sm@rtWatch model is short before its presentation, which will be a very special shock wave hypocenter.
Coment of the Day
Image of the Day
August von Wille "Münchhausens Ritt auf der Kanonenkugel" (vor 1872)
"Munchausen's Ride on the Cannon Ball" (before 1872)
Ontonics Further steps
We have optimized a multimedia device significantly in the same way, as we did before with other techniques and technologies (see for example the Further steps of the 15th of September 2014). How could we be so blind?
We also have developed a new variant of one of our technologies. This includes subcomponents, components, modules, whole systems, and related software.
Furthermore, we are beginning to revolutionize cinema with our lat- est propritary, revolutionary laser based technology not presented so far. Interested companies should begin negotiations with us, be- cause we will change everything. Really.
Style of Speed Further steps
Since many years we were not sure how the reworked design of our model B! should look like. But while we are finalizing the design of the model F8 (see again the Further steps of the 12th and 14th of Sept- ember 2014) we are always coming back to Samir Sadikhov's sket- ches in relation with his design concept Xezir (see the Further steps of the 5th of April 2012) that already went into the model ?, The Question Mark. Today, we concluded that one of his sketches would fit very well with the future design of our model B!. So here are a doodle and an original sketch.
© Samir Sadikhov and Style of Speed
Investigations::Multimedia Gameboy 3DS Special #2
Nintendo: As announced in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 30th of August 2014, we have investigated the parallax barrier and head-tracking based, two-layer 3D display of the newest generation of the handheld game console Gameboy 3DS of the company Nin- tendo (see the Investigations::Multimedia of the 30th of August 2014) and already concluded that it must be our Hybrid Multi-Layer/ stacked Display (HMLD) technology: Apparatus for optical signaling of changable informations with at least two independently controll- able layered/stacked (LC) displays (see the figure below) connected through a related display control system with at least one camera for tracking body parts of a user to work together as an autostereo- scopic display.
The figure below shows a "2D/3D Switchable Display" with parallax barrier manufactured by the company Sharp since around a decade, which is used by Nintendo for at least the frist generation of its Gameboy 3DS in the variant that has the display LCD as the top layer (in the image left) and the switching (rear) parallax barrier LCD as the intermediate layer, which is a common optimization of this kind of display technology. For enhancing its old 3D display it only needed to add a simple optical sensor or camera for the head-track- ing and to reprogramm the already existing hardware drivers of the control units of the front camera and the 3D display accordingly, which can be achieved by a competent engineer in one day.

© Sharp
Until today, we have not seen our HMLD technology at another company in the last two years, neither in the research labs, at ex- hibition booths, and as part of marketing activities of other compa- nies, which is a very clear indicator that there is nothing like this with Nintendo being the only exception now. All other known solut- ions with such a specific layered and body part tracking hardware configuration are related with a Kinetic User Interface (KUI) for controlling software applications.
We would like to give the company Nintendo the very serious re- commendation to seek a talk with us before the official launch of the device in October 2014, so that we can find out which intellectual properties do matter. Maybe we will learn that this specific auto- stereoscopic technology based on parallax barrier has already been invented before, though we do not think so.
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new variant of one of our technologies. This includes subcomponents, components, modules, devices, and whole systems.
Furthermore, we have optimized an older technology in three differ- ent ways. The first way is relatively simple and might already be re- alized in a similar way, while the second way synergetically inte- grates two similar technologies, and the third way even pushes the approach further. Specifically the two latter ones open a door to new solutions and the third way is even a true geek goose bump maker.
We made two sketches for adaptions of the learning platform Sugar that run on smart devices like our Sugarfox. The original GUI was taken from a smartwatch (see also the Original vs. Inspiration of the 15th of September 2014). The left image shows a common desktop as displayed on a laptop for children or a tablet computer. The right image shows a screen of a smartphone or a phone tablet (phablet) for example. The GUI could also be scaled in such a way that it fits on the screen of a smartwatch, on which I am working with iRaiment as well since a year or so.

©© BY 3.0 Sugar Labs and rework by Ontonics
For sure, the icons have to be arranged in a more dense way, but these images are just sketches only.
We also worked a little on a special component, which could be used for the construction of e.g. the repulsorlift generator or repulsorlift engine. It feels like we truly found a way already some weeks ago that might be a long proposed breakthrough no matter if it works directly or after some more developments. American Gravity
Furthermore, we have developed a new technology component that can be used for the implementation of alternatives for other techno- logies of us. Very interesting.
Also, we combined one older technology and one technology, which was already optimized by us, to a new solution.
iRaiment Further steps
We fixed the Flat Tyre in two ways of which one is the addition of our accumulator wristband. Left to be done is the selection of the right type of stainless steel, a slightly different shape, the right sanded surface, and a slightly thicker dimension for the single links of the wristband, which will only increase the overall weight due the larger accumulator cells, so that it perfectly matches with the watch case in the end.
See also our similar model iR 3O3 (it is a big O in the middle that re- presents a circle and a 0/zero/null).
© :I and iRaiment
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new component that will change everything. Once again. Really.
intelliTablet Further steps One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #17
We designed a new case for the XOX Tablet that is based on an older design by C.S..
Investigations::Multimedia Shared Heart Special
Kwamecorp: The company calls itself a "global innovation agency", but in fact it just wants to copy some of our business divisions only. One of the best examples for this is the multimedia work of art by C.S., which is called Shared Heart now and has as theme the shar- ing and distribution of the heartbeat and the related emotions, and was described the first time in relation with the model HeartWatch/ ♥Watch of our modular Sm@rtWatch system, which is listed in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics on the 29th of February 2012, in the following way: "As a WebWatch two or more wearers can share their heart rates and in this way communicate their emotional states to the other persons, so that for example lovers' hearts will never miss a beat again." For sure, as a Sm@rtWatch the HeartWatch/♥Watch can have every feature of the other models as well, specifically of the TouchWatch and the HapticWatch, as it is very clearly explained in the general description of our Sm@rtWatch system.
The illegal plagiate is a bracelet, which seems to be presented in the autumn of 2013 the first time with the first prototype dated with October 2013, as far as we do know, and consisted of up to 3 connected modules mounted to an "amazonian wild rubber band". Each module featured "capacative touch", a network connectivity, vibration, an LED, a battery, an induction charger, an accelerometer, and connecting magnets. In addition, a related application for a smartphone was shown in images. Obviously, the modular approach of our Sm@rtWatch system, the 3³ Theme by C.S. were also copied simultaneaously.
Since around the spring 2014, a reworked bracelet is presented, that features now more modules with for example a battery, a watch, a data storage, and a processor called brain. In addition, the single modules are connected in such a flexible way that they are links of a bracelet.
Maybe the device is just only one of the usual fake products created by a larger company to mislead the public and the judges at the courts, but not us.
Apple: The company is the second entity that from our point of view has copied the multimedia work of art called Shared Heart for its smartwatch in an illegal way.
We claim a copyright infringement in both cases, because this multi- media work called Shared Heart is beyond a pure technological development, as it is proven by the deliberately selected statement and poetic, romantic style of the formulation "lovers' hearts will nev- er miss a beat again", and hence in fact already an original, unique multimedia work of art that also expresses the thinking of C.S. when acting in the field of multimedia. A need for C.S. to express the deeper meaning behind the "Shared Heart" with the creation of a electronic device or an image is not given at all in general.
Ontoscope Further steps 02:22 CET -2 UTC
"There's one more something ...", [Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Ph.D., Muppet Labs, 20th of September 2014]
LCD, AMOLED, 5.0", 5.5", WHUXGA, FUHD, whatsoever. While others fiddled around with their little liquid gems and diodes, and increased the size and the resolution of their displays, even a very well known smartphone has a large screen now, we instead developed our Onto- scope model Holo further, which in the high-end variant features a display that has over 1,000 times more pixels than everything else available on the market, because it is volumetric respectively holo- graphic (see also the Further steps of the 16th of August 2012).
Self-evidently, the Ontoscope Holo is powered by a highly optimized circular WiSer in a Package (WiP; see also the Ontonics Announce- ment of the 15th of July 2014 and the OntoLab Further steps Tesla #3 of the 17th of July 2014) and our Hightech Operating Systems (HOSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux.
© :(, Walt Disney, and Ontoscope
The image does not show the final design of the product and details of the display technology (see also the iRaiment Further steps of today).
Ah, wait, before we do forget to mention: Our prime real estate is now at least 4 times larger and ideally suited for internet services like for example searching, finding, and mapping, as well as social networking, instant messaging, online shopping, gaming, streaming, presenting, and much more.
The Crown of Innovation
iRaiment Further steps 01:00 CET -2 UTC
Square, rectangular, round, whatsover. While others tried to make smartwatches and smartglasses over the last years, which only resulted in the marketing of our solutions in the end, we simply developed our Sm@rtWatch model Watch and our Sm@rtEyewear Holo.
© :(, :I, Ontonics, and iRaiment
The images show concepts, which will not match with the designs of the final products at least at first. And yes, the prototypes of the basic components are running already, foundational research and development have ended, and we are now in the processes of im- plementing, integrating, optimizing, and finalizing the devices, and also updating other related devices (see also the Website update and Picture of the Day of the 23rd of January 2008, the Ontonics Further steps of the 8th of November 2010, and the Original images of the 12th of December 2007 and the 26th of November 2010 for example).
We keep promises and always include batteries.
OntoLab Doctor's Bag #1
While others are still unable to realize a Tricorder, we have created the new project called Doctor's Bag, which is also known as a medi- kit, medkit, medpac, or medi-pack, and includes innovative medical equipment, like for example:
classic first aid kit components as needed,
optimized medical Ontoscope Holo as a replacement for the Tricorder,
Emergency Medical Holographic (EHM) program Holodoc,
HOLOgraphic MEdical Record (Holomer) reader,
optimized medical intelliTablet (supplement or replacement of Ontoscope Holo),
specialized micro chemistry lab by OntoLab,
Reader Tube,
digital stethoscope,
hand(-held) scanner,
automated external/onsite defibrillator (optional)
optimized mini oxygen unit with mask by OntoLab (optional),
spray applicator (instant),
Hypospray (instant and short term),
dermal regenerator (short and medium term),
cellular regenerator (short and medium term),
electrically accelerated patch Healfast (long term),
non-invasive focused ultrasound surgery device,
invasive laser scalpel, as well as
power storages and mobile generators (optional).
From time to time, the equipment of the Doctor's Bag will be updated by adding more devices, which are already reworked, enhanced, or newly developed, or will be developed in the OntoLab, and by re- placing and removing devices that are no longer needed. For sure, the Gladstone bag can be replaced with a special case, a backpack, or another suitable carrying solution as well.

© Baron of Maltzahn, CBS Studios Incorporated→Star Trek, Toshiba, :(, Divers Alert Network (DAN), :(, :( (NASA?!), and :(
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed the technology mentioned in the Further steps of the 14th of September 2014 further that resulted in two new variants and each variant in several different ways, that are even more amazing than the original concept is already if taken alone.
Before we could reflect about what we have invented, we developed two further variants, which bring the concept down to the bare ess- entials. Crazy but revolutionary. You will get one of these techno- logies in the near future, definitely.
Ontoscope Further steps
We have developed a new Ontoscope 3D model in two variants bas- ed on different technologies on the one hand and focusing on the instant production on the other hand.
In this conjunction we would like to show another view of the Ontoscope 6 3D variant that we have presented already in the Further steps of the 22nd of January 2014 and the 11th of Sept- ember 2014.

© Johnny Plaid and Ontoscope.
No matter which Ontoscope model will hit the market as the first one in the next months, eventually it will be a: Big WoooW!!!
Style of Speed Further steps
By using the latest technologies we are able to demonstrate now that our pure and hybrid electric vehicles truly reach the specified exceptionally high ranges or even more. Imagine a hybrid automobile or an electric city car that has to be recharged and refueled one time in a month only or an electric automobile with a range of 1,000 kilometers at an average speed of 130 km/h.
Also, together with Ontonics we developed several technologies further.
Furthermore, we developed a new approach to operate a vehicle.
We also worked on the design of the rear of the conversion Gran Turismo and the engine bonnet of the conversion SuperElemento of the model Huracán of the marque Volkswagen→Audi→Lamborghini and might have found exactly the right concept. The doodle and the sketch shown in the images below give a first impression how these would look like (see also the images of the Further steps of the 8th of September 2014).

© :( and Style of Speed
Comment of the Day
"Compassion, mindfulness, Wisdom 2.0, ... , and tax avoidance."
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a component in several variants that is ideally suited for the wear mentioned in the 15th of August 2014.
Style of Speed Further steps
Among many other solutions we also have developed a new access system for our models, like the B! and S 0 S (S Zero S) for example, which surprisingly nobody else envisioned in all the years before.
Besides this, if all these solutions are taken together, then we are defining more and more the next generation of sports-, super-, and hyper-cars.
Also, we devleoped two more variants of one of the components mentioned in the Further steps of yesterday. The advantage of one of these variants is that the complete powertrain can simply be con- structed with components out of the shelf now.
Ontonics Further steps
We have developed a new variant of an older technology that we already use with for example two of the three different ways of optimization of an older technology mentioned in the Further steps of the 18th of September 2014.
In addition, we used a relatively new technology of a research in- stitute for the same application. But this new technology is also in- teresting as a basis for other uses like for example together with the technology mentioned in the Further steps of the 12th of September 2014.
Also, we developed another variant of the specific solution mention- ed in the Further steps of the 15th of September 2014 by integrat- ing two older technologies in a very elegant way. This is an import- ant solution, which has an extremely high potential to become the enabler for a worldwide revolution.
Style of Speed Further steps
Today, we would like to show two chassis in the original (top) and modern (bottom) variants, which we have in a drawer together with our already reworked new variant since some years and planned to use it in parts for some of our conversions, like the Boxster GT, the Cayman GT, and the Cayman 9S9 for example, and as a whole for some of our models, like e.g. the model series, which comprises the i!, the j!, and the k!, and by the way also always included the next generation of the sports car Apollo of the small and actual not oper- ational manufacturer Gumpert since our planning started around the year 2005.
In the meantime, another new variant of such a chassis developed by us has become the basis for some more other models as well.
© :(, :I, and Style of Speed
Besides this, we have begun with the consolidation of our convers- ions and models due to redundances, updates, and reductions. For example, the Cayman GT and the Cayman 9S9, and the B! and the ? (see also the Further steps of the 17th of September 2014) could be merged and the 333 ST, the 333 XX, the B!, and the F8 are inter- secting with each other in many ways.
Comment of the Day
Well I started out down a dirty road
Started out all alone
And the sun went down as I crossed the hill
And the town lit up, the world got still
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing
Well the good ol' days may not return
And the rocks might melt and the sea may burn
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out for God knows where
I guess I'll know when I get there
I'm learning to fly around the clouds
But what goes up must come down
I'm learning to fly but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing
I'm learning to fly around the clouds
But what goes up must come down
I'm learning to fly
I'm learning to fly
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Learning to Fly, Into the Great Wide Open, 1991 (see also the Comment of the Day of the 25th of August 2014)
Ontonics Flightsuit #1
Robocopter, quadcopter, tailsitter, whatsoever. While companies still try to copy the original, unique, and in large parts copyrighted concepts of the Carrier Pigeon and Delivery Pigeon by C.S. (read for example the Clarification of the 1st of September 2014), we went on with the development of our technologies and in this way are short before of making one of mankind's oldest dreams a reality now: flying with wings.
Our first variant could be described basically as wings in the sense of Leonardo da Vinci, that are already beyond the proposed, not functional, and only entertaining solutions of the Renaissance era, our second and third variants developed in the last weeks (see the related Further steps and the Ontonics and Style of Speed Further steps of the 1st of September 2014) are focused on a specific technique, and our newest variant must be described as wings of the 21st century in the sense of C.S. (see also the related images presented with the Original vs. Inspiration of the 9th of April 2008, the Originals of the 28th of September 2009, the Picture of the Day of the 18th of May 2011, and also the Originals and the Further steps of the 15th of June 2012 and the Further steps of the 17th of June 2012, as well as the Originals of today).
After windsurfing, paragliding, kitesurfing, and BASE jumping, this will become one of the next trend sports before our hoverboard and hoverskates hit the market.
1. row: Leonardo da Vinci Design for a Glider with Manoeuvrable Tipps, Codex Atlanticus, Folio 846 (c. 1488) and Jürgen Steger Reconstruction of Vladimir Tatlin's Letalin==Flying (1929 - 1932) (1991)
2. row: Francois Schuiten selected drawings
3. row Panamarenko (pseudonym of Henri Van Herwegen), Brazil and Rug Umbilly IV (1984)
4. row: Panamarenko Japanese Flying Pak 3 (2001)
5.row: Panamarenko Pepto Bismo (1998), Pepto Bismo (2003), and Klapperschroef Rugzak met Vliegenier==Folding (Air)Screw Backpak with Aviator (Batopillo)

© Panamarenko, Francois Schuiten, and :(
Please, do not try such aerial devices in the laboratories, and the research and development units, because we are professional in- ventors and engineers. Also keep in mind the reminder of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (see the Comment of the Day above).
Ontonics Further steps
We have worked on some of our technologies that have a very high potential to become future technologies.
Also, we have combined two older technologies for realizing a new component.
Style of Speed Further steps
Just for fun, we designed several new vehicles.
Comment of the Day
Glass reinvented
Glas neu erfunden
Ontonics Website update 10:00 CET -2 UTC
We are very pleased to announce the next generation of our trans- parent display technologies with the:
eLSG 2.0/VSG•E 2.0,
eTSG 2.0/GSG•E 2.0, and
eLSG2 2.0/GSG•E2 2.0, and
electronic Plastic/Polymer (eP) 2.0.
The range of updated multimedia applications include for example the fields of:
Sm@rtWatch and Sm@rtEyewear,
eLSG@Vehicle/VSG•E@Vehicle and eTSG@Vehicle/GSG•E@Vehicle,
eLSG@Home/VSG•E@Home, eTSG@Home/GSG•E@Home, and
eP@Home, as well as
many other fascinating solutions.
Thanks to new mixtures of the basic materials and further unpublic- ated solutions we can give our customers the friendly but still very serious advice to forget everything else that even we have present- ed in the past so far, because this generation of displays delivers significantly higher performances in every aspect than the previous generation and everything else that other suppliers claim in their marketing materials.
Ontonics Further steps
In addition, we added the new projects:
pTSG/pGSG, and
projection electronic Plastic/Polymer (peP)
to the Innovation-Pipeline, though they are already availabe as prototypes. What we said about the new eLSG 2.0/VSG•E 2.0, the eTSG 2.0/GSG•E 2.0, and the electronic Plastic/Polymer (eP) 2.0, that holds for these projection technologies as well.
If you are a manufacturer of related devices and machines for end consumers, and have signed contracts with other suppliers already, then cancel them, and safe your batch and your options for our latest absolutely astonishing solutions.
If you are a service provider, then safe your prime real estate now.
We also developed a new type of aerial vehicle by combining two older technologies in a highly clever way. It might become a stand- ard technology at least in the two related fields.
Comment of the Day
"A Ferrari 250 GTO is auctioned for so much money, because only the certainty about its originality can produce the true emotions."
3505GT 2012 $35,000,000
5111GT 2013 $52,000,000
3851GT 2014 $38,100,000
A perfectly made replica would cost 250,000 U.S. Dollar and could not be sold for much more no matter how much marketing is done to sell it.
Ontonics Further steps
While reflecting on the work of yesterday, we concluded that we can construct the new type of aerial vehicle in slightly different ways and also apply different techniques and technologies. The initial development done yesterday was simply meant for fun, but with this further development the solution might have became something bigger now. Oh, this is really crazy and very cool.
Furthermore, we developed a new concept that extends and en- hances an older concept and the related technologies in a very elegant way, and most potentially will become an industry standard. More informations will be given after the patents have been filled, as usual.
Comment of the Day
Hyper LED
Ontonics Announcement 23:00 CET -2 UTC
We are very pleased to announce the next generation of our 3D display technologies beginning with the:
Multi-Layer/stacked Display (MLD) 2.0.
The range of updated technologies include for example our:
Hybrid Multi-Layer/stacked Display (HMLD) and
related multimedia applications.
Thanks to new mixtures of the basic materials and further unpublicated advanced techniques and technologies we now are able to realize this generation of display technologies that delivers significantly higher performances in every aspect compared to the previous generation and everything else that other suppliers claim in their marketing materials.
If you are a manufacturer of related devices and machines for end consumers, and have signed contracts with other suppliers already, then cancel them, and safe your batch and your options for our latest absolutely astonishing solutions.
If you are a service provider, then safe your prime real estate now.
Ontonics Further steps
Furthermore, we developed a new sub-component.
Also, while reflecting on a new type of aerial vehicle mentioned in the Further steps of the 26th of September 2014 and yesterday once again, we concluded that we can combine two slightly different components. In this way, we solved a major problem with one of the former components and also might enhance the other component.
Style of Speed Further steps
After a longer period of observations of the usual foul plays, reflect- ions, and considerations, we concluded together with some of our other business units like e.g. Ontonics and Roboticle that it makes no sense to collaborate with other companies only on the level of subcomponents, if at all, because on the one hand our competences have become too deep and too wide, and on the other hand other suppliers do not comprehend the facts and their situation in this relation.
Said this, we are pleased to inform the public that we have decided to step into the production of compenents for vehicles, specifically automobiles. These comprise window glasses, specifically windscreen and side windows in general, car doors, specifically their windows, locking systems, and complete window lifters with glasses, steerings, brakes, and suspension systems, as well as interiors, specifically dashboards and multimedia of all kind.
Ontonics Further steps
We developed a device further in several very profound and signif- icant ways. Once again the scientist in the OntoLab could deliver a superb solution.
We also developed a new variant of a device class by adapting a concept of a different field and a similar concept of a different application. Correspondingly, this solution shifts the paradigm in two different ways.
Furthermore, we developed a very nice multimedia solution. If you see it, then you will say that it is truly smart.